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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20857003 No.20857003 [Reply] [Original]

>Comfy solo stream
>Nijimales barge in and immediately start emote farming
If starsEN behaves this way i'm going to fucking kill myself.

>> No.20857177
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The clock ticks down.
>it will be different in HoloEN
EN has never been held to the same standards as JP. Mori WILL NijiEN the shit out of HoloEN once the Homostars drop, and you will like it or be run off the fandom by an army of reddit simps. Simple as.

>> No.20857232

Stop watching EN trash, just learn Japanese, it doesn't take even 6 months to get to a level where you can understand most of what a vtuber says. It's all spoken so kanji faggotry is irrelevant too.

>> No.20857682

There's still an outside chance you get hires like Ame who knew not to bring all that blatant pandering and twitch culture baggage.
Unfortunately the current indie pool seems pretty thin on that.

>> No.20857733

>If starsEN behaves this way i'm going to fucking kill myself.
Even normal HoloEN doesn't do it that often, why do you think Stars would act any different?

>> No.20857846

Don't forget they are Niji rejects so better star abandon ship

>> No.20857887

Mori barely interacts with the Stars. She almost completely ignored them after the Spiral Tones cover contest, and only Uproar made her even think about them.

>> No.20858003

That's only because of the language barrier. She will definitely interact the most with starsEN and will actively encourage the others to do the same. Bae and Ollie as well.

>> No.20858023

I think everyone knows at this point Mori will collab with Holostars EN. The question is if any of the girls besides her or Bae will interact with them. Say for example Gura, who hasn't really shown any great interest with interacting with guys. It doesn't help that Hololive will definitely separate the guys from the rest of the girls. They won't be given the same treatment as HoloEN or the main branch of Hololive gets.

>> No.20858128

tell me your address and general information so I can attend your funeral

>> No.20858155

Bae will drag mumei and irys into this shit

>> No.20858158

But she can't force her gen mates to collab or interact with them. If Gura doesn't want to collab, she isn't obligated to, and her manager won't force her to do it. You can bet that absolutely none of the main branch girls will want anything to do with StarsEN.

>> No.20858165

The Nijimales are the only good streamers in their company, they have to pop in whenever possible to prop up the useless women.

>> No.20858184


>> No.20858228

ITT: retarded mongoloids that have no clue how Hololive operates

>> No.20858266

But she can't force them. Yeah, maybe one collab or two, but after that, you can't really force someone to collab with you if they don't want to.

>> No.20858297

>language barrier
You know this is fucking bullshit when she has regular collabs with HoloJP. Also if she really gave a shit about the Stars she would at least try to do the bare minimum and not ignore them unless they talk about her work. She had way more unprompted interactions with Luxiem than all of the Stars. Bae is like Fubuki, she won't force shit if the other don't want. And Ollie might try to force but her significance in the company is minuscule and until today she barely managed to do anything about it.

You never watched her.

>> No.20858310

It really is scary. The only one I really, truly trust in EN when it comes to ignoring these fuckers is Gura. If even she gives in then it's time for me to go.

>> No.20858343
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>You can bet that absolutely none of the main branch girls will want anything to do with StarsEN.
I'll just jot your post number down and call you a retard when you get proven wrong horribly.

>> No.20858392

Mori ignored Oga’s birthday but congratulated one of the Luxiem boys for theirs.

>> No.20858439

Yeap. Pretty sure she did the same thing with Shien and Miyabi as well.

>> No.20858641

I bet that if the guys aren’t instantly successful she’ll do the bare minimum with them.

>> No.20858680

How many of the main branch JP girls besides Fubuki can you name that would willing collab with StarsEN when English is most likely going to be the only language most if not all the StarsEN know? How many do you think would be willing to do a one on one collab?

>> No.20858717

It depends what kind of success. She doesn't even interact with Roberu when he generally has more viewers than most of ID.

>> No.20858743

Based Bae keeping true to her roots.

>> No.20858812

The only girls I know that will willingly collab with StarsEN would probably be Mori, Kiara, Bae, Kronii, and Ame.

>> No.20858929

I'll give you Watson, but Kronii acts like she doesn't even know about the Stars existence, and Kiara has talked about them but I don't remember if she ever interacted with them.

>> No.20859084

Kiara doesn't like male idols.
Kronii is a tranny, so she has some issues with straight men.
The rest will probably collab with them, there is one chance that Ame or Mori will drag Gura for a group collab, I want to see this board burn down, so this will be fun.

>> No.20859086

I think Ame will be polite and supportive but keep her distance desu

>> No.20859128

Kiara flat out said she doesn't give a shit about male (idols).

>> No.20859475
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>> No.20859968

I also have a pretty gloomy outlook. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Even if they plan to keep them separate at the start, normies will be completely inconsolable until they start collabing together. That kind of segragation just can't survive in the west, no matter how much I wish it could.

>> No.20860694

This. You thought the GurAme chat spam was bad…

>> No.20861265

Wouldnt most holofans want them to segregate also? This isnt nijisanji where the fanbase are already used to mix gender collab.I think that starEn will only get deadsub to about 200k as support from most holofan and get isolated by majority of the fanbase, getting 3-6k ccv for streams.

>> No.20861463

It's mostly greyniggers who shit up the chats about male collabs.

>> No.20861634

Yes, the majority of Holofans don't care about the Stars. They don't hate them, they just won't watch them. All collabs Mori had with Rikka had pathetic viewership, and other than Spiral Tones reaching 1 millions views (8 months after being posted) Rikka saw almost 0 growth from it, so it's pretty clear that her fanbase just didn't care about him.

>> No.20861727

Don't worry, when i become a holostar, I'll pop in so aggressively in my debut that no one will even want to interact with me

>> No.20861977

It won't be as bad. Literally only 1 EN gives a shit about stars. Mumei only collab'd to not make Bae sad, and was sitting in silence the entire stream she did with homos. The HomoENs will be on a tight leash too, even with the girls you can tell they're on a pretty tight leash, with them starting out decently crude and then being turned into very tame vtubers as time went on

>> No.20862016

Not to mention the spiral tones remix contest was quietly shoved away and passed by wth very little fanfare.

>> No.20862056

That's cause she's jealous of his complexion

>> No.20862332

Yeah, it was supposed to happen on June but was delayed until fucking August. I believe she used Coco's graduation as an excuse, but I don't understand why she couldn't do it in July.

>> No.20862497

I bet Mori and maybe a few others are expecting the most annoying group of people (post EN stars debut) to be the ones that don't want the girls and boys to collab, but they will inevitably wind up discovering that the real most annoying group will be the 'destroy idol culture' people who won't stop demanding more and more inter-gender collabs. After one collab they'll demand another. One collab a month, they'll demand one collab a week. One collab a week, they'll demand five collabs a week. Five inter-gender collabs a week and these Twitter revolutionaries will start putting together excel documents to prove that since the beginning of HoloEN there have been 5 times as many all-female collabs as there will have been male/female collabs by that point. And when finally they reach parity and there have been as many male/female collabs as all-female collabs, they will say that it's still not good enough and ALL future collabs MUST include the males to 'make up for' the many years of male-exclusionary vtuber culture that led up to this point. females collabing with males must be normalized, females flirting with males must be normalized, relationships between male and female talents must be normalized, and girl + girl ship baiting must be eliminated because it is disrespectful to real lesbian relationships. Only after all this comes to pass will vtubing be an inclusive and safe space for women. At this point the inclusivity/gender mob will, like a swarm of locusts, move onto the next piece of culture they have no real interest in partaking in but nevertheless MUST change to align with their values. wake up sheeple

>> No.20863273

Wtf dude ... too long , you think we will read all of this

>> No.20863712

They'd be under such scrutiny they wouldn't even be allowed in the same discord, there's never been a moment where a Homo invaded a Holo's stream

>> No.20863868

I was called an asshole for pointing this out in Pomu's streams when there was only one male wave
I've since unsubbed from every nijiEN
Reap what you sow, enjoy your offbrand twitch experience full of twitch brainrotted manchildren who say shit like pog every other sentence while streaming on fucking youtube

>> No.20864111

That's the main reason I've dropped most of the NijiEN girls. If anyone had told me the Diamond remake streams were going to be the last time I'd enjoy an Elira stream I would've called you a schizo.

>> No.20864135

holoEN will be divided between the whores (mori, bae, irys, mumei, kronii) and the non-whores (ame, gura, ina, fauna, kiara)

>> No.20864381
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redditcucks will force her to collab either way. otherwise they would label gura as a meanie anit-social snob

>> No.20864629
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dont care, i will still ship the girls with the homos via red supas until they get sick of it

>> No.20865104

Gura isn't online enough to care about any outrage

>> No.20865167

You don't even watch the Stars.

>> No.20865234

I am a holostarEN and I am more seiso than most of holojp unironically

>> No.20865239

don't pretend you have money

>> No.20865837

>straight men
God help Cover if they were actually stupid enough to not hire gay men for a cash cow that will almost certainly require frog hormone levels of gayness on-stream to actually work

>> No.20865852

the absolute state of this /vt/ poster's mind

>> No.20867069

'we', as in retards who get exhausted trying to read for more than 15 seconds at a time? no, I don't expect you to do anything

>> No.20868133

>dragging anybody into a collab
how to tell everyone you don't watch her
>>20859086 is the most likely scenario

>> No.20868734

why do you even bother op, thats what the >fans want, you're a literal nobody unless you >dono like the fucking cuck you are

>> No.20868818

the fuck is diamond remake

>> No.20869025
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>> No.20869068


>> No.20870039

If you would kill yourself over chuubas, then you should

>> No.20873768

Mori and Bae will definitely go for ENmale given the chance

>> No.20873965

>Rikka played humping game and music with Mori. Astel flirted with Ame then switched to Ollie and dumped by her. Aruran made attempt to connect with Ina.
And this will get worse for starEN cuz language barrier is lifted

>> No.20874085

But winning son made Bae wet her pants.

>> No.20874276

If I wanted to watch male-female interaction I wouldn't watch holo

>> No.20877012

Will starsEN become the wedge between holomyth? If Mori and Council collab with males and Ame/Kiara/Ina/Gura refrain what will happen?

>> No.20877126

It's going to be hilarious because the ENcucks are really going to strain to defend themselves just like they did with the Trash Taste faggots.
>T-Trash taste is based! Touch grass incel!
It's going to be endless fun

>> No.20877187

I doubt she ignored it. She probably doesn’t even know when other HoloENs have their birthdays, management have to tell her to call in at a certain time on a certain day before hand.

>> No.20877189

I suggest you learn JP and follow me to the JP side it's warm in here.

>> No.20877226

The number of girls who are willing to collab with males is small. Come on now.>>20858392

>> No.20877357

She only does that for Luxiem to piss /vt/ off. She would look like she cares about hololive if she did the same for holostars, so she has no interest in doing it, she doesn’t get anything out of it.

>> No.20877364

If you're pissed about them interacting with males tho then you're just proving the ENtards right.... You are an incel anon

>> No.20877402

Ame and Kronii are actually more likely to be no’s. Do your reps.

>> No.20877456

>Playing a game
>Nijimales, desperate to leech the girls' listeners, barge in the comment and act obnoxious
>Spams emotes, spoils the game, etc.
>They then screenshot it and post in on /vt/ claiming that its a chad move

>> No.20877467

>Trash taste faggots
Because they have more money and success than you'll ever have in your life or because the welshman hangs out with her every other week?
Or maybe because she's doing a TRPG stream with them irl soon?
Which one is it? What's got you malding so hard?

>> No.20877507

forgot to add, I expect this to happen with homostarsEN too

>> No.20877560

Why do people think this about Ame? She may be a shienfag but that has never manifested into anything.

The only ENs who have and probably will collab with males are Mori, Bae, and Mumei. Kiara will if she has to, but you know she doesn’t want to. Everyone else barely talks about males.

>> No.20877562

The shitty pokémon remakes that came before Arceus

>> No.20877583
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Getting an early start with the cope there ENfags

>> No.20877602

Kronii hates straight men and I’m actually thankful for it.

>> No.20877737

The people clamoring for holstarsEN are saviorfags who think that getting the girls to collab with them will drag their numbers up from the gutter. But what they don’t know is that no one watches homostars whether they collab with girls or not.

It’s a bunch of casual fans who haven’t thought this through. Apparently EN management is of the same thinking and I can’t understand why.

>> No.20877782

Christ that’s depressing.

>> No.20877852

if i wanted to watch male content id go watch one of the many twitch streamers ive found over the years that i enjoy.
if they can actually slot good enstars it might not be an issue but male vtubers so far have been trash, whereas the girls are the top of the female streaming field, collabing with males makes their content worse.
how exactly is this an incel take?

>> No.20877941

Het shipping will open up a whole new can of worms that I don’t think EN management is prepared for.

>> No.20877957

>how exactly is this an incel take
they subscribe to the twitter/reddit school or thought of "if X, Y". You're hesitant about m/f collabs, so clearly you're an incel/chud/unicorn/idolfag/schizo etc. There is no alternative.

>> No.20878010

I'm just putting it as it is, you might hate them for being friends with your oshi but calling someone cringe while you watch a bunch of girls who are ass at videogames roleplay as anime waifus is peak cringe

>> No.20878098
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>my oshi will be groom by a homo
I cant take it goslingbros...

>> No.20878184

>Gets pissed about their oshi interacting with males

"BuT mUh ReDdIt ScHoOL"
Face it anon you're all just a bunch of incels getting butthurt because you're getting e cucked, that was the reason why the people hated the TT Collab and that's the reason why people are shitting their pants in this thread because of holostars EN

>> No.20878254

I literally only watch the stars, dipshit. What's your big mental gymnastic performance for that one? Let me guess, I'm against starsen and holoen collabs so I must be a incel/chud/unicorn/idolfag/schizo, right?

>> No.20878258

You were one of the niggers attacking Rushia weren't you

>> No.20878297

Literally never watched a single JP vtuber because I don't speak weeb

>> No.20878344

I can't see it happened as long shinove still in picture, at most they will drop a greeting or two as usual

>> No.20878350

All of you are literally in this thread because you are afraid of male collabs read the OP post again retard

>> No.20878421
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>> No.20878523

>be me
>Depressed and just want to watch the world burn
>Go around donating supas to my oshi that mention holostarsEN
>Make shipping posts on reddit and encourage reddit fags to do the same for that sweet karma
>Come back here and watch the board have a mental breakdown

I feel somewhat better

>> No.20878569

I'm sure if anyone gave a rats ass about your opinion a lot of people would be dead already, good thing that no one cares nigger

>> No.20878574

What are you waiting for? Do it now.

>> No.20878590

Did you just not even try to refute the x is y argument? Are you a genuine npc or something?

>> No.20878691

How exactly are they bringing the girls' streams/content down if they aren't even out yet? On what basis are you retards Malding so hard?
And don't give me the "it's happening with nijiniggers so it'll happen in holoEN too" because we already know that both holo and niji are two very different corpos with very different vtubers

>> No.20879025

Did you see the "if" in the op, dipshit? Do you realize we're talking about a hypothetical? No one is saying the stars en are CURRENTLY degrading the girls' streams, they're saying they could if they fuck it up. The post I originally replied to said "if they can actually slot good enstars it might not be an issue but male vtubers so far have been trash" which outright states it would be fine if they hire competent people, you drooling lobotomized gorilla.

>> No.20879100

Most of the people on the thread don't care tho? They just don't want their oshi to interact with males whatsoever, they don't actually care about the "content" it's just a bunch of white women bad at games that are roleplaying as anime waifus, how much more can you bring the quality of content down?

>> No.20879128

>le tired fox
Go ahead and drop holoen right now, please.

>> No.20879171

Are you talking about Amelia "I know you guys dont want those kinds of collabs" Watson

I know 90% of /vt/ talks about vtubers they know nothing about but you should at least know Ame is completely aware of the idol culture and avoids male collabs and to a point she stopped even avoids talking about HoloStars

>> No.20879215

to the point of avoiding talking about HoloStars*

>> No.20879258

>trash talks the girls content
>dismissing anyone against f/m collabs as a incel
You're just a nijinigger pissy because op dropped your dumb ass, aren't you? At first I'd of said you're a redditor, but they'd have never called all the girls "a bunch of white women bad at games". Go back to your shipper shit, pomu

>> No.20879309

>Care about what Reddit thinks
Tell me how I know you don't watch Gura.

>> No.20879312

This is a nijinigger thread. They don’t know anything about the holo girls.

>> No.20879344
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>It's all spoken so kanji faggotry is irrelevant too.
Hahahah do HoloEOPs really

>> No.20879645

Bye OP

>> No.20880076

This is what femcels on this board don't understand. Males and male collabs aren't the problem, its specifically Luxiem and their autistic behavior
On the bright side this made me watch way less NijiEN and move onto small corpos who I'm enjoying even more

>> No.20880159

is he wrong?

>> No.20881019

you should kys already even before they debut, you dont deserve them.

>> No.20882705

Kill yourself

>> No.20882829

Anon, that is YOUR opinion. Retards here are freaking out about the mere existence of Holostars EN. They don't want to see Gura even acknowledging that they exist.

>> No.20882905

Well you're clearly retarded if you couldn't make out that I quite literally don't watch vtubers in general because almost all of them are cringy women going UwU so there isn't a bar of quality to begin with
And even if i was a nijinigger how would that invalidate my point?

>> No.20883057

>doesnt even watch vtubers
thinking he has an opinion

>> No.20883238
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>> No.20883451

Maybe mori will be shipped with the guy she collabs with and we’ll finally be rid of takamori /u/schizos. Hah, just kidding they’ll find a way to twist it either way

>> No.20883513

What a pussy

>> No.20883536

>using that pic out of its intended context.

>> No.20883540
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I hate m*le vtubers so fucking much it's unreal

>> No.20883601


>> No.20883611

too based to live. kys

>> No.20883665

what would (you) feel if your oshi collab with male but both side act professionally?

>> No.20883686

Kiara will 100% collab with the "hot guy". The question is, will she peg him?

>> No.20883898

women can't act professionally for a long time
any one on one interaction with a male eventually evolves into flirting

>> No.20884117

Garnt should never have done that video

>> No.20884323

So she knows more about the guys from a different agency than her own coworkers, which is still pretty fucking bad.

>> No.20884380

oh I am laffin

>> No.20884650

Anons I'm scared, I don't want to see gooruh talking with some fags or interact with them on Twitter, even if if it's a meme hololive members are still "idols" and I fell that the illusion will break with homostars EN, JP is JP, Japanese culture is "don't bother" "respect" but holy shit EN...

>> No.20884689

Jay will be in HolostarsEN and Gura with flirt with him.

>> No.20884809

>Mori WILL NijiEN the shit out of HoloEN once the Homostars drop
It's already happening, see how excited they are? They're ready for some UPROAR

>> No.20885005

I'm enjoying these last few months as much as I can. IRyS is too thirsty to ignore homoEN. But we'll see, I'm expecting a full integration but I will hope for the best until the last minute.

>> No.20885064

Oh yeah, she's so thirsty. Remember all those collabs she had with StarsJP?

>> No.20887658

I am also a bit worried about HoloEN interacting with males. When I have stumble uppon male and female collabs they always have some of these lame interactions:
>Male and female flirt in how hot or awesome the other one is, people start to ship them and then it becomes a common topic even outside of their collabs.
>Female makes dirty jokes, male try to tone it down to avoid problems, they awkwardly laugh like idiots to fill the dead air.
>Male tone down his gameplay so the female can keep up with him in an attempt that she doesn't look like a complete scrub in coop games.
>Male destroys female in the game, female does a pity cry so male changes to meme strats to at least make something fun out of the stream or he starts with meme plays and then destroys her when playing normally.
>They barely talk and focus on the gameplay, but everything feels awkward and boring.
Unless some anon shows me any good interactions between male and female chuubas, these are basically what I have seen and the reason I don't want it in HoloEN.

>> No.20887770

he's not, I suck at kanji (improving slowly) but can understand holo streams just fine.

>> No.20891661

