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202634 No.202634 [Reply] [Original]

What's Amelia's deal? Why is she so pretty?

>> No.203914

she's cuter than usual, everyday

>> No.204273
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 7JHxy2UO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably becaus she's more down to earth than the rest of HoloEN
She's the only one that feels like someone you could meet irl

>> No.204344
File: 715 KB, 484x485, wee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have bought your Amelia patch haven't you bros?

>> No.204350

Like a blonde schoolyard friend you easily crush on. She gives me gosling feels.

I missed the Blade Runner 2077 stream. Did she like it?

>> No.204377

Probably that's why some people hate her, they just wanna hear their regular anime girl vtuber.

>> No.204391

Why does she wear the mask?

>> No.204392

We already have Sora and Ina for that.

>> No.204523

With all the shit she's done to herself and has happened to her, the fact she isn't dead is unironically impressive. I'm pretty sure she also has mild autism or something.

>> No.204569

I just wanna find her and make her happy when she retires

>> No.204589

>all the shit she's done to herself and has happened to her
>she also has mild autism
I think this is just her trying to be quirky, unless you're using "autistic" to mean "weird and stupid".

>> No.204653

I have met a lot of people who are like Mori

>> No.204689

Assuming he means Amelia's stories where the world seems to have it in for her and her family.

>> No.204697

Amelia tells stories all the time of near death experiences

>> No.204723

she rated it an 8.1, i think

>> No.204766
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>> No.204842

Off the top of my head, I remember she almost bit her tongue off when she was young. I think she also split her head open and air comes out of the hole or something like that. There are a lot more though.

>> No.204878

She also quoted the original Blade Runner at the end of her last superchat reading.

>> No.204931

I remember her recollecting the time she broke her bones, and then how her mom got kidnapped in Morocco and held hostage for a small sum of $500.

>> No.205153

True, she's like that too.

>> No.205275
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The wiki has a list of most of the stories i think

>> No.205344

Nabi mama is a goddess of cute.

>> No.205760

Is her mom super ugly or something? She's rich enough to go on a vacation to Morocco but only got released for $500? And she was actually returned? Wtf

>> No.205875

She's a walking disaster

>> No.205928

you shut your whore mouth

>> No.206211

It's more on avoiding getting the cops involved. The ransom is low enough for her family to pay it off without them thinking about getting the cops involved and they can easily hurt her if they do, and likely they reckon $500 is pocket change for the tourists so they probably wouldn't risk their family member's safety for $500.

>> No.206591

Power of kinpatsu

>> No.207045

>There's a wiki?
>Go read it
Holy SHIT Ame is hardcore.
>Go read Kiara's
>there's almost nothing written there by comparison

>> No.207101

That makes more sense

>> No.207150

you'd be pretty too if you hired some nice illustrator to draw an animated picture of exactly what you wanted to look like.

>> No.207296 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 602x709, mlkBfEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame frequently tells stories about her childhood. She had at least 13 injuries:
>She received an injury in her childhood when she and her brother were jumping on a bed and Amelia fell off, hitting her head on the corner of a drawer. She needed to have her head stitched up. She claims to still have a "head hole" that she can feel air go through when she breathes.
>In another instance, while very young, Ame tripped on a wet floor while eating ice cream, and bit off her tongue almost completely. It was still hanging on by a thread, but the doctors were unable to stitch it back together because tongues do not work that way. It eventually healed, but she still has a scar.
>Ame's brother once threw a soccer ball at her face, knocking out three of her teeth. "Yeah, they were baby teeth. It was really bloody though. That's how siblings are."
>Ame once cut the top off her thumb when trying to peel an orange with a knife.
>A tire ran over her ankle, but it didn't break.
>Someone kicked the trainer wheels of her bike, and she fell and scraped her knee.
>She got bitten by dogs a lot. On one occasion she was bitten in the face, and when they tried to give her a rabies shot at the hospital, she tried to bite the nurse and ended up not receiving the shot.
>She once tried to pet a cactus. "I thought it would be soft, but then I had a bunch of pricklies in my hand."
>When she was around four, she was swinging between two chairs at Christmas and broke her arm. She didn't tell anyone and nobody noticed.
>Ame once fell at Disneyworld and smashed her face into the ground. Her brother swung on a rope, so she tried too and fell onto concrete, and her teeth went through her bottom lip and she had to get taken away by medics in a limousine.
>She once cut her eyelid on a piece of ice from a cup of beer.
>She was once left inside a car hot enough to melt crayons.
>Her arm was crushed by a big dude in a mosh pit.
>She got permanent ear damage from being near speakers in concerts.

>Ame has also told childhood stories that don't involve her receiving injuries:
>As a kid, she liked to eat sand. "I liked the texture."
>She once literally drank her friend's tears.
>Her sibling would step on her tummy and make her burp.
>Her grandma had a hole in her ear because her earring got stuck in a vacuum.
>When her grandma was younger she liked to mess around with other women's husbands, with the result that someone cursed her family line. However, this also caused Ame to be exceptionally lucky. Ame describes luck as her highest stat.
>She once almost got kidnapped by private investigators looking for another girl who happened to have the same first name.
>Her mother was once kidnapped in Morocco and held hostage for $300.
>Another kid was being pushed on a shopping cart, and his pinky got stuck underneath the wheel and came off.
>She used to eat frozen waffles.
>She used to read Team Fortress 2 gay fanfiction of Sniper x Spy.
>Once, Ame was unfairly blamed for stealing money from a neighbor. The real culprit was her brother, who used the money to buy Ame a Nintendo DS.
>Once, her brother tried microwaving a plastic toy leg to see if he could make it bend. The house caught fire, and Ame nearly died because she was hiding in a closet.
>Once at school, she bought pizza at lunch for $1, but had to go to the bathroom and asked her friend to hold it. Her friend dropped it cheese side down, but Ame ate it anyway because it was a good deal.
>Once, she had a birthday party which she invited her whole class to and had her mother order a variety of food, presents, and decorations, but only her best friend showed up.
>Around age 7 or 8 she ran away from home, but accidentally swallowed a moth and went back home. It was creamy.
She definitely fucked up her brain or was born with a fucked up brain. She shouldn't even be alive.

>> No.207343


Kiara doesn't have any fun stories about her life because her life is 1) tied up in the Japanese entertainment industry that she's only just now managed to break back into and 2) pretty damn unique and already absurdly easy to doxx, and it's probably a bad idea to add even more data points to that.

>> No.207367

>Once, she had a birthday party which she invited her whole class to and had her mother order a variety of food, presents, and decorations, but only her best friend showed up.
Shit like this always makes me so sad

>> No.207384

>>Her arm was crushed by a big dude in a mosh pit.
>>She got permanent ear damage from being near speakers in concerts.
I couldn't tell you why exactly but for whatever reason when I read this I felt like I just saw a red flag.

>> No.207497

>As a kid, she liked to eat sand. "I liked the texture."
what the fuck

>> No.207512

Concerts like that often are stereotyped as having nothing but certain personalities in them, like druggies or emo chicks or something like that. I'm assuming for whatever reason you see she went to concerts and thus fell in with one of those groups and you don't like it.

>> No.207568

>druggies or emo chicks or something like that
to be fair, Ame clearly has some sort of mental thing going on, plus multiple injuries to the head and a mostly friendless childhood, so it isn't impossible that she fell into one of those crowds, even if it were a phase.
Most likely though she just liked music and wanted to see it performed live.

>> No.207597
File: 155 KB, 519x475, 1508263187615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell me there's a PUNISHED AMELIA art/edit somewhere. She's a survivor.

>> No.207682

>attended concerts, known to attract druggies
>watson concoction
Uhhh.... Rrats?

>> No.207753

>Once, she had a birthday party which she invited her whole class to and had her mother order a variety of food, presents, and decorations, but only her best friend showed up.
this hard confirms she is ugly irl

>> No.207829

It's pretty common. Had a friend who turned into a chad in high school, but during his elementary days, no one came to his birthday but me and his relatives. Turns out a lot of kids are too lazy to attend birthdays.

>> No.207850

I was a basic bitch but everyone came on my birthdays in ms and hs

>> No.207885 [DELETED] 

IRL vids are on youtube. She's very very plain.

>> No.207909 [DELETED] 

you can't just say that and not give a pic

>> No.207933

Was*, she did her cuteness reps.

>> No.207937

where from bro

>> No.207963

I had exactly 2 friends in elementary school and I had people still show up to mine

>> No.207966 [DELETED] 

literally just search for her old name, the doxxers have plastered her face all over youtube.

she's plain but not ugly, she could be an 8 if she put some effort in

>> No.207967

i wanna fuck ame's head hole!

>> No.207989 [DELETED] 

yeah gonna need a sauce bruv

>> No.207993 [DELETED] 

I can only guess Ame doesn't give a fuck if people find out about her.
Must be because she's white.

>> No.208006 [DELETED] 

A total 7/10 without makeup, would fall for though.

>> No.208023 [DELETED] 

Recent stuff

>> No.208079 [DELETED] 

is there a way to download this into my personal computer?

>> No.208086 [DELETED] 

I think she looks pretty good I dunno what you people are on about

>> No.208103 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, slenderscout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ame's roommate

She's a mutt at best, anon.

>> No.208117 [DELETED] 

Is that's really her? I just started watching Hololive. Well I guess the voice in the 3rd vid is pretty much the same. Cute

>> No.208125 [DELETED] 

add a "dl" after streamable

Never said she was ugly, just a plain cute western woman.

>> No.208148

>>She got bitten by dogs a lot. On one occasion she was bitten in the face, and when they tried to give her a rabies shot at the hospital, she tried to bite the nurse and ended up not receiving the shot.

>> No.208183

If Ame ever stops tweeting for a few days I think we can all safely assume something finally got her. What a life.

>> No.208250

Ame is a diamond in the trailer trash

>> No.208312

I mean shes pretty cute most of these fags just to up theyre own ass. I think shes one of the best out of all of them. But Ina and Gura are close second

>> No.208383

Come on, elementary schoolers don't care about stuff like that. More than likely she was just the weird kid considering the rest of her family/upbringing stories.

>> No.208399

Man sorta reminds me of that one guy that had a pole go through his head. Guy lived a miserable life after and personality changed till his brain finally processed what happened and stroked out

>> No.208419
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>> No.208464

Don't start shit

>> No.208469 [DELETED] 

Ina>Amelia>Calli>Kiara. Never seen Gura.

>> No.208516

They sorta give off a different vibe for when ya want it.

If ya want some chill time go for ina
If ya want some gamer time go for Gura
If ya want some hyper "ame" time go for that
If ya want bird brain go for Kiara
If ya want ... dont really watch Calli but I guess music go for her? Idk

Just different flavors

>> No.208536 [DELETED] 


Gura looks like an elf IRL

>> No.208551 [DELETED] 

Gura aight

>> No.208554

Phineas gage. every neurologist prof's favorite case study

>> No.208571

>When her grandma was younger she liked to mess around with other women's husbands, with the result that someone cursed her family line. However, this also caused Ame to be exceptionally lucky. Ame describes luck as her highest stat.

this reminds me that I really want to see Ame play What Remains of Edith Finch

>> No.208715

I was a lump of a child but my parties were always fully attended. I can't think of any kid in our school who didn't get nearly full attendance on their birthday

>> No.208754

I vaguely recall her saying something about moving around a lot, so it's likely none of the other kids really knew her at all.

>> No.208818

Yeah I dont really remember my birthdays very well but I would just hand out letters to the kids in class and they'd come cuz free food and things to do

>> No.209247

>>Ame once cut the top off her thumb when trying to peel an orange with a knife.

>> No.209262

Is ame in the yakuza?

>> No.209391

saw someone mention that ame was a spic. these stories lead me to believe this is true

>> No.209448

She's white, but she could be a white hispanic.

>> No.209496

if that happens it's really your parents' fault, it's usually the parents that organize that shit, even if the kid sends the invites

in fact I would bet the reason why Ame even had it in her head in the first place that she had to put out the invites were because her parents were huge pieces of shit who would have never done it on their own

it makes me cry a little bit thinking about what a sweet kid she probably was and had such garbo adults taking care of her (grandma and auntie watson notwithstanding, of course)

>> No.210101

Ame will be dead before 2022. Screencap this.

>> No.210163

>As a kid, she liked to eat sand
Yeah I don't think it's an act lads

>> No.210199

that's not how it works. "Kindapping" in this context is relatively common and consists of shopkeepers luring you into their shop and then taking you downstairs or into some backroom to show you items and then locking it and not letting you leave until you pay up. It happened to someone I know in turkey as well, but I don't know if kidnapping is the correct word for it.

>> No.210292

That's definitely kidnapping

>> No.210358

>As a kid, she liked to eat sand. "I liked the texture."
this isn't actually possible right? Like sure, let's say there's some severely mentally damaged child that actually likes the feeling of sand in their mouth, but can you actually eat it?

>> No.210486

>can you actually eat it?
If you can swallow something you can eat it. This just means small Ame likely shit sand at some point, since your body can't digest rocks

>> No.210491

Yes. It's called Pica

>> No.210754

she gives me way too much normalfag vibes so i can't watch her
10/10 character model though

>> No.210862

Damn this makes me wonder how many stories we’re missing out on that she can’t tell us since it would way too easily tie into her past life.

>> No.210962
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dont forget that she "used to" only take a shower every couple of days. imagine the smell! i love my stinky Ame!

>> No.211033

I was going to say that if you eat well and are healthy enough, you're not going to smell if you don't shower every other day, but then I remembered this was Ame...

>> No.211855

it was like once a week or every 2 weeks, not every couple of days

>> No.211870

Ok based

>> No.212633

thanks anon my man!

>> No.212944 [DELETED] 


>> No.213205
File: 216 KB, 315x465, BACK IN THE 90s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talk about getting Dan Shniedered during childhood
>Follow the story up immediately with violent abuse

What the fuck

>> No.213261

Because Biden said so.

>> No.213381

I fucking hate to make this comparison but it has dawned on me that these two are similar in more ways than one......Amelia Watson is the Nagito Komaeda of Vtubers......and I hate that luck aside this comparison makes some sense

>> No.213637

My birthdays as a child were fully attended by all my classmates. And i do remember this kid who no one went to theirs (i went once because my mom told me to) he was really fucking weird.

>> No.213999

iirc it happened a like a week after she transferred into a new school and didn't know anyone in class yet

>> No.214766

I liked having sand in my mouth when I was really young. It was crunchy, but I don't think I ever actually ate it

>> No.214880

I mean, majority of those are not that uncommon, pretty sure everyone itt did some stupid shit or had an accident when he was a kid, maybe you just don't remember it.

>> No.214926

>ame's mom dated Dan "The Man" Schneider
He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.214949

Most people don't bite their tongue off or split their skull open anon

>> No.214981

Well this explains a lot

>> No.215022

Mori seems too good to be true. She's so incredibly awkward and wholesome and dorky.

Amelia's at least a salty gremlin who gets mad at her chat and is probably a menhara from how she rages at even single player games, but Mori has never displayed any menhara qualities and is just pure best friend material.

>> No.215314

Ame's collabs outside her gen are so wholesome for the most part

>> No.215683
File: 440 KB, 823x1192, itamochisann-1304978118889758722-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question, what IS her fucking deal?
OH, I thought you said petty. Nevermind

>> No.215796

She's living proof of Murphy's Law

>> No.215857

She looks sickly

>> No.216134

She's like the Ernest Hemingway of vtubers

>> No.216220

what the fuck

>> No.216472

Is the tongue thing the reason her voice sounds like that?

>> No.216592


>> No.216603

>dont really watch Calli

>> No.216615
File: 19 KB, 519x292, 6fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I thought it would be soft, but then I had a bunch of pricklies in my hand."

>> No.216736

No. Almost all of those are uncommon.

>> No.217112

If you're going based on what they actually look like in real life, then Amelia is like, a solid 4/10.

>> No.217271

Mori literally betrayed her friends, took their dream job, and then laughed about it on a podcast like the cold-hearted cunt she is. She hated Vtubers and Idols until she had a chance of becoming one, because she's a hypocritical cunt. Thank God the Trash-Taste boys are as based as they are and call her ass out for being fucking a shit hole human being in their podcast clips

>> No.217282

Her friends should've tried harder then, it's not her fault she's more talented than them.

>> No.217338

>clipwatcher of an ironic weeb podcast
dios mio...

>> No.217375

What stream was this in?

>> No.217432 [DELETED] 


">writes nigger lyrics over music she doesn't make"

Ah yes, talent.

>> No.217464
File: 2.28 MB, 1606x908, 1592654183442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it past your bedtime son?

>> No.217550

>literally doesn't say the fuck word like some kind of SJW cuck because children may be watching

>Has giant bouncing cleavage tits swaying all over the screen

Seriously how much of a brain damaged, knuckle dragging autist do you need to be to like this hypocritical bitch?

>> No.217590

t. amerimutt

>> No.218382
File: 129 KB, 1001x1055, 119231380_171844324478217_84672288355649047_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only good holoEN

>> No.218566

>the only good holoEN
this is what teatards actually believe

>> No.218579

mad online

>> No.218618

lmao, imagine being this fucking mad and this fucking stupid. Holy shit anon do the world a favor and eat a 12 gauge

>> No.219090

I can directly relate to 4 of those injuries

>> No.219319
File: 18 KB, 696x128, Screenshot_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.219369

It's not limited to pregnant women. In this case I'd just boil it down to a dumb kid doing dumb things.

>> No.219502

Ah man, you just kind of want to give her a hug. Though she's a pretty strong person to still be pretty nice after all that. Or at least she seems like a nice person.

>> No.219548

I remember her mentioning that she originally got into gaming because someone she cared for died, and felt purposeless. Figure it was her mom? since she doesn't really mention her in a present tense

>> No.219603

I keep seeing this list but I really don't see anything too bad. I've had similar injuries and did similarly weird things as a kid. I'm guessing most people have similar stories, they just never bring them up because they never come up or they forgot.

>> No.219618
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All of these sound too good to be fake.

>> No.219669
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>> No.220985

They sound too fake to be fake.

>> No.222487

When I was 3 or 4 years old, I rode a tricycle down a hill and drove head first into the wall of a synagogue. I have a small round scar (about 1cm wide) on the side of my head that's visible when I get a buzz cut.

>> No.223108


>> No.224440

>too much normalfag vibes
>literally a fujoshi
That's an odd definition of normalfag you have.

>> No.224532

Why did this collection of stories she told on stream herself get deleted?

>> No.224732

I think some anons are too autistic that even Fujo girls like stuff guys would consider normie, like Disney, Nails, makeup and such.

>> No.224760
File: 29 KB, 251x255, 1481989501854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you admit you smeared a hate symbol on our wall with your own blood? Pay up, Goy.

>> No.224795

Mods these were all things Ame said on livestream on her hololive account and freely available on the vtubers wiki. She is open about all of them. Give me one good reason why this was deleted.

>> No.224844

Americans are scared of bad words you retard. Why do you think it was a huge scandal when they were first allowed to say them on TV.

>> No.224850

>She hated Vtubers and Idols until she had a chance of becoming one
So she's a functional human being?

>> No.225009
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1599951998234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros what should I do if I'm unironically falling for Ame? I know it's unrealistic and there's only pain in embracing this feeling, but she's just so captivating that I can't stop thinking about her 24/7

>> No.225040

She's probably a 3/10 irl so imagine her as the most disgusting girl you can think of

>> No.225295

Eh, I'd expect her to be little bit plain, but not ugly. Genuine ugly is pretty rare.

>> No.225748

Me too anon, me too. But eventually that feeling will fade away

>> No.225799

Amelia kinda reminds me of my little sister. My sister used to play a shitload of TF2 as well back in the Orange Box days.
