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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 74 KB, 681x302, moona numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20825807 No.20825807 [Reply] [Original]

What the actual fuck

>> No.20825842
File: 1.03 MB, 2548x2894, 56175565aaf4a202a769ae42b35eaeae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fes buff is stronk.

>> No.20825848

nijicucks in shambles

>> No.20825873
File: 233 KB, 1007x452, THEAGEOFANYA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over Nijicucks. Yagoo dealt the killing blow.

>> No.20825893

But 20 fucking k? HOW

>> No.20825913

Dam. Moona's bro has so much more competition now.

>> No.20825917

Unarchived karaoke challenge stream to celebrate 1mil subs

>> No.20825956
File: 1.45 MB, 1246x1570, c234977b4f7be860345d576e8d39edb0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exposure is STRONK, like... Korone-strength.

>> No.20825967

get fucked nijiniggers

>> No.20825973

>100 karaoke songs

That's how.

>> No.20826044
File: 622 KB, 828x828, 1635757882334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted to congratulate moona
>thread is full of tribalfagging and shitting on nijis
why are you like this /vt/?

>> No.20826086

Also Suisei funnel

>> No.20826173

i give you an advice
close /vt/ now, for your own good

>> No.20826195


>> No.20826206

it will stay like this until pomu apologize for declaring war on hololive.

>> No.20826402

Go to her general instead.

>> No.20826431

Really goes to show how shitty people's taste is when Enna who is a top singer gets half the live viewers in her Karoke streams

>> No.20826536

Enna WISH she got half that live viewer.

>> No.20826596

Well Moona had dedicated fans who kept posting and recommending her songs back in the day in /jp/ then PekoMoona blew up that got more eyes on her and now she's got Holofes. The ID girls just need to actually be good streams as well to retain viewers instead of just being seen as vsingers.

>> No.20826602
File: 28 KB, 414x385, SHAKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so weird about Shaka?

>> No.20826702


>> No.20826828

Nipplesanjisistertachi... We lost to sidebranch...

>> No.20826901

the apex vampire is loosing to ID...

>> No.20826916

She rarely wanders outside of her general so you better post that there

>> No.20826926


>> No.20827328

wait she's /here/?

>> No.20827367
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, skyfall [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnhutht.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will numberfags recover? Good day to be a singfag

>> No.20827399

blame your chuubas for lighting up the tribalfaggotry on the board hahahah

>> No.20827519

retards enjoy living like this

>> No.20828023

She didn't though, she said recruitment for males for both companies is gonna be "like a war lol"

>> No.20828129

>Reimu higher than Finana
Brapfish really declining lately

>> No.20828182
File: 396 KB, 592x560, 1644246027269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the holobronies are so mean...

>> No.20828242


>> No.20828279

>447k sub vtuber has about 180 more viewers than a 150k sub vtuber
no no no no nijibros, it's over...

>> No.20828389

there was one instance when some anon in /moon/ asked her to said something toxic. Several minutes later she replied that post on her rm's twitter account. There are still many more proofs that she's /here/ just do your archive reps

>> No.20828578

I would expect nothing less from the ace of SEA

>> No.20829173

Not anymore, back then she makes multiple tweets clearly joking around with /moon/(Oreo-shake, cookie with chilli paste), but now... either she still here yet not responding or not here at all anymore.

>> No.20829284

First ID to clean the debuff...

>> No.20829629

You expect drama / SEAniggers to actually read screenshots? The only people that still care about the discord screenshot are drama / SEAniggers on /vt/, literally everyone else has stopped giving a shit since day 2.

>> No.20829917

Even an Holo ID can surpass the top performer Niji.. LMAO..

>> No.20830095

roru rumao

>> No.20830180

Not sure if falseflag or actually salty nijinigger.

>> No.20830878

I thought Nijimales are the shit??? What the fuck happened????

>> No.20831082

surely all her streams will have tons of viewers and this isn't a combination of dedicated manager forced shilling by holo JP, a million sub celebration, immediately after holoFes, and unarchived karaoke buff..

moona certainly won't go back to shit numbers within a week. 95% of them probably just turned the stream on and left it on in the background lmao

>> No.20831466

Anon, Mumei got like 18k last night on a guerilla karaoke stream at like 2 in the fucking morning. She has 400k less subs than Moona.

>> No.20831693

Exactly, with it being a 1 million celebration scheduled unarchived karaoke I was expecting closer to 25k for the stream. Still a good result for her overall.

>> No.20831822

Blame your male tribalfags nipplenigger

>> No.20831913


>> No.20832052

/who/ has the archive. It was a great one.

>> No.20832054

she's not holding on to those numbers. she got some good songs but it's not worth sitting thru the bad ESL to find

>> No.20832192

>English has 1.5bio speakers around the world
>Indonesia has 260mio citizen.
>18k/1.5bio = around 0.00001
>19k/250mio = around 0.00007
>The EN is "better"

Yeah it's useless to compare vtubers with different market, anon. A more fair comparison is betweent the same market, ID with ID or EN with EN.

Numbers don't represent actual popularity in the market, particularly if it's different market like HoloEN vs HoloID.

>> No.20832280

Moona was singing ID songs? Strange, when I stopped by she was singing Fireflies.

>> No.20832354

>Talking about market
>Talking about songs

You retard anon? ID people don't listen to EN songs?

>> No.20832375


LMAO holoID chases the EN market as hard as possible because as you point out it's way more people and much more importantly way more disposable income from much richer populaces. That's why basically all of them mostly stream in EN and she almost exclusively sings EN or JP.

>> No.20832392

Look at the game he is playing

>> No.20832467

Risu...please help yourself.

>> No.20832475

Anon, it's hard to talk about the "market" when Moona has a million subs and Mumei has yet to get 600k.

>> No.20832509

anon, ID songs permission is beyond retarded

>> No.20832513

Clearly you don't want streams

>> No.20832557

Fuck, i mean >>20832375

>> No.20832620

I agree with you. I would say ID debuff is real.

Seeking EN market with ESL is definitely a big debuff, especially for a country like ID with no significant Anglo Saxon influence.

Yes, ID Vtuber are seeking EN markets, but they got debuff cos ESL. That's why the biggest growth for ID would come from ID itself, not EN.

But the again, ID people are not rich enough to pay that much. I guess balancing between ID and EN market is the way to go.

>> No.20832963

subs are the most meaningless metric for hololive as evidence by tons of the girls with much higher subs always getting far fewer viewers and superchats than lower sub girls. Just look at calli with her 2 million subs that usually gets about 1/3 the viewers as subaru. moona got humongous sub boost from reddit and pekora exposure but it was nowhere near a 1:1 boost that organic growth would have had.

>> No.20833067

Oh he's copin, oh he's seethin

>> No.20833176

Yeah, because Youtube removes HoloEN's subs.

>> No.20833322

ah, the smell of cope

>> No.20833357

moona constantly shouting hello with the backtrack saying halo really drives the esl home

>> No.20833358

what you get for acting like a whore

>> No.20833512

I guess it's my fault for talking with logic and data in 4chan.

Alrighty then I'll go back th become shills as usual.

>> No.20833653
File: 35 KB, 463x453, 1647880252629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing to the ID branch
Yes nijiniggers, it truly is over.

>> No.20833825
File: 90 KB, 900x900, fulgurcovid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know who to blame
why does google suggests 'fulgur covid' when I typed 'fulgur'

>> No.20833909

what happened to the coomers?

>> No.20836348

why is it his fault?

>> No.20837728

I've checked into the stream a couple times and holy fuck she's destroying her throat she sounds so hoarse and bad by now and viewercount keeps going down this was a massive mistake.

>> No.20837787

Nijisister here, she's an excellent singer and deserves it.

>> No.20838348

> 3:11
The Asians are sleeping anon.

>> No.20838822

it's also apparently prerecorded mostly so yeah lmao. dunno why the recordings are so hoarse.

>> No.20838960

So this is the power of Moona's hips...

>> No.20845288

She's probably done it like 20 songs per recordings and did it like an actual karaoke

>> No.20846325
File: 158 KB, 666x666, 1645682960428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20846413

blame my nipples

>> No.20847061

Do what I do
Read rrats and shitposts, then consciously choose not to be an schizo
Live in the least schizo reality

>> No.20847920

>blame ./jp/
>blame nijimale fans
>blame Fulgor
>but most of all blame your talent(EN) for reflecting POORLY on their fanbase AND making it publicly known this is where the fans get it from.

>> No.20848427

because he's a tribalfag himself and a discord msg of him tribalfagging got leaked
