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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20812317 No.20812317 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /vt/ hate whores? since your oshii is a whore, she's more likely to have sex with you.

Virgin Vtubers are like rare unicorn, but you will never sex them, so why is it so important for them to exist??

>> No.20812533

Whores are terrible beyond just the sex aspect. They are backstabbers, liars, and manipulative snakes. Virgin women don't possess these qualities inherently.

>> No.20812619

We need a /wvt/ board...
Or >>>/trash/

>> No.20812667

When a man gets a lot of women, it signifies exceptional social value on his part.
When a woman "gets" a lot of men, it signifies that she's a loose slut with no standards or pairbonding ability.
A 2/10 woman can get laid every day if she makes herself available enough, the same isn't true for 2/10 men, so the dynamic is not equivalent.
She has a point to some extent though, being a manwhore is still bad and (to a lesser degree than for women) damages his brain's ability to pairbond.
Getting married and having white kids is the real chad move.

>> No.20812738

Phahahahahahahaha, oh my god, go touch a virgin woman

>> No.20812774

whoa... it's almost like... men and women are different...

>> No.20812803

>Why is it important that something nice exists even if you can't corrupt it?
Idk how's Satan doing? Maybe we can have a human demon exchange of information.

>> No.20812870

>Whores are backstabbers, liars, and manipulative snakes
>Virgin women don't possess these qualities


>> No.20812917

I like how sand niggers treat their women. all robed up in black masks so you can't see nothing but the tiny slit in their eyes. this is how I want my oshii to dress so she remains pure.

sand niggers have clearly influenced vtuber culture when they do 3d streams having to hide their skin like they do. thats the only positive western influence I've seen on ching chong culture

>> No.20812977

All she had to do was not be a whore.

>> No.20813100

Imagine watching some western whore tuber who has this kind of feminist preaching every stream

>> No.20813121

as long as they are lesbians I'm fine with them being whores, makes my cock hard.

Only problem is when they are hungry for cock, cuz I aini't a cuck. The question is are they really all lesbians or is at all an act??

most of the evidence points to them being lesbians, at least in ching chong land. I don't watch western whores since they are whores lusting for rich man cock by default, except gura she is pure

>> No.20813173

your meds, now.

>> No.20813226

>misses inherently possesses because he is either a seanigger or wants to make a Strawman argument
Well which one is it?

>> No.20813302

Depends on the whore

>> No.20813316

>Why does /vt/ hate whores?
because they say stupid shit like what you just posted

>> No.20813393

Don't take the bait anon it's obviously a subhuman shitting up the catalog since yesterday

>> No.20813493

>I can't be cucked if they are lesbian!
lmao this is beyond pathetic

>> No.20813559

t. 40 years old single mothers with mutt children

>> No.20813682
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based sand nigger tubers

>> No.20813691

>I want to sleep around, therefore, everyone want's to sleep around, you're just jealous
Is it that hard to believe some people stll want monogamy? I feel sorry for her, all that dick has warped her mind.
Also, even if she were correct, being a chad and a whore are two very different things.

>> No.20813698

I have a friend who's a gigachad, dude have a hard life mostly due to women constantly fucking it up, in his last job he was promoted because his boss(married 40something yo woman) wanted to fuck him, this made every dude there mad and when confronted she went complete fucking apeshit so he had to leave. Things like that happen to him or his gf constantly, the amount of abuse his gf went through from jealous cunts in unreal.
Being popular with women seems to me as more of a curse then a blessing so I feel no envy toward chads and nether any have sympathy toward the whores.

>> No.20813725

Lesbians don’t exist

>> No.20813810
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All women should not talk when a man is talking and walk behind 3 steps behind their husband with their head covered.

A women should focus on raising kids and being a good wife nothing more

>> No.20814042

she doesn't have to be a muslim to be pure

traits of perfect oshi-
she can:
1. sing
2. dance (also on a pole)
3. chat me up
4. do asmr
5. pass a hymen examination so I know she is not a whore.

the most important is the hymen examination. I want a timestamp for evidence with my name on it.

>> No.20814174

seething roasties

>> No.20814197

I dont care about whores as long as they dont moralfag about it which is exactly what the whore in your post was doing there.

>> No.20814295

>allowing women to fuck up his life
That man is no chad.

>> No.20814319

fpbp. what i don't understand why some anons like to promote whores so much. not enough numbers?

>> No.20814379

I couldn't give a shit who's a whore or not, people can do what they want with their life and their body. Doesn't mean I'm not going to call a whore a whore or complain if someone trying to play a not-whore character let's something slip (I don't include roommate stuff in that, just keep it out of vtuber accounts).

>> No.20814403

>get pumped and dumped
>”no guys teehee Im just getting some action, seethe incels”

>> No.20814405

something something master key
something something shitty lock

>> No.20814510


>> No.20814641
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Reminder to all in this thread, that "lesbians" are fake and are a meme females use to turn down lesser men (i.e. uglies or manlets).

I believe that Vtubers do this yuribating not only to appeal to /u/rinefags, but to also turn down their 30 year old virgin audience.

Now, imagine this guy approaches our Vtuber, do you GENUINELY believe that she would stay lesbian? Obviously no. Because lesbians are fake and a meme.

>> No.20814735

women dont really like Momoa that much tho, hes more of a case of what men think women like; the faggot who does Cap America is much more popular with actual women

>> No.20814806

I dislike when people treat sex like a marker for success or as a tool for self-validation. Virgins and Hoes alike. Its barbaric ape shit.

>> No.20814841
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This can't be real right
There's no way she's actually defending whores right

>> No.20814877

Woman don’t like facial hair in general

>> No.20814878

why do these retarded 2views keep posting about stupid shit like that

>> No.20814883

The ugliest women are the biggest sluts

>> No.20814887

Why wouldn't she defend herself?

>> No.20814919

"i can get some"
does she think getting laid as a woman is some challenge

>> No.20814940
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women like men like this. no one has ever surpassed the giga chad arnold.

your oshii would become his cock slaves the first site they get of him

>> No.20814960

women have this insane idea that they face the same challenges that men do, rather than getting the easy road to literally everything and still somehow fucking it up

>> No.20815029

I genuinely don't care if a vtuber is a whore or not, she can do whatever the hell she wants off stream, that's not my problem.
The issue is that those kind of people usually have their ENTIRE online personality revolving around sex or lewds in general.
I'm not interested in their sex lives, I just want to watch good streams and be entertained.

>> No.20815041

That's the one part I miss before /vt/ was created, let them shit up /trash/

>> No.20815042

Seriously, most women who can say shit like this is backstabber bitch.

>> No.20815091

I'm talking out my ass but I imagine women liked him more in SG Atlantis than as aqua man because any normie that's seen a comic book before knows the "aquaman's power is talking to fish" meme.
Either that or most women are racist and like Cap and Thor because they're white.

>> No.20815145

I wouldnt call it racism exactly, its just that his face is a bit too on the rougher side; Thor and Cap are in the sweet spot of "manly but still cute"

>> No.20815239

yeah, that's the sad part

>> No.20815291

Didn't she get rejected by a chad so she went crazy and slept around to "show him"?

>> No.20815332

Believe it or not, I don't want to watch a male streamer brag about pussy either. Western promiscuity is so rampant that those abstaining are considered either insane or pathetic in the eyes of normies. Ironically, the only "normal" interactions these people can have with females is if they abandon their whore visage by pretending to be a pure 2d waifu. Being momentarily chaste (or at least enough to the point where it isn't immediately traceable) should be a small price to pay for undeserved money and fame but their hearts are so corrupted that sex is seen as a basic human need.

>> No.20815336

Just asked the literal only woman I know that isn't my mum to choose between Evans, Hemsworth and Momoa:
>the others r clapped
Me: Like just on looks alone i mean.
>the standard american chad doesn't appeal to me
>so jason
>i don't find either chris attractive
>not jason w dreads tho
>long hair
Other fag: Chris Hemsworth's voice is nice
>hes j very boring
>theres nothing to him
>because hes too objectively attractive

should be aware she's english and probably part slav so maybe that changes things (wow i'm literally friends with vei)

>> No.20815373

unicorn chama....

>> No.20815377

maybe she's just that ugly irl

>> No.20815408

We all know vtubers are mostly in their late twenties to early thirties.
If you're that old and still a virgin, there's something mentally wrong with you

>> No.20815702
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based and demonpilled

>> No.20815784

Get some new material anon. This is literally last year's news.

>> No.20816189

Why are roasties so angry about this? It was their decision to become a public use toilet and flaunt it. You'll never appeal to everyone, so just accept that different types of women attract different audiences.

>> No.20816633

Chads don't want them and neither do normies anymore so anger is the only course they have left.

>> No.20816659

Women hate being undesirable even if they're only undesirable to nerds. Not because they actually want to fuck the nerds, but because even the idea of a man being disgusted with her/ not wanting to fuck her is simply a massive blow to the ego. So they cope and seethe. The funny thing is, the thing that should theoretically make them desirable (being a slut) is also what makes them undesirable. Then of course there's the birth control induced mental illness and a whole slew of other shit that you can spend all day listing. What it comes down to is that disapproval of being a slut is a massive blow to the ego so she immediately needs to protect her ego. Considering what an attention whore narcissist saurei is you can multiply everything I've said by a hundred.

>> No.20816787

Why tweet something like this?

>> No.20816836

Severe mental illness + incapable of thought

>> No.20816914

All women are women.

>> No.20816958 [DELETED] 

What a bigoted statement in the year of our lord 2022.
Some women are men.

>> No.20817076
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She just randomly decided to rant about this for no reason.

>> No.20817100

Yeah, if the girl doesn't disappear once a month, they are probably a birth control abuser and a lot more menhera.

>> No.20817251

What do you mean? You think girls can't stream if they're on their period? The severity of menstrual pain differs greatly from woman to woman but they don't become dysfunctional. The worst I've had is that she just becomes more whiny.

>> No.20817382

so, did she ever draw it?

>> No.20817414

periods aren't real it's a psyop so they can cheat behind your back

>> No.20817580

Isn't this the same slut that hosted some shitty art event and pissed off a fuck ton of twitter trannies?

>> No.20817672

Meds now

>> No.20817733

Meds are psyop to make you complacent and docile while they fuck behind your back
Your therapist and pharmacist are both railing your gf

>> No.20817801

>why is clout chaser chasing clout?

>> No.20817830

therapist is a condensed form of THE RAPIST the meds make you lose hours and they change the clocks so you don't realise your THE RAPIST was fucking your bussy while you were zoned out through meds and hypnosis

>> No.20817860

This is true.
I'm the therapist btw.

>> No.20817991
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its the same with alcohol and drugs
i dont give a shit whether you do it or not
its when it becomes a part of your personality that I hate it
"chads" that fuck every woman in sight talk about it constantly and are annoying
incels talk constantly about sex and are annoying
coomers talk constantly about specific porn stars and only make sex jokes and aren't fun to be around
alcoholics and junkies refuse to have a good time unless they are blasted out of their minds and lack all personality

>> No.20818047

why are french ppl like this
