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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2070737 No.2070737 [Reply] [Original]

/auds/ Thread # 28

Active Auditions
PRISM Project (EN Auditions)
>Deadline: April 30th, 2021, 12:59pm (JST)

Air Asia
>Deadline: March 28th, 2021

What is /auds/?
A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Where it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibility. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you.

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

/auds/ OP Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/zuUBUbGG
/auds/ Resources Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous Thread: >>1966043

>> No.2072745

already made my cover

>> No.2073386

Anyone here use this before? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7-RNGIwLg4

>> No.2075597

what does /auds/ think of my audition tape?


>> No.2075698

Pretty kino

>> No.2078255

Every time

>> No.2078411


>> No.2078423

PRISM only watch 1 minute and 30 seconds of my audition, and didn't watch the second video at all.
This means I should not be optimistic, correct?

>> No.2078458

Anything's possible, but at this point I'd lower your expectations

>> No.2078616

Keep putting the work in to be the best content creator you can be. You'll get 'em next time.

>> No.2078889

lel, they might have liked the first minute of my audition so much they didn't need to see anything else!
Thanks anon! In the end, this was still a win. I applied to Hololive relatively early and they never even watched my audition,or if they did they immediately clicked away. So getting PRISM engaged for as long as they were was still very good and an improvement.

>> No.2079865

I feel the same way, like each audition video I create is better than the last.

I wouldn't write yourself off completely, but as I wrote in the previous thread they did watch my whole video.

>> No.2081368
File: 235 KB, 501x711, EYcCAFHWsAIPj3J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just listened back to my first test stream. I'm ngmi.

>> No.2081533

Don't be hard on yourself, anon.
How bad are we talking

>> No.2081619

That's how I felt about my first couple of clips.
Still gonna keep at it because the only way to go from here is up.

>> No.2081764

Meant for

>> No.2085218

Post vocaroo

>> No.2085277

Vocaroo? Rejoice! I got called gross, autistic and authentic robot, I doubt anyone could do worse.

>> No.2085774

There's always a bigger mountain!

>> No.2085934

I sound like a child.

>> No.2086124

isnt this a good thing?

>> No.2087714

the slowest i've ever seen /auds/, maybe it is dead

>> No.2088836

Finals season is coming up in most universities; I'm pretty sure most of /auds/ is college-aged so it should be fine after that

>> No.2088871


>> No.2089383

Twitch is really busy at this hour. Is it a good time to stream for a new indie because of the audience available or bad time because of too much competition?

>> No.2089407

That is not necessarily a bad thing. A good thing even if you have the right model and target the right audience.

Post vocaroo. Nobody here will judge you

>> No.2089412

Twitch is fine, but YouTube is better for some people (also better for the audience and is planning on increasing how good it is by adding clips)

>> No.2089414

Everyone is too depressed from 0 Hololive views to post

>> No.2089415

It's a good time to stream as a newbie because you can fuck up a bunch and no one will notice, so there's no pressure for you to have a perfectly flawless stream.

>> No.2089588

I’m past the worrying about fucking up phase since I’ve streamed plenty pre-model. My concern and goal now is building a viewer base.

>> No.2089589

Anon you aren't going for the twitch streaming L33T crowd. You are targeting sexually deviant anime nerds. Sounding like a little kid is a very good thing.

Especially if your model matches it.
Something people don't seem to realize is there is no "BAD" vtubing voice as long as you know how to lean into how you sound and use it in a positive manor

>> No.2089798

1 minute 30 honestly isn't bad at all. Most agencies, or bigger ones like nijisanji, hololive you usually get like 10 seconds where they will already decide to keep watching or not

>> No.2091084

depending on what you play, more popular people may raid you after they're done

>> No.2092905

Be the shota you were destined to be

>> No.2093270

maybe kid isn't the right word. I have a little bit of bass but it's way too soft. it's more like I'm in perpetual puberty.

>> No.2093308

Post a vocaroo. You won't be any cringier than anybody else in this general

>> No.2093897

>someone who speaks Spanish as a first language and only follows Gawr Gura as their other Vtuber likes me and follows me despite me being tiny
Am I going to make it if I’m even appealing to people who speak other languages?

>> No.2093905

Anon just post it

>> No.2097564

first week of holo gen 2 application waiting is almost over, how is everyone doing

>> No.2098187

Is there anything I should be doing with this Twitter account? Not to start a Mori discussion, I just can't start streaming yet and I feel like I should at least be trying to do something. The idea of following other indies makes me feel like a remora though.

>> No.2098208

yeah, /auds/ is dead now. good luck anons, but there's literally nothing else i can take away from this thread. hope you anons make it or something.

>> No.2098247

rip /auds/ hope to see some of you guys make it in the future

>> No.2098350

I think a lot of us are just waiting for the contracted anon from last thread to answer/reply again

>> No.2098389

i'm not. and frankly, i don't care. everything that contract-anon mentioned should have been basic knowledge. i'm just done with shit like >>2098187 where the thread is so dead that anons say full retarded bullshit just to try and keep the thread alive. it's been almost 24 hours and there are only 40 posts, most of which are spam and bullshit. /auds/ is dead.

>> No.2098433

its fine y'know. this type of thread doesn't need to exist everyday anyways. as long as /wvt/ exists /auds/ won't truly die. as long as people save all the links and junk it can come back later when theres more new stuff or concerns to talk about. I know i'll probably talk about more stuff once I get stuff to actually talk about once I get my gear and junk.

>> No.2098931

The death of this thread is what hopeful would have wanted. Thread dying would mean we are actually moving forward.

>> No.2099247

can we put our vtuber stream here

>> No.2099853

Man fuck hopeful, that bitch was a bitch, I'm keeping this shit alive out of spite

>> No.2099947

I bet you were the wanker who chased her out of /wvt/

>> No.2100140

>Felt like shit because only found out about hololive auditions literally on the day of
>Prism audition deadline is the end of this month

>> No.2100240

I expect to be paid with a fair (You) when bumping your thread

>> No.2102719 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 800x744, Ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my first model working.

>> No.2102754

Finally got my first model working

>> No.2103927

I don't know why you would let it bother you like that. /auds/ is destined to come in waves of activity as it's users slowly graduate away from it into making their content, and new users discover the general

>> No.2104202


>> No.2107409

I was about to ask, I'm so bored and sleepy but I need to stay awake, seems like I just can't get into any stream today.

>> No.2107807

Jesus don't let it effect you so personally. This general was always going to be a niche

>> No.2107823

dying on the inside because i hate waiting

>> No.2107848

Maybe it's finally time we change the name of /auds/ since most auditions are closing.

Something like /asp/ for aspiring vtubers

>> No.2109692
File: 13 KB, 544x533, 1601998279837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right I forgot the Hololive audition closed already. Did nobody get any emails yet?

>> No.2109791

/asp/ or something related to indies reps

>> No.2114519
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I see what you did there

>> No.2114767
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Becoming a vtuber won't bring you closer to your oshi

>> No.2114874

I will collaborate with Matsuri some day.

>> No.2115249

Next thread I'll chage the subject

>> No.2115341
File: 2.00 MB, 400x300, 1616002429375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it
We're all gonna make it
We're all gonna make it

>> No.2115577

why do anons keep saying this? it's like saying "baking a cake won't get you to the great british bake off show" that's not why people do it.

>> No.2116679
File: 681 KB, 2000x2000, vtuber ideas 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to do my stream reps getting used to talking etc. and drew these vtuber ideas. My voice won't fit them but here they are.

>> No.2116805
File: 28 KB, 731x587, somethingwentwrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know why I keep getting this error when I try to add a youtube chat overlay from a browser source? I can't seem to find a single other person with the problem and I'm getting it consistently
Maybe it could be because I have OBS saved to an external hard drive? That really shouldn't make a difference, but its the only guess I have left because I've done everything else exactly as it should be.

Does anybody know of any alternate ways to get a YT chat as an OBS overlay besides pasting the popout chat link as a browser source? I'm ready to lose my mind.

>> No.2116845

Post your voice

>> No.2116902

>Does anybody know of any alternate ways to get a YT chat as an OBS overlay besides pasting the popout chat link as a browser source?
A window capture of the popout chat.

>> No.2116924

Use Streamlabs. Pretty sure their chat widget works for youtube too

>> No.2116951

Doesn't Streamlabs use an absurd amount of disk space?

>> No.2116967

nta, but it doesn't use "an absurd" amount of diskspace. it's just bloated with addons and doodads that you don't need or can set up easily enough on your own.

>> No.2116972

Streamlabs has is on the level of bloatware, it has way too much useless stuff
Did you check to see if the chat is working normally? Youtube is fucky and there used to a chat error like that

>> No.2117027

>Did you check to see if the chat is working normally?
Yeah it seems to be working fine in the browser.

I guess worst case scenario is I use streamlabs even though I'd rather avoid it

>> No.2117042

To be sure, did you try to open a new stream?

>> No.2117045

Nice first steps! Are you gonna go for that kind of artstyle?
you could though self shilling in /wvt/ is another option as well

>> No.2117065

Yeah I've gone live, copied the popout chat link, and posted it as a browser source. Each time starting that process from scratch and each time it giving the same error

>> No.2117140

I'm spitballing here but what is the stream set to? Unlisted, private, or public?

>> No.2117162

Private. It COULD be because I'm not public but it seemed to be fine private in the tutorial videos I saw.
I'll give it a shot. At this point I'm willing to try anything

>> No.2117174

No as in literally the widget from their website. Streamlabs OBS is a piece of shit, but the widgets are all browser source stuff.

>> No.2117178

Is this a literal who that is following both of you?
If so I wouldn't really focus too much on it.

>> No.2117179

Try unlisted

>> No.2117217

here https://voca.ro/15zQu6ROHvCC

>> No.2117244

Oh shit I didn't realize.
You mind posting a link?

>> No.2117286

Literally streamlabs.com
This isn't rocket science

>> No.2117308

I'll figure it out. Thanks boyo

>> No.2117406

I’ve drawn up my shitty model and done a test stream to no one with a png, and everything felt great. But now I look back on this and have this weird feeling hitting me that this whole thing is crazy and stupid. Anyone else get this? It’s like you suddenly realise that you are really doing this.

>> No.2117425


>> No.2117468

I've been doing this on and off. Feeling like "this is great and this is what I want to do" when streaming, but when I don't feel like streaming it's just like "what the fuck am I doing?"

>> No.2117495

It probably goes away after a while. But good to know it’s not just me.

>> No.2117524

Yep. That's nerves, my man. At worst it might be self sabotage.

Push through. Know that those negative feelings is your brain trying to hold you back, and that the positive energy you have riding the high of a test stream is how you really feel.

>> No.2117535
File: 53 KB, 1917x1184, 21DEC2020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dawg. Yeah it's a fun and easy-going style. (As far as 3D modelling it goes)

>> No.2117585

The funny part is that I've been streaming on and off for like 6 years and even got affiliate at some point. But because I've taken so many breaks I've never amassed a stable audience. vtubing has been making me want to be stable and have a cute avatar, but there's still nerves there of getting into the whole vtuber community itself.

>> No.2118045

Okay so like, probably most if not all of you are men with manly voices, so what is your plan for trying to be a cute v-tuber waifu anime girl if you sound like a man.

>> No.2118060

Poll from a few months ago said 40 percent of us are biological women actually

To answer your question though, I like to think the niche I've found is untapped to the point of being able to draw attention

>> No.2118065

just babiniku? it's a widely accepted thing among vtubers.

>> No.2118108

Im not saying you can't or it won't be accepted, but why would people rather watch a guy pretending to be a girl than an actual woman doing what you are doing.

That seems fair

>> No.2118129

>why would people rather watch a guy pretending to be a girl than an actual woman doing what you are doing.
because... people don't watch vtubers for whatever junk is between their legs? people watch vtubers because they're entertaining and who cares if the person is male or female as long as it's fun?

>> No.2118151

Truly I think a moe girl with an extremely deep man voice would be funny, but the gimmick wouldn't hold attention long term

>> No.2118152
File: 486 KB, 1260x1192, 1617116269325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, the Streamlabs addon solution isn't working either. Or unprivating the stream.
No error using the Streamlabs browser widget, but the chats simply don't appear.

I don't know what the fuck the deal is.

>> No.2118199

Not gonna ask what the niche is, but any tips on finding one? So far the strategies I have is keyword search and „throw things at the wall until something sticks“. There’s also been some suggestions on what wvt wants.

>> No.2118203


>> No.2118235

sucks that there are so many gimmick streamers who just don't provide any value. i remember the mega chin chad vtuber, fat bastard project, etc. all turned out to be boring as shit.

>> No.2118262

Basically I'm focusing on pandering to a fanbase of a specific franchise I love first and foremost and hoping the established fanbase of that franchise will bring in viewers who are willing to check me out based on curiosity from seeing a "[franchise they like] vtuber"
I'm coupling that idea with frequent youtube discussion content to hopefully slip into the algorithm.

No clue if any of this will work yet, but it's worth a shot as far as I'm concerned. Worst case scenario I have some fun doing it

>> No.2118288

just checking in - still no views aside from mine on my hololive audition

>> No.2118323

Update: got my chat messages to pop up finally by straight up making the stream public

Thanks for the help everyone

>> No.2118409

Some advice, altho it will come off as harsh but its the reality of life: Not everyone will make it.
Actually, the vast majority wont "make it" (depending on your definition of making it), specially in the auditions, considering how many people audition and the small ammount that actually gets picked. Does that mean you should give up? No, but just keep in mind this possibility and be realistic, don try to put your entire emotional health and self worth on it. Maybe its not for you, maybe it is, but if its not, there's others things for you out there.

Most importantly, if you do make it, always be humble and thankful, and try to give back to the community when you can.

>> No.2118428

I should also mention that I'm also going for a character style that I haven't seen attempted yet in a genera thats surprisingly underrepresented

>> No.2118485 [DELETED] 

I had the same thing happen, if you're streaming on youtube I rec just using the pop out function on chat and copy paste that in as browser source in OBS.

You can use this website to change the look of the chat: https://chatv2.septapus.com/

Copy paste the CSS in obs too. The only downside is having to change the url for every stream but it's a lot less buggy.

>> No.2118600

The Browser Widget is going to look blank until people actually chat. You can test it by typing in a few messages

>> No.2118651

Yeah I was. I figured everything out.

It was because the stream wasn't public

>> No.2118664

What is life if not going on despite the certain oblivion?

But yeah, agreed. This place needs more genuine tough love. A certain someone has said you can be incredible or forgettable, there‘s no in-between.

>> No.2118900

Its hard to balance either giving too much hope to someone and filling them up with hopes and dreams just for them to horribly crash and send them spiraling into depression and just being straight up rude and making people scared of even trying.
>you can be incredible or forgettable, there‘s no in-between
Yeah this seems very true, and something to remember is the odds are stacked up against you. Everyone is competing for the same spotlight as you (much like being any kind of youtuber or an actor or a mainstream singer), and behind every success story there are many failures. Don't see it as a waste of time, as you are learning new things that can help you on other ways.

>> No.2119362

Out of all those designs, I'd say vampire lord fits your voice the best.

>> No.2119473

I think to some degree it's a craze right now. It will probably die down in the next 6 months or so, just like how for a good 8 months everyone and their grandma made an onlyfans

>> No.2119846

Well, less competition for the true believers I say.

>> No.2120027
File: 170 KB, 640x710, Shiki Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a better looking version of Shiki.

>> No.2120043

I wonder if an old lady v-tuber (And i mean a real grandma, not someone pretending to be one) would have appeal

>> No.2120133

That's true, but thats where the many people that fail are. A lot just think its a neat idea and do it for like a day or two and then get bored and moved on. Just like trying to start a youtube channel or being a twitch streamer.

>> No.2120175

The Grandma who plays Skyrim for Youtube is immensely popular. It would totally work.

>> No.2120235

Virtual Obaa-chan used to be pretty popular back in the day so there's a precedent.

>> No.2120407

>(And i mean a real grandma, not someone pretending to be one)
Anyway, how many 60+ year old women who did not grow up with an engineer or computer scientist as one of their parents have still interest and capacity to learn about computer gaming and stream culture? Beyond zero point percent of the population I guess.

>> No.2120748

YES. I think that would be very comfy

>> No.2120891

Food4Dogs is a grandma on youtube who loves JRPGs and visual novels and does playthroughs and reviews

>> No.2121808

Good luck to everyone in the GMT+1 timezone.

>> No.2122280

Thank you!

>> No.2122323
File: 105 KB, 825x638, 1617316689278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it seem like vtubers never use alerts or stream overlays?

>> No.2122338

alerts are annoying as fuck. the fuck is the point of stream overlays when everything is already in the description or twitch panels?

>> No.2122424

It's branding, also, you'd be surprised at how many people don't read the twitch panels.

>> No.2122453

>it's branding
no one gives a fuck about branding until you're hitting 100+ viewers. "wow, look at how fancy that 1+self viewer vtuber's branding is!" said no one fucking ever

>> No.2122584

Well I never said that the newer VTubers need it. And some overlays encourage viewers to follow/subscribe/dono because they like seeing their names on there, it's an obnoxious form of interaction but it works sometimes.

>> No.2122730

I remember watching Trick2G in his prime and he was thanking subs every 4 seconds. Alertless big streamers don't have to wreck the flow of the stream itself.
If you're small notifications might be infrequent enough that you can have them on no-cost.

>> No.2124726

Thanks for the feed back, I'll keep brainstorming ideas

>> No.2124916

My plan is to be a sentai villain that streams when he's not trying to take over the world.

>> No.2124938

I became a vtuber so I could become my own oshi.

>> No.2124960

> so what is your plan for trying to be a cute v-tuber waifu anime girl if you sound like a man.
Not being a cute vtuber waifu anime girl, mostly.

>> No.2125768

Some lady mangakas are in their 50s now. In a few years we may have grannychuubas.

>> No.2127912

is there a male voice to put on that works for vtubing? or is just regular voice good enough? all of the holoEN girls have a voice, but there aren't any guys to compare to.

>> No.2128004

The sexier the voice the better.

>> No.2128013


>> No.2128085

>but there aren't any guys to compare to
Niji, Holostars? It's less about the voice and more about charisma to be quite honest.

>> No.2128173

My voice :^)

>> No.2128394

honestly, i can't tell at all with any of the JPs. I don't know if they're doing a voice because it really just sounds like normal talking. Only difference would be Aruran, but even that's iffy since he's got an accent when speaking English.


>> No.2129055
File: 12 KB, 260x260, smiling-mouth-png-images-vectors-and-psd-files-free-download-smiling-lips-png-260_260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is OBS with recording videos? Does it automatically crush audio and stuff to make streaming better? I noticed when I record with it it defaults to 720p

>> No.2129091

then set it to record 1080p?

>> No.2129200

I obviously did. I was trying to ask if the video side of the software is naturally unoptimized for it

>> No.2129212

i don't see why it would. if you're concerned, you can always set the local recording settings to be the same as the streaming settings.

>> No.2130448
File: 149 KB, 400x416, 318c1999bf9d690a6af5324fac025175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to lose my fucking mind brothers. My audio problems are making me lose my fucking mind

>> No.2130618

Someone get their grandmas while the idea is still fresh.
I think it will end up happening eventually.

>> No.2130680

You should probably just focus on charisma then.
And why try to sound like the others and blend it? Its better to stand out anyways, as long as its not bad to listen to you shouldnt really change much.

>> No.2130685

>focus on charisma then
what does this even mean?

>> No.2130716

"compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others."
aka just try to sound comfortable on stream and not like super quiet and shy, or uncomfortable/cringey, be warm and welcoming and make people feel comfortable to wanna talk to you and be inviting to them to participate.

>> No.2131579

When doing audition video, is it better to make it dry like a normal CV or build a small story?

>> No.2131593

story definitely

>> No.2132402


That'd be pretty good. Even better if you have an alternate costume where you're absolutely beat to shit, you can open with a recap of how you totally almost took over the world but those meddling beetle troopers cheated and saved the day at the last second

>> No.2132587

I'm ok with that

>> No.2132617


What's your set up and whats the problem?

If you're just obsessing over "echo" or something and considering plastering your walls with blankets or foam or some shit, you're being autistic. Your audio is probably fine for an indie chuuba

>> No.2132683

i post this in a lot of auds threads but
advice here helped me so much. i'm newly affiliate and got my first tier 2 sub today. i'm more than halfway to my first payout. you guys have indispensable advice. i don't even have a triple-digit follower count yet but i'm so happy that this is becoming more and more viable and i gotta share that. yes, you can make it

>> No.2132737

This will go as well as Tony's F1 team.

>> No.2132776

I'll post a vocaroo in a couple hours

>> No.2132786


post your twitch

>> No.2132874

i can't fren i'd feel weird shilling here, just hope we cross paths someday. also i'm male lol so gg yknow

>> No.2133262

I hate this, I want to make a model myself because of self-esteem issues, micro-management issues, and DIY spirit, but I can't draw so I am never going to actually debut. Doesn't help that it'd have to be a babiniku, but I mostly got over my reluctance to do that.

>> No.2133331

i want to make language study streams since I'm into linguistics but i don't know how it'd be.

What do you think? Would I make it? As in. Get viewers and support. I'd have to do my reps to polish what I already know, but... I'm nervous.

>> No.2133338

Godspeed anon.

>> No.2133613

Language study content is fairly common for Vtubers and it's always stupid fun for the native speakers of the target language. As with everything else, gotta find a way to make it entertaining and not too repetitive, but language learning gives you a lot of content almost for free.

Hell, people watch Avocado do Duolingo reps every day.

>> No.2134060
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x4267, the-100-most-spoken-languages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you thought about what you could do besides just studying a language on stream and still be on topic?
Since you know about linguistics you should know one or two things about cultural history and word origins, so if you have you studied a piece of classic literature you could take it apart on stream and explain some intentions of the writer or something.
You could teach advanced English words, phrases and idioms.
Perhaps you could create a fictional language that you will want to speak often with your avatar and even be able to teach the viewers.
Or maybe even copy the premise of this channel and teach vocabulary of mostly obscure real languages https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpJtpB6phQSmGYqXwHMoW3g/videos

>> No.2135498


>> No.2136864
File: 206 KB, 1167x700, 1617043992452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please somebody please help me with my audio problems. Oh god please please please.
I dont know what the issue is. Hopefully somebody can tell me what settings I need to change or what I need to do differently because my mic is always sounding scratchy. Especially when I get loud. At this point I've tried everything.

>> No.2136876

i get more interaction than usual on my language streams and i've seen other vtubers go beyond "watch me do duolingo" and get viewers so i don't see why not

>> No.2137010

hey! that was my idea!!

let's be friends

>> No.2137136

Sounds okay to me are you sure you’re not imagining things?

>> No.2137265

That's somehow the best and worst thing you could have possibly said to me

>> No.2137320

If I set that audio output to the loudest volume I may here a static noise similar to a crumpling plastic wrap or a paper note several feet away, but I have a shitty headphone right now, you maybe hear it louder, but the compressed sound you will stream/upload will make it unnoticeable, I guess, also a lot viewers of your target group will have a slight hearing damage anyway unironically because of years listening to loud electronic music so they will have a hard time hearing something that insignificant from the raw audio

>> No.2137362

I hear very little wrong with this

>> No.2137372

I hear it most significantly from 1:10 onward if you want to jump to that point.

Maybe it is all in my head.

>> No.2138393

I don't know man, if you mean the small sounds I'm listening this could just be white noise being filtered, and I'm trying hard to point them out, it's very very very difficult to notice, especially if it is because of the filters. You voice + bgm/game sounds don't make that noticeble.
Just to ask, is it an USB mic?

>> No.2138440

I'm talking about how scratchy my voice sounds whenever I raise my voice. Almost like I'm talking through a filter or something. Like I said it's most noticable 1:10 onward

It's not USB, no

>> No.2138933

From what you're saying, it really seems something related to filters, try with lower compression and supression to see how it goes exactly.
As a second general question, the feeling you get is just when hearing it and not while talking, right?

>> No.2139198

3 weeks and no audition views. Am I gonna make it??

>> No.2139302

I'll mess with the filters a bit when I get home. All of them are based off of what was recommended in tutorials and shit

It's definitely a mic thing, not my voice

>> No.2139385

I was told that unarchived streams don't count as minutes watched on YT

is that only true in the context of working towards your 4k minutes to become monetized, or in general? I wasnt planning on archiving a lot of my streams but if they won't even work towards channel growth I might as well keep them all up

>> No.2139402

Oh man, I'm just about a week in of waiting, so if you haven't seen unique views on yours... maybe they've barely made a dent in the pile of auditions? I'm wondering if they're not going by oldest -> newest but randomly.

>> No.2139481

>All of them are based off of what was recommended in tutorials and shit
They you probably just need to see what sounds good for your voice and the place you're in.
>It's definitely a mic thing, not my voice
It's good to check, you mentioned you were trying to project your voice but depending on what you were doing that scratchiness could be related to more than one thing.

>> No.2139711
File: 635 KB, 1200x752, EmWBrDMWMAARKyP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us about your vtuber design, anon.
If you don't have one yet, what would you like?

>> No.2139774
File: 370 KB, 832x469, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm based off food because i couldn't think of an animal that wasn't already done. (pic rel, but it isn't me, i just saw it off reddit)

>> No.2140366
File: 285 KB, 1920x2825, a902b57634e1d763b205b45483792547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Wars-y space bounty hunter. Similar to pic related

>> No.2140479

I can only hope they’re doing it randomly. I’m half expecting I got ruled out for lack of experience at the form stage but it was always a long shot anyway. I just want to know for sure at this point so I can stop checking.

>> No.2140594

Middle aged dwarf at a pub having a few drinks. Haven't figured out the clothing yet, and also want soapstone for 'skin', but not sure how well that would work in an actual live2d design. Then I gotta do up my own shitty sketches for ideas. Finding an artist for this has been hard, though I have one in mind I'm waiting to see if a slot opens for. Not many experienced live2d artists seem to do actual masculine male designs, though the reason for that is the lack of market I suppose.

>> No.2140713 [SPOILER] 
File: 304 KB, 635x615, 1617384037737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to be a cute boy who plays video games and the design just sorta popped into my head one day, pic related

>> No.2140882
File: 1.21 MB, 2508x3541, Epns73QUYAA0p1Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pleb so just a generic blonde long-haired catgirl for generic vtuber content and a redhead digital ghost catgirl for very niche content that only I have a passion for (yeah, I want to have two at once on different channels, for reasons). Not sure what details to add yet, if I come up with something insane enough then I'll use it. Unfortunately I can't draw so those will never actually materialize. Picrelated is similar to the image I have for the latter one.

>> No.2141065
File: 79 KB, 324x600, Vs-riot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to come up with some references for clothing for a fantasy bunny guy. Originally I was going to do an 'Alice in Wonderland' theme, but with the games I want to play I think leaning into an adventurer/rogue character design could be nice, like a mix of FF7 and Vagrant Story character design. Not sure how to really make it 'work' yet but I'll come up with something I'm sure.

>> No.2141301

Originally I wanted to be a demon but the design didn't feel right to me, then I wanted to be a dog-girl but the design was really boring and basically white haired korone, then I wanted to make a star/galaxy themed loli but my loli voice is shit and I was only being a loli to see if I could get controversy popularity. I'm not showing any of these designs because my art looks like it was drawn by a 9 year old.

>> No.2141530

I think at this point we are better off ignoring the views and instead just checking email once a day. You will feel less insane

>> No.2141866
File: 3.54 MB, 3200x6800, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femboy immortal vampire

>> No.2142065


>> No.2142073


>> No.2142107

Effeminate boys are the best.

>> No.2142126

at this point i'm just hoping for gen 3. i'll apply really early next time i guess

>> No.2142322

Idk man, I applied within the first few days and no views for me either. I'll maybe try again next time but... yeah. Probably best to not keep checking

>> No.2142525

Sounds normal to me, I don't hear anything wrong.
Unless your problem is the quality itself, and that can only be fixed buying a new better mic (but again, I dont hear any issues to warrant that. if you are unsatisfied with your sound however, this is the only solution i can think of).

>> No.2142552

Even towards the end?

I guess I'm just overthinking shit. I appreciate everybody who responded

>> No.2142587

I think I can hear your "problem" and to "fix it" you need a new better mic,
Seems like your problem is how the mic is catching your lower notes (you have a deep voice), so you need a mic better suited for it.
You could try recording something and playing around with an EQ (Equalizer) to see if that helps but idk much about audio editing, so i dont know if you need to raise or lower the high frequencies or the low ones, just play around.
However, for streaming its alright.

>> No.2142636

You do see what I'm referring to though, right? The light static when I get a little loud.

>> No.2142645

you might have been accidentally overlooked

>> No.2142672

Unsure but just reupload your stream as a new video just to be safe.

>> No.2142768

feels good to suffer alongside you then, anon :')

>> No.2142799

Yes, I do (I have some experience with recording/editing vocals for music).
Its because of your voice. Have a girl record something with your mic and there probably wont be any issues.
Its the way the mic is "catching" the low frequencies in your manly voice. Again, you could try playing around with an EQ and see if that works.

>> No.2142842

I'll definitely fuck with that then. I really appreciate the help.

Even if it's just a shit mic for my voice, it's nice to have an answer

>> No.2142903

But again, its not a big issue. It took me several tries and you pointing out the exact time to even realize what you were talking about.
You are just starting so don't even worry about having studio quality sound, or buying a new mic for something you dont know if its gonna be profitable. Just start out and if you make it, then you can start investing in better equipment for your streams.
But what you have right now is fine, I mean it. Dont obsess over it. Literally no one is gonna be able to tell.

One last thing is maybe you could try moving a bit more farther from the mic, but you would then need to talk a bit louder to compensate.

>> No.2142944

Alright man, I appreciate it.
Definitely not gonna buy a new mic until I get my money's worth out of this one, but when I do I'll know what to look for

>> No.2142968

Overtly racist caricature of a negro

>> No.2143143

Anybody know why my stream alerts won't make noise?

>> No.2143145

good luck

>> No.2143425

Thank you guys, im akashi the immortal

>> No.2143708

Any ideas for gaming the Youtube algorithm and increasing presence/clicks?

>> No.2143866

Tanuki casino dealer. I wanted a design that could incorporate the card suits since I want to make card game content, but without going for the obvious Alice in Wonderland inspiration. The goal is for the final design to be somewhat androgynous, but I've considered leaning more into a shota like design since I've been told that my voice sounds like a 13 year old boy

>> No.2144229

Do what Dream did

>> No.2144265


>> No.2144354

Is there any demand for male vtubers? Do you think a guy has a chance in an audition?

>> No.2144387

>demand for male vtubers?
no. there's no demand for "just a vtuber who is male"
but there is demand for "fun and entertaining vtuber" it's the reason why streaming on twitch and youtube is primarily dominated by entertaining people.

zero. companies don't give a fuck about male vtubers, they're in it for the money and the only population that simps this hard are thirsty men who pay akasupas to cute girls doing cute things. thirsty men don't simp for other men.

>> No.2144408

Man we really are at the point where the same 1 question is asked 3 times a thread.

>> No.2144415

it's a new IP, so i'm guessing it's some hopeful who just found the thread for the first time.

>> No.2144441

That hopeful can still lurk before asking stupid questions.

>> No.2144448

if someone is asking a dumb question that can be easily looked up, they're more than likely just looking for human interaction about it.

>> No.2144491

Yeah, I saw the banner for /vt/ and decided to take a look. Surprised there was auditions, thought it was a nepotism/connections thing to become a corporate vtuber.
Well, yeah that much is obvious. I like watching the Holostars and they're pretty entertaining and sometimes better at vidya than the hololives imo but they have such comparatively small channels, I can't help but imagine that they were an experiment and they're just riding out their contracts.

>> No.2144533

I mean the 7th most superchatted person on youtube is a male niji it's just hololive who doesn't care about guys.

>> No.2144537

Are shorts still busted? I assumed as soon as everyone found out they'd stop being broken.

>> No.2144567

there's a lot of factors going on with the holostars. being corporate (but also corporate not caring about them, or advertising), to the primarily jp-based audience (aside from the handful of EOPs that give them a visit). it's kinda difficult to draw conclusions from the HoloStars and try to apply them to EN male vtubers. but if tradational face-cam streaming has anything to say, it's just about being entertaining. (vtubing or otherwise)

>> No.2144601

It depends. I think there is a demand for femboys and shota, but adult male presenting males? Not really.
They usually need really strong keyfabe or unique gimmicks to do well.

>> No.2144609

>Surprised there was auditions, thought it was a nepotism/connections thing to become a corporate vtuber.
For any company that wants to be successful that'd be a terrible idea. They need talent unless they're just starting.

And as for male vtubers, the problem is that a lot of people just kinda... expect a vtuber to be a 'cute anime girl' in some way shape or form. Not being waifu-able kinda works against you but in the end that only matters for first impressions. Past that point you gotta be entertaining, just like female vtubers.

>> No.2144629

eh, you know what he means. Its no lie the vtuber market is dominated by females and incels with money are what pay their bills at first and help them start out.
but to answer >>2144354 yes, and since its still small in that are you do have a bigger chance at making it if you stand out.
Like there's so many pros and cons between being a male and female in here, but the biggest pro right now is that there isn't much going on. You just need one good idea to blow up.
Look at Corpse Husband, he is thriving thru the female and gay incels.

>> No.2144659

also keep in mind that vtuber =/= anime. you can probably appeal more to the broader western audience if you have something that's more mainstream than just anime (even if anime is growing more mainstream with the zoomer generations). it's a virtual avatar. hell, the furries even have their own vtubers.

>> No.2145105

I still get my recommendations flooded with sub-1min clips at least.

>> No.2145227
File: 356 KB, 1080x1920, jonathan-giacalone-close-3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Like I said earlier in going for a space adventurer look with a star wars vibe. I think most male envtubers would also benefit from going with a design that's not strictly anime

>> No.2145772

>femboys and shota
Holostars kinda tried that but it didn't work out.
The biggest male Vtuber isn't either one of those types.

>> No.2145850

I mean, the two main femboys from HoloStars had various issues. Kira had huge health issues that lead to him graduating (and was why he rarely streamed), and... something happened with Karou to cause him to suddenly graduate. Honestly Karou's debut and early content was a good burst of attention for HoloStars.

>> No.2146081

In any case, going for that route isn't going to get one to, at the very least, Aruran-esque numbers. The person will need to be entertaining. Pandering to low quality viewers only works against the VTuber in the end.
Kuzuha isn't either type and he's doing better than many holos by doing mostly APEX. Then again, he's a bit of an enigma, especially for those who like the Holostars.

>> No.2146166

Kuzuha doesn't even know how he got so popular, but speculates that he just happened to be lucky enough to be a funny vtuber to watch who was consistently playing Apex (at a pretty good skill level) when the Covid pandemic hit along with the vtuber craze. and as someone who was regularly streaming, just happened to be in the right place and right time at the moment. if he was streaming even half as much, he may not have lucked out and we'd be looking at someone else.

>> No.2146297
File: 12 KB, 552x447, FB_IMG_1616792930593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, in fact! I'm into breaking the morphology of a language but I'd have to do my reps in Spanish and Japanese. I'm ESL, English for me is easier and I'd even say my strongest language since I consume media in it the most. I also love to teach so the premise of teaching advanced vocabulary allures me too.

Creating a fictional language scares the hell oit of me but I'd be interested in trying it out. Should be fun!

>> No.2146298

>Pandering to low quality viewers only works against the VTuber in the end.
Doesn't matter either way. Vtuber design is merely a method to catch attention. No matter what it comes down to content & personality. However, having a more eye-catching design will get more people to look at you in the first place. Auran took some time to get to his 90k-ish subscribers, whereas Kira has 50k+ and he's fucking retired (and barely streamed before retirement).

There's no real "low quality viewers" unless you are trying to attract the attention of people who would have no real ongoing interest in your channel (say by having a design/theme that doesn't match your content at all).

>> No.2146465
File: 67 KB, 746x474, capn-crunch-pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we settled on changing to /asp/ - Aspiring Vtubers next thread?

I think it would make the general a little more accessable without the implication that we are all auditioning for an agency

>> No.2146523

Makes sense to me, honestly. Even for auditions, you are /asp/iring to work at whatever you are auditioning for.

>> No.2146670

It's a combination of design, content and pure luck.
By "low quality viewers" I mean mainly coomers and those who let their emotions get the better of them; mentally unstable people.

>> No.2146731

>/asp/ - Aspiring Vtubers
I like the name and prefer it but I think Im outnumbered

>> No.2146780

Yeah change it.

>> No.2147060

is there a way to game twitch for more exposure? i retain a lot of my lurkers, i just feel like i'm not making a lot of browse page time

>> No.2147062

Will the renaming the general to /asp/ implicate also more openness for self-shilling what they currently do in /wvt/ and a bit more focused in things such as design help, self-improvement in necessary skills and general critics? I mean besides the pastebin copypasta for sources no one really ever tried here to do something creative, it's mostly just everyone posting that they wait for their skeb or whatever commission to be finished and the other half complains of having a bad voice besides being fine.

>> No.2147067

Someone is bound to turn this into asperger vtubers or something, but in general this is a good idea and I've always been surprised that the thread theme is auditions and not about becoming vtubers in general.

Incidentally, it's nearly two years since I started a twitter account and I still haven't even posted a character design beyond a simple twitter avatar. Life is absolutely terrible.

>> No.2147107

there really isn't. and twitch actively works against you on that. their entire model is ad views, which means constantly keeping the big names up, front and center. this is why twitch has almost always been criticized for the near zero discoverability it offers starting streamers. the only bonus you get is ~maybe~ getting raided by someone bigger than you, but even that's not reliable for growth.

>> No.2147370

>Finally found an artist who's style I liked after months of searching
>Put in a request at the start of last month
>After a tweet thanking folks for accepting commissions, all social media activity stops
>Their commission card says that they may take 4-6 weeks to complete
>Fine by me, but the fact that all social media posts had stopped made me worried
>It's been a month, so I sent a DM on Twitter yesterday
>Still no response

I'm worried. They're a verified artist in the Live2D Discord, and they've done work for others in the past, but the fact that they've seemingly fallen off the face of the internet's got me concerned. They're still in the Live2D Discord, I might try to DM them there. Really hope that I didn't get scammed.

>> No.2147496

I'd assume they're just busy. What even would there be to post on their twitter if they have no new art finished nor have commissions open?

>> No.2147712

Y'know, you make a great point. I'm probably just paranoid considering how much money I paid to have this done.

>> No.2148199

As my sub count rises and my regular concurrent viewers rise ( at about 100 now)

I wonder why my anxiety and apprehension to stream is also rising. It almost feels like my viewer base made a mistake and every move I make can cost me everything I spent the past year building.

>> No.2149110

How much do you make with that number?

>> No.2149237

yeah i think you hit the nail on the head there; the more people you have watching you, the more you have to lose
i think that if you're able to bring those kind of people in regularly that you're probably doing something right and that unless you do something collossaly stupid (and honestly even if you do do that), they'll stick with you

>> No.2152535

You just gotta realize its nerves, I can't imagine shit is that much on edge in terms of your viewership unless you are doing risky stuff.

>> No.2153849

How advanced can I get with OBS and Streamlabs?

I want to make it that when I get a superchat my entire onscreen chat box disappears and you is replaced with the superchat. Is that possible?

>> No.2154006

i don't know of a plugin that would do something like that

>> No.2154126

All you would need is a plugin that will turn off a source if you get an alert. Does such a thing exist?

>> No.2154358

That sounds like an absolutely horrible idea, ngl
Someone could spam something horrible in your superchat and right away you would be cancelled

>> No.2154898

How long have you been streaming for? Those numbers are pretty impressive as they are better than some of the Tsunderia and Prism Project girls.

>> No.2156060

L2D artist here, you have every right to be paranoid. Why haven't they communicated with you for a whole month? That sounds EXTREMELY odd.

Now the L2D official discord verifies riggers, are artists really being verified? I would DM them on Discord and ask for some progress or something. Did you make sure that those people they've done work for have the person you commissioned listed on their profile?

Just seems incredibly odd, I talk to the people who commission me at least twice a week bare minimum to send them progress shots.

>> No.2156184


>> No.2156216

hi, female here. i'd watch more pizzapapa silver fox types. just give me a nice voice and a chill personality that teaches me to play hard games

shota is nasty

>> No.2156331


>> No.2156777

Oh hey hello ms. representative of 0.5% of viewers, can we not pretend you won't donate at most 5 bucks once then forget about him forever?

>> No.2156901

shien retweeted my fanart so no i love my holostars very much ok

>> No.2157166

i play games with hard challenges but i only do the silver fox voice as a joke and never do it full time...

>> No.2157553

what's a 'silver fox' voice

>> No.2157993

obvious audible confidence

>> No.2158586

Not as much as you'd think I do. I don't shill my donation methods, and I'm never getting youtube membership. I'm not fussed about money. I don't do GFE ( am girl though )

Yeah, pretty much. I'm afraid of being stuck in the status quo, but also afraid to try new things incase I alienate people. It's a stalemate situation, since I'm more of an allround entertainer than a "gamer"

Nah, no risky stuff at all, but it's definitely scarier to watch your numbers plummet as you realise your viewers are simply just getting bored of you. There's a sea of other girls far more talented, way funnier, and far cuter, and the only thing I have going for me is the stupid amount of hours I put into prep and theatrics.

a couple of months

>> No.2158654

honestly? you're probably way ahead of where most of this thread would ever expect to be so whatever it is that you've been doing must be working
i don't ever expect us to cross paths outside of here but i wish you luck and hope you can calm your nerves for yourself and for your viewers!

>> No.2158913

>audible confidence
what does that sound like? do you have an example?

>> No.2159440


>> No.2160636

Thanks anon! Maybe we'll come across eachother one day and we wouldn't even know it haha

I'm an eternally tortured artist, so I don't think I'll ever be satisfied or not-scared.

>> No.2160958

How do you start out WITHOUT spending money?

Like im way at the start in the "i feel like doing this" stage with zero planning or effort put in yet but want to know if i can just say fuck it and go but noticed you have to pay a pretty penny to get a good commission for art and even more money to get commercialized worthy rigging.
Do you just become a regular Youtube Talking person until you get used to it and then spend the cash or what?

>> No.2161022

Maybe I misunderstood the meaning of the role in the Discord, but I believe they are.

I'll DM them on Discord when I wake up tomorrow, really hope they respond.

>> No.2161101

You can't
If you care about OPSEC and just want to fuck around and disappear from the internet forever if it doesn't work out you'll need everything from a new steam account to new profiles on games. Meaning lost progress and doing tutorial shit again that will piss you off as well as re-buying old games.

Costs money to make money and you won't even make money doing this shit unless you're lucky. I just browse these threads to see if an anon does make it

>> No.2161125

You only really need a webcam or a mic to start without money. Using Vroid Studio, if you follow some good tutorials, you can make a real damn good 3D model, which can then be tracked either through webcam or through an iPhone with face tracking in either VSeeFace or Luppet (Luppet if you have a webcam is better but more expensive at 50 or so dollars, while VSeeFace is free but less expressive overall unless you have an iPhone). You can easily then just use OBS, lab up some of your own overlay designs in GIMP (which is surprisingly feature-rich; you can do a lot of stuff in this), and set up things with streamlabs, as well as get some royalty-free background music (Dova Project and Harris Heller's StreamBeats are good for this, and Harris Heller is a good watch all around for streaming advice; he's a lot less focused on Twitch than Devin Nash and goes into the nitty gritty about how to make bad equipment or mics far better, and even has a couple of good videos on OBS and how to work with it and set it up; his channel name is Alpha Gaming). Look for some royalty-free stuff for backgrounds or just even make your own, and there you go - no money needed.

Of course, this is assuming you already own a mic and a webcam, which if you're wanting to become a VTuber you probably do.

>> No.2161137

New Steam Accounts are generally easy; you can use Family Sharing on them, and most Vtubers are savvy enough to keep their steam pages from showing up and showing their other accounts.

>> No.2161818

So, where can I apply at Nijisanji EN?

>> No.2162889

Just put your audition tape on a pen drive and mail it to them

>> No.2164535

PNGtube with your phone as a mic

>> No.2164742

>open mspaint
>draw your oc
>download obs (for free)
>create a twitch account with your name
>stream (more steps involved)
>download vroid
>create basic character with some tutorials so it doesn't look like generic garbage
and then follow the other one from >save
