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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 63 KB, 598x407, GoGoNippon Apology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20697134 No.20697134 [Reply] [Original]

>vtubers play their first ever FPS live
>never played any other FPS before
>clearly doing badly and also using a controller to play
>bravely keep a positive attitude and endure toxic passive-aggressive and snarky abuse from their chat the whole stream
>finish stream without ending it prematurely
>a few hours later, they felt the reception was so bad they had to tweet an apology saying they know they sucked but they will train and do better next time
You fucking chuds did this. You and your fucking toxic masculinity and misogynistic expectations on women.
No one should ever have to apologize for sucking at a game genre they've never played before.
Imagine if you took a graduate level test for chemistry and you got a big fat F and you were forced to apologize to everyone via international news.

>> No.20697193

Anyone who plays FPS with a controller deserves it.

>> No.20697229

what's a chud

>> No.20697236

Go back to twitter you hysteric.

>> No.20697284

I only respect women (male)

>> No.20697309

I mean, true. But why are you complaining /here/ out of all places?

>> No.20697337

Whip out your dick faggot

>> No.20697436

Why are you blaming /vt/, you are the only one posting about these shilltubers.

>> No.20697459

why not? this is the vtuber board

>> No.20697588

to pretend you guys are innocent

>> No.20698000

Yeah every time someone says something like "Omg how do you fuck up being a vtuber, why do they say tummy hort, they're making tons of money to play video games" etc etc... It's work because of the audience. They're doing one of the hardest jobs in the world: Senior Hiki Appeaser, in the Department of Mass Shooting Prevention. The audience is made of the most unpleasant, undesirable men in the world. Never forget that.

>> No.20698038

I've seen the GGN vtubers play an fps before though.

>> No.20698175

You're much better at APEX if you play with a controller, especially close up.

>> No.20698186

based on the tweet, whatever game that was, they don't consider it an FPS
Completely agree
the more vtubers there are, the better the chance of pacifying and preventing future mass shooter chuds and incels

>> No.20698318

NO one on Vt outside of the VSPO thread even watches Apex, much less Go Go Nippon.
Go complain on the Vtubers subreddit, that's where they get most of their interraction from anyway.

>> No.20698475

Even if what you say is true, I just fucking know you guys would say the same mean things if you were in their chat.
You're still guilty for spreading this kind of attitude and making people think abusing vtubers like this is acceptable behavior

>> No.20698672

Genuinely, seek mental help.

>> No.20698896

Ok, so you're just a troll that came here to vent because Twitter ignored you.
Got it. Par for the course.

Otherwise you'd know that 'containment center' isn't just a random sentence. People here aren't twitter users that just spread hate and stupidity in chats.
They come Here to post their dumb shit instead.

>> No.20699095

sea and LatAm are pretty bad at keeping shit contained though a d love to start dramashit on YouTube/Facebook/twitter with containment breaking shit all the fucking time though.

>> No.20699146

But the stream was so fun, did people hate them for it?

>> No.20699329

if not hate, the reception was bad enough that they felt they need to tweet an apology for their performance

>> No.20699531

Damn, I feel really bad for them, especially Akira whom I will marry once i move to japan in 2042. twitter torusits like you really should kill themselves tho

>> No.20699619


>> No.20699691

Controller players deserve to be bullied, no exceptions. If my oshi did it I would personally call her a shitter.

>> No.20699720

How in the holy fuck would anyone here be guilty when they can't even raid a Holo, Niji, indie, or 2view chat? But suddenly these whos are the biggest target?

>> No.20699851

they stream in English and their chat is English
so it's clearly prone to getting abused by EOPs not being able to vent in JP chats

>> No.20699981

>using a controller to play
What's wrong with that?

>> No.20700114

Poe's Law

>> No.20700144

look at the replies in this thread
fucking "pro gamers" here think you gotta know you have to use a keyboard before ever playing an FPS

>> No.20700214
File: 41 KB, 460x587, 1238766784567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is the type aspergers driven rage seizures autism i can expect from you OP. I would kindly ask you and GGN fans to stay away from cloudtomos and nene we like to joke and have fun on this cloud.

>> No.20700221

Yeah there's so many people here that watch indie Japanese vtubers and talk in their chat.

>> No.20700263

You're actually making a big deal out of nothing and it was just a general apology. They don't actually feel bad and they didn't take chat seriously at all.

If you want an actual negative reaction they've had on stream watch when they fail their Getting Over It Endurance Stream and that was only because of their own skill at the game and not chat.

Don't ruin the reputation of this 2view with your rrats

>> No.20700327

Why does OP sound like a retard?

>> No.20700328

How can it be anyone /here/ if no one watches streams. Every streamer gets shit on for being shit at a game, even when it's veiled with niceties

>> No.20700368

Controllers are too imprecise to aim with in FPS games. Someone of a much lower skill level will stomp a controller user in a head to head matchup.

>> No.20700386

this has nothing to do with reputation
I just want you toxic fucks to not be abusive to female newbies

>> No.20700502

>Every streamer gets shit on for being shit at a game, even when it's veiled with niceties
that's fine if the streamer was talking up a big game and being all smug before playing a game

>> No.20700516

Ameridumbs and SEAtards cannot watch someone else have fun if they're not playing the way the ameridumb or seatard thinks they should play. It's a classic sign of high estrogen and ADHD.

>> No.20700629 [DELETED] 

>>20697236 >>20697284 >>20697309 >>20697337 >>20697436 >>20699146 >>20699531 >>20699981 >>20700214 >>20700221 >>20700327 >>20700328
Faggot biting my bait.

>> No.20700630

I'm telling you that they know it isn't a big deal and don't take chat too seriously.
The reaction you're giving is putting people off of watching them in the first place and inviting people to actually be toxic in chat

>> No.20700725

Blame Vbuta japs not us lol

>> No.20700780

honestly, the people here that shit on vtubers over every little thing are people that I don't want to see watching them at all

>> No.20700866

Turbo sperg your the faggot not any of us

>> No.20700865

their audience are english-speakers

>> No.20700941

Then why all the seethe?

>> No.20701042

not him, but controller-users will still sometimes kill KB+M users and they can't accept that

>> No.20701082

Controllers have aim assist.

>> No.20701219

obvious bait OP but I still want to flame 2views

>> No.20701392

>I will marry once i move to japan in 2042
I guess her roommate won't be underage anymore by that time

>> No.20701428

I only watch my oshi and she's neither of these clowns.

>> No.20701451

I get this is bait but I really don't get it. Who is actually watching vtubers to see them be good at video games? Just watch a pro at that point. There's a ton of them for any game you could want.

>> No.20701454

Yes, because losers should not be told they are losers and that they suck. Instead they should get a participation trophy and be told how good they are so they continue making the same mistakes just because of some feefee's. Zoomers these days.

>> No.20701687

>person tries something for the first time
>understandably does bad or loses

>> No.20701749

I think you people overcomplicate this watching cartoon girls play games thing...

>> No.20701793 [DELETED] 

it's apparent that some people here except you to be world champion at whatever you're streaming

>> No.20701889

The worst thing I saw in their chat during their stream was people saying F when they died which is already an established running joke since their first game stream.

>> No.20701924

>>people here
>No one even talks about these two very much
Anonchama, perhaps you're projecting and feeling bad about your past actions?

>> No.20701928

it's apparent that some people here expect you to be world champion at whatever you're streaming

>> No.20702047

nah I saw some guy say something pretty mean in a backhanded manner and Makoto was able to reply to it in a nice way

>> No.20702161

No no no Anon you don't understand. Women can't take care of themselves. We have to protect them from mean internet comments!

>> No.20702195

talk about guilt lmao

why did you post the same shit again? maybe is true what >>20701924 says?

>> No.20702408

take your meds
I just corrected a typo
a less socially-capable girl would not have been able to reply to it the way Makoto did

>> No.20702484

a very sus way of doing it but ok, i will take your word for granted.

>> No.20702489

>a less socially-capable girl
You sound like you're mad your grooming tactics didn't work on her.

>> No.20702603

>toxic masculinity
Simply use these words and acquire (You)s.

>> No.20702623

I don't get this grooming shit at all
There's no fucking way you're gonna end up with a vtuber even if she's a 2view plus you're going in completely blind and could end up with an ogre with a sweet voice

>> No.20703089

I'm assuming Apex is the game in question here. But I don't get why you'd choose Apex as your first fps experience.
Why not start off with something simple like a single player fps??

>> No.20703210

>yadda yadda misogynistic toxic masculinity

go back to twitter where you belong faggot

>> No.20703237

It was a collab and they've talked about wanting to try it before. Probably also has to do with some of the staff trying it out

>> No.20703389

most likely saw other vtubers playing it and thought it looked fun

>> No.20703615

I watched this stream and the chat was completely tame and chill like usual. In fact the chat is still publicly available, so why don't you go to an example post actual evidence of this toxic behavior for all to see.

>> No.20703738

APEX is the onnly FPS on PC that I can think of where a controller is preferred over a mouse because the aim bot in it is so strong

>> No.20703816

>tame and chill like usual
>felt compelled to post an apology tweet
uh-huh, sure bruh

>> No.20703908

creative way to shill your oshi OP, I approve (still not watching them)

>> No.20704011

fpbp and I don't even play FPS

>> No.20704049

You have the power to post evidence. You're not doing so. I wonder why?

>> No.20704216

>them posting an apology tweet not enough evidence
>wants me to go through 3 hours worth of chat messages to satisfy his autism

>> No.20704221

it sucks but you don't have to resort to using random catchphrases in an effort to speak like a human being. I don't even understand why you thought it was a good idea to post something this fucking bad.

you can just say that backseating is fucking stupid and actively makes everything worse. have some goddamn empathy.

>> No.20704277

>on YouTube/Facebook/twitter
uhhh go complain there, then?

>> No.20704306

backseating would have been actually somewhat helpful
these guys were just shitting on and making fun of them

>> No.20704340

They apologize every time they feel like they did bad despite their being no negativity and everyone being fine with their play

>> No.20704385

It's not as magical as you think towards Gold onwards.
CQ gunfights become less common and most people will gun you down with a carbine or wingman, where aim assist can't help

>> No.20704514
File: 302 KB, 410x410, 1646235563253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuubas REALLY need to stop doing this shit.

Imagine being a member, cheering on the girls in chat, dropping SCs, retweeting the stream link before it starts, sticking around from start to finish, the works.

And you're completely ignored. What gets attention, what gets an open letter on Twitter, is a couple mean comments by greynames who likely won't even watch another stream again.

Shit like this is off-putting as hell. Like, it's not like chuubas should be sucking their fans dicks 24/7, but at the very least don't give attention to people who openly don't give a shit about you when you've got hundreds of actual supporters.

>> No.20704587

Or maybe they felt bad entirely on their own without a person or persons being the reason they felt the need to tweet.

There was hardly even any backseating, if any. Far, far less than the average Apex stream. OP is lying. In fact this entire thread is clearly bait. The fact that so many anons are taking some claims by this schizo at face value shows the absolute state of /vt/.

>> No.20704969

that's actually a real problem
it doesn't matter if 99% of your chat is saying you're doing good
it's that one random unironic negashitter with a comment like "Haha, now try that again without dying this time." that sets a chuuba off and in some cases, makes them go on hiatus.

>> No.20705054

I've always felt this. I consider the responding to a negative chat comment as a shout out. So the 99% chat gets ignored saying positive things and the one or few knuckleheads get a 5-10 minute standing ovation as the streamer "epic dunks"on them like a kindergarten teacher telling them they're doing a bad. Anyone else wanting to get that much attention would had to have donated a string of akusupas and they get it for free. Then troll possibly even gets their moment immortalized in a viral clip.

>> No.20705161

sometimes that guy can set off a wave of negativity among some of the previously positive chatters and can turn them into shittalkers

>> No.20705248

I agree 100%, but ultimately people aren't unfeeling robots that can act purely on logic and naturally pay more attention to negative comments than positive ones. It's easier said than done, especially if you're not used to vtubing yet.

>> No.20705382

It's just human nature to focus on the negative and try to appease everyone. Same with 1 negative comment having a bigger impact than 100 positive comments.

These 2 have a good head on their shoulders though and OP is just a sperg

>> No.20705409

>you fucking chuds
EOP board, Japanese tweet

>> No.20705469

well it only makes sense because if everything's positive, then all you need to do is continue what you're doing
if there's something negative, the first thing you think is what's wrong? and then you try to find out if anything is wrong or what is wrong, and that automatically take more work and effort

>> No.20705547

/vt/ respects women as long as they're not mean bitches like Mori, it's the most feminist board on 4chan and I'm proud of the community here.

>> No.20705568

... automatically takes* more...

>> No.20705587

I hate elitist faggots like you. I don't give a fuck about being good, I'd rather use my thumbs than wsad shit. Faggots go on about bullshit like Doom eternal is impossible with a controller when one of the best players is an autist with a controller. You niggers are on par with the faggots that loose their minds because someone puts sauce on their steak or puts pineapple on pizza, like nigga you ain't eating it, why do you give a fuck? The only FPS I'll use mouse and Keyboard for is the original dood sex, because I need to be able to type shit.

>> No.20705706


>> No.20705728

90% of their audience is EOP.

>> No.20705776

I've play FPS on PC with kb+m and FPS on PS3 with controller, specifically BFBC2, and in all my time playing it, not once did ever think to myself, man I wish I was playing with a keyboard.
Both control methods are perfectly fine and fun to play with.

>> No.20705850

Only thing I'm getting from your samefag post is that you are too shit to play fps without aimbots

>> No.20705964

>if two people agree with each other they are actually samefags!!!

>> No.20706078

Considering 98% of their streams are exclusively in English and the VN they're from is about learning Japanese culture, it would be stranger for there to be more Japanese fans than otherwise.

>> No.20706147

Not very based. I guess I'll unsubscribe to them.

>> No.20706150

I wasn't there for too long, but I had fun watching the stream. It was so hilarious watching them scream at the top of their lungs, spraying rounds aimlessly. Jesus, it's so refreshing seeing chuubas just play a game and be so clueless like that. I hope they don't take it too hard.

>> No.20706252

>It was so hilarious watching them scream at the top of their lungs
if you liked that, you'll want to watch their horror streams. Sometimes it feels like they're pulling from experience.

>> No.20706652


>> No.20706925

They seem nice, I'll throw in a subscription and drop in a few times.

>> No.20706978


>> No.20707036

no fuck you faggot go back.

>> No.20707078

just so you know, they have a premium sub thing where you can have a 1on1 voice call with one of them once a month

>> No.20707197

This, because OP either didn't see anything and this is just Japanese being apologetic by nature or OP doesn't actually read Japanese.

>> No.20707337

are these streamers japanese but stream in english?

>> No.20707461

you hear it sometimes when they don't know how to say something in English, and exclaim something in Japanese instead.

>> No.20707565

I'm watching them play Yakuza right now. They're really cute.

>> No.20707744

one of the good things about them is that it's like you're always watching a collab because you get 2 vtubers for the price of one

>> No.20710264

Im getting low-key lesbian incest vibes from these two

>> No.20710741

why can't you just make a regular thread for the thing you wanna discuss instead of masking it under 9 layers of shitty, unfunny irony? you're the literal cancer that killed 4chan.

>> No.20711084

>Make normal thread with well thought-out text discussing a topic
>0 replies or deleted by jannies
>Make half-assed low effort thread with stupid meme text that resembles something a drugged-up hobo would say
>100+ replies or maxed out thread
Can you really blame him?

>> No.20714131

Back to the kitchen with you.

>> No.20716568

That's not true, I watch Apex and I don't go to the vspo threads.

>> No.20716851

It's actually kind of fun. Some classes in these FPS games actually play better on controller.

>> No.20717017

>Hundreds of japs being idiots in chat
>Blames it on non jap /vt/ anons
Retard. We barely have enough people who could write basic nip

>> No.20720281

i love theses vtubers and ive never even played their game. watch them be cute here


idc whatever is happening with thrread originally, this is now a ggn thread

>> No.20720527

The most "leave this place and go back to twitter" thread I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.20720669

wat? that tweet doesn't sound like an apology tweet
you're one lying ass OP

>> No.20720841

Is that....japanese?
don't care, move along

>> No.20721016

They really are the cutest

>> No.20721395

>The most "leave this place and go back to twitter" thread
>The most
>on this board
come the fuck on dude
we both know that's not true
Dunno about OP's chat but when I see mixed chats for other vtubers, all I ever see nips do is spam that kusa grass thing. It's the westerners or english-speakers that type something mean

>> No.20721565

This thread is full of such simple bait... What was the purpose in creating it?

>> No.20721666

1. fuck women
2. anyone who plays an FPS with a controller deserves the bullying
3. BUT granted she's new and never played it before she gets a pass
4. fuck women
5. women are shit

>> No.20721800

>they're both filthy cheaters

>> No.20722193

lmao i didn't know mangagamer had a hand in the vtuber game and the dev is using this to hype up a vn sequel, i gotta respect the hustle and sub

>> No.20722442

Why do they bully innocent girls, if its mori or vshojo then fuck them.

>> No.20722525

Why are you so angry when i rightfully crictized people for being retarded and shit at games?

>> No.20722930

Seem like nice girls. They deserve better than to be attached to some shitty VN that nobody cares about.

>> No.20724578

screencap or you didn't see shit

>> No.20724645

that's what they get when touching apex. That shit is mentally draining, even bigger better streamer get stressed because of it

>> No.20724653
File: 35 KB, 699x361, 1647502349479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20724684

I hope these two never collab with horrible people vtubers
a lot of people surprisingly have played that VN

>> No.20724742

Please commit suicide.

>> No.20724957

at one point, one of them makes the observation that it's a weird game; you gather stuff for ten minutes and then you run into enemies and die in less than 30 seconds

>> No.20724989

Dont use them to bait, faggot. They don't deserve this.

>> No.20727504

>Apologize for playing a game
That's not chat's fault. That's Japan's fault for having such passive and frail women.
I can't fucking stand JP VTubers, all of their personalities seem too "pure" and fake.

>> No.20728397

I've seen someone play well on a controller, I was mind blown

>> No.20728474

What was their first FPS? Apex?

>> No.20728531

nice bait thread you got there, troon
here is my (you)

>> No.20729765

Don't really agree with OP's choice of words, but they don't deserve to feel like they have to apologize and to make an apology tweet for being new to and, understandably, bad at a game
yea, it was Apex

>> No.20729827
File: 406 KB, 802x600, 1632272769804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, it's almost like this entire thread is a barely-hidden shillthread designed by a manager falseflagging as an asshole to make us more sympathetic to their literally-who streamers.

>> No.20729903

Well that's fuckin stupid. At least try Titanfall 2 SP it's basically the same but you don't have to wait for a good part.

>> No.20730062


>> No.20730114
File: 134 KB, 243x266, 1646789567982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's sad despite the fact your post is bait since that shit's in japanese. I suspect the reason they got shit on is because they're apparently reiwa kids and young enough they're more likely to apologize than be angry they're getting unjustly shat on by their middle aged otakuneet audience.

>> No.20730510

>MangaGamer vtubers


>> No.20731609

>die in less than 30 seconds
That bad huh.

>> No.20733544

sure, those were all me

>> No.20733710

Shouldnt have touch apex. Apexfags are the most toxic schizos out there, even more than seaniggers is this board

>> No.20733734

I don't think these two would even know that Apex is a spin-off game

>> No.20733795

Tourist nigger fuck off already this shit happened to Matsuri when she did commentary

>> No.20733828

I don't know what the strategy for Apex team games are, but I noticed that most of the time, they were all kind of far from each other, that they wouldn't be able to back up someone else from their team if that person was being shot at

>> No.20733862

Take it up with the toxic community Respawn is responsible for.

>> No.20733897

Apex is a joke in the fps genre

>> No.20733935



>> No.20733991

Well they're characters from an Overdrive VN, but apparently Mangagamer seems to be the one funding their activities as vtubers

>> No.20734031
File: 65 KB, 625x800, Kt-fs00nN0CGnJb3GG0yStxazd1jqQ32U1vKz2xhAfI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>151 replies and 5 images omitted
You guys are not even trying.

>> No.20734088

bro, Makoto is clearly damaged goods and has had (or might still be having) a traumatic experience with a man/men, that she's reverted to doting heavily on her younger sister
you can't fix her

>> No.20735389 [SPOILER] 
File: 513 KB, 1920x1080, FCLNcy8XoAUNJxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Anon she's mine already.

>> No.20736563

I'd be very very very surprised if these two were fake
they sometimes have tickle fights while playing a game

>> No.20736615

Do these girls ever acknowledge what happened in their visual novel?
Because I remember romancing Makoto over and over again but if this Makoto is a completely different person that’s gonna be awkward

>> No.20736617

Japanese plays ape sex things go wrong many such cases!

>> No.20736687

Tell them to stop playing Apex

>> No.20736722

I'm not really sure
I think it's more like they treat the game as being based on them, but I'm just guessing
If you really want to know, you can check their streams where they actually play the VN

>> No.20736747

>It's another Twitter tranny thread
Neck yourself

>> No.20736759

they've only streamed it one time

>> No.20737467

The game is canon in their “lore” but no established ending is. The person you play as in the game is someone completely different that they call the “First Traveler” since they call their fans Travelers.

From what they’ve said about the First Traveler is that he stopped communicating with them after he went home and works in an IT department somewhere.

If that doesn’t satisfy you though just watch their own playthrough of their game and tell yourself that’s canon

>> No.20737721

>he stopped communicating with them after he went home
wow rude

>> No.20740813

pretty gross to have a girl's toes touching one's hand

>> No.20743190

I remember watching red gura go through this during an apex endurance challenge.

Granted, she is smaller than blue gura, and she known to rage, but this was making even chat concerned because the rage was pure hatred for backseaters

I'm glad they aren't playing fps ever again for their sanity

>> No.20743345

i dont give a shit about newbeis and your roasties but agree shooter players are brainlesss dumbfucks. they have third world subhuman mentality as ruskies and br monkeys love fps and chimp out everywhere

>> No.20743363

>I need crutches to play
I bet you also use Rampage like the fag you are.

>> No.20743729

>apex endurance challenge.
man, that must have been really horrible

>> No.20743819

what do you think is their best both are really cute

>> No.20743888

>>20697236 >>20697284 >>20697309 >>20697337 >>20697436 >>20699146 >>20699531 >>20699981 >>20700214 >>20700221 >>20700327 >>20700328 >>20700725 >>20701428 >>20701451 >>20701454 >>20702603 >>20703089 >>20703210 >>20703615 >>20704221 >>20704514 >>20706147 >>20706150 >>20707036 >>20707337 >>20707565 >>20710741 >>20714131 >>20717017 >>20720527 >>20720669 >>20721666 >>20722442 >>20722930 >>20724645 >>20724653 >>20724742 >>20724989 >>20727504 >>20728474 >>20728531 >>20733710 >>20733862 >>20733935 >>20736747 >>20743190 >>20743345 >>20743819
Faggot biting my bait AGAIN!

>> No.20743932

you seem really upset no one replies to whatever thread you made

>> No.20743982

what do you is their best stream both of them are really cute

>> No.20744183

I didn't even know these bitches existed.

>> No.20746528

People don't watch competitive games for the individual, they watch for the skill
So fuck shooters players and well deserved to vtubers that try to tap into the market

>> No.20747125

>he stopped communicating with them after he went home
fuck gaijin

>> No.20753200


>> No.20756067

hmm hard to say
maybe the Takoyako Party stream because you can see proof there's really two of them

>> No.20756087

I agree they shouldn't have gotten hate
but you're a locust so fuck you

>> No.20756137

All these fags who didn't see the most kino APEX tournament team to ever be put together, ControllerStars

>> No.20756138

unless they're using gyro with aimbot off, those guys are based

>> No.20758721

Wait until you are 30+ and can't even wash your dishes because of how bad your tendons hurt.
t.pcmr oldfag

>> No.20760584

Any of the co-op game like A Way Out, Goose Game, and their competition in Katamari Damacy comes to mind. Any of their scary games streams are also a given

But they talk over each other and react differently to things all the time

>> No.20761222

Rent free lardwhale

>> No.20762510

err I meant to say proof that they're two people in the same place and not just talking online and merging the stream

>> No.20766119

Have you seen some of these chuubas? They can't take care of themselves and they do get depressed over innocuous comments online. There are plenty of menhera girls with facerigs.

>> No.20766955

What the fuck is this shit? Imagine wasting the viewers' time with a tickle fight in the middle of a stream.

>> No.20768839

These 2 have a good head on their shoulders and the most active manager I’ve seen out of these corpos. They’re fine.

Imagine not understanding the context of the clip and that the tickle fight is part of the entertainment.

>> No.20769063

>You fucking chuds did this.
Anon I don't even speak Japanese.

>> No.20769200

their chat is English and they talk in English, but for some reason they posted the apology in Japanese

>> No.20769222

30 and still able to play fps fine

just dont forget to stretch and you are gucci

>> No.20769332

What the fuck.

>> No.20769339

chad + stud

>> No.20769726

Actual facts. Vtuber fans are the most insufferable, especially holobronies. Cover is singlehandedly fixing the mass shooting epidemic in NA

>> No.20769996

I wouldn't be surprised if literal MLP fans actual migrated to being vtuber fans since their show is dead

>> No.20770539

>respect newbie
Not if they're picking up X genres because it's mainstream and good boost for views. So fucking disgusting
>respect women
Not if said women are doing things i mentioned over

>> No.20770849

If women suck playing videogames then they should go back to the kitchen.

>> No.20771150

they both know how to cook, but the tomboy primarily knows the most about cooking and does the cooking

>> No.20774525

Yeah, they seem tamer and more G rated than GirlDM.

>> No.20774709

They have chiuba allies like Snuffy and Gura who have openly done lewd Pony shit on stream.

>> No.20778182

ew fucking disgusting

>> No.20788435

vtubers aren’t real gamers

>> No.20789978

depends on the vtuber

>> No.20790518

Yeah it seems like they try to keep family friendly but they can't help saying some funny stuff like this.
