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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20687999 No.20687999 [Reply] [Original]

You know, as much as it can be fun to poke at them for their errors and make rrats, seeing things like this remind me they are still human, that they cry and feel lonely at night, that they long for recognition and attention just as much as we do, and that they deserve the love and respect they are getting because they worked hard for it. I don't really watch Kiara too much, but I'll give her my respect, because she's earned it. She and most of the other Holos did.

>> No.20688200

I work 60 hours a week. Where my concert?

>> No.20688216
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Kiara doesn't deserve hate, she's a real one
not even KFP

>> No.20688318

orange woman good

>> No.20688411

Who cares
Waste of digits

>> No.20688414

Women aren't human, you aren't human. Only I am human, you disgusting worms.

>> No.20688496

based and solipsism-pilled

>> No.20688868

kiara real life cringe weeb nobody to idol story

>> No.20689019

I'm happy for your wife kfp

>> No.20689098

Have you tried working towards that? Otherwise those 60 hours are going to waste.

>> No.20689283

based solipsistic me

>> No.20689344 [DELETED] 

Too bad that wasn’t her but a recording of a dancer

>> No.20689349

kiara babby

>> No.20689450

Her choreographer just wasted all of that time teaching her the routine then? Pretty expensive thing to do if you are just going to hire dancers. This rrat makes no sense

>> No.20689539

she's the protagonist

>> No.20689899

more like fuckakokist

>> No.20690282

I used Kiara's turn as a bathroom break. Was she actually that good? I haven't heard any JPs mention her

>> No.20690367 [DELETED] 

There wasnt a choreographer either

>> No.20690427



>> No.20690433 [DELETED] 

No shes not it wasnt even her its just a recording of a dancer

>> No.20690531

wagecucking would be very boring to watch, so no concert for you, wagecuck.

>> No.20690543

Remember when this board was full of non stop Kiara antis?

>> No.20690551

Her dancing was really precise and her stage presence felt professional. If it weren't for the covid restrictions the crowd would've been chanting hard.
I'm not a fan of Hinotori but it sounded a bit better live as well. I'd put her in second place for EN performances right behind Gura.

>> No.20690553 [SPOILER] 
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More like the side character that stole the show

>> No.20690581
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>that one chicken anti that kept his penlight on green

who of you was this?

>> No.20690595

You're an idiot.

>> No.20690798

Hololive is an evil corporation that uses monopoly tactics to maintain its grip over the vtuber market. Unlike Nijisanji, which is very open to the broader vtuber community, hololive is a closed-door. They don't allow any interaction with non-hololive talents, because they're terrified that if their fans found out about the competition, they'd leave (which is a very fair assessment).

Hololive is the big asshole in the room. Nobody else is as big an asshole as them. They are completely showered in money while many much more deserving people are being deprived because of the monopoly.

>> No.20690834

Anon its ok to believe the lie but you are retarded for trying to suggeat cover didnt hire dancers. Would be less expensive and remove risk of injury from novicea.

>> No.20690891

nice bait

also take your meds

>> No.20690910

your nipples are showing

>> No.20690938

>I haven't heard any JPs mention her
Watch streams? I mean seriously, you're clearly not even trying.

>> No.20691172

The reason that hololive restricts collabs and interactions with non-hololive vtubers is because they're terrified that their fans will leave for greener pastures. It's 100% the truth. That is the reason they are doing it.

>> No.20691264

Kiara is an insane psychopath who deserves nothing except the mental institution.

>> No.20691322

One man Rushia protest

>> No.20691415
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>Kiara is an insane psychopath
Stop, you'll just make me love her more

>> No.20691513

Let's see those dance moves, anon. Oh, and don't forget to have a couple of singles to dance and sing to when you're on stage

>> No.20692190

Not bad, she did better than preggo Mori. Closest EN to an actual idol.
Without sound, it looks like a quick opportunity to show your panties
I do watch streams, and everyone was amazed with ID. Not everyone here is a clip fag, fag.
Dumbass take. The reason they don't collab with Niji is because Niji wouldn't be able to keep up. Their concerts are chaos, they can't dance, and they'd make dick jokes the entire time. It's great for streaming, but even Matsuri knows when to stop and act like a proper idol.
They don't have a choice if don't have any competition. Only Ai-chan could have done it, and she's sleeping now.
>Showered with money
You mean successful?

>> No.20693044
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This rrat is such a mind fuck. My first thought is, have you never actually seen a professional dancer? The choreography at holofes was so simple, obviously made to be feasible for the actual girls. So then we come full circle, where by accusing them of hiring dancers, the antis are actually complimenting the holo girls by insinuating the dancing was of professional quality. And I'm the one saying it's not, so I'm like the anti, but I'm actually the holo fan. Crazy.

>> No.20693410

Ina was dancing so awkwardly I was convinced it was really her.
So if they faked it they did a really good job.

>> No.20693498

did she used to work in a titty bar or something?

>> No.20694411

Its time to take your meds anon, this rrat is dead.

>> No.20694965

No wonder nobody was looking at her then

>> No.20695024
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Idol step!

>> No.20695224

She was born in a wealthy family in Austria + is a woman. Literally easy mode. There is no way she won't succeed

>> No.20695396

The JP girls, yes. HoloEN didn't work hard for shit.

>> No.20695405
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Why is Gara and Ina still using their 2D right now?

>> No.20695452

Seems like you worked for the wrong thing if you wanted a concert. Of course there's plenty of people who worked harder than her for it but didn't achieve what she got, but anyone who's over 13 and not a commie should have accepted that the world isn't fair already. Ultimately, you deserve exactly what you get - nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.20695538
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>> No.20695782

send me nude pic and i'll give you an answer

>> No.20695882

They are probably too stupid to set it up on their pc

>> No.20696996

>She was born in a wealthy family in Austria
Her mother chop her own wood, Kiara had to pay for her floor earlier this year, and she have no father, what the hell are you talkin about ?

>> No.20697336

she was a complete poorfag and her family mostly still is

>> No.20697380
File: 1.35 MB, 1249x1320, 1641622317498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is from a middle class single-mother household with 2 siblings. She's had to work to mantain herself since she dropped out of schooling as a late teenager, and was a poorfag right up until she joined Hololive. What the actual FUCK are you talking about?

>> No.20697396

Based lumberjack mom

>> No.20697429
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Ask Jeff Bezos

>> No.20697439

My man colorblind and you're here making fun of him

>> No.20697751

I wonder if vtubers ever resent the fact that they weren't able to find success as a real person and only really got popular while playing a fictional character. Not hating BTW, I'm insecure with depression/anxiety myself and I could see myself getting retarded over failing to find an audience with my real appearance/personality

>> No.20698466

this is the most retarded rrat of them all. The dances weren't complicated enough for dancers, especially EN's. Our girls danced and I'm so happy they did.

>> No.20698567

someone doesn't know what monopoly means

>> No.20698957

Well actors exist and at least some of them seem okay. I'm sure say RDJ cries all the way to the bank it took decades before he got the big time bucks and mainstream recognition and redemption for playing a silly man in a robot suit.

>> No.20699713

I've never been interested in watching kiara as a streamer but she's obviously passionate about what she does and being an idol, and I've always appreciated how honest she is about herself and her feelings. I definitely feel she deserves her spot in hololive, even if I watch her the least.

>> No.20700337

same, she can be funny though, EN doesn't suit her she has a Japanese sense of humor

>> No.20700398

No, this is german humor

>> No.20700401

she's cute irl, if she were fat that'd be a different story
