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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20663811 No.20663811 [Reply] [Original]

>Flare will tweet from the "Twitter Web App" just before the live
>Two minutes later, she makes the excuse that she borrowed a computer from the manager because she forgot to bring her phone

>> No.20663914


>> No.20663944

I bet you also think wrestling is real

>> No.20664075

I don't get it. Doesn't this prove it was live instead of recorded?

>> No.20664088
File: 158 KB, 666x666, seren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive? more like holo(not)live

>> No.20664096

Manager bringing their laptop all the time? It's impossible!

>> No.20664103

anything else to report about detective?

>> No.20664133

Can you schizo's ever just enjoy the fucking streams.

>> No.20664161

It was recorded. They just want to pretend it was live... but don't care too much about being convincing, what with it being super obvious it was recorded if you think about it even a little.

>> No.20664170 [DELETED] 

Whats wrong with Paid dancers and prerecorded songs i mean even real life celebs and singers use this

>> No.20664192

Can anyone tell me if this is bait or not?

>> No.20664255

>Thinking Cover is going to do a live broadcast of hags and hikkis trying to do full dance routines while also singing
Rub your two braincells together next time before you post. Maybe the friction will help you.

>> No.20664261

Who the fuck did they hired to dance for mori?

>> No.20664302

This is the modern internet. You cannot enjoy things. You must hate everything.
And you wonder why society is utterly fucked

>> No.20664443

It's obvious how they all suddenly able to do those complicated steps

>> No.20664484

I don't think people understand how much effort is required to sing and dance at the same time, and do it well. Real idols quite literally practice hours a day everyday, not just a few times a week. People can't honestly expect girls who play video games for hours a day every day to be on par with legit performers.

>> No.20664728

based niji detectives

>> No.20664733

Nothing, it's absolutely fine and acceptable, but schizos will defend it to the death or call you a nijinigger if you try and break their delusion.

>> No.20664752

I mean it was obvious that majority of the songs were prerecorded, you have to be deaf to not notice because no way majority of them could sing that well while moving.

>> No.20664816

>complicated steps
In terms of dancing, I prefer the slavery of Korean Idols. I only watch JP idols for the cuteness and a bit of singing talent.

>> No.20664855


>> No.20664922

Ozzy osbourne has had a dude singing from him from the backstage since 1995

>> No.20665003

Duh, lets not break all those fragile webm compilation enjoyers that they just paid for video.

>> No.20665028
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ITT: drama whores thirst for the nothing burger
Please kys

>> No.20665078 [DELETED] 

A nigger off the street in new jersey

>> No.20665098

Holobronies act like a brainwashed bugs
I'm ashamed how community has changed over 2 years

>> No.20665164


>> No.20665197

>retards paid 100$ for this
holy kek

>> No.20665815
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>> No.20665908
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>>Flare will tweet from the "Twitter Web App" just before the live
>>Two minutes later, she makes the excuse that she borrowed a computer from the manager because she forgot to bring her phone

>> No.20666099

Whats the connection between borrowing a laptop and the "live" not being live? is it some skrillix shit or what?

>> No.20666159

Explain why she bother excuse it then and call me nijinigger again.

>> No.20666170

dont need to be that good of a dancer to make your dancing look good on a rigged model

>> No.20666171

made me check the tweet this fucking retard
yes she did tweet, but that was 49 minutes before the live.
And the context was basically "I have just done the final rehearsal!!"
literally what's wrong with that?
>also look at these replies

>> No.20666201

>watching streams

>> No.20666204

tweeting from the web app implies they were actually at home rather than out because she would've used her phone if she was out.

It doesn't make sense for a "manager" to be carrying around and using a laptop at the event. Maybe an ipad or something at most. And yeah fucking right "she forgot her phone at home." Who forgets their phone? And it would've been easier for her to borrow a friend's phone or something if she really was out and did forget her phone.

>> No.20666235

uhm so?

>> No.20666254
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>It doesn't make sense for a "manager" to be carrying around and using a laptop at the event

>> No.20666276

dno maybe she wants to tell people how nervous she is. Why would i call you nijinigger?

>> No.20666279

even if its not live I'll pay for it again, again and again because at least what they do is better than everything you nippleniggers could muster

>> No.20666306

not even paid dancers.

>> No.20666307

These days a lot of musical performances are fake (to various degrees) anyways unless you are at a metal or jazz show.

>> No.20666323

Do we need to go over this every single time?

>> No.20666331

You think somebody would run around to find a pc few minutes before live performance just to write a tweet?

Either it was written by intern or she was sitting at home.

>> No.20666341

>Who forgets their phone?
Was this random tweet planted a month in advance to make everyone believe that it's possible for someone to forget their phone?

>> No.20666344

Why would she have her phone on her while dancing?

>> No.20666362

>People can't honestly expect girls who play video games for hours a day every day to be on par with legit performers

You must be new here. Holofags expect these girls to be the best at everything while shitting rainbows. Regular fans just want to be entertained and be immersed.

>> No.20666436

might be set up backstage. Not that i believe it was live anyways

>> No.20666437

Maybe they put the phone in a locker or some shit why the fuck are you schizos so retarded

>> No.20666459

What a retarded post

>> No.20666545

I really don't care. I reject your reality and substitute my own.
I am the master of my own narrative.
Nothing you could say could convince me this concert wasn't the best shit ever

>> No.20666552

desperate bait of a nijinig. Imagine having 100+ "livers" and being bored and shitting up the board.

>> No.20666554

Yeah, I think this is plausible.
If it wasn't live then it would be extremely disappointing. Prerecorded stuff is shit and lame.
>inb4 nipplenigger
Paid for both days, trying to believe the explanations other anons are giving even if they sound like copium

>> No.20666601

Holo(not)live exposed

>> No.20666961

are you retarded OP?

>> No.20666971

Anon, the place they're performing at is full of computers. They're literally performing through a conputer.

>> No.20667054

meds schizo

>> No.20667107

You're the schizo here.

>> No.20667205

Anon... I don't know what happened to your life that made you like this? are you from a broken family? ignored by your parents?

>> No.20667255

Sorry but Nene made a mistake in choreography. Couldnt be prerecorded because they would have just cut it then. I know you are starved for drama and your neurons crave dopamine but sorry you will always be pathetic.

>> No.20667422

kek. Seethe more, I fucking love it. Imagine making a thread for this and seething at the responses. Cry more.

>> No.20667428
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Schizo thread

>> No.20667802

Abhorrent post

>> No.20667847

In addition, Ayame's model fucks up during the last song and enters its A pose for a little while. Less damning is how uncoordinated the choreography of the groups numbers could get. (Not complaining, I loved it. It was SOVL and I wasn't expecting perfect dancing from chuubas.) Either the holomanagers literally didn't watch what they'd recorded (doubtful, there was clearly a lot of money invested in this event) or it actually was live.

>> No.20667898

Can you please stop posting braindead shit with my oshi?

>> No.20667962

I don't even have any interest in holo stuff anymore and I know this is a petty thing to try and make an issue. I'd rather watch a perfect performance and use wrestling kayfabe to pretend it was live than for it to be actually live and have Mio fucking hurl on stage again or anything like that and have it haunt the girls for the rest of their lives.

>> No.20668050

At this point, her image has been made the wojack of /vt/. Well she was largely used by shitposters before too but not to this extent. so I doubt those using it are Selenfags.

>> No.20668282

So? There's no difference whatsoever. They're more along the line of a voice actor rather than performer anyway.

>> No.20668800


>> No.20668843

Jesus fucking christ, I know most of this board are zoomers, but this is just so out of touch with reality.

>> No.20668893

I miss the old days of Pekora and Haachama.

>> No.20668993

We have technology called tablets now

>> No.20669061

I miss the aripekos

>> No.20669093


>> No.20669131

Ogey is still the best that came out of /vt/, watamelon edits, retardchamas too
It's just non-holofans sperging if a holo is posted outside the generals. Heck if you talk about Aqua and Towa in the FPS generals, nijiniggers will fucking seethe.

>> No.20669269

Nijisanji does that as well for their new years concert, shit it's obvious that all is recorded and not live.

>> No.20670297

Schizos don't watch streams.

>> No.20670400

>It doesn't make sense for a "manager" to be carrying around and using a laptop at the event.
dear fucking god this is the stupidest shit i've read today and I've seen some shit

>> No.20670452

>Who forgets their phone?
I forget my phone all the time because I could quite easily live without the fucker.

>> No.20670711

Idk kev, though unless someone pointed it out in her first tweet, I'd think it would be weird to post that statement just 2 minutes after her first Tweet.

>> No.20671025

It was a live performance, with the help of choreographed dancers and tech wizardry. I don't care.

>> No.20671175

I constantly forget my keys, phone, glasses and so forth. Like, even if it is shit I do need, I forget it if it's not that big. It's easy to forget shit in general.

>> No.20671300
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, futa patora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I forget it if it's not that big
I bet you never forget this dick in your mouth you slut.
*unzips dick*

>> No.20671390

it is as believable as Marine is 17 years old.

>> No.20671566

This is where you're wrong. I go to conventions all the time and, ya, the people walking the halls don't carry laptops. But there are rest stations, work stations, security stations, places where the convention staff have set up camp in order to manage the event. And there? They don't just have 1 laptop, they have usually half a dozen because they're juggling that much shit.

How about you rub two brain cells together before you comment. You actually think you can run a convention with just a few ipads? Get real.

>> No.20671669

None of you paid for it so why you do care if it's live or not. And if you are pretending to get outraged for those that did pay for it that just makes you a faggot.

>> No.20672037

i would be extremely surprised if all of the talents didn't have 2FA on their twitter accounts. how is she going to sign in to her "manager's computer" with her phone at home?

>> No.20672093

lol next thing you'll tell me korone is not a dog

>> No.20672172

They can't have that because their managers need to be able to log into their account at any moment to lock them out like they had to do to Rushia.

>> No.20672186
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>He believes concert was live
They prerecord EVERYTHING and you still believed this would be live? Pathetic

>> No.20672221

Tech in shambles?

>> No.20672285

Because people are paying for a LIVE concert performed by the talents themselves.
>Hurr durr just don't buy it then good on Holo for scamming retards
Doesn't make them lying any more permissible

>> No.20672288

Wait there were paid dancers?

>> No.20672339

try harder faggot.

>> No.20672360

>paying 200$ for effectively two vods
I wish I was that good at scamming, Yagoo i kneel.

>> No.20672368

The conspiracy goes pretty deep.

>> No.20672403

I don’t get why you’re so mad I just asked a question was it really paid dancers or is that a meme?

>> No.20672459
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Prerecorded tweet

>> No.20672469

I mean, yes. Regardless of who did the dancing I'm pretty sure they would have been paid. Even if it is the girls themselves, they are still paid dancers.
Unlike the shills here, these girls don't do it for free.

>> No.20672617

No I mean is it different people doing the dances or is it actually them?

>> No.20672717

lmao gura was waddling like a toddler

>> No.20672788

cry harder faggot, your 2view will never be relevant

>> No.20672802
File: 6 KB, 225x225, yab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she was able to sign in on a laptop without her phone, then she's almost certainly not using MFA or a password manager, and personally I cannot support an oshi who does not have good security practice in 2k22

>> No.20672808

This is paid dancers. Holofes was actually them.

>> No.20672819

While I highly doubt that the concert was actually live, your reasoning here is so fucking retarded and proves you likely haven't left your home in decades. It's way more common to see people carrying around laptops & tablets, especially in smaller form factors, and even moreso to places where there will be plenty of downtime.

>> No.20672896

How do you still not understand that the managers need to have access to their talent's accounts?

>> No.20673037

Wow I thought it was always them

>> No.20673137

Does Twitter support organisation-managed accounts with scoped delegated access, or could a rogue chuuba just change the password and lock them out?
t. never used the zoomer site

>> No.20673157

but fps general hates selen

>> No.20673259

It's actually them. The singing might be prerecorded though.
I paid 40 Euros, and my oshi was amazing. No regrets.

>> No.20673273

Managers have access to their talent's accounts, period. They don't own them, you know. Cover owns their twitter account and youtube account, not them. They'd have the passwords and access, and Flare or whoever else, would simply have whatever Cover deems they need.

>> No.20673310

This is fine by me but if you do this (that is, believing the concert is a pre-recorded with multiple takes, lip syncing and some other things to help) forget about comparing to others performance or talking about how good the show is and just admit you paid 100 dollars for a video illusion of animu grills being cute.

>> No.20673358

I don't know if it has organization based tools like that but you can connect accounts in a way that only one way login is possible, so that only the manager could access the talent account while the talent couldn't access manager's.
The talent could potentially remove it and change their own password but they would be found out immeditely.

>> No.20673421

We live in the age of post-truth. Haven't you gotten the memo? The facts are whatever you want them to be.

>> No.20673471

>tweeting from the web app implies they were actually at home rather than out because she would've used her phone if she was out.
This. I'm expected to believe a young woman forgot her phone when she goes anywhere? The bigger, most obvious thing to point at for a pre-recorded "live" is that not a single audience interaction required actual feedback from the audience which is kind of the point with live shows. The only "problem" with her post is that it broke kayfabe that was already broken for anyone with a brain.

>It doesn't make sense for a "manager" to be carrying around and using a laptop at the event.
Now you've gone full retard. You seriously don't think various staff members aren't carrying around laptops at a digital event?

>> No.20673514

Not saying they did but since the public aren't idiots they could just leave tiny mistakes in recorded performances to make it look more authentic and good enough.

>> No.20673597

>Sorry but Nene made a mistake in choreography. Couldnt be prerecorded because they would have just cut it then.
If you've worked in a professional setting, then you understand something called deadlines. It could be left in if she ran out of time for takes and every other take was even worse. In that case, you go with the one that has the fewest mistakes.

>> No.20674971


>> No.20675184

>Heck if you talk about Aqua and Towa in the FPS generals, nijiniggers will fucking seethe.
lol, holofags think that if someone doesn't watch hololive then they must watch nijisanji.

>> No.20675188

FPS generals are basically VSPO's cocksucker tho

>> No.20675321

It's very clearly pre-recorded and edited in post
You have to be delusional to think otherwise. Doesn't take away from it being a fun event. Weebs pay to see Hatsune Miku live all the time or the Splatoon live shows, it's the same thing

>> No.20675861
File: 77 KB, 950x535, HololiveSUPEREXPO2022-Event-Photos-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, for everyone saying 'tablet this' and 'tablet that' go look at that picture of the convention.

That doesn't even look like laptops. That looks like full fledged desktops.

Whether or not those stations were used by Flare, it's irrefutable proof that 'tablets' were not all that Cover and Hololive worked with.

>> No.20675893

>the public aren't idiots
good one

>> No.20676006
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2022-03-20-12h27m12s613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should follow a real Vtuber company that doesn't fake their actors on stage.

>> No.20676019


>> No.20677065

>There are "people" who paid $100 for a .mp4 falsely passed as a livestream

>> No.20677233

>It doesn't make sense for a "manager" to be carrying around and using a laptop at the event
Do nijiniggers really

>> No.20677324

Someone cares to explain me why each "paid dancer" in this weekend live had the characteristics of the girls they were representing? Are they that good? It doesn't add up that each one of them moved as you would expect said holo to move, subaru peak proof

>> No.20677489

everything is either a pissing contest or a gotcha
pls just enjoy

>> No.20677550

>mouse walking
Anon I…

>> No.20677606
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>> No.20677658


>> No.20677724


>> No.20677871

Wait people actually thought these performances were being performed live? Not pre-recorded and then just played for the audience?

>> No.20677958

Some believably do their own dance like subaru, korosan, sora, and aki. Some definitely use "paid dancer" pay attention to their legs, there's no way lot's of them suddenly able to do all those complicated steps

>> No.20677968

It wouldn't be so bad if they wouldn't fucking lie about it.

>> No.20678408

yes because they just woke up in the morning and decided to go to holofes

>> No.20678445

but for example you get holos like Luna, people saying she was a paid dancer yet she has been going to dance lessons consistently for 5 months, proven further with some holo mentioning catching Luna and Subaru changing together in the studio to go practise dance, why for if she gets a paid dancer?

>> No.20678830

She didn't even have to say this. "Twitter Web App" shows up when you're using any internet browser instead of the app, too. She really didn't even need to make an excuse, there's enough plausible deniability.

>> No.20679316

They can't. Anybody who's been watching their oshi closely for a long time can recognize their movements and tell it's really them.

>> No.20679583

Ok enough shitposting already.
How do we get Cover clapped for false advertising?
Are we really just going to sit here and do nothing?

>> No.20679610
File: 173 KB, 321x239, unknown-245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly HoloEN fans mentality. Yagoo shouldn't pandering EN fans like you. HoloJP fans better

>> No.20679879

it wasn't paid dancers, else the choreography would have been better. gura did a lot of the little dance moves she did in her training with kiara (she was practicing different dance moves constantly during that stream) mori's dancing... if you could call it that looked like something from a stage play, which makes sense considering her theator background, in fact one of the best dancers all weekend was probably kiara or suisei, and kiara's dance was basically 10 low difficulty moves on repeated, they just were performed well.

as for the singing, the singing might have been prerecorded as well, maybe... i think they just sung over a backing track, which is something you don't usually do for a pre-recorded performance, so the singing might have been live....

>> No.20679988

why they didn't move this good on their latest 3D streams?

>> No.20680300

anon... Did you watch them? Luna did already the dance in her solo livestream, and now she got 2 more months of practise with it.
Seriously do you watch them?

>> No.20680360

Not to even mention, her movements were pretty simple, there was no heavy dancing only coordination of movementes with the song lyrics, you are just retarded.

>> No.20680372

How is this even news? of course the whole thing is pre recorded, you think they can afford a technical issue live?, there is not a single 3D live stream that doesn't have at least one hickup, and you thing this one that 100X more technically demanding is gonna go that smooth? And it doesn't mather either, this concert is like the whole vtuber experience, we know, but we don't care, we just enjoy the nice things that we have and they way it makes us feel. Flare is just keeping up the kayfabe.

>> No.20680435

come, on, gura often talked about both singing and dancing classes she attended ever since she become part of hololive.

she often would talk about the dificulty of singing and dancing at the same time, and joke about her poor fitness making it nearly impossible for her to do both, so she was working out to be able to do both

she often talked about how excited she was to be part of holofes, and how hard she was working to put on a good performance.

was it all live? eh.... maybe? i don't think so, it would have been easy to prerecord the dancing at least. just as it would have been easy to prerecord the singing, however i don't believe they did both. i suspect either the singing or dancing was live. my guess is the singing was live. kiara's and watame's (i think? i'll have to watch day one again to see it but i think it ws someone on day one, and for some reason i think it was watame) performance both looked really really live on both counts. they both interacted with the audience in a way that looked too spontaneous; still that can be scripted too.

i wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls were live and some were prerecorded; and likely based on how well they could perform. Ame's was likely 100% prerecorded, she's such a miserable singer i don't think hololive would have risked her singing live.

but yeah. seethe harder.

>> No.20680458

Wrestling IS REAL

>> No.20680499

One of the many Nigerian bouncers in Roppongi recommended by Mori of course.

>> No.20680591

Pay attention to their legs, it's subtle but those are complicated movements

>> No.20680659

Holobronies on suicide watch

>> No.20680684
File: 87 KB, 282x316, 48FBDB81-AED1-4753-A5E6-D60921787800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> have Mio fucking hurl on stage again
This happened? What the hell.

>> No.20680685

it is proof that they are trying to hard to lie

>> No.20680733

Nijinipple... I KNEEL

>> No.20680760

shut up, selen can't even sing

>> No.20680789

What part of 5 month lessons don't you get anon?
ALso I repeat https://youtu.be/3UVUtXHOtV4?t=3043 Please watch streams and shut up.

>> No.20680837

>nijichinks cant comprehend that a idol company has their idols practice dancing and singing
>nijichinks think what was done in holofes can only be done by hired dancers
>nijichinks dont even know that korone has been a professional dancer before she joined hololive and has been dancing for longer than they have been a live and say she was replaced by a hired dancer

Do chinks naturally have low IQ or does it come from them watching nijisanji?

>> No.20680850

Everyone knows the performances weren't live, that would be far too much of a risk to coordinate all that. Non-festivals are live but this is not, which is why they just appear, do the dance and leave.

But people who think they hire dancers have to be the most retarded and clearly have never watched any of their content including this show. Not only is the concept absurd that they'd waste that expense for something prerecorded, they don't even dance good enough to have needed to hire anyone.

>> No.20680902

>Ame suddenly becomes a "good" singer during a "live" event

>> No.20680946

Watching the fes yesterday really convinced me we need /hl/. We are meant to be together in the catalog, not ghettoed in splits by nijiniggers and ‘small corpo’ SEA gremlins, nor having to endure the constant screeching of Vwhorejo fans.

>> No.20680994

Why is it that no one mentions how holos talk about the separate rooms where they gear up? Matsuri has even translated clips about it from last year

>> No.20681276

Schizophrenia General dies while this is still up

>> No.20681317

We go from prerecorded rrat to fake dancer and sometime maybe both on this board.
I have my doubt about it being live but Nenechi did fuck up her voice on day2 and Idk how this tweet show that the show was pre recorded.

>> No.20681565

just some back alley addict high on 'Lean'

>> No.20682930

It's news because they sold $100 tickets under the pretense that it was live

>> No.20683486

Unityfag being real

>> No.20683590

agreed, hololive should get it's own board

>> No.20683707


>> No.20684629


$100 for a digital ticket is a sham either way, live or not.

>> No.20685041

lmfao just use your 100 bucks to join a member for a year or some shit or hog their merch instead.
It's been the same pre-recorded shit since the last fes too no?

>> No.20685172


You might be retarded. What the fuck does the ticket have to do anything. You are actually arguing pro-wrestling shouldn't be allowed to sell tickets. A retard buying something due to being retarded is a sign they shouldn't be allowed to have a legal right to their own money, not that it can't be sold.

>> No.20686530

The original deadbeat.

>> No.20686576


>> No.20686957

>bro just don't get scammed!
That's not a very good defense for false advertisement.

>> No.20687024

Prerecorded chads, what the FUCK is this?

>> No.20687644

CHADgoons... I KNEEL

>> No.20687916

I enjoyed it! :)

>> No.20688690

Checked and keked!

>> No.20691378

i kneel selenfag

>> No.20691810

are you actually retarded?
>tfw use web interface for twitter even on my phone with the twitter app installed because the app is utter dogshit that's only installed so that the web interface will stop nagging me to install it
chanting horsefucker over and over where it doesn't apply just makes your being a faggot painfully obvious.

>> No.20693010

No, it was obviously live, don't you see? Kiara magically appeared on stage in Japan after doing a live reaction in her home country the day before

>> No.20693522

I get the sense from Kiara that she's pretending to be excited because it wasn't truly live, which is what she wants. If it was real, Kiara would've exploded with a thousand crying emoticons on twitter, instead of just, "I hope you enjoyed my performance!"

>> No.20694161

That's a lot of greentext for your boogeyman that I'm not gonna read but you same "people" were laying literally all of the same "criticisms" about hired dancers and shit on that one free Niji concert on Youtube a year or two back lol

>> No.20700029


>> No.20700839

Some parts are pre-recorded segments. I think a jp holo mentioned it just randomly when streaming.

>> No.20701161
File: 23 KB, 442x330, 33e.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't make sense for a "manager" to be carrying around and using a laptop at the event
Is this nigga real

>> No.20706735

This. It was all fake/pre-recorded, this is also why they didn't cancel it even with Gura getting covid a week ago

>> No.20706884

If it was live Ayame would've gotten a chance to talk. She cried on twitter because she didn't get to talk after performing, her part with Rushia got cut out. Because it was prerecorded she didn't have time to record it.
Also if it were live there wouldn't be need for teleporting gimmcik.

>> No.20707077

>Also if it were live there wouldn't be need for teleporting gimmcik.
But there would be because they can't walk off the stage and the fade to black is boring as shit.
Where there was no need for it though was between songs and MC segments with the exact same people.

>> No.20711379
File: 2.52 MB, 2315x2265, 1646297508544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't make sense for a "manager" to be carrying around and using a laptop at the event

>> No.20711444

yeah, they recorded in my room

>> No.20712490


>> No.20713092

Oh man this thread is great. I don't know if people are really this dumb or doing a bit, and that's half the fun.

>> No.20713146


>> No.20715289

>wrestling isn't real
So you'd be down to take some moves then? :)

>> No.20719749

did you not watch 1st fes? They had that exact technical issue you're talking about live, the audience reaction and the improv they had to do to get through it was part of what made that event so memorable
