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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20586175 No.20586175 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody irl know that you watch Vtubers? What was their reaction?

>> No.20586254

Brother does. We talk about Gura(His Oshi). He likes vshoujo though so i had to beat him to death with a shovel.

>> No.20586605

You made the right choice

>> No.20586652

My friends do. Despite them being anime fans and watching streamers, they have the same opinions as tourists and it's so tiring I only brought them up once around them.

>> No.20586818

Sister bought me merch.
Friend talks to me about it.
Other friends don't care.
Brother points at my monitor and says "fake women lol".
Based brother.

>> No.20586870

no i wanna keep my friends

>> No.20586887

>Does anybody irl know you?

>> No.20586928

Yes. I have done and do much weirder shit, so it's whatever to them.

>> No.20587006

I have a couple of friends that do. I'm probably the deepest into the rabbit hole though. A lot of my other friends think I'm weird for liking Vtubers but who gives a shit at the end of the day.

>> No.20587007

My friends do, but they don't really understand what vtubers are so they think I watch streamers who hide their face behind a mask to not get doxxed or sexually harassed.

>> No.20587100
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This was way back when vtubing was just becoming a thing. Back during the days of the four heavenly kings. I was dating this normalfag japanese girl and she'd heard about them so I showed her a video. She did not laugh once and said it was dumb. Haven't mentioned it since.

>> No.20587125

Yeah, nobody cares about it.

>> No.20587227

No, there're only old people & children around my place.

>> No.20587297

The local idol community in my city in Canada are big fans of vtubers especially holos since they do idol activities.

>> No.20587332

What's up with all the normies ITT. It upsets me to share a board with them. No wonder the opinions here are so retarded.

>> No.20587395

I know a few but they're all complete entry level clip watchers so I just pretend I know nothing at all around them

>> No.20587400

4chan has been normies since 2013 you larping fuck

>> No.20587456
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I think this one dude at work caught a glimpse of my phone wallpaper cause since than he's made references to vtubers here and there. I think to see if I get the injoke.

>> No.20587592

My mum knows. But she understands the concept of streaming (she watches some artfags occasionally) and doesn't mind weeb shit. She likes my oshi's singing.

>> No.20587667

no one cares to know
don't tell them, they will only think lesser of you

>> No.20587833

>be me
>work at research lab
>listen to "Pop On Rocks" at work alone
>just me there all alone at night
>did this on YouTube with Incognito Mode on
>nobody knows
everything thinks I'm an ex-con but I'm actually pathetic

>> No.20587860

i hid it from my roommate for months then one day he changed his discord pfp to aqua
very odd moment of realization for both of us

>> No.20587885
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a /vt/ poster and kiara stan in my local area got the ip range for my area's verizon cell service range banned for abuse. i know this because i work at a store near my home and i used to post on /vt/ all the time at work. over the past month while trying to post on cell service at work i kept getting notices about bans for /vt/ posts somebody else made (they were all pro-kiara shitposting) until about a week ago the site banned the entire range for my area's verizon coverage

>> No.20587955

no, everyone would make fun of me for that if they knew

>> No.20588227
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Why would i ever admit i watch vtubers?
I don't want to be a social pariah that badly.

>> No.20589601

Ive been watching vtubers pretty much every day for the last few years but I didnt bother telling anyone aside from two of my friends by sending them videos of vtubers saying the n word.

>> No.20589835

>Does anybody irl know that you watch Vtubers?
No. Why would you ever tell anyone?

>> No.20590373

My college friends yes.
I don't bring it up too much so they don't really care but they know I watch weird anime shit

>> No.20590419

No one will know my powerlevel.

>> No.20590466

A coworker caught me watching Miko on my phone one time. He knew what they were and it was painfully awkward when he asked who my favorite was. We never talked about them again.

>> No.20590586

One of my friends does, but he's been corrupted by the zoomers and only watches 30 sec clips of English indie whores. Sometimes he watches a 2 min Fubuki clip, but that's it. Other friends know that I watch streamers, but not Vtubers specifically. My parents think it's anime, and since they don't want me to turn out like my sister, they leave me alone.

>> No.20590624
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I turned my best friend into a Pikamee fan

>> No.20590637

My sister thinks it’s cringe but she’s a koreaboo so I don’t care what she thinks, My mom is just glad I didn’t become a gang member like a lot of the kids I grew up with

>> No.20591005

are you black

>> No.20592653

I don't have anybody to hide it from

>> No.20592675

fuck you holobrony

>> No.20592817

I've told a few friends but we're all pretty big nerds in our own ways so no one really cares. They don't watch them but they get the appeal and are chill about it. It's hard to judge someone for watching vTubers when you spend like like 2k per month on Warhammer and MTG cards, go to tourneys, etc.

In my more normie circles I hide it entirely. The crossover of whitewater kayakers or hockey bros who like or even understand vTubers is pretty much non-existent.

>> No.20592924

No. No one does. If someone brings them up I'm gonna say "you do know that is a dude with a voice changer, right?" and shame them.

>> No.20593032

No but every time someone quits my workplace we play gartic phone and I put my name as Pomu once.
Didn't seem like anyone else knew who the hell she was.
I work with boomers though.

>> No.20593550

One time I was really drunk and talking to these two fat chicks and I started telling them about Nijisanji. Turns out they were both fans too. Anyway long story short we spent the weekend doing coke and giving each other enemas.

>> No.20593637

apparently some coworkers of mine watch them. I remember one was talking about korone this week. It's weird since where I work there's this sharp interests divide of classes.

>Warehouse and production all like boomer stuff and mexican music
>Lab people like a lot of anime and modern shit
>Office people tend to like Gen X music and that stuff.

>> No.20594255

I wouldn't mention any of my interests to anyone outside of my immediate family unless I am 100% sure that they have similar interests. Fuck, most people here still look at playing video games for more than 2 hours a week as weird so liking virtual anime girls would be completely alien to them.

>> No.20595404
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As always, consult the handy guide.

>> No.20595556


>> No.20596549

I had a drunk coworker whi had just watched Millie's Slay the Spire VOD try explaing to my 50 something army veteran on his 3rd marriage manager what a vtuber was. Genuinely the most painful shit I've seen in years.
Most of my friends watch vtubers or are big into livestreams & anime so they all at least know of them, even if they don't have much crossover with what ones I watch.

>> No.20596759

I made some of my friends like Ame. Made a female friend of mine fell in love with her too, but she's getting creepy now... It's weird when a girl go full gosling for anything other than Korean singers.

>> No.20596812

Just about everyone that interacts with me for more than pure work. So family, friends.

>> No.20596932

No thank god no, my friends are extremely normie. My sister walked in on me watching a Luna stream on my phone once. I'm still not sure if she heard , but Luna would be the most difficult to justify to a normie from all the chuubas I watch

>> No.20597076

Friends at work, they called me faggot so I said their mom gay and the 3 of us got reported to HR by some anon, said this was first of 3 verbal warnings on file and after 3rd is termination.

>> No.20597206

I've gotten the bad end with multiple different friend groups, so maybe I should stop bringing it up?

>> No.20597221

i just say it's anime if it's JP. "a streamer but shy" if EN/ID

>> No.20597258

They found it through stalking my Twitter following list, they found it weird and laughed at me but they didn't bully me for it at least. They never bring it up and I'm grateful for that because I've never been more embarrassed in my life when I was asked about it

>> No.20597309

My friends know their fair of nerd shit (technology career) and I'm both fit and handsome, so they were surprised to know I bust fat nuts to Mio

>> No.20597402
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yes, my therapist

>> No.20597459

My wife. She likes Korone and Pekora


>> No.20597555

Absolutely not. I'm old school and I keep my power level secret from everyone

>> No.20597661

3 friends and sister do, but only surface level. One friend and sisters reaction was "heh, that weird" and dropped it. One friend started harping how its all dudes with voice changers and its disgusting because she is sure people masturbate to their streams.
the last friend is actually cool with it and just fucks with me because i watch it.
In hindsight shouldn't have told anyone (apart from the last friend, maybe)

>> No.20597767

Are you all insecure middle schoolers? Vtubers are decently well known among anyone who knows what a streamer is, and it's not really much weirder than admitting you watch Northernlion or whatever is popular. I think there'd be more stigma about saying you watch one of those 3D tittystreamers

>> No.20597797

I have a friend who watches Vei and Nyanners sometimes. Gura happened to be live while we were talking and I told him to tune in. He deadass went "Oh I seen her on tik tok"

>> No.20598191
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I found friends who are vtuber fans and we're watching the concert together.

>> No.20598201

I was drunk the other night and literally asked a girl I had speaking to what she thought about me REALLY being into some nip girls I've never seen before and can barely understand and she just said it's weird to talk about but likes the open preference

>> No.20598223

No, I'd get ousted from my social circle and disowned by my parents.

>> No.20598316

I will take this hobby to my fucking grave. I only have females as friends so I'll be completely fucked if they somehow find out about this.

>> No.20598362

they gave me a look of pity
so then i started quoting ironmouse about how i don't want pity and they got creeped out

>> No.20599948

My sister and mother have seen some while I watch on our TV. My mother thinks it's a neat concept, sister ignores it but doesn't outright call me weird for it so I guess I'm in the clear?

You could also get a good end by saying it's an anonymity thing.

>> No.20602525

You blew your chance with her

>> No.20602602

told a friend, he unironically thinks it's furry shit and that I'm a furry now.

>> No.20602727

Why do you only have females as friends?

>> No.20603601

a few friends do. none of them watch vtubers but they will send me funny stuff related to them occasionally. that's about it.

>> No.20604014

Because he's a twink that the girls use to make them feel superior over men. It's a sad life that only leads to friendzone and depression.

>> No.20604289

Stop projecting retard

>> No.20604419

I took an education course

>> No.20604535
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Based kiara propaganda posting

>> No.20604976

I think a good way of bringing up chuubas is talking about the technical aspects of it, like the big companies of vtubers (Holo/nipple). I was streaming with a friend yesterday and I talked about how watching vtubers would get me killed in Saudi Arabia due to heresy, eg

>> No.20605218

Why it was awkward, they guy seemed to know a little bit about vtubers at least. You are the ones who make it weirder than it is at times anons

>> No.20605480

most mates do only two watch them.
one thinks their vocies are weird that they’re all dudes

>> No.20605577

a good son and big brother(formerly)

>> No.20605706

I feel you bro, if I had only female friends I would either kill myself or troon out due to going insane

>> No.20605727

Don't worry, as a KFP some faggot spamming real info of people in my area and CP on various boards got my cell service range-banned a month or so ago. Take solace in the fact that it was at least someone who actually liked vtubers.

>> No.20605955

Your brother is a pedo anon, you did the needful

>> No.20606140

one of my irl friends watches nijien

i never bring up vtubers in conversation anymore though

>> No.20606433

I feed my friend ridiculous clips from Kiara's stream that I know will make him laugh. Beyond that, a few of my friends like to hear the rrats and one of them specifically asked me about Rushia on the first weekend when the discord message hit the stream. Me and that specific friend have talked about using youtube shit as a cope and parasocial shit before. I admitted to using Kiara as a crutch for a relationship and he admitted to using a certain podcast as his 'hangout with friends' quota.

>> No.20606662
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My housemate/close friend knows and takes the piss about it, he hates anime/basically anything japanese but is aware of them and knew i was watching holofes earlier without me mentioning it prior
I kinda wish I had friends to talk about hololive with

>> No.20606783
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We are your friends anon, wether you like it or not

>> No.20607053
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thanks for that anon, but i meant irl friends..

>> No.20609634
File: 230 KB, 560x440, Rap Snitches in a Good Neighborhood - Death Grips x MF DOOM[sound=0x0.st%2FoNaQ.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blasted holofes day 1 and sang along today, I have paper thin wall. Neighbor didn't care, I'm in good term with him and he has similar tastes.
Family doesn't care what I watch as long as I have a job, they're cool. I generally don't bring vtubers up until someone ask me what's on my screen.

>> No.20610239

Everyone who knows I watch vtubers either doesn't care or watches them themselves

>> No.20610882

I told my friends during dinner once and they were indifferent. So I guess they don't really care.

>> No.20611902

What happened to your sister ?

>> No.20611981

My mom introduced me into Vtubers since she watches Japanese BFE streamers.

>> No.20612393
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My older brother and I will occasionally discuss vtubers, but he's a deadbeat who likes Calli because of the games she plays and I'm a teamate who likes Ame because of her personality. We don't really discuss vtubers themselves too much because the reasons we watch them are different, although when given the chance we'll talk about it every now and then.

My parents also know because me and him have robbed the basement TV to watch streams every now and then, and they're pretty fine with it. Both of us have been into Japanese/anime stuff for a while so they've basically come to accept it.

>> No.20612429

Yeah, all my friends know. They don't care, they all watch streamers too

>> No.20612512

Yeah actually. Someone I'm really cool with doesn't personally watch outside of like, Gura clips, but he has a ton of male and female friends who watch VTubers. I haven't built up the courage to talk to them about it since we haven't talked much outside of collabs with him, but it's actually fairly popular it seems!

>> No.20612838

All my friends know. They don't care

>> No.20613010
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My brother knew I watching Hololive, especially because I play Gura, Ame & Moona karaoke on my speakers... he looks disinterested only for some weeks later he try to shill Uto - Angel With Shotgun cover, and I saw him watch Shiki and some random Hololive Clips (Fauna & Reine)

>> No.20613309

yes, one of them is a teammate and the other is a nijifag and is the only reason i watch pomu and selen

>> No.20613310

I have three main friend groups right now, 1 I've maintained since high school and 2 from uni; two of those friend groups have people who are also into vtubers, and the other has people who know I'm into it but are into anime in general so they think nothing of it, though they are concerned about me superchatting)

>> No.20614151

My close family friends and coworkers know because I have a couple stickers ( Mikochi Gura Korone) on my water bottle for work ( I'm not ashamed because they of all things brought me out of a suicidal depression). One day a female coworker was jokingly talking shit that they aren't real people that noone would like and I should just give my money to her, some random ass customer (guy) comes in sees my bottle and is like hey are those anime? they are cool looking and starts asking questions. It was the most awkward shit I've had to explain to a stranger. after he left he ended up watching clips immediately outside of my work.

>> No.20614291

My boomer boss watches Vtubers. I've caught him with Gura open on his second monitor. I'm fairly certain he's a pedophile.
No, I don't talk to him about Vtubers.

>> No.20614370
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A friend of mine was the one who introduced me to vtubers. She's a huge liberal but her oshi is pekora, something which I still don't understand

>> No.20614435

yeah they watch it too, their reaction is really just "ok".
now what?

>> No.20614446

Yes my friends and my family but my family shrugs it off as if it’s some normal weeb anime shit I watch but my friends sometimes clown on me for watching chubs

>> No.20614520

Don’t be shy and go talk to him maybe he is nice

>> No.20614576

Tell your brother to stop watching uto tell. Anyone except uto is better

>> No.20614640

That's kinda mean. Maybe he just thinks Gura is cute and funny.

>> No.20614916

My dad caught me watching Luna once. He sighed, shook his head and left the room without saying a word.

>> No.20615878
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My co worker did. He's 35, married and got 2 kids. We always talked about chuuba and latest rrat at work. also i introduced him to /vt/ and taught him how to torrent mengen stuffs

>> No.20616007

Yeah but only back in Kizuna Ai days did I discuss vtubers in real life

>> No.20616046

friend watches chuubas. I asked him who his oshi was. He said Mori.
We are no longer friends.

>> No.20616877
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I told my family. It went down pretty bad. My father said he was okay with it, but I could tell from his eyes that he was ashamed. My mom just said nothing, then said she had to take in the laundry. I later saw her crying behind the clothesline. My brother straight up called me a faggot. Even our pets treat me different now. Our dog growls at me when I try to pet it and the cat actively avoids me.

>> No.20617229

she's not japanese anyway

>> No.20617386

I dragged my friend down the rabbit hole. Last night I was up at 3am drinking watching Link You Wish. He knew because of the social media posts. He just finished drinking and asked to come over. We weebed out to the Towa x Suisei duet while he talked about how much Subaru he was watching recently

>> No.20617673

Could be worse bro, could of lost Giroux tonight like some of us

>> No.20617762

yes, but not any specifics of who i watch beyond "hololive"

i occasionally link clips that i think they'll find funny.

this image but it usually ends in "just a bunch of streamers who use anime characters" is basically the end of the conversation.

>> No.20617963

there's always /uuu/

>> No.20618035

>He just finished drinking and asked to come over.

Hmmmmm, definitely not sus.

>> No.20618241


>> No.20618577

He can't stop talking about her roommate. He found out who's my oshi is and he won't stop shoving her real pic on my face. The fact that he has a collection of pics on his phone was off-putting.

I value our friendship but goddamn, I really want punch him right there.

>> No.20618762

My oshi is Ame. Unprompted my mom told me she likes Kronii, which is weird that she got a hololive video about a holo I don't even watch, and she happened to like her.

>> No.20618944

My therapist too is disappointed in me for watching and stalking vtubers

>> No.20618946

Only my dad and that's only because of the HoloFes. He came into my room at like 6am and told asked wtf am i watching and keep the volume down.
Then he watched the concert for a good 3-4 mim before going back to sleep.
I still dont know if it was curiosity or if he liked the performance.

>> No.20619433

>Brother points at my monitor and says "fake women lol".
What a fucking chad.

>> No.20619733
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3D women seriously can't compare...

>> No.20620171

Only a small group and i dont think they even understand what a vtuber is with the exception of one that is a full blown weeb.
For the most part they dont care because i never talk about chuubas except on those rare moments when i send a genuinely funny clip like the Pikamme Dont look back one.

>> No.20626332

unbelievably based

>> No.20626547

My best friend does, he's pretty much normie and knows nothing about vtubers. Showed him Miko GTA clips to get him to understand its draw.

>> No.20626847

Apart from like one guy, no. Although once I sent him a clip of Gura singing and his mom saw it, she asked him what it is and he explained the concept and his mom said "wtf i love these little cartoon girls, I wish more internet content was this wholesome!"

>> No.20627040


>> No.20627962

Good work anon. You are doung the world a favor

>> No.20628867
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My girlfriend does. I constantly send her Mumei clips and Karaoke songs. She think that Moomi's cute.

>> No.20630496

fuck no
idk about their reaction but mine would be instant suicide pill

>> No.20631423
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I thought I was good at hiding my power level, but one day i was talking to my friend (who is an anime/kpop fag and knows nothing about jp idols (or so I think)) and he randomly said, "what are you gonna do today, watch vtubers all day?" and I nearly shat my pants. He said it with such confidence that I knew that he must have somehow found my tw*tter account where I posted about chuubas. We've both never mentioned it since.

>> No.20631568

Have you ever told your friend he's being a real asshole?

>> No.20633213

what's her morning routine?

>> No.20640709

>Brother points at my monitor and says "fake women lol".

>> No.20646195

How much does therapy cost?
My whole family has been dead for like 10 years now and I used to cope by throwing myself into science but that's gay so now I just watch vtuber clips on Jewtube
someone help me this is a cry for help

>> No.20647160


>> No.20658949

My roommate does and he didn't care because he's a slightly less weapon faggot than I am and thus also started watching them albeit clips only

>> No.20659111

my subordinate does, he saw me watching gura and he said "nice hobby boss", because I can kick his ass to some shithole like Uzbekistan if i don't like him


>> No.20659370

Bro just tell your parents that you on anon board talk with shizos about your waifu-anime avatar, that controlling by creature, that no one know.
Free food.

>> No.20659459

you did what had to be done

>> No.20659579

you didnt do shit

>> No.20659761

My relatives thinks that it's one of those weird new entertainment think. My uncle says that it reminds him of the Hatsune Miko shit back then. They aren't really surprised by it

>> No.20659815

Everyone thinks you are an unbearable faggot.

>> No.20659923

Are ya Winning son

>> No.20661639
File: 131 KB, 890x653, 8F5B3B98-50E7-44E2-9839-1E29521158C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggot, with Lesbian pride flag in her room
>Full on neet
>Prefers to hang out with her "friends" on Discord
>Hates family events like Christmas or Easter, just wants to stay in her room and talk on Discord
>Never worked a single day in her life
>Wants to become an artist; tried earning money through drawing
>Makes/used to make tiktoks, actively curates her tumblr account
>Lied to a few teachers about being abused at home for attention
It's heartbraking seeing my mother cry because of how she turned out and how she painted them as worst parents imaginable, esp cosidering they've been working their asses off to provide us with a comfy life. But that's just how things go I guess

>> No.20664003


>It's probably a dude with a voice changer
>It's probably an ugly chick
>It's probably a fat chick

People I bring it up to always say this shit first. I don't care. I just want to watch comfy streams and enjoy the comedy. Why does it matter what they look like behind the avatar.

>> No.20664069

Sell her to me anon. I'll fill her womb for you and turn her into a respectable housewife.

>> No.20664111

ooooh edgy

>> No.20665273

the absolute state of wom*n ahahahaaHAHAHAHAH

>> No.20666842

Sounds like sarcasm, you should definitely kick him to Uzbekistan

>> No.20668668
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A lot of these points are like a female version of myself

>> No.20669200


>> No.20669324

no nigger and that's how it's gonna stay

>> No.20669621

Be nice to your parents

>> No.20669711

My daughter, she's the one that makes me watch them in the 1st place

>> No.20669938

Was telling some friends there's only one content creator I spend money on and showed them my oshis channel. They called it gigacringe so I never mentioned it again.

>> No.20669943

Helping yourself means helping them as well. Recovery is slow but you can do it!

>> No.20670047
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Don't have anyone irl my dude.

>> No.20670092

WHAT!? Ame is /here/??

>> No.20670121

The did the world a favor

>> No.20670719

>she's the one that makes me watch them in the first place.
And yet you're here. come ooon, you like 'em, no need to lie to anonymous.

My friends know, but since me and my interests are always oscillating between cringe and based they don't really care.
One of my female friends has become a 2view, soooo theres that.

>> No.20671546
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I watch vtubers with my husband and sometimes we jerk off to them.

>> No.20671593

Hot. Which homostars have you jerked off to?

>> No.20671809

Thanks for your service, anon

>> No.20671972

>implying it's a girl
You do know guys can watch Hologirls too right anon?

>> No.20672109

Is he gay then?

>> No.20672204
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What I watch on youtube doesn't come up with anybody but my parents and it's not like they could respect me less than they already did before I told them

>> No.20672255


>> No.20672381

My friends do
Some of them also watched Vtubers (which is what made me start to actually notice them instead of just thinking "Faggots actually watch virtual women?" ) and the others made fun of me a bit for it with the same exact reasoning.

>> No.20672671
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I can empathize with a lot of these points (except the faking being abused for attention) and personally being a shut in came from hating how I looked. Its never good to blame parents for your own shortcomings but I know for a fact a huge insecurity I have is acne and it was brought up by my mother constantly hounding me for not letting her pick at my face (because it hurt like hell and would cause scars) or not following super strict face routines, she would call me things like Pizza face to try to use negativity as a way to get me to do it but all it did was push me farther down self hate and staying away from people.
I recognize she did this out of trying to help me, but it did fuck me up mentally for years.
The point I am trying to make that isn't just monologuing is trying to understand why she would choose to be a neet over going outside (I'm sure it has something to do with insecurity in herself) and trying to find a way to help her remedy that whether its hair or weight or something like that. That is at least what I would have wanted someone to do for me back then.

>> No.20672839

Nothing weird, because i'm a Live 2d rigger so whenever someone asks i just tell them its my job and they find it interesting and they want me to show some of my works and thats it.

>> No.20673078

>she would call me things like Pizza face
What the fuck? No offense, but your mom sounds like a huge bitch/moron.
I struggled with acne back when I was a teenager, but my mom was only ever supportive of me.
(I still became a shut-in though. Just goes to show that it's complicated.)

>> No.20673113
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Deadbeat here, my friends thought Calli was a weeaboo eminem wannabe with a woman voice changer so it was really hard to pick a good rap song to recommend to them immediately so I just sent a link to a random one from my playlist and they all cringed. Here's the song btw: https://youtu.be/vz7JIBvAFqM and they started distancing themselves from me ever since. I have no regrets and I personally wouldn't mind losing fake friends to follow my one and only oshi.

>> No.20673258

My wife does, shes actually the one who introduced them to me. (Kiara is her oishi)

>> No.20673304

>but your mom sounds like a huge bitch/moron.
Yeah, she definitely was. I give her some leeway because I understand she wanted me to not have to deal with acne but just went about parenting entirely wrong, she also had problems with alcoholism after she lost access to pain medicine and a falling out with her side of the family, she definitely had it very rough during those times and it showed in her parenting. She's somewhat better now but still isn't over alcohol. I don't hold it against her but insecurities like that are hard to get over when instilled into you like that. Honestly the only way to get past it is to get rid of the acne itself which is very hard in its own right

>> No.20673389

Everyone knows. I tell them proudly. I'm not ashamed of my hobbies. I even watched some during dinner with my parents so they'd get an idea what they were like.

Parents don't mind, wish I'd get a girlfriend, but they see how wholesome it is and honestly think it's better than 99% of the shit out there.

>> No.20673541
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Stop gaslighting yourself and wash your dirty face it's filthy

>> No.20673586

Actually most the acne is gone at this point, now its just acne scars which are harder to get rid of.

>> No.20673809
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Then just get a face surgery, if Mike could do it, you could too

>> No.20676221

I understand your point, although I'm 70% sure it has nothing to do with our parents, with the 30% uncertainty being being easy on her (the gifting phone, xbox, laptop kinda stuff) All the things I mentioned happened within the last 3-4 years; she loved visiting family, going on vacation and playing various board games and was generally a shut in only on Saturday evenings for anime bingewatch/gaming sessions. Not gonna write everything out, but tldr is the problem most likely lies in her Discord contacts, who apparently have lives of leisure. It was that influence during puberty which led to what I would call a natural outcome. I have no clue what a possible remedy could be; but since I'm on good relations with her, I still have hope that her, as cringe as it might sound, sjw phase will come to an end soon.
Also, I'm sorry for how your mother treated you. I can relate to that very well too, mine used to tease me for talking to girls, which led to me generally avoiding them for the past god knows how many years. I'm glad that you recognize your mom meant well, just make sure to remember: parents aren't perfect but they're trying their best. You should try your best too; as retarded as most of the people on this board are, I wish all of you nothing more than great confidence and good luck in life. Just make sure to put some effort into it

>> No.20676320

Thanks for reading my blogpost

>> No.20676435

Always hide your power level, even from yourself

>> No.20676870
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Especially now with things like Discord and the digital world its not all parents fault, although they still do have control over their children and what they are allowed to interact with online. I don't know if restricting freedoms on things like discord (especially when that involves isolating her from her friends) is a good idea but surely something could be done to try to bring people back into reality. I have a hard time believing people actively enjoy being isolated from the outside mainly because I lived that way and deep down hated it, but just avoided those thoughts by spamming League of Legends.
But there's still time for her to come around, you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves and she will come around eventually as long as the olive branch is still extended to her. I also wish for the best for everyone fellow Rosebud

>> No.20677248

Nobody knows. I brought up the subject but they just don't care about foreign streamers (or YouTubers for that matter).
Since French Vtubers are'nt a thing, it's unlikely to change anytime soon.

>> No.20679491
File: 277 KB, 518x496, gura_it's_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch them with my brother. We're both big into the hobby I guess. Sister knows and thinks they're alright. She's a normie though. She likes Gura the most but mostly just likes her singing. Doesn't care for the livestreaming parts, which is fine. Parents think they're weird but usually don't mind.

I guess I'm just fortunate I live with a family where we're all ok with the things we do.

>> No.20681302

