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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 143 KB, 800x450, 1647717092759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20587810 No.20587810 [Reply] [Original]

Stop pirating the live show. Cover spent a lot of money on that. You're undermining the girls hard work.

>> No.20587846


>> No.20587875

Kiss my ass.

>> No.20588249

why is the torrent so slow tho

>> No.20588387
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>> No.20588440
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>> No.20588594
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>> No.20588606

YAGOO probably doesn't give a shit, he knows westerners will pirate anyway, and most of their profit are from actual japs.

>> No.20588764

As long there is a way, I will do it.
If not, I will leave it.

Simple as is.

>> No.20589016

No, fucker is about to make 100mil yen with the Gura statue.

>> No.20589544

talk to my hand

>> No.20589813
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>> No.20589907

Gomenasorry Yagoo-san, I live in a shitty third world country and until I move to a first world and earn 10 times more than what I am earning now I cannot and will not pay for your company. Please accept my cum collection as an alternate payment for now.

>> No.20589979

Yagoo, the concert should have been paid for by the live attendees. Bad business practice my dude.

>> No.20589994

I'm only watching EN, not paying $50 for 10 minutes of footage

>> No.20590035

Are they actually selling the statue?

>> No.20590095

Reminder from December 2020.
When you're pirating the Fes., you're letting the chinks win.

>> No.20590113

allegedly being "auctioned for charity"

>> No.20590125

Fuck you, don't call yourself Youtubers if you gonna paywall your content

>> No.20590172

They ain't losing money, either I wasn't going to see it at all or I was gonna pirate it. In no circumstances would have I given cover money

>> No.20590173

they already won

>> No.20590254

That is correct, japs don't seem to care about overseas when it comes to piracy.

>> No.20590263

poor fag right now next year for sure gomen Tanigo-San

>> No.20590316

Suck my chicken's hot wings

>> No.20590355

I’ll just buy the blu-ray when it drops. Until then….

>> No.20590748

Are you a real fan if you won't pay for your companies equivalent of the Superbowl?

>> No.20591054

Japs don't care about overseas in general. The lack of EN subtitles on both the expo and concert is proof for that.

>> No.20593929

any way to rip the chat log?

>> No.20594052

I'm very pro-piracy and nothing will make that "pro-piracy unless it's a thing I like", especially not something by a multi-million dollar corporation.

>> No.20594117

Chumpedos are disgusting

>> No.20594163

Tell you what, you send marine and suisei to my house and I'll send them back with half breeds and a check.

>> No.20594185

Go fuck yourself you jewloving pathetic corporate simp

>> No.20594312

I would pay for the ticket except the fucking site won't accept my card.

>> No.20594352

Already paid for both days and watched it live. Will still pirate to get a copy for myself since the damn thing only stays up for 30 days. Will probably buy the blu ray if they release it too, for collection purposes.

>> No.20594607


>> No.20595631

Cry about it.
I ain't gonna pay for a fake show

>> No.20595695
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>damn thing only stays up for 30 days
Holy fuck, they're selling you a 30 day rental? What type of stupid shit is that?

>> No.20596332

Yeah, this is the same for every concert though. That's normal. They will probably announce a blu ray for it later on.

>> No.20596348

30 day rental for $100 but don't worry, you can pay even more for the BD months later!

>> No.20596400

I'm gonna pay a professional subbing group that subs anime to sub this and from 1st

>> No.20596417

I don't mind? Honestly, it's peanuts compared to my spending in other hobbies.

>> No.20596462

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.20596480

30 days ought to be enough for literally anyone to figure out how to install yt-dlp, export browser cookies, open the browser debugger, find the m3u8 URL, and download the VOD.

>> No.20596510

I paid for it, but I will still torrent it so I can have in on archive.

>> No.20596644

Go suck your mom's cock, faggot.

>> No.20596747

The fact that you need to do this instead of them just giving you the thing permanently is ridiculous.

>> No.20597074


>> No.20597603

>30 day rental for $100
That expensive? I thought it was something like $50 for both days from people talking about it. But it is actually double that, fuck no lmao.

>> No.20597981
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>They are loosing money because a couple of hundred 4channers can't pay.
I'll add you 300-500 shameless Redditors and about 500 twitter fags, but that number combined ain't anyway close to the several thousands across the fucking world who even paid full price and let's not forget the millions in merch they are getting as I'm calling a faggot. Suck a horse penis you fag OP

>> No.20600035

It's $50 for each day, the same cost as actually seeing it in person.

>> No.20600136
File: 159 KB, 270x357, 1632806502050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more faggot.

>> No.20600210

Cover most likely made a gargantuan amount of money from merch sales alone.

>> No.20600236

>the same cost as actually seeing it in person.
But you aren't seeing it in person or seeing the whole expo. So you are actually paying more for less content.

>> No.20600406
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>> No.20600803

Yagoo please understand I am poor as shit.

>> No.20600910

>giving money to Cover after they announced homoEN

>> No.20600931

I agree. I should've made it more obvious, the fact that streaming it is the same cost as seeing it live was meant to be a bad thing.

>> No.20600942

Go suck Yagoo's.
Oh wait, you're already doing that.

>> No.20600967

All the seaniggers in this thread

>> No.20601138

>paranoid man refuses to seek therapy

>> No.20601416

Don't worry, I have taken into account the absolute state of pirate fags and have bought 50 tickets. I encourage everyone else in this thread who's not a scumbag to also do the same to offset the damage.

>> No.20601594

I'll stop when they get english subs

>> No.20601640


We should avenge Russia

>> No.20602880
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Then understand the price elasticity of your digital commodity is practically zero and that the reference price for something we are all fucking pirating is zero. The margins would increase from your audience if the price was reasonable for inexperienced consumers who look at that price and decide that 3 hours of entertainment they can't even download for 80$ for a single day is absolutely outside of market standard. It's not a pay per view for a once in a life time event and this pricing isn't making you the money you could be making. Please get the old man running your finance department to read this http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= especially page 12

>> No.20603078

If they sub it, it's an instant buy, otherwise, why would I bother?

>> No.20603138


Buncha freeloading scrubs.

>> No.20603143

nigga, this is the virtual youtubers board

>> No.20603337

I'm a poorfag. Prease understando

>> No.20603559

Fuck that. Why can't the Japanese understand modern online content? Is there something in their brains that makes them unable to process the idea of online distribution? Of low costs creating far more sales? It's not just Cover, every Japanese company just doesn't seem to get it.

>> No.20603623

This but also
You're right. If they made this concert a reasonable price I would have paid to watch live. Which is a lot more than the $0.00 I'm paying with the current price.

>> No.20603776

Western corporations haven't figured it out either. AAA games went from $60 physical to $60 digital, even though digital distribution is cheaper and digital games has less value to the consumer because you can't resell it.

>> No.20603939

After seeing how their models looked like I'm glad I pirated it.

>> No.20604195

Games today also cost far more to make and 60 Biden Dollars are worth less than 60 Bush Dollars, so the cut costs were balanced.

>> No.20604437


The game industry makes far more profit than any time in history, so no.

>> No.20604731

people who pirated it wouldn't have paid money to see it in the first place so it's not like you're losing out on any money, yagoo

>> No.20604988

If you cut your price by 1/5 you don't get 5 times more and all you would get is people who would be willing to pay 40 to 50 paying 20 instead.
The whole Otaku and Fujo economy works using something that is the opposite of that, the whole "Bluray sets for 400$ sold to 5k to 10k people" that worked well until Gacha and Vtubers stole the income.
What works works, and pandering to low paying normies doesn't work for niche stuff.

>> No.20605317

Actually that only holds true if you count mobile games and game as service, take them out and the ground is far shakier. However, people paying 700 for virtual diamonds for imaginary entirely digital rewards in match 3 games just makes this argument of physical vs digital more confusing.

>> No.20605826

I already bought my oshi's merch, full sets. I get to choose now.

>> No.20606115

>Paying 100 dollars to rent a Concert for 30 days after that it goes away forever.
Is Yagoo part Hebrew? You don’t even own the concert your paying for

>> No.20606180

Even though you aren't wrong about otaku economy the market isn't the same at all. The otaku industry is built on speculative value for collectors and the market they are targeting is a comparatively small section of people in train distance of japan with disposable income. In the idol days this might have made sense as something you can't really pirate or experience anywhere else but that just isn't the case anymore.

Also yes if you cut your price by 1/5 you don't get 5 times more its a curve based on the price and cost function. The delta is much wider considering that chuubas operate on a pay what you want model mostly and so yes, there are a wide range of incomes that would be interested in purchasing fes. This isn't nearly as niche as SXSW

>> No.20606258

Didn't pay, adblock on, VPN set to random African country, and of course, not seeding at all.

>> No.20606360

It depends how niche your product is. If what you sell is popular, then you have a large enough market to sell it for cheap. If it is smaller, you need higher prices to make up for it. Cover clearly thinks either theres not enough dedicated fans to make it work or they think their average fan is devoted enough to spend big bucks. But these are streamers, so most of the audience is freeloading.

>> No.20606708

Popularity doesn't necessarily have anything to do with how niche. All niche means in a marketing sense is how specific your market its. It can be widely popular, a brand everyone knows about but only service customers with very specific needs. The opposite would be mass appeal, something that potentially anyone could buy, but that too doesn't necessarily mean its popular.

>> No.20610400

I think the question is that there is not really that much of a gradual curve from freeloader to payer, people who are willing to pay already don't care much about "saving money" while people who would rather pirate would still pirate even if the price was very low.

>> No.20610825

>You're undermining the girls hard work.
i would have never paid for your show, so you are not losing anything

>> No.20611179

I didn't. Don't worry yagoo. Most JP and 1st world cunts bought it too. You can't control Seaniggers though. They won't buy it any other way. Sp nothing of value was lost. t.flip

>> No.20611210

>people who are willing to pay already don't care much about "saving money"
Every single word that constructed that sentence flies directly in contraction with the basics of economics. Everything is on a curve, there is an upper limit for how much everyone is willing to pay for a product and that's all on a curve.

>> No.20611265


>> No.20611574

I'm poor but got a few paying friends into the rabbit hole
>I should be the one getting payed

>> No.20612610

There is also buffering while live which is just sacrilege. No, my internet speed is not an issue.
t. 250Mbps
More important for me is making the transaction easier. Ever since shop.hololive went on, I've been on a merch spree. When it was just geekjack and booth, I never spent.
