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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20483905 No.20483905 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they flop?

>> No.20483943

because their troon wasnt as good as Kronii

>> No.20484022

nobody asked for it.

>> No.20484033

They ran out of talented men after the first 5 hires

>> No.20484067

Don't worry nijisister! If we insult hololive a bit more, they will incline!

>> No.20484079

It's funny that Fulgur criticized Council because he is part of Noctyx, which is to Luxiem what Council is to Myth

>> No.20484127

Luxiem soaked up all the fujos

>> No.20484161

Noctyx wishes they had performed as well as council lol

>> No.20484202

This is the 10th niji bait thread today. Did Nijisanji having a successful day make you guys mad again?

>> No.20484209

Real answer, they came too early and that prevented them from forming a unique identity and dynamic. Now they are just "those other guys next to Luxiem", who had the time to form an identity.

>> No.20484320

I would also like to make a toast. To the Councilfag, who steals our threads, and steals our board.

>> No.20484337

rushed debut + boring model + don't appeal do fujos + 1 female stealing the spot of another male

>> No.20484431

They insulted the kouhai’s of literally some of the most well known chuuba in the west, let alone the biggest company.

Holo fans are loyal but open minded to other chuuba, this not only affected them but the entirety of nijiEN. People are seeing they’re snakes.

>> No.20484436

Rushed debut, shit design, and also none of them are great streamers

>> No.20484482

Fulgur is the only good one. Alban is ok

>> No.20484510

They just all look like each other. Like legitimately even with other Nijisanji generations they at least came to the conclusion you need to give them each something DISTINCT otherwise you’d end up with a lot of vtubers blending into each other.
Outside of Covid’s robot parts and Yugo’s lack of hoodie they all look like palette swaps

>> No.20484534

tranny n ugly

>> No.20484610

Yeah, seriously, what's up with that? Even luxiem looks visually distinct even with silhouettes alone so it's not like nijisanji isn't familiar with the concept. It really does feel like they rushed them out to meet some kind of deadline.

>> No.20484791

Looking like R characters in a gacha

>> No.20484809
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This bait thread is gay but I hate their designs so much. We lost a barachad and a femboy for this shit, not to mention wario and waluigi on the right, and Alban is literally just Combed Ike. Realistically, Luxiem flopped in the west and only look popular thanks to the chinese fujos. If you take that audience away, they'd probably have the same numbers as Noctyx

>> No.20485053

They are doing worst then HoloID.

>> No.20485107

>Sonny Brisko
Self-aware autistic that wants to be a voice actor. Went from /v/ to /cm/ after his debut. Cannot keep up with the streaming landscape and will drown in it's culture due to his 'tism
>Uki Violeta
Shu 2.0
>Alban Knox
He has room to grow, but his peak hours clash with the main girls
>Fulgur Ovid
Intentional debuff that drove away casuals
>Yugo Asuma
Can barely speak English, constantly has issues and is a girl. Should have never been in the EN branch

>> No.20485204
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Uki makes Shu look good
>captcha N0XTY
what the fuck

>> No.20485262

Also, what the fuck is with these names.
It really sounds like aome computer generated thing.

>> No.20485307

ass too fat

>> No.20485341

this - sonny might pick up and considering the fulgur/uki colab there seems to be some hope for uki as well - yugo . . . .

>> No.20486306

>Intentional debuff
Is this a reference to the edgy kayfabe at debut or something else?

>> No.20486403

Yes and his dark humour that upset some in his Apex colab

>> No.20486577

I see. It’s insane how important debut momentum seems to be. Feels like the average person will write someone off and then will never check them out again

>> No.20486647

First impressions mean A LOT online. It's why so many are upset with Sonny. Amazing debut and he's been nothing like it since

>> No.20486708

as soon as niji finds anything resembling a market, they must saturate it as fast as possible

>> No.20486712

Still doing better than any of the female niji streamers though.

>> No.20486913

outsider's perspective here.
They don't have anything that makes them stand out, their first Male gen had the "being first" buff that put a lot of eyes on them, they had guaranteed attention that they managed to convert into a fanbase, 2nd gen doesn't seem to have anything that could catch an outsider's interest.
All I know about their members is that; Fulgur is apparently an edgelord, the glowie's roommate has a really absurd background, and the tranny(?) isn't even fluent in English while being in a fucking EN branch. There was no fanfare or buildup to their arrival, they kind of just popped into existence one day. People like to meme about Nijisanji debuting vtubers too quickly and way too often, but I think this gen really showcases the risk of spamming vtubers at people.

>> No.20487065

sonny brisko is pretty good for a cop

>> No.20487216

They are still building their brands. Fulgur and Alban get 4-5k CCV on solo streams pretty regularly and are incling. Sure its not Luxiem, but its better than anything else NijiEns got and they're the ones with real potentional in a couple months. Fulgur could honestly just be a normal twitch steamer for all his "edginess" and Alban has been settling into his role as genki catboy. Sonny and Uki are just mostly inexperienced in streaming.

>> No.20487372

The truth is Alban is Shu 2.0

>> No.20487831

Fulgur Ovid is a massive faggot. He alone makes the whole gen insufferable.

>> No.20488011

Because they were pumped out way too quickly after Luxiem and will eternally be in their shadow. None of their designs are particularly unique; Sonny's yellow is eye-melting, Fulgur is ripoff Dante, Alban is just recycled Mysta, and the other 2 aren't particularly special. Niji pumped them out too quickly and barely gave fans any time to get to know them when most NijiEN fans were still getting to know Luxiem

>> No.20488042

>Amazing debut and he's been nothing like it since
What exactly has changed with him? Usually just passing by when it comes to the latest male EN wave and felt he was well liked?

>> No.20488219

He had a very strong debut, filled with tons of quips (some of which are 4chan memes) and tons of energy behind his voice acting impressions. Since than, he's been timid and seemingly passive. If you watched the Minecraft stream the other day for example, he didn't even get the police joke Fulger made.

I want to party blame his autistic side, but I genuinely think it's that he wants to be a voice actor first and foremost, he's merely using the streaming gig at Niji to form connections. But in order to do that, you gotta put the effort in. He's been a bit of a wet blanket since. Even addressed so in a recent donation reading stream.

>> No.20488309

They were from the same audition and basically made together. People assume they were pumped out because of Luxiems success however its confirmed that they were planned and scouted at the same time long before Luxiem hit. They really did put the more promising ones in the first wave though.

>> No.20488494

Oh yeah, that's right. I suppose it's more that their debuts were rushed than their creation, which still makes them feel lackluster when compared to Luxiem

>> No.20488586

Mostly agreed in terms of design. I think Albans robot catboy design is fantastic though and much better than Mysta so its a shame it came after.

>> No.20488659

It would not surprise me if the reason Luxiem is so strong is in part because they designed and scouted 10 vtubers, then plucked the 5 most promising ones to debut first.

>> No.20488683

This thread pop'd up and will keep popping up everyday until Noctyx becomes as successful as Luxiem at the very least, though

>> No.20489609

Alban and Fulgur are good. Sonny needs to find a way to transfer his porn star skills into streaming. Good luck with the other two...

>> No.20492481

Elirahires. Please understand

>> No.20493229

Fulgur/Alban/Selen Apex collab was God tier

>> No.20493326

The two on the right are so bad. Why the fuck did they make them look so similar?

>> No.20493526

>troon wasnt as good as Kronii
im watching amouranth for the first time and she actually sounds like kronii/nina saotome

>> No.20493775

>10th niji bait thread today
>not looking at the 20 holo bait threads currently at the catalog

>> No.20493855

Links to all of them please

>> No.20493857

Every fuckin time I end up watching someone whom I wasn't really interested in pre debut. Fulgur is great, others are just boring.

>> No.20493894

>Why did they flop?
Because they are a part of Nijisanji. Vox and his boyfriends are like a weird anomaly while being carried by Vox himself.

>> No.20494119

You forgot faked having cancer to attentionwhore quitting YouTube for sonny, idc if he’s here that shits too pathetic to be worth watching

>> No.20494371

Anyone with any business acumen can tell council underperformed expectations. Only vtuber fans would be autistic enough to perceive that analysis as criticism tho.

>> No.20494515

Flop compared to who, because they're faring much better than almost all the NijiEN girls. Compared to Luxiem, yeah.

>> No.20494592

I feel like they were meant to be a half step between Lux's fujo pandering and a more bro-tuber group. But a mix of designs that appeal to neither side and no content that won the algorithm lottery has left them to flounder. But still they could find their footing with time.

With so many waves now I think EN should start thinking harder about what content they can produce to stand out.

>> No.20494618

Everyone is using Luxiem as the bar.

>> No.20494661

It's just a prank bro

>> No.20494959

By that logic, Council is a giant flop if they're compared to myth.

I think it's stupid to compare success against your most successful group.

>> No.20496048

>They're doing it more
Always a shit defence. This particular bait has been done to death. It's super fucking stale. /vt/ has already been over why they didn't do so well multiple times and the answers in this thread are no more insightful than when this thread was made last week or the week before. It's not even things that can really be fixed no matter how many times it gets pointed out. Give me some new Niji bait to shit on them with.

>> No.20496186 [DELETED] 

I'm not the one whose really it on the board blame everyone else who was expecting them to be Luxiem tier and banking on the "Manjisanji" magic.

>> No.20496260

I'm not the one whose really in on it blame everyone else in the board who was expecting them to be Luxiem tier and banking on the "Manjisanji" magic.

>> No.20496271

The problem is we got so many fucking tribalfags on /vt/ who shit on another group and then try to claim it's a false flag to then blame them for what they did.
It's fucked up.

>> No.20496313

>Discount Snuffy
>Trend following troon
>Le ebin 4channer :DDDDD
>Male Pomu, but without her fetishes
>Lean man

It's like a fusion of Obsydia and Niji ID handled by Pajeet management.

>> No.20496399

Sana, you have to let go. Hating won't bring your dog back...

>> No.20496519
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Fanbase reflects their oshi

>> No.20496735

All of these are correct takes.
Council wasn't as success as cover expected and they pushed out holostar EN as a response to Niji EN taking over the market that cover neglected.

>> No.20496824

Hey Finana, if council is a failure what does that make you? Why dont you stop riding vox dick for a milisecond and answer the question.
Answering that would shit on the narrative you are pushing wouldnt it

>> No.20497057
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>Luxiem flopped in the west
I hate that this is the case but also I'm glad, it would be an absolute disaster if Luxiem was popular in the west. I would 100% rather have underage SEA Mystakes being annoying than put up with underage burger Mystakes being even slightly annoying. There would be a huge drama every single week and we wouldn't get even a quarter of the shota art we have now of Luxiem. So as much as I hate waking up early to catch Vox, Mysta, and Ike's streams, I hope they don't change the time zones much.

>> No.20497181

>Everyone who gives objective takes is Niji

>> No.20497294

Could be wrong and this doesn't matter, but I'm inclined to believe the anons who say it makes him overly cautious. If I did something that dumb online, I'd feel like I constantly had a target on my back, too.

>> No.20497466

Nothing really changed, males on here are just mad that he doesn't pander to them and instead he's been just acting like himself. He still does the voice acting and meme references but people here ignore that because they're upset at him making cute noises. Just a classic case of "anything that doesn't pander to me is bad".

>> No.20497701

Shitty designs mainly imo, they look like so bland compared to Luxem where each member clearly stands out design wise

>> No.20497965

Too early, design too generic, feels like they are the less talented little bros of the more successful and interesting of Luxiem and Luxiem is boring outside of Ike and Vox

>> No.20500068

>I feel like they were meant to be a half step between Lux's fujo pandering and a more bro-tuber group
I think that's true, but the problem is, majority of the fans are still women. I don't think you can attract the intended bro-tuber audience with their current fans

>> No.20502023

>Council wasn't as success as cover expected
I'm still puzzled by this argument, every time someone tries to criticize Council they always say something like that, "they under-performed", "it was a flop", "didn't meet Cover's expectations". Yet, they're still light years ahead of 99% of the industry, who are people even comparing them to, other holos on their own fucking company? Nijisanji? Vshojo? Where did everyone get this information about there being some sort of expected subs/growth per gen that Cover is keeping track of?

>> No.20507635
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your mistake is expecting anyone involved to be arguing in good faith and not doing pic related

>> No.20508905

>Uki is too quiet and doesn't know how to make small talk
>Fulgur successfully(?) drove everybody away with his persona
>Sonny had a godly debut but he's a pile of nerves, probably made worse by the doxing and he's scared of stepping on a landmine
>Yugo can't fucking talk to people besides someone who knows JP, plays games for like an hour then switches to zatsudan, doesn't know how streaming shit works
>Alban is normal but he's pulled down by his genmates being flops

>> No.20509005

Nijisanji EN doesn't seem to want anything but boring boys. No animal boys, or fantasy ones. Because it's "cooler" I guess. This makes the designs boring

>> No.20510906

Why do you keep calling Uki Shu 2.0 in these threads when they're nothing alike? Is the idea just that you don't expect anyone who reads these to actually have watched any of them?

>> No.20516625

Did they? They're still doing miles better than the Holostars

>> No.20516919

That was before the vtuber boom, I guarantee the EN Homo's will pass them in their debut week, hell maybe even Uproar will pass them

>> No.20526268

very boring character designs, also tranny and gays

>> No.20526474

>debut 20 gorillas
>only streams like twice a week
>only do low effort lets play rando gaems
>no effort in filling dead timezones
tazumi sacho we need further acceleration, control the media 24/7

>> No.20526731

They flopped because they are garbage and forgettable, unlike Luxiem.

>> No.20527073

> self-made narrative
> Objective take

>> No.20535699

So they’re actually bad?

>> No.20536242

Fulgar and alban are decent the rest need time to get used to it.

>> No.20541857

The novelty of being the first noteworthy male group in english is gone.

>> No.20542496

Council is generally compared to Myth.
Myth had a great initial appeal and Council simply didn't.
I'd personally blame some of it on Myth having better character designs, a better theme and a better introduction but Council's members are just more boring and lacking in the diverse skills Myth had.

>> No.20548713

The bar for council's expected success was set high both by myth's previous success and by their own rather pompous introduction, which the talents weren't able to follow up on through their own skills.

>> No.20548815

Poor character design.

>> No.20563170

Niji is such a shitty company, like blatantly just about shitting out vtubers and seeing what makes money. Completely soulless

>> No.20563412


>> No.20569142
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>> No.20570449


>> No.20570867

Too soon after Luxiem. They should've let things simmer instead of saturating the market.

>> No.20573866
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>Niji is such a shitty company, like blatantly just about shitting out vtubers and seeing what makes money. Completely soulless

>> No.20574035

I think we just mindbroke them bros

>> No.20574112

>numbers fag

>> No.20574908

>Why did they flop?
Not as hard as council and holofes

>> No.20575138

Yugo is too much of a dumbass to not keep himself out of trouble and Covidman literaly debuffs himself even though he has the ideal model to attract fans due to sharing a popular mama with the most popular NijiEN. Alban is very Milquetoast, not bad just unremarkable.

The olny ones that have potential to get popular are Sonny and Uki, however i feel leanboy also wants to shoot himself in the foot just like the Fungus. So the olny real hope in this wave is Sonny.

>> No.20575477
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>> No.20575638

>>Uki Violeta
>Shu 2.0
Holy shit Shu is a cool guy, why would you insult him like this,

>> No.20575953

>first wave are males that sound gay or british
>second wave also sounds gay or british
Aside from Yugo who needed an androgynous model to compliment her voice, there's nothing that really pops out with Noctyx. At least looking like an Arknights character seems to be helping Alban's numbers.

>> No.20575984

> tfw you realize that the Soviet Army during WWII is not an ideal model to emulate for your idol debut waves

>> No.20576321

I hate nijien to the cores, considering how the fuck they would pander to bunch of fujo and instead of being bros and have a great streaming session
they keep shoving out bunch of boring shits and keep going back to le gay xD, "i am gay and i will now marry this other faggot le xD"
like fucking hell, why can't we get a bro?
bunch of faggot gayshit
literally woman, what do you expect? I mean tranny
faggot, lean faggot
i wish you die for real when you joke about it back then you cunt
another fujo pandering nigger, openly reads bl and in love with uki
i wish they got stoned to death
trying to sell his puppy/kitten personality but in the end trying to pander the fujos as well by keep getting into the purple and red man relationship
like holy hell... getting the vtuber culture into the west are a mistake, just like how these faggots want to pander for bunch of underaged girls (they should leave such things to vox desu, vox definitely get that prime cunny) and their trend of "straight is not 202x i am gay because i am cool"
the hate goes hard to kazakhztan i wish the entire western niggers just get nuked
the only decent one i could get out of this male nijien is probably shu

>> No.20576656

>Uki Violeta
>Shu 2.0
Completely wrong, Shu is autistic but straight as fuck, doesn't do the shipping things other members do and Uki is just extremely faggy beyond every single niji members level even Vox, he has a better niche and will outgrow Shu eventually if he keeps it up

>> No.20576698

That's the point though, people say it can't happen, but you want your next gen to be more popular than the previous.
Even certain holo gens are more popular than their previous

>> No.20576751

So basically they do the exact same thing as holo girls but since they're guys you hate it when they do it.

>> No.20576894

Except it's not and you're delusional if you think it's not.

>> No.20576898

i don't even watch hologirls, so idk what are you talking about
i just come here to say that i hate those faggot so bad

>> No.20576993

Then my point would apply even moreso because niji girls, especially jp do fag baiting even harder and more explicit.

>> No.20577174

I think it might also have to do with some thumbnails. Chibi art is simple cute shit that appeals to everyone, but of course it won’t ever get as much interest as a fujobait piece of art for a thumbnail given Luxium’s current fan base.

>> No.20579492

whatever girls you watch, they do yurifag bait twice as hard and you'll say nothing about it because you're a hypocrite

>> No.20580782

those are the shittiest most boring designs ever on god

>> No.20581171

Vox is ugly and boring. I think he should kill himself.

>> No.20581232

Fujoshit designs don't appeal to men who are the primary audience of all anime-related media in the west

>> No.20581232,1 [INTERNAL] 

I still cry...
