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20403958 No.20403958 [Reply] [Original]

>be one of the most popular vtubers in a top company
>bear a minor grudge against management
>cause drama, openly badmouth your company
>get kicked out as a result
>syphon your simps to a new account while spreading rumours about former colleagues
What was wrong with Sio?

>> No.20404046

it's really funny that Rushia will get away with it simply because she's a holowhore but Sio is pretty much blacklisted.

>> No.20404047
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>> No.20404308

>Rushia will get away with it
i'm not even a h*loshart but you're crazy if you think rushia isn't also blacklisted from any vtuber companies

>> No.20404393

i dont think you would know if she actually join them.

>> No.20404428

Rushia got bitch slapped by Kson to not go through with whatever dumb idea she was cooking up to destroy Hololive. Sio pretty much managed to sink .Live.

>> No.20404677

>Rushia got bitch slapped by Kson
Source:my ass

>> No.20404745

I wish Kson would bitchslap me, preferably with her titties.

>> No.20405110

Implying anyone would want to deal with someone who knowlingly breaks NDA. People in the industry would treat her as if she was a leper at this point.

>> No.20405190

>>bear a minor grudge against management
yeah thats totally what happened

>> No.20405498

well, I don't know much about .Live.
did they deserve it?
are they a shit company?
if anything, cover is incompetent, but I'm not sure if they're actually malicious.

>> No.20405670

every company is malicious, they're taking advantage of the actually talented people that work for them.

>> No.20406738

That's such a stupid statement. You don't just need to be a good entertainer to be successful. You have to take care of marketing, legal stuff, organization, tech, capital, etc.
Sure, some indies do it all by themselves, but it's much more effective if specialists in each of those fields come together. It's often used as a buzzword, but "synergy" is the name of the game.

A company is just the legal framework to have a bunch of people safely collaborating on something. There's nothing inherently malicious about that.

>> No.20407036
File: 84 KB, 850x662, sample-b3e59abe159d1f92c9f0d665bfd1ba32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was some promotional event and Sio (who at that point was Yozakura Tama) wanted to participate. Corpos however chose another girl for that. Tama got pouty and ranted about .Live being a black company. On a stream.

>> No.20407260


>> No.20407343

She was a dumb whore with a huge ego that's what happen, one less a few more to go

>> No.20407457

Rushia was just a retarded menhera. Sio was actually evil.

>> No.20407488


>> No.20407662

>Rushia will get away with it
She will forever be hated by unicorn
She will forever cause doubt in the mind of all gfe gachis
She will be the vtuber that exploited the mentally ill to normal people
And she will have never done anything wrong because vtubers are moral paragons to eop redditors that won't watch her much less donate

>> No.20407848

Back to lereddit with you.

>> No.20408538

>She will forever be hated by unicorn

You are terribly wrong about this. What everyone thought that would happen is that every gachikoi would abandon Rushia, but then yabs started to run around that every Holomem had BFs, and the most stupid ones crucified the unicorns like Moona and Botan, followed by the ones who got mad at their followers not wanting them to have BFs.

Rushia always welcomed the gachikois, so they slowly started to take refugee to her new channel, so much, that the last video she did almost reached 1m CCV IN less than 24hrs, that's twice what Gura does, which is currently the top dog.

What's most funny about this situation, is that Rushia was a necromancer, and now she feeds on every unicorn the other Holos are killing.

Life is full of irony indeed.

>> No.20408714

>yabs started to run around that every Holomem had BFs.
Expecting them to be single while they are idols is one thing but expecting them to not have had a BF ever is retarded. A lot of them are confirmed to have had BFs in the past and going by their age is just normal to at least have had a highschool/college BF.
>most stupid ones crucified the unicorns like Moona and Botan, followed by the ones who got mad at their followers not wanting them to have BFs.
I don't know about Moona but the rest of the JP holos have doubled down on the GFE since Rushia's yab. Last Valentine's streams were beyond gachikoi pandering. Botan has never panderer so it's ok but the ones that always have had gachis and like to have them are still doing their thing as always.

>> No.20408835

Nice cope.
Rushia will only be hated by extreme bitter schizoid incels.

>> No.20409121

what was her fucking problem

>> No.20409623

>gives up on her high paying job just to prove her innocence to her fans
Forget GFE, Rushia is more dedicated than any gf you could ever get, I respect her more than anyone else.

>> No.20411500

>gives up on her high paying job
He rele belebs.

>> No.20411734

Its the opposite, the streamers make the industry and the ones that make the contracts are on the defence

>> No.20411859

>She will forever be hated by unicorn
Rushia had no unicorns. Her fans knew she was friends with Mafumafu for years.

>> No.20411896

Or you could guys could just use the term properly, as it applies to streaming content and nothing else.

>> No.20412039

Does it? I assumed it was a general thing.

>> No.20412111

Would make for an easy strawman so you probably purposefully saw it in that way.

>> No.20412159

Usually scandals start whenever an idol is seen with a guy in private or something similar rather than in public, that's why I assumed such a thing.

>> No.20412317

I don't know how usual you think this is but the rules of a group is dependent on the group itself.

>> No.20412405


>> No.20412776

Well no one knows to what degree she badmouthed her company and what kind of rumours she spread around except the parties involved. Unless she get outed like Sio was, the public opinion and especially her simps and gachi will always like that

>> No.20412810

it can literally just be having sponsor details in her DMs that she gave out, an offhand comment about recording a song for an unannounced project would be enough
cover gets in hot water with sponsors and thats something outside the company so they cant brush it under the rug, rushia gets canned, simple as

>> No.20413092

Even if it was something that could get brushed under the rug, the contract was probably written so badly that making a reasonable exception would cause issues for all the other contracts that exist

>> No.20413141

A-Chan implied they'd have bailed her out if they weren't a big company now, so that seems to indicate it was related to big company things -- shareholders, sponsors, etc. A total internal affair would be a different story. Sucks either way...

>> No.20413905

I'm genuinely curious as to how you talk so self-assuredly about something you're objectively wrong about
Especially after the Rushia drama, too

>> No.20413956

100% she will make less money out of Hololive and knows it

>> No.20413994

It is. The other guy is retarded. Anybody who thinks it isn't normal to want girls you get romantically attached to to be aingle and be upset when they aren't is fishing for (You)s

>> No.20414161

It's because I'm right.

>> No.20414543


>> No.20416571

Let me rephrase.
>he rele belebs Rushia was able to decide whether to leave or to remain

>> No.20419211

Sio did nothing wrong

>> No.20419611

Sio is still getting fan art. Most of it is porn, more specifically her being raped, humiliated or degraded. Wonder if she knows about it.

>> No.20419841

>Wonder if she knows about it.
Better yet wonder if she gets off to it.

>> No.20420027

Why was Rushia dismissed again?

>> No.20420463

Breaking NDA

>> No.20422006

>Sio crying while wanking at degenerate porn of hers
Now that's something new.

>> No.20426085


>> No.20427944

>Rushia got bitch slapped by Kson
Kson slapped Rushia's knees in front of mafumafu.

>> No.20428228

roshi slaped aki rosenthal in the face in front of yagoo

pro tip aki is yagoo wife

>> No.20428407
File: 491 KB, 1451x2048, uruha rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in summary:
>Rushia fucked up and exposed a message from mafumafu by not hiding discord overlay properly, which combined with prior evidence indicates they were at least cohabitating if not dating
>Goes on multi week break to dodge shotstorm while Cover intervenes to try look into situation
>She blabs to drama youtuber about shit to try clear her name
>Drama youtuber shares way more of their messages than she'd asked him to and gets her in even bigger shit
>She posts multiple tweets and audio showing she's extremely upset, some think she was baiting possible suicide
>She indicates she is now looking for a new place to live, which means mafumafu is keeping their home (regardless of if they were dating)
>Cover fires her after uncovering not only the drama monger leak but also other, much more severe shit to do with nda breaking that happened a while ago
>Top paypigs indicate during this time that she was sending private DM vids to them and post proof, which is apparently a no-no for hololive
>Her friends and co-workers all take this in stride in-character and mostly treat her firing as necessary
>She posts more menhera shit about being miserable on other social media
>Another drama monger says Rushia was telling people in late 2021 she was getting bullied by a senpai and thinking of leaving due to uncertainty over her position, and the dramamonger she went to over mafumafu reveals she said this shit to lots of ecelebs plus possibly more but nobody ran with it because she had 0 evidence of it
>Now mafumafu all but confirms they were dating in a public statement by admitting they broke up in veiled language so that his unicorns can both know he's single and continue to cope and pretend he was never dating her
>Rushia has also indicated in since deleted tweets she is lolking to hire a lawyer, whoch means either her menhera status is going to make her try sue Cover or they are suing her

This dumb broad fucking ruined everything for herself
