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File: 323 KB, 667x863, 1635950560989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20400830 No.20400830 [Reply] [Original]

Asset design stream in 30 minutes!



>> No.20401778

I'm still trying to come up with questions for the marshmallow.

>> No.20401939


>> No.20402116

we'll probably have more material after the special strean

>> No.20402647

I hope you motherfuckers are satisfied. Nade stopped using the deeper voice she said was her preferred voice that she uses IRL, that she claimed helped her speak better, and made her feel more confident.

>> No.20402722
File: 47 KB, 224x224, 1642353950802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay

>> No.20402829
File: 43 KB, 224x224, 1645063283746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's angry. Nade never listened to us in the past idk why would that change now

>> No.20402879

When Nade does something, she does something because she wants to. I don't know how long you've been here but if it's for a while then you'll she's an incredibly stubborn person when it comes to certain things, and if she wants to do something, she'll do it.
You know, you could just ask right now in chat if she's settled on the type of voice she'd like to go for. You can even phrase it like that, not suggesting either direction is bad.

>> No.20402884

Someone/some people were shitposting about how her deep voice was bad in the last thread, saying things like it made her sound bored and like a tranny, and now she's speaking in the highest pitch she has in days.

>> No.20402967

Could you show me those posts? I remember a couple posts saying that they prefer the old voice but that's about it

>> No.20403027

nvm I found it. It's literally one post

>> No.20403087

NTA but can confirm there were a few that did say she sounded like a tranny. The only voice I could see that being was the really deep voice she tried at the start of streams.
There were others though who simply thought the lower voice took away from her enthusiasm and made her sound a bit more bored than she actually was. (I'm among those.)
I was suggesting a slightly deepened version to what we have so that way everyone would be satisfied.

>> No.20403464

I love hardworking Nade

>> No.20403479

>Nade's idea of a "cool voice" seems to be what every dime a dozen streamer sounds like.
>her new voice unironically makes her sound like bored teenage doomerboy at best and tranny trying too hard at worst
>she either sounds bored or like a tranny
>I do agree where she is now sounds almost like she's bored at times. And agree with the idea that she's nearing sounding like any other slightly deep voiced Vtuber.

There's also this guy that posted that he thought that Nade sounded the coolest in the vocaroo she was baited into posting from people shitposting about her previous space. I have no clue how someone could think she sounded cool then when she sounded really upset in that vocaroo.

a lot more than one post.

>> No.20403639

>a lot more than one post.
I was meaning the tranny post and that's one dude samefagging by the look of it.
> I have no clue how someone could think she sounded cool
I think he meant cool in a way how she handeld that situation, I sort of felt the same to be honest. She did really well

>> No.20403826

Are you aware that the higher voice is the natural one, right?
Are you aware that everytime she does the deeper voice she has to do a conscious effort to mantain it, right?
You paid attention to notice that whenever something happens that make her excited she instantly drops the deep voice, right?

>> No.20404510

The cute japanese vtuber who plays a crappy lotr mobile game every day even though she never read or watched it will never be not funny for me

>> No.20404608

All of them are her "natural" voice, the reason she has to put effort in to keeping her voice deep is because she's unpracticed with it compared to the higher pitch. It's a few months of practice vs ~18 years of practice. The more she uses a deeper pitch the more comfortable she'll get, and it will eventually become the norm for her.

>> No.20404825

>cool in a way how she handled that situation
Exactly this, and I stand by it.

>> No.20404842

If you put like this, any voice, no matter how forced, should be considered "natural" as long as she doesn't use a voice changer

>> No.20404909

I am the one who wrote the first voice complaint in the last thread. I am very satisfied. This is the voice I fell in love with.
All the way back in her Nadenee-chan situation voice stream, people pointed out that her deep voice gradually returns to her usual one when she gets excited. Nade's response to that was always "Well that's ok, I'll just be less enthusiastic," which is bizarre to me. Isn't her contagious enthusiasm why most of us are even here? She can talk about literally anything and I'll listen and focus only on her because of it. Choosing to throw away enthusiasm in exchange for a "cool" voice is the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot.
It's possible that she returned to her usual voice because of the last thread, but I doubt it. She is the kind who doubles down. Still, I'm glad to hear this voice again.

>> No.20405026

This is the reason why I always refer to it as "deep voice" and not "cool voice".
Normal Nade is cool as fuck, she doesn't need to change her voice to be cool, actually, Nade is at her coolest when she's enthusiastically sperging about things she likes.

>> No.20405049

she clearly struggled to maintain the tomboy voice in most of her streams
this is for the better

>> No.20405151

Also, you got backwards, she said she felt more natural speaking normally in a higher pitch, not in the deeper voice.

>> No.20405328

Obviously there's a difference between her natural range and things that would sound forced. I'd consider the UwUchama and Chadeshiko voices to be outside of her natural range and in the forced category.

It might be true that she sounded less enthusiastic back then, but she's put a lot of work into it since then and was using a voice that was higher than that one which let her enthusiasm show through.

>> No.20405656

No matter what she chooses, I will support Nadechama. If she wants to keep doing her new cool voice, I think she needs to dug more info on how to keep it without struggling too much. If she wants to be a cool girl, so be it. As long as she is happy and not hurting herself.

>> No.20405833

Even now, her default voice is still a little deeper than it used to be and it sounds fine.

>> No.20406463

wish twitch vods stayed up for longer for affiliates or even better permanently like youtube, at least I downloaded the valentine's day gifts stream

>> No.20406563

I guess the melty and collab one will remain forever unwatched for me.

>> No.20406608

Convince her to buy twitch turbo and they'll stay for 60 days, or even better convince her to setup the VOD exporter.

>> No.20406758

As sad as it might sounds, I think people already gave up on having Nade doing things the way it's standard for other vtubers. The harder people try to convince her of something, the less likely it is for it to happen.

>> No.20406787

Nade 2.0's head flowers are hydrangeas. According to a random site:
>Pink hydrangeas symbolize heartfelt emotion.
>Blue hydrangeas symbolize frigidity and apology.
>White hydrangeas symbolize boasting or bragging.
>Purple hydrangeas symbolize a desire to deeply understand someone.

>> No.20406789

thats why I started downloading the vods, I know it won't happen

>> No.20407022

I think the new sad emote looks a but off for some reason. Anyone else think similar?
I think it's like...too weighted to the right if that makes sense. Fat is the word the comes to mind but not sure if that's right.

>> No.20407069

Weighted to the left*

>> No.20407072

It also has no tears while the old one did.

>> No.20407261

That's a good point actually. It's almost like she's sleeping or sad.

>> No.20407272

shouldn't she remove the change outfit redeem

>> No.20407849
File: 38 KB, 224x224, 1645065872935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's really good at drawing emotes

>> No.20407935

She is. Her style is really cute for them. There's a few little things. Like I like how the dips in anger goes deeper in the old version vs the one now.

>> No.20408034

Im gonna miss the SOVL of the old emotes, but the new ones look more professional. She could really open commissions if she wanted to.

>> No.20408091
File: 69 KB, 774x354, 20220317_155336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm preferring the old one to the new one desu. The colours and stuff really captures anger.

>> No.20408152

Also, I think the old one is thinner and more stretched upwards with a bigger mouth, which gives it a bit more expression.

>> No.20408169

Same, there's less contrast in the new ones which makes it harder to tell what they are.

>> No.20408183

More cartoony emotes are more readable, even if they dont look as detailed.

>> No.20408196

She already said she won't do commissions because of the pressure. Also selfishly I wouldn't want her to since it would either intrude upon her stream hours, or end up as the stream content itself.

It's probably the simplified eyes that make it seem better.

>> No.20408213

I think the older emotes are the best, the style fits the emotes a lot. She can just recolour them ez.

>> No.20408217

Not saying she needs to open them, but she COULD if she wanted to. Nade is pretty good at drawing.

>> No.20408367

Is she really killing her best emote?

>> No.20408396

I assume you mean o7 right?

>> No.20408425
File: 30 KB, 224x224, 1645063220198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She killed the best emote with a cheap recolor. That's it I'm gonna drop Nadechama and refund my sub

>> No.20408428

both o7 and ogey
I'd keep o7 and kill wave if it were up to me.

>> No.20408955 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 358x295, SussyBadger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20408985

Not really feeling the yandere emote.

>> No.20409107 [SPOILER] 

I can already tell this is going to cause complaints. Hopefully she takes the 1 frame animated emotes for those. They're fan favourites.

>> No.20409116

Did she state the reason for killing her number one most used emote? Or it's just another case of "you guys love it so I hate it".

>> No.20409474

Ogey endures

>> No.20409574

>Saber is 154cm
>Nade: "Oh I'm taller than Saber"

>> No.20409809

she was 153cm last year, and she said she grew a little bit, so she probably a tiny bit taller than saber

>> No.20409959

>wasting an emote slot on a stupid meme emote

>> No.20410073

>a cm taller than saber
"Nobody guessed it"

>> No.20410167

Possibly 158, 160, 161, 163, 165+

>> No.20410352


>> No.20410421

seems that ogey will survive? but o7 being killed breaks my heart, it's been a nade signature emote.

>> No.20410482

Never cared about the Ogey... Also I don't think Yandere emote would fit our precious nade but...meh...it's a phase...I guess.

>> No.20410562

You may not care about ogey, but it's undeniably the most used emote in her chat

>> No.20411141

Pog is dead, long live the pog

>> No.20411183


>> No.20411525

>Now what am I supposed to do?

>> No.20411593

Nade's chuuni fate fantasy is in RUINS

>> No.20412012

"Master" means THAT?

>> No.20412201

That tirade was incredible. Seems like she's latched onto the darkling thing now. Been nice knowing you badgers but we're putting on the edgy masks now.

>> No.20412288

>I want to be cool!!!!1
>replaces cool stuff with cringe stuff

>> No.20412303

Not sure about that one

>> No.20412396

She’s 13, what do you expect from a child!

>> No.20412502

The worst part is that she already went through her chuuni phase when she was younger.
It's hard to be "cool" when you can't recognize coolness to save your life.

>> No.20412567

I dont mind, its adorable.

>> No.20413257

How's your Nadeshicoins? I'm at 73K

>> No.20413417

Only at 40k because I like to redeem kisses on special occasions

>> No.20413559

Just over 65K
I've missed a few streams at times due to live, so the streak points and others are lost.

>> No.20413706

62k Spent alot during the valentines.

>> No.20413864

Careful or she'll believe you actually want that stuff.

>> No.20413897

But then she won't do it?

How quickly do you guys get points? Sometimes I feel like I'm getting them really slowly.

>> No.20413945

Sorry, I think I missed it.

What happened to NadechOgey?
Why all other new emotes are available but not that one?

>> No.20413995

Are you claiming the green chest button when it comes up? There's also extensions that can claim them automatically.

Stuck in the limbo of approval hell.

>> No.20414018

Currently pending. There's 2 others as well, one of which is NadeLove.

>> No.20414407


>> No.20414526

Peak-Nade stream, 5 (almost 6) hours went by just like that. I think she got the hang of drawing emotes as the stream went on, cant wait for the new ones to upload.
I fucking love her bros.

>> No.20414557

>the way it's standard for other vtubers.
Just for information but the standard for vtubers (not japanese) is to not keep VODs, others people can archive those if they really want, but in reality their value is so low that it's rarely worth the trouble, some prefer it that way too, as it's all about the live experience, if someone miss a stream they can check the vod up to 2 or 4 weeks which is in general far enough if they wanted to see it.
Not saying it's useless for everyone, but that's how it is for the vast majority of vtubers, no one really care about VODs outside of important events where they get put as highglights, people using a back youtube channel for VODs are the minority.

>> No.20414818

I kinda got used to the idea I should not get attached to anything, I did like most of the previous emotes more and the proportions of her new head feel off but I'll get used to it I think, I just enjoy the process instead of any temporary state she is in which is fine.
Though I admit it feels more like following a no-cam stream creating characters and playing tem than a vtuber but I can enjoy this too.

>> No.20414972

I'm really impressed by how much Nade is doing. Her streams have been great & she's happier with the new model, on the numberfag side her viewcount is also rising (30+ for a 5h stream) Interested to see how mascot discussions go.

>> No.20415869

Emotes drawn/10

Nade has done more work on the model since the previous stream, and she breaths now! New emotes drawn this stream, I think some of them look better, but some of them look worse. I don't really get why Nade wanted an omegalul emote to be her only laughing emote, and I really miss the o7 emote. Hopefully o7 makes it's way back in some form soon, weather it be as a follower emoet (she should have those soon), a 1 frame animated emote, or on a third party emote service. While I wasn't very attached to the ogey emote, I'm glad it was saved for those of you that really liked it.

This applies to streamers in general, not just vtubers. Though it'd be nice if Nade at least saved her big events too.

I found the pog and angry emotes to look worse, the new pog just looks like it has a wide open mouth, and the old angry emote's less detailed eyes looked better to me. Also I kinda felt that the fumo and ogey recolors were pretty lazy. Trying to take shortcuts or being lazy with things is a habit of hers that I've started noticing.

I wonder how much finding out the BDSM connotation of "Masters" has changed the plans in regards to fanbase representation.

>> No.20416138

>Trying to take shortcuts or being lazy with things is a habit of hers that I've started noticing.
Now this I disagree with. Idk if nonrigger anons noticed it, she fixed her model's XY face angles from the first time she showed it to us ie onscreen rig (I'm guessing complete rerig). The feature drift was really bad before, expected for a beginner, glad she took time to fix it. Chuuba activity aside, she's not hikineeting it up like 90% of streamers are either. She's furthest thing from lazy.

>> No.20416686

I didn't mean to imply Nade's rigging was lazy. It was more towards how she approached the two recolor emotes, and a few other things she did in the past. Like how she decided to go with the meme suggestion about using the bee movie intro in her english speech because she didn't want to write it, or how she was very tempted to skip drawing the back portion of the hair for the new model because she thought it would be complex to do. You bring up a good point though, this shortcut seeking is probably a symptom of Nade overcrowding her schedule. She even wants to take on another job along with University. I hope she doesn't burn herself out.

>> No.20417071

Some of the emotes look pretty good, a couple I think could use work like the wave looking like some random black thing next to her. Aside from that we got a long stream, great reaction from learning the master connotation, causing her to almost completely abandon that idea. It's a shame since she seemed quite invested in it but to be honest we might have dodged a bullet, connotations aside it gives us a chance to explore some other mascot/fanbase ideas. On that note she's attracted by the darkling one, up to her to think out the general idea but I'd appreciate something that has potential to be cute, she mentioned a stream to flesh it out more tomorrow so let's see.
It's the whole transience thing that the Japanese are known for, and it doubles as a sort of opsec. Just enjoy indeed, for one day it may all be gone.
Not counting how busy she is in life and that vtubing is her casual hobby, I think the recolors were more for our sake, wanting them kept as we liked them, possible that she wasn't feeling she could get that same impact. Or she was just tired and wanting to speed the last couple along.

>> No.20417244

>Trying to take shortcuts or being lazy with things is a habit of hers that I've started noticing.
Funny because while I tend to be a bit too critical usually, this is something I would praise, when creating it's often a lot about knowing how to take shortcuts and "be lazy", working smarter rather than working harder, given that time is precious.

>> No.20417352

Women are unable to keep good shit around because they think that their shit is better

>> No.20417388

Lmaoooo the SEAnigger is back

>> No.20417493

I guess it comes down to evaluating if the loss in quality is worth the time saved. For example, I'm glad she didn't go through with skipping the back layer of hair. I think the trade off wouldn't have been worth it at all in that case.

>> No.20418012
File: 174 KB, 879x606, FGBAVDEXIBE2_F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nade's has had a string of great streams recently. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's because there's no school to tire her out or impose bedtimes and she has her training to keep her physically active. She seems more agreeable to ideas thrown around in the chat, so long as you don't tell her what to do and instead tell her why to do things. Drawing the emotes live on stream and uploading them in the process was superb from an interaction status and any would-be streamers watching her should take notice.

Darkling just sounds diminutive to me. All I can imagine is badgers but with black cultist's robes that obscure their stick note faces.

I was going to say. There's a saying, "Don't let perfect become the enemy of good." Well, there's a companion to that that goes, "Don't let good be the enemy of finished." She completed 9 emotes plus a donation alert image in 5 hours while keeping up a conversation, which I don't think would have been possible otherwise. Besides, she can always revise the emotes over time. I especially think they would be more readable with thicker outlines around the lighter sections like skin and hair. For now, I'm happy to have them instead of waiting until next week.

>> No.20420008

Aside from >>20412303 I think of little things made of the darkness she says she wields, literally small darks as what darklings translates to. Probably a darker purple round thing, slightly flaming with dark fire, with some eyes on it.

>> No.20421118

Long, fun stream/10. Looks like we're getting a sequel tomorrow.

Nade's gone more detailed for the new emotes. They look good before they're shrunk, but the combination of thin lines and low-contrast color scheme makes them look kind of blurry at emote size. Especially if you're viewing in Theater Mode, with its dark background.
What does the interface look like for streamers, anyway?

>> No.20421254


>> No.20422653

She need https://twitter.com/nadechama/status/1504566932808560640

>> No.20422853

open a throne

>> No.20423000

Not available in Japan.

>> No.20423094

wtf really, thats a shame

>> No.20424482

When making clips on Twitch, remember to give them a descriptive title. They get way more attention that way.

>> No.20426421
File: 42 KB, 583x1004, FOFfIaMWYAQmRu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New #nadeshillust

>> No.20427217

I'm glad she went for knee highs. I love me some ZR but it would just be too much black and gray. That and these go better with the mid length skirt.

>> No.20427240


>> No.20427706

It's supposed to be on the main tag. Not the original poster, but I only saw it because Mikan retweeted her counterpart to it.

>> No.20427800

It's there on the top tab but not latest.

>> No.20428171
File: 52 KB, 575x993, FOFicipXMAEb3hO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the first time I've seen that happen. And the Mikan post is showing up on her art tag normally.
Does starting the tweet with an @mention screw things up? Or is there some kind of spam filter that got disabled for Mikan when she retweeted it?

>> No.20429894

It's https://twitter.com/BarmyBrock/status/1504588353718702081
The workings of Twitter are a mystery to me

>> No.20430650
File: 2.29 MB, 2048x2772, 1494556442243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man learned VRoid for his oshi.
So proud.

>> No.20431917
File: 510 KB, 2050x2808, 1646829016520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even the first time I've seen that happen.
Where was this pic originally posted? Because I can't find it on the tag either.

>> No.20432273

It was never posted to the tag. I think whoever commissioned the skeb posted it themselves to the thread.

>> No.20432654

>>20432273 (me)
Nevermind, it WAS posted by the comissioner, but I think they deleted it later.

>> No.20433624

I don't watch her anymore after she switched to twitch. I watch vTubers, not vTwitchers.

>> No.20434089

>Does starting the tweet with an @mention screw things up?
I think including any kind of @mention makes it count as a reply rather than a tweet, so it doesn't show up unless someone retweets it (replying to it doesn't count).

>> No.20434491
File: 82 KB, 1155x1000, NadeSmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20438747


>> No.20440416

hey nade, whats up? I havent checked on these threads in a hot minute.

>> No.20441404

You're unlikely to catch her around here but the next stream in about 11 hours. Hopefully, we can see you there.

>> No.20446368


>> No.20449893

You're missing out on some kino anon. I watch Nade.

>> No.20455430

think she'll do fanbase/mascot design tonight?

>> No.20455633

She also said she is higher than Rinko(157)

>> No.20455693

I guess we keep the thread alive until the next stream
I missed half of last stream. She will continue with the assets tonight?

>> No.20455732

New one looks like no lewding allowed rather than angry

>> No.20455985

yea she's finishing all today

>> No.20456580

The start of the conversation that lead to the Master shenanigans.

>> No.20458982

Tall Nade...

>> No.20459033

tall Nade kabedon'ing (You) AWOOOGA

>> No.20459051

Tall, well developed Nade...

>> No.20461035

Anon please share the file I want to recreate MMD shite

>> No.20461378

Nade hasn't been in these threads in a long while, at least not openly.

>> No.20462978

She'll start posting prerecorded lore videos on Youtube soon.

>> No.20463677

Nade, Mikan, Koragi & Haruna all doing the Here It Goes Again music video...

>> No.20465474

Whats Mikans and Koragis stance on lewd or suggestive fanart? I know Haruna wanta it.

>> No.20466811

I can't speak for Mikan but Koragi's recently been getting some bare-belly focused art, and commented on an underwear pic done by an artist.

>> No.20468896

Do they even have 3D models? I think someone was working on one for Koragi but it's not finished yet.

>> No.20469198

How would you link Nade's progressing lore of being some dark magic wielding ordinary witch with her shrine oshi mark that she still wants to keep? What about her fanbase, and if different, her mascot?

>> No.20469213

>Nade's Twitter profile has changed to "Under construction"
It begins...

>> No.20469398

UOH dog belly and pantsu erotic!

>> No.20470142

Maybe she was sealed into the shrine for some reason? I don't really understand her reasoning for wanting to keep the oshi mark when she's changing pretty much everything else except her name(?). Maybe she'll finally have a last name.

>> No.20470584

>she was sealed into the shrine
>helplessly calls out for friends to gather faith as a cute manifestation of herself
>badgers answered and foolishly gave her the faith needed to grow strong and escape
I can dig it.

>> No.20470615

Nade starting in about 15 minutes

>> No.20471173

Her twitch channel has a picture of hydrangeas as her header now, and she changed her accent color to purple. Also the about section is just

>> No.20471218

Also new profile pic. still no offline image

>> No.20471281


>> No.20471424

Asset design stream part 2, starting now

>> No.20471487

RIP Unpacking, I was looking forward to it, but I can see why she decided to do assets instead.

>> No.20472407

What could this mean?

>> No.20472748

>still no ogey
It's going to stay on the "limbo" like those sub badges that mysteriously stayed in the limbo forever isn't it?

>> No.20473367

Mascot discussion right now

>> No.20473643

I think ogey took a while the first time it was uploaded, probably triggered some shitty twitch gay filter.

>> No.20473759

Which is a discussion that I'll pass and not take part on it (not that it matters).
The whole mascot thing is still the lowest point on Nade's relationship with viewers in her short career

>> No.20473786

You're reading too much into it. Its just for fun.

>> No.20474268

I kind of get you, but im not that upset, knowing/loving her. I think to get a genuine answer why she abandoned the badger in these past 3 months or so wed have to wait 4 months or so for her to not care enough to talk about it honestly. Im genuinely interested so its something to look forward to.

>> No.20474832

I just don't want to be a mood killer, you know? This is something that left a bitter taste in my mouth, so I don't think I would be able to provide useful/supportive feedback on the issue.
As my mom always told me, "if you don't anything useful to say, stay quiet".
I truly love Nade, been following her since day one, but I can't say that I like all decisions she makes.

>> No.20475250

So this creature is pretty much all but confirmed as the new rep I guess?

>> No.20475301
File: 236 KB, 879x779, 1632299797676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea. Rip badgers..

>> No.20475947

Because she hate everything her fan love because her fans will think all she do is great

>> No.20476984

Thank you for the explanation resident esl friend

>> No.20477111

Sea monkey hands typed this.

>> No.20477166 [DELETED] 

Cope SIMPs

>> No.20478277

What's she working on right now?

>> No.20478313

sub alert gif

>> No.20478518


>> No.20478523


>> No.20478729

Good progress, we got some framework for the mascot done and some alert gifs. She also started to seem tired to it was a good call to end it instead of suffering on.

>> No.20478765

Some progress was made / 10
I'm looking forward to what our final new form will be.

>> No.20479078

In the end, it seems like lightning doesn't strikes twice/10
People think that because they managed to strike gold with something once, they'll have an easy time doing something else just as good, let alone topping it.
Other than that, enjoyable stream as always, can't wait for this whole rebranding saga to be concluded.

>> No.20479536

More assets completed/10

The detour to the fan representation that took up the first half of the stream was a welcome one. I think Nade ended up with a really good design by the end of that session. Though I think she still has lots to figure outside of the design itself. It sounds like she has a plan in place already for her socials, and it seems she'll have her carrd website soon too.

>> No.20480227

She got too tired and cut it shorter than what I think she had planned, that last drawing seemed to kill her momentum. As for the mascot, well, it's nice and cute, but without knowing the lore she's got planned it's a little difficult, not to mention straying closer to so many other edgier themed vtubers. Plus while it is cute, it doesn't really hit that "genius" mark like the badgers did, not even nostalgia or whatever talking. More thought might be required. Regardless of any animosity towards badgers (the mascot not the fans), she still is taking ideas from her fans to try and create something new, so it's not like she's hating on us.

>> No.20481278
File: 776 KB, 1000x1500, _original_drawn_by_rye_beer_9ef6b49938e502a6fd03079752b32b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not satisfied with the new viewer design or mascot or whatever you call it. I've been thinking about how others do it and, don't they have only the fan name and no particular design?

>> No.20482613

It's a bit of a shame really, we thought up badgers easy enough and she adapted the design to her tastes beautifully. As >>20479078 said it's hard to make lightning strike twice. Maybe we should just be chat/guys like so many others.

>> No.20483026

>Maybe we should just be chat/guys like so many others.
I love the badgers too but not having a fan representation would be disappointing. I'm just gonna trust Nade. I'm sure she will come up with something nice.

>> No.20483545
File: 220 KB, 768x1024, 1647627556647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can still keep the nickname at least. Darklings isn't so bad if a name. Thinking back to the summoners tweet, maybe she wanted some way to represent our magic in her lore either as individuals or a collective. I like the idea of something like "magus/magi "or maybe "initiate", for a title that ranks lower down.

She'll probably settle on what we have now unless someone comes up with some banger ideas by the time she gets to making the sub badges and glowstick emotes. Honestly, given the complexity of character design it would have been better to do this in a discussion thread rather than over a livestream. We already saw how much time it burned today. It takes a while to chew through on ideas and refine them. Working through this stuff over the course of several days with plenty of time to sleep on things would be ideal.

>> No.20485433

I don't like it because it's literally just a diminutive form of dark. It sounds too lame to me.
>summoners tweet
The main problem I saw with that one was that codifying a master and servant/slave relationship in to the lore is just asking for trouble. It's also why I don't think her fan representation and familiar being the same thing is a good idea, it would be the same as the summoner thing but in reverse.
This one is better, it lets us stand at a more equal level, and it fits nicely with her Fate obsession. Or we could be magi, but have a cool name for our guild/order/association/etc.

>> No.20486967
File: 1.60 MB, 1300x919, rossuri fate hydragea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What worked for me about the badgers was the personal connection. They're from Japanese myth, linking them to her shrine maiden work, and the way she welcomed them and drew their missing faces depicted a caring relationship between herself and her viewers. The new ones have similar surface level elements, connection to her new lore and a somewhat amorphous design, but don't have that personal link. Maybe there's something there with the hydrangeas but for now that feels like a stretch. I can't really tell what they're supposed to be either. Being a blueberry is fine but I wouldn't know they were supposed to be living magical darkness unless you told me directly. From a purely design perspective, that might be the issue, a general lack of direction. It's as if she's the one who asked us to explain what our relationship is through character design and all we could say was, "We don't know either." This whole thing about keeping the lore back until debut is also somewhat undermining on anyone's ability to make useful suggestions. I'd like to delay the mascot creation until the lore is ready but then she wants to use them for sub badges and emotes. I don't know. Maybe if someone can explain to me what we're supposed to be to Nade, we can come up with something.

>> No.20487694

That's sort of the problem I'm seeing, personally I like being a smallish thing that can be hugged because something like that is foreign to me with the potential to be whatever, badgers were shapeshifters so it was completely within our lore to be simple anons. But I understand some don't like the smaller aspect as stated, it skews the relationship into Nade having absolute power over us. If the flowers were something like a focal point, or we were shadows of something like ourselves, with the same magical properties, or as she's still wanting to use the shrine gate motif, what if we were shadowy gatekeepers/magi that kept contact with her?

>> No.20490006

twitter space soon

>> No.20490067

Oh fuck

>> No.20490214
File: 1.49 MB, 1348x776, 1640666754072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which stream she put the message in? it wasn't the handcam stream right?

>> No.20490349

Around the new year I think

>> No.20490382

That message was part of a sort of "date" stream on the 7th of January, she had another outfit pinned over top her usual one.

>> No.20490616

Get in here

>> No.20490677

is this going to be the chat

>> No.20490727

I doubt it, last space she didn't respond here at all.

>> No.20490737

If you're reading this, Nade, give us a sign

>> No.20490770

Doubt she'll read, if she's working on something she might not want to be distracted

>> No.20490801

Well, there you go
No chat this time

>> No.20490958

No upbeat music for the opening I guess, needs stuff like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3d_k_21QPg

>> No.20491106


>> No.20491113


>> No.20491116

Man, and just when I was enjoying the new opening

>> No.20491117

Men, sure there are plenty jobs to go around in Japan..

>> No.20491359

I personally love being a darkling and love Nade!
Ganbare Nadechama!!!

>> No.20491434

Nade needs to invest in Time Turners

>> No.20491465

My ears are bleeding

>> No.20491571

Did someone just send her a message about audio?

>> No.20491627
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, 1636131903060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do it!

>> No.20491725

I thought she never responds to DMs?

>> No.20491789
File: 24 KB, 890x653, 1637532537653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life was never fair nade

>> No.20491816

It was a tweet reply too the space

>> No.20492082
File: 53 KB, 720x758, 1630071382660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

society and life...

>> No.20492137

Lazy nade voice is the best..

>> No.20492249
File: 127 KB, 1188x1143, 1641638598543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nade is channeling her inner Miyazaki today

>> No.20492398

It’s no past Nade voice, but nothing will ever be.

>> No.20492615

Are some of you guys using emotes? I don't have a button for that

>> No.20492685

>Keeps saying "gosh", once said "frigging"
Seiso levels increasing?

>> No.20492864

Isn’t it cute how she’s pretending not to be in the thread!

>> No.20492867

don't force it
it will come naturally I think tabun

>> No.20492928

Nade just talk in your regular voice. Its easier on your vocal cords and we understand that. Your regular voice is fine.

>> No.20493032

I want to understand what is her goal.
Is it to play a character? Is it to be more like herself on stream?
How she is speaking now, sounds absolutely perfect for my tastes, obviously it goes higher when she's being more enthusiastic.
But she sounds cool, soothing, cute.

>> No.20493047

She shouldn't push herself, especially if it comes at the cost of her infectious enthusiasm. But then again, listening to us is a coinflip.

>> No.20493163

I like it too!

>> No.20493184

>Is it to be more like herself on stream?
I'm not sure if she's talking about just how she talks in streams.

>> No.20493279
File: 74 KB, 464x350, 20211201_180924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20493355

>I wonder if you guys mind if I use the donation money to commission art [as stream assets]
>I'll probably bring this one up on stream
Why would we?

>> No.20493362

I think you mentioned it before and we said it's okay

>> No.20493407

>I want the 1/8 scale Nero figure with exposed honkers
This is a very heterosexual conversation

>> No.20493428
File: 436 KB, 320x320, 1642807124578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saber awooooga figure I WANT IT TOO

>> No.20493497


>> No.20493544
File: 491 KB, 1286x1920, 7511416458_781396042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is it

>> No.20493574
File: 37 KB, 224x224, 1645065945547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfwn no sekushii figurine to display on the shelf and scare normalfags with

>> No.20493587

>"Oh wow"

>> No.20493616
File: 617 KB, 789x1534, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your Saber Lilly and I raise you one better.
Illya Saber Lilly

>> No.20493664

I want to buy nade the figure so she ooooouuuhhhs on stream and hug the figure

>> No.20493719

Becoming a responsible adult for the sole purpose of fuelling your figure addiction!

>> No.20493989

>I like bread. What does bread mean.
>Is this just me not having enough sleep?

>> No.20494040

Twitter profile pic: White hair
Twitter banner: Hydrangeas

>> No.20494041
File: 33 KB, 515x515, 1638897629375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's skeet/yeet the what, let's yeet/feast on the yeast, let us attain/obtain the grain, empower this flour, let's go with the dough, Let us get on these croutons, let's entrust this crust, Let's rain in the grain, let's fly this rye, let's gotti this stotty, Power fo' that sourdough, Stop roughin we need this English muffin

>> No.20494076

I prefer Sorceress to be fair

>> No.20494088

>Does witch or mage sound cooler?

>> No.20494130
File: 490 KB, 2589x4096, 20220318_235457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20494234
File: 1.86 MB, 1600x1624, 1623463887767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is it. Rest in peace, pink vchuuba

>> No.20494252

Warlock Nade

>> No.20494260

I always thought witch is female and mage is male

>> No.20494261

>Can't understand the difference, has resorted to asking English-speaking friends

>> No.20494280


>> No.20494344

The only name for a magic user I've ever heard that was even slightly masculine oriented is >20494252

>> No.20494446

Witch sometimes has other connotations, like causing bad things to happen to people and/or being innate rather than learned.

Wizard implies wisdom, like a sage or guru.

Sorcerer implies using magic as a tool to increase your power and influence (screwing with the king's mind, raising armies of the dead, etc.). Plus maybe shooting bolts of energy from your hands that make people scream in pain.

>> No.20494558

Less thinking, more dumb

>> No.20494560
File: 85 KB, 360x640, bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average light novel title

>> No.20494623

No nade, you are not funny,
you are cute AND funny...

>> No.20494690

>You can't even answer me
Should we tip her off in the next stream that these threads still exist? Y'know, subtly?

>> No.20494691
File: 1.79 MB, 1797x1352, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does that still apply?

>> No.20494786

It's "pretty and funny" now.

>> No.20494836

Elegant and enchanting, maybe?

>> No.20494838

I like to think that she knows, but is just saving her sanity by not coming here anymore.

>> No.20495017

Current bio
>???-class mage from another world~
>#Nadeshillust / #Warashiko

>> No.20495122

I went to her nsfw tag.. that dude never posted the full art.

>> No.20495184

Alexander pointed out in a Tweet reply that Twitch chat operates as an IRC channel even when there's no stream online

>> No.20495354

>"When I get the pro model I'll reveal what the question marks is"

>> No.20495463

Nade is a nerd, just like me!

>> No.20495478

Explaining purple hydrangeas now
>"relevant to my lore"

>> No.20495600

Nade please invest 10 minutes of your time and google "how to make gifs (your art program)" Or just make them in GIMP

>> No.20495752

So badgers have just become Bibis now?

>> No.20495823

Current Twitch bio
>I'm Nadeshiko, a ???-class mage streaming to learn more about the human world~

>> No.20495906

Nadeshicoins image is also a hydrangea now

>> No.20496009

Youtube won't be changed until she starts using it again

>> No.20496354


>> No.20496522

Kek. If someone goes and tattles that we already knew see if you can make it still sound cool.

>> No.20496586
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, Nadeshiko schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night. She actually made a recording this time.

Let's let this thread die so that the one for her re-debut tomorrow can have Nade 2.0 in the OP.

>> No.20496835

didnt she say its months from being done? or are you talking about the model she made?

>> No.20496839

As always a women throw everything away and her brainless SIMPs will act as if it not a braindead move

>> No.20496900

sadly I will miss tomorrow...
hope everyone Nade included has fun!

>> No.20497029

desu, I don't understand why she went with the sudden rebranding. I don't want to be a Bibi, I want to be badger

>> No.20497089

Because a women can never be wrong

>> No.20497094

Sea monkey hours have arrived, good night.

>> No.20497142

Cope SIMP she will never fuck you ever yet you brainless SIMP will act as if she can never be or do anything wrong

>> No.20497259

darklingbros can't stop winning

>> No.20497323

lmao imagine using the woman meme AND being more stupid than the woman you're criticizing
you can't even speak english gtfo

>> No.20497443

She could start a only fans and the braindead SIMPs will send her all of their money

>> No.20497613
File: 201 KB, 1684x1191, DgxWzV7UcAErfl5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're struggling to end the thread I guess I'll dump some art to help reach the bump limit. Maybe one of these images will spark some ideas for this whole "darkling" situation.

>> No.20497675

6:30 in Jakarta rn, SEAnig-kun waking up early to mop toilets?

>> No.20497686
File: 526 KB, 728x1274, Dapper skeleton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we didn't go macabre enough with the design.

>> No.20497857
File: 91 KB, 1023x767, pbs_twimg_com_media_DnbpKfZU4AEb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20497970
File: 679 KB, 854x788, moogie1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498185
File: 30 KB, 462x462, 1517436493256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498282
File: 17 KB, 316x400, 1518845690838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498350
File: 1.43 MB, 1222x864, __shirokane_rinko_bang_dream_drawn_by_shun_no_shun__6aeb8eea11e106cd54d9b5ab999b108c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498368
File: 136 KB, 667x1000, 1520356154127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498407
File: 144 KB, 800x800, __shirokane_rinko_and_udagawa_ako_bang_dream_drawn_by_muchise__50e788d5029b25e0e641488dc9fe654c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498475
File: 227 KB, 850x1202, 1558421904290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I have a couple of witch girls in my collection as well.

>> No.20498564
File: 252 KB, 977x1228, __shirokane_rinko_bang_dream_drawn_by_ochi_r__a90a37e2c0060504af795b088abd74bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498615
File: 2.57 MB, 1200x1818, 1493248349650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498667
File: 60 KB, 600x513, 1492617710887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498708
File: 1.82 MB, 1009x1265, 4f6cce41982afbee08c4d59c149b5642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498788

There's really no need to rush to kill the thread when the next stream is over 12 hours away.

>> No.20498809
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x1707, 1518010372450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since darklings are made of dark magic they would naturally double as emergency food for a caster aligned with such powers.

>> No.20498887
File: 1005 KB, 850x1700, sample_ea626bd776ebdc98e3864a248cba909f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20498927
File: 154 KB, 884x1707, 1558509582216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected the weird spate of shitposting just now to push the thread over the limit, but it looks like it's over so I'll call it done for now.

>> No.20498939
File: 3.70 MB, 5016x3541, 713b63aecd9cdda7ea0a41bd5cc396ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20499034
File: 3.03 MB, 3500x1750, f9eca4014420ffb8015b969d12958304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20499085
File: 192 KB, 850x604, sample_8c6c2d292b83b3eec4d0df8ef5fc31cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20499277
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 8440406585559253000_1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who'd like Nade to have a mascot, but NOT a fan rep mascot?
For example, Korone, Hoso-Inu is a mascot, but does not represent the fanbase, for that, she has listener-san.
If it's just Nade's own mascot, without being an expy for the fanbase, I think she'd have a lot more freedom to do whatever she wants.
That would also avoid comparisons to a certain mascot that may be hard to top in terms of charm and charisma.

>> No.20499316
File: 437 KB, 1723x2433, __tomoshibi_no_majo_original_and_1_more_drawn_by_mito_w__88f60e61089c799d5aea5a8bfb927170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20499458
File: 170 KB, 850x1202, __tomoshibi_no_majo_shiki_no_akari_drawn_by_minamo_usada__sample-9181ab275177c8deb61ab4cdcdd21dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20499461

I agree. I've been saying that her personal familiar and her fan representation should be two separate things. Though I am fond of the newest character she designed and I wouldn't mind if it was us.

>> No.20499626
File: 557 KB, 850x1220, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_ameyama_denshin__sample-0a0648e900db8cbdcf9d3d21ba58859b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20499717
File: 216 KB, 850x1202, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_kyuu_umi__sample-a72c4c72cf61bbc473aee7113dcd3dea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20499904
File: 673 KB, 3700x3100, FFnD1WHXIAQ2Ay-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20499966
File: 346 KB, 1787x2048, FDQj6uSX0AEg1VG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20500003
File: 160 KB, 478x640, Level_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually find mascots superfluous with the rare exceptions being the ones that manage to develop their own personality somehow. Aside from your pic related, Aquacat and Ame's Bubba come to mind. The first one on it's design alone, the second because it's Ame's actual dog.

>> No.20500015
File: 63 KB, 725x1102, E7I2E_mVkAAFn8W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20500114
File: 1.30 MB, 3000x5782, iu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20500177
File: 127 KB, 550x600, FGwcWbZUcAMtr5p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20500787

Well, that's exactly one of the alleged problems with the Badger, the mascot develop a life of their own, and Nade felt she wasn't in as much control of it as much as she wanted. So a mascot that's hers and not ours could fit the bill better.

>> No.20501464

Does she want her own mascot at this point? It seems like she's having enough trouble coming up with ideas a the moment.

>> No.20504994

I think she feels like she somehow has to make one since she killed the previous one. But I really don't think it's necessary. Things are going fine without one. No need to revive an old point of contention within the fanbase.
Even so, if she wants to make a new one, she'll go ahead no matter what our opinion on the subject is. Not everyone in the fanbase will embrace the new "identity", but that is to be expected.

>> No.20508344

I just wish she would explain what happened. One day they were her comfort drawings and the next day they were her red headed step children.

>> No.20508690

She is a teenager.
