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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20387448 No.20387448 [Reply] [Original]

why cant we be friends, nijibros?

>> No.20387530

My Ryuushen/Kronii fanfic WILL mend the schism

>> No.20387538
File: 323 KB, 1900x1000, holoniji_2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do get along!

>> No.20387653
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idk, as long as you don't sperg out about males then i don't have any problem

>> No.20387666

then guess it's war

>> No.20387704
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>> No.20387735

It'll be a civil war, you forget about Mori?

>> No.20387770

she should graduate already

>> No.20387804

The niji English-only Mario stream was just as good as Korone's famous English-only Mario stream.


>> No.20387839

Holobros and nijisis can get along.
Vshousluts, on the other hand...

>> No.20387873
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It's just EN.

>> No.20387907

satan, i know youre evil, but being a tribalfag is a new low for you.

>> No.20387920

It’s simple: Just trim the EN branch of Niji.

>> No.20388027

>EVERY other company other than Hololive shows unity
>Even Vshoujo and NijiEN interact and show unity with their vtuber community
Hmm....seems like it's just one side that doesn't want unity?

>> No.20388142
File: 46 KB, 1325x228, 1597631948874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean... Who would want to associate themselves with this embarrassment?
>Massive fucking collab with huge names
>Getting over 69k viewers back in 2020
>$103.50 total superchat

>> No.20388157
File: 13 KB, 826x140, 1647475844039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't always like this

>> No.20388299

Vshojo and HoloEN has interacted with each other. They were even supposed to have another collab this month. It's really just NijiEN and HoloEN that don't want to collab with each other.

>> No.20388351
File: 407 KB, 1066x726, yhbi5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Nijis clearly love the holo members and keep talking on stream about how they want to collab

>> No.20388414

>Nijis clearly love the holo members
Yep, glad we can agree anon!

>> No.20388473

This has been debunked again and again, that stream was supposed to have SC off, but there was an hour within its creation when it was on. Those are waiting room SC.

Maybe I should make a guaranteed reply image explaining this.

>> No.20388504
File: 78 KB, 304x259, 1631495372691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's literally nothing wrong with this pic

>> No.20388508

It's more or less just Mousey left who gets to interact with HoloEN isn't it? Unless there was another Nyanners collab I missed.

>> No.20388598

Interesting deflection tactic, however, I would disagree.

>> No.20388640

At least leave Shu, Millie and Mysta out of this.

>> No.20388658

Fulgur is literally us

>> No.20388683

I saw some starsfag hoping the nijijp guys would die when they got the coof in their general so I've stopped believing in true unity. I won't complain if collabs happen and I won't shitpost myself because frankly i don't know enough about hololive to do so but I'm completely disillusioned to the concept

>> No.20388740

>assuming falseflaggots cant invade generals

>> No.20388742

nippleshart falseflag thread

>> No.20388747

That’s fair enough. I might not enjoy the >males, but I do think the timing of Mysta’s post couldn’t have been worse.

>> No.20388753

>Mori went back to following them on Twitter
>Pomu and Kiara still talk
>Moona replied to a Feesh tweet
Seems like the unity stayed strong.

>> No.20388833

Nice history rewriting.
>thread discusses arknights collab, nijis start shitting the thread
>thread discusses new debuts, nijis start shitting the thread
>thread discusses asacoco, nijis start shitting the thread
>mention how fast holos are growing, immediately doxxposting and tribalfaggottry starts.

/hlg/ was created because nijis kept shitting up the thread. And soon they were kicked out of /vyt/ as well.

>> No.20388836

fine with all thee companies though. Niji and holo fans are at eachothers throats

>> No.20389030

Ah yes the "nijis".

>> No.20389319

>All examples from late 2019
Yes you definitely sound like you're very well versed in the history of what happened to "/vyt". Also funny that you mention doxxposting since the first thread of /hlg/ still had people posting and rabidly obsessing over that old image of Hololive members next to their IRL photos. Not even worth talking about /hlg/ being so cancerous it had to split on its own lol.

>> No.20390291
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yrb that /hlg/split off the Nijitards magically stopped shitting on the holos?
Why did they continue shitting up the holo threads?
Why did they spam the comments and twitter hashtags of the holos constantly trying to harass them?
Why did they dox and harass aloe into graduating?
Why did they team up with bilibili in translating Chinese hate messages into Japanese?
Any time there is any "controversy" about hololive just look a bit at who's participating and you'll find Nijitards.
The same with marine and miko's case
And now recently with rushia as well
Anytime there is a Holo anti on twitter on youtube, just look on their account to see them retweeting Niji shit or commenting on Niji streams.

Fuck off with your lame shit. You faggots have proven constantly how pathetic you are. Literal bugs.

>> No.20390347

>examples from late 2019
>doesn't even know when the split happened
Point at this retard and laugh

>> No.20390687

>Schizo cope wall of text
I'm gonna have to pass on that
I'll give you that, I was thinking 2019 onward but that seemed redundant in text. Every one of his points other than the asacoco chatroom posting sperging was in fact late 2019 though. You fags are all disingenuous anyway so getting touchy on a specific is ironic.

>> No.20391050

>dox and harass aloe into graduating
This alone showed their true nature
Forget shitting up threads on some anonymous board of harassing fans on twitter.
This is literal chink level shit.
The Nijitards proudest moment.

>> No.20394855

Afaik the only stars who does collabs with niji the most often is Roberu, and Regulars were the only watchers in that general that actually fucking discussed streams back when I visited it before it became spammy tribalfaggot garbage

>> No.20394920

No one is friends with bait thread posters

>> No.20395039 [SPOILER] 

>Schizo cope
You probably newfags then, and trying to turn your face about this is what nijifags always do. All of them was real, and happened, deal with it

>> No.20395056

90% of the fans don't care about companies. 9% have a favorite but still watch and support some of the others. And the bottom 1% engages in tribalism and makes it seem like there's a war.

>> No.20395313

He line above his post indicates that it was posted on a different day. Heck it even seems like no one really wanted to engage with fulgurs shit more than what has been said there.

>> No.20395435

The time of it indicates the reason Petra opened Discord was to see his message
Red line means unread

>> No.20395484
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The harassments that happened proved that Aloe was right about Chitose's fanbase.

>> No.20395714

Can I get a source anon

>> No.20395907
File: 219 KB, 1464x1543, 48BF807B-E60A-40F1-ACB1-BEC38D9C0955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be nice if you guys stop raiding our threads and saying "we don't even think about Niggersanji, you're delusional" when called out for it.
You guys have actual fucking ritualposts in /NijiEN/ you raid so often. One of them's a picture of Pekora that's always accompanied by something along the lines of "Just heard the news, Nijibros..." and another's a picture of Mumei that's them rubbing in whatever great accomplishment a Holomem just achieved and asking if a Niji accomplished the same.
Not to mention the CP spam - I mean take some responsibility for once, you're all eternal dindu nuffins, it's impossible to resolve conflicts with people who pretend they've done nothing wrong.
If we're using wesave as evidence as well I won't pretend I didn't see you fags fanning the flames during the Lauren drama as well.
Certainly won't pretend /#/ hasn't been getting away with conspiring actual raids against the company either. Mods just let it happen. Mass reporting channels, spreading lies (pretending they're Finana members of all things to shill narratives) - the amount of hate you all have for this company and then pretend you don't is unreal.

>> No.20396037

And posts coming up starting to hate the Niji EN men because some artists dropped drawing Stars for Niji EN males.

>> No.20396558

>ESL, JP LARPer, and schizo
the horror

>> No.20396706

True Nijitard experience indeed

>> No.20398361

I remember when you drank my wine

>> No.20398460


>> No.20398765

Stop giving a shit about your tribe and just watch who you like. My top three has two Holos and one Niji in it.

>> No.20399302

