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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20345848 No.20345848 [Reply] [Original]

what’s the 3rd option when you’re finished with holos and nijis

>> No.20345877
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>> No.20345904


>> No.20345910

ASMR vtubers

>> No.20345916


>> No.20345944
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Phase-Connect. There is no 4th option.

>> No.20345970

indies, you haven't forgotten poor ahoge, have you?

>> No.20346036

who’s the best phase

>> No.20346129


>> No.20346159
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A fate worse than death.

>> No.20346179

Lia obviously.

>> No.20346236

Oh god no…. I’d rather off myself

>> No.20346307


>> No.20346321

you have a bunch of threads dedicated to smaller groups and indies, think of it like vidya, you don't need to find something huge and popular, just something you enjoy.

>> No.20346324


>> No.20346332

You could become a big pipi

>> No.20346386
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774 inc

>> No.20346407

CyberLive and Amber Glow

>> No.20346511

I like to watch indies like Hana Yomeguri because she's a rosetta stone among vtubers and primarily switches between japanese/spanish/english and I can mostly understand all 3 so it's fun for me. Maybe not for you.

Smaller indies like Cyan Nyan (who likes programming) or people from small companies like Pippa shitpostkin or Luto Araka.

>> No.20346719

>La putiglota
Might as well recommend him VShojo

>> No.20348536


Don't pick just one. Sample them all and you'll find some to cater to you. The groups interact with each other.

>> No.20348670
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>> No.20348671

>not grooming a 2view
Come on anon, get with the program

>> No.20349012

>kicked out of niji
>apply again for holoEN
>get in because your now more ample experience, pure luck or management want to keep you close because of what you said and they want a free punch bag
What would be the general reaction?

>> No.20349099


>> No.20349229

If you watch the JP branches, in terms of viewers is VSPO
If you are an EN only, you're stuck with vshojo

>> No.20349259

>If you are an EN only, you're stuck with vshojo

>> No.20349338

Phase Connect is honestly my favorite.

>> No.20349349 [DELETED] 
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Small corpos are pretty good.
Phase Connect is having a hard incline right now, partly because of the yabbit being noticed by non-chuubas.

>> No.20349353

Whats the bitching about vshojo, its the 2nd biggest group behind holoEN

>> No.20349418

3rd option is dumpster diving the indies. That where I am today

>> No.20349420
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>> No.20349470

Not, bitching. I object to him stating that VShojo is the only option left. It always happens and I've decided to stop ignoring it.

>> No.20349797
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Watch this spider

>> No.20350086
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plenty of indies and smaller corpos await you once you start looking beyond that duopol...

>> No.20351030

>do nothing but the lowest effort content like reaction streams
>half of them are boyfriends with fleshtubers which invites controversy to vTuber sphere due to influx of normalfags
>catfighting on Twitter every week with other ENtubers
>get involved in political shit on the regular
Being popular doesnt make them good. They are a blight on the industry.

>> No.20351139

774? Tsunderia? Phase-Connect?

>> No.20351780

they are all whores

>> No.20351928
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return to slug

>> No.20352107
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>> No.20353609
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Based and kanipu-pilled.

>> No.20353932

Unless the 2view lives close enough to groom for sex there's not much point.

>> No.20355070

Do your Nihongo reps and watch the Holo and Niji JPs

>> No.20355184

Niji isn't even the 20th option

>> No.20358516

Tsunderia and Prism Project

>> No.20367362


>> No.20369236


>> No.20372771


>> No.20372849

You try to learn Japanese.

>> No.20372920

The Jews.

>> No.20372973

you become a JOP and inevitably end up in Holo again but /jp/-flavored. Not even joking

>> No.20373199

Depends on if you're EOP or not.

>> No.20376998


>> No.20377237

Jumped ship to phase connect when Luxiem debuted, you should try it.
