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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 372 KB, 1080x1920, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2033407 No.2033407 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel getting called out by Kiara, /vt/?

>> No.2033614

Feels like I’m gonna shit those pants real good desu

>> No.2033685

words can't express how much i hate kiara

>> No.2033703

Don't even watch her but I can see why someone might dislike her from that clip.

>> No.2033731

i want her to click her tongue at me, too.

>> No.2033766

very based

all schizos take your meds

>> No.2033806

>Be an obnoxious cunt
>Get criticized
>Double down and be even more obnoxious and whine about how you got criticized
Interesting strategy there chicken

>> No.2033870

Disgusting, kiara please be considerate of your words and actions or you can just jump off a tall building

>> No.2033959

I wonder what will happen if Kiara ever happens to get targeted by the Otakus like Marine and Miko did and gets forced to dogeza. I feel like she definitely won't take it well.

>> No.2036160
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>Interesting strategy there chicken
Seems like it's working though

>> No.2037460

how the fuck is simping this huge of an industry?

>> No.2037612


>> No.2037693

why does chicken get the most in SCs? does she disproportionately attract affluent fans?

>> No.2037731

*most of the ENs

>> No.2037740

Nenechi please stop.

>> No.2037771

Pots meet kettle

>> No.2037782

She focuses on reading them.

>> No.2037813

Gura might get more SCs if she actually read them.

>> No.2037825

[laughs externally]

>> No.2037903

Women are that bad.
other users are JP only while en is a much wider audiance pool.

>> No.2037986

>do shitty joke that was going on for too long
>get called out for that
>your butt is hurt second week now
Yes Kiara, you are the best. You don't have to get any better or improve, it is world's fault not yours.

>> No.2037996
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God I wish she would make fun of me like that while jacking me off and never breaking eye contact.

>> No.2038035

>does she disproportionately attract affluent fans?
No that's Money Mori, aka the Nigger of Nippon

>> No.2038040
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At least KFP are taking their meds

>> No.2038073

Just burn my fucking cock already chicken

>> No.2038144

Kfp salary.

>> No.2038356

Money laundering

>> No.2038430

But she is. There at the end of most game streams and not put in dedicated superchat streams.

>> No.2038508


>> No.2038607

Isn't that after Kiara made a joking dig at someone else that Gura took personally?

>> No.2038655

That's something she only started about a month ago. Before then, any SC sent would likely get lost in the void and not read unless they got lucky. The 'SC gacha', if you will.

>> No.2038828

Maybe. But it''s still a rrat until proven otherwise. That's the rrat law.

>> No.2038905

I thought i hate ollie more but then this whore start it again, she is so annoying

>> No.2038916
File: 52 KB, 209x173, Screenshot_2021-03-30 (1) Watson Amelia Ch hololive-EN - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does Ame.

>> No.2038922


>> No.2038932

What do you think vtubing is?

>> No.2038969

Zoomers place no value in money because they wont feel the ill effects of throwing it away until it's too late.

>> No.2038999

I so sick of you bandwagon holoniggers posting your braindead ENGLISH youtube clips and shit tier tweets, fuck right off to whatever website you annoying fucks came from. I'm fucking disgusted with you

>> No.2039175

where do you think you are faggot

>> No.2039204

Shot was initially a tease at Ina but Gura thought it was fired at her so both Ame and Kiara teased her for a bit over it. Kiara has the wonderful power to always be taken the wrong way whenever she speaks. It's like super consistent with her and at this point, funny as hell.

I'm sure behind the scenes they were told to do super chat readings as they do have proof that doing the readings makes more people donate. Gura is self conscious about it while Ina just does her thing and only reads a super chat if it's a pun.

>> No.2039252

It was for Ina but Gura was defensive about it

>> No.2039391
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lol why dont you fuck off back the image board for your monkey language, nigger.

>> No.2039505
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Based, the more /vt/ gets triggered over their super serious big tiddy anime girls, the better

>> No.2039537


>> No.2039604
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Not necessarily, Kiarafags are mostly lonely and weird adults who have nothing to buy with their money so they feel like they need to "protect" her oshi and that's why you can see a lot of sad akasupa like pic related in Kiara's streams.
Kiara basically attracts the same kind of people who donate to Twitch whores so I'm not even surprised she gets a lot of SCs. Besides she reads every single SC so saviorfags can get that sweet dopamine

Ame has literal kids donating, Gura has from normal people to actual schizos and Ina is smart enough to ignore saviorfags and retards. Not sure about Mori tho

>> No.2039613

These shitty clapbacks are why women get hate
Shoulds rolled with the punches and doubled down and done a baby oy stream like how haachama forced cover to kneel and continue the schizo arc despite lots of her old fans hating it

>> No.2039714

Fuck phoneposting wish i was at home

>> No.2039758

Does kiara being rude all the time stem from the language differences and her being esl?

>> No.2039794

The internet easily forgets things, and Kiara keeps bringing up her baby moment, it is like she is inviting us to hate her even more

>> No.2039829

soundpost version of this please

>> No.2039874

Mainstream media sucks

>> No.2039879

Mental illness if I've ever seen one. I hope she gets help

>> No.2039881 [DELETED] 
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Worst vtuber
Worst design
Worst voice
Support trannies
Victim complex
Always trashing Gura


>> No.2039979

So he is 3000 years old?

>> No.2040058

You know, I’ve never seen the @ for the artist before and now that I look...yeah, that explains a lot about why this is so awful.

>> No.2040087

i want kiara to step on me

>> No.2040146

She is cute IRL

>> No.2040189

Context? What did she do this time that gave her shit

>> No.2040240
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>> No.2040327

contrary to what the Rrats would have you believe, Kiara is likely not an irredeemable cunt secretly hated by everyone she meets

>> No.2040371

Nobody said everyone.

>> No.2040418

that failed

>> No.2040424
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Just looked at the artist's profile.
What do you call this sort of artstyle? So many trannies/left-leaning got that weird semi realistic ugly face with some anime shapes and stiff poses style.
It's hard to describe but it weirds me the fuck out.

>> No.2040577

Had a 4 person collab on her channel, talked the whole time interrupting the girls multiple times. Some people are saying its because of discord lag I don't know. Put on annoying baby voice, dragged on a joke about shitting pants making people look for clips where she talks about shit. It was a 1 hour collab on only on her channel, did a 2 hour superchat right after so no one could watch the vod until she finished.

>> No.2040724

The context for the Twitter clip is just the baby talk part though, since people thought it was annoying and Kiara got defensive. I don't find scatological humor funny myself, but then again I'm not German.

>> No.2040798

Yes but the whole thing was from the collab, after she had a minecraft stream talking about how she would work on these things. But not really understanding it. Looks like she took the advice of Kfp to be yourself and not the kfp giving feedback.

>> No.2040834

ollie is just dumb. kiara is outright malicious

>> No.2041455
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I fucking love Kiara. Everything she does makes people seethe and slowly makes them a SEAnigger. I honestly started to watch her just because of that.

>> No.2041502

EU people are rich AF

>> No.2041589

Out of all the HoloEN girls I root for Kiara the most, but sometimes her propensity to construe criticism as "hate" is very frustrating.

>> No.2041595

>Imagine believing the /vt/ hivemind rrat about Kiara.
Contrary to what retards here would like you to believe, Kiara is actually liked by a lot of people.

>> No.2041605

The more they hate Kiara the more I love her.

>> No.2046144

>anonymous calling anyone else obnoxious
now there's a great joke.

>> No.2047369

Please ignore these desperate fucks they keep making new threads for a shitbird with 3k viewers. Face it she is not relevant at all, these false flag spam threads are the only place she gets any attention.

>> No.2047402
File: 475 KB, 1242x1284, AF907709-3C3A-4769-B3D9-1E40F7513EE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add this.

>> No.2047488

>americans getting offended by poop jokes
>high tier american comedy is joking about toddlers being raped and school shootings
Why are muttshits like this? What is wrong with this entire abysmal golem race?

>> No.2049442

Absolutely, Kiara fags are undoubtedly the biggest fattest loneliest faggots of any VTuber fandom. Granted I used to hate Kiara now I just tolerate her cause her solo streams are decent and she can crack a good joke or two occasionally. But her fans are the absolutely worst, and I stand by that.

>> No.2049668

Here's your average Kiara donater bro

inb4 "which, the infant or the neckbeard"

>> No.2049725

x to doubt. after seeing the reaction to gura's asmr, its definitely cumbuds. and teamates are also huge goslingfags

>> No.2049803
File: 470 KB, 1242x1258, 15E40F75-4241-4A5A-A339-BCBDF9310F90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP is too fat too even watch a stream. Embrace the void shitbird.

>> No.2049815

Nice cope

>> No.2049839

ban evading SEAther, is that you? thanks for bumping another kiara thread!

>> No.2049864
File: 895 KB, 1242x1208, 4D24BB37-A7EA-4809-93F5-5749DB67F574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tako is destroying your pathetic viewers, numberfags. Seethe in obscurity.

>> No.2049869

i prefer this kiara, good for her

>> No.2049957

>do something stupid and unfunny
>get called out for doing said stupid and unfunny shit
>"wtf why are you guys so TRIGGERED?"

>> No.2050014

coco gets spammed so bad she has to shut off her chat to anyone but her own members and is cut off from colabing with EN, many JP's, and general hololive.
yet she doesn't whine nearly as much as kiara

kiara has no excuse for bitching this much. admit it. maybe you like the bitching, cool, i don't care for it and will gladly mock it any time it is posted here while i'm browsing.

>> No.2050066

You respond, you triggered.

>> No.2050094

They spammed 5 threads for Kiara today, who has made zero impact. They live off the hate at this point.

>> No.2050145

actually the biggest whiner of them all is __(you)__

>> No.2050188

maybe, whatever you call it i enjoy it and your seething tears

>> No.2050240


>> No.2050241

i mean yes it'd be best if she just learned from it and moved on but i prefer her poking fun at the situation over moping about it on stream for half an hour and getting sympathy donos if it has to be one or the other (since kiara can't seem to learn and move on yet)

>> No.2050479

shes allowed to be human and her fans are allowed to enjoy that human, but nobody should be forced to like her or not criticize her.
i imagine if the anti's were even half the strength of the Chinese she'd be booted for stirring the pot like this over dumb old shit. i really don't get how you can idolize japan so much yet decide not to understand the basic concept of avoiding needless drama in the public eye/for your coworkers.

coco seems to get it and she's western as fuck with her general attitudes. what excuse does kiara have? none. so no excuse when she gets shit on by japanese people for doing something shameful in their culture.

>> No.2050508

>coco seems to get it
She literally taunted chinks lmao

>> No.2050521


>> No.2050568

No she didn't.

>> No.2050584

Of course the retarded KFP simps like Looking for the top are out there with a based. Imagine being this bootlicker, holy shit. I hate this and all KFP who can't see any fault in Kiara

>> No.2050633

Seanigger baby...

>> No.2050678 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 488x488, 1617145023784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2050694

I look forward to these threads. It's never a dull time to read over what kind of fucking mental gymnastics both kfp fags and antis make up this time.

>> No.2050708

>Kiara comes her
>Kiara engages here
>Half the kfps acting like schizos are her

>> No.2050722
File: 60 KB, 600x600, 1F889465-B945-4693-A6C2-4C4083DEAEE3_1_105_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you read a post on here that reminds you of the silliness of this board. Today, it's you calling chickenfags bootlickers, a term that should be reserved for copfuckers and government shills, because they like their anime streamer waifu.

>> No.2050745

nobody would give a single fuck if it didn't get to her.

first you have kiara do something a little stupid or disliked, atleast in the perception of some people.
^ this is unavoidable for any streamer, atleast any streamer with a moderate sized fanbase

then she responds to said criticism
^ this is completely avoidable

some amount of the people who didn't care at first but are peeved she's still talking about it and responding to it criticize her.
^ and trolls get in on it too, since they see an obvious easy target

she responds AGAIN and creates more drama, all over something completely forgettable that almost nobody cared about. something nobody would've ever cared about if she could stop building an army of anti's willing to criticize her smallest move.
it's a cycle producing more people who dislike her, more people to dump fuel on the fire, and ever bigger fires. this is why you don't respond to the troll or every little mean comment you get. or hell, just not freakout over criticism in general.

>> No.2050805

wow, she's still mocking gura for crying! truly savage!
>gonna cry?
>maybe shit them pants good?

>> No.2051066

Tranny artist downplaying Kiara's looks in order to try and make themselves feel better.

>> No.2051189
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kek you can tell she's still seething

>> No.2051408
File: 332 KB, 1554x2047, IMG_20210313_105104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chicken making trannies seethe on the daily
If you make her sad again, i'll just send $500 in superchats, simple as

>> No.2051554

you reward her for giving us attention and entertainment as well as shitposting material.

it's a win-win-win. glad we could agree anon, better see your $500 next stream, i'll get photoshop up and running

>> No.2051707

Exactly. If she never mentioned this shit, it would be much smaller. But no, the bitch talk about it all the time, creating more drama and giving more reasons for people to shit on her as they see that she cares about that shit. Dumb as fuck and KFP protect and act like it's healthy.

>> No.2051765

This. It was cringey and amusing to make fun of but it would've blown over if she just kept her mouth shut. That was the last straw for me. She's just such a rude, whiney bitch.

>> No.2051787

you know the idea that the fans represent the streamer and vice versa? you can apply that to kiara and her fans. a larger than normal size see no issue with engaging trolls here and all over the internet.
you will never see kiara drama posting die as long as she keeps up this personality. her fans will continue to think it's okay as long as they circle jerk with her and each other.

>> No.2051813

I thought Mori would have been way higher

>> No.2051843

and why did everybody care so much in the first place? because people with a negative bias and trolls were ready to use anything...
and why were people lining up ready to catch the first thing they could use to stir the pot?
well that much is obvious as all hell. you don't see people waiting to clip anything watame says to cause a shitstorm here.

it's the same old dance over and over again. if she quits now there will be withdrawl period where it gets worse, but it will then rapidly die down from there.

>> No.2051962

It's getting "offended by poop jokes" you faggot it's the dragging it the fuck out and keeping it going for longer than it needs to like a fucking retard.

>> No.2051974

Ollie is the queen of /vt/ now anon who attracts all the schizos, don't care about Kiara's autist ranting into the void. The difference though is that Ollie gets hate for stupid reasons which are amusing to watch, Kiara gets hate because of who she fundamentally is as a person.

>> No.2051997

>implying i dont enjoy watching /vt/ SEAmen chimp out

>> No.2052068

A woman fires back and your incel mind goes off the deep end, sad. You spend all day shitposting but you can't handle it

>> No.2052155

Every time I start to not hate the shitty bird I she goes and acts like an annoying cunt again. At this point I hope she fucking graduates. There was probably some small indie tuber that is ten times more entertaining and significantly less of an annoying cunt that cover could have hired but instead they went with the fucking failed idol bitch.

>> No.2052242

>It's getting "offended by poop jokes
so he's already right.

>> No.2052332

>Other option is to capitulate and apologize
Haven't you learned anything

>> No.2052533

no i like women a lot. i just dislike kiara and will gladly shitpost about her for the easy (you)'s, laughs, and fire building.
you do you schiz, i personally don't want to see my oshi become a wreck or the face of shitposting, so i don't get my panties in a knot over every bump.

>> No.2053144

>nobody should be forced to like her or not criticize her
i didn't say otherwise so i'm not really sure what your point is or why you keep responding to my posts with arguments

>> No.2053192

Kiara has a very small but very obsessed core fanbase of SJW tumblr users.

>> No.2053318

I think it's because she has a huge appeal to trannys because she represents everything those incel males want to be be, a beautiful big breasted loud attention whore with brightly colored hair who is alesbian with busty anime girlfriend.

>> No.2053755

If she used "drawers" instead of "pants" it would have been a better line.

>> No.2054100
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>someone shitposts about the chiken
>frantically post 20 screencaps to prove they're actually indonesian/pol/qa/etc.etc.
idk mate but you guys seem to chimp out more

>> No.2054168

You get a glimpse of the real Kiara here, the Kiara I saw at a grocery store in Vienna yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and tell her about my dead dog or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Ogey?” but she kept cutting me off and going “kikiriki? kikiriki? kikiriki?” and waving a drumstick in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her sharting as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Temptations cat treats in her hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first Kiara kept monologuing over her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the packets and started scanning it multiple times, Kiara stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any shadowbanning,” and then turned around and soifaced at me. I don’t even think that’s how that works. After she scanned each packet and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Kiara kept interrupting her by talking about all the shit in her pants really loudly.

>> No.2054172

because it's a thread. i'm not necessarily responding to you as much as keeping discussion going by building off of your statement.

>> No.2054298

lol the only people keeping this thread alive are people like >>2049803 and you bumping with images or writing blog posts no one gives a shit about.
every now and then one of them has a meltdown, posts doxx and gets banned and screencapped for comedy material, but yeah, keep saying that
>nooooo youre angry! youre the schizo!

>> No.2054349

>he bumped it again

>> No.2059646


>> No.2064853

I've only seen kiara in a group where she actually cannot joke. sounds to me like if her solo streams have decent jokes its all scripted and she has no improv game at all.

>> No.2064941

I don't give a shit about the baby thing but WTF is up with her mic? I don't like this ASMR thing

>> No.2064982

>SJW tumblr users
That's the dumbest take I've heard in a while.

>> No.2065020

Too much gain.

>> No.2065297

>*theres a flickering fluorescent light, barely functioning illuminating the room, cold hard concrete. The whole space is only around a few square feet, and the indifferent grey walls give off a suffocating atmosphere of hopelessness. Pekora doesn’t know if it’s been days, or even weeks since her last feeding. Her hazy vision sharpens as a familiar ring of light appears around the doorframe. It’s time again*
Hey Pekoraaaa-Senpaaaaiii! It’s your biggest fan here to give you your scraps!
>*she delivers the words as usual with total innocence, she’s perfected this fraudulent way of speaking. As if she doesn’t know what she’s doing, and why*
K-Kiara-chan, please-peko!
Nuh uh Pekora! You don’t talk without permission!
>*a sharp slap to the face sets the rabbit to the cold floor. Her gaze turns upwards as he sees Kiara squat over her head, her skirt and panties removed*
P-please Kiara-
Mhmmm here comes seconds Pekora-senpai!
*cough* Kiara-chan... I’m going to be sick again peko... please peko, why are y-
OHHH MAN! I’m gettin’ fired up! Here comes dessert! I'm going to shit that mouth real good!
>*Kiara lowers her foul smelling pucker right to Pekora's lips, the odour of expired instant ramen utterly overpowering, the festering gland pulsating as it releases it’s noxious gases, prepared to let loose another steaming shit into Pekora's pursed lips, muffled screams and choking are all that is heard as the little sharks mouth is filled to the brim with Kiara's waste, the dinner of the most watched vtuber. As Pekora takes it down her throat, her insides churning and on fire, she slowly loses consciousness. She will wake up later no doubt, when it’s feeding time again. Kiara sits up, slamming the door shut as she goes to start her Ryza stream of the day*

>> No.2065342

We see fault in her, anon. We just don't hate her with every fibre of our being like some people do.

Kiara is a flawed girl, with some obvious insecurities stemming from childhood issues and likely mental illness. She makes things awkward sometimes, can sometimes come off as quite rude, and feeds the trolls when she shouldn't, but she's a cheerful girl with a lot of drive and determination. I genuinely wish the best for her.

She's done well for herself, and should be proud of her achievements.

>> No.2065459 [DELETED] 

Fuck your retarded forced meme

>> No.2065479 [DELETED] 

Mori has a 80% black audience bill

>> No.2065513 [DELETED] 

No, the problem is she’s German, a race born without a sense of humor (possibly God’s punishment for being the worst country ever

>> No.2065667

Sie ist keine Deutscherin, sondern Österreicherin.
Es gibt überhaupt einen Unterschied.

>> No.2065703

Rent free

>> No.2066007

Honestly? Probably kinda, yeah. I don't know about Austrians but as far as I know Germans are just kind of like that. It isn't meant to be rude, they're just direct. It's a culture thing.

>> No.2066047

Ignoring the rest but
>Put on annoying baby voice
Please at least pretend you watch streams. That was a batsu game and she even said she was getting tired of it by the end. She just refused to stop because it's not much of a punishment if she does.

>> No.2066282

Kiara attracts loner incels who also happen to be rich because of their stem degree/shitcoins, because she reads and responds to EVERY SINGLE superchat. And does it directly after the stream most of the time.

>> No.2066330

Yeah I know, it was like 30 mins right? It was annoying for 30mins.

>> No.2066394
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Is it?

>> No.2067065

NTA but yes, you're still retarded.

>> No.2067211

Do chickenfags really?
How can one defend such massive narcissist like her is unimaginable to me.

>> No.2069892

FGO makes a lot of money from whales, so the game must be good right?

>> No.2070350

I want to beat her up

>> No.2070424

dumb fuck, her roommate posts political activism and was an active tumblr user

>> No.2070440


>> No.2070596

god even just hearing that cunt's voice annoys me

>> No.2071131

jesus christ kiara.... it has been like what , a week since that collab? most people has forgotten about it already. why she keep bringing it up? if anything she's the one that's more triggered

>> No.2071165

Based, I don’t even watch her much, I’m just tired of hearing about her scat fetish

>> No.2071241

deep down she knows she's annoying and makes jokes in bad taste so it stuck with her

>> No.2071387

>kiara gets criticized
>call them incel
pretty much the entirety of KFP

>> No.2071504

So you're implying that the requirement to be considered "core fanbase" means that you have to be obsessed to the level of digging up the roommate's past and present activities.

>> No.2071514

what kind of 30 year old gets birthday money. from who

>> No.2071567

for real anyone who's giving them their money is braindead

>> No.2072250


>> No.2072475

Yeah, that'll fix all her problems, attacking the fans she annoyed, not, you know, a little self reflection and fixing her flaws.

>> No.2072520

>show a chart where's she's losing her place
Yes. Very interesting.

>> No.2072559

She keeps pulling shit like this and she will be.

>> No.2072615

Just like how she leeched off of collab views? Yes, we know.

>> No.2072629

Can I get a run down on why people hate Kiara ?
She was definitely the weakest debute but personally I find her much more entertaining than Gura.

Ina > Ame> Calie = Kiara >>>Gura

>> No.2072638

She’s right, that shit was funny, never give in to these types of people, never apologize, let them know they are unwelcome

>> No.2072675

>"Why are people so sensible, ew"
>cries on stream several times over fair and good willed advice from her own fans
Gee, I don't know Kiara. You tell me

>> No.2072704

>that shit was funny
It really wasn't. It was a perfect example of German humor, which is notorious for being terrible.

>> No.2072728

Because you might aswell call every stream of hers Spacha Reading. 1 hour of content followed by 8 hours of superchats. (You) will get your name read aswell as your message no matter what color your donation is, attracting faggots who have never achieved anything in their pathetic lives. But hey, those get to not be lonely and Kiara gets to be a filthy rich idol reject so win-win I guess.

>> No.2072736

Still hasn't fixed her audio settings.
Terrible comedic humor.
Still hasn't fixed her audio settings.
Unearned prima donna attitude.
Rants and raves, detracting from her entertainment value.

>> No.2072789

>for weeks
You forgot this part.

>> No.2072813

Nah, YouTube will recommend everything you want to know. Zero digging required.

>> No.2072928

views don't matter only $

>> No.2072954

You should be pretty fucking worried when you start sounding like a nijifag

>> No.2072971

Someone should do the math and calculate how many of these SCs are from leeching. Might motivate the other girls to do their own collabs.

>> No.2073126

How is Mori 4th place among her gen?

>> No.2073148

JP hours + lack of schedule + disappearing for projects.

>> No.2073278

What the fuck are you talking about, the weakest debut was Ame by far.
Her debut was fucking atrocious to the point where even she pretends that it didn't happen.

>> No.2073312

I see, I don't watch her at all. I guess her fans are just loud so I thought she would be getting a lot more SCs.

>> No.2073331
File: 77 KB, 1420x946, thinkaboutittho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't SC if there's never a stream to SC for.

>> No.2076879

Based as fuck.
Tell them, queen.

>> No.2078366


>> No.2078937

Takamori fans have been shifting to exclusively supporting Kiara.

>> No.2079269

>Takamori fans have been shifting to exclusively supporting Kiara.
LMAO, no. Even Calli's T2 and T3 chats still have plenty of Takamorifags.

>> No.2079323

She's not shitting her pants anymore, now she's shitting the bed

>> No.2079412

Reminder that this literally is what happened in the EN chat after the Uno collab...
*the girls are saying their good byes, Kiara goes to stand by and cuts the live audio*
>Kiara: "OK it's off, you girls have fu-"
>Calliope: "Kiara... WHAT. THE FUCK?"
>Kiara: "What?"
>Ina: "Kiara.... *wheezes* wh-y oh God"
*Ina continues laughing, with little control of her voice*
>Gura: "Ohmygosh Kiara... *Giggles* What was THAT?!"
>Kiara: "WHAT???!? What did I do?"
*Ina is now howling, slamming her desk*
>Kiara: "B-but because am baby! Get it? It was funny! Babies shit their pants so I thought..."
*Ina is now wheezing, coughing*
>Calliope: "Yeah dude, but you said it like 6 times my dawg! Even after the baby round was over. And no one laughed dude! What the heck dawg?"
*Ina is now barely audible, she has fallen on to the floor gasping for oxygen*
>Kiara: Wha? I don't understand, babies shit? They shit their pants. Lots of shit! PISS AND SHIT EVERYWHERE! Am baby!! AM BABBY! *Various shitbird noises* Oh shit... Hold on Jenma is calling me~
>and so kiara was bonked, again and she ranted to her cult followers
*end scene*

>> No.2079735

you will never be japanese

>> No.2080176

Why does everyone hate her? She's entertaining and if anyone says she's annoying well... they are wrong. Everyone in hololive is a stick in the mud.

>> No.2080257
File: 136 KB, 319x393, 1589212165900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an idol!
>I'm also a massive cunt!
Which is it first?

>> No.2080365
File: 555 KB, 1185x592, Screenshot_2021-03-31 Quote Generator - Create Quotations By Random People.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.2080396

A cunt larping an idol

>> No.2080570

Considering some of the girls are making hundreds of thousands of dollars with this job I cannot fathom why some people making entry level job pay would spend their hard earned money donating to people who making three or four times as much money as them.

Like, shit if you're rich and lonely then whatever. I'm glad I can benefit from they pay pigs.

>> No.2080583

Well, are you a baby? Did she hurt your little fee-fees? Grow the fuck up, nigger! And fuck off antis.

>> No.2080645

Does Calli actually hate her? I mean, why? She's only playing around... if Calli can't stand her personality, then she's the bitch that needs to grow up.

>> No.2080692

No, she just likes to larp. Go back to where you belong.

>> No.2080862

Hi, Kiara!

>> No.2080923
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>> No.2080977


>> No.2081527

She gets this much money for the same reason Marine does, because she has the best chat interaction. If you put effort into writing an interesting supa for Kiara to read, she'll read it and you may even get an entire tangent out of it. Hence there's actual motivation for people to send her Super Chats.

>> No.2081586

Incel hands typed this.

>> No.2081592


>> No.2081638

hands that want to beat up kiara

>> No.2081689

ok, incel.

>> No.2081741

You can watch me do it if you want

>> No.2081803

I beat I can beat you up instead, little nigger.

>> No.2081850

Why would you do that? I'm just expressing my perfectly normal desire to beat up Kiara. You're kinda coming off as unhinged bro. It's not really not that big of a deal.

>> No.2081886

Be a real man and beat up someone your own gender and size, faggot.

>> No.2081939

but kiara isn't my own gender and size and I want to beat up kiara

>> No.2082005

Then you sound like a massive faggot that can't put up a fight. You're not a man, you're just a homo that only beats on women. Come back when you have the balls to fight a real man. Faggot nigger.

>> No.2082023

woah woah woah take it easy man I'm not beating up anyone other than kiara. It's perfectly fine

>> No.2082085

You have no right to put your hands on a women, nigger. Like I said, give me your address so that I can show you what a real man can do. Nigger.

>> No.2082105

cool it with the racism my man it's not about rights and stop trying to doxx me I just wanna beat up kiara

>> No.2082127

Whatever, faggot.

>> No.2082144

Oh boy can't wait for the next "woe it's me" post from Kiara

>> No.2082145
File: 206 KB, 800x1400, 1615833961775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Redpilled

>> No.2082241

Sometimes you read a post on here that reminds you of the silliness of normalfaggots and people who brings politics into conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with politics.

>> No.2082267

American "education" everyone

>> No.2082338

why am i even laughing at this shit

>> No.2082388
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, am vt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would Kiara call out herself?

>> No.2082396

Please tell me this is yen. It's probably yen, but my mind won't be still until I'm sure.

>> No.2082493

It helps that she actually reads her superchats. Ina meanwhile doesn't place because she barely ever reacts to them let alone reads them.

>> No.2082626

I hope one day it comes out that she's actually kinda based, like she says nigger in private or whatever.
