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20232577 No.20232577 [Reply] [Original]

Is she just pretending to be pure or is she the real deal?


>> No.20232611

iwys is a pure say so aidoru yes yes

>> No.20232615
File: 465 KB, 542x750, 1629001855166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she knows exactly what she's doing

>> No.20232618

she doesnt know it in english

>> No.20232669

She constantly gives dog whistles begging to be mating pressed. What do you think anon.

>> No.20232687

irys is so cute and i love her and i hope her artist gets brutally murdered

>> No.20232691
File: 424 KB, 626x708, irysm[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpfwj6p.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irys is seiso and sexual at the same time

>> No.20232718

I feel like her brain operates in Japanese. Like, she gets it in English, but her brain will turn everything into Japanese phrasing, losing it's innuendo. There's certain things she's aware of, but off the cuff she'll always end up being seiso.

>> No.20232770

How is she so perfect?

>> No.20232796

I will cum cum in her tum tum, and she will like it

>> No.20232806

I thought she looked really weird at first too, but over time I got used to it and now I find it cute

>> No.20232824

Ignorant = ! Pure
Now stop being a clipnigger.

>> No.20232834

>he doesn't know

>> No.20232854

i think she's cute too but that fucking FAGGOT still hasn't made her new years outfit

>> No.20232870

>The poor clipnigger are fucking clueless. Kek

>> No.20232961

yeah what the fuck is up with that, everyone is getting new outfits and Irys is just sitting there in a corner. I wonder if her model makes it harder to do outfits for her

>> No.20233406

It's an act.

>> No.20233506

She's been tapped before. Deal with it

>> No.20233530

all me

>> No.20233679


>> No.20233771

Sheltered daddys girl whos brain operates more in japanese than english

>> No.20233789

It's just an ESL moment, EOP subhumans wouldn't understand.

>> No.20233855

IRyS was probably homeschooled her whole life. You can smell it on those types of kids due to their weird way of talking and slightly off ways of thinking.

>> No.20234071

Agreed. The only type that comes close are religious nutjobs. Who are often also homeschooled

>> No.20234115

She seems genuinely confused there

>> No.20234175

watch her streams, she has told plenty of stories about her experiences in public school

I do think the way she talks is slightly off in a cute way, she mispronounces tons of english words without realizing and seems out of touch with slang. Apparently it wasn't school though. Dont know how long she's been in Japan, but maybe that's contributed, or maybe she just constantly has her head in the clouds and ignores context that doesn't interest her

>> No.20234198

She's a succubus, what do you think?

>> No.20234232

Maybe she's just from a very rich family.

>> No.20234264

Did you miss the time when she referenced this song?

>> No.20234304

Made for hogties

>> No.20234496

doesn't get the joke != ignorant, retard-kun...

>> No.20234649

How good is her Japanese? Does it sound native or is it really obvious she's an English speaker? I kind of wonder if she's like Pikamee and doesn't really speak either language perfectly.

>> No.20235015

I imagine she moved to Japan sometime around 2010, because that's where her knowledge of western memes and pop culture is frozen in time. I think in one of her recent streams she unironically made an "It's over 9000" reference

>> No.20235100

her spoken japanese is native tier almost perfect
every holojp who talks to her for the first time cant believe she wasnt born in japan

>> No.20235342

>cum in her tum tum

someone post her clip compilation

>> No.20235554

"It's over 9000" is timeless, niggas on twatter and reddit keep looping back on it

>> No.20235577

Her tone and pronunciation is pretty much native, better than a lot of Holo JPs
She has some gaps in vocab though, and her kanji reading skills are a bit lacking
It's also strange that it works the other way around, she sometimes can't think of a word to explain something in English, but she knows it in Japanese
She's in some weird world of being both a JSL and ESL, but very good at both

>> No.20235657

Note past tense.

>> No.20235916


>> No.20236197

My dumb cute wife is still pure

>> No.20236491

Good. Western memes and pop culture took a nosedive after 2012

>> No.20236691

She has said she knows what she's doing about 1/3 of the time but stumbles into jokes the rest of the time.

>> No.20239769

Why does she keep saying she's seiso and then laughing? I don't get it whats the joke? Mori seems to find it really funny too after they hung out irl too. Idk we must be missing some sort of information for why the notion of her being pure is so humorous. Oh well I'm sure it's nothing.

>> No.20240035

Could be all the hopium I huff, but I get the feeling alternative outfits have been pushed back for her because she's getting a new and improved based model instead.

>> No.20240105

Nigger she goes clubbing. She has 100% had a drunken 1 night stand.

>> No.20240207

50% of the time

>> No.20240265

She probably left America before hitting puberty.

>> No.20240311

no, she has a bunch of stories about her family not being able to afford low cost luxury stuff. they ain't poor but more likely lower middle class.

>> No.20240333
File: 257 KB, 463x453, 1645421580487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20240336

FTLOG please let this happen

>> No.20240340

she's my adorable airhead

>> No.20240352

>clip channel with 2000 views

>> No.20240405

As a woman she doesn't usually use her hand on her penis, please understand.

>> No.20240468

All I know is, she hates gypsies. Which is based.

>> No.20240484

And niggers

>> No.20240533

Mori and IRyS are actually massive whores and waiting for the other holoens (who are also whores) to come to japan so they can have an epic whoregy (orgy but better).

>> No.20240615


>> No.20240650

I love her horns and seeing her dislike them makes me a bit sad :(

>> No.20240695

if she was, her parents would have bought her lunchables

>> No.20240853

Is it true that IRyS still calls her dad "daddy"?

>> No.20240919

yeah, me

>> No.20240971

where does this meme come from. japs dont even know what gypsies are

>> No.20241001
File: 47 KB, 600x727, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but the internet ruins all seiso girls, and boys
I've seen it in real time with several vtubers now

thats was v cute though

>> No.20241192

it going to be a very sad day when irys is fully acclimated with internet 'humor'

>> No.20241230

As befits an angel-devil hybrid, Irys is both very pure plus very horny and needing to be dicked down (by me)

>> No.20241314

its too late she already almost called a baby "nigga"

>> No.20241761

Not if I swim across the pacific first.

>> No.20242173

she said gypsy, and white people think that's a slur now. meanwhile real gypsies are too busy prostituting their 12 year old daughters and pickpocketing tourists and burglarizing houses to give a shit what you call them.

>> No.20242258

I think the more important thing is that she has great fucking taste with Midori no Hibi.

>> No.20242788

I'm in an English speaking nation and was not aware that gypsy was being treated as a slur. I thought it just referred to nomadic people.

>> No.20242987

it's not a slur but woke americans think it is

>> No.20243220

The only reason she was acting pure and seiso is because she was told to do so (possibly by management?) She said as much in her last members only stream.

>> No.20245786


>> No.20246002

the midori no hibi manga has nude scenes.
i remember because it was great material for my horny teenage self.

>> No.20246115
File: 125 KB, 723x1150, midori-no-hibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is from chapter 1

>> No.20246200

Midori no Hibi release date 2004
Yep, real hag.

>> No.20246535

>whoregy (orgy but better).
Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.20247095 [DELETED] 

I don't remember her saying that, I remember her saying she was stressed and glad to have her fans there for her.

>> No.20247232


>> No.20250254

she's a total degen. probably read/watched some of the same fucked up stuff we have. so she's cool in my book

>> No.20250325

The valentine's car date was very cringe and I unsubbed because of it. It doesn't help that she keeps pandering to deadbeats too.

>> No.20252161

She ranted about "freakin' gypsies" for 10+ minutes.

>> No.20252226
File: 392 KB, 2000x764, weg hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20252302

that was so random.

>> No.20252321

Well I hope she keeps acting that way.

>> No.20252462

You're talking about someone who routinely forgets basic words and facts, and sometimes doesn't even forget them because she never knew them to begin with! SEISO

>> No.20252479
File: 214 KB, 578x365, irys power level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful now Irys

>> No.20252604

She's a half-white American.

>> No.20252709

What the fuck happened with America anyway, everyone's so sensitive now

>> No.20252867

9/11 caused a ton of backlash against Muslims, which got over corrected into "literally any form of unfairness based on race/sex/whatever is the absolute worst thing that could possibly happen."

>> No.20252892

Yeah when growing up as an ESL to me America was the country of GTA, South Park, guns, hookers and a "fuck you" attitude
Nowadays they get offended for literally everything and go on cancelling people on twitter for saying no no words or liking villains or idk.

Somewhere, something happened and turned them into sissies and hypersensitive sad fucks addicted to social media

>> No.20253050
File: 132 KB, 600x800, Gyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20257297


>> No.20258380

she would literally mog all of myth if not for the fucking horrific debuff of a model. i guess hololive knows this and so nerfed irys to keep the rest remotely viable.

>> No.20260606

she was definitely masturbating to this in 2004, that's why it became a core memory.
her vagina is used and abused by now. Pure my ass.

>> No.20261250

It was actually the occupy movement that caused all this. The 99% going after the 1% actually scared them into forcing all this divide and conquer bullshit. Everyone can see it with google trends, Woke is the system response to a populist movement.

>> No.20263394

Bro, she is like 35yo. Do you really believe it?

>> No.20263837

I fapped to the chapter where MCs friends saw the hand girl, thought she was a doll and touched her.

>> No.20264290

Every word that describes an undesirable group ends up becoming a slur. That's why mental illnesses get their name changed (no more spastic, or mongolism) and the "correct" term for blacks is now People of Colour (but not Coloured People).

>> No.20264355

That is just an absolute cope by people who don't want to face that their movements are filled with faggots.
That shit lines up with mass mobile phone and social media adoption, not your comfortable conspiracy. People were doing it to themselves years before big business followed along.

>> No.20266892

America was always a hypersensitive place. First it was their weird religious stuff, then their weird obsession with races, then antigay panics, then antimuslim panic, then progay panics and so on.
They are a very loud and sensitive people.
Why it shocks you, is because their focuses shift a lot. In the last hundred years they had more than 15 different social panics with reactionaries for each. Their laws (like the first amendment) help this kind of thing.

>> No.20267025

I wonder if she read that Mai-chan gore about an immortal girl like us did. That one was pure 2000's energy.

>> No.20267176

She knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.20267243

Tbf streaming is probably one of the few places she speaks english.

>> No.20267305

She was doing it for a joke, she obviously gets it.
She does the intentionally oblivious bit better than Luca does, he should takes notes and watch her stream more.

>> No.20267359

I thought it was great and it made me sub to her

>> No.20268538

Lol that's actually one of the fun valentines stream.

>> No.20270167

I wish every fucking ironic weeb nigger who keeps spamming the "le seiso haha" shit would get their kneecaps shattered.

>> No.20270210

ah you were into ntr before the term was coined

>> No.20270482

Their academia has been taken over by people who view everything through the lens of Critical Theory, which makes them divide everything into the "oppressor" and the "oppressed". When this shit is taken to its logical extreme you get the "oppressed" becoming untouchables and anything that even hints that you belong to the "oppressors", for example using no-no words or doubting this new orthodoxy, makes you an instant social pariah. That combined with the fact that the people pushing this have zero principles and recognize this as the power grab it is results in the America you see today. They'll bitch and moan when this gets pointed out and pretend that it's not true, they'll try their hardest to pretend nothing of the sort is going on in their schools, but don't get fooled. It's all meticulously planned and executed.

>> No.20270533

I don’t imagine poc lasting very long because of you pronounce the acronym as its own word, “poc,” it immediately sounds offensive and harsh. Even worse if you try to pluralize the acronym as pocs, which sounds like pox.

>> No.20270570

Now that you mentioned it, it seems that I liked NTR before I even realized it. I thought playing Sengoku Rance made me like it but it was ingrained in my bones from the start.

>> No.20270601

Yes like when Miko was talking about the jav actress that was in yakuza and cosplays as Miko.

>> No.20270845

The joke is that she’s not seiso and Mori knows that? What’s so hard to get, they talk often and are friends outside of work.

If you wanna be a schizo I guess it’s possible, though not likely, that they are making fun off the idea of being seiso in the first place because they find idol shot ridiculous. Or they share their body counts and related stories. Or they fool around casually, as many men like to imagine women do. Take your pick.

>> No.20270887

She goes clubbing?! Really? I’m gonna need a time stamp on that one.

>> No.20270937

party rockers in the house tonight

>> No.20271056

Surely she grew up speaking english at home, school etc.

>> No.20271095

Yes but since she's been in Japan for a while she hadn't been speaking English much.

>> No.20271107

yea i get it. my first scene was when griffith stole casca

>> No.20271406

Uehara did a miko cosplay?

>> No.20271761

She's recently said that she's never been clubbing. Closest is going to a karaoke bar.

>> No.20271861

This stream really opened my eyes to how high Irys’ power level is. This bitch really likes some fucked up manga and anime like Bokurano.

>> No.20272315

mutts think so apparently, gypsy hate is universal in europe.

>> No.20272596

OP are you pretending to be dumb or are you seriously fucking ignorant of human behavior?

>> No.20272663

nazi phase. unironically 'femi-nazi' phase.
expect a sort of commie-fascist america soon if you don't already

>> No.20272683

This is what happened with Nene so it's possible. They might be reworking IRyS face so it's less weird.

>> No.20273175

A couple of times.

>> No.20275217

She's usually way more obvious when she knowingly says something like this. But it's hard to imagine she didn't know what the chat comment was referring to.

>> No.20275250

I have been banned five times so far trying to post her roomate stuff. I might have to go to the fruit farm bros...
