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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2015188 No.2015188 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't she just tell everyone she's never coming back? Is it because she knows half of her fans would fuck off and stop caring for her? She literally used Hololive to gain attention and ghosted all of her genmates when they tried talking to her. Ungrateful cunt treats her friends and fans like shit and won't even explain why. If she doesn't want people talking about Hololive then why not, I dunno, tell people she aint comin back? I can't see how anyone could like her, she deserves all the bad shit that happens

>> No.2015243

Do you have brain damage

>> No.2015276

I think she(the person) made it pretty clear they weren't going to do anything corporate again. Using the character to convey that would give the literal opposite impression.

>> No.2015385

Have sex

>> No.2015452

She isn't a vtuber, she has no model.

>> No.2015501

What's with all the stupid threads today?

>> No.2015536

Theres nothing stopping her, as Delta, from telling her fans that she's never coming back. There are hundreds of people on her fanbox who still have no idea what her plans are and she never gives a clear answer herself. Its been over 5 months since she left and all people want is a single "Im never going back to Aloe" as confirmation. If she doesn't confirm it, she'll only get more rats and groomers and its fucking ridiculous

>> No.2015566

shitty bait thread everyone responding to this is retarded and so am I

>> No.2015630

see >>2015566

>> No.2016115

She also acts unprofessional by feeding fans with details of her hard life, which may be true or not.

>> No.2016148

Gotta keep milking the saviorfags

>> No.2016260

Supporting her is similar to giving money to street beggars.
It's rarely a good idea, and often even make their life worse. But, from the other side, this act could make you feel a little better.

>> No.2016329


>> No.2016355
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1612748572502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're telling me there's actual people who think she might come back?

>> No.2016415

She made it pretty fucking clear that she's not interested in going back. She wants to be singer, not a vtuber. Stop believing the Aloefags in the Delta thread that are trying to push a false narrative.

>> No.2017690

She already did sop

>> No.2018677

But the groomers are the ones that want her not to go back to Aloe you fucking retard.

>> No.2018929
File: 633 KB, 694x1500, 1592644556210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is coming back in 3 days

>> No.2019241

I said it the Delta thread and I will say it hear either she planning on returning to cover and keeping it a surprised or more likely she being a bitch.
Also >>2015566

>> No.2019646

Seaniggers using Aloe to distract from Ollie's yab kek

>> No.2020541

I'm going say this here if Delta debut, she deserved to get bulled to the point of suicide.
>Be delta
>Be literal who
>Almost nobody know about your existence
>Decide to applied to hololive
>Out of the many application you get accept.
>Get close to your fellow gen mates
>Debut as Aloe
>Get doxed after your debut by antis
>They want you gone over nothing
>Despite this you try to continue.
>Your yabe dad find out and try to strong arm you into leaving
>Rather than talking to your gen mate for help you give in to the anti and your dad despite your many fans and your gen mate wishes for you to return.
>You were a net loss for hololive
>Retreat to your hug box and your old persona.
>Time passes
>Haven't talk to your gen mate in a long time and still miss you
>Your yabe dad is gone
>You get to a better place mentality
>Got a idea
>You know that if you debut independently you will have viewers on parried with top holo
>You fan will miss Aloe you don't care.
>Debut as delta
>You get lots of support but you have more anti because there are plenty of people that don't like what you pulled.
>The only reason you are popular is because your were at hololive
>Get doxed but it don't bother you because your yabe dad is gone
>Stream one day
>During your stream a bunch of anti come to your house
>They pin you down and rape you on stream to ten of thousands of viewers
>Decide to kill yourself because of the humiliation.
>The anti were secretly paid by Yagoo because he wasn't going to let you scam him out of money for fame.

>> No.2020634

take your meds retard, being abused by one of your parents is more than just "hey my gen mates can help me against my dad everything is okay"
get out of your cum smelling room and get some fucking life experience by living with and talking to actual people before belching abysmal opinions about what others should do in complicated situations that you have never experience, nigger

>> No.2021982

Stop simping savorfag tell me why can't Delta just hide in one of her gen mate home if her dad is abusive. If her gen mate can't do then I can understand but you don't give me a reason. What her dad is going to go to her gen mate house and kill her. Also you and I both know that the only reason why you know about Delta is because of Aloe. Saying she should killed herself or get rape is harsh and mess up and a unreasonable punishment I admitted that but you do realize what she did is mess up and deserved some flak. Basically getting free publicly and wasting cover money. If she want she could easily collab with hololive as Delta and if cover say no, she could easily strong arm cover into hanging out with the holo girls or cause cover to go under. And she get rewarded with the right of doing that all because she gave in to the anti and her dad.

>> No.2022051

I honestly think you should kill yourself

>> No.2022485

Based schizo

>> No.2022503

Go outside. Make some friends. Learn how life really works. Then come back and reread this post and realize how much of a fucking retard you are.

>> No.2022574

She needs saviourfags to sustain her drug habit

>> No.2022604

>hurr simp
i don't simp, i don't give a fuck about her and all vtubers will see as much of my money as i'll see their genitals, that's to say 0
it doesn't mean you can say some retarded neckbeard shit that sounds like you have yet to make contact with any other human and not get called out for it, whether they are aimed at one of those or at some ugly ass male nobody
if familial abuse was as simple as "my dad is the enemy please friends help me" many people would be saved in a day with a few bills

i'll still mention a few points you might not have considered, just in case you're actually ignorant about human psyche and of good faith :
-Her dad, one of the two people who she should have been receiving unconditional love from abuses her, do you think someone in that situation is even able to trust someone else to help them?
-Her dad, albeit a massive nigger, is her dad. Just by virtue of being her father it's possible that part of her makes it hard for her to just burn the bridges, it's one of the things that make familial abuse both cyclic and far harder to solve than any other.
-If there's a mother in the equation, can she just leave her mother alone or worse, exposed to being fully abused by her father?
-Do you know how much courage and work it takes for someone who's been abused by their parents to even rise up against them because of how deep that relationship pattern has been ingrained in them?
-With how shit the self esteem of someone like that oughta be, do you even think she wants to burden others with her issues instead of just disappearing?
There's many other points i could develop because of how frequent and well studied those situations are, but i'm not here to write a thesis.

Finally i'll adress some of your points :
>she can just hide in one of her gen mate home
actually adressed this one above
>you know about Delta
that's irrelevant, i don't even care about the fact that she's some internet singer i'll never meet, what matters is that she's human, with a human psyche, not the robot it would take to be up to your expectations
>deserved some flak
she got far more flak than she deserved as far as i know
>free publicity
it's not like she goes around screaming that she's aloe, she didn't ask for anything
>wasting cover's money
that's cover's issue, do you own some actions there? it's part of every company's expense, they invest and they expect returns, sometimes they hit it big like with Coco, sometimes the investment doesn't bear fruits, that's how it's supposed to happen
>strong arm
why the fuck would she want to do that? what does she have to gain?
>inb4 tl;dr

>> No.2027156

>Her dad is her dad
he is(was?) actually just her stepdad

>> No.2027252

Do you know how abusive relationship work? Not everyone could just give a shit and get out somewhere

>> No.2030913

I expected that kind of respond and all I'm going to say is everyone on 4chan need to go outside.

>> No.2031002

>says the anon who clearly lacks any experience of social relationships

>> No.2031519

Need to work on your greentexting a bit more. Your rrats in the first part contradict to much reality good bait for sure. But your last part betrays your intent and you go full shit post which is fine but it is so jarring it makes the bait obvious.

This whole thread is a bait thread but ya know.

She has.
No her fans and many hololive fans have made it clear they are fine with her going on as Delta.
Cover didn't have to terminate the contract anon. Cover could have forced her to fulfill the contract she did nothing to actually break it.
Anon stop projecting you are a minority.

Why did you make a thread for this exactly?

>> No.2031587

She literally lost her job because one of her teamates

Why the fuck wouldnt she be upset about that you absolute dumb nigger

>> No.2031700

>Get doxed after your debut by antis
Actually it was fucking nene you fucking retard
>>Haven't talk to your gen mate in a long time and still miss you
Yeah i wonder why

>> No.2031736

You fucking nigger it was shitpost

>> No.2033846

Anon DeltAloe blames herself and no one else... well she also blames KusoDad. She is unironically living her best life now. I have a real hard time seeing her holding a grudge against Nene when she has admitted her life has dramatically improved since the graduation. Do your reps we have discussed this shit to death.
