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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20142321 No.20142321 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually like her cringe rapping.

>> No.20142388

It's ok
The actual lyrics are actually pretty nice it's just that her singing voice is kinda flat like she's just talkign over the music track

>> No.20142393

There is a few songs like end of a life but generally no, I do not.

>> No.20142409


>> No.20142474

9/10 of her song are crap. Almost the same flow in every single one, with lyrics that are made to sound "deeper" than they actually are. She writes songs too often - I think she seriously just needs to sit down and take her time with 6 songs over an entire year. Instead of rushing out shit.

>> No.20142483

>setlist filled with English songs
must be nice to be part of an American corporation without Japanese copywrite restrictions

>> No.20142546

why this cute loli have a black mid40s woman voice

>> No.20142587

Yeah, nips, seethe about it.

>> No.20142596

I give it a good 6.5/10. She is not bad but she is not above average either. I say she is still useful to provide background chorus and voicing of the sorts.

>> No.20142609

End of a Life actually sounds good.

>> No.20142626

If she actually contributed heavily to the instrumentals and general production, I'd be less Cr1TiKaL of her work and would find it somewhat charming, but as a producer myself it's simply unjustifiable how her rapping and lyrics can be so bad if that's all she has to work on. Especially after all this time and experience. She's genuinely fucking awful and her best tracks are carried by the instrumentals. Don't even bother arguing with me because I'm right.

>> No.20143099
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>> No.20143180

End of life is her best work.
The rest is kinda basic, but sounds good to nip ears, because they don'ta speaka da eigo.

>> No.20143182

>6.5./10 is average
Shitty rating system.
But I won't shit on you because you're not wrong.
What's mesmerizing is that she sells herself as a rapper but has no flow or lyrics which are the most important part.
Then again, I can't call anyone who can't freestyle a rapper.

>> No.20143190
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>never bite the arm that feeds you with a knife
Sensible chuck

>> No.20143414

Will she gets any improvement in the future? Obviously, on the vocal part I mean.

>> No.20143572
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blk ppl ironically

>> No.20143583

It has good parts but I dislike the parts with slow rap. I dislike her slow rap in general because it feels bland.
She should make more songs like Live Again.

>> No.20143771

Cursed Night, End of a Life, and Live Again are all good.
Most of the rest of her music is forgettable or blends together a bit. There's tracks like Off With Their Heads or Red that have a strong message and clearly come from some sort of passion, but their composition and lyrical flow isn't particularly impressive, and the message drifts around a bit, almost as if she ran out of stuff she could say and forced herself to write more in the gaps to fill the verses. Not terrible by any measure, but still.

>> No.20143785

jesus jesus japanesus

>> No.20144075

Yes. End of a Life and some of the songs from her roommate are on constant rotation. End of a Life is incredible. I like when she raps about personal things mixed with her singing which is underrated.

>> No.20144166

Her rhyme schemes are off-putting. Hardly any internals, slants, or sort of texture
It sounds fine and catchy but other than that, it's novelty

>> No.20144178

Sup Calli you are wack af btw

>> No.20144200

you must if its all you post about

>> No.20144292

Most rappers aren't producers, but with Calli for some reason it's your expectation that she be a top producer? Are you actually a producer? Because you seem to have no idea about hiphop. Just be glad she writes her own lyrics. There's big name rappers that don't even do that. Picking good beats to rhyme over is also a legit talent that not every emcee has.

>> No.20144319

Alt rap was a mistake

>> No.20144352

she only writes lyrics

>> No.20144385

It's mostly Japanese. Considering they insert lines like "Looking! The blitz loop This planet to search way Only my railgun can shoot it" into their own music, this falls into that same category: Nonsense that sounds cool and edgy.

>> No.20144399

people reacting to things on youtube are subhuman

>> No.20144431
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she said she was...

>> No.20144516

Yes /thread

>> No.20144596


>> No.20144754

If you actually evaluate her rapping in isolation without letting your PINK BOOGEYMAN BAD AAAAIIIIIIEEEEE bias dictate your perspective, she's actually pretty talented. If you've written her off because she's cringe or whatever, give her music another go, you might enjoy it despite what others might say.

>> No.20144790
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She has nothing to say.
She doesn't have the technical skills to get away with it.
She can't even produce her songs.
She refuses to improve.
She rushes shit out like no tomorrow, her music is basically mass produced.
Basically, she's worthless, but bottom of the barrel ironic weebs and japs still like her. She's entirely carried by her fantastic avatar.

>> No.20144788


>> No.20144803

no, its cringe and feels more manufactured than her personality

>> No.20144870

red and end of a life are pretty gud desu

>> No.20144915

I like every part of her songs except the rap.

>> No.20145114

Every vtuber who started post 2020 apparently

>> No.20145117

she's gotten mogged by Bae twice in tracks that aren't even rap songs, but credit where it's due, end of a life is a top 5 hololive track

>> No.20145148

play dice is good
bae's other song no thanks

>> No.20145326

which one is that?

>> No.20145560 [DELETED] 

Cuckbeats would never listen to her if she had Sana's model.

>> No.20145608

Her best songs are the ones where she doesn't rap.

>> No.20145617

shes lucky she reeled in most of the big paypigs to her roomate

>> No.20145658

I do. But I also hate her as a person/chuuba so whatever.

>> No.20145827

I like Sana's model, but maybe it's because I'm a sizefag.

>> No.20146042

Slow rap got some bangers. Mockingbird, Hallie's Song, Changes, I'll Be Missing You, etc.

>> No.20146319

Let me rephrase what I said. I don't like Mori's slow rap. It's her weakest singing style imo.

>> No.20146382
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I do. It's good for workouts.

>> No.20146387

might be her cover of Hontou no Oto, but it seems pretty great to me desu

>> No.20146649

I like some of hers and her roommates stuff. She pairs really well with Gura. Some of her early Hololive stuff is rough.

>> No.20146712

While I'm indifferent to this wigger's vtuber persona, her design on the other hand, radiates pure SEX.

>> No.20147061

eh, the Gura only edit is better than the gura + Mori original

>> No.20147278
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shes my favorite

>> No.20147336

Agree to disagree then. I think it's her strongest niche among the litany of Hololive Jpop singers.

>> No.20147381

she honestly does better with rock vocals

>> No.20147411

Some, but not all of it

>> No.20147466

Ehh too soon to say, they only have 2 song, one is good and other is meh on Mori part.

>> No.20147496

Singing English songs. WOW imagine that?

To be honest, because Calli lives in Japan, she shoulda debut with a JP Gen.

>> No.20147561

Yeah she shits out music so fast wtf

>> No.20147613

She can't speak Japanese anon.. or speak a very low level Japanese for some one who live there.

>> No.20147656

those posts are ripe with 2view seethe

>> No.20147737

To me, she’s not good enough to make it on her own without the additional “gimmick” of the electroswing or Japanese fusion, but I don’t think this is necessarily bad in itself, since the idea to fuse two styles is itself a creative choice that we should take into account.

Her actual rapping though? Gives me real Funimation-era anime dub vibes. Nowhere near true cringe but still…tainted by elements of it, if you get what I mean.

It also doesn’t help that she seems to keep her normal accent for the most part while rapping. Like, no, I don’t want her to act like she’s black (cause she’s autistic and that’d be cringe as fuck, not cause I’m racist), but the presence of hard r’s (like, for words in general, not THAT word) fucking screams “white girl energy”

>> No.20147932
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Dont listen so idk

>> No.20148167
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Why do deadbeats only post Scru when they mention how much blacks like her music? Can't you find any other examples? He also likes Epic Rap Battles and made analysis videos on them, kek.

>> No.20148175

I'm not a vtuber or an entertainer in general.

>> No.20148247

Probably a Filipino deadbeat, because Scru reacts to Filipino artists too

>> No.20148519

There's this guy too, that apparently raps.
I, personally, am a simple guy, i listen to stuff and if i like it, i like it. I don't have the musical background to understand what makes something good or not, not even sure you could objectively make that assessment.

>> No.20148537

End of a Life is the only song I actually love from her because she went out of her cringe weeaboo rap persona. I just can't take white women seriously when they rap. When she's not pandering to suburban wiggers is when she shines the brightest.

>> No.20148566

I'll give her a 3.5/5 overall.

>> No.20148654

I personally don't, but there's always going to be a market of cringe hot topic weebs, so I see why it's successful.

>> No.20148786

>When she's not pandering to suburban wiggers is when she shines the brightest.
Her idol is eminem, guess what demographic early eminem pandered too

>> No.20148895

At the very least Eminem in his prime was objectively a god tier lyricist, so his pandering was excusable. These days not so much.
>that's an awfully hot coffee pot

>> No.20148957

I like her voice, I like her backing tracks. I think she has some good verses and rhymes but most of it is generic trash. Just my opinion.

>> No.20149089

> Comparing Mori, who’s decent but definitely lower tier for a literal professional, to the guy who kept a notebook full of intricate rhyme schemes that often extend over three or four different words, which you can actually see in a scene from 8 Mile while he’s on the bus and using his IRL notebook of rhymes

Yeah, that guy is doing my boy Marshall dirty

>> No.20149326

>Mori's avatar commissioned to look Japanese
Pink woman paid for this herself, didn't she?

>> No.20150803

that one's good too, talking about her cover of Happy Halloween where she added her own rap segment

>> No.20150943

It’s true. But now she’s got ‘em hooked and funneling all of them to her roommate.

>> No.20151071

I don’t like rap

>> No.20152147

Not even close to what he said retardchama

>> No.20152285

I didn't like End of a Life. Listened to it just now for the 1st time and I dunno why you fags keep shilling it.

>> No.20154813

I'm the anon you're replying to. Yes, I do expect the poser to at least contribute SOMETHING to the instrumentals, considering she mentioned she did it and apparently did it in the other universe. Also, although I agree that a lot of rappers don't make their own instrumentals, they're actually good at rapping for the most part. My point was purely the fact that she's even bad at THAT, so if she at least contributed to the production I'd kind of give her a break because that would be based. You could argue Mrs 5% doesn't have time, but no one is forcing her to keep churning shit out at the rate she does. She'd be better off slowing down and putting more effort and thought into her musical output. What is she trying to prove by working so hard? Especially when it only amounts to mediocre content.

>> No.20154858

Better flow than Mori wtf?

>> No.20155089

I like a lot of them and some I love. Lo-fi was actually really good

>> No.20155265

and yet Bae did nothing but sing those songs, like all these seething posters want to claim that Mori doesn't contribute enough to the production. Writing lyrics is better than 75% of the biggest name rappers.

>> No.20155509

Her raps sound like female Egoraptor

>> No.20156680

deadbrap here, I wince every time I hear it and wish she didn't do it

>> No.20156971


>> No.20157062

Unironically better than 98% of moris discography

>> No.20157220

Her lyrics are always the worst part of any of her songs. At least she doesn't only write the lyrics, right...?

>> No.20157741

If the same exact music was made by some rando instead of Mori Calliope from Hololive nobody would listen to it.

>> No.20157947

Disclaimer, I can tolerate Mori's music when she's mostly just actually singing, and rate it as just another average singer, nothing amazing but bearable at least. Helps also that in singing her cringe lyrics don't feel as cringe as they do in rap.

Her raps though? Nah. I guess most normie fans are too blinded by the novelty value of "huuh, an ANIME GIRL rapping?!?! That's SOOO COOL!!!", which wears off quickly after you heard the third or so samey song from her, and only the most retarded people seriously stick around and think this is "good".
Her lyrics have mostly just two modes, cringe "kayfabe" lore shit ("I'm a shinigami reaper... and uuuh... I'll kill you with my scythe... uuh... please rip dawg, big ups yo" very convincing and threatening, I'm really engaged here) or cringe emo "woe is me" shit where she rehashes her bullied theater kid traumas like the eternal mentally 13 year old she is, which I guess is ~relatable~ for similar losers, but sounds godawful annoying for everyone with a functioning brain.
The stupid japanese thrown into every other line (that she apparently still needs help translating for) is just the cherry on top of the cringe sandwich.

>> No.20157955

Jesus Jesus Japanesus

>> No.20158176
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>> No.20158911

nowadays, "professional" just means they have access to better resources, doesn't necessarily mean they're good. there are a lot of bedroom producers and artists that are much better than industry "professionals"

>> No.20158931


>> No.20159128

I like two of the songs in her first EP and all of the songs in her second one.

>> No.20159356

Dude she got mogged by an anon using fucking text to speech if I was here I would retire from rap on the spot.

>> No.20159459

I still wish I could rap so that I can interpret that one.

Holy shit, the lyrics to that one are fucking hilarious.

>> No.20159686

I'm genuinely not a fan. She has a really nice singing voice and isn't half bad at rapping from a technical standpoint, but her music just isn't for me. I also don't really care for Eminem's music at all, so it makes sense that someone who cites him as a huge inspiration doesn't really make music that's to my liking. I do like a lot of rap music though.

>> No.20159922

she's my oshi literally entirely because of her musical output.

absolutely love basically all of her output since kkga and songs like foggy towerblock and kimi wa eisu are some of my favourites of all time.
that being said, I think her voice is just "good". but her lyrics connect with me incredibly deeply in a way almost no music does and is her best skillset by a mile. i wish she was still making her own tracks too occasionally because live again and cursed night still have a je ne sais quoi to them you don't get from her other stuff.

how much her singing has improved in the past year continues to blow me away and im incredibly excited for her album because just from a technical standpoint the recent EP is the best thing she's ever put out and its not close

>> No.20160272

End of a life is actually a pretty nice song(the rapper I best when not raping huh) but most other songs feel... idk, generic? Can't even feel cringe from it, it feels like my brain turns off whenever I try to listen

>> No.20165073 [DELETED] 

Looks like cuckbeat Janny just woke up. Saw another thread get pruned. rip soon

>> No.20165770

Imagine asking this about someone that averages 5M+ views on every song she releases.
Keep seething

>> No.20165860

anon what do you expect to get as a reply. im guessing
>views mean nothing

>> No.20166395

Not a tough hurdle

>> No.20166742

I FUCKING HATE that costume. I have no idea how anyone can unironically like it.

>> No.20166961

Emulates the worst parts of Eminem and makes most of her songs cringeworthy and corny because of it.

>> No.20167442

>like she's just talkign over the music track
That's what rap is

>> No.20167798

Anon, downloading music and then using Audacity to combine it isn't music production.
As a music producer I say you're full of shit.

>> No.20169459

Call me when she does metal

>> No.20174460

its nneat

>> No.20174585

Did she ever rap "rap god"?

>> No.20175126

>Most rappers aren't producers
Stopped reading here. Opinion discarded.

>> No.20175421

Not really? Ice Cube songs for example are extremely melodic on the vocal department, he does not just talk over the music

>> No.20175556

>t. has only ever listened to Mori

>> No.20175950

Yes. I remember he first attempt was atrocious, then she did it again way later and it was harmless enough.

>> No.20176281

That man isn't black!

>> No.20176989

theres rapping with cadence and then theres white people

>> No.20177669

Seriously, if she is a fan of Eminem, why the fuck does she emulate the worst parts of him that badly? why not try and emulate something like Slim Shady Lose Yourself or Stan? it really makes no sense, even from the perspective of a fanboy that should be really obvious

>> No.20178450

Not me but judging by her viewcount a lot of other people do, thats all

>> No.20179402

eminem needs to apologize for what he did to rap

>> No.20179802

He has a lot of legitimately goods song, not really his fault that a lot of new age rappers are retards and also worship him
