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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 6 KB, 382x118, EOP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1999354 No.1999354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats the point of being an EOP?

>> No.1999536

The point is that I like to be catered to and I don't want to change my ways or learn anything new.

>> No.1999669

this but unironically

>> No.1999703

Learning other languages is hard, yo.

t. ESL

>> No.1999842

i only know like 10 kanji but i'll never proclaim myself as EOP
but i studied hiragana and katakana to save time instead using google translate for every chuuba's title

>> No.1999856


>> No.1999863
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I am an ESL. Bite my shiny metal ass.

>> No.1999902

What's the point of making an off-topic thread?

>> No.1999909

I don't know i'm not a filthy EOP, i'm a filthy ESL, although i don't have the motivation of learning jap

>> No.1999942

I wish I could bite that shiny metal ass...

>> No.1999975

Why don't you EOPs watch holo en or English speaking vtubers. Watching jp vtubers is just a waste of time

>> No.2000178


>> No.2000386

I agree, which is why I just watch translated clips of them interacting with vtubers I actually care about. Vtubers I can't understand are worthless as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.2000433

>says the spic
Why don't you just watch the BR whore rat vtuber and fuck off.

>> No.2000549

You will never be Japanese.

>> No.2000612

Having a girl speaking in a cute voice in the background is less distracting if you can't understand anything they're saying, it's why I have Chinese vtubers in my 2nd monitor while I work.

>> No.2000622

I dunno. But it's better to know only English than to know almost any other language, so it's basically like being born in the middle class on worldwide standard

>> No.2000690

You will never understand Japanese.

>> No.2000780

For cute japanese girls speak engrish to me.

>> No.2000824

>You will never understand a dying language
How will I ever recover?

>> No.2000913

I'm retarded and can barely read kana

>> No.2000980
File: 147 KB, 1600x900, how-far-will-language-study-take-you-_mapbuilder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Amerifats
> Learning any language
It would be extremely difficult

>> No.2000999

There is no point or ulterior motive. It's just that my capacity for learning a third language is greatly diminished and is only going to keep getting worse as I age.

>> No.2001020

ESL masterrace.

>> No.2001174

Because I don't care to learn a fifth language.

>> No.2001257
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 637373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be Japanese. You have no ancestry, you have no citizenship, you have no skills that would make Japan ever want you. You are a shut-in self-hating white man twisted by delusions of mythical Japanese superiority and exposure to Japanese media into a disgusting mockery of nature’s perfection.

All 'validation' you get from other people in this position couldn't be worse in making you believe that spending years of your life learning a globally useless language to a first-grader's level was a worthwhile use of your time, but one can't expect that an individual as pathetic as you will ever know the value of the youth you threw away in doing that.

Actual Japanese are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of linguistic evolution have allowed natives to identify frauds from mannerisms and vocabulary alone. Even if your written text of self-hatred and attention begging akin to a stray dog's somehow passes as normal (it won't), any Japanese person will immediately cut all ties when they hear the voice and accent of someone who is not only a basic Japanese speaker at best, but worth no more than garbage in skills, accomplishments, and likeability.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile and laugh to yourself believing that watching a content creator that you understand 20% of at best is somehow superior than watching your own kind, as you project your disgusting traits onto your entire kind. However, deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight, and you know that. You know that all you do now is have an entirely new linguistic medium in which to be ignored, and not even the exotic trait of being foreign makes up for just how uninteresting of a person you are.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Western man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Caucasian.

>> No.2001260

Eventually (an)Other Polyglot

>> No.2001288

You could have said that you failed at learning japanese with much much fewer words

>> No.2001331


>> No.2001406


>> No.2001438

Nope. Stay mad Newfag.

>> No.2001518
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>> No.2001789

"EOPs" who shit up Japanese chat are mostly third world ESLs shameless in what they do.
Actual westerners usually stick to holoEN at best, but usually twitch whores whom they relate more and can actually watch in their timezone.

>> No.2001832

Being forced to learn English along with your native language as a child doesn't impress anyone. Objectively.

>> No.2002174

yea but it does make anglos look weak by comparison

>> No.2002178

Be cringe; be clipfag; making cringy jokes and requests for chuubas.

>> No.2002240

by learning it?

>> No.2002549

>it makes anglos look weak
Quite the opposite. Anglos know their language is dominant. When the rest of the world is kneeling and learning your language that's when you've made it.
Keep on coping, ESL subhuman.

>> No.2003108

I will remain an EOP.
Your favorite vtuber and indie will notice my English message in a sea of chicken scratch and begin spouting some gibberish in english just to impress me.
She will hope desperately that I am the first in a wave of foreigners.
When she gets her wish and her chat is filled with the greatest language on earth you will do nothing but sit and watch as she continues to cater to the EOP.

>> No.2003397


>> No.2003486
File: 108 KB, 1000x652, trainspotting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose clipfaggotry. Choose AAVE slang during duolingo. Choose superchatting humiliating catchphrases for your oshi to naively read out. Choose boing-boing and FBI memes.

>> No.2003572

The whole thrust of that speech is that he says it cynically/sarcastically at the beginning and then by the end when he steals the money he knows normalfaggotry is within reach and actually believes it. Because past any alternative lifestyle or hobby or niche interest everyone deep down wants to be normal.

>> No.2003584

They won't be watching Hololive in a month.

>> No.2003709

"I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you're learning Japanese?"

>> No.2003897
File: 2.44 MB, 1000x562, 1519624034436.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006651

Anon you replied to pastabait, you deserve to be called newfag

>> No.2008139

I never knew m00t had a sense of humor

>> No.2008455


>> No.2008711


>> No.2008793

>I'm better than you because I can speak an irrelevant, dying language.
Faggots on this board actually believe this.

>> No.2010090

>an irrelevant, dying language.
It's not irrelevant if you are interested in VR, anime, manga, LN, vtubers, etc.

>> No.2010142

this would be like learning english so you can watch daytime soap operas and professional wrestling

>> No.2010155

Too fucking stupid to study.

>> No.2010175

I know this is a copypasta but to be completely honest, I would never want to grow up in Japan vs America.

Japan is more of a place I'd go to have fun, but living there would be pretty shit. And I say this a korean american. All of the natives were shook when I spoke in English because to them I look Japanese.

>> No.2010226

from what little I've seen online, it seems to be great to live if you're not actually working a regular japanese job there

>> No.2010857
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I think there's nothing wrong with watching purely translated clips, especially if one has no Oshi and just wants to be entertained by any anime-avatar in general. I think EoPs can still enjoy this whole vtuber shtick, they just can't realistically have a JP oshi; nothing wrong with the holoENs or twitch indies though.

The people watching JP streams (so with some degree of JP ability) are obviously way more hardcore and into it, but whether being more "into" this is actually better is up to debate. Arguably those that religiously watch 1 particular chuuba are more likely to be in some kinda parasocial relationship , which could be argued to be both a horrible thing, or their personal salvation. We all saw the weirdos knowing and actively documenting every detail of their Oshis (and often roommates) life , and if someone calls that creepy it's really difficult to disagree.

I think the biggest argument against EoPs is that if they just want to be entertained by random clips of random varied chuubas, then they could as well get the same entertainment from any sort of aggregate meme-website, twitter, Instagram or whichever twitch game streamers. So in essence chuubas are on the same level as pepe or tiktok memes for them, it's just another flavour of the month fad. The argument in favour of EoPs is that their surface level attachment is obviously less likely to be harmful (not counting the gosling holoEN etc. fans who suffer from classic twitchgirl-related issues)

Realistically for this board and vtubing trend as a whole, EoPs matter in the sense that they keep the numbers climbing, generate a buzz, drive discussion. I know its often shit quality, but JSL's aren't always 200 IQ either, to put it very politely. EoPs start and drive the train, and if you think you can contribute something better then show us your good posts, bring in better jokes or talk about interesting content you know thanks to your reps. Learn from their good habits (don't get too attached) , don't get mad just because they enjoy your thing in a different way. I have less respect for the autismo JSLs getting into random arguments and derailing individual threads, than i do for EoP clip watchers that have their chuckle, post a few memes they saw on reddit or w/e and then go back to wherever they were before this trend. Bad things happen only when both groups decide to interact for whatever reason rather than ignoring each other, and the shitshow of autism vs normalfaggotry unfolds. But its not like anyone forces (you) to read it, let alone to join in, if it truly upsets you.

>> No.2010927

EN is fucking garbage, why would anyone ever willingly watch them?

>> No.2010976


>> No.2011178

You're not supposed to be reasonable nor sane on this board anon

>> No.2011197

JP is dominated by holoEN watchers as well, actually. Interestingly enough, majority of even the proclaimed holo-JP fans from there cannot at all into elementary 日本語 , which given the board's name kinda gets one's noggin joggin.

>> No.2011703
File: 245 KB, 1536x2048, EqlVbmkVEAAfM6-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clipper polls his clip watching audience on his clip channel about how they watch vtubers
>they overwhelmingly answer clips
What a shock!! Now on to your post.

>The people watching JP streams (so with some degree of JP ability) [...]
What's the point of this paragraph? That if you're not an EOP you are a creepy bastard? As this board has demonstrated, EOPs have this behavior too, but the whole premise of JSL vtuber fans being more likely to be in a deluded """parasocial relationship""" (warning: normie term) does not hold water anyway.

>not counting the gosling holoEN etc. fans who suffer from classic twitchgirl-related issues
You even bring up a contradiction in an attempt to seem fair, but you conveniently uncount it.

EOPs can't simply just enjoy the show, because they don't have the language ability to do so. Your typical JSL can just watch a few streams, a few clips, and then that in itself is already satisfyingly fun. EOPs can't have this avenue of fun.

To compensate, they go deep into meta-humor to achieve the entertainment they were expecting out of this hobby. This is why an overwhelming amount of hololive discussion is speculation aka "rrats". There are a lot of other things they could talk about, but then they don't even know about what those other things are, so instead they write fanfiction.

EOPs will latch onto the one joke and beat it to death, because despite the massive labor of translators, it is not even a tenth of the knowledge base available to japanese clips.

>But its not like anyone forces (you) to read it, let alone to join in, if it truly upsets you.
Yeah dude nobody forces me to read what EOPs write but they're still shitting up this board, and the stench wafts into my nose whenever I have to breathe. I have the right to tell them when they are being retarded EOPs. If I could filter every EOP post, I would.

>> No.2011948

>EOPs can't simply just enjoy the show, because they don't have the language ability to do so. Your typical JSL can just watch a few streams, a few clips, and then that in itself is already satisfyingly fun. EOPs can't have this avenue of fun.

Stop saying what I can't or cannot have fun with you faggot N2 speaker spic.

Go back to college and finish your psychology degree so you sound less like an armchair psychiatrist and more like a normal person.

God damn I swear half of the people making EOP hate threads realized the brutal truth that even understanding the translation means 90% of the convo of your oshi is fucking shallow trash like every other women on the internet.

Your Oshi will pander to me because I have money while you do not.

>> No.2011997
File: 58 KB, 680x680, 1612886299033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright! i'm going in

>> No.2012022

Who is moot?

>> No.2012092

I have no clue. I liked them at first but that faded fast. The whole thing did help me come to finalize my 3 HoloJP picks that I watch all the time. The rest are just if I have time or they're doing something that interests me.

>> No.2012147

Mootles was a funny guy

>> No.2012313

Imagine spending 3 years learning japanese to even a basic level just to realize that any vtuber commentary not in a free talk is just commenting what's happening on screen or yelling "Ah! That was close!"

>> No.2012333

I'm old, I'm busy, I wanna have mindless fun without having to put hours of work into learning a new language.

>> No.2012364

this moot guy sounds like a faggot

>> No.2012708
File: 563 KB, 935x392, hah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to convey "whatever you do, just don't go too far" for both sides. I see a problem with anyone overly attached both EoP and JSL, but i think you caught me red handed trying to devils-advocate an overly fair argument for each.

I still generally think that EoPs have a shallower interest and grow less crazy attachments to chuubas than JSLs (which i think is arguably not a bad thing for them in particular ) , but i surely dont have proof of it. Not anything stronger than your views suggest about the depth of their knowledge and ability to be creative, which point in a direction IMO tied with less tendency to attach and hurt oneself through it (low autism)

The way you described their behavior in here doesn't appear unfair, but neither side seems to generally provide much, both boards and most threads are a little low-effort to put it mildly. The "content" like you said is mostly regurgitating the prevailing narratives or dead-horse jokes, but i don't generally see too many people trying to elevate the level either. So i don't think there's any large group of "better" posters be it JSL's or whomever. The good posters seem to be diffused over individual oshi threads, like 1-2 per unless the good ones simply post pics and lurk (possible). JSL's are IMO more likely to write longer posts like ours, but when they get into angry arguments over weird things i question how exactly are they better or make anyone's experience better (assuming our hobby is vtubers, not internet arguments )

There's also a bit of a pandora box of would the good posters reveal themselves and become active if we purged all the EoP overnight, but that is pure abstraction by now. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out there's more good EoPs than we imagine but they might lurk say Ina or architecture threads quietly, away from the 大叫喚地獄
