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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20094839 No.20094839 [Reply] [Original]

This can only end badly, and its sure to affect other agencies and even indies as well.
I just hope the JP ones are at least smart enough to continue to ignore politics like they always do, and not take the bait.

>> No.20094909

How is this going to effect anyone. Who cares

>> No.20094917
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did someone say the word "hope"

>> No.20094931 [DELETED] 

>vshojo will pozz other agencies
you niggers have been saying this for 2 years and I've yet to see a Holo shill BLM

>> No.20094969

fucking tick tock nippleEN

>> No.20094984

Is Vshojo legit the worse fucking group out there, I feel like they are always involved in drama and other e-celeb bullshit that has nothing to do with their actual streams or entertainment.

>> No.20095003

Fuck off chuds world would be a much better place today if Clinton won in 2016

>> No.20095019

Hololive talents can't even aknowdge the existence of any political topics

>> No.20095071

The fucking Whitehouse is apparently using TikTok influencers as propaganda mouthpieces as well, why are burgers to dedicated to keeping Ukraine anyway? Is just another third world shithole.

>> No.20095082


>> No.20095226

It's where they hide all the bad shit

>> No.20095400

Mad you're about to get a helicopter ride from Nyanners

>> No.20096990

I though she wasn't taking part in this thing

>> No.20097078

Ukraine is the leading producer of child pornography. Why do you think the pedophiles in DC want to protect it?

>> No.20097213

hmm yeah I've got a message from Wario for all the bozos who work for the CIA:

>> No.20097222

>Russian propaganda on /vt/
Scrapping the bottom of the barrel after your chemical weapon lies got found out?

>> No.20097318

>Ukraine is literally perfect and if you aren't donating your paycheck to a CIA front you're a Russian bot

>> No.20097355

Ukraine is where they abduct children from for their satanic rituals
It's also a hub of biological and chemical weapon production

>> No.20097391

that's SOOOO true bestie #Resist

>> No.20097411

If Clinton had won in '16 we'd currently still be occupying Libya, have went all in Syira, and probably would currently have boot on the ground in Ukraine.
I also expect gas to be something like $14/gal

>> No.20097440
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Retard piggy tourist go back

>> No.20097481

I don't think anything would really be all that different if Clinton had won. Partisan politics are a complete dog and pony show meant to distract us from the fact that the intelligence agencies, the weapons manufacturers and the tech companies are the ones really running the show at this point
Also I like Nyanners

>> No.20097606

Took 'em long enough, Russia has been using TikTok ecelebs since day 1.

>> No.20097718
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>your chemical weapon lies got found out?
What the fuck are you talking about those were US backed biolabs. Stop fucking watching and reading CNN brainwashed lefty nigger

>> No.20097806

This exact thread was posted a week ago.
OP is a salty-ass Russian or paid Putin shill.

Also OP's infographic clearly isn't well-thought through.
>CIA used charity as a shield for covert ops in Cuba
>Everyone is openly donating money, weapons, and volunteering in Ukraine. Openly. Without covert ops.
It's a good thing OP's infographic saw through the lies and prevented the CIA covert ops. Now there's no way Ukraine will have access to weapons and money that the CIA's plot has been exposed.

>> No.20097825
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>Vshoujo is financing and promoting a charity that even wikipedia says is a glownigger front all in an effort to virtue signal
KEK, Jesus christ. I didn't think they could get more retarded. Yet here we are. Hope they find out that that money went to killing Palestinian children or something equally horrible.

>> No.20097832

>not being a scam

>> No.20097833

The undersecretary of state for the US is concerned that the biolabs, which we were told by glowies like t. asswipe don't exist, might fall into Russian hands. Now the pentagon said that they weren't doing research there, they just want to destroy old soviet bioweapons which they just can't for the life of them figure out how to do.

>> No.20097906

>trusting globohomo
Spotted the white trash tranny

>> No.20097944

>outsorucing to your republican shills
LOL, the utter state of /pol/

>> No.20097985

random-ass brands are changing their logos to ukraine colors, even Disney is supporting Ukraine. This is one of the most popular causes you could pick right now

>> No.20098018

>they do a charity and holokeks still find a way to bash them

>> No.20098026

Remember when HoloEN was a guest at AX, which was supporting some anti asian hate org at the time, and some schizo wrote a chain of supas complaining to Ame because he thought that that meant that HoloEN was also politically affiliated with the cause?

Politics brainrot is real, its why I never get involved and am proud to be a fence sitter.

>> No.20098078

If /pol/ is this mad then it must be a good cause

>> No.20098097

Nuland is Democrat Biden's undersecretary of state you unwashed dog-walking 24- chromosomed tardshit.

>> No.20098129
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>> No.20098160

so it is apparently /pol/ to think that maybe I shouldn't trust the CIA and DOD? Alright man

>> No.20098180

When are they doing a stream against Israel?
I want to see that racoon furry talk shit about jews if she so brave.

>> No.20098239
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It's insane how one side of the political spectrum suddenly did a complete 180 and wanted to invade Afghanistan again "to protect democracy", loves wars now and trusts the military and CIA suddenly.

>> No.20098265

No dude it's totally normal for a vtuber group to donate money to a confirmed CIA front organization. Go back to worrying about whether they have boyfriends and discord leaks, cease thinking about this immediately.

>> No.20098270

if they were truly brave they would break down the inconsistencies between Zionism and Judaism and show Israel for what it is: an Anglo-American vassal state

>> No.20098306

Moskal shill thinks he has any power in here.

>> No.20098315

If you don't trust the government that has spent the last 40 years flooding the country with hard drugs and degenerates you're literally a nazi chud

>> No.20098321

It truly is insane. I can only hope that the people posting these epic "heh nice Russian propaganda" gotchas are 21 and younger because if you grew up during the 2000s and feel that way about all of this, god help you.

>> No.20098355

You've got it backwards, Israel is the master

>> No.20098393

No, I really don't have it backwards.

>> No.20098395

sucking CIA dick is bad
BUT sucking Putin's dick? mmmmmmm delicious!

>> No.20098451

I'm not sucking Putin's dick. Russia is clearly in the wrong for invading Ukraine, but if you think that the west isn't also up to no good here then I don't know what to tell you

>> No.20098551

normies are retarded and always will be manipulated by a group of people to do their biding thinking they are doing something good (and they are in this vshoujo case, but its tied with all sort of evil political shit to).
the real question is why these groups became so retarded in the last decades, american deep state used to be smarter.
for you own power group, anon, help to change things, by manipulating normies to do the rigth thing

>> No.20098553

If Israel isn't the master then why do the USA and UK bend the knee to all of their demands and allow them to kill their people

>> No.20098610

Israel was literally founded by and is still funded by the US and the UK. I hope that helps

>> No.20098617

They've seen how fucking dumb and gullible the average person is and have become extremely arrogant

>> No.20098619

>says hes not sucking putins dick
>completely swallows and rolls his tongue all over putin’s pubes and hair folicles after

>> No.20098665

This, unfortunately. They're also too powerful to be held accountable

>> No.20098672

So the US and UK pay their master his tax?

>> No.20098676

I see actual unironic /pol/tards screaming that Russia invading Ulraine is actually good because Zelensky is a neonazi, while at the same time openly celebrating other neonazis. When questioned, they bugger out and scream that the Ukrainian neonazis don't count because they aren't the GOOD neonazis and they're probably paid off by Israel to be neonazis.
That's when I realized /pol/ doesn't actually believe in anything they say and it's all just /v/ brain contrarianism for its own sake all along.

>> No.20098703

russian government is also using lots of media to propagate fakenews, there is no good here, only faggots in power doing faggotry, with exeption maybe of ukranians because they are defending their homes and shit

also, western powers fucked up their society during the pandemic trough lots of crimes against humanity with the "emergency" powers, and economically to, they found the opportunity to deviate attention

>> No.20098747

You mean the state that was formed by extremely wealthy jews of no nation by infiltrating the government of empires is a slave to the empires and isn't controlling them from within.
Boris Johnson is a jew
Jews are massively over represented in both the British House of Lords and House of Parliament
They're also the single largest group in congress, being a bi-partisan group that is also supported by hundreds of useful idiots
Israel controls the US, UK and almost every western government, and if you can't see this you're either completely ignorant, completely retarded, or a kike

>> No.20098757

I like how you can easily recognize the anons who are having a laugh against VShojo, the actual russian shills, and the retarded glowies.

>> No.20098792

>t. read wikipedia article on /pol/

>> No.20098797

people talk about russia invading ukraine but what about /pol/ invading every single other board on this site?

>> No.20098804

I don't support the CIA-backed charity but I also won't condemn Vshojo for advocating for it. I just won't donate to the charity. I see no real reason to get mad at Vshojo or boycott them over it if only because the CIA's influence is practically inescapable

>> No.20098817
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My heart is big enough for only one Project Hope, and the one I choose doesn't glow, she shines.

>> No.20098841

damn anon, you should become a detective or something
