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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20074134 No.20074134 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20074909

yep another irys stream i can't watch because of mori. They should just invent individual mute buttons for everyone in a stream

>> No.20074930

Based and correct OP.

>> No.20074986

Brapped and rratpilled.

>> No.20075010

based, fuck this wigger cunt

>> No.20075016


I really need more Azki content in my life but damn this stream is cringe. Why Mori, why why why ??

>> No.20075032

If you wanna remove anyone, remove AZKI
Bitch has zero personality

>> No.20075053
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>> No.20075076

Just graduate already pink woman bad

>> No.20075101

find me an instance when AZKI has been more entertaining than calli? Oh right you can't cause you're EOP

>> No.20075104

Don't talk about AZKi like that.

>> No.20075134

Every one of these Holo English streams would've been collabs I'd kill to watch if the wigger wasn't dragging them down.

>> No.20075178

Already bullied out of irys thread...


>> No.20075222

There was an amazing little poll someone made, with over a dozen options for Calli's definitive nickname.
- Nigger of Nippon
- Brapqueen
Were in the lead positions, of course.

I don't hate Calli but she's so fucking awkward.

>> No.20075224

Basically every collab Mori is in would be better without Mori. And the few Mori collabs that are decent to watch are good *despite* Mori, not because of her. A good example of this is the Bomb Defusal game collab with Mori and Korone. Korone is the one who made it fun.

>> No.20075371

Yeah, it's hilarious. If it wasn't for Korone being a natural comedic genius that stream would have been another Coco/Mori meme review where Mori was basically comatose and her collab partner was struggling really hard to fill the dead air.

>> No.20075379

Why is this woman allowed to host something? She clearly not capable of doing so

>> No.20075383

If i was able to mute only Mori, i would.

>> No.20075395

Korone could make a plastic bag fun. She's a hype machine.

>> No.20075411

Not a Mori fan, but I did watch and enjoy her other three English teaching streams, because its the one time where her ESL teacher speaking style is appropriate. Is this new one worse?

>> No.20075435

Any time she makes music.

inb4 zoomer wiggernigger seething.

>> No.20075483

ruins evey collab without fail

>> No.20075536
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have a (You) cuckbeat

>> No.20075541

I'm guessing they like her positive tone and attitude. For whatever reason, they don't pick up on the awkward... or they're blind to it, because to them Calli is just a team member that makes them feel good.

>> No.20075557
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Nah, it's just the usual faggots seething.
As long as these threads stay open and they can vent here instead of shitting up the other threads, it's fine though.

>> No.20075620
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>ruins collabs
What if she collabs with Kiara? Then whos ruining who?

>> No.20075759

The JPs like her because they don't understand her and think she's cool, Council sucks up to her because she's the most consistently present and socially accessible senpai they have, IRyS hangs around her because she smells the fear.

>> No.20075790

-any banter she had with sora, she is the tsukomi to sora's bokke...
-any collab she had with miko, she is the "anti-miko"...
-any collab with suisei, she can match sui's stacy-ness perfectly.
-any collab with rbc, she can make rbc's pon worse.

not much with other member except maybe the sheep but sheep respect her too much to start a banter.

>> No.20075824

Swap Mori with Bae, or better yet, Reine and it'd be kino.

>> No.20075851

thanks for pointing it out anon

>> No.20075911

Sad thing is Mori needs an IRyS or Bae to be there to translate yet Mori is the one supposedly teaching the JPs Eigo. Mori with JP senpai alone would be a cringeworthy trainwreck.

>> No.20075946

No need to have JP skills for Eikaiwa. Literally means "english conversation"

>> No.20075954

nigger spotted

>> No.20075989

Seaniggers don't watch streams. They out themselves easily

>> No.20075996

>she smells the fear
Are you implying that IRyS' demon-half is attracted to Calli's awkward, and intends to feed upon it?

>> No.20075994

You should though. Any EOPs going to Nipland to do Eikaiwa do it solely for the money and ability to be in Japan.

>> No.20076001

inb4 some schizo deadbeat tries using the keep talking and nobody explodes collab with korone to prove OP wrong

>> No.20076041

Can you Cuckbeats stop calling me SEAnigger? Is that your only insult when someone doesn't worship the lean addict?

>> No.20076052

Watch any of the HoloDeath collabs assuming they're still up. Rushia and Ollie chat, flirt, and joke around in Japanese with each other while Mori stands in the corner occasionally mumbling to herself. She's the textbook definition of a third wheel.

>> No.20076107
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>swap out the person who organized the streams and is popular enough to have a ton of JPs immediately jump at the chance to collab with a single tweet

>> No.20076123

>moving goalposts

>> No.20076175
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I don't have any issue with Calli's personality really, but she makes me uncomfortable because she has been so forthright about not enjoying being an idol, wanting to be a twitch thot, not wanting to be friends with her coworkers, etc. I don't want to watch someone who hates their job. Doesn't matter how friendly she acts, she has let the cat out of the bag many many times, she doesn't get the benefit of the doubt anymore.

>> No.20076230

>not enjoying being an idol
>wanting to be a twitch thot
she said she'd do twitch very rarely
>not wanting to be friends with her coworkers
completely false. Is this the best you can do?

>> No.20076233

Some ID and it would be good

>> No.20076239

They can also call you Zhang or Nijinigger. They are too desperate at this point. Name calling is the best thing they can do.

>> No.20076248

I just don't get how her listening skills are so dogshit. Literally watching subbed anime for 15 years has made me better at picking up Japanese in context than Mori. So much can be understood in nip simply knowing the verb and subject alone since the girls don't really use complicated Japanese for the most part.
Yeah, she should organize it then have the JPs talk with ENs and IDs that actually understand what they're saying.

>> No.20076344

It's a Tumblr poster in SEAnigger hours. Did you expect them to actually watch streams?

>> No.20076366

>completely false

She had a beautiful friendship blossoming with kiara, and she threw it back in Kiara's face literally from the very start. Calli is such an ungrateful, callous fucking cunt.

>> No.20076372

Not very considering Mori was carrying the conversation the entire stream and she organized the whole thing.

>> No.20076428

keep crying

>> No.20076449

I know you're the same faggot in the mori general endlessly sucking her girlcock. It's pathetic. Learn to accept Mori will be rightfully criticized for being shitty at Japanese and also hating being a vtuber.

>> No.20076451


>> No.20076485
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>TumblrTranny is also an overemotional cunt

>> No.20076555

I wouldn't be surprised if it were actually Mor itt defending herself while she is streaming.

>> No.20076594

>They should just invent individual mute buttons for everyone in a stream
That's genius.

>> No.20076610
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>admitting he got bullied out of the splits
>now forced to shit up the catalog
>relentlessly seething about an anime woman having fun with friends for hours on end

>> No.20076641

>mute everyone but my oshi

>> No.20076696

It's more likely that she made this thread lol

>> No.20076722

Who's the one in the middle supposed to be

>> No.20076731

Please annastand, Calli has Electro Swing playing in her head 24/7, and has an incessant need to freestyle to imaginary noises. It's not easy paying attention to your job with such an affliction.

>> No.20076758


>> No.20076777
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>> No.20076807

Your oshi is unpleasant to watch, and she doesn't like her job, her coworkers, or her fans, and no amount of seething will change that.

>> No.20076828

As much as I love AZKi and IRyS, Mori is so fucking cringe, it's unwatchable.

>> No.20076864
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>> No.20077093


>> No.20077174

>Doesn't matter how friendly she acts, she has let the cat out of the bag many many times, she doesn't get the benefit of the doubt anymore.
This. I can't unsee what I've seen so any time she makes mass collabs and acts buddy-buddy with co-workers it just screams of "look guys I really love hololive I swear" faking it.

>> No.20077472

>gets mad when people namecalling
>proceed to do the same
keep yapping monkey

>> No.20078158

damn you have to be the most retarded person on earth

>> No.20080214

The stream wouldn't exist without Calli as it was yet another genius idea from her mind.

>> No.20080531

And that is bad how? The other girls could have streamed something more worthwhile in that timeslot

>> No.20080627

No wonder Kiara likes Mori so much, they both have the capacity to ruin every single collab they're in.

>> No.20080726

AZki is a timid PURE Japanese woman and a true idol. Mori is a white trash wigger.

>> No.20080883

This, I can't stand Mori.

>> No.20080986

If cover develops a proprietary streaming platform for their Idols and they stream all audio Tracks separate the user could tweak them to their own preferences or just mute annoying wiggers that somehow ended up in there

>> No.20081101

Youtube still cant reverse playlist and you want individual audio? Wait until 2077.

>> No.20081483

Why can't mori speak japanese. For how many years has she been living in japan?

>> No.20081782

fucking just admit that you only want to be angry at the bad pink woman you faggot, it's at least more believable.

>> No.20081868

Jesus Christ, fuck off already Mori antis. This Collab was Mori's idea and she organized it. There isn't a universe in which she isn't in it.

>> No.20082243

Outed yourself right out the gates. You’ll get em next time.

>> No.20082471

>Someone does/says something stupid
>"Hey that was stupid!"
Wow, pinnacle of humor, absolute entertainer.

Plenty of witty jps to bring up but you defend azki?

>> No.20082531

I actually do think the gimmick would work better with Kiara at the helm. She’s a much better communicator and organizer than Mori.
