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20043174 No.20043174 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the nuclear winter has begun, did she deserve it?

>> No.20043276
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1634786196150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, in fact they should have fired her after the first suicide bait and they should sue the shit out of her, now go donate to her so I can make fun of you fancuck.

>> No.20043354

Yes, she got the golden ticket with cover announcing it was a nothingburger, all she had to do was chill for a week or two

>> No.20043390


>> No.20043444

The firing, yes.
The unpersoning, no.
She should have been put on administrative leave and forcibly checked into a mental health hospital after the first suicide bait last year.

Stop using my meat toilet to shitpost badly. Either stop doing or get better material.

>> No.20044726

she even could be sued by cover for break NDA but they just fired her instead

>> No.20045325

Did they really have to delete her youtube channel tho.
Seems like an unnecessary overreaction on yagoo's part.

>> No.20045511

That is not how Japanese contract law works. What happens is the contract lists the things you can be fired for, and if the company thinks you did one they are legally required to do what the contract said and not a single thing more.

>> No.20045837

This is normal for graduations. For a termination like this I expected an immediate deletion of her channel not a full month to allow people to archive, her fans got lucky.

>> No.20046011

Your newfaqs aura is showing

>> No.20046049

So according to you, if she took a shit on yagoo's desk they wouldn't be able to fire her?

>> No.20046053
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, uruha rushia hololive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did she deserve it?
So in summary:
>Rushia fucked up and exposed a message from mafumafu by not hiding discord overlay properly, which combined with prior evidence indicates they were at least cohabitating if not dating
>Goes on multi week break to dodge shotstorm while Cover intervenes to try look into situation
>She blabs to drama youtuber about shit to try clear her name
>Drama youtuber shares way more of their messages than she'd asked him to and gets her in even bigger shit
>She posts multiple tweets and audio showing she's extremely upset, some think she was baiting possible suicide
>She indicates she is now looking for a new place to live, which means mafumafu is keeping their home (regardless of if they were dating)
>Cover fires her after uncovering not only the drama monger leak but also other, much more severe shit to do with nda breaking that happened a while ago
>Top paypigs indicate during this time that she was sending private DM vids to them and post proof, which is apparently a no-no for hololive
>Her friends and co-workers all take this in stride in-character and mostly treat her firing as necessary
>She posts more menhera shit about being miserable on other social media
>Another drama monger says Rushia was telling people in late 2021 she was getting bullied by a senpai and thinking of leaving due to uncertainty over her position, and the dramamonger she went to over mafumafu reveals she said this shit to lots of ecelebs plus possibly more but nobody ran with it because she had 0 evidence of it
>Now mafumafu all but confirms they were dating in a public statement by admitting they broke up in veiled language so that his unicorns can both know he's single and continue to cope and pretend he was never dating her
>Rushia has also indicated in since deleted tweets she is lolking to hire a lawyer, whoch means either her menhera status is going to make her try sue Cover or they are suing her

This dumb broad fucking ruined everything for herself

>> No.20046449

Coco practically had to suck dick to keep her archive and she left on extremely good terms

>> No.20046894 [DELETED] 

Coco proved that it did not have to be the case.

>> No.20047154

This unpersoning bullshit is why graduations are always a disaster. Literal character death. Part of Coco being Jesus was by destroying the unpersoning tradition and bringing back graduation to its original meaning, a positive celebration that will be remembered forever.
But on Rushia though, It Can't Be Helped, she broke laws and paid for it.

>> No.20047468

yeah, she was my oshi tho. but play stupid games, win stupid prizes ig.

>> No.20049490

>posts headcannon in you're path

>> No.20049940
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she deserves to be bred

>> No.20053226
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>> No.20056045

Who cares, shes gonna go the coco route and go indie anyways, might as well support her new self.

>> No.20057369

No, because a week before Rushia got fired everyone was shitting on Cover and KoreKore, but after she got fired everyone including here did a 180 and now Cover and KoreKore are suddenly Jesus now.

That's straight up hypocritical.

Not to mention every single faggot is making a big deal about muh NDA when you actually think about it isn't a big deal, but the "fear" from it which is pathetic.

And no, knowing where I live is not a big deal, because everyone knows where the CEOs and big wigs live and knowing where the little guy lives is a joke. If I was working at McDonald and supposedly one of my coworkers told people where I live and I tried to tell my boss. The fucking boss would be laughing at me.

Also, coworkers talking shit to each other pisses you guys off? Fucking real? Do you fags think no one talks about others?

>> No.20057939

You got some stuff wrong, and missed else.
>They never lived together, she is looking for a new place because the old one had something to do with Cover.
>They were digging up stuff about each others previous partners, so they were definitely fucking.

>> No.20058433


>> No.20060583

yes and no
cover is incompetent once again

>> No.20060945

>They never lived together
You can't know this for sure unless you're either her or him

>> No.20061264

no btw ayame just collab with an obv female (male) vtuber that sound exactly like mafumafu

>> No.20061561

you are retarded.

>> No.20061752

She should have been graduated. I never cared much about her but a lot of people did, and they should have at least had her step down with some dignity instead of having her channel deleted and every proof of existence scrubbed. It really sucks.

>> No.20061873

Too big of a risk for Cover, she was out of her mind (more than usual).

>> No.20061897

Nah, she was a traitorous bitch who backstabbed everyone for a man. She deserves to be forgotten.

>> No.20061936

>No, because a week before Rushia got fired everyone was shitting on Cover and KoreKore, but after she got fired everyone including here did a 180 and now Cover and KoreKore are suddenly Jesus now.
>That's straight up hypocritical.
It's not you dumbass. Before she got fired, all we knew is that she just got a discord yabe and people didn't care if she had a boyfriend
When she got fired, people realized how scummy she was by spreading rrats about her coworkers to dramatubers, sending DMs to gachikois and who knows how much more shit she leaked by breaking the NDA
>Not to mention every single faggot is making a big deal about muh NDA when you actually think about it isn't a big deal, but the "fear" from it which is pathetic.
Spoken like a neet who never worked in his sorry life. NDAs are a big deal in the corporate world, especially in a profession like hers where anonymity is a key factor that affects not only herself but other people
>And no, knowing where I live is not a big deal, because everyone knows where the CEOs and big wigs live and knowing where the little guy lives is a joke. If I was working at McDonald and supposedly one of my coworkers told people where I live and I tried to tell my boss. The fucking boss would be laughing at me.
You are a literal nobody. No one would want to get close to you ever. They are idols, public figures with lots of deranged stalkers
>Also, coworkers talking shit to each other pisses you guys off? Fucking real? Do you fags think no one talks about others?
Of course they talk shit to each other behind their backs. That doesn't mean they will get away with it if they get caught by the person that got shit talked.

>> No.20062064

Either you are moving the goalpost or you are retarded.
Leaking NDA was bad, making up rrat about being bullied (one that was so unconvincing that even a dramafag like Korekore didn't believe) was worse, but what was worst - that I believed to be the actual reason why they kicked her out - was how she showed clear hostility against the management plus at least another member, and full intention of dragging the group down with her. No one want to risk that kind of timebomb in their midst.
Any yes, if my MNC finds out that one of the employee was trying to sabotage the entire company, they will be gone, too. If I personally find out any shit has been making rrat to shittalk me behind my back, he (or she) better prays that he is one of my superiors or I'm going to make his life hell. Lucky that so far, none of my friend seems to be as terrible as your oshi

>> No.20062229

Yeah, I understand completely. Still, I wish it didn't suddenly become taboo to even mention her name. I think only Calli called her by name after the incident if I remember correctly? That part rubs me the wrong way,

>> No.20062232

>Can't wait
>Tell not just anybody, but a drama tuber
>then tell another drama tuber

>> No.20062302

personally, I don't really trust Cover.
I don't know what the NDA is, I don't know what actually got leaked, but Cover's track record isn't any good either.
hard to say.

>> No.20062317

> Nuclear winter

Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.20062318

Several members, both JP and EN (although mainly EN) have mentioned her names, though. It's not just Mori. At least Kiara did as well, IIRC.

>> No.20062484

Just look at how much we know she leaked to korekore and Narukami and think that is just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.20062685

As mentioned by>>20062318 multiple holomems have mentioned her, with Noel even calling her Ru-chan

>> No.20062946

that's all just an assumption.
can't be used as a real fact.
I also don't take what dramatubers said at face value.

>> No.20063221

There are literally chat logs, dumbass
Otherwise explain why cover would fire someone that makes them millions of dollars a year

>> No.20064025

>Just look at how much we know she leaked to korekore and Narukami and think that is just the tip of the iceberg
>tip of the iceberg
that's what I'm referring to.
you're the dumbass. how embarrassing.
can't even fucking read.

also, it's the 3rd time small things spiraling into a fucked career.
some people are gonna question the system even more.
all this time and they're still failing at preventive measures.

>> No.20064321

They didn't fire Coco despite her costing them an entire market, but they fired someone who made them millions a year in less than 2 weeks. That's the absolute truth, now can seethe all you want, retardGOD

>> No.20064593

>also, it's the 3rd time small things spiraling into a fucked career.
Leaking stuff including business meeting between her and manager and Cover events are not small things.
It's called corporate espionage and it's actually punishable by law.

>> No.20065234

it was like 3 lines out of context, you know how easy it would be to take a random sentence here and then put it on the news and make it sound real

>> No.20065361

and they could still keep both if they're more competent.
they're still always late to the party and their actions are still not on point.
holy fuck you sounded like those retarded kids who defend their shitty shounen anime with their lives.

>business meeting between her and manager
>and Cover events
Is this also from korekore?

>> No.20065589

Still confused on the mindframe of Holo girls
>Coco dies on the hill protecting Haachama against chinks and payed managers, eventually being isolation room'd until she quits
>They allude to her at best
>Rushia tries to bait mafux2 into wifing Rushia by dragging his chat out, talking to dramatubers, then swearing revenge on Hololive after she gets fired, like she did in her previous life
>Shout outs and immortalized

>> No.20065733

>Shout outs and immortalized

>> No.20065745

Wait wait, so you antis are seriously mad because she showed how shitty her manager is?

>> No.20065801

mori stated she isn't a taboo and would welcome any conversation about her in chat
r/hololive had a standing sticky for her art along with links to people saving all of her vods

>> No.20065823
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>Now that the nuclear winter has begun, did she deserve it?

>> No.20065888

>>They allude to her at best
Fuck you, you dumb Nijifaggot. Holos casually talk about Coco to this day.

>> No.20065893

t. megafaget

>> No.20065929

Rent Free

>> No.20065939

I don't think Mori or most others will ever mention her again. Also those are fans. Cover isn't immortalizing her at all

>> No.20065992

>kanata refers to her as "my roommate" or "c-chan"
Yea anon, real name dropping there

>> No.20066001

It's one thing for the audience to be a drama tribalfag numberscunt. It's another thing for the vtuber to be that kind of lowlife. You would think they should know better.

>> No.20066097
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>Holodeath ironically causing the death of Hololive
How will the other 2 Horse(wy)men deliver their strikes against Yagoo?

>> No.20066631 [DELETED] 

You got it reversed. Coco is still present in Hololive behind the scenes under the identity "Friend C", and many Holos still talk about her and her antics. Kanata's channel today is basically "Friend C does shit". On the other hand, when they found out about what Rushia was doing, she got the cold shoulder from everyone and acted that she never existed. "It can't be helped" is just a euphemism for "Good riddance."
It's HoloEN that refuses to unperson her, and for an understandable reason, here in the West we have no tradition of Damnatio Memoriae. If people commit massive fuckups, we immortalise them in gossip magazines and drama sites like ED and Kiwifarms.

>> No.20066862

t. Clueless retard that has never worked a day in their life.

>> No.20066864

The West has no tradition of Unpersoning.

>> No.20066904

Go back to r/antiwork

>> No.20067049

Coco triggered a shitstorm by inadvertently stepping on a landmine (and then the situation guy out of control due to mismanagement). Rushia maliciously fucked shit up.

>> No.20067074

Antis actually defending (((Cover)))? Did I enter bizzaro 4chan?

>> No.20067140

Go back to /pol/

>> No.20067154

lol dont care she never had much of a vested interest in EN as a branch and was the most aloof member of all of gen 3 considering how little Noel and Flare gave a shit when she got shitcanned

>> No.20067177

No you just made a really dumb post.

>> No.20067297
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she did the unthinkable and made me interested in holo, you guys have some fun dramas. Looking forward to the next yab

>> No.20067405

I know you're an anti, but no one should ever be sucking (((corporations))) dick no matter who and/or what it is.

>> No.20067892

>Coco triggered a shitstorm by inadvertently
No, hachaama did it first, started getting heat so coco did it as well. If they graduated hachaama the would need to graduate her as well. Her bargain chip at that time was being the top earner so instead of hachaama getting canned they both got 2 weeks of suspension.

Rushia's case is completely different.
>Rushia leaked private info to drama vtubers and broke her NDA.
>Rushia dm'd whales and sent them private videos which is also a breach of contract.
>Rushia used her holo account to suicide bait.

Nobody is sucking corporation's dicks, rushia was a moron and deserved to get the boot, if you breach your contract, you get fired. It's not rocket science.

>> No.20068355

Calling them livers is the most ESL shit I've ever heard

>> No.20068520

Liver is the term used by Nijisanji, newfriend.

>> No.20068765

I'm aware

>> No.20069903

>Now mafumafu all but confirms they were dating in a public statement by admitting they broke up in veiled language so that his unicorns can both know he's single and continue to cope and pretend he was never dating her
Can’t be bothered to scroll through his twitter, link?

>> No.20070144

I think her life as an indie is gonna be hard.

>> No.20070196

Too many underage brainlets whove never truly worked dont get it

Lets say youre in charge of closing down your local fastfood joint and you hand your friend who doesnt work their the keys when youre not working to go in and snoop around

Rushia did that with her discord account basically, you don't hand an outsider especially in this case a gossip faggot full view to your private/work discord account (also a retarded opsec mistake to have those 2 combined) and from what Cover said, she did it multiple times

Shes a stain, theyre not gonna honor her contributions like she was a martyr as a company but the talents are allowed to

>> No.20070274

yes. the menhera needed to be humbled. she might have the nuked buff atm but soon enough the kaigai nikis will leave if she dont learn any english

>> No.20070311

>Actual retard who believed the seanig narrative that she gave him access to her Discord.
We need kanji captcha to filter IQlets.

>> No.20070395

It's not going to work Anon. I'm a retard, and I also excel in Kanji. Nta btw

>> No.20070407

Handed him emails, dms, makes no difference dipshit, you sign a contract to keep specific pieces of information tied to you and others in your company, you expose it to an outside unauthorized entity, congrats your contract is now null and void and youre liable to being sued
Go do you high school homework johnny

>> No.20070537

Where is this supposed terrible thing she disclosed? It was never disclosed to the public, no? The leak never really happened. She was fired ostensibly for private conversations about her job with people she considered friends. You don't think Mori has talked about private things to the Trash Taste boys?

>> No.20070854

Go back to twitter and turn 18 you retard

>> No.20071710 [DELETED] 

literally me but on /jp/ fancucks too

>> No.20072038

Hololuve yabs are on a whole other level due ti the size and image they try to promote.

They have about 1-2 serious yabs per year. But worry not there will be minor-moderate yabs.

>> No.20073459

Sometimes when it's quiet I sit on the shower floor (I have a pretty big shower) and pretend I'm Rushia who has been raped (I'm a guy IRL).

I sit and hold my head in my hands, rocking it back and forth and sobbing quietly, then I quickly splash some water over my face and wipe the imaginary mascara off my eyes until it runs down my cheeks. At this point, I'm usually fairly distraught.

Next, I open my mouth and wash the imaginary semen out. I make sure I gag and splutter, sometimes I even put my fingers down my throat to make sure it's all gone.

The final stage is the most emotionally draining part of the entire ordeal. I stand up, put my ass under the shower flow, then lean forward and begin to wash the rapist's imaginary cum out of my asshole and "vagina" (I just pretend). I do this for quite a while, to make sure it's all gone.

Then I collapse on the floor again and just break down hysterically. Yet deep down I know that yes, I deserved it.

>> No.20073554

All she had to do is stat quiet, apologize stream and done but no she had to go full retard.

>> No.20073729

Just learn to download this shit you enjoy newfagchama. I'm sorry you raided and spammed nothingburger and are still upset about how wrong you were.

>> No.20073822

I don't know what that thing is but I'm sure it has no balls.

>> No.20074304

private conversation she had from her work accounts where she leaked company related information to them.
>You don't think Mori has talked about private things to the Trash Taste boys?
If hololive were to find any evidence of it she would get shitcanned as well.

>> No.20076115

>explain why cover would fire someone that makes them millions of dollars a year
Because they're idiots that don't know how to handle controversy except for running away/ pretending like it's not happening.

>> No.20076895

Retard with retarded take

>> No.20076905

I'm sure many Holo girls, particularly Mori, were scrubbing their chat logs and work phones after they were informed what happened.

>> No.20076934

Being this retarded should be a crime.

>> No.20080200

They did everything right in my book. My oshi didn't even acknowledge anything happened and gave us sloppy kisses through her ASMR mic on valentines. And hey, Mii-chan is finally taking her meds, and she cares for her fans more than before best as I can tell. All is well in the end.

>> No.20080814

What's really tough is that she went through all this to stay with mafumafu then he dumped her anyway.
Like what was the point of all this?

>> No.20082803

Kill yourself

>> No.20082870

kill yourself too

>> No.20083073

where have you been?

>> No.20083172

Yes, she also deserves jail time but she is a woman so that ain't gonna happen.

>> No.20083594


>> No.20083720

Yes, doxxleakers deserve no sympathy

>> No.20083765

Yes, every bit of it.

>> No.20084311

Literally who? QRD?

>> No.20084361

Did she deserve to stop being held back by Cover?
No, but it's still pretty based.

>> No.20084408

Yes and fancucks deserve to be mocked.
>she isnt broke, Source!!!
>livestreaming saying she has no money
Fancucks, how do you live knowing your oshi blew all her cash to fuck a femboy?

>> No.20084535
File: 2.93 MB, 736x414, Rushia Mikeneko face reveal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia revealed her face


>> No.20084570

back when she was young and she still used filters huh

>> No.20084585

You will never know.

>> No.20084919

>Nobody is sucking corporation's dicks
>if you breach your contract

That's sucking corporate dick, bud.

>> No.20084999

The "she said she has no money" rrat has been disproven Anon

>> No.20085612
File: 2.36 MB, 1280x720, RushiaStrip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoonfeed me, idk if your meme'ing or not but the autism too thick to tell when talking about this bitch.
I kinda feel bad for her in a way that shes going back to her old circle of friends to try to rummage by.

>> No.20087673

no reasonable person could predict what NDA violations send cover into a panic. when coco and haachama puclicly disclosed internal business metrics in violation of their NDAs, acts that led to months and months of chinese spam attacks, they were not terminated for those NDA violations.

>> No.20087898

Anon please, showing channel analytics was something many other Holos had done before. Calling it a violation was very clearly only an excuse they made up to suspend them for a while in hopes that things would calm down in that time. Everyone saw through that.

>> No.20087997

they affirmed that it was a violation and made a show of force against it, yes. no reasonable person can predict their whims.

>> No.20088101

Fine, the rrat spread when a mistranslation of one of her twitcasts was posted here. What she actually said in the twitcast was that she wasn't sure whether she wanted invest in a model to go back to being a chuuba, it looks like she will though. The video you linked is from about 6 years ago btw.

>> No.20088229

There's no fucking way rushia isn't extremely rich.

>> No.20088234

We still love Russia?
