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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 237 KB, 1260x1400, fauna sher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20031146 No.20031146 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>19972845
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Schedule - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna/status/1501116644839415809
Last stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtdAccA0isI
Current stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7HY8ExrmRo
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/

>I'm new to Fauna, which stream VODs should I watch to get into her?
ASMR https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykdhWnY3f3E1Ot-FlcBMVSA_
Minecraft https://youtu.be/ZdHCf5NLmZ0
Spore https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeMzF79onvOx2PjYIwyj36G
Pokemon Unite https://youtu.be/C2R6zHNePhg
Resident Evil 7 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykf8wvxHI-9xKZP_WMdmbD_8
Animal Crossing https://youtu.be/G9X3d81EKeI
Pokémon Legends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_2FG2zM4Mw

Reminder to hide, ignore, and do not interact with grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.20031237

Physicist Fauna??

>> No.20031305

I'm sleeping so easily with Fauna ASMR. She's so soothing. How does she do it..

>> No.20031326

shes clearly smart and interested in these topics, she gets cuter and more perfect every stream.

>> No.20031339
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long streams are a good time to draw

>> No.20031375

Calabi-Yau mentioned.

>> No.20031397


>> No.20031410

So, this is my first Fauna stream. I just started watching it. Is it normal for her to discuss quantum physics?

>> No.20031426

i want to superchat sensei faufau but it keeps giving me an error :(

>> No.20031431

this is really good post your twitter i dont care if you cute artists spam your shit i will follow you

>> No.20031446
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fauna knows how universe works

>> No.20031451

Fauna water…

>> No.20031469

Normally she talks about anime, food, and dishwashers. She has to branch into new topics for this endurance stream and I love it.

>> No.20031476
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What are you doing while you watch the stream?
I'm building some models

>> No.20031480
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Quantic Fauna is intresting

>> No.20031479

How long is this run right now lmao

>> No.20031497

It’s not common, but this isn’t the first time she’s talked about smart things my tiny brain can’t handle.

>> No.20031502


>> No.20031518
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>> No.20031529

"and the maths works out nicely in my opinion" Fauna!! don't say that if you can't do the maths

>> No.20031535
File: 193 KB, 480x480, 1640868246484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna, i too used to like string theory but then grew up.

>> No.20031552

drinking some beer, might play some melee in a bit

>> No.20031560

like 56 minutes
just sittin cause tummy hort. what kind of models?

>> No.20031570

yeah online classes evolutioned now

>> No.20031572

Chilling with a friend of mine on PS4 and seeing what you lads are saying

>> No.20031589
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its in the art tag

>> No.20031593

Once she started using big words my brain hurted

>> No.20031615

she is surprisingly smart and dropped some biology knowledge before, this is the first real physics lecture
the bucket or bucket song is more typical lmao

>> No.20031628

brain hort

>> No.20031630

Playing minecraft

>> No.20031637

Just chilling. Might practice some sketches later.

>> No.20031647

The universe is made of
12 particles of matter

>> No.20031683

oh lmao im following you already wew

>> No.20031690
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I'm getting hammered while shitposting on /vt/.

>> No.20031703

Gunpla? Im doing /biz/ shit rn.

>> No.20031711

>the math is nice
we need a Fauna maths stream

>> No.20031723

>> 20031253
> smartest
she's the most educated and doesn't have adhd or low self-esteem so she actually feels comfortable talking about non trivial topics
I'd say some other girls are as "smart" though

>> No.20031743


>> No.20031757
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>> No.20031808

>left hand run
Good luck, Fauna. You're gonna need it.

>> No.20031829

time for another 1-hour run

>> No.20031918

I'm waiting for my GoI mouse to recharge so I can resume my golden pot runs. It's fun running alongside her. Only like 17 runs to go

>> No.20031926

fauna sex

>> No.20031930

more time for fauna banter

>> No.20031934

>wanting to be ambidextrous
cute lmao

>> No.20031984

Measuring intelligence can be weird when it comes to different topics. Someone great at math might be retarded at languages.

>> No.20032041

>Left Hand Challange
This is gonna be long...
So /uuu/ tell me, when you started being actually on /vt/? I always watched in the distance but started getting intrest in it since the Emo Karaoke

>> No.20032128
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i want to gently massage fauna's neck while she plays goofy videogames

>> No.20032130

November, i was here when the board was created, but left 4chan up until this past november. Chumbud since day one too.

>> No.20032178

i want to forcefully massage it while I rail her from behind

>> No.20032182

jan maybe? started watching streams them after i think sort of seeing her in some other collab clip
then i fell into the rabbit hole

>> No.20032229

Like a week ago. Vtubers weren't really on my radar until the male auditions went up. Auditioned and started watching to familiarize, now I'm hooked.

>> No.20032258

you reek of bait

>> No.20032290


>> No.20032295

new ip anon...

>> No.20032307

since the board got added, im pretty new to vtubers though. Started watching at the start of 2020 before EN was even a thing. Have been in /uuu/ since it was /gaia/ iykyk

>> No.20032317

i feel we'll be here for a while

>> No.20032341

He isn't wrong though.

>> No.20032355

I have been since HoloEN debuted when threads were on /jp/, so I was already here when /vt/ and /gaia/ or /uuu/ was created.

>> No.20032390

2020 when EN debuted. never was really into JP chuubas

>> No.20032426


>> No.20032452
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enter my boyfriend

>> No.20032455


>> No.20032457

well time for a bathroom break i guess

>> No.20032459


>> No.20032468

misread the question, idk when i started browsing /vt/. that was when i got into chuubas

>> No.20032470

I refuse to believe that there are people that actually enjoy the faun voice

>> No.20032472


>> No.20032482
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gib ara ara

>> No.20032480
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i hate it

>> No.20032498


>> No.20032506

was looking for the PL name of someone, found out more than i wanted to. somehow it's now a year later and i'm still making bad shitpost edits

>> No.20032511

yuck, not faun

>> No.20032526

>100-200 viewer drop as soon as it lands on Faun voice.

>> No.20032528

god damn it, I just laid down to relax and listen

>> No.20032533

I unironically think Fauna might have a higher (for EN and hololive) f*male viewership

>> No.20032536

i dont get it at all because if it was a slightly higher pitch it could be seductive but she just sounds like a tranny

>> No.20032563

I think the better question is "when will you *stop* being on /vt/?"

>> No.20032573

unironically femsaplings

>> No.20032598
File: 245 KB, 848x1200, 142069693113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filtering people so hard

>> No.20032602

Time to get up and do something else.

>> No.20032607

someone post when its over, thanks

>> No.20032614


>> No.20032637

I was on /jp/ chuuba threads before Holo EN was even a thing every now and then, but never had an oshi before Fauna so I didn't really participate much and barely do on this board in general other than right here in /uuu/.

>> No.20032657

as long as i watch chuubas

>> No.20032668

Yeah, me.

>> No.20032671

Probably in not a long time/too long time. So for now I'll enjoy this time here in /uuu/ before the day I'll get bored of /vt/

>> No.20032755

I've taken breaks but always come back, /uuu/ is way comfier than the rest of this board at least.

>> No.20032806

Stop bragging, Faun

>> No.20032836
File: 587 KB, 400x300, faunamybeloved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally once /uuu/ ceases to exist. This board is cancer as fuck and /uuu/ is like a little safge haven amongst the shit. I love you guys fr

>> No.20032849
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>> No.20032856
File: 963 KB, 885x808, Faunlove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20032899

she missed us...

>> No.20032908


/wah/ is comfy when we don't have concernfags or spam
t. saptako

>> No.20032925

Faun hate!

>> No.20032969

Faun like

>> No.20032980

This Faun shit is AIDS.

>> No.20032994
File: 103 KB, 323x215, 1645808820556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true youve really had some awful schizos

>> No.20033000

I like how the most lore they have is that they're /fit/

>> No.20033014

I came here to watch fauna, this is a scam.

>> No.20033094


>> No.20033098

she is a woman and they only value appearance so naturally she'd foist those values onto her male persona

>> No.20033116

super underground

>> No.20033128
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canceled and graduated day1 is the only funny ministry meme

>> No.20033133


>> No.20033131


>> No.20033145

>13 minutes
That felt like a year.

>> No.20033150


>> No.20033162
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>thank goodness that strange man is gone

>> No.20033178

Ngl I dont usually like her but Kronii was funny as fuck that stream

>> No.20033200

I'm considering blocking and reporting every person in chat that mentions they miss or want faun

>> No.20033215

Kronii is genuinely funny when she’s not being herself.

>> No.20033253

people getting blocked too much removes them from top chat y'know

>> No.20033270


>> No.20033303

That sounds like a myth but I’ll believe you.

>> No.20033305
File: 186 KB, 765x1280, IMG_20220312_004252_376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading you lads I can see that there are some who has been here recently and some even before the birth of /vt/. Now I think of another question to you (also to help us distract from Faun kek):
How many channels you follow?

In my case despite knowing Hololive before EN I'm just subbed to Fauna, Mumei, Hakos and Reine

>> No.20033347
File: 40 KB, 323x389, FMPVIBlXMAEgN9P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried her for a bit on debut but she was a bitboring, then got progressively worse. I dont blame her her fanbase is full of horrid coomers and redditards which is why she is the mist subbed. Shes pretty funny in collabs though, wish she was like that all the time

>> No.20033363

Faun’s already gone, you ca start watching again.

>> No.20033364

all of the members from all branches

>> No.20033374

I'm not actually subbed to any of them

>> No.20033428

yin and yang

>> No.20033441

I unsubbed a bunch as it was cluttered and I didnt have the time. Rn just Fauna, Bae, Pekora and Ina

>> No.20033477

Oh and Gura

>> No.20033483

Everyone as I like keeping tabs.

>> No.20033506

All of myth, Fauna, Mumei, Kronii, Lamy, Nene, Botan, Noel, Reine, Fubuki, Korone, Astel

>> No.20033525

5, and am also a member.
Top holoEN easy.

>> No.20033527

Fauna, Bae, Mumei, IRyS, Ame, and Gura. Also Moona and Reine but it feels like I can never catch them live.

>> No.20033539
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I dunno, I liked San being a big dick shota but more for porn reasons than thinking it was funny

>> No.20033538

most of EN, though i've only membered to fauna and gura

>> No.20033548

Ye I've seen it. Put so much time to write it that it's gone lol.

>> No.20033576

Fauna, Mumei, Kronii, IRyS, Ina, Rosemi and Selen

>> No.20033593

>How many channels you follow?
subbed to quite a few but only really listen to fauna.
think the concept of streaming is almost inherently bad, i miss the old days of kizuna ai, and 15-minute clips with stories like aqua shion neighbor wars.
fauna is cool though. nice sound nice girl bigbrained big words big heart. says very timeless things in a very timeless way. "slow is fast".

>> No.20033613


>> No.20033732

People here shitting on Faun but it was Fauna’s idea and she seems to have fun with it

>> No.20033750

I wish I was Fauna

>> No.20033751
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> peach

>> No.20033784

Canned peaches are so good

>> No.20033815

We know it was her idea. That doesn’t make it fun to see it constantly brought back when it worked so much better as a one time thing.

>> No.20033816

>Orange woman bad
What did she mean by this?

>> No.20033832

ok i finally found a fauna yab, brown spot bananas are when they start to taste bad to me

>> No.20033856

she likes brown bananas bros

>> No.20033879

she can chose to do what she wants but i will mute the stream when that shit happens for longer than 10 seconds

>> No.20033896

You're fucking retarded, it's better than pure yellow bananas by a mile.

>> No.20033899

Shit taste.

>> No.20033915

this unironically
i just use holodex

>> No.20033937

based banana bread enjoyer

>> No.20033943

She meant she is based.

>> No.20033983

>keeper of nature
>shit at keeping plants
bravo kojima

>> No.20033989

Faunas overwatered succulents.

>> No.20034017
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Fauna read my comment

>> No.20034020

sapling bros, are we in safe hands?

>> No.20034047

Fauna will kill us all through neglect lets goooo

>> No.20034052
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we are saplings, but are we really saplings ?

>> No.20034058

>but you guys are ok with being watered every day

>> No.20034065
File: 14 KB, 346x339, BB11D9AD-91D5-497C-B81B-A51D9CAADFDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"are you really saplings?"

>> No.20034167

Welcome to the club

>> No.20034168
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>> No.20034172

What's her best time this stream so far? When I last time tuned out she was at 18 wins. Is it around 11 minutes?

>> No.20034188

Super chats worked again as soon as I talked to support!

>> No.20034220

Okay, that second sentence is scuffed as fuck, but I think you get the point.

>> No.20034259
File: 737 KB, 835x357, 1630699975720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked at what early streams I never watched and there was a bunch of them actually

>> No.20034261

She got a 40-something second world record, I can’t believe you missed that.

>> No.20034267

was something like that but honestly i just am here to hear her voice in the background, not even watching

>> No.20034360

>don't squeeb

>> No.20034361


>> No.20034373

saw this music video and thought of you guys


>> No.20034386

Yeah, mine.

>> No.20034428

I'm sorry to hear that you are gradually turning more brown

>> No.20034457

yep, not every chuuba is podcastable and i respect the ones that are

>> No.20034479

I'm mexican after all

>> No.20034529
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>> No.20034568

>mini motorways was almsot 1/3 of a year ago

>> No.20034645

fruit fly hate

>> No.20034674

>fruit fries

>> No.20034676

I got a fruit fly issue right now, what liquids works best?

>> No.20034718

Fauna, Kiara and Pekora. I mostly watch Fauna and Pekora. I've started to watch a bit of Ina too because her Elden Ring streams are fun.

>> No.20034745

I'm melting.

>> No.20034763

ive put vinegar in a open small glass bottle, it works

>> No.20034767

put beer in mason jar, put banana in there too, build a paper funnel and seal it so that there's a very small hole for flies to get into the jar. Bam, they die

>> No.20034789


>> No.20034818
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>> No.20034821

>tea/water at the microwave
do americans really?

>> No.20034828

her legs are so nice uuuu

>> No.20034842

i bought fruit fly traps but they just smelled like vinegar. i tried making my own trap w/ vinegar but it didn't work as well

>> No.20034844
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>> No.20034859

Water with a little dish soap to reduce the surface tension works well for me.

>> No.20034863

everything I read online says apple cider vinegar but I only have asian cooking vinegar, does it work the same?

>> No.20034862

reheated tea is so gross, coffee on the otherhand is ok

>> No.20034874

>thing heats water in a minute and a half
>British fear it

>> No.20034898

I don't know if I'd more like to be Fauna or Mumei in this situation.

>> No.20034965

I'd want to be the photographer. I'd bring other tools as well

>> No.20034982

is she going to eat on stream oh god

>> No.20034988


>> No.20035003

I can't believe Fauna of all people commits the final yab

>> No.20035019
File: 229 KB, 480x480, 1646616155490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... no longer miss Fauna!

>> No.20035083

I want to be the log

>> No.20035088
File: 107 KB, 352x411, widefauner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20035104

>Fauna likes eusocial creatures
>the first thing she says about them is that they have breeding castes

>> No.20035137

An electric kettle does it in a faster time you low iq amerilard mongoloid

>> No.20035154

so long as the other person is fauna i will be happy either way, protected in one and a protector in the other

tfw buffering in fucking 144p FUCK YOU INTERNET

>> No.20035174

I'm going to breed fauna!

>> No.20035208

>pour tea into cup
>don’t drink it all, it becomes cold
>pour it back into kettle to reheat it
do brits really

>> No.20035215

Come on youtube I want to listen to Fauna explain altruism and shared fitness

>> No.20035216

why would i buy a separate appliance just for heating water, thats fucking retarded

>> No.20035228

I posted this.

>> No.20035230

Fauna is okay with incest?

>> No.20035231

Attention: Not all bees are eusocial. There are some like carpenter bees that don't live in hives and are male or female. The males typically don't have stingers and these bees are generally much more docile compared to hive bees.

>> No.20035258

we don't drink tea forty times a day, so it's okay to wait an extra few seconds instead of buying a separate appliance just for heating water

>> No.20035320

I know and they are BLUE

>> No.20035329

mamalove is back on the menu

>> No.20035348

She never said anything about incest

>> No.20035354

>no stinger

>> No.20035382

maybe if its the sweet seasoned kind

>> No.20035417

I feel like Ame would feel right at home in these kinds of conversations with Fauna

>> No.20035448


>> No.20035454

Fauna... your bee reps...

>> No.20035492

Ame would mock chat more thoroughly but yes. I really want an Ame Fauna collab.

>> No.20035498

taiwanese ship names are odd huh

>> No.20035575

>digging up queen ants
fauna kek wtf

>> No.20035633

>Fauna read my comment again
See you later, nerds

>> No.20035635

fauna yabs so casually no one notices

>> No.20035732

Oh boy

>> No.20035739


>> No.20035766

Faunihongo maeku mai piipii harudo

>> No.20035797

bros is uuu japanese

>> No.20035800

>speaks japanese

>> No.20035830

they're fatties like bumbles and make a similar flying noise

>> No.20035839

blessed giggles

>> No.20035854


>> No.20035867


>> No.20035894

I've seen them use normal shipnames before, probably just wanted to keep it out of search results. also google translating traditional mandarin always makes things sound 10x weirder

>> No.20035941

if >we were closer to bump limit, i'd have argued to make the next thread /ううう/

>> No.20035993


>> No.20036007

/uuu/ - /ううう/ edition

>> No.20036040

I would like this more than the other option.

>> No.20036082

It's /uuu/ - /ううう/ edition
past here

>> No.20036231

She's so cute bros...
We even have JPbros in chat now.

>> No.20036251


>> No.20036274

Do nips call her fauna or ceres

>> No.20036303

Reading One Piece På Svenska

>> No.20036333


>> No.20036338

They were there the whole time, just lurking or using English

>> No.20036348

This just reminds me of when Bae said 'i love you' to chat in japanese far earlier than she did it in english

>> No.20036373

I think they mostly call her Fauna but asagi mama calls her Ceres a lot

>> No.20036401

i would think fauna as EN followed naming conventions, and HoloJP's all go by the second name - watame etc.

>> No.20036414

The former. I've heard some JPs calling her Ceres though.

>> No.20036643

ceres chan daisuki

>> No.20036789

does anyone hear occasional like distorted wind in the background or am i having a schizophrenic breakdown

>> No.20036839
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the games own sound...

>> No.20036842

That's the title screen I believe

>> No.20036852

That’s just from the game in the main menu

>> No.20036860

Anon thats the main menu sound

>> No.20036907

both but i see ceres-chan a lot

>> No.20036944

i rabu wide fauna

>> No.20036954

Baserat och svenskpillat, finns ens hela mangan på svenska?

>> No.20037044

Stop that
Svenska upplagan slutade på volym 66

>> No.20037080

Thankfully she's able to make a dogshit game like this one look moderately interesting

>> No.20037120

go home, mori

>> No.20037391
File: 315 KB, 780x776, 1641784813364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight /uuu/

>> No.20037472

She locked herself out again

>> No.20037486

we'll keep your seat warm

>> No.20037487
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>> No.20037490

ok that makes sense, i am not really paying attention to the game lol - with my headphones it was sounding like it was coming from the next room

>> No.20037532
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Rest well!

>> No.20037657
File: 40 KB, 794x314, faunakeyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i kind of want to get a 10keyless new keyboard with comfy fauna colors now, does anyone know any good sites/brands without having to buy from 7 different ones

>> No.20037776

7? why don't you just order a keyboard with the layout and switches you want and then order custom keycaps

>> No.20037986


>> No.20038043

im exaggerating a bit but id like a somehow custom CMYK color picker with subtle keycap elements and some kind of design on the case itself

>> No.20038096


>> No.20038171


>> No.20038329

>still hasn't eaten her yogurt
fauna cute slow eater

>> No.20038574
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>> No.20038619

It's actually been 5 hours holy shit

>> No.20038632

was working, now time to make dinner

>> No.20038777

>subtle hint to buy her stand
ok so does she get a cut of that kind of merch or no

>> No.20038842

they all get a bigger cut from their merch
no idea on the group merch but individual stuff they get more

>> No.20039228

>noo not down there please
God I'm so hard right now

>> No.20039598

based dislike of big chunks of onion or tomato but loving the flavor they provide

>> No.20039910


>> No.20039950

>buffering again at 144p

>> No.20040030

Why would I do that in the first place?

>> No.20040103
File: 7 KB, 256x71, unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it interesting that bots try vtuber chats of all places to spam this stuff

>> No.20040137

peak youtube quality control

>> No.20040192

if it took 5 hours for her to get like a little under 20 runs, will this actually be a 12hr+ stream

>> No.20040286

I've been in animal watching streams with like 20 viewers and those bots show up, so I imagine whoever runs them just send them to whatever chat is available,

>> No.20040345 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20040349

Watching animals really makes me horny

>> No.20040380


>> No.20040387

based seaweed

>> No.20040424

based astel

>> No.20040494


>> No.20040534


>> No.20040639


>> No.20040645


>> No.20040671

I'm not entirely convinced she's going to get to 50 today, but I wouldn't mind being wrong.

>> No.20040738


>> No.20040742
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>> No.20040786

20 more today seems steep considering its been 6 hours and she is only on run 18 but I would LOVE to be proven wrong.

>> No.20040936

she can absolutely get to 50 before the day ends if she opens her third eye and awakens her 6 minute run ability that she has

>> No.20041289

>Low mouse sensitivity

>> No.20041419

>logarithmic scale
Fauna please stop using big smart words, my brain hurty

>> No.20041430

slow fauna

>> No.20041622

she hasn't said anything like "maybe we should call it quits early if it gets too long", so I think she'll tough it out. In the beginning, she was asking about whether she'd have to restart the stream if she hit the 12 hour mark.

>> No.20041675

Cute fauna

>> No.20041972

>uwu voice
oh nyo

>> No.20042373

its not fair...

>> No.20042533

i want to massage fauna thighs

>> No.20042600

I want to massage Fauna's neck

>> No.20042708

>doesnt want to hear herself
i will listen for you fauna pass me that headphone

>> No.20042780

hope bae and moom vc with her during their jump kings

>> No.20042823


>> No.20043037

shes so precious with animals fucking goddamnit

>> No.20043202

nyo...it's over...

>> No.20043235

i physically felt that fall and it hurt

>> No.20043244
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>> No.20043292

tfw shes very likely more emotionally mature then i am despite me being older but i want to protect her so bad

>> No.20043308
File: 2.40 MB, 2508x3895, 1646610627930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you all have been stretching with Fauna.

>> No.20043336

Is Fauna the most seiso EN?

>> No.20043362

yes and I grabbed some dumbells so i can eventually get out of skelemode

>> No.20043439
File: 229 KB, 640x640, 1640392636562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.20043441

i firmly believe this to be the case, and likely very up there with hololive JP as well, all her 'yabs' end up just being adorable, but i am biased

>> No.20043473

You're more than 4.54 billion years old?

>> No.20043520

is fauna sounding a bit raspy or hoarse

>> No.20043533

isn't she 6 billion years old

>> No.20043579

yes, of course

>> No.20043802

She should cease her hoarsing around imho...

>> No.20043840

Someone please save my Fauna... anyone...

>> No.20043940

yeah, me

>> No.20043965

she has been talking for awhile and was sick earlier in the week, but i havent really noticed anything myself. i blame jump king because fuck that game

>> No.20044017

>ywn get slapped by Fauna when you're being a bad sapling

>> No.20044023

I only noticed it a little just as she came back, less now

>> No.20044043
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No love for youtube

>> No.20044055

>nobody has joined vc yet
i feel bad but I hope she doesn't
fauna playing off of others banter is just as kino as her muttering to herself

>> No.20044227

Holy shit seriously? I had to do a short work shift so I missed a big chunk but that fucking sucks if no one has called in. wtf are they doing?

>> No.20044275
File: 1.84 MB, 1146x1079, 1640275988344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is cute.

>> No.20044316

looking at yt and twitter pretty much everyone has something to do or they're already streaming so i think its just timing

>> No.20044326


>> No.20044397

i realized i have not liked every fauna video yet, i will fix that after this stream

>> No.20044427

smash that mf like button

>> No.20044482

i added a like. Have you?

>> No.20044501

Holy shit she’s still streaming

>> No.20044536
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>> No.20044541

kek fauna

>> No.20044546

Nice Rushia reference Fau Fau XD

>> No.20044550

uh oh...

>> No.20044556

i mean i missed like 15 mins so far but yeah nobody was here, i assume she is still in voice? she has taken a few breaks and may have forgot to rejoin which would be kind of funny.
US Superchats were also down when her peak viewship happened which really sucked.
>rushia mention

>> No.20044583

everyone saying different jokes in chat and she responds to the single fucking retard that says rushia

>> No.20044607
File: 205 KB, 545x636, 1646089563874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres only place for one green hair holo

>> No.20044637

Wonder what the clipniggers are going to title this? :)

>> No.20044717

FAUNA'S TAKE ON RUSHIA'S TERMINATION (emotional) (serious) + thumbnail has an out of context quote

>> No.20044723


>> No.20044738

oh my fuck lmao

>> No.20044753


>> No.20044814

This is just a bad loli voice
I love it

>> No.20044816

I LOVE this

>> No.20044824

we're going to get a good 10 minutes of pure bliss...

>> No.20044836

Loli Fauna got me actin strange

>> No.20044860

i have been downloading clips slowly on my aids internet and garbage video editing software but i made a commitment several threads ago to avoid yabs and retarded shit like that
so far I only clipped and subbed the first goth transfermation and one of her emo karaoke songs

>> No.20044866


>> No.20044929

>we may get more loli fauna art after this

>> No.20044946

Fauna ANNIHILATES Cover over Rushia and then rips a FAT WET SHIT live on STREAM

>> No.20044974
File: 184 KB, 1500x2000, 1420696899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uwu voice worse than faun voice

>> No.20045034

uwu voice best voice, youre insane

>> No.20045052


>> No.20045081
File: 752 KB, 2547x4096, 1647053669508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20045096

Alot of Holos are streaming now, I hope the Jump King girls and her all jump into VC and chat while playing their respective games.

>> No.20045113

>peach rings and gummy candy

>> No.20045240

I wonder how mad mori is for Fauna playing Getting over it during her Jump king event.

>> No.20045242

i tried asking earlier if shes even in VC anymore because she would be the kind of person to leave while AFK so the other person wont feel self conscious for 2 mins and might have forgot to rejoin
Can any other lurkers help ask? I'd feel just as bad if she realized she never joined back and missed some opportunity

>> No.20045276


>> No.20045292


>> No.20045352

rent free

>> No.20045360

>biology lesson

>> No.20045380

>uwu science talk
idk whats going on anymore...

>> No.20045381

UwU science speak is fucking kino holy shit

>> No.20045407

She played it yesterday before Mori's stream, she's already fulfilled her promise

>> No.20045453

What an intersting use of a bio degree

>> No.20045479

I want to drink Fauna's primordial soup

>> No.20045493

i'm ngmi

>> No.20045494

this is truly something else

>> No.20045509

didn't that start yesterday or am i retarded because fauna played that garbage early only to support mori

>> No.20045522

just here to say say I love fauna. good lord

>> No.20045569

New fastest run is in uwu

>> No.20045592

>Sub 10 with uwu voice
Loli Fauna stronk

>> No.20045679


>> No.20045685


>> No.20045699

rrat fucking smashed to pieces

>> No.20045701

mori joins chat but not vc
mori hate?

>> No.20045774

is fauna even in VC? >>20045242

>> No.20045794

she's in my taxi, can't talk

>> No.20045814

she is

>> No.20045884

she said she was at the beginning of stream 7 hours ago. cannot confirm right now

>> No.20045927

>big science words
brain empty
>babby fauna voice
dick hard

>> No.20045945

yeah, me

>> No.20045993

Tell her to revive the Mythbreakers. I miss it

>> No.20046105

shes so comfy

>> No.20046177

I get annoyed when people bring this up to Holos who didn't really know her. . .

>> No.20046195

fauna has to be top 3 book smarts EN right?

>> No.20046273

who's smarter?

>> No.20046360

>sighs after checking discord
Why do other girls hate fauna

>> No.20046415

Just realized how hard it might actually be to live with Fauna without being able to eat meat or meat products.

That means no medium rare kobi beef steak, no chili and rice with chunky beef chunks topped with cheddar cheese, no hot chicken soup with real chicken stock on a cold winter day, no lobster dinner with baked potato and , no pepperoni pizza fresh out of the oven, no scrambled eggs just the way you like it in the morning, no beef jerky on long road trips, no Elmer's glue, no smoky BBQ Burgers at the beach, etc.

>> No.20046487

She's said multiple times she won't stop others from having a non vegan diet

>> No.20046543

you can definitely eat all of that as long as you store the meat separately

>> No.20046576
File: 205 KB, 1016x1080, 1646746243918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would literally eat dirt for Fauna and that is why you will lose.

>> No.20046636 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 263x333, 1639117838698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20046758


>> No.20046877

This, the only issue is you might have to cook and prepare everything on separate utensils, 2 pans for meat and non meat items respectively

>> No.20046905

>ywn accidentally stumble on this scene while she's bathing in a stream by a majestic waterfall in the background with sun rays gleaming through the canopy above, as you try step backward hoping she doesn't hear but of course you step on a twig, and as you freeze in horror, you hear her say "Ara, Ara~" and now you're screwed, just like in your favorite romcom/shonen anime.

>> No.20046980

A real meat eater cooks everything on a cast iron

>> No.20047039

A real meat eater doesn't cook their meats, but rather eats it raw straight off the dead carcass

>> No.20047175

Has the bald man ever acknowledged the existence of this kirin?

>> No.20047192


A little too Based. Please don't do this in front of Fau.

>> No.20047217

The one cooking Youtuber I watch is married to a vegetarian but only the wife is while he and their kid eat meat.

>> No.20047337

A real meat eater sinks their teeth and rips out a chunk of meat from their living, breathing prey for maximum freshness

>> No.20047362

fauna is an expert in science and a F in folklore lmao

>> No.20047367

fucking lol she's mixing up some really unrelated stuff here on the basis of "they all have big guys"

>> No.20047431
File: 313 KB, 480x480, 1625650025788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly not. the closest he got was saying he respects fauna (in elden ring). maybe one day her oshi will acknowledge her.

>> No.20047448

i would at least try to go vegetation for fauna, i cant give up eggs though

>> No.20047475

I'd give in easily and go full vegan for fauna

>> No.20047479

North Americans have no folklore except Sasquatch

>> No.20047605

>he doesnt know about the mothman

>> No.20047616


>> No.20047634

>Am I third-wheeling?

>> No.20047682

>he doesn't know about the hide behind of the Hopkinsville Goblin
/x/ and /k/ would be ashamed of you.

>> No.20047698

She's so self conscious it's adorable

>> No.20047701

Fauna cute!

>> No.20047726

I love this cute dork!

>> No.20047887

Holy shit lmfao she actually joined in at the most 3rd wheel timing possible

>> No.20047898

skunkape, bro
along with everyfucking thing in the pine barrens

>> No.20047903

Imagine how mad Fauna would be if she found out you cooked her kimchi fried rice in the same pan you cooked your steak in. She'd probably poison your tea.. . .but for real this time.

>> No.20047980

raw meat is so good

>> No.20048082

Mori will probably come in soon.

>> No.20048156
File: 403 KB, 600x600, 1646081772444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please could you educate this /who/ tourist on who she's talking about

>> No.20048166

Good lord I just realized that her pot is slowly turning gold.

>> No.20048298

I hope she doesn't push herself too hard. If she's already getting sleepy she should call it a day.

>> No.20048332

You shouldn't talk about your mother like that.

>> No.20048390

>For You

>> No.20048409

I'm so happy for Fauna. Finally some friends in VC!!!

>> No.20048415
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