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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.24 MB, 2790x1386, lig love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20023187 No.20023187 [Reply] [Original]

Simple as- Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Yesterday 7 on Twitch

>Top 7 English:
>1. https://twitch.tv/AdmiralBahroo (5,872)
>2. https://twitch.tv/Lilypichu (5,543)
>3. https://twitch.tv/ShyLily (3,530)
>4. https://twitch.tv/Ash (2,390)
>5. https://twitch.tv/Girl_DM_ (1,831)
>6. https://twitch.tv/Chibidoki (1,653)
>7. https://twitch.tv/Ikumi (1,301)
>Top 3 Non-English:
>1. https://twitch.tv/ZilverK (8,482)
>2. https://twitch.tv/NimuVT (5,909)
>3. https://twitch.tv/Nephtunie (1,099)

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
For historical reasons, small companies are fine temporarily as long as they have one talent at 500-ish.

>Twitch Clips Guide

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEX)


https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Not related

Previous >>19979003

>> No.20023253
File: 124 KB, 1279x720, FNmA_7ZWYAEk7-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'ello chat

>> No.20023549

Did you just straight up ignore the finalized numbers for last night some other anon posted? Second thread in a row where the numbers got fucked. Why are we even bothering with them if it's gonna keep happening.


>> No.20023626

kek, based OP pic

>> No.20023637

My bad, I was in a bit of a hurry

>> No.20023650
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Kino thread OP

>> No.20023771
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For those who are looking for something to watch if none of your regulars are online - the Snuffy VOD from yesterday is on point.

>best snuffy model
>snuffy playing weird indie games
>snuffy struggling with reading comprehension

Was very comfy, felt like a stream from a year ago, very similar to the Wobbledogs stream (which incidentally she's going to play again in the future).

>> No.20023772
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Hey, calm down.

>> No.20023775

The depresso fishu is not online *Wink*Wink*

>> No.20023799
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reminder to lift for your wife!

>> No.20023844

I wonder how long fish will stream this time

>> No.20023853

She's totally not here https://www.twitch.tv/fishoffline nope no sir

>> No.20023854

I think I prefer her natural voice

>> No.20023857



>> No.20023860
File: 63 KB, 200x200, Vienna wiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be taking care of /lig/ when it is at death's door!

>> No.20023883
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>> No.20023899

could be 2 hours, could be 22. That's the fun of fishoffline streams

>> No.20023920
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The weak should fear the strong

>> No.20023994

My workout regimen has been interrupted by a debilitating kidney stone so if I can't pee hard enough to get rid of it the only thing I'll be lifting is a gun to my head

>> No.20024016

Long time fish viewer: this is the same as her usual voice, it's just her lungs/voice are finally recovering from double covid so most of mid/late 2021 she sounded a bit off and she's sounding closer to how she sounded in 2020 before that happened. She's been slowly going back into this tone since about december

>> No.20024058

didn't know she had gotten a wiggly, cute

>> No.20024093
File: 43 KB, 877x717, sadge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sending you cheers anon
hope you'll get better soon

>> No.20024101

it's a really good one too

>> No.20024331

Guys /nepolabo/ won, if /774/ loses or draws we're not dead. Something actually went our way! Let's hope it keeps happening...

>> No.20024364

Thank you, I've been through it before so I'll survive but it's never fun. Plus I got some fun narcotics to numb the pain. For once someone in /lig/ will be taking their meds.

>> No.20024396

Are we not playing today?

>> No.20024406

No but our fate depends on how other teams play today

>> No.20024420

Nah but MAYBE tomorrow if the rest of these matches go our way >>20023095

>> No.20024460

That fucking sucks anon and I'm sorry. All I can offer you are these words of encouragement

>> No.20024470

Thanks for the update, bro. I thought we were already cooked. Time to tune back in.

>> No.20024565
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>blows out /yah/ (by at least 3 goals)
Please, Balloona. You can do it

>> No.20024616
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It was a good rendition, I'll give it up.
Also she raided shadow who I've never actually sat down and watched. Jesus Christ she's got the little girl voice down pat. /uoh/bros are eating good.

>> No.20024837
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God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
How it was the stream? I missed it due to work

>> No.20025141
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If any team can do it, it's /moon/


>> No.20025226

so her hiatus is due to disease and not a mental break?

>> No.20025319

That Lumi-Nina stream has achieved my monthly comfy quota

>> No.20025327

I'm gonna have to check the VOD

>> No.20025341

mental health and physical health might as well be one and the same

>> No.20025384

No, the Hiatus is due to losing most of her money trying to help a friend out of a bad situation and having to move out of the place she was living in to move somewhere significantly cheaper because of it. The health thing's been an ongoing issue since like mid last june, it's more of an afterthought to all of this.

>> No.20025393
File: 173 KB, 400x400, shyrei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my cumin sides
Do it anon, get yourself a spiced kitchen Shyrei(Squchan)

>> No.20025508

this sucks. but wouldnt streaming then be better, because, you know, money...

>> No.20025614


This explains the situation pretty well. It's a bit long winded but she goes through what happened.

And she'd in a weird spot right now. She's currently staying at a friends place until she moves into her new house next week because she had to leave her old house almost ASAP. Basically she's moving twice in the span of a month so her current set up is not ideal for doing a main channel stream.

>> No.20025628
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I wasn't sure which chuuba I should put as the other guy so I left it blank

>> No.20025640
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Orca by Squ

>> No.20025684
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It's all ogre

>> No.20025694

sex sex sex

>> No.20025705
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lig... the rematch...

>> No.20025714
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Well now I've got to make an edit of this with the Frog in lieu of Dr Manhattan

>> No.20025728
File: 25 KB, 112x112, sarueiCry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well /lig/gers, we're officially dead...
maybe next league

>> No.20025786

Why does every sports team I root for fall flat on their face

>> No.20025842

it's ok my /lig/gers. We'll have more time to prep for next divegrass league and fix some of our issues, specifically we had a huge depth chart issue at Goalie. We'll be back.

>> No.20025851

Who are you rooting for? Asking to bet on the opposite, jej

>> No.20025853

Saru live

>> No.20025896
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Being the underdog is fun because when you win, you really win.

>> No.20025904

We got 6 months to convince the pirate dinosaur to commentate for us

>> No.20025916

/lig/ who just got killed by a bunch of underperforming roid monkeys

>> No.20025937
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Nice title

>> No.20025974

There were also issues with tactics and formations, which we CAN fix

>> No.20025989

lets not bother her too much with it. She's explained why she wasn't comfortable with it last league so i don't think it's worth bothering her about.

>> No.20026037
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I spew goo to what Squ drew

>> No.20026054

Makes sense, When lumi went on the commentators were constantly trying to bait her to say nigger on stream. She apparently got in trouble for it.
This shit is archived too so could always come back to bite someone in the ass.

>> No.20026107

Lost 2 out of 3 games
Seems fair we're gone

>> No.20026150

OK so here's what I saw of our pros and cons of the divegrass squad:


-Good models
-Good, fun sound clips and meme songs that made people laugh
-Anny Invented Divegrass and Bowser Femgosling were excellent position players
-we fought in every game we were in except the first one where we folded to /wvt/ in the second half.
-made beebs seethe on stream


-Serious depth chart issues
-tactics and formations were fucked
-we might have gone a little too hard on the /lig/ma jokes, but that's debatable and up to personal tastes.

>> No.20026329
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I think sticking all our golds/silvers into the same area of the team didn't help
Bench needs to match our formation
Basically need better balance
At least we won a game

>> No.20026345

That was on a 4chan-wide cup with commentators from wherever though. Beebs wouldn't do that, and he had great synergy with Lumi.

>> No.20026367

Yeees, for all the years I've been on 4chins, I never got the obsession with bad words.

>> No.20026371

I'd agree with all that. This team was slapped together in 2 weeks and we inherited auto tactics that were made to be wonky and not very safe, but entertaining. I don't really know much about tactics, I'm just glad my hard work paid off and Tomato was able to take what I made and get it in game. We showed up and made an impression, next league we might do a bit better if we have someone who understands tactics to help out.

>> No.20026390

I think the /lig/ma jokes are fine right now. It's just what, a player and the victory theme? That's not too much

>> No.20026416


>> No.20026486
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 1621910467429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is live streaming her art contest winners

>> No.20026490

I suggest we get Tob out of GK and replace her with somebody else.
That way we can have Tob potentially score goals and have her horn be the Minions De La Mama remix

>> No.20026588

Someone suggested putting Aethel or Miilkywayz and her fat fucking titties in as GK. IDk, when the time comes closer we can have a poll for all that shit.

>> No.20026589

She's wearing the cute valentines outfit too

>> No.20026632

You did great homie. Plus we got a fuck ton of Koikatsu cards out of it so double worth it.

>> No.20026636

Im worried how much shes drinking lately

>> No.20026657
File: 52 KB, 1055x755, hmmmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biggest con
- wife_dm_ played only once

>> No.20026723

Don't think size matters for gk
It's the fact neither the gk or any defender was silver/gold

>> No.20026785

This was the main reason why we didn't make it in. If we had something to prevent that total defensive collapse we had against /wvt/ we'd probably be in the knock outs.

>> No.20026794

Stick wife_dm in GK, that way she'd play every game pleasing husband_dm_ (and adequately representing the amount of mayocat posting/content this thread delivers) and we get to endlessly rib him if she's shit

>> No.20026805

Your wife is rating wieners on stream.

>> No.20026828

Aethels hands are too small for a goalie

>> No.20026838


>> No.20026882

GK cant be a medal, too broken

>> No.20026918

>Heard Nemu was tall
>Looked up her info
>On her twitter she states she's 194cm (aka just under 6'4)

Holy fuck she's a goddamn amazon.

>> No.20026949

At least one defender needs to be, we looked too weak back there and the 2 golds weren't in a position where they really tracked back

>> No.20026962

She gets wasted every stream now to cope with her her dropping viewers

>> No.20026975
File: 68 KB, 1284x1425, implyingmanager.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im planning on downloading PES and applying for tactics manager next league, and I've already theory crafted a formation/lineup as well

>> No.20026984

That's taller than Lumi's 180cm by the way.

>> No.20026986

afaik the only team that runs a medal CB is /vsj+/ and that didn't work out so well for them this time, I think last league was on a different patch but idk how much that had to do with it

>> No.20027110

Moose going live with Elden Ring first time playing https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu

>> No.20027125
File: 29 KB, 128x128, kms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a tall tomboy fish gf
what the fuck man why is life so unfair

>> No.20027345

we only won the game that we did because there was only one accurate shot towards our goal, that tob let in. maybe we should replace her with an inanimate object.

>> No.20027480

oh my lord

>> No.20027509

Almost every single team that does divegrass puts their medals on attackers.
Putting them on defenders is generally a bad idea because they get tired the quickest and need to be substituted. Also, having gold/silver medals as attackers means they can run faster than the defenders to get past them (if anyone saw that nepolabo goal from earlier).

>> No.20027561
File: 109 KB, 1123x1204, FMi1_QdVgAA_iBX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to gently bully this biblically accurate leggy fish

>> No.20027568

yeah im thinking about saruei's toes

>> No.20027684

or are you?

>> No.20027786


>> No.20027927
File: 39 KB, 600x224, 20081204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comfy moose stream
>comfy girl_dm_ stream
>comfy frog stream
>comfy miilkywayz stream
>comfy silver stream
I need to invest in a 5th monitor

>> No.20029038

>for me it looks like a wiffy box
I love this frog

>> No.20029187

Holy shit bros, it played out EXACTLY like this except /hfz/ let one goal happen like 10 minutes before the end and couldn't tie it back up. We were SO CLOSE.

>> No.20029238

FUCK wrestling, cardio only here

>> No.20029289

Saru is just roasting all the artists kek

>> No.20029291

Don't forget the moth just went live with an art stream


>> No.20029328
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>> No.20029329
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>the feet

>> No.20029344

Fucking jobbers. Never drew a dime.

>> No.20029412

That's how these art contests go, you should've seen Bahroos

>> No.20029433

>Have a 5000 dollar art contest
>Get drunk and fucking demolish the participants on stream

I think I have an idea why she isn't so popular in the artist community.

>> No.20029528

I mean, it's an art contest with a cash prize ran by an artist. Not sure what people were expecting

>> No.20029556

Good criticisms honestly

>> No.20029682
File: 918 KB, 889x817, 1646509787418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say, /lig/'s participation in this divegrass league was extremely entertaining and, if I dare say, kino.

>> No.20029719
File: 67 KB, 166x210, This fucking skunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20029725

our aesthetics got fucked in that match kek
but yeah I'm overall happy with our showing

>> No.20029836

Her frail body means one blocked shot would probably crush her bones

Also think of husband_dm's baby

Please ahndastand

>> No.20029843

I really like her back, NGL. Perfect to massage it while doing her a buttjob

>> No.20029874
File: 780 KB, 860x889, libertyandskunksforall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20030049

i think if you watch 5 streams at once they no longer classify as comfy.

>> No.20030549

>Lily, Haruka, Nemu, Juniper, dm, Chibidoki, and Saruei all live right now


>> No.20031363

Too many VODs...

>> No.20031473

it's funny that girl dm thinks there are kids watching her or that they won't watch NSFW frog stream if she asks them to

>> No.20031546 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 750x750, Arte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, some of these Saruei art submissions are trash.

>> No.20031606

Well if they're good little girls and boys then they won't have an 18+ verified Twitch account and won't be able to watch Saruei

>> No.20031657

what's stopping them from creating account with fake date of birth
it's literally
>confirm you are 18
on porn sites

>> No.20031719

You don't need to verify anything to watch +18 streams. All verification is needed for are the awful chats requiring it.

>> No.20031864

We need some sort of centralized government solution, a porn pass of sorts! They could sell it at kiosks! And we could lock the entire 18+ section of the internet behind a firewall that you need the porn pass for! Yeah, I'm sure it'll be easy, computers can do anything these days!

>> No.20031902


>> No.20032238

would saurei get mad if i cum tributed her?

>> No.20032319

no she'd love it, take a video and DM it to her

>> No.20032318

no she'd probably laugh at how small your load is

>> No.20032381

just do it pussy

>> No.20032438

cum tribute me instead pussy

>> No.20032587

Do it

>> No.20032820

didn't one guy end up apologizing to a chuuba for cum tributing to her?

>> No.20032828

Bat is doing her stream where she buys and tries random fishing games on Steam

>> No.20032991

pink cat is right, bloodborne is sexy

>> No.20033035

I think it might've been subaru?
He immediately backpedaled and said >it was yogurt and >it was just a funny

>> No.20033071

If you havent heard her sing it, on her youtube there is a version where she sings it rested.

>> No.20033092


>> No.20033097
File: 246 KB, 1871x880, prease tell down picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.20033219

no one even watches boofman here, this isn't /vsj+/

>> No.20033317

holy shit imagine being so fucking beta

>> No.20033320

>he actually did it

>> No.20033319

Eh, I've seen a couple of people bring up Lord Applebees here before while he's been streaming so there's probably some irregulars who like him.
Also I'm hesitant to believe anyone on /vsj+/ watches him, they just like posting about him for (You)s

>> No.20033352

lmao yeah that one

>> No.20033367

I watch him sometimes but lately I've been watching Tob over him if I have the choice

>> No.20033401

Check the date amigo, 4th Oct 2021. Unless he's a time traveler, that's not him left handing it to the Frog.

>> No.20033404

>oct 2021
Nice dick but he needs to trim his pubes

>> No.20033430

good times

>> No.20034110


>> No.20034742

Be the change you want to see anon

>> No.20034830
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>> No.20034913

Quite nice!

>> No.20035005

what is the name of that guy with a bar? the one girl dm will be on guest today

>> No.20035050

Takahata101 from teamfourstar fame

>> No.20035066


>> No.20035159
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>> No.20035163

what the fuck I didn't know this

>> No.20035188


>> No.20035260

the guys behind hellsing abridged?

>> No.20035303

Yeah he voiced Alucard as well as being one of the writers behind that and DBZ abridged

>> No.20035321
File: 75 KB, 480x640, 1617882277073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd think he'd advertise it more. Would at least benefit from it.

He's the Crimson Fucker himself.

>> No.20035340

Yeah dude has been around forever doing quality work. He's a great vtuber as well

>> No.20035357
File: 1.39 MB, 1373x867, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, bros...

>> No.20035388

Am I supposed to know who that is?

>> No.20035404

Mels one was great last night, could see frogs being fun as well.

>> No.20035406

Nah he's an annoying faggot.

>> No.20035413


>> No.20035429

sodapoppins friend

>> No.20035432


>> No.20035453

Am I supposed to know who that is as well?

>> No.20035462

Ok Taka.

>> No.20035469

God I wish

>> No.20035497

the only thing i know about soda is that he's vei's boyfrend
so telling me some guy is his frends still doesn't explain to me who he is

>> No.20035506

Twitch normie streamers with awful communities

>> No.20035530

Could taka be a male /lig/ for the next footy tournament

>> No.20035550

I feel some disgust at the thought of having twitchkiddies ITT with me. Fucking normalfags.

>> No.20035580

I only know them because I'm a /vsj+/ refugee, shit like this ruined that thread

>> No.20035584

Back to vsj+

>> No.20035619

anon... this is general is as close to the normie twitch audience as it gets. notice how no one here gives a shit about any youtube indies?

>> No.20035623

>why do people know a guy who has mel/nyan/vei on their show in the last 5 months

Cmon cunt grow up

>> No.20035653

Yeah, somehow they seem to spontaneously appear soon as a normie streamer interacts with a vtuber...

>> No.20035658

what youtube indies?

>> No.20035683

uhhhhhhh kson, pikamee and that's about it

>> No.20035725

this dating stream shtick is too fucking cringe for me bros, I hope she doesnt get sucked into it

>> No.20035749
File: 143 KB, 1248x1404, 1628118142942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube indies
They're all corpos with their own threads, anon.

>why do people know a guy who has twitchkiddie Vtubers on their show in the last 5 months
Did you think you were making a good point or something?

>> No.20035803

VOSM Project died or something?

>> No.20035821
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1646542377429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitch kiddie vtubers

Now I know you're retarded

>> No.20035845
File: 956 KB, 1920x1080, 162381531226651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watch chuuba that's too borning for twitch zoomers

>> No.20035861

No he just doesn't know better

>> No.20035898

VOMS is doujin circle

>> No.20035933

I can't think of any English indie vtuber on YouTube does not quality for "large" status that don't already have their own threads. Most of them have switched to twitch.

>> No.20035939

>required streaming amount
>forfeits rights to merch
They're corpo.

>> No.20035997

was thinking about that myself sometimes, but you can't control it really.
the best way would be to make the parents parent their kids, but this was a thing the boomers did. nowadays parenting is more of an insult for teachers

>> No.20036083

looks like japan
that country needs braincheck sometimes

>> No.20036220

he would probably sell out for it, but only because he is of a breed of content creators that are dying out ever since vtubers became bigger

>> No.20036286

goddamn just how many entries did saruei get

>> No.20036302

>Saruei on rolfgators show
After watching Mel's i can see Saruei being a great guest, it would be fun to watch her massacre people with her bluntness

>> No.20036387

yeah but I also don't want this thread to get raided

>> No.20036444

almost 300

>> No.20036492

That's nuts, some of these entries have been really good. I guess that's what happens when you put up some real money.

>> No.20036509

He's pretty much the face of VRChat for Twitch. He's the host of all those VRChat dating shows you see different chuubas and other streamers go on, and whenever another content creator expresses interest in VRChat he puts himself out there and offers to be their guide.

>> No.20036565

We'll just put up a decoy /saruei/ general during the show

>> No.20036566

only if she casually insults everyone

>> No.20036574

And she's just starting to get into the good stuff.

>> No.20036642
File: 414 KB, 605x744, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, even yandex thought this was by neonbeat. I'm guessing this was by that artist he was sperging about a bit ago.

>> No.20036716

vtubers should never interact with streamers and that's a fact
you literally have no arguments against this

>> No.20036826

the term is fleshtubers

>> No.20036837

Can you stop them?

>> No.20036899

Funny how he went menhera over this and is changing his artstyle now because of it still with Vei sameface syndrome though

>> No.20036917

Thankfully your opinion means nothing and they'll do whatever they want

>> No.20036922


>> No.20036987

i couldn't agree more. it just feels fundamentally wrong.

>> No.20037006

For us it would be best. But not necessarily for them.

>> No.20037015

What's funny is I went and looked at her other art and this is the only piece like this. Unless there's some other artists copying his style he's sperging over nothing.

>> No.20037173

I mean, I'm happy for Vtubers to be their own self contained bubble, but it's like clockwork whenever theres the smallest interaction with a few certain people half the thread starts jacking them off and calling everyone who disagrees a parasocial cuck, so what are you gonna do?

Normally it's a one off thing anyway.

>> No.20037332

eh, it can be used to showcase a contrast, but in the end the chuubas that would be invited to any "big" fleshshow would also have the same fake mentality as the hosts of that show
its all just present your schtick to another audience

>> No.20037446

>half the thread starts jacking them off and calling everyone who disagrees a parasocial cuck
isnt that basically any toxic fanbase?

>> No.20037528

layna and snuffy are in some close-knit circles of fleshtubers desu

>> No.20037540

(this will be lame if its just her, probably the same stories we already know)


>> No.20037729

Eeh, mostly Layna. Snuffy does show up on Mizkif's stream like once every couple months. She actually expressed some annoyance with him only wanting to collab when she's already busy on her or someone else's stream.

>> No.20037825

Snuffy was playing with several of them 2 streams ago anon

>> No.20037826

okay sodafag
whatever you say sodafag

>> No.20037866

Vei will never fuck you

>> No.20037920

ha i knew it was you
couldn't care about any of the /vsj+/ girls less even if i wanted to

>> No.20037979

Takas mods keep failing to set the cat to Just Chatting...

>> No.20037984

Well what do I know, I don't go to vsj+ anymore to receive the stalker updates

>> No.20037988

Off topic
GTFO of this thread

>> No.20038036

that pic doesn't even look like his style, it's just that it's a collage of different poses on a black bg

>> No.20038082
File: 468 KB, 748x806, Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 17-08-25 Ⱡayna💉🩸 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new model looks great

>> No.20038098


>> No.20038099

The one on the right has a facial expression similar to one he's drawn a lot, but otherwise I'd agree with you

>> No.20038138

>I was only pretending to be retarded so I can shit up the thread more

Your as bad as the Veisperg retard

>> No.20038144

mean frog announcing winners

>> No.20038192

girl_dm_ simps are busy gifting
good for taka, he seems to be benefitting the most from his guests simps

>> No.20038219

Huh I didn't even realise it was different.

>> No.20038385
File: 462 KB, 748x806, Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 17-09-20 Ⱡayna💉🩸 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on surface it looks close to the current, but been reworked underneath and optimized for streaming, retextured and the 52 blendshapes for the face been tweaked so more expressive

>> No.20038443


>> No.20038743


i liked 3rd place better than the others

>> No.20038767

Huh, never seen DM's wide eyes before.

>> No.20038875
File: 168 KB, 661x935, FKTim2JWYA0zFmK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's our winner!

The one I like the most isn't even in the top 7 kek, but that's how it is in art contests

>> No.20038927
File: 91 KB, 547x323, 1625479445327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20038978


>> No.20039001

holy kek he's unironically upset, i thought he was just joking

>> No.20039104

I don't really blame him to be honest

>> No.20039117

lmao get fucked

>> No.20039119

>it wasnt fair
im pretty sure she picked the winners off stream

>> No.20039182


>> No.20039206

I'm happy for my fellow chilindio sarufrog.
It's a nice pic.

>> No.20039313

Username checks out.

>> No.20039372

he's complaining about the fact that his art didn't get critiqued like everyone else's, not about the contest results

>> No.20039377

desu a fair amount of the high tier drawings like his, she's just saying "wow nice i love it" because there's not much else to say

>> No.20039416

lmao the losers crying in the chat

>> No.20039608

god bless them, it wouldn't be an art contest without them

>> No.20039968

Well that was fun
good night my /lig/gers

>> No.20040089

holy shit look at shotos numbers

wtf i'm a fujo now?

>> No.20040117

>White guy posts cum tribute to Japanese vtuber
y-yea.. Fuck Japan..

>> No.20040510

Please someone tell me this isn't real. I can't live knowing someone like this exists

>> No.20040531

c'mon DM, speak up more

>> No.20040563

is this your first time hearing of cum tributes? what are you, 10?

>> No.20040636

I know about cum tributes, but what kind of faggot does one and then spills his spaghetti when he's actually lucky enough to get noticed?

>> No.20041201

while there are plenty of cum tributes, that dm is 100% not real
how the fuck would he get into towa dms?

>> No.20041303

it's funnier if it's true so I'll believe it

>> No.20041769

She messaged him first telling him to take down the picture.

>> No.20043442

It's no mystery why she's having so much difficulty making friends.

>> No.20044215
File: 67 KB, 500x562, saruei meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20045188

Kinda looks like sodapoppin with goth makeup. Chin's pretty pointy too.
I look forward to seeing what her new model is like in action.

>> No.20045387

rent free, also just look at the video in the tweet

>> No.20045482

Was there drama during the frog's art contest? What happened?

>> No.20045577

some guy wanted saru to critic his drawing

>> No.20045579

not really? she was just being very blunt and had no filters when criticizing the artwork submissions, which I guess some people probably might've found extremely offensive

>> No.20045581

Someone got mad because she talked about mario kart instead of giving a critique

>> No.20045662

There were some people salty about their art not being featured or critiqued on stream, I don't think there was anybody outright salty they didn't win from what I saw. Saruei said that she didn't feature some pieces that she suspected of tracing and some people took that to mean they were being accused of such and got angry. Saruei didn't make that big a deal of it though, she just shut down the people being salty in chat and some mods were just telling them to email her if they want to be critiqued.

>> No.20045758

she was extremely nice considering there's always a lot of very amateurish work in these contests, best thing those people can get is an honest opinion from a professional

>> No.20045890
File: 298 KB, 650x360, Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 19-05-19 Ⱡayna💉🩸 (@LaynaLazar) _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20046391
File: 167 KB, 376x315, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it's crazy how often I see Shxtou included in Niji EN collabs, he's basically one of them

>> No.20046394

this is the face she makes right before she slaps your face with her cock

>> No.20046403

Now this model needs a cum tribute

>> No.20046432


>> No.20046442

so that's why he's inclining

>> No.20046509

AND he's indie too. It really is the best of both worlds.

>> No.20046561

I mean he's basically proto-Luxiem

>> No.20046602


>> No.20046853

I like him, just streams too late for my wagie self

>> No.20047169
File: 509 KB, 942x439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf Bao's collabing with that hafu Kemono Friends chuuba someone linked earlier

>> No.20047263

(and Fream and Yuzu)

>> No.20047327
File: 10 KB, 251x201, 5354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this? Why did Ywuria change her voice to sound like the Orca? I remember watching her debut months ago.

>> No.20047430

She's just copying orca's path to success, and it seems to be working

>> No.20047516

Because whoreca changed her voice to sound like whoreca and made a fuckload of money for it so others are now jumping on after seeing how easy it is to separate retards from their cash

>> No.20047985
File: 31 KB, 601x220, sus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20048028

Who are the current big /lig/ clippers aside from Cooksie?

>> No.20048049


>> No.20048429

I'm no filthy clipnigger but just from a quick search it seems like enVTuber cutesy and Cute Dragon Clips are fairly sizeable at about 20k subs each, Obi Vtuber Clips has 76k, Kore Ch. has 144k, that's about all I'm willing to look into this

>> No.20049560

is she on drugs lately?

>> No.20049613

She's on that horny juice

>> No.20049810

She drinks beer/wine everyday
Not an alcoholic btw

>> No.20050624

Damn, that leeching worked out well for him!

>> No.20051385

Alcohol is sometimes the only to avoid dysentery from the local water supply.

>> No.20053040

So is orca's subathon at risk of ending or something very shortly?
There's only like 34 minutes left and she's sleeping

>> No.20053114

I hope so, but probably not

>> No.20053159

It just seems dangerously low right now since it looks like she's not pausing the timer when she sleeps anymore

>> No.20053317

Numi's on https://www.twitch.tv/nihmune

>> No.20054490
File: 92 KB, 517x499, 1640208445700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought about giving Numi another shot but I went to her channel and remembered

>> No.20054580
File: 291 KB, 1369x2048, FLNeYltX0AQYIkY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a fake phone number Jesus your batching about it is retarded

>> No.20054593

just stop being a faggot

>> No.20054639
File: 40 KB, 219x428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, just spotted this in Lily's chat

>> No.20054759

Man and I thought I was a bit pathetic for how much I'm addicted to my oshi

>> No.20054964

Not missing much.

>> No.20054999

What game's she playing tonight? kek

>> No.20055046

She's trying to set a new high score in Just Chatting

>> No.20055051

I mean I'm still watching but I want to complainpost about verified chats here anyway

>> No.20055238

Not that Anon but the last time I gave an account a fake phone number I got locked out of one of my Twitter accounts because it asked me to verify it months later. And I'm not risking that with my main Twitch account that's a decade old and still has a lifetime sub to the original GDQ channel.

>> No.20055589

Losing that GDQ sub would be a net gain

>> No.20055804
File: 23 KB, 320x504, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sub to the old speeddemosarchive channel, before the jewery took over the event.

>> No.20055971

the fuck? I didn't even know lifetime subs were a thing

>> No.20056092

What happens if I verify really?

>> No.20056141

Even back then it was a special thing. I don't remember seeing it anywhere else, but GDQ managed to work something out with Twitch, probably because speedrunning was such a big part of the site at the time.

>> No.20056527

You give them a phone number and then they text it with a code you have to enter. I don't want to give any website my phone number because that would be a big link between my real life identity and my Internet identity, and Twitch has already shown to be sloppy with their security.

>> No.20056569

>Literally charge dey phone eating hot chip

>> No.20056605

I don't get it, why are you afraid of Twitch knowing your phone number? It's not even a particularly identifying piece of information given that phone numbers change hands all the time.
Plus if you've bought a subscription before then Twitch already has information on you that's infinitely more identifying.

>> No.20056706

Do what I do: make a second, less-secure internet identity that's not your main internet identity and post on it as if its association to your real-life identity is already known. It's a good in-between.

>> No.20056899

I will never understand people being this paranoid for no reason

>> No.20057119
File: 499 KB, 1000x526, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand it, I'm just too lazy to do the same

>> No.20057366

Numi's batsu gemu is terrible

>> No.20057434
File: 217 KB, 1436x674, privacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a PayPal with fake public-facing information, they don't give out your card details during transactions.

I don't understand what that would accomplish for me, I use the Internet to shitpost and say the nigger word, not to be myself. I already do have alt accounts to shitpost, and one that I'm relatively tame on that I use mainly.

It's just part of what I'm willing to do to avoid becoming one of the retards that fell for this.

>> No.20057455

Yup it's the principle of the thing for me (NTA)

>> No.20057594
File: 10 KB, 112x112, squchanBongo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numbers for next thread:

Top 7 English:
1. https://twitch.tv/AdmiralBahroo (6,391)
2. https://twitch.tv/Shxtou (5,170)
3. https://twitch.tv/ShyLily (3,903)
4. https://twitch.tv/HarukaKaribu (2,955)
5. https://twitch.tv/Saruei (2,775)
6. https://twitch.tv/Baoo (1,542)
7. https://twitch.tv/Chibidoki (1,373)

Top 3 Non-English:
1. https://twitch.tv/viichan6 (5,172*Korean
2. https://twitch.tv/kendomurft (866) *Spanish
3. https://twitch.tv/ronaronakr (848) *Korean

I'll admit I was a little lazy trying to fill out the non-english section but most of the Korean big hitters don't start streaming until a few hours from now and ZilverK and NimuVT didn't stream today and TwitchTracker FUCKING SUCKS the past few days and is just outright not updating some channels. One page said a channel has been streaming since like the 7th. So yeah, StreamsCharts it is for now, except looking up numbers on there isn't quite as fast and I get captcha prompts every now and then. Fuck, I need to finish that script already.

>> No.20057957

I don't think anyone in here is gonna be bent out of shape if you get anything a little off in the non-english top 3, anon

>> No.20058117

I literally unfollow streamers if I notice "verified-accounts only" within the same minute of following. Numi is the only exception so far. There was also a 2D pixel-art vtuber rabbit girl(?) that was interesting but not enough in the end.

>> No.20058366

I think pikamee was streaming with a 1,550 CCV and that would knock chibidoki out the bottom spot, it just didn't show on TwitchTracker because for some reason Twitch Tracker's current numbers are nearly 2 hours old.

>> No.20058536

Yeah twitch tracker seems a little delayed right now in their data

>> No.20058680

Oh yeah, looks like StreamsCharts has her at 1,697. Still unsure on if she should go in the OPs, but if she does then I guess use these numbers:

Top 7 English:
1. https://twitch.tv/AdmiralBahroo (6,391)
2. https://twitch.tv/Shxtou (5,170)
3. https://twitch.tv/ShyLily (3,903)
4. https://twitch.tv/HarukaKaribu (2,955)
5. https://twitch.tv/Saruei (2,775)
6. https://twitch.tv/PikameeAmano (1,697)
7. https://twitch.tv/Baoo (1,542)

Top 3 Non-English:
1. https://twitch.tv/viichan6 (6,827) *Korean
2. https://twitch.tv/kendomurft (869) *Spanish
3. https://twitch.tv/ronaronakr (844) *Korean

Damn, viichan6 just keeps going up. She did just start streaming when I started doing numbers.

>> No.20058940

Eh we've included her before and /voms/ said they are less of a company and more of a doujin circle, so it's fine to include her

>> No.20059042

If otv members are getting in the op now then she definitely should

>> No.20059566

It's a tad early but new thread is up

