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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20014192 No.20014192 [Reply] [Original]

Why do NijiENs quickly quit their jobs even though they average 1-2k? There's several ppl bigger than them in NijiJP and many of them still keep their daytime jobs but ENs are set to quit them as fast as they can

>> No.20014213

She's not even going to stream more is the funny thing

>> No.20014257

Maybe she has another income stream or someone supporting her like her parents? Use your brain OP. Nobody can survive on 1k concurrent.

>> No.20014259

because working a job fucking sucks and the west is slightly less retarded when it comes to being a corporate slave (only slightly)

hope this helps

>> No.20014265
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>> No.20014263


>> No.20014299

you miss her point OP...

>> No.20014313

I meant having a backup source of income

>> No.20014343

Pomu was being consumed by the wagie ragies so I can't really blame her. When she asked her employer to go part time, she got the same amount of work but just less time to do it.

>> No.20014348

We are getting married and she needs more time to please me (her boyfriend future husband btw).

>> No.20014352

She needs to make time to see her boyfriend.

>> No.20014368

>she got the same amount of work but just less time to do it.
Isn't that how it usually works

>> No.20014378

who cares? most millenials are working dogshit dime a dozen jobs they quit/get let go from every 6 months anyway, the only compelling reason to have a job when you actually have another income stream you can survive on is if you're american and need health insurance which most jobs don't offer you anyway

>> No.20014387

To beg for more pity scs

>> No.20014390

Not in Germany, no.

>> No.20014432

>need health insurance which most jobs don't offer you anyway
I thought not having health care in amerikwa was only for NEETs

>> No.20014532

no you need a fairly decent job to actually get insurance, shit like call center/retail work won't have it. it's a hell pit

>> No.20014594
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>Nobody can survive on 1k concurrent.
are you both retarded? this guy is literal 2view(check his channel) and he's making more than a high end surgeon in a month and that doesn't include superchat and membership
if you're above 100 CCV you're already making it as streamer.

>> No.20014633

>making more than a high end surgeon in a month
Alright calm down

>> No.20014708

My heart sank for a split second

>> No.20014732

>he's making more than a high end surgeon in a month
What are you, Argentinian?

>> No.20014753

High end surgeons make millions. They make more than fucking pewdiepie anon

>> No.20014798

Fucking ENNA, who's not exactly a top earner, said something like "If you're a Nijisanji vtuber, you're gonna be successful anyway."
They clearly earn more than you guess.

>> No.20014818

>like her parents
Why do people immediately ignore the obvious and always go for the "parents" route?
He is not a 2view and he puts in more work than most indies which is why he actually makes money.

>> No.20014824

who's pewdiepie?

>> No.20014823
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>> No.20014837


>high end surgeon

My dad is a retired cop and with his pension and disability makes $18,000 a month

I think you don't realize how much surgeons make.

>> No.20014924
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.20014986

Nigger, your bitch-ass basic surgeon without a speciality makes more in a week


>> No.20014990

Here's the joke. You pretty much need to be a full time employee to get benefits like health care but everyone is allowed to just subtract one hour from a full time schedule and call you a part time worker. That gets you no benefits.

>> No.20015028

Pomudachis and Rosebutas have enough money for them to live off of. Besides the fact that working office jobs drains the social battery they need for streaming and that it cucks them out of participating in NijiWorld collabs which happen very late at night or very early in the morning for someone in NA

>> No.20015043

this is more like entry level engineer salary(i am one)
it's not bad but nowhere near surgeon

>> No.20015068

This only happens in shit jobs like retail. Get a job that isn't made for teenagers.

>> No.20015079

yeah and my dad is a janitor and he makes more money than Lamy

>> No.20015097

Because she lives with them and talks about hanging out with them all the time? You do watch the streams, right anon?

>> No.20015159

No that old information. They will do this for all manner of jobs. Even government jobs.

>> No.20015187


>> No.20015193

There are streamers with a few hundred CCV who make streaming their full time job. With a CCV over 1000, you are literally rolling in money. She can probably buy a house and a car with that.

>> No.20015203

in my country if you're not getting health insurance at a job you're basically considered unemployed

>> No.20015213

This is happening at a large scale and retards like yourself complain that "no one wants to work anymore" and think they've been brainwashed by r/antiwork.

>> No.20015216


>> No.20015255

She literally just graduated from school, and moved out of her parents house a few months ago.

>> No.20015267

No this only happens when you live in a Jewish nation(Hell, even actual state of Israel has less of this Hebrew behavior)

>> No.20015273

You don't understand, if you're not getting 10k ccv per stream MINIMUM, you're not sustainable at all. NijiEN are failures and Rosemi will be on the streets by the end of the month.

>> No.20015333

Bullshit. Someone with over 10,000 CCV per stream is literally a multi-millionaire. They're probably making multiple millions of dollars per year.

>> No.20015385

I'm pretty sure they can sustain themselves at 1000 CCV. Not rich or anything but they can get by.

>> No.20015388

>rosebuds are drooling retards

>> No.20015403


>> No.20015426


>> No.20015430

I will singlehandedly support her

>> No.20015460

Most of a VTuber's revenue streams are hidden data, so you can't really tell how much they really make based off the public data we do have (view count and donations). Plus it's generally accepted that donations are a minority percentage of their overall income.

>> No.20015467
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anon was being obviously sarcastic, you fucking autist

>> No.20015518

Debut: 07.2021
Graduation: 04.2022
9 months.

>> No.20015617

if rosemi is single and living alone ill chop off all 3 of my balls right now. no way a girl like her doesnt have someone in her life.

>> No.20015659

>They make more than fucking pewdiepie

>> No.20015767

This shit wasn't even posted an hour ago. Why is /vt/ a bunch of gossiping faggots.

>> No.20015811

take your meds

>> No.20015836

Nearly every 3D youtuber I watch dreams of being able to quit their job and do YT full time. From their POV it makes sense since it's less stressful than working too jobs and you're doing something you actually like which can help your motivation.

>> No.20015978

I think a fuckbuddy is more likely but could be a bf

>> No.20016051

you know rosemi streams without any sound filter or reduction right? she doesn't even mute when she gets up or goes afk, where the fuck would someone living with her go every day when she streams for 4 hours at different times during the day?

>> No.20016158

Enna is just putting herself down. She has low self esteem.

>> No.20016223
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>> No.20016244

Remember when humanity used to dream about crossing the ocean and exploring the stars? Now people just dream about being streamers.

Truly we live in a modern society.

>> No.20016266

>Nobody can survive on 1k concurrent
Probably can, Rosemi had maybe 1-2k members for around $7.5k and make about $10-15k a month in superchat on average. So if you assume you are making $17.5k before cuts each month give 30% to youtube leaves $12.25k split that half and half between company and streamer gives $6k a month before tax without counting ads or merch or sponsorships or voicepacks.

>> No.20016321

I've spent years working where I left in the morning and when I came home I went to bed.

>> No.20016371

She's already missing the closed door meetings with her boss.

>> No.20016375

We have crossed all oceans, and there's nothing relevant in space that we can ever reach. Turning inwards and making new worlds is all we have.

>> No.20016388

I know sarcasm in text can be hard, but come on.

>> No.20016518

Literally only 2 have quit, Pomu and Rosemi. Pomu has a fuckton of paypigs and Rosemi's family is rich to the point of buying her a house just for herself that she currently lives in. Rosemi was just working her STEM job to appease her helicopter mom, she doesn't need money.

>> No.20016519

How long does the average holo have to work before they can quit and still be wealthy the rest of their lives.
Given time in the industry * popularity, someone like Fubuki should be the wealthiest despite new comers like Rushia and Lammy making bank now

>> No.20016620

bruh whats the big deal they can just find another job again if their streaming career goes downhill
no one wants to be a slave to labour and is dying to escape as soon as they can

>> No.20016647

>Nobody can survive on 1k concurrent.
lmao even

>> No.20016662

>t. threadwatcher
Rosemi already mentioned she makes barely enough to cover her rent and is struggling to pay her student loans back

>> No.20016684

How come there are more old people working those jobs for teenagers instead of teenagers?

>> No.20016729

1-2k average is plenty to live off of, its literally top 1% of streamers.
90% of streamers have 0-9 viewers.

>> No.20016754

>the jews care about their own kind
shocking isn't it?

>> No.20016773

>student loans
Why are Americans stupid enough to go to school in America?

>> No.20016845


>> No.20016900

Numberfags deserve the rope.
Numbers != money, that hasn't been true on Youtube for a damn decade, especially recently.
Fuckloads of people dropped Youtube because of the ass raping. The only way to make money on that shit site is superchats or patreon / fanbox / other funnelling.
Rosemi will be fine, she is smart and has drive.

>> No.20017126

I do, hence why I know already her actual situation.
Because she's a glorified Intern, anon...livers won't tell you exact dollar amounts they make but they make enough to get by. Even the "2view" JP ones make enough to not need to work, they CHOOSE to because unlike America, they weren't raised to be lazy even if money falls into their lap.
Because it would cost significantly more to go to school outside of America as you KINDA need income to live even if the schooling is free.

>> No.20017278

most of these retards spend like crazy.

>> No.20017353

Fubuki is of course wealthy because she's one of the main investors and board members of cover, she has most of the profit the other girls earn.

>> No.20017455

If she has enough to buy an entire box of yugioh cards, she probably makes enough vtubing to quit.
Her parents didnt want her living alone anyway so she has a fallback if things go bad.

>> No.20017525

How awful and dismal but strangely comforting. Corruption, thou art my father.

>> No.20017565
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Based af

>> No.20017624

Darksydephil averages like 400 viewers and still makes 120K a year.

>> No.20017687

derich and onlyicedcoffee hard-carry out of all the paypigs anon..

>> No.20017756

>she's one of the main investors and board members of cover
Even if that were true (which it isn't) shares in Cover are not an especially liquid asset. It doesn't guarantee anyone who owns shares in Cover could "live off" them unless they are allowed to sell (private companies can do all sorts of B.S. in that arena), they can find a buyer, or Cover has some liquidity event.

Regardless, even without ownership in Cover, Fubuki should be pretty well off by now. Not "fuck you" money, but probably "never work again if you live humbly" money.

>> No.20017791


>> No.20017846

did she say that?

>> No.20017954

Acting like Vtubers aint got whales of their own lol. But Derich never donates, he gets other people to donate for him KEK.

>> No.20017976

>Even the "2view" JP ones make enough to not need to work, they CHOOSE to because unlike America, they weren't raised to be lazy even if money falls into their lap.
good lord how are people this fucking cucked

>> No.20018158

fucking how
just how, what does he do that make people donate to him?
I can understand girls with cute voices and avatar getting that money, but how does a man do it

>> No.20018341

they make more than you OP

>> No.20019580

that's on twitch, the payment for youtube is less since youtubefags are all 3rd worlders who don't like payingbfor shit. Twitch viewers are incentived to pay for subscriptions and give donations unlike youtubefags who just watch ads.

>> No.20019645

How the fuck is Phil Burnell still making money?

>> No.20019820
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>> No.20020002


>> No.20020662

he streams content and twitch puts ads on top of it. Twitch is harder for smaller streamers to be discovered because it doesnt have youtube algorithm but it pays more than youtube

>> No.20020997
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>Nobody can survive on 1k concurrent.
What numberrot does to a motherfucker.
>How long does the average holo have to work before they can quit and still be wealthy the rest of their lives.
Use this and check Playboard. This will give you a very lowball estimate sinc merch, voice packs, ticket sales etc all aren't included. SC usually makes up a very small amount of revenue (I think Coco put it at like 4th place) so you're somewhat save to take the values as-is.
Most of them should be able to leave within 2 and a half years if not >>20017278 for their spending habits.
Green Woman either genuinely likes streaming (though not being honest) or she had such HORRIFICALLY BAD spending habits few people here can even begin to imagine her lifestyle and she consequently *had* to keep doing it.
