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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 235 KB, 400x400, IRyS_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19962442 No.19962442 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine what would've been if we actually got a real EN Vsinger instead of this mediocre nepo

>> No.19962514

>Nipplesanji deflection thread trying to pull down IRyS because Enna could not make

>> No.19962543

The design is so bad holy shit

>> No.19962567

who's the benefactor?

>> No.19962606
File: 63 KB, 634x356, 1642936863163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee I wonder who is responsible for this post.

>> No.19962618

now imagine if we get real vtubers from NipplesanjiEN

>> No.19962637

Which one is it?

>> No.19962658

It’s for the best that Enna didn’t make it. Could you imagine her voice and personality with that model? It would’ve been a fucking bomb. IRyS really made the most of what she had, no other person could’ve done that. She really does deserve a new costume though.

>> No.19962719

I mean there is a reason why IRyS is one of the most beloved VTubers.

>> No.19962757

Vsingers as a brand don't work in a corpo model where variety is king, so why Cover pushed for another one after Suisei ditched that shit as fast as she could, Sora is in a weird limbo within the company and Azki is now just a Holo because they had to shut down the japanese music division I have no idea. They need to be streamers who also sing, which is what Irys does. Even she has all but admitted the Vsingers thing is bullshit but she is stuck with it.

>> No.19962773

Both Shannon and Nami are good girls and excellent singers that deserve successful vsinger careers.

The real culprit here is Redjuice. He will forever be a hack, and the IRyS design should have been scrapped entirely.

>> No.19962774
File: 2.22 MB, 1400x2046, c6c4925a0e9faafc1ac828deb5ab92e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS is literally the best in EN and she's gonna incline hard when she gets her 2.0

>> No.19962834

IRyS is the hardest working and most entertaining streamer in HoloEN, and it’s not even close.

>> No.19962845


>> No.19963721

Given the chance IRyS would drop the title without a second thought

>> No.19963950

IRyS is cute tho. Actually, you know what? Fuck you.

>> No.19964063

The more I watch IRyS the more I like her. I was skeptical at first but every time I tune in I have a blast

>> No.19964091

I like her current model, every day I like it more and more

>> No.19964124

That model is so ugly, which is why I watch kronii since I can’t jerk off to irys

>> No.19964223

Did she even apply?

>> No.19964982

Enna you will never be accepted in hololive please stop this already

>> No.19965059
File: 147 KB, 824x1467, 1645584882069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. homosexual

>> No.19965072

She is a better streamer and singer than anyone in Council, but she has the ugliest fucking model I've ever seen (besides trapezoid Gura that doesn't count).

>> No.19965073

Just another rrat among the mountain of rrats that circulate this place.

>> No.19966029


>> No.19966042

>nipplesanji living in your head rent free
o i am laffin

>> No.19966324

In what universe?

>> No.19966794

its just funny that the prettiest among holoen has the ugliest avatar

>> No.19966882

every nijien applied to hololive first.
Why do you think they seethe so much about hololive?

>> No.19967825

>b-but she sounds like a disney princess
There's a reason professional singers that actually make money off music don't sound like that and the theater kid session singers Disney hires on the cheap do

>> No.19968088

The rrat is AZki. But IRyS pretty attacted herself to Sora, Nene, and Watame in the JP branch.

>> No.19972012

This one

>> No.19972118

why do anons refuse to watch streams?

>> No.19972325

>Debuts alone
>Vsinger, not a vtuber
>Her model looks unfortunate, artist is a legend so no one dares to change it. Also since he's a legend he's always MIA
>No gen to collab and make bonds with
>Has to sing Omega's cringe lyrics at least once a month, no creative input on what to sing

And she still succeded, and loves streaming. She has like x10 debuffs and people still tune in and like her. "Mediocre" nepo my ass, she's literally the only vtuber that could have survived that.
Luv me nephilim.

>> No.19972488

must be delusional to think they didn't immediately hire her when she auditioned

>> No.19972519

the world would be worse off. irys is amazing.

spreading hate is bad, you should wean yourself off it.

>> No.19972572

>Be Omegay
>See 120M views on THAT video
>Cum instantly
>Throw money at her until she accetps and turn her into his personal project
On a second thought maybe she needed to be a little less successful before

>> No.19972794

hopefully when she gets new outfit they fix her butterface.

>> No.19973324

If you take anything posted on this site seriously you need to rethink your life choices.

>> No.19977259

Watch what they took from you.

>> No.19978428

>I didn’t get in, thus nepotism
>t. Seething 2view or Nipplesanji liver

>> No.19978975
File: 365 KB, 1200x1200, Youdummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19979175
File: 1.78 MB, 2301x2028, 1646892713617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esta pa ti Nijinigger

>> No.19980761

won't happen everyone is too retarded for that

>> No.19980983

>EN Vsinger
>sings mostly in Japanese
this is why she's shit

>> No.19981225

why would watamates do this?

>> No.19981276

It's really a shame about her model because Irys seems like one of the most entertaining EN Vtubers. I'm shallow as fuck and can only watch Vtubers whose models I think are good/cute and that's really the only thing filtering me from watching Irys regularly. So much of the Vtuber experience is looking at fanart too and even the best artists can only do so much for her design.

>> No.19985532

not what words mean

>> No.19985611

>her 2.0
they wont change her face

>> No.19989425

she's gonna be more white
