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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19939975 No.19939975 [Reply] [Original]

Enna > Anyone in Holo when it comes to singing.
I say this as a fan of both Holo and Niji and infact like Suisei quite a lot

>> No.19940001

who the fuck is that bitch

>> No.19940029

Enna and Suisei.

>> No.19940084

I actually agree as fans of both

>> No.19940089

I like them both (and am membered to them both). You know you can just enjoy multiple things and not need to compare them, right?

>> No.19940115

I think you mean Reimu. Everyone calls her the CD goddess https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fm4y1U7Vq

>> No.19940123

Reality says otherwise lol. Suisei is the vtuber with best-selling single and album while Enna is a literally who.

>> No.19940163

You need a better pair of ears.
She got the vocals but too breathy and lacks control. Your link doesn't even defend your point.

>> No.19940177


kekkling even

>> No.19940179

Because she is underrated. She is much better than Suisei, Towa and IRyS at every department

>> No.19940202

Enna's vocal control is not quite suisei level, yet.
2 years later things could be different but atm:

>> No.19940240

>You need a better pair of ears.
This is why i hate suisei and IRyS fans.
They are so obnoxious and wont be open to agree that someone else can be better than their oshi's

>> No.19940287

She has a good voice but you picked a terrible example, that song in not her best
Also next time link her channel for the lazy cunts in your shitty bait baitchama

>> No.19940299

>wah wahhhh why dont you agree with me
>i hate youu for speaking the truth
Kek the absolute state of nippleniggers

>> No.19940324

Take the Moona pill and stfu

>> No.19940354

You 'le popular=bad' crowds would say Suisei is better than Enna if Suisei has less subs. Anyway, there's reasons why Suisei is the most popular and it is related with how good she is at singing.

>> No.19940363

I appreciate your opinion, but true fan should not compare.
Allow you to gerarahere.

>> No.19940372

now i get his point, you are truly annoying

>> No.19940376

IRyS is just an above avg singer and even Elira is better than her at singing.
Suisei only has 1 type of voice while singing

>> No.19940377

Eh.. Both pretty standard compared to dedicated vsingers i think. But control wise, suisei still better since she's been doing her reps the past 2 years. Also, this enna girl kinda lack color/uniqueness on her voice. Something that'd make you stand out more in the sea of thousands of other singers.

>> No.19940411

Actual retard

>> No.19940414

that sounds like pure projection..

>> No.19940427

Very interesting song choice

Also buddy this is 4chan prone and tower of most toxic comments, not reddit

>> No.19940429
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>> No.19940450

How good you sing doesn't matter if you have no content.

>> No.19940481

Suisei's content is literally shit

>> No.19940482

flip shitskin

>> No.19940484

>Suisei only has 1 type of voice while singing
And? She is the best at that type, proven by her success. Better become a master of one than none

>> No.19940486

Suisei is bland asf lmao her high notes lack personality and is generic enough to be confused with your average jpop singer

>> No.19940540

Doubling down with subscriber numbers when called a numberfag. This is how you spot the real ones. Much respect. All you other posers and fakers can learn a lot from this guy.

>> No.19940543

Chima doesn't know how to put emotions into her singing. As an artist she's horrible.

>> No.19940548

28 replies in 15 minutes on a thread made 500 times already. Totally not a raid

>> No.19940612

What other threads were specifically this?

>> No.19940680

Shut up, nigger. Go back to Discord

>> No.19940689

Risu >>>> Enna

>> No.19940752

Kek, I’ll take you with me you slut

>> No.19940774

I'm gonna say this, risu is overrated

>> No.19940882
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I humbly submit, Amiya


>> No.19940892

I actually don't like risus king cover

>> No.19940918

Nigger who hasn't heard any recent Chima covers or utawakus

>> No.19940948

Oh boy, it's itoddlerschizo again. Someone just compile every thread they make to make him stop already.

>> No.19940950

Not the place to shill your indies. This is s Discords raid

>> No.19941091

>its an X is better than Y thread
why can't fags just say they like something without comparing? like holy fuck

>> No.19941136

Cmon now anon, numbers mean nothing when it comes to music. We all know shitty artists that are insanely popular, not saying Suisei is shitty at all but numbers =/= quality.
Now, Enna is a better singer than Suisei but Suisei has put in so much work I'd say Suisei is the better artist. Enna does some cool acapella and from scratch projects but I wish she would do more proper covers. Nobody can touch Suisei's track record.
Suisei has years on her but I think Enna will catch up if she grinds.

>> No.19941140

Link actual Enna songs and stop giving views to clipniggers you faggot.

>> No.19941160

Because this is a raid from Discord

>> No.19941198

Enna is a meme

>> No.19941231

>Enna > Anyone in Holo when it comes to singing.
I think
Suisei, Towa, Izuru, IRyS, Risu, Moona, Kanata are better than her at singing

>> No.19941314

You faggot, these are not the live sessions, that way Millie mogs everyone

>> No.19941335

Speaking of great Niji and Holo singers. Have you heard the OP of Spare Me Great Lord sung by the amazing singer, Aza?

>> No.19941361

Keep pushing it, discordniggers. You are talking to yourselves

>> No.19941461

What about Bae? her kokia cover

>> No.19941487

Not anymore numbernigger, Kuzuha's new EP BTFO'd Suisei into oblivion. 40k copies sold on presale period alone when Suisei's combined was 28k

>> No.19941489

People think suisei is good because she was thrown in a sea of amateurs
She's a piranha who's swimming around with small fishes but eventually a river dolphin will appear whether she likes it or not.

>> No.19941542

I don't think she's great at all. I think people call her great because she's in the Singers branch, so she obviously must be a good singer right? But she's actually not, that's the brutal reality. Gura for example has far better vocal control than Suisei.

>> No.19941545

Pales in comparison to Enna's PL Kokia cover

>> No.19941583

The list should be
Chima>=Suisei>Towa>Izuru>IRyS>Risu>Kanata>Moona>Gura=Enna(Gura has probably the most gifted voice but she does not sing out of her comfort zone)

>> No.19941590

So I checked her out. She's good but a little too one dimensional. High notes are clearly her weakness.

>> No.19941639

what the fuck is this.
risu mogs all of them, this is the real truth.

>> No.19941640

Then just link the stream with timestamps. The Taisho a rendition was better anyways, even the actual composer of the song kneeled and supa'd her for it.

>> No.19941644

oh wow, the only thing holding her back is her microphone
I had no idea enna did kokia covers too

>> No.19941684

>sees replies
>sees IP
Definitely not the same person

>> No.19941734

Yeah I notice this too.

She has spoken about this. She said that she never learned to talk through her diaphragm. So the way she talks is totally different, without the diaphragm involved. She learned how to "activate" her diaphragm when she sings. But because of this, her diaphragm is fairly weak, because she doesn't use it often. It means she wears out quickly after singing, she needs long breaks between singing, and singing is actually very uncomfortable and even painful for her. The problem I noticed is during the high notes, she is forcing her diaphragm, so she gets too loud. She has trouble controlling her volume.

>> No.19941740

>Suisei's combined was 28k
even IRyS sold around 100K copies for the new album and Suisei's album was literally #1 all around the world that month

>> No.19941760

Don't you have anything better to do with your life than fighting about dumb shit? Clearly no one gave a fuck, but discordniggers kept replying and idiots bit.

>> No.19941770

I like both.

>> No.19941799

>buying music from a mediocre singer because muh brand name
>singer not even high enough quality for a garage band
You are like a lemming.

>> No.19941802

The combined total on Oricon was only 28k

>> No.19941829

>Make fun of Pekora for being a numberfag
You hypocritical Holofags can never keep your story straight.

>> No.19941848

>singer not even high enough quality for a garage band
Have you even heard IRyS sing in the Karoke?

>> No.19941893

Because hololive live rent free on nijiniggers' head

>> No.19941896

I've said it before and will say it again as much as I need to: the best hololive singer wouldn't even get into top50 niji singer list.

>> No.19941898

Like clockwork

>> No.19941903

My opinion is that Suisei sure knows how to sing, but I think shes not the best but maybe one of the best examples of holoSingers.
For me, I can't actually stand her high notes she sounds like shes yelling and it can be grating.
Her Cry Baby cover of is the only ones I can listen to repeat because her low register is nicer on the ears.

>> No.19941928
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 0BEEBF73-829E-4AEB-82AF-64A785E0A785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've said it before and will say it again as much as I need to: the best hololive singer wouldn't even get into top50 niji singer list.
Sure Anon..

>> No.19941964

>36 ips
>73 posts
Why are nijiniggers so insecure?

>> No.19941969

Of course they won't. Why would they stoop so low?

>> No.19941979

This is a raid

>> No.19941993

Midget syndrome desu purisu andastando

>> No.19941998

>people can't reply to each other
>each post must have a unique IP
Why don't you take a logic class anon

>> No.19942016

Dude you're probably an EN newfag. You can't even name 50 chuubas dumb nigger.

>> No.19942019

My girlfriend went out to work. I had an idea to make evening meal so I did it. When I finished it I put it on the table and then she came home from the work. We sat down and then I asked her "Is Suisei finished?" She said yes. That's when I knew she the was woman of my life.

>> No.19942022

Shut up, nigger. This is a raid and people are faking discussions

>> No.19942033

Go listen to some real vsingers you negros

>> No.19942038

Nice seethe, can I get some more?

>> No.19942040

Anon. The person can't really say anything nice about Enna without using Hololive as a step. You can legitimately praise someone without being bitter that another person is more successful. These people don't understand that you can actually listen and support multiple artists at the same time. If Enna is underrated, then she should do alot more to get herself a bigger audience. Shitting on other people doesn't really solve that problem

>> No.19942079

Here goes holokek with his projecting. As expected.

>> No.19942084

Im not clicking that you chink

>> No.19942093

Good job falling for discordniggers' raid, retard

>> No.19942106

If you are counting VR and VR Stars maybe, otherwise if it's just mainline Niji branches I can see Azki, Towa, and Moona breaking into a top 25. Suisei sucks though, she'd 100% not make a top 50 even just in JP/KR/ID/EN.

>> No.19942108

I have, have you? What do you think they teach in a logic class lol?

>> No.19942110
File: 62 KB, 800x450, 4340D536-7C98-4E34-9EB7-7F36DB13F290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic coming from Holofags

>> No.19942114

Kill yourself monkey nobody cares

>> No.19942129

Are you angry that someone is talking about something other than hololive for once? Give it a rest. It's 100% true that Suisei is a terrible singer. There are many vtubers who are much superior singers. And above the vtubers there's an entire class of rock singers, classical singers, and opera singers who are the highest possible level of skill. This is like measuring an amateur against the olympic athletes. I can't believe people buy this music.

>> No.19942170
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, Saki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never share your chuuba in a bait thread

>> No.19942176

im still waiting for that compilation of this itoddlerschizo's posts about shitting on holo singers (specifically IRyS) and samefagging shit with his nijifrens. it's the perfect btfo i tell ya.

>> No.19942179

Nta, but you are such a newfag, because it's quite obvious that anon was falseflagging. Most likely he never even heard any of Enna's singing.

>> No.19942182 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19942194

both are good. they sound literally almost the same, you guys are just retards
>e-enna is better because...she just is!
>b-but suisei! big numbers good!

>> No.19942219

If you can say anything worthwhile that actually negates to what I said then be my guest. You can be supporting Enna right now by buying Twitter Ads and YT ads to give her more exposure. You can give her more engagement rather than wasting your time here. As if the 70IPs here will make a difference

>> No.19942220

Anon, i mean this in the sweetest way possible.
Kindly fuck off.
Azki is incredible at the studio but her karoke sessions are not that strong.
Moona literally looks upto Suisei when it comes to singing.
Towa is arguable as she probably in top 3 Holo singers

>> No.19942234

Yes, I implied that I compared full agencies - with all branches. Just forgot to mention that.

>> No.19942269

It's literally three niggers replying on cooldown

>> No.19942280

100% agree, she isn’t terrible by any stretch of the imagination but she’s so generic and the yelling is so grating to the ears that I think she still has a while too improve otherwise she will never grow if she never gets these criticisms

>> No.19942308

>this is the best nijisanji has to offer.
Man, no wonder hololive is more successful.

>> No.19942316

Nah. I have heard both Irys and Enna. I enjoy both. I support both. What is so hard to understand? I'm just pointing out that you are not doing anything productive by trying to lift Enna this way. Also, calling someone a newfag is such a newfag tactic. Try something better

>> No.19942321

Nta, but Suisei's singing is absolutely overrated, even by Hololive standards.

>> No.19942322

Enna is a sweetheart and very humble and hard working. I hope no one takes this shitty bait thread as representation of her or her fans.
This dumb fucking schizo has been shitposting using Enna for a while. If you're reading this kill yourself.

>> No.19942361
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Since when /vt/tards become music expert

>> No.19942364

Suisei inspired Enna to sing.

>> No.19942371

She's not gonna get any of these criticisms from shitposters on 4chan anyway.

>> No.19942379


>> No.19942409

IRyS is just avg when you put her against the nig 4 of Niji En(Ike, Enma, Elira and Millie
She has no power in her voice. This is why she struggles at high tones.
Also someone like IRyS would die for a voice like Enna.
Even Iron Mouse and Nyanners are better than her at singing.

>> No.19942416

This isn't true at all.

Enna has more powerful vocals but IRyS sounds a lot cleaner and effortlessly changes pitches while you can hear Enna struggle a bit when she goes higher. There is no break in IRyS' voice when she goes for those high notes, she is like a singing machine. I'll use God Knows as the comparison because its something they have all sung. You can notice Enna's voice breaking a little bit when she goes for those high notes.


In fact, in a lot of ways I would rank Enna as kind of a Risu Lite. She is a bit cleaner than Risu but doesn't bring near the power. When you factor in the ESL accent you can really see the Risu Lite comparison. Here is a good example of Gira Gira, that they both sung. Risu's is just much more impactful. Also keep in mind that Risu's version was an acapella with no backing track (it was added in the video) so it isn't the best comparison, but Risu's power makes me swoon.


Not trying ot hate as I think Enna is great and I would rank her 2nd among EN singers personally. I just have a very high opinion of IRyS since her clean and effortless vocals are something you only hear out of legit professionals and the fact that she said she has had no formal voice training just makes her even more insane.

1. IRyS
2. Enna
3. Gura
4. Baelz
5. Elira

>> No.19942471

IRyS still shit in my books as she sucks at high tones

>> No.19942503

Why are Nippleniggers like this?

>> No.19942506

Ok that makes sense, but it's kind of unfair. VR Stars is literally established pro singers like Yousha, so I don't think you should compare them with normal vtubers.

Sorry but Suisei can't transition between notes to save her life, and anytime she performs next to Toko or Azki in a concert the gap between their power, clarity, and emotionality is so vast it's embarrassing to see them sharing a stage.

>> No.19942508

I beg your pardon?

>> No.19942510

You're ESL you probably listen to oriental jungle music. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.19942531

Holy fuck I've never heard Risu sing that before. Enna got absolutely blown the fuck out right there. I kneel treerat.

>> No.19942536

Even if that was truth, that has nothing to do with Suisei being absolutely overrated in terms of singing.

>> No.19942553

>You're ESL you probably listen to oriental jungle music. You have no idea what you're talking about.
I mean what more does he have to provide.
It shows that Enna has a better voice but IRyS is a better singer.
The end

>> No.19942558

The reason chima & enna loss to suisei is they corpo. Because female will only be accesories in nijisanji

>> No.19942585

IRyS karaoke streams sound like legit studio records with how clean she is. It blows me away every single time. She is something special.

>> No.19942588

Enna has been grinding as an utaite since before Suisei was even an indie you absolute faggot, she's been on youtube for 10 years and has gone from a shitty generic voice like Irys to her now powerful and evocative chest voice.

>> No.19942631

>shitty generic voice like Irys
why are nijifags like this?
you can say she is good without bring the other one down

>> No.19942636

She still has a disgusting accent and she can't hit high notes without her voice breaking. She is Risu Lite since Risu has no problems with the high notes.

>> No.19942642

>her singing voice is good
>her talking voice is repulsive
How does she do it?

>> No.19942656

God I love risu, why is she so lazy when it comes to singing? She would unironically stomp the competition if she cared enough.

>> No.19942658

Always has been

>> No.19942696

rent free

>> No.19942697

pity she hates her fans and has a shit personality

>> No.19942719

And here, anons, a clear display of someone who doesn't know shit about music and singing.
Or maybe you just deaf and judge their singing just by visual aspects when looking at their singing models? That would explain your post.

>> No.19942773

Good post! Nice counter examples! I'm going to take your post seriously. Fuck off Nijinigger.

>> No.19942805

>comparing internet singers
What's next? Who has the best soundcloud album?

>> No.19942811

>criticize the poster but don't provide any refute
Classic move but doesn't really add anything substantial

>> No.19942818

Kek, Risu's voice range was proven to be pathetic, don't make me laugh.

>> No.19942868

Anon what more do you want ?
This guy literally showed that Enna has a better voice but a better voice does not make you a better singer.
IRyS was nearly flawless as supposed to Enna who had a lot of flaws.
IRyS had better rhythm, better control, was able to switch her voice between high notes and low notes effortlessly as supposed to Enna.
What more do you want?

>> No.19942902

There is no need for counter-arguments when you proved nothing. In all your examples, Enna mogs both Risu and Irys, and everything you wrote is a complete nonsense. Your own examples show that you are wrong.

Also a minute between your posts, kek. A way to look even more pathetic.

>> No.19942937

>There is no need for counter-arguments when you proved nothing. In all your examples, Enna mogs both Risu and Irys, and everything you wrote is a complete nonsense. Your own examples show that you are wrong.
>Also a minute between your posts, kek. A way to look even more pathetic.
Yet fails to explain how she mogs them

>> No.19942972

give her a break she's not right in the head, having social anxiety and all that shit

>> No.19942977

He won't. He is just a pathetic tribal Nijinigger who can't accept that maybe somebody from his chosen tribe isn't quite the best in her field.

>> No.19942979

Most likely another samefagging post, but anon didn't show shit. In both examples, Enna mogs the competition.
>rhythm, better control, was able to switch her voice between high notes and low notes effortlessly
Just admit that you don't know what anything of these means.

>> No.19942994

I'm not the dude that posted the mucho texto but your post again doesn't really add anything to the table other than "muh singer is better than your singer"

>> No.19943083

>Most likely another samefagging post, but anon didn't show shit. In both examples, Enna mogs the competition.
Lmao, do you not have anything else here?
And no unlike you i am not samefagging.
>Just admit that you don't know what anything of these means.
Anon, please get your head checked. IRyS was clearly able to switch the tones like it was nothing as supposed to Enna.
I am not even an IRyS fan boy, she is not even my oshi, but its pathetic how you nijiniggers keep bringing her down

>> No.19943084

the wall of text guy pretended risu had a single good recording that wasn't just king. it's so sad because that was the first time I heard her so I checked out some of her other singing and it's literally all shit.

>> No.19943086

You are making a fool out of yourself with every post. Just stop.

>> No.19943094

Guys guys you’re both wrong because ironlung sings better then both company's

>> No.19943111

Nta, but in both videos IRyS and Risu fail to even hit the right notes constantly, yet you dare to squeal about pitch-control and voice power. Just listen to the originals before judging the performance, retard.

>> No.19943123

>but its pathetic how you nijiniggers keep bringing her down
You have to keep in mind that a large portion of Nijisanji's fanbase are trannies. IRyS said she liked traps once and apparently that is a transphobic term. Its personal for them.

>> No.19943148

Another post within 1 minute. Hahahaha, pathetic holokek can't stop samefagging.

>> No.19943192

Is this guy serious?
Are you guys sure he is not just falseflagging?
So what he is trying to say is more the errors in the song, the better it is. Nice logic my man

>> No.19943200

Sometimes it's not about who sings well but more on who entertain well. Ame sucks when it comes to singing but I always enjoy her karaoke streams.

>> No.19943217

Why would you post one of worse performances? Have you listened to it at all? Is this bait?

>> No.19943225

Yet another samefagging faggot post.
Ok I guess here is a single retarded holokek who doesn't know shit about music and just shitposting about some untalented holowhores. There is no point talking with faggots like you.

>> No.19943233

Reeks of SEA around here

>> No.19943257

Pretty much all english speaking Nijisanji fans are from SEA regions. Now you know why Nijiniggers are so obnoxious.

>> No.19943264

>better at singing
>but zero soul
many such cases

>> No.19943266

I can tell there's 2 enna posters here. One constantly trying to point that people are samefagging and the other just trying to nitpick an analysis without providing any substantial proof for comparison. They are probably the same person now that I think about it

>> No.19943270
File: 408 KB, 2636x1400, 16618368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go and suck a dick nijinigger

>> No.19943276

Most of the threads do. Indo and Filipino to be exact.

>> No.19943279

Your reading comprehension reps.
It's mind boggling how you dare to argue about singing when you can't even read properly.

>> No.19943316

Nice Microsoft Paint skills, faggot.

>> No.19943329

Ultimately, what qualifies as good music is purely subjective, and numbers are the best way of seeing how many people think of a song or singer as good. Every other factor people like to bring up like hitting notes, vocal ranges etc is only relevant because it makes more people like the music, they're not important in themselves.

>> No.19943344

>Nig 4 of niji
I see what you did anon kek

>> No.19943353

>both company’s best signers getouclassd by a gir bedridden

>> No.19943363
File: 427 KB, 2762x1532, Niji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really Nijifags?
You just can stop loosing yet again

>> No.19943389

So Baby Shark is the best song in the world?

>> No.19943436
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Now this is a good bait thread.

>> No.19943461

It's target audience is children. Ask a kid if they liked it, ask 1000. If 90% said that they did then it probably is as far as they are concerned

>> No.19943465

Faggot, you already showed your Microsoft Paint abilities in your previous post. I wish you were as good at music terms as you are at removing (You)'s.

>> No.19943487
File: 39 KB, 546x204, nijikeks seething once again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae was right.

>> No.19943506

Why are Nijiniggers constantly trying to bring down Suisei and IRyS? Its always those two? Jealousy?

>> No.19943512
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>> No.19943533

>nasal singing

bitch towa beats anyone in nippleEN and hololive itself, nipplenegro watch more streams.

>> No.19943566

Because bringing down the best Vtubers from Hololive will give them the edge. Atleast that's what they think

>> No.19943568

If Enna is so good, then why don't you show your merch and SC history?
Oh wait, you don't have money, and she isn't good enough for whatever sum you have.

>> No.19943571

4 years vs less than a year, cmon now

>> No.19943576

Hahahahaha, same SEA timezones, samefag. Looks like we got an actual holoclown here!

>> No.19943580

Good thing risu is better than both of them

>> No.19943617

holy samefagging OP, have you got no shame?

>> No.19943629

anon, i was trying to prove his point wrong in both the cases, stop acting like an actual retard rn.
And I am not even from SEA

>> No.19943631

Nah, Risu can't sing for shit. Only seanigs believe that she is good.

>> No.19943663

You were trying to prove him that you are not samefagging by samefagging? ???

>> No.19943666
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By that logic pic related must've been the best vsinger ever for getting 98k ccv for an archived karaoke

>> No.19943668

suisei high numbers made them seethe whilke irys low number somehow made them seethe too

>> No.19943689


>> No.19943732

>You were trying to prove him that you are not samefagging by samefagging? ???
No, to prove that he was wrong not once but twice. His only defence was that two other people and I were samefagging and for that, I showed him the screenshot that his only argument that he has been using is also a nothing burger

>> No.19943829

Well i don't think numbers are a right metric to judge here because some amazing Holo songs like Palette have less than 5 million views.
But Suisei is definitely miles, miles ahead of Enna

>> No.19943841

I see, you are a newfag. Screenshots can't prove shit when it comes to samefagging. You can easily remove text from the page DOM or by using some photo editing software. In fact, posting screenshots makes you more suspicious of samefagging.

>> No.19943894

Thanks every anons for the quick laugh, the thread is unbearable now

>> No.19943918

why will anyone put that much time and effort for that?

>> No.19943972

I don't know how she'd fare in the grand scheme of things but she's better than everyone in gen 1 to 5 except maybe Towa and Watame.

>> No.19943998

>put that much time and effort
Literally less than a minute if you are editing it with "Inspect element". Samafagger could easily edit out all the (You)'s while he is waiting for timeout to end.

>> No.19944009

Will also add Kanata there

>> No.19944044

And she can't even get close to 20k anymore for karaokes these days kek. Probably the worst case of pumping and dumping in the history of hololive.

>> No.19944087

Nah. She has regressed a considerable amount compared to her early days.

>> No.19944096

Comparing 'best' is a bit hard. But as a fan of both, and someone who likes Hololive a lot more, I think Enna definitely has the most POWERFUL voice. All the other factors are maybe debatable, but her voice sounds a lot more attention-grabbing and strong than any of the Holos.

>> No.19944110

Cope, she has only gotten better

>> No.19944174

>worst case of pumping and dumping in the history of hololive
You've seen nothing yet. Wait till HolostarsEN debut.

>> No.19944938
File: 37 KB, 739x415, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care if ill answer this for a millionth time and continue the loop. I've heard them all from rappers to divas to opera singers.

I'll forever die on the hill that Moona is better than them all.


>> No.19945087

Suisei is more comparable to Chima, not Enna, I listen to all of them live

>> No.19945182

Based taste and the only correct take

>> No.19945216

Love Suisei
Love Enna
Love Chima
Love Toko
Love Towa
Love Rain Drops
Love Kamitsubaki
Love RIOT Music

>> No.19945346

Why is Gura so underrated here?
Being able to make every song a version of her is an outstanding ability.
Gura is a tier above every singers I’ve seen in the chuuba circle (not a bait)

>> No.19945414
File: 585 KB, 570x570, HACHI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ignore corporation tribe wars, listen to the QUEEN BEE.

>> No.19945449

Holy cope

>> No.19945540

Add this to the compilation if someone is will to make one incase if they pulled this shit again.

>> No.19945811 [DELETED] 

Who's that on the left?

>> No.19945882

Hoshimachi Suisei
It's Hoshimachi Suisei

>> No.19946026

I'm not an Enna fan but that Gira Gira cover by Risu was a bad comparison. Her pitch was all over the place and Enna's was clearly the better version.
I don't get it. Are people just memeing when they say it's good?

>> No.19946076
File: 202 KB, 600x600, Your Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best singer comparison
>neglected to include the top competitor
no wonder this thread is so bad, it was doomed from the start

>> No.19946095

It's a schizo , i've seen the same bait and the same wall of text with the same videos copy pasted.
Pretty sure OP and the wall of text dude is the same person.

>> No.19946514
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>> No.19946802
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>> No.19946861
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Don't matter

>> No.19947146 [DELETED] 

Every knows her retard I'm talking about the LEFT one
I don't know if she's a niji or indie or from another corpo

>> No.19947252

sounds fucking awful. kill yourself. in fact anyone watching any english vtubers kill yourselves lol

>> No.19947255

still not as good as gura desu

>> No.19947395

For me, it's Anya Melfissa.

>> No.19947416
File: 396 KB, 592x560, sad enna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the one next to Suisei ?

>> No.19947486

If you don't know Tachibana is one of the bigger producers in the EN Vsinger scene, he's worked a lot with Futakuchi Mana and Miori Celesta, and recently kickstarted Zephyrianna and Ada M's vsinger journey's.

>> No.19947544

/thread, anything after this is just holocope as usual

>> No.19947588

Nipple Deflection Thread

>> No.19947603
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>> No.19947646

>he's worked a lot with literal who, literal who, and some other irrelevant literal whos

>> No.19947788

Better voice but not an entertaining streamer. She should've been a singer or an utaite. Of course, nijikeks can't accept this, so they try to shit on the popular holo singers.

>> No.19947808
File: 172 KB, 480x480, 1646895117018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you Millie but you have an asmr stream to prepare for

>> No.19948378

Just repeating 'literal who' isn't an argument and doesn't change the fact he's a well known producer in the scene who's worked with plenty of vsingers.

Even I can admit most vsingers and indies btfo most of nijisanji and hololive at singing

>> No.19948383
File: 82 KB, 720x720, 1645924537483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread gave me schizophrenia

>> No.19948425

>He lacks the critical information

>> No.19948647

kek, the the same aloucreep has been trying to make this thread for about a month and you retards finally decided to bite.

>> No.19948895

being well known in your own tiny inner circle is not well known at all

>> No.19948992

Is he even an aloucreep?
Anyone that watches her knows she would hate this shit. She's a deadbeat , so definitely wouldn't side with a tribalfag

>> No.19949034

Enna, would be so embarrassed right now.
"Fans" talking shit about other singer just to praise her.

>> No.19949906

I thought a prerequisite to being in NijiEN was to be a tribalfag

>> No.19950132

You wouldn't say that if you'd watched any Enna or Millie streams.
Also , sticking to one company is retarded , just watch whoever you like.

>> No.19950483


>> No.19951531

Get back to me when they make all these other chuubas just settle for being backup dancers

Also bonus Kotone-sama

>> No.19951708

Get Kotone out of here, she's nothing but a washed up Apex Twitch streamer!

>> No.19951770

This Kino as fuck karaoke stream says otherwise!

>> No.19951806


>> No.19953148

>An actual Literal Who
>A clear Nipplesanji bias
Yeah, we can disregard his opinion

>> No.19953201

this dude is a nippleniger

>> No.19953616

Fucking LOL. The person without ears telling people to get better ears. You either are retarded or do not have any music background especially in regards to singing.

>> No.19953739

there are no fans of them here. Only SEAniggers doing their tribal fighting

>> No.19953778

Suisei's live singing in her karaoke is absolute garbage. I can't bear listening to it because she doesn't control her dynamics when she belts. Sounds like someone screaming at me the whole time with no emotion. Only her covers after some mixing does it show off her singing.

>> No.19953847

>Suisei's live singing in her karaoke is absolute garbage

>> No.19953849

Enna's voice is amazing and it really fits slow and voicy styles like jazz and enka. But her pop and rock styles has definitely room to improve. IRyS is amazing and I think she's also improving (she hadn't taken lessons before, and is a self made singer). Suisei is really strong in both technique and control, but I personally don't like the style of songs she tends to make. In my opinion the best king cover was made by Risu. And the best cover of Flos was by the white cat girl (shirayuki mashiro I think? )

>> No.19954264

Wtf. Enna is clearly better than Irys. Both of them have decently clear tone to their singing voice. Only difference is Irys gets a bit nasally (ironic because Enna sounds extremely nasally when she talks but not when she sings) when she articulates her notes which is not my cup of tea. And Irys's vibrato is unbearable. She needs to work on it since it sounds like a fucking goat.

Enna is also clearly better than Risu. Risu is out of tune when she sings the lower notes. Risu literally doesn't do vibrato during that song at her. Either she hasn't practiced much or the song is out of her comfort range.

I'm guessing you don't have any music background and made this very stupid post.

>> No.19954285

Whenever someone wants to elevate their oshi's singing skill, they always fall back on comparing her with Suisei, regardless if it's substantiated or not. But their oshi will never be the new gold standard for a vtuber singer.

>> No.19954338

Beautiful voice Enna, sorry but I can't watch you live due to my personal life

>> No.19954398

>they always fall back on comparing her with Suisei
Because they know that at the very least faggots false flagging as Hoshiyomi will bite on this shit.

>> No.19954505

I don't hear those differences. If you could hear those, then you should hear just how nasally Irys sounds when she articulates words and her disgusting goat vibrato.

>> No.19954670

I like Polka because she makes every song her own, even if I feel like her quality can fluctuate all over the place. Proud Idol is my favourite cover.

>> No.19954716

You really let the mask slip with that last bit about IRyS. Nice try Nijinigger.

I almost missed it since I was cringing from Enna's voice breaking so much when she tries to go high.

>> No.19954839

Holofans are clearly being very bias. Plenty Nijis can sing much better than all of Holo. I'd considered Zuya Naxi, Roi, Aza, Shaun, Azusa, Hanser, Nox, Yomiya and Yousa to be much better than Holo and among the best Niji singers.

>> No.19954892

Well, I think it's because their success is not reflective of the quality of singing they provide. Which in a general way, is correct. You can look at all the popular mainstream music. You could say it is jealousy. Because there are people that had to work a lot just to get noticed compared to some that do not.

>> No.19954942

>Because there are people that had to work a lot just to get noticed compared to some that do not.
Ask me how I know you don't know a single fucking thing about Suisei.

>> No.19954946

Not op. But, my first donation and aka supa was actually to Enna for her Higurashi concert. She's still relatively new so her merch is still being delivered from Japan.

>> No.19955015
File: 580 KB, 2896x4096, 1349232535511814147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pssh... nothin personnel, kid.
*mogs both holo and niji*

>> No.19955058

>inner circle
Just admit you don't actually know anything outside of hololive.

>> No.19955089


>> No.19955136

Suisei is probably one of the hardest working holos.

>> No.19955268

No that's Hololive. They don't like it when their content gets out for being low quality.

>> No.19955296

Yeah probably for Hololive. But have you considered how hard other vtubers work as well.

>> No.19955298

What does that have to do with tribalfagging, retard?

>> No.19955323

who is the left one? SEA nigger or Chink bug?0xg4h

>> No.19955347

>But have you considered how hard other vtubers work as well.
She literally designed and rigged her own L2D because no one wanted to give her a shot, she grinded just as hard if not harder than anyone who hasn't reached the popularity she is at now. Anyone who is even going to try and suggest she hasn't worked her ass off for her success has absolutely no idea who she is or what she has been through.

>> No.19955415

SEA nigger

>> No.19956207

Oh I'm well aware. I learned about Suisei's story when I was interested in her. Not to discredit Suisei, but you are exaggerating how much work is needed for Live2D. You do know that Live2D makes it easy for people to rig themselves if you put some time into it. That's why many people used Live2D compared to other software.

I was going to say that I believe Enna has put in more work towards her singing career than Suisei has. That was the point was going towards. Enna has been an utaite for over a decade and learned to mix so that she can do her own songs. This is something you're probably never going to never agree on. But, you can tell by Enna's live karaoke compared to Suisei's that Enna has honed her voice more and has more emotion in it.

In the beginning when I was following only Hololive, I gave Suisei a genuine try because I wanted a vtuber who focused on singing and was decent at it. But her live singing was just jarring. She belts too much and she doesn't have a lot of control of her dynamics when she belts. So it just sounds like she's screaming a melody. There's no emotion to it. She's singing just to sing and not to convey the feelings and emotions of the song or at least put her own interpretation into the song. Mind you this is her live singing. In her covers, that jarring quality in her voice isn't there so its better. But it doesn't stand out compared to other singers. She sings the song well but you'll have to do more than that to stand out.

Here's an example of someone who puts their own interpretation into the song to improve it and sings it well compared to Suisei's.
Obviously, Calli's part sucks ass, but Suisei did sing it well but no creative interpretation.

Suisei x Calli Getcha

Kuraiinu Getcha

>> No.19956317

>There's no emotion to it. She's singing just to sing and not to convey the feelings and emotions

>> No.19956730

Got curious and went to listen to Enna karaoke.
Sure, she has a nice voice control, but she is definitely not better than Suisei.
When Suisei sings I can feel in her voice all the effort she put practicing for years.
And I say that when Suisei isnt even my favorite singer in Hololive. To me Chloe sings much better, even if I feel she lacks the experience and practice Suisei has https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2QBP8kIH30

>> No.19957798

At that point your not even singing, just crying. That doesn't mean her songs are filled with emotion. Or that she's trying to convey those emotions to her audience...

>> No.19957866

Here is a good example of someone expressing and conveying the emotions of a song. Enna hasn't done any sad songs so its not as obvious, but here is a Gura song instead.


>> No.19957899

>Suityan shows no emotions in her live singing
>Literally starts crying during emotional climax of an emotional song
>She's not even singing just crying
Yeah cool bro, I'm done with this discussion.

>> No.19957929

Yes because my opinion>your opinion has the same validity

>> No.19957953

nipplesanji deflection thread?

>> No.19958723

The first anon is a retard that needs to do his reps. I definitely kneel to Kuzuha because of the numbers alone.
But this is a case of winning the battle but losing the war.
Bonus for『Sweet Bite』 physical album
>Kuzuha English word card "Sweet Bite" (random inclusion all 3 types)
>Kuzuha "Sweet Bite" online Individual talk event application lottery ticket included
>Kuzuha & Kanae & ROF-MAO Three-Man LIVE "Aim Higher" ticket advance lottery ticket included
Also, Kuzuha was signed to UMJ
Basically he got a big record label backing him, ticket gacha/lottery and he's throwing in a chance to have a one minute online talk with him privately. If he actually lost in terms of sales, it would be embarrassing af.
On a side note, since Suzy is not under any record label she got much better cut than whatever Kuzuha got.

>> No.19958816

Drop an album like Still Still Stellar and we can talk.

>> No.19958925

Her singing is loud and she doesn't blend well with azki who is conveying the sad emotion of the song. Suisei's singing is not reflective of the emotions of the song. Maybe she feels the emotions, but as the audience, I don't from her. I feel it more from Azki. Like I said, she's singing to sing, maybe for herself that's why she's crying, but not to an audience.

>> No.19959142

The nipples can't praise someone without bringing somebody else down, they need to feel the validation that comes from """being better""" than somebody else instead of being genuinely happy for their talents. It's never about being good, it's always about being better.

>> No.19959701

Well, as a convert for NijiEN from HoloEN, I switched because NijiEN created/produced content that I thought was better than HoloEN. So whenever they are compared, obviously, I will say NijiEN is better and give my reasons. Usually HoloEN only fans can't provide a good reason other than muh numbers for why they like their talents when the talents are compared to others of similar content. You just have to give a fair reason. Not they're better because numbers. There's no right or wrong when a fair reason is given because its subjective.

>> No.19959839

anon, its ok to like something more than other, but this is a fact that Nijisanji fans keep targeting Suisei and IRyS.
And speaking of numbers, its the Nijisanji fans trying to bring in the numbers in everything.
I mean even your own legend like Kuzuha is shit according to Vox and Niji en fans

>> No.19959889

Because the Niji's seeth regarding the fact that both of them could have been a part of Niji

>> No.19959966

crazy that holo picked irys over her then

>> No.19960090

hoshiyomi's usually ignore bait, what happened here?

>> No.19960141

its all filled with nipplesanji fags

>> No.19960269

The nipplesanji fans that still follow hololive must be fighting the tribalist nipplesanji then. Makes sense considering all Pomudachi are KFP

>> No.19961057
File: 428 KB, 640x640, 1619962104160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone excuse her behavior?

>> No.19961351

Nothing, discorniggers at the beginning samefagging, then it became hololive vs Nijisanji, and seaniggers fighting amongst themselves

>> No.19961525

Btw, there aren't enough hoshiyomis outside of the general to maintain a bait thread. People might have been falseflagging too

>> No.19962945

You like ANY king cover? You listened?

>> No.19963416

Hoshiyomis don’t exist

>> No.19963961

I guess Ice-T is a better singer than both of them, since he has better sales.

>> No.19964055

How can she make that voice when she normally sounds like a gremlin?

>> No.19964978

Enna and Suisei are pretty good but not great. Anyone that actually watching independent streamers that are actual aspiring singers that dont stream for a living and instead sing for a living and stream on the side will know that real singers are a notch above. Even hobbyist singers in small corps and independents are better than these streamers that are wannabe singers. Just go to First Take and listen to those singers and you will realize how huge the gap is

>> No.19968006

Based nuggie enjoyer

>> No.19970573

I like both Enna and Suisei and want them to do well. Enna's range is probably the most versatile in the EN Vsinging sphere. Suisei is Hololive's all-around best singer. Enna just needs to covering more recent songs like she did w/ Millie for Identity to boost her notability more. Suisei is going to continue to ride that wave because she has found her niche and eventually Enna will find hers too that will draw more people to her streams.

>> No.19971651

People shitting on IRyS have never listened to her amazing covers of Fly Me to The Moon, 桜色タイムカプセル or またフタリ恋をする that she did before she joined Hololive.

>> No.19973218

But..but..but..she doesn't sing Bardcore!
And this one can also do Gollum voices

>> No.19975957

both are one trick ponies
