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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19919123 No.19919123 [Reply] [Original]

>mindbreaks your oshi
nothing personnel voxxy

>> No.19921479

What happened?

>> No.19921516

Fuck off fungus.

>> No.19921866

>Vox is an autist who really loves Smash
>Talks big about beating Fulgur and wants to show off in front of his fans
>They play together
>Fulgur absolutely rapes him while bantering hard in a way Vox can't reciprocate (at one point he joked about Vox's parents avoiding him since he's in the closet)
>Vox gets real quiet and Fulgur tones down the insults and begins to praise him
>They begin to play matches for fun against a few other NijiENs
>Vox excuses himself from the call early to talk to fans
>Talks for a minute about feeling embarrassed and drained and having let his fans down before ending the stream
>Later makes a tweet about doing an impromptu mengen (presumably to vent)
>Cancels mengen <- WE ARE HERE

>> No.19922331
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>> No.19922419

Kek what a bitch

>> No.19924432

I kneel fungusman

>> No.19930067

I don't watch either of them but holy based.

>> No.19931114

the gods of the FGC are pleased

>> No.19932807

Spoonfeed me info on this Dante ripoff. I tried giving Vox a chance since people told me he was Bro Friend Experience but all I got was him pandering to fat women and homos every 5 seconds when they'd send in a superchat to make him say some gay shit. I just want a chill bro that makes edgy jokes and doesn't suck too badly at games.

>> No.19932906

He mindbroke every Holobrony on /vt/ into what's been nearly a week now of endless, impotent seething.

Thank you Fulgur for providing me with many hours of entertainment on and off stream.

>> No.19933025

His twitter header is him kissing a different male member of nijien, he also talks nonstop about gay chinese books, you're not going to find the brotuber here.

>> No.19933208

His rivalry with vox and edgelord mode is an act. Hes a 4chan asshole playing a nice guy playing an asshole for the luls.

>> No.19933225

>>19921866 I have a feeling Fulgur is going to accidentally say something stupid he's going to regret on stream sometime in the future at this rate and I'm saying this out of genuine concern for him.

>> No.19933277

Thought you were bullshitting me so I checked and huh, you were right. Even his latest post is about some fag novel he imported

>> No.19933360

He got some support here early on because he said he was fine with lolicons, but anyone saying he's bro experience now is deluded.

>> No.19933492

Sounds like Vox has finally met his match. I was getting tired of him acting smug all the time.

>> No.19933639
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>Rapes Vox in Smash
>Stops mid stream to talk about euthanasia and how he approves of it
>rants about how he considered it in the past
>Continues raping Vox in smash
Vox got mind broken by a suicidal edgelord lmao I love this lil Fulgur nibba like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.19933643

only in catalog bait threads but you wouldn't know

>> No.19934637

It’s hopeless, man. Just find a 3D steamer.
>> homos
Most gay men IRL are more like the anons on /hm/ than the kayfabe of nijisanji

>> No.19934735

LOL and they said male vtubers were gonna be less menhera

>> No.19934862

We know guys can be menhera. We just all imagined by menhera that it would mean more like…the schizos here

>> No.19935245

>murders Vox's confidence
>makes an absolute shitheel out of himself (in his own company this time)
Kek. Based. I was there. Reminds me of why I have no friends at all.

>> No.19935788

Sounds like Fulgur should've let Vox win sometimes and just bantered in a more respondable way to start with.
You shouldn't let your ego or your skills get in the way of kayfabe, especially when working with others whose performance depends on yours.

>> No.19935811

Nigger their rivalry IS the keyfabe

>> No.19935895

Yes, that's my point. If Fulgur has to tone down the banter halfway through because it actually hits hard, and Vox drops out early and obviously doesn't feel well personally (beyond just acting) the kayfabe is ruined. It turns from something fun to an awkward affair.

>> No.19935928

Why is a fag the most based vtuber out there rn?

>> No.19935954

>Doing the same thing but less ruins it
No. You didn't even watch the stream so you're essentially judging their whole back and forth on a greentext

>> No.19935981

He's not gonna last long is he

>> No.19935992
File: 21 KB, 480x480, besech thee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Fulgur Nijisanji's chaos tome?
The Mutually Assured Destruction vtuber?
The deadman's hand or even the Gura Killer?

>> No.19936023


>> No.19936053

>>Later makes a tweet about doing an impromptu mengen (presumably to vent)
Why didn't he just do it on their vent channel though?

>> No.19936087

It's no longer bantz if the other person can't throw it back at you

>> No.19936261

Wtf, now this is the nijimale I've been looking for and absolute lad that can't help but obliterate other people's dreams

>> No.19936320

anon didn't provide any sauce or even a timestamp and you all fags still believes him

>> No.19936374

archive reps or literally just watch the end of vox's stream

>> No.19936702

I litterally wached it. The only part I COULD take at face value would be the members stream, which I don't care about because
A. I am not a member
B. The part that I am cackling at was vox gettimg his teeth kicked in to the point that he was audibly deflated by the time shu joimed the call.
Fulgur was talking shit that made me feel bad for Vox and I hate all brits and brit-adjacent europeans.
