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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1988721 No.1988721 [Reply] [Original]

Corporate vtubers fucking suck. Cover reminds me why I miss grassroots content creation. Zoomers just don't understand how enjoyable things were before everything became centered around corporations making money on YouTube.

>> No.1988802

Ah yes, the good old days when vtubers were just indies putting out content they found funny with their friends in the virtual world. Oh wait, those days never happened old man. Vtubing has been a tech-driven, corporate-friendly activity since its inception. There was never any purity to it.

>> No.1988806

indies still exist you just don't know japanese

>> No.1988813

I don't like cover but without the "attempt to keep it clean" guidelines all we'd have is v shoujo shit.

>> No.1988829

grassroots content creation like what exactly?

>> No.1988850

This Current era of vtubing reminds of the old gaming era of youtube where machinima and companies were big. I hope vtubing grows past this era. Because it will be good for the genre as a whole

>> No.1988926

Vtubers always were corporate. Even since the og days with Kizuna Ai, Kaguya Luna, Mirai Akari and Siro.

With that said, I also wish those agencies didn't exist.

>> No.1988930

I'm talking prior to vtubers in general. Besides, indie vtubers are closer to the good old days than the corporate pieces of shit.

>> No.1988993

This board wouldn't exist if not for Cover Corporation.

>> No.1989009

This board was a mistake

>> No.1989058

I'm gonna be honest, corporate was a breath of fresh air. Streamers being held to a standard to not laze around watching videos, force them to stream 3x week (people like gura and ayame would be doing fuck all if not for cover rules), stops them from getting into petty drama, just generally holding them to a high standard was all I wanted.

>> No.1989132

That's arguable.
Strange considering most fulltime streamers already stream more than the average Holo per week anyway. Holos don't really do anything special either. They play video games and do reaction watchalongs like everyone else.

>> No.1989293

>don't understand how enjoyable things were before
>for vtubers
lmao Kizuna Ai is corporate form the start

also this >>1988806
there was a lot of indie vtubers when Kizuna Ai started, you just don't know Japanese

>> No.1991909

How fucking new are you?

You even missed the VRchat train by this much, and they did exactly what you described.

>> No.1992129

There are western indies they're just really gross and them having a keep it clean rule would go a long way towards alleviating that.

>> No.1992166

that shit was boring

>> No.1992269

Not him, but I've got 3 VR headsets and have thus spent a lot of time in vrchat. It has always been very different than vtubing. Formost because vrchat isn't broadcast to a large audience, it's one-on-one not parasocial and outside of some retards that stream it or record it, it has some feeling of anonymity and ephemerality.

>> No.1992406

>VRChat == Vtubers

>> No.1993290

>There are western indies they're just really gross
This is so fucking exaggerated. Only people who don't watch any indies say this stupid shit.

>> No.1993333

I'll admit that not all of them are outright repulsive but the vast majority are. Though I'm curious to hear which ones you consider to not be gross.

>> No.1993334

Indies fucking suck. No personalities, shit content, no production value. Face it, independent streamers will never be as good as professionals.

Same thing with everything else in life, from shoes to vidya games.

>> No.1993407


>> No.1993510

>corporate bad
Nice Reddit opinion faggot

>> No.1993626

Uuuh... indiechads, why are our Indies graduating to join corporations??? I though corporations sucked??

>> No.1993643

I really don't see the appeal of hololive outside of the occasional clip. whenever I've tried to hunker down with a stream from any of them I lose interest pretty fast. I know it sounds like some hipster shit but I only watch a few indies and VOMS (which are about as indie as a non-indie can get) and it's much more enjoyable in my experience.

>> No.1993677

that's just your taste

>> No.1993750

People looks for different experiences even in the same field of entertainment anon, I find hololive as a sanctuary to rest my mind after coming home.

>> No.1993862

You probably just don't like how curated their content is. VOMS and indies are real free in the content they make so it makes sense you'd feel like that.

>> No.1993991

The difference is that back then monetization and streaming were literally either non-existent or taking baby steps.
Now even a literal who can get monetized AS LONG AS they follow the content policies of whatever platform they use.
Literally one of the main reasons the old days were "good" is because
>Content policies weren't as strict as today
>Youtube hasn't became mainstream yet
>Terms like "youtuber", "twitch streamer", etc didn't exist. Neither the idea of building an actual career out of it
>Thus the users who uploaded videos did it because they genuinely like it and weren't chasing for revenue.

Now all of that has change and most of the stars from those days couldn't kept up with the times.
Vtubers as we know it, thank to Kizuna AI, were born after that era. So there is no "good old days" vtubers, since the whole current standard for vtubing was introduced by Upd8 through Kizuna AI.
So fuck off false flagger.

>> No.1994300

>They play video games and do reaction watchalongs like everyone else.

You forgot Karaoke anon
Vtubers overall are just streamers.
There are indies and corporates ones like regular streamers.
The thing is, being a Holo is literally non beneficial content wise. The roster of videogames they play is reduced due permissions, they also have stricter management compared to corporate streamers.
Thus, they need to rely more on their persona than gaming skills or anything.
And as you see it worked, stuff like Miko's Nigga, Korone's ekan bukan, Gura's A, Marine's I'm horny, Coco's Kusa, etc managed to attract a public for them.
Even outside Holo, Projekt Melody managed to make a name on chaturbate with her persona rather than her camgirl skills, because there are other camgirls streams more active than Melody.
So literally Vtubers just introduced a new flavor to the offers rather than creating something new.

>> No.1994435

>Thus, they need to rely more on their persona than gaming skills or anything.
That's also most streamers in general. Believe it or not majority of the popular streamers aren't very good at video games. People watch them for the same reasons. Either for parasocial relationships, they think they're funny/entertaining, or some combination of the two.

>> No.1994479

Ahh yes

I too miss the good ol days of VR Chat and spam of "DO U KNO DE WAE"

>> No.1994514

VRchat content is boring and physically painful.

>> No.1994941 [DELETED] 
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Indies will always have low subscriber numbers
Indies will always have low views
Indies will always have low superchat numbers
Indies will never get a collab with vtubers that aren’t other literally whos because none of the succesful girls give a shit about them
Indies will continue to beg
Indies will always be a failure
I will never watch an indie stream
I will never reply to a indies post
Indies will join corporations whenever they have the chance
Indie posters will always be shitposters and falseflaggers trying to get (you)’s because not even indie posters actually watch indies, you’re just against the corporate vtubers because you love baiting with indies' images
Deltashit, Monosomething and Zonbfag will never be back and nobody will remember them

Just look at the state of this board
/vt/ is a board to discuss vtubers and yet i’m supposed to put up with indie subhumans talking about how their literal who nobody who’s earning below minimum wage is somehow better than my succesful oshi? How is this acceptable?
Read the fucking room already meidos, nobody here watches indies, stop letting them be used for shitposting.

>> No.1995051


>> No.1995064

nobody here is familiar with this copypasta shartfag its newfag city

>> No.1995680

>parasocial relationships

Do you realize with each counter-argument yoy make you are answering the question why vtubers are the trend now?

>> No.1996287

the good old days where todays animators were living at home and could just do their hobby?
they'd be living on the street now without big corps handing them money.

>> No.1997329

It's a double edged sword. With Indies you run the risk of becoming clickbait FOTM chasers and 5 minutes of the video being sponsor ads just so they can make any money at all. Just look at all the smalltime youtubers who have to shill out for RAID SHADOW LEGENDS because they need the money.

>> No.1998072

Wrong logo retard.

>> No.1998277

I'll take "Corporate shit" over a coomer clip bait "grassroots creation" any day

>> No.1999954
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keep sucking billionaire dick then faggot

>> No.2002411

The issue was never vtubers themselves. There's a lot of good vtubers.

>> No.2002654

fuckin had a stroke, thought I was on /biz/ with that image

>> No.2002681

Corporate vtubers are always trash
Stick with Veibae

>> No.2002733

>Kizuna Ai was a corporate vtuber from the start

>> No.2003062

You know Kizuna Ai is corporate herself right?

>> No.2003342

She is the corporation. As in it's even called Kizuna Ai corporation.

>> No.2006699

Imagine watching anything not Cover/Ichikara related lmao

>> No.2011909

Give me one youtuber that can pull livestream contents that is fully indie and not corporate backed or even sponsored once.
Just one.
Any streamers worth their salt will be signed by some sort of agency, you need someone to handle your backend stuff for promo materials, schedule, PR, accounting, business comms when you became too big to handle on your own.
Some even hide who they are affiliated with, just for the sake to retain their fake facade of "indie" to the audience. Your "grassroots content creator" rose tinted glasses of Youtube has been dead since Machinima and GameTrailers. Blaming it one Cover just exposed you as a fucking zoomer.

>> No.2017129

Do they though?
Teaming helps them to create better content and get more viewers.

>> No.2017294

and it's a good thing, it was far better when it was a hobby, not a job, that's the whole point

>> No.2017571

t. Gura and her friends

>> No.2019413

Not that guy but
>Give me one youtuber that can pull livestream contents that is fully indie and not corporate backed or even sponsored once. Just one.
How about Pochi?

>> No.2019475

All the first prominent and prominent currently vtuber were/are corporate

>> No.2019490

The only VR-related content from a vtuber I consumed was Mirai Akari's.
Doesn't Pochi have her own company like Tamaki?

>> No.2019522

Why do indies seethe at cover and Hololive when they apply each time recruitment is open? Sour grapes?

>> No.2019524

If you're gonna watch an indie vtuber, you might as well just watch a traditional streamer/youtuber.

>> No.2019755

Doesn't Pochi have her own company like Tamaki?
I'm fairly certain she does not. She didn't even have memberships until fairly recently. Also, the fact that Norio was able to build a seemingly successful vtubing company through her own efforts and in spite of her previous baggage is legitimately impressive.

>> No.2020115

>in spite of her previous baggage
Could you please elaborate?

>> No.2021236
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>> No.2021283

So you got turned down by HoloLive I take it?

>> No.2025219

Pochi mama has a manager she pays out of pocket. So that's still indie, I guess?

>> No.2025629

Just think cover as the Machinima of vtubing

>> No.2027555

In addition to being Himegoto's mangaka, Norio used to do VA work. When she publicly criticized some of the unethical shit she saw in the industry, she got blacklisted from getting any more roles AND the manga she was working on at the time (Heroine Voice IIRC) got cancelled in retaliation. It's from this nadir that she was somehow able to reinvent herself and find considerable success with Tamaki and start her own vtubing company.

>> No.2028387

I'm sure there are lots of animators lining up to live under bridges just to satisfy your autism

>> No.2036278

Reddit supports corporations.

>> No.2040803

>to live under bridges
yeah, they all lived under bridges before, they didn't have a real job for sure, retard

>> No.2040874
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>corpos bad indies good
there has to be more depth to life

>> No.2040900

just admit you like cringe shit, because that's what VRChat is

>> No.2040957
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>> No.2040981
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