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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19667010 No.19667010 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

Marine Artbook on sale now

Holofes 3 - Link Your Wish; tickets available now

Winter voice pack on sale until the end of the month

Valentine's voice pack now on sale



Sankisei first original song Interact Fantasia

SKDW Hibiki radio

Maruyama every fortnight


>> No.19667975
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I need more Senchou

>> No.19668278

I kinda look like that IRL but eight inches taller than senchou

>> No.19670081

wonder if we'll get a stream today

>> No.19670156

I miss senchou...

>> No.19670229

Why haven't she been streaming? Is it the Rushia termination?

>> No.19670258

still the voice nodules

>> No.19670673

As long as she's staying healthy.

>> No.19670795

and also because of holofes and she can't wreck herself before that

>> No.19672123

I wonder how many songs she'll have at holofes

>> No.19672205

I hope it's a lot because I miss her, but I also don't want her to injure herself.
Has she spoken in regards to surgery for her throat? I know it's nodules but is the underlying issue something that's even operable?

>> No.19672304

I wish I could take care of this old lady

>> No.19672486

there's actually a really straightforward surgery for it, but the issue is that if it's happening because of the way she uses her voice, they'll just recur again

so getting the surgery and having to go through recovery from it is pointless if she just ends up getting them again. Marine's aren't so bad that they can't fix themselves on their own if she just does what she's trying to do now where she just doesn't use her voice much, so that's what she's up to for now.

Long term I'm not sure what she's going to do though. Gotta hope that vocal training pays off

>> No.19674061

Glad to hear surgery is at least a possible solution, albeit not permanent if she can't correct the underlying cause. And yeah it seems like vocal training is the only permanent fix and it works well.

>> No.19675641

Sentyo awake

>> No.19675763

and with itchy cheeks

>> No.19675899


>> No.19677374

New artbook probably.

>> No.19677472


>> No.19677611

ooh, that's a good marine

>> No.19677771

>add another 3-6 months to break time
we could argue is it an option anymore, since there are no winners in that scenario

Besides, there seems to be endless reasons not to stream; always prepping for next event, some co-worker quitting/getting fired again.
It never ends...

>> No.19679839
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>> No.19680280

Could someone upload the image here please I can't see it without having a twater account, I'm not going to create a twater account fuck'em.

>> No.19680479
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>> No.19681019

Thanks, i dont know why this was under adult content

>> No.19681839
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>> No.19682846
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>> No.19684106 [DELETED] 

So I was right about Miko's live. Marine is a bully confirmed

>> No.19685381
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>> No.19685876


>> No.19686150
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>> No.19686360

*this* is what constitutes adult content on twitter? jesus christ normalfags...

>> No.19686655

Marine should quit Hololive, its physically destroying her.

>> No.19688394
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>> No.19688749

she doesn't need hololive to physically destroy herself

>> No.19689217


>> No.19689420

>Besides, there seems to be endless reasons not to stream
She made $24k in superchats alone last month, that’s half of the average yearly salary in the US, just in one month with barely no streams. She has absolutely no incentive to stream anymore than she currently does.

>> No.19689537

Wouldn't take that long, Aki got the same surgery and I think it was just under one month of recovery. The real issue is preventing it from happening again.

>> No.19690014

I fear she may have taken Ayame's approach: stream the bare minimum, be showered with akasupas when she returns for a few days and then take a break for weeks again.

>> No.19690273

I used to believe that as well, BUT it’s actually very very important that she heals her nodules properly this time. In the last months she used to half ass it, like do singing streams and scream even though she was supposed to take it easy. She is still somewhat active on Twitter, still does her shows and still does some collabs with other holomems. Is it still possible she’s going to go the Ayame route? Maybe. She could also very well want out and be on her way to graduate for all we know. But for the few clues we have it seems she still cares. I might be massively coping though.

>> No.19691876

We'll have to wait and see, if after the 3rd Holofes she doesn't return to a semi-regular streaming schedule it means one of two things: either her throat is in worse condition than we know or she's just lost interest/passion for being a Vtuber.
If I'm perfectly honest as a fan I'm already losing some interest and not just in her but in Vtubers in general, before at least I would watch Marine and jump to watch other Holos, but without her being so active I've lost that hook to watch Vtubers and now worse that Kizuna Ai (the first Vtuber i watch) is on indefinite hiatus.
I hope Marine heals completely and comes back as strong as possible but taking it easy.

>> No.19692257

It’s also clear she’s not doing extremely well mentally. You’re right we’ll have to wait and see, I just wonder how you came up with Holofes being the deadline that will tell us what her next move will be.

>> No.19692842

Because it's Cover's most important event of the year and Marine can't afford to ruin her voice for an event of such magnitude, after it happens she'll be free to basically do whatever she wants.

>> No.19693908

12k, because youtube and cover cut, then reduce taxes from that.
I wouldn't say amazing amount for someone who lives in Tokyo and goes everywhere in taxi(which is notoriously expensive in Japan)

>> No.19694053

given that it's towards the end of March (although someone here said she'd return in March to some degree), I expect another month of takin' it easy after that, so we'll see how May goes. if it's basically the same, it might be time to doompost.

>> No.19694089

It's pretty fucking amazing for doing next to nothing.

>> No.19694228

>she'll be free
normal studio recordings will continue after 3rd fest so...
oh and lets not forget birthday, probably gotta start preparing for that too

>> No.19694311

sure, but 20k/m income has very little meaning if you pay 19k rent for penthouse

>> No.19694357

She's not paying 19k.

>> No.19694497

I believe the split is 30% YT, 35% cover, 35% talent because we know cover takes half. So it's more like 8.4k

>> No.19695190

She should just go do her surgery and take a real 1-2 months break from EVERYTHING already.

>> No.19695270

Considering superchats are the smallest portion of her revenue, she’s doing very well for herself.

I don’t want her to quit bros…

>> No.19695348

instead of asking is she burned out better ask why would she be burned out. Hypothetically speaking what would be the reason for her being so bunred out and mentally exausted?

>> No.19695445

So she recorded the pikachu voice thing for Nijisanji but she won't stream? Why is she like this?

>> No.19695516

He didnt get YOU in JP thread so he came here

>> No.19695549

Marine likes Nijisanji more than Hololive and her fans

>> No.19695570

Read the previous threads ichimi, but basically voice issues taking a toll on her, Rushia graduation, she’s getting older, she’s achieved a lot of her goals already and might feel like she’s got nothing left to do in Hololive, etc.

These are all conjectures with absolutely no proof so take them with a grain of salt. Only Marine knows what’s going on. All we can do is wait really.


>> No.19695673

Hayase Sou sung the pokemon song during her debut and Marine did the pikachu part

>> No.19696350

I have the feeling that if it hadn't been for Rushia's Yab followed by her contract termination, Senchou might have been streaming regularly by now, at least every 3 days or so, instead since the incident happened we've only had one mengen stream and some participations in other holos concerts that were already recorded weeks if not months ago, we don't even have short clips anymore.
Now I am really worried that we are on the verge of a possible graduation, I just hope Marine's personal life is in order and she is not suffering some kind of family tragedy or some kind of incident that she can't reveal, I hope it's just a simple creative block or shes seriously taking the time to heal completely, because since her debut she has never been absent for so long without explaining why.

>> No.19696553

To be honest if Rushia did anything it’s show her that it’s possible to keep making money even if you’re outside of Hololive. Maybe she’s thinking of going back as an indie? In all cases I really hope she doesn’t leave Hololive.

>> No.19697170

Meh, it is a two edged sword really, if Kson taught us anything. Anyways, if Marine is burn out and drops the scene it might actually be to go after a completely different thing, going indie just means more work for less viewership, maybe pursuing her drawing dreams instead.

>> No.19697242

Marine is someone that's actually using the benefits of being in hololive instead of just farming gachikois so I don't see her leaving just because she could potentially keep more money to herself by being all alone.
If anything, she's recently mostly really done things she can do because she's in hololive (radio, lives, main channel shows featuring celebrities) while not doing much of the things she could do if she wasn't (solo streaming).

The real risk is her losing her fans because prioritising those hololive benefits over doing the thing that earned her her fans feels disrespectful to fans.

>> No.19697320

Marine doesnt know whats he wants to do except being knocked up pregnant and give birth. thats her exceptionally high estrogen acting up. it should wane once she hits her 40s-50s but until then, it's gonna be tough for ichimi and we dont even know if hololive or the scene will exist in a decade from now in the first place. Marine might fuck off and never look back. Just like her mother...

>> No.19697430
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That's what worries me the most, that maybe seeing first Coco and now Rushia going independent and still having massive success and more creative freedom she is seriously considering that possibility, it also doesn't help that they are both very close friends of hers and now more so with so much Yab going rampant in the corporate Vtuber scene talents are under constant public scrutiny waiting for them to fuck up sometime, and that probably put Senchou under constant mental stress, is maybe one of the reasons why she prefers recording in the studio and doing pre-recorded segments than live streaming.

>> No.19697642

To be honest I don’t think Senchou has what it takes to make it as a mangaka (if that’s what you meant).

Fair point, maybe she wants to try VAing?

Like another anon has said, being an indie and streaming isn’t a whole lot different than streaming for a company. If kson messed up she’d still face massive backlash

>> No.19697736

Some of us think she is going to graduate when she gets married, and in my case I think she is indeed going to disappear from the public eye when it happens, maybe that's why Marine started in this streaming world very young because she thought it was something she could do before she got old, get married and have kids, being completely honest I wouldn't blame her if that's her plan, but as a fan it does feel bad to lose the person you admire, maybe forever even knowing she is happy and safe.

>> No.19697906
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At first I thought her stopping to pander to EOPs was her being tired of us but now I realize it was part of a much bigger problem with her general atittude towards streaming. She is an unstable menhera that for some reason feels pissed that she has to stream. I would feel bad if I didn't stream for more than 3 days and yet she doesn't give a fuck after not streaming for weeks on and off. Makes me think wtf is wrong with her head. And.. if I should keep calling myself an Ichimi. Because how can I if she doesn't want to call herself Senchou anymore?

>> No.19697968

To be honest now would be the best time. She’s pushing 30, I don’t think they’ll be a whole lot of men left that make money in the same bracket as her and that aren’t taken in the next years.

>> No.19697980

Anon she started streaming as a hobby and nothing else.

>> No.19698311

>To be honest I don’t think Senchou has what it
>takes to make it as a mangaka (if that’s what
>you meant).

Not necessarily drawing, that was just me wondering
possibilities. The one thing she won't do is
more of "this" if "this" is burning her out was
my point really.

>> No.19698337
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>> No.19698415

Exactly, she never had a monetary incentive to do it so she never felt compelled to continue if she was already tired or lacking creativity, now it's worse because not only did she monetize that hobby but it's her only source of income and that puts the same pressure on her as her old shitty office job with the difference that now she's literally a millionaire and can stop working completely if she wants to.

>> No.19698580

Nijisanji has everything Marine wants, unfortunately for her Riku won't let her in

>> No.19699327

That’s exactly it, if Marine keeps going it’s because she wants to, she could easily retire if she wanted to (from what I know, it takes around $2M to retire confortably in your 20-30s) and Marine probably has more than 2M.

>> No.19699457

what if she likes it?

>> No.19699612

yeah, she should let me physically destroy her.

>> No.19702024
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>> No.19704353
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>> No.19706848

You fags don’t realize that even tho streaming hurts her throat she loves to stream it makes her happy, quitting means going back to office work and boring life she’s pushing through the pain.


>> No.19707114

> quitting means going back to office work
Kek anon, I suggest you take a look at her earnings before saying shit like that. Marine could quit and not have to work a single additional day in her life if she wanted to.

>> No.19708013

But the japan mentally is to work not to be a lazy ass contribute to society ,every bastard over there is like that plus she be bored quick.
Money isn’t everything anon take this from a anon that got lucky and is well off, only to get enjoyment out of talking to internet strangers. So i believe she would not enjoy not working although her ASS WOULD GET FATTER … AHHH …

>> No.19708753

Hell yes. I was just thinking to myself yesterday about how I hope we get another one this year. I really like the one we already got. Cute comics

>> No.19711354
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>> No.19714256 [SPOILER] 
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Why is Marine so cute

>> No.19714804

Because not only are her body, face and voice cute, so too are her heart and mind. Maybe doubly so.
You posted a threatening Marine, though

>> No.19715323

>But the japan mentally is to work not to be a lazy ass contribute to society ,every bastard over there is like that plus she be bored quick.

You do realize after she quit her OL job that she milked the Japanese equivalent of unemployment / job training and has even given Ichimi fans pointers on how to repeat her min/max of subsidized living while changing careers, right?

>> No.19716004

To be honest, I might be biased but I totally understand why she did it. Japanese work culture is hot garbage and I get why you’d want to avoid it. I’d still call someone who did this in my own country a lazy piece of shit though.

>> No.19716344

are you saying she shouldn't have used the unemployment insurance that she paid for?

Do you also think people who have their house burn down shouldn't claim the house insurance that they specifically pay for in case something like that happens? What the fuck is the point of paying for insurance if you're not going to claim it when the eventuality actually happens?

Similarly why wouldn't you go to Hello Work and allow them to help find you a new job? The whole point of that institution is to help people find work so that they can continue to contribute to society, are you saying that that is a bad thing? This post just reeks of ignorance about how the Japanese system works

>> No.19716455

For how long was she on unemployment insurance?

>> No.19717084

Probably a few months, it doesn't last forever

>> No.19717177

As long as possible/necessary.

>> No.19717355

for at least a couple of years and retardedly enough spent most of it on gacha and other useless shit, if she lived alone at that time I don't know how she afforded the rent, even working on her manga and doing art commissions I doubt it was enough to pay for the equivalent of a flat in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

>> No.19717447

It doesn't last a couple of years, talk about outing yourself as someone who doesn't even know how the Japanese system works

>> No.19717455

So we have no clue, thanks anyway ichimis.

>> No.19717544

What did she do to sustain herself after she ran out of money?

>> No.19717603

it's a max of 6 months, so we know it was somewhere up to that much

>> No.19717775

actually because Marine is pretty young there's a good chance she wasn't eligible for the full 6 months and was only eligible for about 3 or 4, you have to be working for more than 10 years in order to get 6 months if you're under the age of 30

>> No.19718025

yeah if you do the math it can't be 6 months because the timeline doesn't work, she would have to have started working fulltime at 15. It would be either 3 months or 4 months.

>> No.19718853

she probably ran down her savings while her manga was published and cancelled, and did various commissions
then she had her other vtuber job, then she started at hololive

A lot of people don't know this but rent in tokyo is actually really cheap. It can get really expensive on a per square metre basis compared to other countries where people are used to having large houses, but there are a lot of very small, very cheap apartments too. She probably only paid like 3万 a month for a 1K or 1DK, if you have decent savings from having worked full time a while you could easily last a long time doing that while working on moonshot dreams like becoming a vtuber or mangaka.

>> No.19723195
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>> No.19723458
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mmm sencho tummy

>> No.19723507

I need to get this woman pregnant.

>> No.19725638

Midriffs are great

>> No.19727136

People overstate the ability of vtubers to 'never work another day in their lives'. They are average individuals with average financial competence. Sure, Marine has a massive advantage now compared to other Japanese people her age. But she probably has a bunch of unintended expenses that won't stop anytime soon whether or not her career as Marine continues. She will need work eventually.

>> No.19728130

I think you underestimate just how much streamers make. If the Twitch leak taught me anything is that whatever salary you think a streamer has, you can easily multiply it by 3 to get the actual number.

>> No.19728223

Unless she's banking on marrying a super rich guy who will provide for all her expensive tastes without her having to work ever again, like the son of a CEO or a famous actor/singer or some shit like that.

>> No.19728454

But that's on Twitch, people have always complained that Youtube pays peanuts compared to them and Marine hasn't diversified their content outside the YT ecosystem unlike other Holos like Migo or Pekora who have Twitch channels.

>> No.19728833

you also might be underestimating how much Cover is skimming off the top, though. In the super early days their contract was one of the better ones because you were guaranteed a salary, but in this day and age and especially for girls like Marine that generate millions in direct revenue the %s the claim to make up for that is suddenly way more significant.

>> No.19731697

Is there any good collaboration between Rushia and Marine that was whacked when they nuked her channel?

>> No.19731918

Originally I don't think Cover even paid a salary, it was just a revenue split. I thought the order of events was they implemented a base salary when Coco & Kanata had trouble getting monetization, and they barely had any money to live on.

>> No.19732009

no, they paid a salary way earlier than that, that was kind of their thing

>> No.19732285

*that is going to get whacked when they gonna nuked her channel?
>sorry im mentally retarded

>> No.19732456

personally I don't think so, Rushia was never that good as a collab partner. She just wasn't that quick on her feet, she was always the first to resort to cliche.

>> No.19732987

btw there's a channel that is uploading absolutely everything from her channel, if you are interested in any stream when rushia's channel dies, you can search there.

>> No.19733003

K thanks, now I wonder if cover is going to delete everything she has appeared in, like the hologra episodes she appears in as well, that would be a significant loss even though most of the hologra episodes give cringe.

>> No.19733112

that one might not last, but there are a bunch of Rushia torrents that have all her stuff, including all the Marine collabs, except for the collabs that happened before the purge, which you'll have to find elsewhere

>> No.19733373

I'm surprised that Cover allows people to archive the entire channel let alone re-upload it to YT, I guess it's to avoid further fan backlash.

>> No.19733628

I mean it's more like they haven't taken it down yet, don't be surprised if it gets taken down at some point

>> No.19733985

It would be expected but from a PR point of view it would be a mistake as it would basically be like continuing to kick Rushia fans after being unconscious on the floor, letting them make an archive (and obviously not monetizing it) would gain lots of good faith from those who keep blaming everything on Cover.

>> No.19736118
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cover does like to make their PR mistakes

>> No.19740888
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>> No.19745845
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>> No.19746757

I love Houshou marine

and I love her little fangs.

>> No.19746853

I love her belly

>> No.19750287
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>> No.19752119

we don't know that for sure yet. especially if she's accustomed to a certain standard of life.

>> No.19752953

why does she not stream anymore, she hardly tweets anything too i unironically feel bad for you guys. yall hanging in there?

>> No.19753061

I'm surviving

>> No.19753732

We've technically reached a point where things can't get any worse, so...
(this is under the assumption you aren't high on copium or gosling)

>> No.19754502

and maybe her 3D streams as well but those are more Rushia centric.
All the MariRushi collabs from the past were either privated or they're on Marine's channel.

>> No.19754546

I was always a fan of her zatsudans anyway and believe it or not she actually does more of those now in low-activity mode than she used to do when she was properly active, every mengen is a zatsu, she did a twitter space zatsu, she did a public zatsu after the oshaberi fes, add in skdw and things have honestly been okay for me.

If you were someone who actually watched horror game streams for example for some reason then you're probably hurting right now, but things could be a lot worse from my perspective

>> No.19754722


Post your fat ass!

>> No.19754786

She should just limit herself to one or two streams a week, and I'm saying this with only love in my heart.

>> No.19756610
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how big is marine's ass likely to actually be? what do you think her waist:hips ratio is?

>> No.19756639
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about yay big

>> No.19757302

I want to make a highlight clip of MarineMiko Tokimeki 2 playthrough. What are the chances that Cover is gonna take that down?

I'll obviously leave out the SNK doujin part.

>> No.19758361

I would post it on an alternative channel in case Cover strikes it with copyright, I think it will be safe as long as it doesn't go viral and no faggots report it to cover.

>> No.19758479
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>> No.19758594

you're probably safe, I've made a few clips of privated things and cover haven't come after me yet

none of my clips have gotten over 300k views though so maybe if you're too successful they could take notice, but most clips don't make it that far anyway

>> No.19759822

which part do you wanna clip btw? I have a few candidates from that stream too

>> No.19761085
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>> No.19761357

I'm starting to lose interest and I feel like if she's gone any longer I'll lose admiration for her, it's understandable that she's resting if she's still unhealthy but it feels wrong that she's also basically ghosting us at this point.
Marine should be honest with everyone and admit that if she is no longer interested in streaming she should say so publicly and announce her graduation at once, it's annoying to see that she has basically become the Sana of HoloJP.
And i know im not entitled to have her streaming but sometimes looks and feels like she prefers studio work over streaming to the fans and that doesnt sit well on me, If it wasn't for the fan meeting with fans, her activity would have been much lower in recent months.
The only reason I haven't cancelled my membership is because she is forced to appeal to those who keep paying for one and can't allow people to cancel, not because it's something she wants to do.
If I was a bigger fucker, I'd make tweets saying "forgeting senchou" or "not my oshi anymore" using her official hashtags in the hope that she'd read them.
Sorry for the rant but i needed to vent a little, but yeah WTF Senchou? Im starting to loose my patience.

>> No.19761360

I’m mentally preparing for her to graduate soon. I hate to doompost but I don’t see how a graduation isn’t very eminent.

>> No.19761472

It's just a matter of when rather than if.

>> No.19761512

I don't think she'll do it this time but if her vocal chords flare up again next time she might start thinking about it

>> No.19761558

Yeah it definitely wouldn’t be so bad if she was more transparent with us. The fact that she’s leaving us in the dark makes it 1000 times worse. Also it doesn’t help that Hololive is a massive hug box where everything the talents do is rewarded, no matter if it’s good or bad.

Of course she’ll graduate one day, but I think that day is coming very soon.

>> No.19761701

/ahoy/ Doomposting general

>> No.19761959

Either announce a formal break or give us a fucking schedule at least, otherwise there is no reason for people to "wait" for her, the whole thing is at least very unprofessional.

Other members are filling the void, if she is fine with that and it eventually gets to a point people stop caring, well fuck it I guess.

>> No.19761991

Yeah I agree, I feel like she's gonna graduate sooner rather than later. I hate thinking like this and I kinda almost hate myself for thinking that way, but at the same time I can't really help thinking that way. She felt like graduating last year when Coco graduated, but now her vocal chords are constantly acting up too, then there's pretty much radio silence from her at this point as well as Rushia's recent termination which is probably still weighing on her. I dunno man...

>> No.19762022

Ichimibros, Russian here... I can't send money to Marine anymore. She is only woman I didn't regret spending money on.

>> No.19762063
File: 3.38 MB, 640x418, food-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot gif

>> No.19762068

My condolences rusbro

>> No.19762144

Rusanon... Hang in there bro.
Also given how things are going that money is probably best spent on hoarding food and necessities at this point

>> No.19762193

graduation is too final, you can see why she would want to keep her options more open for a while in case her condition improves.

>> No.19762212

to be fair she's pretty transparent, nothing has changed since the last update, and she updates us at least once a week about what's going on with her with a mengen or zatsu

like, she's been upfront with us about everything from the start, the issue is that nothing has changed more than anything, this is literally just something where it takes time to heal

>> No.19762320

Honestly screw Biden and the eurocucks, it's not right to take it out on the common people of Rushia the way they are doing it, hang in there Russian bro let's hope all this madness ends soon and Senchou finally returns to her normal activities.

>> No.19762407

Blame putin for invading and the thrice damned nukes for preventing a direct military intervention. If it weren't for those things Finland would be launching an invasion from the north right now to reclaim rightful clay

>> No.19762489

Yeah maybe I’m overeating, if there’s nothing more to say it doesn’t make much sense to constantly make tweets about it. Though I remember when she would tweet about mundane stuff Like what she ate for breakfast and what not.

Marine is doing very well for herself ruskbro you should keep that money for you.

>> No.19762784

I mean, I don't want her to tweet every step she takes in her day to day life, with a simple announcement that she will be on indefinite rest for a few months would be more than enough, but this on and off attitude annoys everyone because it creates more uncertainty than confidence in how she is doing or if she still has interest in stremearing.

>> No.19762818

It would be cool if Senchou tweeted what animes she's been watching from time to time.

>> No.19763090

I am genuinely curious to know what the Japanese at 5ch think about Senchou's current low activity, do they also doompost and create rrats or are they more positive?

>> No.19763935

Yeah I’ve been wondering that as well. I like to see what they think about some situations from time to time since they’re not really looking at them from an outsider’s perspective.

>> No.19764187

I can read some japanese, but apparently you need a japanese IP to access 5ch? Just tried to read some threads and get a straight error 451.

Not that curious that I would set up a proxy for that though.

>> No.19765391

I love Marine

>> No.19765798

Yeah, I don't see any reason to doom either. I won't pretend I don't miss the streams, but they'll be back. I don't see her graduating any time soon.

>> No.19766227

I don't know if I still love her, I feel abandoned.

>> No.19767098

Anon if a streamer deciding to lay low for a few months makes you feel abandoned it’s on you not on them.

>> No.19767119


>> No.19767367

You're reading way too much into my comment, Freud. I was merely pointing out to the prior anon that he was incorrect that everyone over there is some hivemind focused on working to the grindstone for the greater glory of Nippon.

I'd have done the same thing as her, don't know why you thought my comment was being judgmental of her.

>> No.19767590

Her joint she lived in at the start of Hololive until February 2020 was in a real shithole apparently. Minimal sound proofing, in a few of her early streams you can hear ambulance sirens going off as they pass by.

Not sure if it was an upgrade or downgrade from her prior place that she moved out of in July 2019, there are responses to deleted RM tweets at the time so it sounds like she had some friends help her with the move. Oh and shortly after moving into the 1st HL era apartment, her AC broke down in the midst of summer. Real rough start before things took off for her.

>> No.19768057

If hearing ambulances come by as they pass qualifies an apartment to be a shithole then I’m sure most apartments are shitholes.

>> No.19768455

And you would be right!

>> No.19768720
File: 72 KB, 640x785, IMG_7589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I know, I regret every day since I gosling her, now I can't be as happy as I was when she streamed often and concerts and clips don't satisfy my need to see her to feel in a good mood.
And no this is not an ironic post, I'm a retarded loser who fell in love with a Vtuber for lack of human contact.

>> No.19768831

Your gachi power levels pale in comparison to mine. I'm not even sad that she isn't streaming regularly. I'm just happy that she still gets to see her work friends at the studio and that she finished some really nice illustrations recently.
I guess I have regular human contact, though. You should really get a handle on that before it gets any worse for you, anon.

>> No.19768854

I wouldn't say I am on that extreme, as I don't care much about watching every little thing she does, but I like her voice in general and her gaming streams are legit entertaining and she is my favorite in general.

>> No.19768974
File: 766 KB, 778x645, 1642801647341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19769392

I know I sound selfish for not feeling happy for everything she's been doing behind the scenes, but it's like having a friend who put his life in order and you hardly ever see him anymore, you can't help but feel a little abandoned even though he's doing well, I feel that even though I know I'll never be more than a name in Marine's chat.

>> No.19769501

>it's like having a friend who put his life in order and you hardly ever see him anymore, you can't help but feel a little abandoned even though he's doing well
But this is nothing like that at all. Marine is a streamer and we are her viewers.
Please don't take this the wrong way anon, but you've gotta get your own life in order if you want to feel any better about this kind of stuff. It's never too late to start, but you have to start at some point. Think about how hard Marine had to work to get to where she is now. Use her as inspiration.

>> No.19769648

> ...then I’m sure most apartments are shitholes.

I think you're on to something there Einstein!

>> No.19769701

I'm not obsessed with her either it's just that watching her streaming was what put me in a good mood during the day (which I also know is not healthy) and now I don't have that.

>> No.19769923

You should use your time to start learning some japanese (if you have not already), it will give you a completely different flavour to the streams even if you are at a basic level.

It will also be useful to you elsewhere.

>> No.19770031

She is a great inspiration in my life right now but unfortunately I don't have any talent like her, I'm not skilled at anything or creative and I'm not even charismatic, the irony is that the most I aspire to in life is to continue being a wagecuck which is what she considered a shitty life.
Thanks for the words of support btw

>> No.19771865

If you aspire to be a wagie then good for you, if you want to cultivate creative talents you still can too. Whatever floats your boat anon. Plus don’t forget Marine’s story is a success story. For every Houshou Marine there are thousands of people who failed.

>> No.19773852
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>> No.19776548
File: 16 KB, 55x127, 1639450872063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't i stop replaying Unison? I don't even watch Marine...
Also, feel better senchou.

>> No.19776636

Why are you posting that thing in here?

>> No.19776746

You don't need a Japanese IP to browse 5ch and you can even post there if you are willing to pay for ronin.

>> No.19779206
File: 1.13 MB, 1179x2000, IMG_7416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19780904

Just an additional motivation to overthrow Putin

>> No.19781976

Yeah good luck doing that. Outsider niggers live under the
illusion Russia has anything that resembles a democracy. Time to look outside your western bubble anon.

>> No.19782051

I'm pretty sure that would have already happened by now if that was at all possible, anon. Years and years ago

>> No.19784418

they're generally pretty doomy too yeah, I'll go and see what they're up to

>> No.19785410

okay so basically they started a new thread (153) but there are duplicates and they're just talking about that, and there's also a fanthread but it's slow as fuck

the than that the last thread was talking about the ongoing PC case collab debacle and perceptions of Marine as a lesbian among lots of offtopic stuff like about nene's tracing

>> No.19785716

Almost every day I wake up waiting to see the dreaded thumbnails with the word announcement on a white background.
I don't know what I'm going to do when it happens, unironically the rope looks like a viable option for that moment.
I guess it's my fault for accommodating a year and a half of my life to follow a Vtuber who will never know I exist.

>> No.19785947

Kek so they are not so different from us to go off on completely different tangents and derail threads with off-topic stuff and create rrats about Senchou's way of being.
I guess that's normal given that we haven't had anything significant from Marine for almost half a month now.
Thanks for checking

>> No.19786019

BTW what PC collab debacle?

>> No.19786261

the Marine themed PC, with case and cursor and system voices and stuff

apparently there have been issues where it hasn't been shipping or something. Plus it was already ridiculously overpriced as it is.

>> No.19786381


>> No.19786570

Yeah, I knew about the PC and the different levels of specifications, but I hadn't heard that there had been problems with orders although given the current state of the world its normal that they had to delay the delivery for those who won the lottery to buy them.

>> No.19789437
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>> No.19789502

I meant that I look like the bearded ichimi but eight inches taller than Marine and no, I will not be posting my fat ass

>> No.19790810
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>> No.19795083
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>> No.19800162

I need more of this for my Senchou folder!

>> No.19802502
File: 228 KB, 850x1511, jkmarinewet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19802636

I miss Senchou a lot...

>> No.19802718

Me too anon. Me too.

>> No.19804924

Arigatogozaimasu and danke schön anon-sama!

>> No.19806738

It's not the same. Cover sets up connections with TV, radio, interviews, handles the logistics of making figures, and making songs. Without that you're just getting akasupas on your own little island, alone

>> No.19806785

ngl thats a very entitled attitude to have

>> No.19806932

Why were they privated? During the great copyright strike fiasco?

>> No.19807096

The issue is her life isn't in order yet -- she's in the trouble period trying to fix it up.

>> No.19808597

magnet, an 8 hour pokemon collab, and some cuphead streams, all were privated in that mess yeah

>> No.19808628


>> No.19808906

she's been impregnated by me. in 9 months she'll be back as a mother

>> No.19809471

I made this post

>> No.19811174

I'm she

>> No.19812802
File: 1.67 MB, 960x1583, 96687464_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19813722

Why does Rushia want to hit Senchou's mentos with spinners?
This has to be one of the most bizarre arts I've ever seen from Senchou.

>> No.19814395
File: 1.68 MB, 498x498, IMG_7592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19814587

because it's hot

>> No.19814707

to be honest it fits pretty well with Marine herself's interests, so maybe it was trying to grab her attention

>> No.19816640
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>> No.19816987 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.94 MB, 1536x2048, C33CF7FE-9BD3-4EBB-A4D3-3354F7640B73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cant stop thinking about her
>i cant stop wanting to watch her
>i cant stop wanting to listen her beautiful voice
> i cant stop wishing her to be happy & successful

>> No.19817170


>> No.19817220


it's a tweet! she's alive!

>> No.19817278

people replying are taking it as her communicating that she just had a good masturbation session

>> No.19817297

I mean, wouldn't you?

>> No.19817342

Very eloquent senchou

>> No.19817381

Better than nothing I guess

>> No.19817574
File: 572 KB, 559x559, IMG_6981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or she just finished having secks with her boyfriend/hubby

>> No.19817581

I doubt it.

>> No.19818034
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>> No.19818931


>> No.19820602

cool but when are they having EROLIVE SUPER SEXPO

>> No.19821060

What’s that?

>> No.19821077

Tonight at my place and the only exclusive Participants will be me & Senchou

>> No.19821130

Some hololive ARG thing, if you get all the posters it'll give you a clue that you submit and you'll get a prize if you get them all or something, not really sure about the detials

>> No.19821181

Is riddle not a word anymore?

>> No.19821263

And the prize is group fan meeting.
Its wholesome, just try not to fap for few days before meeting.

>> No.19821950

Rushia is in it...

>> No.19823622


>> No.19824055

Well, they're not gonna kick the fandeads while they're down, are they?

>> No.19824174

the answer is bitter melon

>> No.19824248

more like this entire thing was set in stone months ago and there's no way to make changes this close to the date

>> No.19824423

They could have scrapped that specific part of it if they really wanted to

>> No.19826470
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>> No.19826605

There's also the godly MariRushi 'magnet' cover which we will never see the original one unprivated again. At least someone reuped it, though not max quality.

>> No.19829174
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>> No.19831222
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>> No.19833385
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>> No.19833387
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>> No.19835544
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>> No.19838684
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>> No.19841324
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>> No.19843702
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>> No.19846537

I feel you, anon

>> No.19847068

have a little faith guys. sheesh

>> No.19847573
File: 2.58 MB, 426x318, C7049CBB-5629-4D6C-AD5E-8F5EC75D478B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19847954

I'm seeing a lot of doom and graduation posting. Just wanted to say that in the sankisei video were they addressed Rushia's eviction I recall senchou saying that she wants to do streams to bring happiness to everyone and that even if they're four members now they'll still give their all. I don't think she'd pull off a graduation anouncement after saying that.

>> No.19848252

Thank you for giving me hope, appreciate it, anon

>> No.19848819

You could argue it was company mandated or something but that'd be too vile. I can't think of her saying something like that while having the idea of graduation latent within her.
That been said current situation is really odd. She went from like 5 streams per week to become the bastard child of Ayame and Sana. Even when she took the first break she actually didn't because she was streaming a lot.
Something is going on for sure. I don't know what it is but also don't think is graduation related. Maybe she's just lacking motivation/creativity. Haachama went through something like this and she ended up regaining her drive to stream and she's being doing great the last couple of months.

>> No.19849447

>Maybe she's just lacking motivation/creativity
Or maybe throat nodules? Whatever it is I hope she’ll get through it

>> No.19849583

I also don't think she would be saying that she's unsure about her future in hololive in that situation even if that's what she was actually thinking.

>> No.19851347

At this point I don't think it is just her throat alone. Maybe is something mental + the throat. 5+ months for the throat seems excesive. Even metal bands' vocalists who have really fucked their throats with all that screaming and growling don't fuck them to the point to not being able talk for half a year, and that's what senchou mostly does: talk.
Sure, but there's a say that goes "if you don't have anything good to say, say nothing". At that time she didn't have to tell the truth but she didn't have to straight up lie. She could just use everyone's loved "we'll do our best よろしくお願いします" and call it, but she said she/they wanted to do streams to bring smiles to the fans. Before Coco's graduation announcement she didn't say "wait for August's meme review" the day before she announced graduation.

>> No.19851514

I mean she did communicate specifically that she was going to do this because of the throat nodules. It's still even in her Twitter bio, it's not like, hidden. She explicitly said that she's going to be very inactive in an attempt to deal with them.

Comparing to Ayame and Sana is pretty unfair because she's specifically signalling this is a temporary state of affairs due to this specific problem with her vocal chord nodules, this isn't just how she is now.

>> No.19851545

sorry not even her twitter bio, literally her twitter name

>> No.19852472

Oh, I didn't compare her to those based on professionalism, just on the fact that she's streaming maybe less than them. I love senchou so I'm not really in for slandering her.
And yeah, it's possible her throat thing is way worse than I think, I just have a hard time believing it's that bad when she's doing other stuff on the side.If it was that bad she wouldn't be able to do anything, which is not the case. In the end I don't know for sure but also thihk there's more to it.

>> No.19855889
File: 1.86 MB, 1991x2485, pekoSenchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe that Senchou and the rest of Gen 3 will find a way to make everyone smile

>> No.19857356
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>> No.19858521

I’ll ask what she plans on doing to make you guys smile when I see her tonight.

>> No.19861798

skdw 82 just came out if you guys want some Marine

>> No.19862267
File: 134 KB, 640x960, IMG_7595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to take a bath with Sencho in the tub, her on top of me, washing her beautiful body with my hands.

>> No.19863624

she could make more.

>> No.19864145

Japan region lock...

>> No.19865554

>she updates us at least once a week
not this week.

>> No.19866033

Fake zoomer cars. Not befitting of a fine hag like senchou.

>> No.19866638

we might be due for one today

>> No.19868882

The only chad is the r34 anon that hangsout at daikoku some weekends he loves marine to death

>> No.19870896

well, nyaa disabled anon uploads and disabled new registrations and I forgot my old account

and the new holopirates tracker has also disabled anon uploads and requires discord integration to login

So I guess I'm not going to bother uploading skdw, but I promise if you're someone who's region locked who hasn't listened to an ep in a while there's somewhere else online where you can dl them all

>> No.19872062

Doomposters, I come with an approximation of an explanation.
Please observe the timing of senchou's tweet. It was mere minutes after the streamer formerly known as Rushia posted a community wall post. I do not believe that this is a coincidence, especially considering how vague the tweet was.
We also know that senchou's reaction on the gen 3 stream was the most extreme. I therefore suppose that most of the absence is caused by helping the streamer formerly known as Rushia getting her things together and perhaps preparing for moving.
If so, then there's probably nothing to worry about.

>> No.19872954

Why not just upload to mega?

>> No.19873069

Anon just upload it to anon files or some shit

>> No.19873101

More or less what did the message of Rushia's new identity say?

>> No.19873186

I miss her streams so much I have troubles sleeping

>> No.19873267

It's really hard reading all the stuff from the antis, tired of rrat pedlers, tired of having membership content leaked, she can't carry it all on her own, thinks that she'll get help

>> No.19874381

I believe it

>> No.19874846

I do too, Marine has been pretty convincing at portraying herself as someone who masturbates a lot

>> No.19875124

Anon they are not in contact anymore

>> No.19875270

Why do you think so?

>> No.19875298

not to doompost but

this is what we all thought with cover saying theyre backing rushia

then two days later: FIRED

>> No.19875714

why would they fire marine

>> No.19875823

Except Marine isn't retarded and did not breach
Cover contract? Completely different things there son.

>> No.19875849

i mean that the public statements cover and chuubas make can be misleading

one day: everythings fine

next day: sad

she might be intending to carry on but end up being too depressed to pull it off anyway

>> No.19875987

Where do you think they'll contact each other when Rushia accounts are seized and they don't follow each other outside?

>> No.19876021

She could have since she is not new to dealing with black companies

>> No.19876140

>and they don't follow each other outside
Do they? I would think they’ll still maintain some contact

>> No.19876143

they probably have each others phone numbers

>> No.19876167

the initial public statement cover made was ominous, it pretty clearly said they were investigating leaks to 3rd parties which Rushia was later fired for, if you were paying attention and knew Rushia was leaking shit then it was already a sign things were going poorly for her

for Marine the big question mark is whether she heals, because everything she's done so far has been in an attempt to try and fix the problem of her vocal chord nodules. If she retires it's because they will have turned out not to have healed and she decides that her vocal chords are sufficiently fucked that it's not possible to work as a vtuber with them anymore. Based on how she's been sounding when we hear her I doubt that will happen.

>> No.19876330

Yeah and many other things in life "could be" this or that, the ammount of possibilities
of things that could or could not have been are endless anon, it's hard to say anything without a single little piece of evidence to even conjecture on.

>> No.19876780

I would be fine honestly if she graduated or got fired or whatever anyway, so long as she stays active. I kinda see the vtuber shell holding her back more than anything, less so these days than in the early days where she was more beholden to humour aspects of it.

I dunno if she would actually do it though, the holo environment probably helps encourage her to stay active. Except for the current situation ofc but that's a medical issue.

>> No.19876942

But she didn't have any friends in hololive

>> No.19877333

Are you talking about Rushia? Because Marine absolutely has friends in Hololive

>> No.19877507

as someone in this thread said, most of what she's done recently she can only really do in Hololive.

>> No.19877535

remember when she said she has never felt refreshed by that?

>> No.19878939

sounds like you're implying she's gotten refreshed somehow

>> No.19878969

Her genmates hate her and avoid her.

>> No.19879690

No. Also take your meds.

>> No.19879715

So, why are you people saying she's gonna graduate now? Did i miss anything?

>> No.19879727

/ahoy/ - baseless doomposting

>> No.19879851

>corpo can't deal with all that
>hurr I'll do it myself
no sweetheart you're not, at least until you learn how much lawyers charge per hour...
>vocal chords are sufficiently fucked that it's not possible to work as a vtuber with them anymore
Anon we can stop pretending streaming is the source of her voice issues, she's perfectly capable of obtaining coarse voice with 0 stream hours from past 2 weeks

>> No.19879915

Does this thread get a lot of shitposters? I always liked Marine one of the best in Hololive but she seems relentlessly targeted by antis in catalog threads so I never discuss her around here. Do they come in here too?

>> No.19879942

it's really just the one and yeah he comes here all the time

>> No.19879987

That's a shame. A lot of people seem scared to target generals for some reason but I guess the Marine anti is particularly schizophrenic.

>> No.19880073

Hes existed before this board and still posts on /jp/
I think he hated Marine because she was popular in the thread, to get replies
It's an ancient nijinigger

>> No.19880097

They do. Sankisei is now Pekora, Noel and Flare. They are good friends. All three of them hate Marine.

>> No.19880119

yep, see >>19880097

>> No.19880138

>extend break from end of Feb until 3rd fes
>will look into it later

>> No.19880168

She did say she was going into low activity mode until holofes so it's not really a surprise

>> No.19880275

Nice. Ichitrannies are suffering.

>> No.19880282

This one is very special yes his modus operandi
1 - everyone hates Marine
2 - every ichimi hates everyone else
3 - even if you confront him with real evidence
that he is just plainly wrong, the evidence "never happened" and it is all a conspiracy.

Ad infinitum

>> No.19880379

I think this is management putting their foot down. They can't force the girls to do shit 90% of the time, but regarding something that may lead to permanent injury? Yeah, that'll do it.

>> No.19880410

As I said in a previous post, if after the holofes she doesn't return to a semi regular streaming schedule you better get yourselves another Oshi, because it is possible that in the next few months she will drop a bombshell on us.
When it happens I will personally abandon everything related to chuubas, without Senchou I don't see the point in continuing this, the only thing I will miss is reading the crazy and funny rrats on this board.

>> No.19880440

Its just Marine being extra lazy

>> No.19880442

she's probably getting surgery after holofes so I wouldn't hold out much hope for a regular schedule after that. Maybe 2 to four months later

>> No.19880474

yep, still low activity

pretty much expected it, what can you do

>> No.19880562

I just hope that if she opts for surgery now she will try to take better care of her throat and not take it again as a definitive solution and ruin her voice again a few months later.

>> No.19880708
File: 831 KB, 1600x1162, 94176523_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ichimi will quit just because their oshi graduates

>> No.19880847

>will drop a bombshell
if you understand women; they tend to make decision feeling first, reason second.

She'll probably go on a journey to find that "real job" she keeps dreaming about where she is told what to do.
Only thing she will find out that her life is beyond regular desk jobs at this point, and returning would require significant life quality sacrifices...

>> No.19880885

you've either spent too much time on this board or you're genuinely retarded

>> No.19881058

deflect all you want basement rat, but reality is that entry level desk job doesn't cover the expenses of 2-3 bedroom apartment and daily taxi driving in big city

>> No.19881099

no shit anon, I'm talking about the
>She'll probably go on a journey to find that "real job" she keeps dreaming about where she is told what to do.
bit, which is cgl tier of you reading too much into stuff senchou's said offhandedly

>> No.19881310

What do you expect me to do then? Before following Senchou faithfully, I saw other chuubas just casually, without her I don't see the point in finding another Oshi since Marine's personality is what attracted me the most to follow her faithfully and make her my Oshi.

>> No.19881383

>responding to a nijinigger

>> No.19881509

>reading too much into stuff senchou's said offhandedly
She has said this several times in past 6 months, with fairly similar phrasing so no need to read into it.

>> No.19881570

What does this mean? What did Senchou say about finding a real job?

>> No.19881608

and now you're just fucking lying because the only time in the past four months she's mentioned anything about finding a real job is her reminszing about her time with her old supervisor

>> No.19881630

At least she’s admitting she’s got difficulties with her mental

>> No.19881699

I can't do archive reps for you anon

>> No.19881741

she's talked about having shitty mental forever though to be fair

>> No.19881790

Eh, she said it was getting better in her tweet so I’ll take it

>> No.19881835

you guys are arguing in here while she's literally on Pekora's stream.

>> No.19881901

It's pretty obvious that the whole incident with Rushia had a big impact on her, everything seems to indicate that she is taking her time to recover emotionally.
I just hope she doesn't develop some kind of guilt complex, feeling guilty that she couldn't have helped Rushia enough to stay in HL and feels it's unfair that she continues her normal activities while her friend has to technically start from scratch again.

>> No.19882008

wait for her to come back, if she truly loves her fans she will

>> No.19882010

no she isn't

>> No.19882014

>"real job" she keeps dreaming about
>where she is told what to do
that'll be sucking on my dick, raising our 6 children, eating my cooking and recieving sweet kisses from me

>> No.19882167

past a certain point, that is not her responsibility.

>> No.19882208

would be nice if she showed up but I doubt it, don't think that's the point of that stream

>> No.19882358

Lying is bad, anon.
