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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19879114 No.19879114 [Reply] [Original]

Did she really do anything wrong, she has a hot voice

>> No.19879199

She did nothing wrong, she is a 30 year old women that can decide for herself, or so she says.

The absolute state of koopas, cucked so bad that the girl went to the dude herself.

>> No.19879268

i thought it was a joke

>> No.19879451

roru, before the shitstorm happened, there was a build up, the girl literally had times in her streams where she goes tangent over the dude for minutes, serveral minutes, even.

>> No.19879462

Picked up!

>> No.19879738
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What is it with green and cucking?

>> No.19880519

She did literally nothing wrong. Always was and still is(when she's not crippled by boneitis) a very entertaining and fun streamer.

>> No.19880576
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more like BONEDitis right?

>> No.19880603

spacer's bone up her ass

>> No.19880767

No point arguing with the seething Argentinian. He's had an autistic hatred of Koopa ever since she debuted well over a year ago, and she continues to live in his head rent free to this day despite not having streamed in almost two months.

>> No.19880889



>> No.19881083

She made something in poor taste that went directly against the content she peddled and then doubled down on it and flatout lied in the process. She's a fucking dumbass and it soured my enjoyment of her severly.

>> No.19881150

What was it?

>> No.19881171

This, the incident and the switch to Twitch just made me lose interest.
Model is still hot though.

>> No.19881253

Highly suggestive/borderline NTR vocaroo with another (male) Indie who seemingly fucking vanished immediately after, leading many people to believe they only got into it to flirt with Koopa. Several people went "what the fuck is this?" since Koopa is primarily something adjacent to GFE. More like ME or BSE, but still, she cultivated that general type of culture in her in-thread posting, didn't peddle it as hard in stream as she did /here/. Several people appropriately went "what the fuck?" and after two days of a fire burning she posted a manifesto which only threw MORE flames onto the fire. Really burnt me out.

>> No.19881273

hot af

>> No.19881287

>after two days of a fire burning she posted a manifesto which only threw MORE flames onto the fire
Link if you would brother.

>> No.19881329

Essentially what was posted earlier. "I'm a grown woman, I don't do GFE (a blatant fucking lie)", yadda yadda. I don't have the rest of the posts as I didn't screenshot them at the time, but they were NOT favorable at all. Generally agreed upon that Koopa handled this with all the finesse of a drunken clown on a flat-wheeled unicycle.

>> No.19881480

>I don't have the rest of the posts as I didn't screenshot them at the time, but they were NOT favorable at all. Generally agreed upon that Koopa handled this with all the finesse of a drunken clown on a flat-wheeled unicycle.
You know full well a large number of those were samefag posts. As has been pointed out, Koopa's had antis from the very beginning who go absolutely rabid every single time they see a perceived opportunity to bring her down. This was far from the first time it happened.

>> No.19881611
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Maybe, maybe not. I don't exactly have the ability to see IPs. Either way, I still feel like she handled it with such fucking clumsiness that it just ruined my desire to watch her more, my irrational hatred of NTR content aside. I'm not going to anti her or whatever, but I WILL state my displeasure with her choices. I know she's a fucking idiot and prone to panicking to try and fix things - I can sympathize with that, even, I do the same fucking thing - but this was just too much for me to be able to happily brush off. On the bright side, though, through her I was able to find out about Nina, who is a total gem with a modicum of sense. I do feel something like guilt, but that's on me. She's on almost indefinite hiatus anyway, though, from what I've heard; streams really slowed down or some such. I hope she's doing well enough.

>> No.19881635

No matter how many times I see it, I can't help but be fascinated at how common it is to see a content creator, whether they're a streamer or a multimillion dollar corporation, throw aside their original fans and throw all their attention towards a newer, louder and more pliant audience, only to lose it all when it turns out that new audience were just chasing the "next big thing." It's even more hilarious when, like Games Workshop or Mori, they add insult to injury by taking aim at the people who made them huge in the first place.
Vtubing really breeds entitlement like nothing else, and soon enough we will be back to square one where vtubers will be telling you that $5 a month isn't that much for the privledge of enjoying their fabulous content.

That definitely comes with the territory of branding yourself as a "4chan vtuber."

>> No.19881763

Luckily she is sick and dying so antis won't need to worry about her much overall.

>> No.19882409

God damn gee dubs.

>> No.19882779

is she actually dying or ironmouse dying?

>> No.19883226

She has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I don't think she has the most serious type, but it's still a severe debilitating condition.

>> No.19883321

spacer was stretching that skin like no tomorrow

>> No.19883391

It's amazing how a person can type so much and never at any point think to himself, "This is going to reveal that I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about."

>> No.19883404

She went to twitch and I don't like using twitch

>> No.19883412

I still blame you all for this. You could have been the perfect husband, but instead you let some... thing, steal your chance. And he didn't even take responsibility.

>> No.19884875

she should have had sex with me

>> No.19884981

>t. (You)

>> No.19885425

here we go again

>> No.19885558

I have no idea who she is, apart from the fact that she comes into Holofightz to cheer with us every so often. So that’s all I really see her as.

>> No.19885628
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Rational thinking gets thrown out of the window the moment the high from fame/money kicks in. Many such cases.

>> No.19885770

Oh you don't know huh

>> No.19885796

The important thing is that she is suffering and likely to die if she ever tries to have children.
I mean she tried with spacer but she was just a pump and dump to him.

>> No.19886111

Wew, she too?

>> No.19886411

Yeah, with me

>> No.19886898

what is wrong with nina

>> No.19890289
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she's a man with a vagina and big tits

>> No.19890938

>he doesn't know

>> No.19892284

Are those finger braces for her boneitus?

>> No.19892575
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>> No.19894047


>> No.19894133

She fucked one of /us/, what does her pussy smell like??? I know you are here you coward.

>> No.19896404

Seriously what is it with women from /k/?

>> No.19896718
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I don't even know what the deal is
I would just like more kwapper

>> No.19896868

Can you really blame her? No reasonable person would want to be stuck with an insane 4chan audience forever. She probably didn't even know what she was getting into with those vocaroos at the very beginning and only realized later.

>> No.19897383

Koopa did nothing wrong. Troopas are just frantic fanatics that can dish out punishment but can't take a bit of name calling and teasing.
Troopas if you ever want your oshi back you must first learn these traits
After troopas build a kingdom on these pillars your idol will return to grace you with her blessings.

>> No.19897658

What happened, Koopa went to spacer again and people are having a meltdown?

>> No.19900828

Vocaroo link?

>> No.19909742

People kept wanting her to find somebody to care for her and she did. Her threads were filled with people saying they wanted her to find someone before she dies.

>> No.19910907

She got groomed by a creep

>> No.19910925

Don't have. I would never save that shit.

>> No.19911009

It's /wvt/ faggotry, half of these shitty rrats don't actually have any foundations, I wouldn't be surprised if the alleged vocaroo doesn't exist.

>> No.19911192

Go back in time then, maybea year? I don't think it was summer by that point, but it's when Koopa went on a roadtrip for something.. The vocaroo is gone - I think deleted by Koopa after the IMMEDIATE BACKLASH - but someone most definitely still has it floating around, and the posts reacting to it should be archived. Terms to search for would be Spacer or NTR in the /koopa/ threads that existed before then. I think

>> No.19911285

flying to another state to get pumped and dumped by a fan isn't so much wrong as it is pathetic

>> No.19911448

>Just go mining for it in the shithole that is the /trash/ archives
How about fuck off? Do you have any idea how much time I've lost trying to find sources for retarded /wvt/ rrats only to discover that they don't fucking exist? Piss off, either show the damn evidence or stop wasting my time, it's fucking Artia all over again.

>> No.19911596

This wasn't /trash/ you dumbfuck faggot, this was /vt/.

>> No.19911715

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.19911779
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Reminder that Koopa is (morning) sick for 7 weeks now and is pregert

>> No.19912138
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I miss Fortuna... that obaa-san.

>> No.19912266

it has been 43 days since Koopa last streamed

>> No.19912316

Was sometime after Feb. 22nd so that narrows it down, but I think I'm misremembering a vocaroo as a Twitter post, so now I've got to narrow down the search further

>> No.19912984

Was sometime before June, as another post (>>7167423) references 'a Spacer' situation. Time frame getting smaller.

>> No.19913356

I haven't been able to watch Koops for a while, QRD ?

>> No.19913398

she lost her virginity

>> No.19913431

Appears to be mid-June where shit started going bad. A synopsis was posted here.
Her ACTUAL RESPONSE to what was going on is here
So fuck off. It happened on /vt/.

>> No.19913436

>>19913356 (Me)
Nevermind, someone else already posted it.

>> No.19913491

That's right, I don't know, and wish to know.

>> No.19913703

I mostly hunted it down out of spite for that dumb fucking illiterate faggot, but that's the by and large of it. Granted, this was over a year ago, but it still happened.

>> No.19914896

Correct, it was a Twitter audio post in which the two of them recited some of the Deus Ex intro, in strangely sultry voices

>> No.19915246

Yeah, reacquainted myself with the timeline of events there. Still, it was a fucking PR handgrenade that, while she could've thrown after pulling the pin, she decided to hold onto until it exploded in her hand. Honestly her attempts at defusing things only made shit infinitely worse for that bit of time, it's staggering.

>> No.19917037

waaaaaahhhhh i have to go through archives to find information instead of it being spoonfed to me waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.19918967

Koopa is and was a total dumbass

>> No.19920498

I just hope she's ogey

>> No.19920806
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> the girl went to the dude herself
Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.19920846

just be interesting
its that simple

>> No.19920902

like this

>> No.19922658

She did some ASMR streams but before spacer gate nothing she did really gave me GFE vibes, more just back then most faggots into EN vtubers equated vtubing as purely FEMALES ONLY and them just existing was considered GFE.

>> No.19922854

That's why I veered more towards something like ME (Mommy) energy. Consider this which was posted before the Spacer thing, IIRC. A vocaroo.
THIS was the kind of stuff she was pushing /here/ alongside her normal dorky shit and other shitposts. She's stupid, but not *stupid* - she knows what this kind of shit is.

>> No.19923039

howd you discover nina through koopa?

>> No.19923137

Collabs and small amount of fanbase overlap

>> No.19923761

Koopa was never a GFEtuber. If you think she was ever GFE, you need to check out some real ones. She was a mommy experience or bro experience.

>> No.19930314

is the experiment over yet?

>> No.19930760
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>check thread
>it's the same as any non general
it's all so tiring

>> No.19930843

>proven wrong
>shuts the fuck up

>> No.19931279

As a used to be troopa that shit does in fact exist. Was from a twitter thing that could only have been recorded in person. I kind of miss Koopa but at the same time she's probably not as fun as I remember.

>> No.19931992

I really liked the early collabs between koopa, Rose and Nina (Saotome) whatever happened to those two?

>> No.19932170

they both still stream and are doing pretty well. they've also all collabed during christmas and it was pretty teetee

>> No.19932366

Nina's still going strong, bless her heart. Unsure about Rose.

>> No.19932526

Yeah, with me.
