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19878944 No.19878944 [Reply] [Original]

And I challenge you to prove it. Here are the terms;
>post Discord yab
>You, as Rushia, care about one and ONLY one thing; to leave this situation with EACH and EVERY single one of your gachikoi, regardless of how paranoid they are or if they're a paypig or not, still being gachikoi for you in EXACTLY the same way as before(i.e. being the type who is not okay with you being in a relationship)
>failure to achieve the goal above is considered a failure state regardless of any other circumstances, and failure causes you to go insane and self-destruct
Presume that there is no backdoor, like "I stop thinking that way" or "I take my meds", etc
Not a single person here has the balls to admit that they would be just as unable to handle it as she was. Hell, in such a situation with such constraints, (You) would "lose" and the way you'd self-destruct would probably be worse than how she did.
Prove me wrong, niggers

>> No.19879043

All you have to do is shut up for a week, then come back and say sorry for worrying everyone, this has been stressing or some shit like that and your health got bad so you had to go to the doctor as well.
Be as pitiful as possible so gachikoi feel bad for doubting you. Later cover can clear shit up saying they're going to sue anyone spreading shit about rushia.

Don't underestimate a gachikoi's stupidity.

>> No.19879073

It's simple, roommate post a tour of my house proving that I live alone, unfollow mfmf in all my accs and make some vague posts about how a friend tried to ruin my career and that now I hate hi...her with all my might
If gachis are not convinced enough tell them in a member stream that he was stalking me

>> No.19879468

I'd suicide bait, I'd suicide bait the shit out of this situation so everybody takes pity on me

>> No.19879644

I know this is a meme obviously but schizo posting about you couldn't handle "misinformation" pushing "people you love" away from you and then actually doing something that gives you a physical injury, esp. early on would actually work really well. Say "I can't even say anything " and that this is the only way you can think of to "prove" that you love them
Almost people would swap to concernfaggotry, I'm pretty sure every gachikoi would too.

Basically, if you make it look like you're willi g to sudoku over being called a liar unjustly, it makes it way more believable that you're innocent. As long as you say something that implies that it isn't from guilt but heartbreak over people losing trust in you

>> No.19882111

Anon, finally got accepted in holostars EN.
Texting with your best friend, Richard (streamer, tech savvy)
R:"how's new work?"
A:"it's a'ight. some co-workers are kinda asshole though. Also, too many restrictions. thanks for the help, btw."
R:"no prob man. tech stuffs can be confusing sometimes. Are you sure you're not working with a shady company?"
A:"I consulted with my friend, Nathan, the other day. He's a lawyer. He said that I need to be careful on some things. But, overall. It's okay."
R:"I see. Good luck, dude."
A:"Thanks man."

Richard (while streaming):"Hello, guys. It's been a while. I've been busy lately. I helped my friend with his PC the other day. He's working with a company. I thought the company has their own tech supports. Hm.. weird."

After further investigation, anon got fired because of leaking information to a 3rd party.

Meanwhile, anon, in Bizzaro world.
No more talking with Richard, no consulting with Nathan, no tech supports, no venting, trying to solve anything by himself, become a menhera.
Anon has parasocial relationship with the viewers.
Anon tweets depressing stuffs on his roommate twitter, while he's in a big off-collab with his co-workers.
Viewers complain:"STOP BEING MENHERA, ANON!"
Richard tweets:"I feel betrayed. I feel that my friend only use me as a stepping stone."
Anon is famous for being a menhera,

>> No.19882187

Nah, I'm not a woman.
It's likely myself and most other anons here would've approached this the same way mafumafu did and say something along the lines "sorry for what happened, I'm not with her but you're free to think whatever you want" and continue with the regular schedule

>> No.19882256
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All management had to do is let Rushia make a statement. Hell, management could have overseen the statement, but Cover once again still lives in the 70s and 80s where they think silence is gold and shit goes away. Which it isn't in the modern era where the internet exist and information can be found in seconds.

>> No.19882338

I don't believe this take for a second. Before she did or didn't take any action this was BAD. She'd been proven to be talking to this same dude in the past. It was her prime rrat and here it comes up once again in a big way. This wasn't le male voice like towa had. This was the perfect shitstorm. Here's my answer to OP's question. When I see the discord notification I run to the kitchen, get a knife, and start screaming as I stab myself to death. I go down a legend with all my gachis.

>> No.19882405
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Nice enlish, indog

>> No.19882460
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It worked with Towa and Matsuri, you stupid Rushia simp. All she had to do was do nothing. Instead she decided to:
>Suicide bait on her work account
>Talk to drama youtubers
>Suicide bait some more
It's a miracle they didn't fucking fire her after the first Suicide bait on her Rushia twitter account, any normal job would have fired her.

>> No.19882589
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Tower and Matsufinger aren't GFE. Rushia is GFE and making a statement would have been the correct choice just for the fact it would have reassured her gachikoi, but instead gachiko's panic and manjew issued a statement before Rushia creating more rrats.

>> No.19882598

I don't think we even fully know what the timeline is as far as Rushia saying something. Was she planning on making post to her members saying "There are malicious rumors going around, and they're not true. I have nothing to do with that person", and was Cover actually blocking that somehow? I don't think we know that, Cover probably would've allowed it, or Rushia could've menhera posted it to her members before Cover could say anything to her. Because that is LITERALLY the only thing she can do, as far as statements go.
The only reason she immediately went to kore was because kore was his "friend", and thus he could be used as a proxy to give her apartment as a "proof" without showing it to the masses.
Waiting for a couple of days and letting mafu distance himself first to curb the fujos was unironically the only move.
Of course you can't stop it from getting big, but you don't immediately put all spotlights on it. You wait for a moment, because there is nothing you can do to stop it, then both parties say it's all a misunderstanding on their own ends, and you just continue on because most of the fans will take it.

>> No.19882676

Who cares, she was a ticking timebomb anyways. If this didn't do her in something else would have down the line which might have allowed her to take coworkers down with her. Cover should have just fired her after the first suicide bait. Chloe is making massive amounts of money, she's replaced already.

>> No.19882730

The first tweet she did on her Rushia account after the yab was a suicide bait which got delete 20 minutes later. I assume management locked her out of all her accounts at that point. The reason she couldn't say shit was because she was a fucking idiot and got herself locked out, you don't want employees to post shit like that for liability and PR reasons.

>> No.19882769

Making a statement the day of the happening, when the happening is entirely "secret knowledge" shit is not any more effective than waiting for a few days to let people calm down.
Because due to the nature of the un-provability of it, the antis are most wild during those initial moments.

>> No.19882790

What point are you making? If you set up an impossible situation (i.e. you must act as retardedly as Rushia or that's a backdoor and it doesn't count) then obviously no one else could handle it. But if you were to act sensibly like other people have said you still end up at an acceptable outcome.

>> No.19882886

>Are you in relationship with alienfag?
>BAM! Situation settle
>Rushia and Cover are happy
>Gahigois happy
>Antis seething and still will

>> No.19883076

Instead she posted she was going to end it and got locked out of her account RUMAO.

>> No.19883143

>due to Cover being retarded and not letting her make a statement

>> No.19883164

First, like I said, we don't know if Cover was blocking Rushia from making a disarming post to her members. Rushia herself perhaps did not want to do that, because she was mortified at looking at the replies she'd get from her members. Clearly she had the ability menhera post at least some time after the yab.
Second, that wouldn't have settled it. That's the whole fucking problem and why it got big, because this was a repeat thing.
People will buzz for 1 day, but it is all based on shit people shouldn't know, so you don't escalate, then you make a statement denying any weirdness.

>> No.19883216

>due to Cover being retarded and not letting her make a statement
No, she clearly could've made one saying "rumors are false", as is proved by the fact that she tweeted. She just didn't want to make a statement for menhera reasons probably.

>> No.19883265

If you can't even begin to figure out a way to solve such an apparently trivial issue with literally ONE condition (do not lose even a single gachikoinregardless of how paranoid or profitable they are), then maybe your analysis of the situation isn't useful or insightful.

>> No.19883318

That is the stupidest shit ever, because that fucked Michael Jackson over when he got accused of being a molester and cemented him as a pedo all the way to his death.

Management has shown they aren't the smartest and I grantee you that management told her to fuck off, because making a statement denying it wouldn't have been hard if Rushia was allowed to.

>> No.19883320

Uhhhh why are we timelooping again?

>> No.19883440

Rushia was retarded, just cry, claim that he is the bad guy and a stalker and tell your fans that he is a creep trying to force you to deal with him, that way you get your gachis pitymoney and globohomo's approval

>> No.19883509

No, you're just wrong.
Management would not have been able to stop Rushia from simply posting "False rumors are going around". She just didn't want to post it, because SHE herself thought no one would believe her.
Only proper way she thought she could "prove" herself was to use kore.
Rushia should've just done that god damn room tour on her roommate account or whatever that one anon was saying, if she really wanted disprove things without breakin NDAs.
Also, we're possibly talking about a scale of one (1) day here. Waiting for one day for official statement was not going to cause any harm. We don't know what would've happened if Rushia hadn't done a career suicide immediately.

>> No.19883540

>I posted I was going to kill myself because I couldn't post what I wanted
Jesus the mental gymnastics you Rushia paypigs will stoop to.

>> No.19883982

Stupidest coping mechanism ever

>> No.19884011
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I'm pretty sure most if not every anon here (myself included) would fail to handle a job where they need to stream pretty much in a daily basis for thousands of people, while maintaining the cute persona and GFE that Rushia had for all that time, consistently. Not to mention all the side gigs including live concert, paid promotion, advertising, collabs, etc.
This is a job that burdens you with immense social stress at all times, good luck dealing with that while you can barely talk normally to people around you.

>> No.19885928

That condition is an impossibility. You are describing the behaviour hundreds or even thousands of people, many of them mentally damaged.
