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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19757004 No.19757004 [Reply] [Original]

Why is no one talking about the fact ironmouse has a daughter?

https://anonfiles com/R3Fe2eMbxa/2680021-8d2377689adf835effc9f0a6562cf77c_mp4
>"I have a daughter"
>"she's 10 years old"
The interview is from 2018.

>> No.19757072

There is your answer faggot. Its old news.

>> No.19757150

that daughter? me

>> No.19757203

Cause VShojo scrubs it from the internet.

>> No.19757248

Mind fixing the link retard

>> No.19757384

Can't post links on 4chan, smartass. Replace the space with a . before com

>> No.19757392

Oh shit. Someone with a voice like that is a mommy. Someone got to suck on Ironmouse's breasts and drink all that sweet milk. Oh fuck. I am in a permanent state of erection and I won't be able to sleep tonight.

>> No.19757436
File: 59 KB, 300x279, 1619631413134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mentions her daughter at 1:13:40

>> No.19757442

Oh no no no Connorbros we got too cocky.

>> No.19757480

To be fair, Connor literally wants a MILF. He got his wish.

>> No.19757486

>old news

>> No.19757532

This is some mandela shit
Soon, it's gonna be like she was never sick in the first place

>> No.19757645

This thread is going to stay up for hours.
Meanwhile if you post anything even just hinting at Satan Squares, it gets deleted in minutes. Sasuga meidos.

>> No.19757701

>she is 14/15 by now
if mouse can keep this gig going for at least 2 to 3 years, she could easily get her kid in the gig and double her house income

>> No.19757756

She can have sex?
Doesn't she have disease?

>> No.19757801

>satan squares

>> No.19757857

Id totally simp for her kid lol

>> No.19757870

guys will fuck anything

>> No.19757937

especially a 30 year old with an uwu voice

>> No.19757947

did she have a kid after knowing about her condition? that's pretty fucked

>> No.19757956

How do you think she got aids in the first place anon?

>> No.19757993

I she got it after she was an opera singer beforehand

>> No.19758015

The antonym of angel lives

>> No.19758093

what? when was this discovered?

>> No.19758113

2018 newfag

>> No.19758155

Uh... Devil Dead?

>> No.19758227

>Mousey living for 2 or 3 more years

>> No.19758250

did she ever mention it on stream? or was this before?

>> No.19758272

with the money she's making she won't have to worry about her health. you can already see her getting better.

>> No.19758281

>her kid takes over her channel once Mousey dies

Could be a neat gimmic

>> No.19758313

She mentions it in the OP interview at 1:13:40
Also says that she won't say it ever again probably. Not sure if she ever does mention it again, searching it shows no results anywhere.

>> No.19758426

ook, i''m seeing the video. can you guys tell me what this is? what is she doing the interview for?

>> No.19758465

>miraculously get better as the money pours in
how do you idiots not see how fake this is?

>> No.19758502

>miraculously get better as the money pours in

>> No.19758507

>miraculously gets better
...yeah bro, she's definitely better

>> No.19758562

The only people that give a shit about her having a rape baby she was forced to marry (the later divorce) the father of are idolfags who can't cope with their choobas being humans behind the avatar.

>> No.19758581

I don't know either. Only thing that comes to mind is Baphomet Backgammon but I don't see where living or dying comes in.

>> No.19758616
File: 39 KB, 331x132, 1514562790354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rape baby

>> No.19758657

link is a virus
here is the real vid

>> No.19758693

It's called not being a poorfag anymore. She has a disease that is treatable with very expensive medicine that she could not afford until very recently.
Even if its HIV as some rrats say instead of CVID that she says it is, the treatments are similar enough that the pricetag applies.

It's an exaggeration, but if you can find her archives from around the same time as the interview in the OP she goes into detail about how her ex was hyper abusive and she was pushed into marrying him.

>> No.19758709

>https site is a virus
kys. stop shilling your vtuber highlight channel.

>> No.19758716

that's because her condition is not that severe as she make it to be, she's just farming pity points

>> No.19758778

well, i figure maybe since this is early ironmouse, she thought she could get away with it. and now the video is scrubbed beacuse she dosen't want her daughter on the spotlight. or maybe it was sexual asault.

>> No.19758776


>> No.19758785

>pushed into marrying him
who pushed her into marriage? did her family not give a shit and just hand her off to the husband?

>> No.19758810

Daughter got doxxed so she wanted the vid scrubbed

>> No.19758841

If I had to guess, I would say it was a mix of Latino Catholics not liking abortion or bastards, and being married puts you into a different tax bracket that makes getting government medical deferrals easier.

>> No.19758847

link to daughter doxxing?

>> No.19758851

ah, makes sense. yeah, i don't blame her for that. maybe she would've been more open about it if people didn't come snooping where they didn't have to

that sucks

>> No.19758869

She was well enough to have a kid at 15, you guys are fucking gullible.
More importantly, this confirms her age. Should be getting into /hag/ territory later this year or early next one.

>> No.19758889

More common than you think

>> No.19758915

welcome to 4chan. where people automatically always assume the worst.

>> No.19758921

Which lends credence to it being HIV instead of CVID rrat. But that doesn't really matter, per se. She got really bad for a while there because she was poor and started streaming assuming she was going to die very soon and got lucky.

>> No.19758949

>her ex was hyper abusive and she was pushed into marrying
A woman playing the victim card for better optics about her past? Such an uncommon strategy, she must be speaking nothing but the truth

>> No.19758971

American Healthcare

>> No.19758990

>DAE le woman evil xD?
Said the guy on the board for worshipping women

>> No.19758992

Catholics. They believe any child born a bastard is destined for hell, so with poor catholic families there's this pressure to try and "make due" with situations like unplanned pregnancies by forcing a marriage between the parties.

>> No.19759000

>Puerto Rican man
I dunno, this time it tracks.

>> No.19759019

Doesn't Port Ricardo have it's own public healthcare?

>> No.19759038

jesus christ. you hear about 4chan being toxic but you don't really get the grasp of it until you see it yourself.
nyanners was right to abandon you all.

>> No.19759051

It's better that she isn't, when her daughter is an adult she can make the decision for herself about whether she wants to be in the spotlight.

>> No.19759052

Technically yes, but it follows the same model as most American states.

>> No.19759088

Keep sending them condom money anon, it'll own the libs

>> No.19759102

it's a Latino thing. seen it happen a lot, the relationship is mostly over the guy doesn't want to let it go so he will sabotage any contraceptive intentionally knock up the girl. then out of tradition the families will pressure the couple to marry to "properly" support the kid and their families will disown them if they don't go through with the marriage.

>> No.19759107

This is 4channel anon, she went to 4chan which is way worse

>> No.19759111

the fuck you are smokin?
the content on this thread is far from being toxic

>> No.19759139

Anon you just reminded me of Subete ga F ni Naru.

>> No.19759143

>implying she ever stopped being one of us
Do your reps touristchama, and learn what "hiding your power level" means

>> No.19759153

Everyone already did

>> No.19759178

In her collab with Mousey in the first week of January, Nyanners slipped up and showed her chrome window with her personal profile and /egl/ was on her frequently visited boards.

>> No.19759196

>if you can find her archives from around the same time
does anyone even have the old ironmouse archives?

>> No.19759203

The correct take from this is that more people should be calling Ironmouse a MILF.

>> No.19759205

Because everyone already knew, vtsister. No go dilate, faggot.
