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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19649369 No.19649369 [Reply] [Original]

Little brother syndrome much?

>> No.19651465


>> No.19651555
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>> No.19651688
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>> No.19652008

I hate this ungrateful nigger.
Even thought the green fish has put constant work for way longer, this stupid bitch still has significant higher income and weekly views.

>> No.19652156

sad result of hololive

>> No.19652198

Seethe more, Fianna.

>> No.19652222


>> No.19652275
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Seethe more anon-chama

>> No.19652330

Connor was right

>> No.19652338

>can't even beat nigger of Holo
>we've got them on the ropes
Then we have Luxiem feeling good about pandering to an uncontested market. How's that Noctyx doing for you Nijiniggers? They beat Sana yet?

>> No.19652398

No he wasn't, Sana is extremely talented, she's just lazy.

>> No.19652471

C*nnor couldn’t be more wrong, but I’m certain he’ll find a way.

>> No.19652614

I don't want a StarsEN if they're going the Luxiem route. Fuck that shit.

>> No.19652767

Feesh is probably going to pass her at some point anyways so, eh?

>> No.19652821

Not if Sana streams again after finding out about the shitshow

>> No.19652830

All in all, I kinda feel bad for her, she works hard but is outshined by a lazy bitch.
Maybe hard works means nothing when you're a special breed of retarded?

>> No.19652860

True. And most likely in multiple metrics - subs, total superchats, etc.

>> No.19652867
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>> No.19652872

HolostarsJP are brotubers. Expect EN branch to be bro tier.

>> No.19652938

How is this an own when Finana had to work for all of her subs while Sana got the majority of hers pre-debut?

hard work means nothing when you're a woman in Nijisanji

>> No.19652950


>> No.19652961

Nice. So 2views, yes?

>> No.19653037

Finana is a dogshit streamer. Her only selling point is coombaiting while pretending like shes not one of those girls tee hee.

>> No.19653102

>shit model
>shit voice
>shit personality
>only "content" is le unfunny sex joke for the 1000th time

It's no surprise she got mogged by a debuffed holo who hasn't streamed in nearly a month. Someone explain to me the supposed appeal of this retarded fish. Are all niji streamers talentless hacks like her?

>> No.19653115

Better than fake chinese pandering. Expect Nijisanji to get zhang'd if they get any more popular. VirtualReal already got stolen by China.

>> No.19653118


>> No.19653358

Lemme correct you,hard work means nothing when you are an untalented streamer whose only gimmick is making unfunny sex jokes and coombaiting,maybe if she had some sort of personality she wouldnt be a 2view

>> No.19654357

I love how this board shits all over council, yet get completely asshurt when any other group shit talks the worst council whore.

Literally anything is better than horoscope garbage + no steams.
Cope harder Sananigger

>> No.19654542

>Cope harder Sananigger
Cope with what? Her being somehow more successful than shitnana despite not even streaming?

>> No.19654638

>this board shits all over council
This is a holo board, nigger. Go fuck off.

>> No.19654651

here's the thing anon, most people in this site have 0 expectations put on them, everyone's anonymous and most people don't even bother with acting like a sane individual because there's no real consequences to being a shithead. But Niji talents? they can't go and act like you're average /vt/ seamonkey, it's expected that they will act more professionally and in a manner that won't end up painting the entire group as dumbasses because one of them did something stupid, if one talent does something stupid, then the whole branch suffers because of it.
They criticize Council for not living up to the arbitrary expectations placed on them, yet they can't even meet the basic expectations of "don't be a jackass in a place that could end up on screen".

>> No.19654785

He was right just not in the way everyone thinks he was wrong. But sana is extremely talented.

>> No.19654892

It's funny Noctyx is bragging about success that they don't and will never have

>> No.19654930
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/vt/ isnt your personal discord channel NijiENfags

>> No.19655103
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>$15k less than Tsukumo
>almost 1/3rd of the viewers.
I'm not sure whether that says something about the feeshes simps or sanas simps.

>> No.19655147

Imagine having a sub 2k median and trying to shit on council

>> No.19655153


>> No.19655214

>Corporate droning this hard
This is what zero self-awareness looks like.
Imagine shilling for an absolute waste of a streamer to "own the nijiniggers"

>> No.19655320

>I'm not sure whether that says something about the feeshes simps or sanas simps.
72 videos vs 245 videos

>> No.19655327

Sanalitecuck deflection
Go donate her a red superchat. She might do 1 stream within two weeks.

>> No.19655385

She was cute at debut but streams slowly became boring as fuck

>> No.19655423


>> No.19655426

>to "own the nijiniggers"
Next question.
It probably wouldn’t be remotely as impactful if coomfish herself wasn’t seething about it.

>> No.19655481
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Shu and Millie are pretty cute in this.
Vox being a competitive cunt is no surprise if you've seen him play literally any multiplayer game.
Mysta being miserable is also no great shock, I don't know when people started talking about Niji discord leaks I was expecting something spicier than this.

>> No.19655556

>Just over 3 times as many videos.
>Just under a third as much money.
I honestly feel bad for the feesh. She just wants to feel sucessful even if she has to live vicariously through the success of others.

Just like /vt/

>> No.19655589

The fish deserves it

>> No.19655641


>> No.19655804

Yeah she's pretty bad but she wouldn't be doing much better if she were any good

>> No.19655855

Nijinigs real angry right now

>> No.19655864

>When we shit on Council it's fine but when a member of Nijisanji English shits on council it's... le bad! it just is, ok?!

>> No.19655868

Go the fuck back

>> No.19655918

Do any of >us have an active contract with Anycolor?

>> No.19655942

Yes. We're shitting on Council in regards to being the follow up to the greatest vtuber wave of all time. They're shit talking council when they can't even match the metrics of the one who doesn't stream

>> No.19656094

at this point it's pretty clear the nijiniggers seething on here are all just the nijien members lmao

>> No.19656197

Sana could stream twice this month and still beat Finana

>> No.19656290

It doesn't get much more unprofessional when you try shitting on the rival vtuber group when they're earning factors more money than your entire company makes but because 1 vtuber in your group is earning as much as the biggest in the other group you see that as a win when the next biggest earner in niji en is being beaten by HoloID... it's a bad fucking look.
Looks arrogant. Looks seething. Looks distasteful. The fact several of them outted themselves as posters here only cements the fact that niji doesn't give a fuck about quality and will hire any fucking seething holo reject.

>> No.19656376

why is "SHE DOESN'T STREAM LOL" being brought up as an own when Ayame, who also doesn't stream, gets a better CCV than 90% of her peers

>> No.19656408

stop derailing and justifying your tribalfag chuubas, disgusting pieces of shit

>> No.19656420

seething nijiggers and 2views crying that she can do 1 stream a month and get a full salary

>> No.19656444

So she will pass her, then

>> No.19656452

Because it's the most favorable Council comparison I can give them. Would you rather me compare them to Kronii?

>> No.19656614

nipplenigger mad kek

>> No.19656737

>1 vtuber in your group is earning as much as the biggest in the other group you see that as a win
Because it is a win? When Lazulight got 10k for their debuts, that was seen as a win. When Lazulight/Obsydia first got 5k on Rosemi's game show, that was seen as a win too. It doesn't matter what you think counts as a win. When Holo first had Aqua pulling huge numbers and dubbing her the "Nijikiller", that was seen as a win too. When you're going up against a company 10x larger than you dominating market share, the first time your hands raised touches their toes is a win.

Let me know when this board changes their opinion on Council being "wins" over Myth.

>> No.19656852

???? The only one shittalking Council, Fulgar, is shittalking them in the context of Myth too? Did you even see the image or did you automatically see a thread OP and start posting?

>> No.19656919

What page gives these stats?

>> No.19657170

holy shit, I'd understand why Holorejects are seething now

>> No.19657244

If 1 member in your group is earning alot. But the entire company is earning almost as much as him on the regular it's not a fucking win you stupid fucking nijicunt. It's a step forward but then thinking you're winning over hololive is retarded. Hololive is vastly more successful than niji could ever hope to be. That's why all the members of niji en are holo rejects.
Remember that you stinking fucking cunt.

>> No.19657300
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>Shitting on council for being such a colossal step down from Myth is unprofessional.
>Laughing at near simultaneous vtuber announcements between competing companies seeming like all out war is unprofessional.
>On a private discord shared between friends.

The only one being unprofessional in this entire sham of a Yab is Petra for letting any of this get out to begin with. Dumb penguin that she is.

>> No.19657359

>hard work is rewar-

>> No.19657679

Maybe he shouldn't throw stones from his glass house then? He's the least successful of a gen that can't compare to the previous one, just like Council.

>> No.19657710

Jesus christ anon what the fuck am I looking at here.

>> No.19657780

It's honestly sad, Pomu puts a hell of a lot more into what she does and still has Sana over her.
Connor had a point.

>> No.19658075

>Connor had a point.
The exception doesn't make the rule.

>> No.19658205

>He's the least successful of a gen that can't compare to the previous one
There was that image floating around in Feb. with the latest Niji EN gen having the highest debut numbers to date for the EN side. Has their momentum already died?

>> No.19658426

i mean it is though, if this was holo saying how poorly nijiEN girls do compared to them thatd be enormous news you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.19658662

Their numbers are inconsistent, but Fulgur pissed off the chinese fans early before he debuted so he has the lowest numbers of the group.

>> No.19658744 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 665x574, Am I Retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji release too many generations too close to one another because cultivating talent for more brand recognition is less important to them than throwing out a bunch of vtubers as quickly as possible to cash in money from the initial surge of interest.

The ones who survive after Niji stops promoting them in favour of another wave will get used for collabs, the ones who don't are left to rot until they can course correct or graduate, its survival of the fittest.

They really should consider slowing down a little though, the reason Hololive overtook them is because their more measured response lets them cultivate cults of personality around their Vtubers to become more culturally dominant, feedingi into increasing hype for successive generations. Luxiem was a big break for Nijisanji EN and its such a disgustingly nijisanji move to immediately follow it up with another wave of male talents, thats just gonna lead to viewer cannibalisation.

Of course I might be wrong about all that, I am a little bit retarded.

>> No.19658965

>I love how this board shits all over council, yet get completely asshurt when any other group shit talks the worst council whore.
Barely anyone cares if you shittalk Sana, anon. If it was abot her alone, no one would care. But they were talking about Council as a whole, and we have very dedicated councilfags.

That said, I find it hilarious that they are calling Council failures when theirs can barely mog Sana while trying their absolute best

>> No.19659074

Luxiem and Noctyx were from the same audition but the release window could have definitely been spaced out a couple months

>> No.19659326
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Yeah, but thats not what happened shit for brains.
They weren't comparing holocouncil to nijisanji, they were comparing holocouncil to holomyth which is a perfectly valid comparison.

If it was holos pointing out how Niji Ethyria are such a failure compared to the other two gens that the only people anyone on this board ever even posts is Reimu for being Literally /here/ nobody would care because they'd be right.

Have you ever even met someone who's oshi is fucking ENNA?

>> No.19659469

>this level mental gymnastics
holy shit

>> No.19659586

Fuck you, Enna is great

>> No.19659690

>hololive tech issues in shambles

>> No.19659894

yes because shu fixes a lot of their tech problems and they turned down shu

>> No.19659996

couldn't fix their whining being exposed on stream lmao

>> No.19660000

Doesn't this just show Connor was right?
>inb4 strawmanners said he claimed Hololive was talentless
Memes aside, what he really said said is that Hololive had so much clout and advertising reach that getting launched by them guaranteed relative success. Most of their girls hit or got near 100000 subs before they even had even streamed for the first time, which already puts them in the top 0.01% of vtubers. Having those sort of numbers on their very first day is a clear measure of some kind of success. Even those members who used to stream before they joined Hololive didn't have growth that extreme, so you can't argue talent inherent talent alone was the cause for those numbers. It's overwhelmingly corporate branding.

In other words, what he actually said was:
>You don't have to be talented to be successful if you're in Hololive
and not actually
>If you're in Hololive you aren't talented

>> No.19660025

>luxeim/nocys [earn] just as much as their successful JP livers
>But yeah. They were mad about niji [apps (applications?)] again so fast for sure lmao
>[thank] [you] shu
>[just] [been] feeling pretty down and depressed recently...

>> No.19660028
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Vox being a toxic shithead has nothing to do with this comment >>19658426 being full of shit.

>> No.19660055

yes but it's old news and only trolls and retards think hololive isn't hard carried by branding and viral marketing

>> No.19660128

The optics would be a lot better if "then Luxiem became massive" wasn't in the same sentence, and "seems their a little scared" wasn't the next sentence. It's deliberately drenched in tribalism, although more of an unprofessional jab at Holo EN management than council.

>> No.19660298
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If you go to this thread >>19644615 and you search for the name "Enna" you'll get 4 results. AND HALF OF THEM ARE FOR C9's VIENNA

>> No.19661567

Anyone who believes this is delusional.
Also, Sana does work hard, just not for streaming. But hard work in one industry can get you a golden ticket in another loosely connected industry. Sana wouldn't be in hololive if she wasn't a top anime artist. Is it unfair that she can get a spot in hololive because of it and her connections? Sure. But this is how the world works, has worked, and will always work.

>> No.19661774


>> No.19661899

For those who are overly invested in this medium of entertainment, work outside of streaming doesn't exist. If they're not streaming, they're lazy fucks.

>> No.19662056

Does she really work hard?
I could agree if you told me any other holomenber, but Sana?

>> No.19662168

Almost every vtuber explicitly hides their lives outside of vtubing, so the incels here do tend to forget they're people with lives behind the scenes.

>> No.19662194
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>> No.19665417


>> No.19667657
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>> No.19667730

this Finana hating Sana rrat is the best thing out of this mess

>> No.19668093

If Finana passed the holo auditions, she'd be as successful. Too bad she wasn't good enough.

>> No.19668555

I mean it was written by shitposters /here/ so of course it'd read like what everyone on /vt/ expects them to be like.

>> No.19668743

Stay mad, Finana. Imagine being less relevant than someone who doesn't even stream. You and the rest of NijiEN are a joke.

>> No.19668784

>it's fake, it's an edit, it didn't happen!

>> No.19669421

>This board hates Sana
>Except when they can pretend to like her to shit on Nijiniggers
Not sure if based or cringe

>> No.19669604

Damn, why are vtuber fans so racist. Can't handle a strong wyman of color?

>> No.19671761

Finana do not listen to those holobronies! Milord's Osmosis spell will buff your channel and your efforts will all pay off!!!

>> No.19674307

These posts are gonna age poorly when Finana passes Sana. Enjoy them while they can, because we'll be the ones laughing at you in a couple weeks.

>> No.19674389
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>> No.19674408

She's also better at her drawing job than anyone in niji En is good at anything. Seethe Finana

>> No.19674441
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Forget Sana, she still has to beat the tutorial boss.

>> No.19674595

>Last stream
>11 months ago

>> No.19674620 [DELETED] 

She does a lot of drugs, gets more money than you do from your parents and tries to steal your car?

>> No.19674685

Finana is disgusting and carried by Pomu and Elira.


>> No.19674697
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Nice bait

>> No.19674719

Wait, if Choco's sub channel is the tutorial boss, what the fuck is Sana? A hallway mob in the Undead Asylum?

>> No.19674763

Half the talent while putting in one third the time as Finana. Just goes to show Connor is right about Hololive.

>> No.19674810

Its a sub channel where she literally does nothing but autistically play ARK, 11 months ago.

>> No.19674844

Based fujo. I would much rather fight beside a humid-smelling Kindred than a SEAnigger holobrony.

>> No.19674850

If Choco Sub is Asylum Demon, Sana is getting across the fire dragon bridge after Solaire.

>> No.19674880

>listening to old fauna stream
>"I love sana's artstyle so much"
>Sana makes so much money drawing horses or whatever that she literally doesn't need this job
Neet fish getting dabbed on by wagie sungirl.

>> No.19674904

it used to be for her asmr back when youtube was being a bitch about it. Haachama and Aki had one too, but they retired those channels when youtube got their shit sorted out but for some reason Choco kept hers and turned it into an Ark channel

>> No.19674923

Vox already surpassed her in SC and subs.

>> No.19675013

I can't lie, I would feel it too.

>> No.19675050
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>I hate this ungrateful nigger.
It's oddly pleasant to read this in Finana's squeaky little sister voice.

>> No.19675494

isn't Enna one of the most popular Nijis in the Niji thread?

>> No.19675562
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I love Enna and Millie and I will eat, butcher and cook any holobrony who tries to hurt them.

>> No.19675624

>Half the talent
For what, Making sex jokes and acting stupid?

>> No.19675664


>> No.19675671

As opposed to the talent of... nothing because she doesn't stream?

>> No.19675743

finana is a dime a dozen slut anon

>> No.19675835
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Couldn't tell you because the bitch doesn't stream

>> No.19675994

kek well, at least she didn't badmouthed anyone aside from the stream beggars.

>> No.19676925
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>270+ videos and she still can't pass the space bogan kek

>> No.19677057

Sana may never stream but she nevers talks trash to the NijiEN girls. That's already better.

>> No.19677250

Enna is literally the best NijiEN. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.19677289

SPACE NIGGER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SLUT FISH

>> No.19677444
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>> No.19677589

She probably doesn't know that they exist, but the revelation that they actually vent about her generation might actually put them in her head for a minute.

>> No.19678182

>look her up out of curiosity
>first clips are her talking about vibrators
Damn, y'all weren't kidding about the coomer bit

>> No.19678361

It only gets worse from there.

>> No.19679574

clips are never an accurate summary of one's content.
but in finana's case, they're more accurate than most.

>> No.19679820

Lowest hanging fruit for vtubers. Then when she streams she just silently reads dialouge.

>> No.19681453

Brutally honest, her only appeal is yabai little sister.

When compared within, she had nothing against the likes of Pomu or Rosemi who did a lot for their streams. Just compare her valentine stream to Pomu's. The fairy made a whole interactive game.

>> No.19681737

Why couldn't Nijisanji have gotten Fallen Shadow instead of borefish

>> No.19682582

said borefish would be seen in better light if she didn't unarchive her singing streams like a pussy. Numberwankering from yabai and gfe shadowed her artist potential.
