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19630192 No.19630192 [Reply] [Original]

Council is a massive slog fest and a failure. Luxiem is indeed thriving. You need only see the numbers.

Plus, NijiEN has just been far more interesting to watch than Myth and Council. This is coming from a previous Ina gachikoi (I don't watch her anymore).

How long are you Holofaggots going to keep depriving yourself of better entertainment? Niji is just objectively better. Period. Have mercy on yourselves.

>> No.19630265

Incredibly based but holofags won't admit its true
Council is fucking trash and I was always right on my bad feelings about them on debut.

>> No.19630280

>coming from a previous Ina gachikoi
why are nipplesanjis like this?

>> No.19630339

I only follow Kiara from EN now. I just can't enjoy it anymore, HoloEN is so insufferable.

>> No.19630340

Honestly this leak makes me love NijiEN more. Fuck those two-faced Holo whores, they were leeching off Maimoto's golden cock in his golden days then act like he doesn't exist after he carried them to where they're now.

>> No.19630341

Here's your (you)

>> No.19630399

Nothing they said in that chat was untrue. Council flopped big time. Thanks, Sana!

>> No.19630420
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>holochads won't admi-

>> No.19630424

Hi Finana. How it feels to have less subs than Sana?

>> No.19630438
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They hated Fulgur because he told them the truth

>> No.19630482

All of the girls in NijiEN have gross roastie hag voices and talk about dicks and cum way too often

>> No.19630521

Sana did nothing wrong. Fauna and Mumei scuttled the gen.

>> No.19630535

All EN chuubas were a mistake

>> No.19630581

>he can’t even refute it

>> No.19630584

Fuck you. Numberfags burn in hell.

>> No.19630620

>Finana has the cheek to talk shit when even Sana is beating her in every metric despite never streaming

>> No.19630660

>Sana did nothing wrong.
Really? Miss month long break dead dog did NOTHING wrong? She's fucking gatchaing on her roomate right now, she's a fucking waste.

>> No.19630718

lmao the bronies make 10 threads a day to shit on Sana but got mad at other people for simply saying Council performed worst than Cover expected.
Why are they like this?

>> No.19630823

by now we can conclusively say that every single sana thread was made by a niji talent who wishes they had gotten that spot

>> No.19630836


>> No.19630843

My oshi is from the holo jp side, yet even I am laughing at other holofans trying to defend council

>> No.19630898

nijifags are fucking pathetic kek
glad you finally show your true colours
every Holo antipost from now on will have a clear author
your livers have been promoted by Holos since debut and this is what you subhumans give in return

>> No.19630927

Based based based

>> No.19630942
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>> No.19630945

Cope more you fucking African starving kid

>> No.19630964
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>> No.19630980

>Sana did nothing

>> No.19631046

I don't get it. If the Council is a failure, what are the NijiEN girls? 2views?

>> No.19631048

whatever makes you feel better dramafag, you talk so big yet you spend your time on here

>> No.19631056

holobronies are fragile

>> No.19631063

elevated 2views

>> No.19631086

How is "council not doing as well as expected" even remotely controversial? As if the company actually expected one of the streamers to decide to effectively graduate after a month?

>> No.19631117

Imagine getting into this tribal warfare about who the least faggy EOP is. ALL EOPsv ARE FAGS!

>> No.19631127

You a newfag holobrony ? Why did you suddenly forget that your kind was behind all the shitposting about Kiara,Mori,Ina hell all of myth and council suddenly it's "nijis" fault how convenient is your deflection.

>> No.19631230
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I am now going from not watching or caring about Niji, to actively making sure I don’t watch Niji

>> No.19631267

this but for h*l*live

>> No.19631276

what is this?
maimoto said it himself if it's not for subaru he'd quit
you're probably thinking yashiro

>> No.19631324

If they are so thriving, why they compared themselves with council?
Rent free

>> No.19631342

I used to watch NijiEN but I switched to HoloEN after their terrible 3rd wave
the males just sealed the deal

>> No.19631401

lol keep on going y'all bunch of 50 cents indog nijiniggers LMAOO

can't imagine working as a retarded ass licker for a penny lol stfu kys

>> No.19631435

council has depressing viewer-to-sub ratios tho. they practically have a dead community which is sad

>> No.19631447

The underperforming followup to Luxiem is shittalking Council, what a hypocrite

>> No.19631452

>you talk so big yet you spend your time on here
as you do? that's a really pathetic cope

>> No.19631466

Please don't bait with Wosemi sama

>> No.19631476

Starving african fuck.

>> No.19631481

imagine typing all of that when anyone in your entire female branch subs is lower than the weakest council member. holy fucking shit nijinigger what are you even doing??
if i want to watch your kind of streamer I would rather go to twitch

>> No.19631488

Council has better view/sub than any NijiEN female

>> No.19631540
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Says a lot when all nijiniggers can do is attack one of the weakest and shittiest gens in Hololive.
Try again when you can actually stand up to Myth and the big hitters in JP, nijikeks. Until then, keep barking, coping and seething.

>> No.19631557

All of Council are just leeches trying to scrape off some of Gura's success for their own.

>> No.19631562

>Council has better view/sub
There are other ways to embarrass yourself holonigger

>> No.19631571

the fact they bring up the topic about council and let them rent free in their head really tell you something huh? jealousy
And Nijinigger be like:

>> No.19631619

that's normal, it's like Apple products. You could slap hololive on top of an empty debut stream and by the time it debuts it will have 150k subs just because hololivedrones.

>> No.19631644

Selen has a comparable CCV to Sana, and Sana has basically done everything possible to sabotage herself

>> No.19631671

Numbers dictate businesses though? and both Hololive and Nijisanji are businesses so numbers do matter? are you 10?

>> No.19631684
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>There are other ways to embarrass yourself holonigger
Just counter it with a solid argument anon if you really believe your argument is true. They can't even beat anya - the lowest CCV in HoloID

>> No.19631729

they dont, acatually better than myth and most holojp

>> No.19631735

Petra is just playing 5D chess, she purposefully leaked the Discord so an EN collab between Niji/Holo won't happen. Based tribal penguin

>> No.19631739

OP wasn't even mentioning numbers you drama riddled holonigger

>> No.19631779

yes, did I ever said something bad about it, retard? the one I want to point out is everytime nijinigger bring up an argument, they will play the number card and use their strongest niji to beat the weakest one from holoEN

>> No.19631790

Don't use my oshi for tribal autism

>> No.19631841

Do you buy products based on a company’s revenue or based on the product quality?
If you aren’t working for them then who gives a shit?

>> No.19631865

None of us think about niji kek, you live in a bubble

>> No.19631866

Kidding aside, sad but its true
I'm still a holonigger (mostly just Calli) but council is a dramatic failure
Niji's Twitter interactions are also entertaining imo. Holos just dont have the same chemistry

>> No.19631950

I don't know who this retard is more embarassing towards
mori fans or niji fans

>> No.19631987

protip for your next false flag post: don't overdo it

>> No.19631997

Holofags be like say it ain't so
I dont watch neither Holoen nor Nijien but Holofags are pathetic compared to nijifags.
So I'm siding with Niji on this one

>> No.19632002

>Ironically Fulgur of all people RORU.
Mind you, Noctyx is still there.
Horrendously flopped not even a month after their debuts.
Nijikeks should mind their own businesses before shitting on fucking council.
>Ironically Fulgur of all people RORU.

>> No.19632037

kek how does she got more views in the last 7 days without streaming

>> No.19632055

learn basic math lmao
NijiEN girls have HoloID numbers, Council easily gets 5-10 times that much

>> No.19632067

Lyrica was in holoID inner circle and could have ended up there easily. You tribalniggers would then justify her would-be higher numbers as being better streamer than nijisanji, but instead she ended up in NijiEN.
Council numbers are carried by hololive brand, as evidenced by pre-debut sub numbers and sana's lack of investment even if I like Sana myself

>> No.19632075

Fucking anya? not even sana? anya from ID 2? they lose ccv to ANYA?

>> No.19632108

Oh no! You're speaking too much sense!

>> No.19632120


>> No.19632148

she's trying her hardest to destroy any potential Anya/Petra collabs from happening

>> No.19632159

Lyrica is not Indonesian, so she couldn't be in HoloID

>> No.19632211

My friends are massive vtuber fans and they don't watch much Hololive. Only Niji is entertaining enough to be known

>> No.19632214

>Lyrica was in holoID inner circle and could have ended up there easily.
People make mistakes all the time.
>Council numbers are carried by hololive brand
And? Does that mean their numbers count for less? They're still outperforming NijiEN. If Council is considered a failure or disappointment, what about all of NijiEN? They better hope they don't get the plug pulled on them like NijiKR and NijiID.

>> No.19632287

>Only Niji is entertaining enough to be known

Yeah and you don't speak English as your first language.

>> No.19632292
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Enough said

>> No.19632346

doesn't matter if what they are talking about is true or not, they are doing it using their work accounts, are we going to forget that 1 week ago rushia was terminated because of a discord message? how hard is to not do that? they are careless and shit like this was going to happen sooner or later, and they should be grateful is a mild thing like shit talk and not something really serious

>> No.19632372

I really only watch Ina and Pomu these days. I’m not subbed to anyone in council and not really subbed to many NijiENs either. Life is good really.

>> No.19632383


>> No.19632477

If Finana waited 3 months she could be sana
but she had to infiltrate my kino nijiEN unity with her zoomer sluttery

>> No.19632501

>Sana doesn't stream
>Still beats every NijiEN girl
The cock is too strong

>> No.19632522

Nobody else could be Sana. Nobody else has been Ina's friend for over 10 years.

>> No.19632529

rushia wasn't terminated because of the discord message, it was because she was leaking company secrets to Jap Keemstar

>> No.19632542

Okay fulgur, you're a corporate shit now, act like one.

>> No.19632555

>does nothing
Fucking Gura, holy shit.

>> No.19632560

zoomer sluts are the new hotness we have to accept that

>> No.19632579

She's also a shameless clip baiter and clout chaser, the numbers Finana.

>> No.19632592

We will trade you Sana for Elira for reparations of your final yab nijifags. - Former nijifag

>> No.19632644

It'd take Rosemi instead.

>> No.19632675

Anon cover was on Rushia's side in regards to the discord message, yet later discovered she was sharing private info about the company to dramatubers from way before any of the mafumafu stuff even happened

>> No.19632706

Sad it's true. I stopped watching Holo completely mid-Council saga too. Other day I tuned into Mori because there was nothing else to watch and couldn't stay because she spent 2 hours in eldenring character creation making unfunny jokes instead of playing the game

>> No.19632730


>> No.19632733

"Number of weekly streams" is a metric, retard.

>> No.19632863

I got puzzled by that too so went to check
Putting their total views as of Mar 04 minus What was Feb 26
Sana only got 32k and Finana got 290k
how the fuck playboard count views in this card?

>> No.19632868

Don't use Rosemi for these shit threads. Fuck you.

>> No.19632924

>Other day I tuned into Mori
Here's your mistake.
Also Council are good, especially Bae. They definitely found their footing after their terrible debut (except for Kronii who doesn't stream enough and Sana who doesn't stream at all).

>> No.19632957

So he's getting off from Subaru ignoring him? Is that some kind of cuckold fetish? What a freak.

>> No.19632959
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>> No.19632978
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>Nijisanji-san, you've failed to read my previous card
>Nene tracing merch art had another effect!
>Chain link 6, Nene graduation announcement

>> No.19632982

>If Council is considered a failure or disappointment, what about all of NijiEN? They better hope they don't get the plug pulled on them like NijiKR and NijiID.
Hololive and Vshojo are the abnormalities. NijiEN is doing great, considering indies and other companies.

>> No.19632980

how the fuck is Sana still outperforming all of NijiEN when she hasn't streamed in almost a month, her fucking schedule is from January, JANUARY

>> No.19632985

Yes, you are. She dumped info on everyone and the managers to a youtuber on top of breaking several NDAs.

>> No.19632987

>This is coming from a previous Ina gachikoi
>NijiEN talents are Hololive rejects
>NijiEN fans are Hololive fans rejected by their own
>Both have HoloEN living rent free in their minds

>> No.19633003

go to sleep Fulgur Covid

>> No.19633034

She's the face of EN backstabbery. Lest we forget Tsunderia.

>> No.19633033

Council gets higher numbers that the new Nijimales gen though?

>> No.19633048
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Council despite being called the failure continues to live rent free in the minds of Nijiniggers. Remember the success of Luxiem is not the girls success its actually baffling Finana the worst performer of nijiENs first generation has opinions like this shows she has incredible small dog syndrome especially as a confirmed Holo Reject.

>> No.19633079

they had a threesome anon Ui, Shuba, and Him

>> No.19633094

Bro Niji can barely get 1k viewers

>> No.19633103

And Luxiem is outperforming every single holo besides Gura. cope more retard

>> No.19633133


>> No.19633138

It's because there is a culture among holoniggers encouraging them to subscribe to all the girls to support them.

>> No.19633155

>comparing niji with indies

>> No.19633163

>NijiEN is doing great, considering indies

Oh yeah? Some random nobody with no corporate backing is considered par for NijiEN? And you think that's not a disappointment? Let's be honest here, NijiEN wishes they were Council.

>> No.19633174

More reason for me to hate council, getting more than Moona when 3 of them are literally pieces of shit, only moomers and bae is worth existing

>> No.19633179

I enjoy watching both, I don't understand these petty fight. Are you teenage girls or something?

>> No.19633192

says a lot about the fanbase really, you guys would literally eat shit with the holo brand on it

>> No.19633193

I don't care about the faggots, I only watch feamales, and Nijisanji females can't even beat one who doesn't stream

>> No.19633216

>proves everything right on why nijiggers deserve to get exterminated

>> No.19633222

Why are Rosefucks like this? She has a boyfriend btw

>> No.19633225

Luxiem do as well as mid-tier Holos

>> No.19633232
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Cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.19633238

It all makes sense now, it was Fulgur trying to cope about Noctyx not being as succesful as Luxiem

>> No.19633254

>Gura still wins
>anyone that's not Luxiem is still behind fucking Sana
it'd be even more embarassing to see the growth rate 49 days after debut for everyone in that table

>> No.19633300
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>The whole council didn't even stream and still top most of the nijis
my god their entire female branch IS a failure. you can't convince me otherwise

>> No.19633349
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Well yeah. Men dominate streaming, as the twitch fags would say, they're "literally built different". Why don't you compare Myth to all 3 failed gens of Nijiwomen? Not to mention luxiem was Niji's own lightning in a bottle, their second male gen is also already dipping.

>> No.19633357

I'll kneel to the males but the females are just accessories for the men

>> No.19633401

>nijiEN females literally grow slower than a bogan who streams once per month

>> No.19633445

Wow, a group that just debuted has fast growth? Who would've guessed!

>> No.19633483

>49 days after debut
>outperforming (barely) Holos that have been around for at least 3x as much

>> No.19633493

To be fair most council is beyond embarrassing considering holo standards, I can't believe en fans don't find their lack of commitment disrespectful to all the senpais who paved their way to that type of stability

>> No.19633494
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>missed the whole point of this incident
it is not about the content anon but the behavior itself tell you they have a bad one behind the stream
it is ok tho, you nijinigger will deflect it as always. HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.19633583

Pomu will rape the rookie and teach him how to behave

>> No.19633590

imagine the company who hired me and doesn't pay me making me release an apology LMAO
you fuckers make me laugh, every liver's yab as long as it's not a crime is just a nothingburguer but keep dreaming something will come out of this, see you in a few days making threads about HOW are they not punished from what they did LMAO, get fucked retards!

>> No.19633608

Sana isn't the only Council member

>> No.19633617

Mumei is busy with school
Fauna has no real excuse
Kronii is depression incarnate
Bae streams alot but shorter streams currently on break after 28 days of feb straight though.

>> No.19633619

>And Luxiem is outperforming every single holo besides Gura.

They're also deathly afraid to stream during EN primetime hours and struggle to find an English speaking audience. As far as expanding the market goes or challenging Hololive, they're a failure.

>> No.19633636

They all lose to Xqc

>> No.19633667

Because they should have hired actual streamers like bae?
in any shape of form they are failures, one would expect to be almost double the content when they go from 6 to 11 streamers, Bae deserved better genmates, the average viewer opinion on council affects her growth directly

>> No.19633683

Not one you would measure success with, there are countless 2views who blow every niji and holo out of the water by number of streams or hours streamed and for fucking nothing

>> No.19633695


>> No.19633724 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19633747

>imagine the company who hired me and doesn't pay me making me release an apology LMAO

So which one are you?

>> No.19633749

Bae's the worst out of all of them, even Sana was a better streamer when she actually streamed

>> No.19633762

2 cents have been credited to your NIJISANJI-store account. We thank you all for your service!!

>> No.19633763

Exactly they can't pull the numbers council has, a failure on all regards

>> No.19633771

nobody gives a shit about that, their image is forever ruined
they'll forever be bitter, seething, gossiping rejects

>> No.19633789

Fauna and Kronii, 3 out of 5 makes the majority of that gen.

>> No.19633792

exactly, they just want a yab like rushias but this is nothing compared to that

>> No.19633855

Hey vulgar covid

>> No.19633873

There's no proof that she did. It was a lie from Cover and she's gonna drag them to court.

>> No.19633875

Fauna, Mumei and Bae all stream regularly
never watched Kronii

>> No.19633879

no one gives a shit dude, get over it, you lost

>> No.19633880

he's normie pandering though, it's almost another plane of reality

>> No.19633974

Niji damage control in over time today and for free

>> No.19634025
File: 273 KB, 494x500, 7CD4D823-C9D7-413C-AA95-DBE5C69F87B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it Vox and Fulgur, your damage control won’t work

>> No.19634054

Nijifags will get to talk shit when the Homostars EN end up an utter failure (wouldn't surprise me considering Cover's track record with their JP branch).
So far, it's comparing apples and oranges and it doesn't even make your apples look goood when your female livers can't even compete with Hololive's laziest gen.

>> No.19634138

She was the worst the moment I couldn't understand what the fuck she was sying "mate"

>> No.19634142

I want to rape suisei

>> No.19634170

the chinks and trannies actually believe this kek

>> No.19634171

WOW its true
all nijifags think about is hololive and numbers

>> No.19634187

seems like quite a few people care seeing this is literally everything anyone is talking about in the vtuber audience

>> No.19634212


>> No.19634216

The thing with NijiEN girls is...why the fuck would I watch them over any normal female streamer? Riddle me that Batman. I watch them and I just dont see cute anime girls. I see e-thots that curse like sailors while being shit gamers.

>> No.19634232

Super casual here, but council did seem to really fall flat compared to myth's drop.
Has japan gotten a new generation since myth?

>> No.19634250

>Baelz 24hr merch selling number: Around 56k USD
>Vox superchats in one month: Around 100k USD
>Baelz earned in a day half of Vox's monthly akasupas
You want to go on Vox? Because I can

>> No.19634263

Why do holobronies still use subs as if that means anything?

>> No.19634277

>a day
There's work going behind scenes, you know that right?

>> No.19634306

Because it's bday merch? Vox would outsell bae 3x if he had bday dress merch bruh LMAO. Nobody watches bae in 2022

>> No.19634305


>> No.19634314
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Mumei and Baelz are okay though. Fauna is toleration. Kronii sometimes streams. Sana streams not much. You can't put all of council in the same box.

>> No.19634330
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Your oshi cares about those a lot. In fact Hololive and Numbers are the only thing in their head living rent free.

>> No.19634340

It’s nice to watch someone who isn’t constantly walking on eggshells

>> No.19634353

Learn Japanese you faggot. If you seek entertainment stop watching fujo baiting faggots and Western whores

>> No.19634359

myth did really good because they were the first en vtubers
the same reason nijis first male ENs did good

>> No.19634364

Rosemi is getting deep dicked as we speak. Nice oshi you have there.

>> No.19634370

It basically goes
>month gone
>comes back
>people are cool with it
>then for some reason she decides she's gonna do like 1 stream a week because "work"
>not really working, "retweeting" her art is like the absolute bare minimum of """"work""""
I really don't know what she's doing. Maybe she thinks she can just bullshit people. Maybe she doesn't care.

>> No.19634371

I watch her tho which prove your argument wrong. Retard nijinigger

>> No.19634373

>Nobody watches bae in 2022

If you want to know what it looks like when a vtuber actually doesn't have an audience, just watch NijiEN.

>> No.19634384

And NijiEN males aren't? All they do is regurgitate normie memes. Pog sheesh amogus ligma deez nuts

>> No.19634389

Can't stand her kettle nasal laugh, it annoys the fuck out me. Also streams at shit JP hours and her banter isn't that great

>> No.19634391

>what if

>> No.19634411

>Bday merch

>> No.19634413

Yeah, that checks out.
I figured Kronii would be the most succesful out of Council, and from my exposure that seems to be the case.
Even if they wanted the rat to be gura 2.

>> No.19634461

And your point is?

>> No.19634464
File: 157 KB, 883x799, nijicuck deflection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found your reddit account

>> No.19634473

>hypotheticals again
fucking retarded nigger

>> No.19634487

The thing that makes Niji way more entertaining is that they have permissions so the stream content isn't the same.
Hololive game selection is pretty limited

>> No.19634520

PAJEET.... go back to your loo

>> No.19634523

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a false flag
Oy vey

>> No.19634541
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>Vox gets more SC's than any vtuber in the world
He is serious isnt he?

>> No.19634599

It's true tho. Gura "popularity" is overblown. 70% of her 10k viewers are just fat fucks who want to nut in her shark clit. vox already gets way better viewer counts and so do ironmouse and veibae. truly embarrassing

>> No.19634654

False equivalence plus you're underplaying the amount of effort that goes behind the scenes to actually deliver merch.

>> No.19634664

Again, why are you using subs and not CCV/earnings which is what actually matters?

>> No.19634665

>70% of her 10k viewers are just fat fucks who want to nut in her shark clit

>> No.19634666

Theoretically, you'd have a point.

In the real world however, NijiEN struggles to find an audience and the males only found success by pandering to ESLs. Turns out even giving HoloEN a handicap isn't enough for NijiEN to remain competitive. They can't even beat Vshojo.

>> No.19634694

Typical Pajeet. Faggot doesn’t even wash properly that’s why he types shit as well.

>> No.19634709

who's streaming Elden Ring again?

>> No.19634765

I'm a casual watcher and they're actually nice to watch. Avoid the clipshit and their crappy twitter feed and actually watch their good streams (not Apex and their terrible 'so random' collabs). Only Enna really curses like a sailor.

They also have shit views which is terrible for numberfags, but their chat is comfy.

>> No.19634766

anon hit the lean real good today i see

>> No.19634773

Nobody cares about elden ring. Shit fucking game

>> No.19634779

a fucking pajeet!

>> No.19634794


>> No.19634820

Holy cope

>> No.19634822

>70% of her viewers want to nut in her
Just like every vtuber

>> No.19634847

>Gura unbeatable
>Already beaten by Ironmouse & Vox
Why do holoniggers cope so much? Their little sharky whore is obsolete. Just get over it.

>> No.19634849

I don't even get what's so bad about these leaks.
The HolostarsEN audition announcement coming on the tails of another NijiEN audition and the 2nd male wave debut does make it seem like Hololive is on the back foot and they are talking about it.
Everyone (even holobronies with how much you guys seem to shit talk them here) seems to be in agreement that Council is not performing as well as their Myth counterparts and Luxiem who's been around for months now is doing surprisingly well even compared to other JP male livers.

Co-workers commiserating about the other side, nothing super offensive and not targeting individuals. It's like you guys don't exist in social circles.

>> No.19634850
File: 157 KB, 1574x901, bye elira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so it ends, wish it didnt have to be like this

>> No.19634886

>vox already gets way better viewer counts
holy shit have i been teleported to an alternate reality?

>> No.19634896

Those people don't even have 1 million subs what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.19634899

>It's like you guys don't exist in social circles
You are in /vt/. Nobody here has friends.

>> No.19634906

so what, you want to be praised ossan?

>> No.19634908

Ironmouse gets less viewers than Gura

>> No.19634925

sorry but looking at vox chat i already know what kind of viewer he's got. remind me of those kpop spamming retard on twitter.

>> No.19634926

>this is vtuber land, anything that isn't happy go lucky is satan
>unironically did it on official channels
It's standard work environments, but remember the average simp is mentally challenged.

>> No.19634939

Who are you trying to reply retard?

>> No.19634968

>sana empty
You made me laugh out loud, thanks

>> No.19634997

>Gura average viewers: 9-10K
>Ironmouse average viewers: 14-16K
>Vox average viewers during Ringfit: 14-16K
>Kuzuha average viewers: 20-35K
>Xqc average viewers: 60-90K

Literally who the fuck is this gura whore?

>> No.19635023

concurrent viewers

>> No.19635067
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>> No.19635094

on the other side of the spectrum we have cumbuds, poor Gura didn't do anything to deserve that fanbase

>> No.19635106

Ironmouse averages about 10k viewers
Gura got over 30k viewers on her ringfit stream
and youtube CCV is about 75% of what it would be on twitch

>> No.19635110

Pretending you're a deadbeat to say retarded shit is babby's first /vt/ troll.

>> No.19635121
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>> No.19635139

because for months they enjoyed Hololive boosting them with interactions and mentions
the fact that now that they are in the tiniest bit of an advantage position they see the HomoEN as such a massive threat they have to cope on their work discord is pathetic
>Cover is scared
>They're mad
>this feels like all out war
these is an absolutely disgusting business mentality to have

>> No.19635148

1. they did it on their work accounts
2. they got caught
Those are the things they did wrong.

>> No.19635150

>nijiniggers shitting the bed again
Ah yes truly a person of anycolor

>> No.19635158

Which just proves my point.
They get a new game permissions and every holo is playing it.
Mio used to stream all kinds of games until she was exiled to the morning show realm.
Gamers are handicapped but still offer a decent selection of game streams

>> No.19635168

Nothing of value was lost. HoloEN was never going to collab with them anyway.

>> No.19635190

they're talents, they don't do business

>> No.19635191

>because for months they enjoyed Hololive boosting them with interactions and mentions
no they didn't, in fact the exact opposite happened

>> No.19635204
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Livers represent their viewers.

>> No.19635206
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stop embrassing yourself nijinigger.

>> No.19635231

Ironmouse only averages 10K viewers but besides that, yeah. Gura is no longer the big fish she used to be

>> No.19635273

What fucking boost? All Hololive did was sabotaging them.

>> No.19635276

Gura gets top tier numbers alongside Pekora and whoever else
All vtuber numbers have declined

>> No.19635281

>Hololive boosting anyone
What plane of existence are you living on anon

>> No.19635289
File: 98 KB, 1157x1225, february views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon for the love of god you have to stop

>> No.19635293

Luca https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2T2X_d40k8
Miyu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J39sMZX1qmo
Kuzuha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwTMEAzstqE
Really many Niji livers are doing it.
You'd know if you bothered to even do a quick youtube search

>> No.19635319

>Which just proves my point.
>They get a new game permissions and every holo is playing it.
Well, yeah 'cause it's a brand new game that's been hyped up for years.

>> No.19635322

>this is an absolutely disgusting business mentality to have
When HoloEN blocks all their collab requests, what other conclusion do you expect them to make?

>> No.19635330 [DELETED] 

how is aqua number 1
what the fuck did I miss

>> No.19635350

Damn holo dodged a big bullet by not getting that snake fish

>> No.19635369

guess i imagined all the Holos following the Nijis and interacting with them on twitter, the whole Kiara-Pomu/Ollie-Selen arc and all that

>> No.19635379

apesex legend

>> No.19635401
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>> No.19635446


>> No.19635447

why couldn't Ollie collab with Selen?
did HoloID block that collab too, despite allowing NijiID?

>> No.19635480

Not sure if you're just retarded or what but you can literally say this about any English vtuber company. If you want an actual anime girl, watch JP livers, dumbass.

>> No.19635498

Holy shit Aqua is queen now? I thought Pekora and Gura are top dogs.

>> No.19635500

We already know Nijien are a bunch of tribalniggers, its not any management that was blocking collabs. That came from the livers.

>> No.19635510

Imagine simping for a fucking dude doing BFE and ASMR just because he has bigger numbers

>> No.19635527


>> No.19635533

>Choose a powerhouse chuuba to mock Gura
>Use Vox ringfit and not his average viewers to prove his point
>Use Kuzuha-JP chuuba and try to campared it with Gura-EN chuuba to prove his point
>Xqc, not a vtuber but used it anyway to prove his point
The only valid argument you have is Ironmouse but the other just makes you look like a fucking retard

>> No.19635543

If you don't see the importance of numbers you're just some random highschool dropout lmfao, go back to school

>> No.19635560

Then where’s the Pomu Kiara collab?

>> No.19635562

>The wactor girl. KEK

>> No.19635572

Aqua came back to streaming to get top rank in APEX and then quit again
Not comparable

>> No.19635589

even her vod views are always over 300k when Vox sits at 100k most of the time I'll never understand this talk that he is more popular than her, I'll admit that he has more money being send to him but popularity? not even close

>> No.19635627

how are vtuber numbers relevant to you personally

>> No.19635640


>> No.19635680

>The only valid argument you have is Ironmouse
it would be valid if it wasn't a straight up lie AND comparing twitch numbers to YT numbers

>> No.19635699

Ask Finana, who is still raiding the board making sana anti threads.

>> No.19635711

I'm fond of numbers and the real ways they influence CCs and their businesses

>> No.19635746

thats your hobby, it's not actually important

>> No.19635760

I followed a few of them but I unsubbed since they've proven they're just subhuman scum (and also rejects from Holo, lmao).
Also unsubbed from Sana while I was at it. If her videos ever showed up in the youtube feed I'd click Don't Recommend This Channel on it, but they don't because she doesn't exist.

>> No.19635767

hmm, you have a point. So, he has no valid argument to back him up after all?
Wtf nijinigger, are you really desperate?

>> No.19635769

a handful of perfunctory tweets over a year? i'm sure it meant the world to them lol.

>> No.19635780

His ASMR is actually fucking dogshit too.

>> No.19635801

It isn't? Ironmouse gets 13-16K viewers. She's only at 8-9K right now because she's sleeping. have you tried clicking her profile before you dumb fucking african?

>> No.19635811

is nijiEN really that popular? i checked vox and he doesn't even have 400k subs

>> No.19635835

based bunny poster

>> No.19635857

no, she gets less than 10k on average

>> No.19635859

What? Does he fart directly into the mic? Or would that be considered an improvement over what he does?

>> No.19635867

if ironmouse wasn't doing that challenge she would not nearly be getting the numbers she does, twitch culture is fucking retarded

>> No.19635869

Yes and his account's like 50 days old. ur council fags are like 200 days old sitting at 400-500K still. pathetic.

>> No.19635919

It's not about being true or false. It's about your insecure talents needing to hangout in a vent channel so they can voice their complaints of not making it into hololive.
You can stop coping now.

>> No.19635922

>the lowest ccv is when he is talking to a female
you love to see it

>> No.19635928

Please undahstand we can't post anything else other than milord number to fought holobronies

>> No.19635930

this has to be a falseflag attempting to make Nijiniggers look like retards, because goddamn I don't want to believe you people are actually this stupid

>> No.19635936

>comparing the strongest niji against the weakest holos
kek let me guess you also think ukraine is going to win against russia

>> No.19635951

The homo and fujo audience seem to love him.

[Ashton Darvell] 2022-03-03 07:52:01 A$30.99 ---- C-can you say “good boy” ?
[Ashton Darvell] 2022-03-03 07:55:27 A$159.99 ---- Could you please say “good boy”?
[Bast] 2022-03-03 07:49:53 $19.99 ---- can we get a good boy/god little kindred for the guys and enbys in chat please milord?
[Bino Eddy] 2022-03-03 09:00:11 $4.99 ---- M’lord can I have a “good boy” please
[Jack Kairos, Vampire Prince] 2022-03-03 07:58:56 £20.00 ---- I'm being brave daddy please I'm begging call me a good boy my knees are weak please-
[Kindred Gabriel.] 2022-03-03 07:53:57 ₱50.00 ---- HELLO SIR CAN U SAY "GOOD BOY" PLEASE
[dogboy antony] 2022-03-03 07:33:32 £5.00 ---- i have never been so down bad in my entire life i want to be your good boy and im not ashamed to admit it
[rho] 2022-03-03 07:23:53 $49.99 ---- oh dear, i messed up my first one. i normally don't speak much, but i have had a rough few days. could i get a "good boy" please milord~? (i am partial to the left side ;w;)
[rho] 2022-03-03 07:47:01 $19.99 ---- milord, could i please get a "good boy" (left) i worked so hard through this terrible week :pleading_face:
[sunnydayzz] 2022-03-03 07:45:27 CA$2.79 ---- milord could you call me “good boy”? :red_heart:
[ばぶ] 2022-03-03 08:02:19 ¥6,100 ---- Good evening, Vox, I'm a good boy and I'm going to sleep. Give me a hug and a kiss if you like.

>> No.19635979

holy shit the cope on this man

>> No.19635995

Xqc saw a clip of Gura and didn't recognize her.
Her "fame" is just enclosed within the shitty Holofuck community.
Grow up, Holoniggers. Choose better fucking VTubers. Goddamn.

>> No.19636006

Constant fucking mouse clicking, shit settings, his soft talks are WAY TOO LOUD, and even when he's supposed to be "whispering" it's not that at all, he leans too much to one side rather than abuse the fact that it's binaural; the list goes on.

That's because they're fucking retarded, coomers are in general fucking retarded, including the women.

>> No.19636026

Who's Xqc's favourite vtuber?

>> No.19636041

She/her on twitter 100%

>> No.19636052

>Her "fame" is just enclosed within the shitty Holofuck community.

And the reason you're upset is that the entire rest of the vtuber community exists as a subset within that community. Particularly in the English speaking world.

>> No.19636056

shut the fuck up fulgar, your numbers are pathetic, worse than Council.

>> No.19636058

>collabs with women tank his ccv
Fujos are pretty sad

>> No.19636059

OMG did you guys hear that Frangus Oblongus was shittalking hollow corp in a leaked dick sword screenshot? OH MY GOD?

>> No.19636068

Wow you're such an expert on ASMR, tell us more

>> No.19636078

proof? otherwise you are just spitting some bullshit here

>> No.19636084

Thats what I was thinking too until I saw >>19634464
They're actually serious

>> No.19636115

Go look for proof yourself you fucking russian

>> No.19636127
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Meanwhile, the actual VOD views.
Really makes you think, huh?

>> No.19636133

Seriously you brought Gura and numbers? are you Nousagis?

>> No.19636144

>if only ironmouse was doing something different from what she's doing, she wouldn't be so successful
Wow what a take nice job anon.

>> No.19636163

>everyone is just pretending!
Oy vey.

>> No.19636169

If Gura is a nobody in the grand scheme of things, imagine what the average Nijisanji member is, less than an ant

>> No.19636172

Gura numbers are constantly bot-automated. it's proven. Pathetic

>> No.19636236

Niji is more famous than holo in Japan

>> No.19636240

>Ina gachi
Literally never existed

>> No.19636245
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>holoCHADS won't admit it's true
Because it isn't

>> No.19636260
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>> No.19636333

That is statistically wrong on all fronts, the majority of money going into nijisanji comes from china. They're a chink install.

>> No.19636336

and? tf, are you really that retard nigger?
Your statement is like saying the boyband k-pop whatever it is need to get recognize by him to make them valid in your eyes despite them being more popular than him.

And no, i dont even know who the fuck is Xqc, twitch streamer? kinda further my point then

>> No.19636436

Right? If that were the case nijisanji is fucking irrelevant dude. At least Pewdiepie knows what a holo is.

>> No.19636444

>Xqc saw a clip of Gura and didn't recognize her.
xQc is barely sentient. He probably couldn't recognize an apple if you placed it in front of him.

>> No.19636448

You're a retard if you don't know Xqc. Guy gets 80K concurrent viewers pretty much every time. The most famous Hololivers (even JP) can only wish of achieving those on a regular basis.

>> No.19636485

>he's normie pandering though
literally all of the memes they spout came from xqc's mouth, you fucking retard.

>> No.19636487

>the Japan cope
they can keep their little island if they want, Holos still dominate the rest of the market, except for China probably, but you can keep those too.

>> No.19636514

Based. If it were true Council would be getting niji numbers. But even Sana mogs Finana.

>> No.19636538

China has the largest population in the world. Someone needs to teach you economic/political strategy

>> No.19636564
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Gura has at least 28k members, even if all of them are tier 1, it is still 140k income minimum only from membership. Sorry but how much did the most successful vtuber in the history the Lord of SC Great Vox earned this month?

>> No.19636569

xqc is now a honorary nijifag
nipplefags can't get anymore pathetic

>> No.19636587

Reminder that HoloCN amounted for less than 20% of superchat earnings between BOTH youtube AND bilibili
Your subhuman country means nothing

>> No.19636637

What gura earns is merely a fraction of what Pewdiepie, xQc, and Shroud earn

>> No.19636677

Council are a failure because they were built off of the major success that is Myth and completely flopped compared to them. All of their channels have plateaued hard while Myth are still growing. IRyS has been sabotaged by her awful model since debut and she's still far ahead of all of them except for Kronii who is the only one remotely close subscriber wise.
Niji is built off of their own success. Anyone who wanted to watch them jumped ship when Lazulight was announced, which was barely even enough to get their channels off the ground despite huge company backing, making the rest of their continued success entirely created through their own efforts as entertainers.
The simple fact that the Council are built off of so many advantages and yet don't even hold a candle to Myth is why they are viewed as a complete flop.

>> No.19636791

finally some fucking brain cells in this board

>> No.19636815

I know that China is a huge player when it comes to numbers and money, but every form of entertainment that attempts to tap that market loses their dignity as is constantly forced to kneel to the bugmen to not "Hurt the feelings of the Chinese people". I'd rather them lose the China money than them having to deal with that subhuman scum.

>> No.19636830

>council flopped because they didn't CHOOSE MEEEEEEEE

>> No.19636866

You are literally 12 years old

>> No.19637009

Council is pathetic. Not much else to be said.

>> No.19637019
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>You are literally 12 years old

>> No.19637030

No, you're making too much sense! the holobros can't take it!

>> No.19637081

so true sister! we're smart asf they damb

>> No.19637139

>rational analysis of the situation
What do you hope to accomplish with your rampant shitposting?

>> No.19637150

NijiEN is a flop. They are talentless. They are uninteresting. They are supported by Chinese money.

If Council is a flop, nijiEN is worse than a flop. They’re losers. They’ve always been losing the race and always will.

I can’t believe I used to feel pity for some of these fucks. No holofan should bother saviorfagging for a niji ever again. Unity is for Hololive, not for grifters. I hope Riku cuts his losses and starts over from scratch.

Terminate the whole branch.

>> No.19637184

Wtf an actual smart person on this board?

>> No.19637204

It is not the people of China who have money. Nobody ever realizes that…

>> No.19637219

Nice numbers thread I guess

>> No.19637270


>> No.19637404


>> No.19637452

I wonder how Nijisanji would be doing if they were the ones that got fucked by China, Holo managed to stay strong despite losing a chunk of the Chinese market and going through the graduation of one of their more beloved members. Would Niji continue to be stable financially if they got the bugs bullying them? would their talents stick with the company if one of their biggest players left the scene in such a sad way?

>> No.19637507

The nijis don’t compare themselves to Myth. I wonder why?

>> No.19637615

>had to nitpick who vs who
>replying to anything with voxnumber.jpg
what do you expect?

>> No.19637939

oh crap this aint discord
