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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19617398 No.19617398 [Reply] [Original]

>even nijien makes fan of council

>> No.19617445
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>> No.19617457

Yes because they are LITERALLY Council rejects. He applied thinking he can get in as a male, kek.

>> No.19617478

>make fun of Council
>Council dabs on them completely
Makes sense. They're unironical rejects kek. They watch every Council stream while seething.

>> No.19617515

Not even the guys. The girls, using the guys, saying "our guys are mogging your girls" instead of competing with them themselves


>> No.19617553

Does anyone unironically like Council with no complaints? People praise Myth all the time, but the only one in Council that /vt/ doesn't shit on is Bae.

>> No.19617603

They must be the ones seething about Sana since despite being the worst in council she still mogs female NijiEN by a landslide

>> No.19617629

Embarrassing illiteracy

>> No.19617651
File: 57 KB, 899x244, LM FUCKING AO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont throw stones when you live in a glass house

>> No.19617676

I like all of Council. Baelz, Fauna, Mumei, Kronii, and IRyS. They are all great additions, have evolved into nice streamers with time, and I especially love the horny nephilim.

>> No.19617701

Inferiority complex anon

>> No.19617763

Bae gets shat on all the time. It's just a little less now.
Not without cause. Myth still dominates despite their own absence.
Imagine having only two gens in your branch and still having one outshine the other to this degree.

>> No.19617814

IRyS is not Council.

>> No.19617842

I warmed up to them after they collab'd with my oshi. Except Sana, which never streams so I'm neutral on her.

>> No.19617865

She is the council adoption since Sana left to buy ciggies and never came back

>> No.19617868

>72 videos
>245 videos
Holy shit, do I laugh? do I feel bad? Is this why they're absolutely assblasted seething against council?

>> No.19617910
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>> No.19617914

How is this image you keep memeposting something to be proud of?
This literally just proves Connor right and you Holofags are just cultists.

>> No.19617952

>gets outperformed in every metric by a girl who has not streamed for 20 days, not taken streaming seriously at all for like 4 months period and is by fucking far the lowest rung and least-successful holo

I think the Niji girls get a lot of confidence seeing how /vt/ gives them a lot of love and attention compared to Hololive, making them feel closer to equals, but they are still relatively small potatoes compared to Holo's total scale.

>> No.19617955

She's honorary

/Vt/ isn't on person and outside of maybe Sana you can probably find more people who like them at least individually than you can find people who hate them. Some people are also genwunners and shit on council just because they're not myth

>> No.19618013
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>literal whos on /vt/ makes fun of actual vtubers

>> No.19618034

people shit on council because they bring nothing new to the table except the smell of cum

>> No.19618140

>>literal whos on /vt/ makes fun of actual vtubers
They may be literal whos, bs there any proof NijiEN are actually /here/?

>> No.19618205

*but is

>> No.19618209

Council is like dollar store hololive. Iyris( or what ever) looks like some weird western barbie, so off model from everyone else,
Sana looks like a tan girl from an early 2000's flash hentai game
Mumei Is a cuter less racist gura.
And I don't even know who the rest of them are

>> No.19618236

How low can vtubing get. All you need to slap Holo label on your channel and people throw a money at you. You don't even have to do anything.

>> No.19618262
File: 119 KB, 850x601, 34yuyjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's the ultimate definer of quality vs quantity.
1 Stream of Sana's quick-witted humor>10 Streams of Finana making sex jokes every 20 seconds and talking about how she threw up flaming hot noodles or whatever
It's the reason why true Sanalites don't mind the wait.

>> No.19618306

The exception doesn't make the rule faggot.

>> No.19618650

what is a connor?

>> No.19618718

Any post defending Sana like this is bait.

>> No.19618757

A male. Nijis are envious because Connor didn't fuck their oshis and leeched from Holos instead.

>> No.19618760

eigo jouzu

>> No.19619376

a based pile of facts

>> No.19619627


>> No.19619716

its okay fulgur (You)'re also a failure

>> No.19619745

And any post attacking Sana is a seething nijigger. Maybe you should work on securing your shittalking channels Finana.

>> No.19619818

Quality vs Quantity doesn't apply to Sana.
A wasted slot that could've been used for someone that would've done better.

>> No.19619843

Finana is still a better streamer than Sana desu.

Sana is overrated and ignores her fans.

>> No.19620130

Sana isn't even rated.

>> No.19620188

Bae is pretty good and entertaining all around. Mumei and Kronii have their funny moments. And Fauna is cute I guess and I heard she games good.

>> No.19620562

wtf are you doing here Calli?

>> No.19620740

>fan of council
They're fans? That's great!
Who's their oshi?

>> No.19622245

I really like Bae, she's really cute and fun to watch, plus I'm quite fond of her interactions with IRyS
I'm neutral on moomers, but I can see her appeal
Kronii and Fauna are.. definitely not my cup of tea
Sana hasn't streamed since valentine's and even before that it has all been AC and Pokémon since November, it really rubs me the wrong way
Overall, I don't think I'm really happy with them but it's all just subjective anyway, people often like stuff I consider terrible but that's just how the world is

>> No.19622392

As if nijinigger not, they try to defend their talents like a fucking Jesus lmao (including you)

>> No.19623375

This just proves being in Hololive is a free check no matter how terrible you are. You holofags pay for the brand lmao

>> No.19623678

I do really like council and think they have great chemistry, but I still have my criticisms, though. Like how filtered they tend to be and how they stream less frequently.

>> No.19625651

Council started of good, but they lost the momentum.
Unlike myth which started strong and they kept strong until recently.

>Mandatory: Sana is a wasted slot.

>> No.19626422

I mean, just looks like Fulgur is a myth>council chad like the good part of the hololiveEN fanbase

>> No.19626580

Wtf Council started weak as shit and only now they are picking up the pace

Baelz started trying to force her chaos gimmick way too hard and was too annoying, nowadays she is way more tolerable since she stopped going so hard on that
Fauna has been consistent from day 1
Kronii was on a menhera debuff arc and tried to debuff herself as much as possibe
Mumei started with her "i forgor" gimmick which was super lame and picked up when she realized she could be edgier and people liked it

>> No.19626754

good, now post the rest of holo EN

>> No.19626796

It's mostly Cover's fault by giving them such weird designs, including Irys. Fuck lore

>> No.19626995


>> No.19627552

>Mumei Is a cuter less racist gura.
no such thing as a cuter Gura

>> No.19627909

Kronii still debuffs herself.

>> No.19628072

yes Calli, that's her name with a capital C.

>> No.19628808

If anything this proves that hololive fans are retarded.
