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File: 1.06 MB, 1170x1165, mumei happy reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19608251 No.19608251 [Reply] [Original]

Post yfw your chuubas remain drama-free despite the HAPPENINGs of the last few weeks.

>> No.19608331
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Pomu is such a pure vtuber.

>> No.19608357

I love HoloEN!!!

>> No.19608373

stop making threads dramafag. kys.

>> No.19608473
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>> No.19608485
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>> No.19608651
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>> No.19608751

>holoEN just keeps on winning
>nijiEN just keeps on seething
What a timeline we live in.

>> No.19608788
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>> No.19608831
File: 165 KB, 300x419, Hololive mumei 200 moomed on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank christ despite the extreme amounts of autism most of council has they're somehow the most level headed people in all of vtubing

>> No.19608885

>completly ordinary discussion

>> No.19608979

It's very common for even entertainment companies to hire based off of how easy they think someone will be able to work with. It would explain a lot about the big difference between Myth and Council in talents if they sifted for reliable people.

>> No.19609054
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Don't care, Kiara love

>> No.19609207

>tribalist seething at hololive is completely ordinary discussion
Hello Finana

>> No.19609292

It helps that all of their autism just manifests as submissive introversion (with the exception of Bae and even then she's hardly the most rebellious vtuber Cover has ever produced).

>> No.19609326

Mumei wasn't dramafree though
Kiara being kept in the dark about the offline meetup was drama until mumei ended it

>> No.19609417

"drama" because of clipniggers and not because of any action mumei or kiawa took

>> No.19609453
File: 396 KB, 592x560, sad enna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm I wonder which fanbase is responsible for this post...

>> No.19609498

Off topic but why did enna get associated to the "nijinig" people?

>> No.19609578

>completely ordinary discussion is tribalist seething at hololive
kys dramafag.

>> No.19609809

holobronies envy her singing

>> No.19609857

Great post, keep up the good work, livers! Don't let the holofags win! Make another Sana thread just to make sure the deflection's working.

>> No.19610092

So the same for the nijis right now right?
Not a single thing they said shittalked the talents yet every twitternigger pretending they are

>> No.19610247
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>while NijiEN gossips, Bobon is out in Eastern Europe knee-deep in hohol blood

>> No.19610266
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>> No.19610273

I'm unironically surprised that none of these involve haachama somehow since she's for reason always in the thick of it
But hey, poor girl deserves a break so good on her for actually streaming lately I guess

>> No.19610336

What the fuck is this level of revisionism

>> No.19610782

The level of deflection from nijiniggers in this thread is too damn high. Come on, keep diggkng your own grave

>> No.19610883
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>> No.19610946

With mori and connor you can point to connor actually shit talking holo talents

At one point did niji shit talk the talents?

>> No.19611072

>I feel like there's an all out war going on
Followed by
>Hololive is scared that council did bad but NijiMales are successful

This alone implies that they shit-talked about hololives in conversations off screen or else pomu wouldn't have started the convo like that.

Then there's Vox saying that Shu is so good at tech support that if he was hired in hololive maybe they'd have less technical difficulties

Then mystia is at the bottom being sad-cringe, unrelated to everybody else

>> No.19611477

>I feel like there's an all out war going on
How is this shittalking talents?
>Hololive is scared that council did bad but NijiMales are successful
What does being successful have to do with talent?
There are plenty of talented vtubers who are 2views
What does council not doing as well as myth have to do with council as talents themselves?

Don't speculate, objectively tell me in what way these statements talk bad about talents

>> No.19611971
File: 63 KB, 518x518, 1635922500570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of yor chuubas have boyfriends.
I rely beleb et

>> No.19612096
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>> No.19612867

>don't speculate
>only I can speculate that they were really talking positively about everything. They sure aren't "council is le bad" tier shit you see spammed here
Good luck in the deflections, Finana.

>> No.19612903

based artia

>> No.19613081

>What does being successful have to do with talent?
the point is Council IS succesful by any metric that isn't comparing them with Myth
so, since Myth and Council are from the same company, shitting on Council's success is shitting on the talent
find a better excuse
