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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19542696 No.19542696 [Reply] [Original]

Stream in 30 minutes!


>> No.19543864

I'm glad she is back

>> No.19543998
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Wait warmly

>> No.19544252
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>> No.19544315
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>> No.19544415

Guess everyone are popping their 4 month subs. Dam its been 4 months already?

>> No.19544582

I still have a month left on my 3 month sub. It's still hard to believe for me that I actually subbed to someone after watching twitch streamers for 5+ years without doing so.

>> No.19545210

Can't believe she was doxxed back in 2012

>> No.19546345

We're less than 3 months away from 1 year of Nade. Time flies.

>> No.19548012

Will she do one of those "looking back on my debut" streams for the anniversary?

>> No.19548272

She's had so many debuts, which one counts as her anniversary? Her first thread?

>> No.19548304
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>> No.19548382

Knowing her now, she would've been too embarrassed to show that tummy

>> No.19548413
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>> No.19548946


>> No.19549143

FREE (before finding another job)/10
it's good to see her grow and she was very happy for more free time

>> No.19549242

What a refreshing stream. It was so nice to have her back and she was really energetic. Looking forward to the drawing stream!
I missed her a lot bros.

>> No.19549375

Short, but her energy is infectious. She's celebrating and going to start her freedom off with a bang and create her own 2.0 model out of sheer impatience.
Would she? She's not afraid of showing Azur Lane girls on stream and gushing about them.

>> No.19549454

didn't she kept asking if that would get her banned? imagine thinking a tummy would get you banned..

>> No.19549671

10/10 stream, watching her happy and chirpy like that brightens my day.
Also I'm glad that even if the /here/ audience dwindled heavily, her gachis are strong as ever.

She's been on family friendly nice for a while now. I don't think she's against leading others, but does not enjoying being lewded herself.

>> No.19550276


Nade deciding to make her own model sure is a surprise! I think it will be interesting to see her work through it on stream. I wonder if the break she has before university starts is enough time to finish it though?

>Would she? She's not afraid of showing Azur Lane girls on stream and gushing about them.
Other than what >>19549454 mentioned, the main difference is that those characters aren't a representation of herself. Remember that part of the reason for making the new model was making it more in line with her IRL self, but in a fantasy style. Nade's mentioned before that it's hard to separate herself from her model, and that she's had the urge to correct people when they comment things about her model that are different from her IRL appearance.

>> No.19550807

Seriously, it's like a weight was lifted off her shoulders and it's great to hear such happiness from her. As for /here/ audience, that's how it goes, some go super tribalfag for video platforms of all things, even if I still prefer youtube it's clear how twitch has helped Nade in terms of making friends/acquaintances.

>> No.19551424

>Getting Nade 2.0 hair in real life
Why do I feel like Nade's going to stop caring about opsec at some point and start cosplaying herself?

>> No.19551992

>weaves vtubing journey seamlessly into supporting her irl idol
We'll be making threads on /jp/ soon enough

>> No.19552092

I still prefer youtube, and at this point, it makes almost no difference, since she's already past the point of having memberships on both platforms, and since she rarely uses Twitch exclusive features.
Anyway, I would never stop supporting my oshi over something minor as the platform she chooses to stream on.
I believe the lack of drama in the last few months are somewhat responsible for the slow threads. There's no much reason to come here and discuss when everything is drama free smooth sailing.

>> No.19552273

I could go for some drawfag content if anything, but really the upcoming model makes it feel like any efforts made on her current model will be "wasted" in a way.

>> No.19552340

>Last part
I personally prefer the slower threads since fast threads means drama most of the time. Of course this also means less oc with the lack of regular threads sadly..

>> No.19552869

Same. I was hoping for art of Nade and MoonJelly looking like sisters together, but now they're BOTH evolving.

>> No.19553135

It's also probably a holdover from when these used to be some of the most active threads on /vt/ whenever she did a twitch space or board room meeting.
But yeah, I much prefer no drama. It's been really nice. Also, feels like general /here/ perspective on Nade has definitely shifted in a positive direction now that more people have checked her out and seen what she'sw2j0s actually like.

>> No.19553920

like wolf!Lumi does? would be pretty based 2bh

>> No.19555102

Speaking of platforms, were I in her shoes and looking for growth, I would ignore my affiliate contract and multistream the redebut on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook, run ads on the last two as well as Twitter and maybe even Instagram, and promote on Reddit. Just throw out every line possible to capture debut momentum. Maybe that's a little extreme.
Point is, I hope she has a promotional plan to make the most of the redebut and isn't solely limited to hoping the respective websites' recommendation algorithms will be on her side. Just like anything else, if you want people to pick up what you put down, you need to produce something worthwhile, but you also need to find some way to tell everyone about it. She has the first part, but the second is almost an entirely different ballgame, even if you can sorta think of livestreaming as social media in a way.

>> No.19555271

Tell her that and show her https://youtu.be/0i9gkprYekI while you're at it

>> No.19556991

Nah, she'll start wearing a witch hat to college

>> No.19559867
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I guess we're asp now. Anyway, what I got from this video:
You can set your own hours but Twitch wants at least 5 hours a day from you, several days a week.
Twitch metrics don't filter out the zero viewer streams of people who aren't even trying, making the success rate artificially low.
Put your videos on YouTube. Yes, I know the relationship between Twitch VODs and the YouTube algorithm is it's own can of worms.
As for what he called streaming for YouTube, ironically, we used to get these streams more often during the png days. Even looking at the YouTube videos that are still up, we had the gigachad, Sino Alice stories, and a Q&A video. Nowadays it's mostly zatsus about whatever, or drawing what she feels like, with the notable exception of the collab. To be clear, I don't think this is due to laziness but time and energy constraints from wrapping up the school year. After all, she put a lot of effort into Christmas, New Years, and Valentine's Day.
I'm pretty sure that collabs don't work for growth at this level. I expect they work better when you have a decent number of casual fans that are willing to watch whoever they find entertaining at the moment, otherwise, all you have are the more dedicated fans who will all go back to watching the streamer they're already attached to.

>> No.19561406

I do agree that lazy collabs are bad. Playing videogames with your friends is not especially entertaining and intra-collab interaction means less attention to the chatbox.
Yoink and twist. Ah yes, I can't wait to find out which Pokemon... I mean, Lord of the Rings mobile game characters Nade would like to have sex with.
Get outside traction at the start. I guess we're her so called external community that gave her this. I'm honored, in a way.
Hire an editor, if you can afford it. Unless you enjoy editing your own videos and have the time.
Big events are good for growth. Sounds obvious but the wrinkle here is that she's apparently holding off on a lot of ideas until the new model is ready. This point is similar to the part about structuring streams so they can become youtube videos, I guess. Hopefully, she's has them all lined up so it won't just be her debut and then talking, drawing, and gaming about whatever for weeks.

I guess the takeaway is that she should do more topic-based discussions and upload VODs, or at least clips, to YouTube. Twitch isn't doing her any favors, especially with her streams being only two to three hours. Also, every time he says corpse, I keep thinking he's talking about corpse_ch.

>> No.19563566

More VTubers should try doing what these guys did: True 2.5D

>> No.19564182

I only do it to make her happy. I can overlook $2.50 of my money going to twitch but no more, especially with how terribly it treats unsubbed viewers with multiple unskippable video ads so I will never sub to another twitch channel (I highly recommend a twitch specific adblocker if you're going to spend any time on the site). Hell, the video encoding server lottery is a travesty as well.

I just felt my balls recede into my pelvic cavity.

>> No.19564731

I've been getting by on gift subs; I'm grateful that people have been so generous with them. The money isn't a problem (I've donated through Streamlabs), I just feel uncomfortable about attaching my real name to my Twitch account.

>> No.19566244
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Nade will end up trying to become a witch for real, just so things line up. If we're lucky then she'll stop at stage magic.

>> No.19568965

I've been seeing more mention of Nade in other threads, so whether it's thread posters or a separate contingent, it looks like discussion keeps going a tiny bit even when the thread is done and over with.

The number of times I've had people wanting to draw fanart of her come to me asking for reference sheets or design details has been, well, only a few times but it's crazy that it happens at all. Legs, breast size, you know what I mean. Wow, I sound like a pervert.

>> No.19569710

>Good with her hands
>Likes cards
>Various claims about her skill at reading people and gathering intel (for mentalism tricks)
>Being double-jointed helps with escapology

I can see it. Idol who works magic tricks into her performance when?

>> No.19571053

>I've been seeing more mention of Nade in other threads
There's a few posts about her here >>19477758

>> No.19571699

I saw someone posting in that thread's so called underside about "grooming" her fans again. Another one posted some old art here >>19340856

>> No.19572710

>grooming her fans
please elaborate

>> No.19573109

They think we're rich and will donate lots to other chuubas as well.

>> No.19573141

We're a concentrated mass of gachikoi and oil barons, anon.

>> No.19573674

Hopefully no one tries to approach her just to try to woo is away from Nade.

>> No.19574244

I can only speak for myself but as much as I donated I am by no means rich.

>> No.19574715
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They can try, but they won't succeed.

>> No.19575162
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Don't you wonder how many other lonely alienated people there are out there reaching out over the internet, looking for somewhere to belong? Nade is lightning in a bottle but do you think it can ever strike again?

>> No.19576717

nade's just built different. her self-improvement streak is honestly like some anime protag shit, she has her feels and worries but never goes menhera. she took my superchat virginity.
