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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19519244 No.19519244 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>19495379

Today's Streams

Sopa will play Streamer Life Simulator
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9449vOsuwSg [Embed]

Ito celebrating Super Chat Activation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tkigXa9WYQ [Embed]

Luna plays Halo Infinite
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG1G8EF9uSk [Embed]


Miu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_z0-X89fg [Embed]
Lia: Schedules are for pussies.
Hana: n/a
Rose: Inactive due to suspension.
Suzu: https://twitter.com/HoshinaSuzu/status/1495392647350874117
Sopa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8y6V-Dn5eg [Embed]
Pal: Palcha is back!
Luña: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUJUEGEuaGE [Embed]
Himari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaPHHAF1K1M [Embed]
Yue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ8NdW1-0A8 [Embed]
Ito: https://twitter.com/shinonomeito/status/149782649712582656

>> No.19519274
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I'm so proud of this autist
pls don't be sad sopita

>> No.19519332
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>> No.19519403

Inumommy still playing Night Delivery

>> No.19519523
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We are on the uncanny valley, Wactor is in flames, but there are more streams than ever

>> No.19519590

I can't tweet this to you but hana please get help. Irresponsible laila and meido will be to blame if anything happens to hana for dragging her into this shit storm.

>> No.19519591

Please release me 4chan sama, I'll be good


>> No.19519601

The rest of the girls are fine, why would they need to stop their activities? the real problem there are the midget and the witch.

>> No.19519611
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a timeline where laila and akira dont hate each other, she collabs with nijis, every girl is back in shape and streaming and waiting for a new gen?
When will we start operation wactor to shift through them?

>> No.19519661

miutomo OP LOVE

>> No.19519663

things are going too fast. I cant keep up with these threads...

>> No.19519681
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>> No.19519743
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>> No.19519781

Prepare to wake up to a shit thread because there will not be a single spic to stop the thais in the next 8 hours.

>> No.19519798

You can time travel now

>Save world from ww3
>Save Wactor from this shit

Choose one

>> No.19519885

It obvious he's demanding them to stream as much as possible to drive attention away from his PR disaster
And it works, if you check their twitter and chat when the girls mention the "recent bad news" a lot of idiots have no idea what's going on

>> No.19519907

where are the manolos tercios when we need them the most

>> No.19520049

Nah its probably just the girls trying to calm things a little, they are worried too. Sopa couldnt sleep, miu was a bit sensitive during the karaoke, etc.
Himari, ito and yue did their schedules before and they were full of youtube streams for the wek

>> No.19520166

Akira has negative PR stat on his character sheet, this is the 100th example, but I need WACTOR intact because I love the girls

>> No.19520194
File: 188 KB, 269x309, 1645661511495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't have looked at twitter and other sites for the drama dawg.
Ion wanna lose Luna and Himari....

>> No.19520216

I know how hard it is to do what others want even though they interfere with what you really want. Hina raise your voice don't be afraid

>> No.19520230

>Manolos knowing english

>> No.19520392

Laila love

>> No.19520443

She just tweeted about drinking alcohol and anxiolytics. Laila and akira should really try to talk this in private

>> No.19520489

Hina is a good girl and Akira rewarded her.
Don't speak bs

>> No.19520615

Hina is the only one who can make all parties reconcile

and that Akira stops being a retard and pays Laila

>> No.19520640

I want that timeline
Where everyone could be happy, and Wactor grows to the point /Wactor/ becomes well known in /vt/ for good reasons and not for being a Black Company

>> No.19520746

the other girls are paid, it probably was something that he couldnt control and was too incompetent to solve it quickly before the other retard did what she did

>> No.19520750 [DELETED] 

I don't want more drama I just know that if they talk a lot of the problems would be less but the Japanese are weird. The most hypocritical society in the world.

>> No.19521071

Amazing. A bunch of schizos and Akira cocksuckers admit the "Laila evil mastermind" rrat is just the work of the voices in their heads and STILL faggots go around repeating this bs

The simple explanation is always the most logical: Akira can't manage the girls > they get stressed > some want to quit > they're supporting each other.
No need to come up with retarded narratives

>> No.19521093

I was expecting the day I could shill Wactor to the gringos, presuming the numbers of the "spic pandering company"
Now that day feels far off...

>> No.19521139

ok Mymo, now fuck off.

>> No.19521174

Okay, but why does Laila treat them like tools then?

>> No.19521193

ok now say it without midget cock in your mouth

>> No.19521233

Follow the timeline of events, is obvious what Laila is trying pull there.

>> No.19521234

Certified rrat

>Laila managed to convince Hana to lose her Job

>Hana didn't resigned inmidiatly, like Rose did. This makes Laila nervous, seeing Hanai is having second thoughts about her plan

>Laila speeds up the process, retweeting Hana secret account

>Laila adds the announcement; Hana was retiring from Wactor in the coming days

>Laila expected Hana to succumb to peer pressure, and speed up her Graduation

> But Hana Bipolar Syndrome kicked out instead. Now she is talking on Tweeter about taking her own life, drinking alcohol and antidepressants pills

>Laila fucked up. Hana is completely inoperative and suicidal. And the culprit is by all accounts not Akira, but herself

If Akira plays his cards rights, he might recover Hana from Laila. Laila fears immensely that movement, as it destroy her whole victim narrative

>> No.19521279

again that is your rrat that came from your incomplete perspective, it's not reality schizo

>> No.19521318

How about not retweeting rose and hana accounts and not getting them involved in all this shit? hana has a condition and just tweeted about wanting to kill herself. We all agree that akira is a faggot that fucked up big time and laila already has all the western shitters on her side

>> No.19521341

holy shit you faggots watch too many telenovelas

>> No.19521352

all me

>> No.19521383

Says the Laila apologist.

>> No.19521454

FACT: Laila is very fuckable

>> No.19521497
File: 51 KB, 486x323, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ME FUCKING RRADS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19521499

Her model is, but rm not so much...

>> No.19521525


>> No.19521527

Wow, other threads weren't kidding. You guys really are a bunch of schizo discord jannies.

>> No.19521551

how else would you find their new identity once they quit? not every fan is a roommate scholar
also she would be depressed either way, except if Laila didn't approach her and she stayed at the company that clearly has no mental health professional to help she would be far off worse

>> No.19521566

Take your meds.

>> No.19521620

The other threads are not so different tho.

>> No.19521643

Yes and that's why laila had to expose the girl with the most problem and put her in the middle of this shit storm. Excellent idea mastermind laila just thinking about her and then the others. Yes akira screwed up, some girls want out of the company but are you going to deny me that the one with the fucking idea of the Twitter accounts was laila?

>> No.19521651
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I'm tired of this shit, so i'll post captures of the streams

>> No.19521694

other threads also have fucktards spreading baseless rrats but jannies take care of most of it, they clearly don't know or care about wactor so they wouldn't even know what to delete

>> No.19521710

she is comfy, and she will save us

>> No.19521726

Laila probably plans to use Hana's past drama against Akira?

>> No.19521730

Tsundere Laila disliker...

>> No.19521733

kill yourself dramatard

>> No.19521734
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How interesting Lailahaters act like those Groomer mods

>> No.19521760

not being so boring, also no hablo takataka

>> No.19521821
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>> No.19521823

>it came to me in a dream

don't post predictions, wait until shit actually happens

>> No.19521833

Using Hana seems like the worst idea ever

>> No.19521840
File: 326 KB, 762x766, takataka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19521910

why is shizo abe speaking chinese here

>> No.19521934

The other twitter faggots surely want.
And there's a non zero possibility that they are in contact with her.

>> No.19521957

ah so that's what it is, as always schizo rrat invasions come from trannycord, I remember seeing them crying on twitter earlier
eggcord version humilde

>> No.19522019

wactor was always a telenovela

>> No.19522071

How I hate people who think they are neat and with superior morals, what is this fucking faggot coming to post how here someone is supporting akira what is being discussed is the fact that the fucking faggot laila is exposing a mentally ill woman to a lot of pressure causing her more problems than she already has. Next time buy yourself two more brain cells before posting faggot.

>> No.19522117

>s-spics will bring this company down with their drama!!
>the biggest drama was made by the company
it's funny and sad

>> No.19522128
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Funny how even on her monetization stream, Ito still finds some space to play Apex

>> No.19522173

If this continues he'll recover her dead body only.

>> No.19522202

what's the bathroom count?

>> No.19522222

And the fact it was the thai one all along.

>> No.19522255

learn english before posting, cholo

>> No.19522287

The Apex Predator strikes again.

>> No.19522326

Does anyone have screenshots of Reo vt's comments where he threatened Akira and miu with destroying the company and that he had a secret group? (he got scared and deleted them)

>> No.19522338

Akira go check on Hanita, save her, and give Rosita a second opportunity.
Win them over, this would hit the witch the most.
I know you are very cautious after what happened with the sister unit, but consider it.
btw Loyal if you are reading this, don't go bother Akira with this, he must be on his nerves and you may end up beheaded.

>> No.19522362

She wants you to love APEX, shes indoctrinating you

>> No.19522364


>> No.19522425

Luna is still pew pew-ing

>> No.19522447


>> No.19522451

for some reason i want cyan and ito to have a collab...

>> No.19522496

I'm proud of my spic bros. They are actually caring and supporting, had kind words for Luna and Miu.

>> No.19522498 [DELETED] 

>retarded spic dramafag had a brainfart so he finishes his rrat in spanish instead

wetback subhumans, go back to facebook

>> No.19522512

Enough english to make you cry and seethe. lailafag, buy some brain cells or embrace your brain death status.

>> No.19522574

2 thread ago find it yourself

>> No.19522585 [DELETED] 


>> No.19522593

I can see then having a lot of synergy, both of then are really energetic, also same passion for learning spanish

>> No.19522652

Will Laila marry Mymo or Rose?

>> No.19522671
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Lunita got stuck in a boss fight, I love seeing this ratita rant.

>> No.19522688

ok MYmo

>> No.19522714
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>ends up complaining about spanish in a mostly spic centric audience
kek, Imagine getting this desperate.

>> No.19522731

dont post that on twitter, you wouldnt want laila to hate you for being so politically incorrect

>> No.19522801

Is wactor a black company? Why or why not

>> No.19522819

>Thais are waking up and reading the past threads
kek OP I told you wait for tomorrow

>> No.19522835

No bc I say so

>> No.19522861

no but yes

>> No.19522885

Kinda, it's more on the being run by an idiot kind of issue.

>> No.19522899

It's not a black company, CEO is just a massive idiot

>> No.19522908

No, but it is true that the CEO can't into PR

>> No.19522930

It's most like a communist company

>> No.19522931

At what point is malice born from stupidity different than actual malice?

>> No.19522963

Ni bueno ni malo, sino todo lo contrario

>> No.19522980

I say his bigger issue is being his pride at the moment, he hasn't been as much of an ass with the girls until this mess began.

>> No.19522981 [DELETED] 

I know that already, in your fucking public school they hardly taught you how to use the two neurons you have. Congrats to your teachers you barely managed to learn english, an achievement for humanity. Brain dead faggot.

>> No.19523011
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>> No.19523091

If you are going to roast someone on their level of intelligence, at least do it right retard.

>> No.19523243

Qu Qualia is graduating anons Laila vtuber company lets goooooooooooo

>> No.19523382

Laila will sell the girls in the streets of thailand

>> No.19523421
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Laila hate! learn chinese bros we comfy on bilibili

>> No.19523563

>Ito didn't even had breakfast at all.

This lion is way too energetic, holy fuck.

>> No.19523639

mother of god how many crazy deaf fans (literally) does wactor have? none of them can pronounce the R I bet they were bullied as kids.

>> No.19523642
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Of course Suzu, if Wactor goes to shit I will follow you and Himari (and Yue)

>> No.19523820

>Deleted his fuck ups to not look bad in public


>> No.19524109

Isn't he a literal who?

>> No.19524269
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Lunita is M

>> No.19524285

seems that way, was around for the last thread as well calling everyone around haters or bootlickers, but can't even handle proper banter without making himself look like a fool

>> No.19524682

who cares everyone will forget this shit by next week or when another company (probably hololive) have another fuck up

>> No.19524831

Honestly this, Wactor is pretty small to even make a noteworthy drama, everyone will move on once this gets sorted out, or heck just when the rest of the new girls drop.

>> No.19525574

but she wants you to think she is S, bratty ratita

>> No.19525728
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Come on Laila try it I want to see you try and fail miserably so that the world will once again confirm your place in the world.

>> No.19525972

even if she wanted she can't

>> No.19526069 [DELETED] 
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Star VTuber Pou stream highlights.

>> No.19526079
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she seems more like a switch than anything, she likes to bully too.

>> No.19526110

She will become legendary of Vtuber in Thailand like Reddit dragon who got massive love and hate

>> No.19526167

That old rrat of her wanted to enter nijisanji because of her friends could be real

>> No.19526215

implying that a jap company will hire someone with a contract breach on her past, kek

>> No.19526270 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 345x323, Opera 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this picture I understand everything
The avatar she used looks too much like "Laila" and as she was promoting the comic in theory she was monetizing it, you must be very naive to believe that she didn't make that avatar on purpose Oh Akira you had everything to win and you ended up doxxing the girl you ruined it all

>> No.19526297

and a lawsuit on her ass

>> No.19526383

no way, but the Thais paid her very well, at least she could have a comfortable life

>> No.19526416
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>heh, nothing personal Rose

>> No.19526433

yes, that's what I was saying

>> No.19526588
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>yfw Misora is faking her sadness to attract new viewers pretending to be affected by this

>> No.19526604

Akira is playing 4D chess, he can only use the name Shino Laila once, so he's going to do an update adding the Rose and Hana incident using her name again

>> No.19526670
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so Babu when?

>> No.19526786
File: 1.76 MB, 2201x1228, FLITJV9VECAAZg7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how hard Akira is fucking Lia right now bro.
man this fucking midget.

>> No.19526801

In a company that doesn't have the same ban on alt vtubing activity like Wactor? Where can be found? Only small ones have it.

>> No.19526863

Akira's mind has been warped from the lustful loveless sex >>19516601
It explains his inflamed pride and the baffling state of his public relations. Yes, Lia's body is that good. Akira has sold his soul for the carnal pleasure and it has dulled his other senses

>> No.19527145

kek i believe this

>> No.19527260 [DELETED] 

List of Laila victims:
>her fans (being used like a tool)
>MyMo (used like a tool)
>Rose (used like a tool)
>Hana (manipulated)
>Misora (manipulated)
>Himari (doxx)
>Luna (doxx)
>Pal (incoming doxx)
>Miu (her smile is gone)
>Akira (extra problematic hard work)
>wactor fans: (pain)

>> No.19527578


>> No.19528026

She will become the Jesus of WACTOR. Who died by Akira's sin and she save us all

>> No.19528624

>Laila Anti got banned
Fuck off nigger, you're pushing it too much, you're the most obvious anti since Orcschizo.

>> No.19528677

dykes are not saviors. dykes only deserves rape correction. Stupid managers deserve the lost of their company.

>> No.19528728

you wish, i just deleted it, still LAILA IS A MANIPULATIVE CUNT AND DESERVE THE WORST.

>> No.19528854

You can't deny the fact she's teaming up with the two most mentally unstable girls in the agency.

>> No.19528877

Nah she will win, she moment Akira fucked up, she won, good luck trying to convince people outside of this place that Wactor was correct by trying to pull a Rushia 2 when isn't the case. Isn't Laila's problem that Akira always get easy girls to groom and very propensity to be menhara, seems like you don't watch many v-tubers, a shame for you faggot.

>> No.19529057
File: 36 KB, 1000x737, 252ab08a319ca760c66b23e921e1050aa3868745r1-1000-737v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WACTOR is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new WACTOR will be born. Evolved, but untamed!

Akira will be purged and talents will thrive - free to stream as they see fit, they'll make WACTOR great again!

>> No.19530895

gn anons

>> No.19531023

Lia and Hina too???

>> No.19531115

Lia's too deep in Akira's cock and Hina was already indoctrinated in Twitter feminism.

>> No.19532697
File: 416 KB, 3840x2160, E7uLFCCWEAMdE9l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LIa is literally getting away with it
All this mess made Akira very streseed, but he wouldn't call his loyal childhood friend to relive it so instead she goes for the whore

>> No.19532830

Well, it looks like she succumbed to the dyke's manipulation

>> No.19533096

Fuck Laila and fuck Akira.

>> No.19533103
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Man this is sick, how can Twitterfags support this whore like they know everything and then enable this madness?

>> No.19533114
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>> No.19533192


>> No.19533499

>tfw Laila won the groomer race

>> No.19534601

Fucking dyke. I swear she will received rape correction. she used her "friends" as a meat shield and even is using Hana. is unforgivable. She and Akira are the worst.

>> No.19534690

>Yes, Lia's body is that good

>> No.19535458
File: 76 KB, 735x735, FM-JnqHWQAAbWU9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this is Akira's fault his job is literally prevent these things from hapenning, if he had solved this before and if Laila suspension would never hapenned the numbers Wactor would have now would be great, Laila would have more or at least the same numbers as Misora, Rose would have a boost due to being part of the 2nd gen and probably being around 70k-80k and even Luna would be aroud 100k now thanks to Laila and Luna's english skills even in that last Crab Game collab the fucking Shiromanta was simping for Luna, this midget is fucking up his own company with his poor management. He really should start hiring some people to help him and the girls or something and not dox his own talent.

>> No.19536084

Meido-chan should go indie

>> No.19536910

I agree that Akira is a bad Manager and has the majority of the fault but at the same time Laila is involving people into this and even if she doesn't want to hurt the girls, she is indeed hurting the girls. Who the hell thought that including Hana into this was a good idea? I realized that both of them are cancer for the girls.

>> No.19537169

Laila love

Because they know Akira and WACTOR are black company

>> No.19537216

Akira should pay to Laila and all of this would not happen.

It's entriely Akira's fault and other girls will be casuality of war

>> No.19537610


>> No.19537790


>> No.19539015

Miu love.

>> No.19539407


>> No.19539767

Why are women like this? Just fucking say it, dumb tenshi.

>> No.19539878

She's playing 4D chest manipulating this mentally ill girl... The true villain of this story.

>> No.19539942

>Translated to English and Thai
Laila stop destroying the lives of my idols!!!

>> No.19540479

Let's settle this once for all


>> No.19540570

someone is going to get sued

>> No.19540855

Not a lailafag but akira has the biggest part with his shitty management of things, i dont think she is totalñy innocent either

>> No.19540907

And doxxed

>> No.19540941

Voted "equally both" but Akira have the most responsability on this shitfest. Although Lailafags can fuck off supporting this bitch unconditionally when she's using mentally ill girls to mess with Akira.

>> No.19540951

Lmao at people trying to force the rrat that laila is manipulative, this just happened because Akira is a fucking retard and don't know what he is doing.

Will you blame laila when misora or luna graduate?

This thread is infested by discord niggers that can't help but suck akira dick

>> No.19540975

It cant be something light right? Laila was on her peak when that happened and i doubt him would want to get rid of her because of something minor.
I wish both sides would stop being cowards and say it clearly because the announcement was shit

>> No.19540991

I don't know why rose's message seems pre fabricated to me and not by a bot, but by a dyke sitting in thailand.

>> No.19541047

Look at the poll again nigger and stop using discord as the boogeyman, people dont want to fully commit to either side because no one has the whole story but them

>> No.19541111

>poll faggot
>only 10 votes
>damage control

>> No.19541186

my hate for Laila is so out of control right now, holy shit what a fucking whore

>> No.19541443
File: 78 KB, 405x720, mindbroken_demoño.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The tweet
>Receiving the refund for my membership

FUCK AKIRA FUCK LAILA FUCK AKIRA FUCK LAILA FUCK AKIRA FUCK LAILA FUCK AKIRA FUCK LAILA FUCK AKIRA FUCK LAILA FUCK AKIRA FUCK LAILA They ruined my oshi... I'm crying right now. I won't never see again she getting cutely excited for my otaku tastes or singing my favorite anime songs. They ruined everything and every faggot supporting any of the sides deserves the rope.

>> No.19541454



>> No.19541519

Wait until the redebut don’t cry, but is ok to blame akira and laila

>> No.19541557

We have our own WACTOR Ame right here...

>> No.19541634

Yes, too fucked up on laila's part for exposing a girl in these conditions to validate her point of view but also akira screwed up by not protecting her.

>> No.19541640

That's old news
This voice recording is new tho

>> No.19541642

OMG is Hanapyon!!!

>> No.19541663

Why are they making it look like they are rape victims? trauma, pills and alcohol? really?

>> No.19541724 [DELETED] 


>> No.19541781

It was confirmed to be hana I was hoping it was pal but hana. too low laila too low seriously fuck you and akira what the fuck did you do you were supposed to protect hana

>> No.19541782

Hana coming out to complain about the company is pretty bad for Akira, as most thought he was protecting her.

>> No.19541801 [DELETED] 


>> No.19541859


>> No.19541887

Hana hasn't said anything bad against the Company, she is just being depressed.

>> No.19541905

>Hana complain about the company, and how everyone is leaving because how bad the management is, and because wactor is a black company
>this is somehow Laila fault!!!

Fuck off corporate drones

>> No.19541906

>getting this pumped up over Hana
Is this your first time?

>> No.19541918

WTF He has manipulated her all this time in discord


>> No.19541922

You are both disgusting, laila and akira, stay away from the things I like.

>> No.19541946

kek this sounds so menacing it ain't funny

>> No.19541977

Post Ss I don’t want to get recommendations in my twitter about that whore

>> No.19541991

My rrat is that the Invincible VA is behind all of this in order to get some JK mango

>> No.19542002

>I'm tired of living. I love you all. I'm sorry. Please cherish me if I'm alive tomorrow... I'm sorry. Thank you.
>Laila asking her to answer her Discord call.


>> No.19542026
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>> No.19542042

Everything started here
Look how excited Hana was because Laila said she wanted to be her friend.


>> No.19542054


>> No.19542151

Laila is going to make Hana commit suicide, someone stop her.


>> No.19542210

how one woman can be so fucking evil,

>> No.19542294

WTF are you talking about? That's a suicidal audio faggot.

>> No.19542310

Sorry bros, i liked the love triangle between lia, miu and akira but lailaxakira feels so wrong yet so right

>> No.19542323

The manipulation rrat is fucking stupid
But it is a fact that Laila started all this, so to great degree this is her fault

>> No.19542478

lmao, nice try to change the narrative, akira is the only one at fault, he didn't paid laila and just suspended her to not pay her. If the problem was laila, then rose and hana would still be in wactor being happy.

>> No.19542500
File: 51 KB, 630x630, 1642904161574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right now that fucking thai scumbag is trying to brainwash Sopitonta

>> No.19542565

you are not fooling anyone MyMo, piss off.

>> No.19542641

Nice try MyMo

>> No.19542645

You sure about that? Laila hasn't denied any single time not being guilty of her own suspension, she was just complaining later about not being fired instead.

>> No.19542668

Maybe akira didn't do the song with hana's favorite band and that made her lose what little sanity she had left.

>> No.19542677
File: 398 KB, 705x636, 1620576368715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is somehow the fault of laila and her evil master plan to destroy wactor

Fuck off wactor drones

>> No.19542739

Guys Hana is the one who reached out to Laila for help, please believe the girls before thinking there is an actual reason for the suspensions other than as sheer manipulation and silencing by Akira
There is a reason why Rose and Laila have Hana’s emoji on their twitter

>> No.19542755
File: 709 KB, 1280x720, FM6N5f0VkAIfPEZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that whore wanted to enter on Nijisanji by nepotism, and Akira saw it coming and decided to fuck her, thats why she raged and try to fuck wactor now.

>> No.19542792

Uahhh uahhh laila good akira bad uahhhh uahhh Laila help akira bad uahhhh

>> No.19542856

Will we be the first vtuber company with a suicide on our back?

>> No.19542862

whatever you say loyalmiutomo

>> No.19542908

Who is siding with him retard. Why is it so hard to understand? Instead of screeching about it dont tell the whole story if they want people to side with them instead of always being so fucking vague. I dont have a problem with laila being in the right and i may even support her against the ceo but there are things that dont convince me yet. And also i dont want the girls remaining to be hurt because of the pride of two idiots
If you are a thaifag then how about telling what she said on the thai streams? Or your queen asked you to not say anything? If dont say it then fuck off

>> No.19542929

>believing on easy to manipulate mentally unstable menheras
are you retarded?

>> No.19542935

Why dont tell the whole* story

>> No.19542990

Putin please nuke thailand

>> No.19543056

EVIL this, EVIL that
This is not a fucking comic book with a mastermind Villain with an Evil Plan.
This is just 2 people being highly stupid, yet that won't make them less guilty of any outcome that may happen

>> No.19543084

Why the fuck do they keep talking about someone supporting akira? And it may be true about hana asking laila for help but whose fucking idea was it to expose her to so much pressure and anxiety on Twitter? Hana is a ticking time bomb.

>> No.19543312

Hana asking laila for help It's like a friend being afraid of heights and asking you for help with something else and you reply "yes but we have to put this sign on the tallest building" Fuck Laila fuck akira.

>> No.19543661

>Thais wake up
>Thread has a dozen of Laila defenders
Really makes you think.

>> No.19543777

This would be any chuuba if she was fired without explanation for months and months. If this happened to Miu you better believe that Miutomos wouldn’t just sit around waiting.

>> No.19543944

Unless that Reo guy posts proof for his claims that Miu is Akira's sister and was a passive accomplice

>> No.19543997

Not even jp doxxfags could dox her, she is not that retarded. Saying that even if it was lia and miu i wouldnt blidnly follow them without knowing the whole truth.
And no one is saying laila shouldnt have been paid, its just that no one is managing the whole thing as they should and both are at a war on fucking twitter where most retards giving their opinion dont even watch wactor to begin with

>> No.19544074

Oh shit, apparently, the overreaction from both parties was triggered by Laila's brother getting into a fight with Akira, he works in Japan. It even got to the news and everything. I'm scared, watorbros, watch it before someone tells meido.

>> No.19544084

If Miu were suspended I would of course defend her, however, if I find out that she did something serious, as much as it pains me in my soul I will admit that she screwed up and will have to take the consequences.

>> No.19544281


>> No.19544320


>> No.19544463

I guess, but why don't you go and spam your own imageboards? Why do you have invade this place and pump it full of drama? Most of us really don't care about Laila.

>> No.19544869

Noooo Miu, first Apex and now pokemon cards


>> No.19544882

What will Suzu think of all this drama?

>> No.19544924

No time to think, too tired.

>> No.19544966

Too tired from all the chinese cock she gets.

>> No.19544992

Tired of arubaito no time to think

>> No.19545148

I agree what happened with Laila was pretty fucked up, but bringing two mentally ill girls to her side like this, one which actually has health issues doesn't help her case imo.

>> No.19545159
File: 108 KB, 720x720, money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all according to keikaku

>> No.19545231

Nice, Palchita is okay! I don't care about Hana.

>> No.19545241
File: 307 KB, 450x450, 1521413975617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they say?

>> No.19545343

I hope you give some money to the other girls

>> No.19545399

Is she using pity to victimize herself?
>Please look at these two poor girls, they were abused.

>> No.19545422

That's what most are trying to explain to the dramafags but they only understand muhhh supporting akira, bootlickers.

>> No.19545509

She is a serious person and knows that this is just a work, if her coworkers are retarded she just don't really care, if the company dies she just move to other one.

>> No.19545516

She got a bit fucked because of his poor management in the past>>19544924

>> No.19545565

She didn't give context

>> No.19545567
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>> No.19545758

>Rose gets caught in the crossfire just as the same time of the lawsuit
>brings Hana as well, ironically the one Akira cherished and protected the most.

It doesn't even take as many brain cells to understand she is just using then as meat shields, she knows she can't win against the Japanese court.

>> No.19545892


>> No.19545964

Don't get too surprised if she wins Misora somehow to her side, you know how she always looked up to her.

>> No.19546025

No one knows, and its not just laila but most of these girls are like this and you always have to wonder what happened. You cant even ask because most of tte time mods will delete the comments if someone wants to know the context of something

>> No.19546045
File: 619 KB, 863x641, 1645531330453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the past 4 months drama only keeps escalating, Will it ever stop?
The worst part is thinking how easily avoidable everything was.

>> No.19546189

The problem with ARS Akasupas is that, in one way or another, you get what you pay for.

>> No.19546279

On one hand, Laila will keep the ball rolling as much as possible, on the other hand Akira is too fucking stuck on his shit even when he can clearly can fix this easily this.

>> No.19546303

Let's look at this now from another angle.
Why did Piyoko and Rui graduate?
Could it be that they wanted to leave without making a fuss?
Hana took a long time off from making streams.
Pal has taken a month off and now he has an announcement.
What if Pal announces her graduation today? coincidence?
I still think Laila behaved in a manipulative way, but there are things that make you think that there are something suspicious

>> No.19546329

Imagine if akira and laila came to an agreement and spent money in solving the transfer thing.

>> No.19546454

Piyoko and Rui have been for a long time in Wactor so they were around during the darker past-days.
Hana has a medical condition, which is why Akira has a lot of patience with her.
We don't even know what Pal's announcement is but it didn't had negative connotations, plus he rt as well.

>> No.19546463

Pal was just too busy with her other job and wanted a break, she even was streaming less before the break for this same reason.

>> No.19546586

>Why did Piyoko and Rui graduate?
no one wanted to watch teir streams anymore
>Hana took a long time off from making streams.
she's mentally ill
Pal has taken a month off and now he has an announcement.
most likely she had personal problems like side job or the death of a parent or something.

>> No.19546635

What even is Wactor's dark past? The sister unit thing?

>> No.19546741

Lots of people watched piyoko, she just wanted to do risky asmr (that was her thing). After youtube fucked both lia and piyoko she only had the 3d streams for her. Tried a bit with the thais but not even that.

>> No.19546809
File: 189 KB, 1080x663, mymo_cutest_schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MyMo you cute little schizo you don't have to worry about not having money Akira will still sue you and retrieve your family's money.

>> No.19546860

Didn't Rui had big numbers in Bilibili anyway? she was exclusive to that platform anyway.

Yes, but I think Rui came in when Wactor was finally merged.

>> No.19546986

i wish she can't pay and end with her ass on the jail kek

>> No.19547018

I don't think Akira has the money to sue 2 people internationally.

>> No.19547049

Cute let’s get married

>> No.19547157

No, Rui never surpassed 30k follower on bilibili in almost 2 years

>> No.19547227

don't worry kiddo bilibili chads will help Akira with that, they need to protect their investments.

>> No.19547354

You can see it turning into an asian fanwar and selfhating fags blaming on the spanish community

>> No.19547385

Some of the Chinese paypigs are following the girls against him though.

>> No.19547467

Now imagine if Akira announced that no matter what Rose and Hana are able to return whenever they want, That would truly be a 4D chess movement, everyone would think he may not be that bad actually and that Laila must have done something really bad to be suspended that much time.
But that won't happen, Akira is too dumb for that

>> No.19547584

He at least should remove Rose's suspension, that should be a huge power move.

>> No.19547613

By curiosity I was checking both employment and outsorsing japanese law, in both seems Akira is fucked if there's not written specified time of suspension of activities, by not doing it he violates japanese law no matter what the contract says.
As employeer he can't demand damage compensation and as subcontracting entity he's prohibited to stop paying subcontractors, also has to prove with numbers Eileen channel (300~ subs, at most 20~ viewers, poor thais) is damaging his biz (110k+ subs, 400+ viewers, thousand of dollars in earnings), by copyright laws he needs to demonstrate she used company assets, the draws she did in streaming can be claimed since she did it as Laila but not any other drawing.

>> No.19547706


>> No.19547957

Some dude said Bilibili insider told chinks are angry with Akira but can't do shit since is full japanese supported, meaning BB has no money on Wactor. Needs confirmation, don't believe me this.

>> No.19549025
File: 320 KB, 756x425, FDd0ZbFXoAM7YD7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fantasmita debuts
>Graveyard background
>"Here lies Laila senpai"
>"Here lies Hana-pyon senpai"

>> No.19549080
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>> No.19549372

I miss sopa's hate

>> No.19549516
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>> No.19549689
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i'm not

>> No.19549853

What about rose?

>> No.19549871

And they ignore you for telling the truth, anything that happens to Hana is the witch's fault for exposing her to these conditions. She was slowly improving under Akira's wing

>> No.19549951
File: 176 KB, 1280x1280, 1453535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babu debut when?

>> No.19550029
File: 311 KB, 456x391, 533425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was easier times, now not even my proud posting is able to make the threads start positively.

>> No.19550047
File: 347 KB, 592x617, seva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misora se va de Wactor

>> No.19550100


>> No.19550137

>Misora se va de wactor
>English auditions

>> No.19550195

NijiES is real

>> No.19550208
File: 6 KB, 307x215, FEMrBq1WYAMiVA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19550241

Say what you want about Wactor, but at least they don't collab with males lol

>> No.19550271

April 1 is next month sopitonta

>> No.19550302

Take down that Sopa, how dare you to promote competitors? You should promote Wactor only.

>> No.19550329

Proud anon, don't lose hope...


>> No.19550349

So? are you a betamale or what? only gringos and japs care about that

>> No.19550422

Yeah, I don't want Luna or Sopa having to flirt with guys to make their viewers start ships and all that faggy shit.

>> No.19550466

but babu is male...
i prefer this nothingburger than faggot antis.

>> No.19550543

True. Watch nijiniggers mald at this and justify sluttiness.

>> No.19550589

or Miu... male chuubas should stay as fujobait.

>> No.19550609

don't speak for me, you fucking faggot the day my oshi collaborates with a man send her to hell, just like I sent Misora to hell for saying the stupid things she says, you mangina faggot.

>> No.19550816

I don't really mind some professional colleague interaction, but flirting would be a HUGE turn off. Nobody likes being the third wheel.

>> No.19550837

Lia wants, laila did, miu has her papa and sometimes does

>> No.19550872
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, FK3vxR-XMAsWWMj (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not stopping

>> No.19550968

The sue would be for breaking the NDA

>> No.19550978

Yeah, but those are professional collabs. Imagine Miu and some guy having flirty banter like Vox and Reimu. Literally cucking her audience.

>> No.19550995

Miu and Lia with that voice actor doesn't count?

>> No.19551079


>> No.19551097

yfw Misora has always been good with English but she was faking it.

>> No.19551109

Laila is not a pure being, Aliade.

>> No.19551138
File: 264 KB, 1167x1633, FG2a9pzWYAITzjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let be sincere guys, no one really cares about Hana, Laila or specially Rose, stop making this a big deal, we still have Lia

>> No.19551250

This tbqh. Who cares about that thaislut and 100views?

>> No.19551261

Need Lia's foot on my face

>> No.19551277

Based and whorepilled

>> No.19551298

Lia NTR is hot as fuck.

>> No.19551425

When Wactor rolled YT ads last year Hana instantly became my favorite, it pains my heart to see her current state.

>> No.19551443

MyMo is a victim, protect and love MyMo https://twitter.com/MyMoTNT/status/1499759349568524288

>> No.19551605

Based virgin queen

>> No.19551619

I would be sad too if a company I used to be a fan of, tries to sue me.

>> No.19551704

I was just saying those collabs existed, i know they werent the type niji does. I can see lia doing that though

>> No.19551739
File: 1.28 MB, 1940x1657, 96599971_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHA i'm enjoying every single tear of this dumb cunt, Laila never gave a fuck about her kek

>> No.19551847

Akira is a retard, what is looking for doing that? Game companies dont sue twitch streamers because they know what shitstorm would be if they do that. And this retard goes and wants to sue a random fan for some mean words on internet.
He doesnt know how to deal with things at all, even after 3 years of being a ceo

>> No.19551889



>> No.19552095

Who is that?

>> No.19552143


>> No.19552156

already confirmed to be pyon

>> No.19552236

Again? why you don’t read the thread newfag?

>> No.19552240

Looks like the one hiring first year law student is Akira himself.

>> No.19552246

Misopa doesn't speak english

>> No.19553017

final message love the girls

>> No.19553215

