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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1942490 No.1942490 [Reply] [Original]

How are people coping now that she's touring with THE Kizuna Ai?

>> No.1942808

If anything, Kizuna AI is roping in Nyanners to try to get her viewership increased, not the other way around.

>> No.1942863

How do they "tour"? Remote live concerts?

>> No.1942953

does she even have real fans?

>> No.1943056

All of them are future pedos

>> No.1943061

Kizuna who?

>> No.1943085

Does Nyanners know that Ai chan is a lolicon? If not we should let her know.

>> No.1943260
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>Nyancer getting used for a quick view pump

>> No.1943282

by reposting the exact same shit they've been posting for 2 months straight

>> No.1943299

>Dead virtual idol and uninteresting vtuber
Woah great combo

>> No.1944047

It'll be mutually beneficial.

>> No.1944179
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Watch her try to go mainstream again and fail
Just like becoming a VA

>> No.1944194

literally no one talks about kizuna ai outside of china

>> No.1944243

Based Ai

>> No.1944351

Cope. Nyannners is easily one of the best EOP vtuber.

>> No.1944374

Another one, Nyanners? Stop making bait threads and just fuck off back to your discord.

>> No.1944389

It'd be impressive if anyone still cared about Kizuna

>> No.1944406

>quality = popularity
>what is mouse
>what is melody
Even here, the tranny and the cheater get more love/less hate than Nyanners.

>> No.1944411

is it even the REAL Kizuna? Didn't her roommate get replaced years ago?

>> No.1944602

I've never watched her and I'll probably continue not watching her, so the impact was neutral. I haven't watched Kizuna Ai in a while either because I prefer a livestream format, it seems more "real" to me.

>> No.1944611

>Even here
The controversy with her is specifically about 4chan, of course she gets the most hate here.

>> No.1944629

The lowest circle of hell is reserved for traitors.

>> No.1944644
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I get that spergs are somehow still mad at pink cat, but what the hell did Ai-chan do cause people to get mad at her?
>VA got replaced
debunked, literally no reason to believe this rrat unless you choose to be retarded.
>sold out to china
literally never happened

>> No.1944731

>get mad at her
Nobody is mad, she was just forgotten because of Mito pioneering livestreaming and how she didn't catch up to that because of her company issues. As you said, only retarded newfags actually believe that the VA got replaced like gamebu. The rest are just trolling.

>> No.1945833

They're forced to hate on kizuna now which is hilarious

>> No.1945874

I feel bad for ai. She deserves much better than the shit company that forces her now to do a collab with the embodiment of a turd

>> No.1945944

>Kizuna Ai

>> No.1946194

What's the point of trolling kizuna fans though? They don't even get any (you)s for it.

>> No.1946425

The vtuber with more subs than your precious reddit shark

>> No.1946475

I can't wait until she collabs with gura or fubuki or some shit, and just watch these retards move the goalposts even more.

>> No.1946481

I dont watch Artemis

>> No.1947097

>easily one of the best EOP vtuber.
not very hard, when they're all pretty much terrible

>> No.1947150

Kill yourself

>> No.1947557

>How are people coping now that she's touring with THE industry's biggest fall from grace?

>> No.1947669

Surely you don't want to be numberfagging with Kizuna, do you anon?

>> No.1947808

I follow enough corporate vtubers to potentially fill 100% of my awake time so I don't care about nyanners, she was too late. I only occasionally watch indies to see if someone is interesting, as a way to switch things up

>> No.1947842
File: 2.64 MB, 1871x1594, Nyanners is a hypocrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hypocritial bitch keeps ruining Vtubing for me.
I never wished harm on anybody but I would be glad if she had an accident that made it impossible for her to continue this bullshit.

>> No.1947917

Gonna start hating on Kizuna now too. Fuck everybody who gives Nyanshit a platform.

>> No.1948109

nah she's not even a serious vtuber, just an ironic one.

>> No.1948166
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>S-s-she's a h-h-hypocrite.... I hope s-s-something bad h-h-happens to her....

God you're fucking pathetic.

>> No.1948174

t.zoomer that still uses big chungus jokes

>> No.1948228

Why? Not a fan of poetic justice?

>> No.1948230
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so I take it nyanners will have to squeeze her fat old butt in a mocap suit? Imagine how nasty that thing will get with her geriatric sweat. The staff will take the suit from her after the show, bring it out back alley and burn it. Also how the hell is she gonna sing with that chronic cough she seems to have.

>> No.1948289

How is it poetic justice?

She was objectively right.

>> No.1948302
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I could not care less about either of them

>> No.1948306
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I'm really happy for the funny Pink Cat! I live off of the butthurt she causes here.

>> No.1948356

Go back

>> No.1948423

I hazard the guess that you jest. Contradicting yourself is one of the few things everybody should be able to agree on is objectively wrong.

>> No.1948461
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>> No.1948494

You're whining on 4chan that you hope something bad happens because you won't ever actually do anything yourself about the person you apparently hate so much. He's right, impotent rage is pretty pathetic.

>> No.1948568

Well I won't deny that I'm pathetic in general, but this reasoning strikes me as weird. Of course I am hoping for good things to happen to good people and bad things to happen to bad people. Isn't that normal?

>> No.1948581

True. 5ch can do it though - maybe the inclusion of Kizuna Ai will be enough to get something going.

>> No.1948584

>ponkotsu ai scraping the bottom of the barrel to try to be relevant again
Kinda sad.

>> No.1948594
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Nyanners threads in a nutshell

>> No.1948607

Back up.

Do you think sexualizing children is wrong or good? because that's the initial statement I'm talking about. If she went back on it for the sake of opportunity, that's how things are but what do you think?

>> No.1948641
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great work. genuinely made me chuckle.

>> No.1948663


>> No.1948681

I think sexualizing real children is bad. I think fiction and drawings are always innocent regardless of the subject matter.
But none of that matters because the bitch we are talking about BOTH is against it but also does it herself. She is wrong no matter what.

>> No.1948692
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>> No.1948714


>> No.1948721

She's not just some random bad person to you though, you clearly hate her quite a bit. You constantly post that collage and just said she keeps ruining vtubing for you, but you won't actually do anything more about this person than just vaguely hope something happens to stop her while continuing to let her live rent free in your head.

>> No.1948728
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You could have prevented this, you know.
You turned your back on her when she needed you.

>> No.1948778

Fiction and drawings are not innocent and you already know that because I could just say nyanners is fictional and everything nyanners seems to be could be a fabrication and you would still be upset about her.

This topic of this girl on the internet that you have no relation to is triggering you so much and you can't even understand why people would be upset about children being sexualized when children get molested and people have been molested as children.

Saying it doesn't matter, doesn't automatically mean it doesn't matter. This is literally the source of your outrage, you've built everything around this so talk about it.

>> No.1948810
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good. very good.

>> No.1948910
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>> No.1948974

>I could just say nyanners is fictional
Of course you could say that, but that wouldn't make it true. She is a real person and doesn't even attempt to draw a distinction between her 3D and 2D personas.
It's also a little irritating that you're conflating two unrelated issues. Whether or not it is wrong to sexualize fictional children is not the issue here and in both cases, Nyanshit is wrong.
If it's wrong to do so, then Nyanshit is wrong for doing it herself.
If it's ok to do so, then Nyanshit is wrong for saying that it isn't.
My issue with her isn't that I disagree with her on something, but that she is trying to eat her cake and have it too. I can deal with opposing positions just fine, but internally inconsistent positions frustrate me.

>> No.1949022

Who actually gives a shit about this though.
A certain moth vTuber is getting shit on for a similar reason and as fun as it is to troll white knights in her thread, it gets old after a while because as it turns out it doesn't matter what any of them think.
If you're a lolicon, you're not suddenly going to stop consuming loli porn because of what some random hoe thinks. She's also not going to take it away from you.

Therefore I don't think there's an actual reason to hate nyanners.

>> No.1949063

>Nyanners apologized for her song about sexually abusing a child
>She's now collabing with someone who said a characters's armpits were cute
>This is the most hypocritical thing anyone could ever do
oh my god i'm fucking dying here, just stick to the "ai is irrelevant" argument if you want anyone to take you seriously

>> No.1949064
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Is this pink cat? Sounds like her. Why can't you find this on youtube?

I like nyanners singing, sue me

>> No.1949096

>Who actually gives a shit about this though.
People who value integrity and honesty do.
>Therefore I don't think there's an actual reason to hate nyanners.
I hate dishonest hypocrites. And as the cherry on top, she ruined Vshojo and is about to ruin even more Vtubers in the future as well.

>> No.1949164

Do you know for a fact she posted those messages. Did you see her fingers hit the keyboard and write those words?

Because hypothetically I could just say it wasn't really her and provide proof that it was someone else and you'd still be mad.

You're emotional about this subject and I'm telling you she's more justifiably emotional about child sexualization than you are justifiably angry about her not condemning an issue more than she does.

This is literally the premise of why you're mad. I don't know how you can say she's wrong when her most recent statement is her saying it makes her uncomfortable.

>> No.1949183

>insults people who do X as disgusting pedophiles
>collabs with somebody who does X for money
yeah she's a hypcorite alright. fuck her and her retarded fans who keep spamming this board despite her explicitly saying not to do this.

>> No.1949227

>>sold out to china
>literally never happened
That did happen though. The only logical reason for the tour to be with Nyanners is because they can't use anyone from Hololive because it'd piss off China.

>> No.1949240

Integrity and honestly with regards to fictional drawings? Seems like a pretty low hill to die on. Maybe if she openly said she hates niggers or supports the arson against small businesses, yeah sure I'd start to see it that way.
>And as the cherry on top, she ruined Vshojo and is about to ruin even more Vtubers in the future as well.
This is an opinion but I'll respect that. I think this collab is going to be yet another attempt at life support for Kizuna Ai and I don't think that's a bad thing.

>> No.1949241

>Because hypothetically I could just say it wasn't really her and provide proof that it was someone else and you'd still be mad.
>than you are justifiably angry about her not condemning an issue more than she does.
That's not the issue. I and other people have said ad nauseum what the real issue is.
>This is literally the premise of why you're mad.
No it's your silly strawman.

>> No.1949293

It's not a strawman because you've literally never even spoke to her, you're looking at screengrabs of things we think she's typed and you're mad over them.

Yes it is because if it hadn't happened you wouldn't be mad and if it was something like her hating dogs but she actually loves dogs you wouldn't care so obviously it's an important issue to you.

>> No.1949300

>The only logical reason for [x] to not collab with [holo] is because china
Why are holobronies like this?
She's going on a burger tour through burgerstan, so she's going with a burger vtuber. Unfortunately pink cat is the best burgers have to offer.

>> No.1949359

If you ignore that HoloEN has Americans in it, yes.

>> No.1949370

>t's not a strawman because you've literally never even spoke to her, you're looking at screengrabs of things we think she's typed and you're mad over them.
Yes and if it turned out that there is somebody else behind these things, then I would be mad at that person and not her. Your hypothetical is a silly strawman.
> if it was something like her hating dogs but she actually loves dogs you wouldn't care
Also wrong. Is your tactics really just making up positions for me so you can refute them in lieu of responding to what I'm ACTUALLY saying? If so, then have fun on your own since you apparently don't need my input for this conversation.

>> No.1949378

call me when she does a collab with papa AO

>> No.1949393

Well that's not the only possible reason, they probably wanted to collab specifically with an american vtuber agency for a US tour. They also wouldn't really want to boost her closest competition.

>> No.1949440

You should really rethink your position when the best defence you have for someone's actions is "w-well maybe it's actually all made up and they didn't do those things", as if there was any chance of that being the case.

>> No.1949451
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>> No.1949471

Bull fucking shit. if you knew it was someone else behind those things you would need to deconstruct everything you think you know about her to the point where her online image wouldn't be real anymore because if it's happened once it can happen again with more people but you've even conceded that
>then I would be mad at that person and not her.
you'd need to direct your anger to something because you're emotional.

I'm saying you're upset over an abstract idea in the same way that she doesn't like pedo shit, that's it.

I'm saying the scale of what she lies about matters, an innocuous lie obviously doesn't unless you're actually obsessed with her and updating the wiki.

>> No.1949473

The silly point he's trying to make is that I hate Nyanners not because of what she did but because I hate her for no reason whatsoever, because he claims I would still hate her if it was proven to me that she never did any of these things. At least I think that's what he's trying to say.
Yes, it's retarded either way.

>> No.1949488
File: 285 KB, 1668x2048, D7D22B40-3A06-450B-B891-7E4287F1B434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like nyanners and i think she is funny. But im not going to stop reading ComicLO. I also love Kiara.

>> No.1949492

>if you knew it was someone else behind those things
Except it isn't, it was Nyanners, which is why people hate her. QED.

>> No.1949509

thanks based bunny

>> No.1949520
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I don't hate her.

>> No.1949555

I hope she kill herself

>> No.1949595

Literally read what I'm saying and use your brain for one second.

She makes anon upset
Child sexualization makes nyanners upset

Anon isn't justifiably upset at her because he doesn't know anything about her other than what she portrays online. That's it.

>> No.1949596
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>Person is disliked because of X
>"Yeah well if person didn't do X you wouldn't have a reason to dislike them"
>This is supposed to be some amazing argument that shows you shouldn't dislike person even though they did do X

>> No.1949617
File: 246 KB, 543x425, EA42162D-5095-45AF-A5FD-E940E3DBC93A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont care what nyanners “said” people can “say” anything to provide cover. Her “actions” are those of a hentai degen who enjoys jilling to cunny

>> No.1949643

You are a fucking moron who chooses to completely ignore that she has a documented history of lies and hypocrisy which continues to this day and that she makes no separation between her IR and online persona unlike basically any other vtuber.

>> No.1949678

That's likely true, but she should just shut the fuck up about it and ignore it instead of making a show out of condemning it for good girl points.

>> No.1949696

>documented history of lies
Can you post said history of lies? Or is it just shit you made up in your head?

>> No.1949699

I don't dislike her for backing down and trying to save face or whatever
I dislike her for pandering to 4chan in the first place
Imagine doing retarded loli voices for a crumb of attention from people from here of all places
Pomf was always embarassing and i totally understand why she'd try to erase that
She was pathetic then and she is pathetic now

>> No.1949714

It's always funny how westerners act as if erotic drawings are some kind of "threat" to children. Japan is one of the safest places on earth for a child, whereas western countries are infested with subhuman rapists. All international child trafficking rings have their roots in Central or Northern Europe.

>you can't even understand why people would be upset about children being sexualized when children get molested and people have been molested as children.
I think you're virtue signaling, which is a retarded thing to do on an anonymous forum.
What people are upset about isn't the "idea" of "children being sexualized", it's how uncomfortable looking at lolicon erotica makes them feel, which is a completely meaningless reason to criticize anything, otherwise no art would ever be acceptable.
It has nothing to do with children being, having been or "potentially being" fucked, it's about how the depiction of such an act grosses them out and makes them instinctively angry. They just don't wanna look at it, hear about it or think about it, period.
Nobody really gives a shit about kids; if people really cared, they'd be in the streets demanding the heads of half the people in their governments.

>> No.1949717

>Bull fucking shit. if you knew it was someone else behind those things you would need to deconstruct...
No. All I would need to do is acknowledge that somebody else is the legitimate target of my ire. Nyanshit would be irrelevant at that point.
>I'm saying you're upset over an abstract idea in the same way that she doesn't like pedo shit, that's it.
Except that I am consistent whereas she is not, which is the important bit.
>I'm saying the scale of what she lies about matters
Suppose a person was told that if he pressed a red button in front of him, a billion innocent children would be tortured. Suppose further that person sincerely believed this to be true. Suppose finally that it's all a lie and nothing really happens when the button is pushed. If the person pushes it eagerly and without any coercion, is he a bad person? He didn't really harm anybody by pushing it, afterall. However, he sincerely believes that he did and nevertheless did so eagerly. Obviously that person is just as bad as somebody who really caused a billion kids to be tortured, since he has the same disposition. So if Nyanshit does something she herself believes to be causing harm, she must be a bad person. There's no way around it, regardless of whether or not that thing really causes harm.

>> No.1949741

What you read online isn't a "documented history" you fucking moron. You think a historian is going through blog posts with a fine tooth comb, like "ah yes today nyanners said X". Holy shit you're fucking deranged.

Also keep in mind, you're completely circumvented MY argument and are trying to justify being mad at a vtuber over her feelings about child sexualization which is the crux of what you're mad over. I just want to remind you of how fucking deranged you are, in case you don't realize.

>> No.1949771

That she lied about being familiar with Nekopara was already posted in this thread.

>> No.1949774

Same here.

>> No.1949804

>you've literally never even spoke to her
This is always a good point to keep in mind not just with Nyanners but basically every vtuber or online personality, you don't actually know them and what they truly think. Vtubers are essentially just entertainers and you can only properly judge them based on their ability to entertain, you don't know them personally enough to judge them based on anything deeper than that and it's a waste of time to try and decipher how exactly they feel about loli or anything like that.

>> No.1949813

Boggles the mind, doesn't it?

>> No.1949814

Not a lie. Next. Or is that the only one?

>> No.1949823
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well im going to have to be honest. I would do the same thing to get people of my scent. Because i have literal terabytes of lolicon and incest doujins and eroge. I wouldn’t want to ever be publicly exposed.

>> No.1949826

>you're completely circumvented MY argument and are trying to justify being mad at a vtuber over her feelings about child sexualization
No, I'm mad at her for being a hypocrite. If she condemned loli and wasn't actually a lolicon herself who loves Ootsuka Reika and who didn't profit off of portraying a loli character and do stupid shit like play Nekopara on stream or voice a loli prostitute in a fandub one would be able to accept that she just doesn't like loli. Instead she chooses to make a show of hating loli while profiting off of it, and anyone who accepts such blatantly hypocritical behaviour is simply a white knight who refuses to acknowledge an obvious character flaw which is worthy of criticism.

>> No.1949846

>Not a lie.

>> No.1949850

Based and argumentpilled

>> No.1949864

This would be so sweet. Imagine her doing it during her stream with her avatar and everybody thinks it's just a bit. But then the stream doesn't end and she just keeps being silent while her avatar just hangs there.

>> No.1949887

based ?

>> No.1949904
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>another Nyanners thread

>> No.1949914

I was already sick of her attention whoring 10 years ago and i'm sick of it now

>> No.1949920

I think it's funny that I aksed.

Hey, good argument you can use the same for him and tell him he isn't really mad about nyanners. Feel free to get on that mr enlightened and unbiased on the topic of the depiction child sexualization.
Holy shit you're dense, I'm saying it could be different people, and your anger is directed at "hypocrisy" right? you don't even know if that person is being hypocritical at that point! what are you talking about!

You can point out inconsistencies, but you're way invested in this, so to me it isn't just that anymore.

>Obviously that person is just as bad as somebody who really caused a billion kids to be tortured
No? It's possible they just didn't believe you.

SHe said she thinks it reinforces their gross beliefs in 2015, her most recent statement was that it's uncomfortable and gross. That's it.

Are you saying she has to have to keep that position no matter what?

>> No.1949972

This is why underage shouldn't be on 4chan, not just for everyone else but for their own sake too.

>> No.1949975

>Phoning in some voicelines that a person sent to you on the internet in 2017
>Only 30min into the story happened
Literally insignificant

>> No.1949977

>Nyanners might not be a hypocrite because her social media accounts might actually be run by multiple people who aren't her so her hypocritical comments aren't actually hypocritical because they aren't really her, not that there's any reason whatsoever for anyone to believe this absolutely absurd idea
The absolute state of Nyanners white knights.
>SHe said she thinks it reinforces their gross beliefs in 2015, her most recent statement was that it's uncomfortable and gross.
Just ignore that she reinforces the same mentality every few months, yes.

>> No.1950015

When did she say she hated lolis?

>> No.1950018

>Claim that you had no familiarity with the series outside of what you'd heard of it and playing the opening ten minutes at some point in the past
>When in reality you'd worked on a fandub of the game which covered more than you claimed
This is a blatant lie no matter how you try to spin it as not being significant. Especially since the context is her claiming she didn't know that it was weird and would make people uncomfortable, which she really should have known from her experience with it.

>> No.1950024

I know it's tempting but can you guys stop arguing with the schizo with a slipping sense of reality, it's really not worth your time to give him attention.
He's either retarded or trolling and either way you're not doing him any favors.

>> No.1950027

>I'm saying it could be different people
Wasn't that a hypothetical? If you're honestly suggesting that, then you're retarded as >>1949440 pointed out.
>No? It's possible they just didn't believe you.
Re-read what I wrote until everything is clear: "Suppose further that person sincerely believed this to be true."
>Are you saying she has to have to keep that position no matter what?
Since she hasn't publicly changed it, it's fair to assume she still holds it. And it would be her fault for not clarifying things if this wasn't the case.

>> No.1950051


>> No.1950071

Why do people care about this whore again?

>> No.1950113
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you guys must have spent 10000 times more brainpower arguing about stupid shit than nyanners formulating her stance on loli. And what's the point. Did she influence the industry to draw less loli, are you unable to shoot your goo to drawn underaged girls? For a bunch of supposedly oldfags who should know how to hide and filter, I just see that you fucking LOVE to come back and argue ad infinitum.

>> No.1950119

How is pink cat still pathetic to you now though? She ceased being a naive teenaged pick-me girl to 4chan's old hivemind years ago.

>> No.1950149

key word here being condemned, past tense.

Have you considered that there's a lack of separation between these things in the anime community and that idea is what's making her uncomfortable?

She herself even condemned her own past actions so I don't know how you can hold them against her if your issue is consistency. sounds like you're just mad.

Dud your response is hilarious but I'd like it better if you had something worth saying in there.
Your logic is flawed in the hypothetical proving you're just mad because what your saying doesn't make any fucking sense.

Your hypothetical is pretty fucking stupid anyway because it requires world ending magic and genocide and mine just requires account sharing. Like what, she was mad over children in anime and more recently it just grosses her out.

Not really because she hasn't repeated the same sentiment while touching on the same topic more recently.

>> No.1950167

it fun.

>> No.1950236

>"People took that post to mean that I am anti any loli"
Why would you keep that in your newspaper clippings if it hurts your propoganda of her hating lolis

>> No.1950324

can you post the quote that her voice acting like 10 lines contradicts?

>> No.1950395

they're not coping at all, they're having a fucking meltdown

>> No.1950396

I admit that her numbers are impressive now but it's just such a black dot on someone's character
You just can't deny that attention whoring is in her blood because that's how her story started
If i was her i'd be happy about my fame, sure, but how it started would always be a sour spot

>> No.1950417

The only oldfag that I could possibly imagine lurking on the normalfagfest that is contemporary 4chan's /vt/ board is Nyanners herself desu.

>> No.1950466
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Nyanners fans trying to explain why loli is bad and why she isn't a hypocrite despite doing multiple things associated with lolicon is always hilarious

>> No.1950473

Reminder that everyone talks about Nekopara, but most people don't know about her loli prostitute fandub of VA-11 HALL-A's Dorothy.

>> No.1950527

>supposedly oldfags
Prety sure the only oldfag here is Nyanners herself, and she became an attentionwhore as most oldfags that became a personality. Only one I think could beat her is if Boxxy became a vtuber.

>> No.1950570

>2 irrelevant people doing something together
I'm doing quite fine thank you.

>> No.1950635

>Specifically says that she still hates lolis being sexualised
>Continues to deal with sexualised lolis
You're not very bright, are you?

>> No.1950639

>Only one I think could beat her is if Boxxy became a vtuber.
Or better yet, Cracky-chan.

>> No.1950660


>> No.1950667 [SPOILER] 
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Or even the legend itself.

>> No.1950701

>key word here being condemned, past tense.
She never stopped though.
>Have you considered that there's a lack of separation between these things in the anime community and that idea is what's making her uncomfortable?
She doesn't say that though, she just conflates the two as though they're the same herself while hypocritically profiting off of loli content and working with people who promote it, which to her should be the same as working with someone who advocates for actual CP.

>> No.1950715
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>>I knew about Nekopara because of the memes and I figured it was weird but I didn't think it was that weird even though the catgirl slavery shit is already explained in the first ten minutes of the first game which I said I played before
>first ten minutes
>she made a fandub of at least 30 minutes
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on that.

>> No.1950738

Holy shit. That would actually be a godlike move.

>> No.1950743
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I'm both incredibly terrified and extremely excited at the thought of CWC vtubing as Sonichu

>> No.1950746

The fandub was for vol 0 actually, which I think was the third game released. So you're a little off the mark, but either way her claim of not knowing is bullshit on two fronts.

>> No.1950788

>Thinks 'hating lolis being sexualized' is the same as 'hating lolis as a whole'
Slosh on, my waterbrained friend.

>> No.1950822

But she's the one sexualising them you massive smoothbrain. She's a loli herself who says poo pee jokes. Essentially "rules for me but not for thee"

>> No.1950827

Yeah kizuna ai has pretty much milked all of the JP speaking fans she could get. Now she needs EN speakers. Only way she could break 3 mil before Gura.

>> No.1950844

she never KEPT condemning it, she just doesn't like it. that's difference. Not liking something is different from condemning it.

That happened in her earlier condemnation and wasn't brought up after even though it keeps getting shoved in her face for
>there's a lack of separation between these things in the anime community
This reason right here. If she felt that way now and was saying that now, it'd be different but that happened in 2015, what she's said more recently is that it's weird and uncomfortable which is obviously miles apart when you're conflating the two things.

>> No.1950897

>weird and uncomfortable
What you're implying is that that just makes her a blatant liar. She would never collab with people whom she find "weird and uncomfortable", and especially she would never appear to look like one. But the fact is, she does

>> No.1950926

I'm not even arguing against the sexualizing lolis bit lmao, it's you that can't seem to get that her hating loli as a whole is a reach and a half. Please call your doctor for a refill of your meds.

>> No.1950935

>first game
you're more retarded than i thought
i'm done here

>> No.1950951

Kizuna Ai is washed up

>> No.1950970

This is why Nyannerfags need to be purged from here.

>> No.1950986

I really feel bad for Kizuna. Can't believe an idol has to stoop so low.

>> No.1950995

>she never KEPT condemning it
Yes she did you moron, look at the dates on those fucking posts. She demonstrated the same views she had back in 2015 in 2019 and again in 2020, still condemning loli for the same reasons while still continuing to profit off of it in that period and until now.

>> No.1950996

Meant for (You)
>okay my brain might be a little polished as well

>> No.1951009


>> No.1951019

>Thinks 'hating lolis being sexualized' is the same as 'hating lolis as a whole'
You're the only one who thinks this is what's being said, while ignoring the actual problem.

>> No.1951035

Guys, Nozomi took ownership of Ai after the multiple VAs debacle backfired on the company, it's her managing the character now.

>> No.1951064

>there's a lack of separation between these things in the anime community.

You can have friends and talk to people that have beliefs and ideas that make you uncomfortable but in the anime community especially, if you are outspoken with this topic, you aren't gonna be able to talk to a lot of people if

You gonna shut down people like this, because yeah they aren't hurting anyone but it's really fucking uncomfortable for people that want to circumvent them.

Condemnation is stronger than just dislike.

>> No.1951076

Nyanners is a compromise. Ai would collab with HoloEN in a heartbeat if she could.
That's how I cope

>> No.1951180
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Who is that retard even? (i'm not talking about digi) He's not from the "anime community" and looks like an sjw tard. The ones in the anime community are the ones who appreciate loli like Gigguk or TheAnimeMan.

>> No.1951225

Both people you mentioned are ironic weebs.

>> No.1951252

he's like a right-wingish guy holding a podcast I think?.


This was him, he's mellowed out but he's not an SJW.

>> No.1951268

Now you're just arguing that it's fine that she doesn't stick to her principles because that'd be "hard". Why should anyone like her for that?

>> No.1951273

I never said they weren't ironic weebs

Then no one cares. That's like asking boomers what their opinions are on violent and gory video games. They can piss off.

>> No.1951280

>Your hypothetical is pretty fucking stupid anyway because it requires world ending magic and genocide and mine just requires account sharing
>doesn't understand what the point of thought experiments is
ok retard, bye.

>> No.1951299
File: 26 KB, 589x172, hey wait a second isn't sagiri also a young girl in a highly sexualised work which even got banned in Australia for sexualising minors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1951338

More like Reddit journalists. They are now defending the censorship of violent video games.

>> No.1951342
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I really want to like her like before OP but every time she makes a reference to the past like her stupid Apology video that's an obvious attack to me personally as the unashamed lolicon I am... she just kills my boner. I can't watch a chuuba that cannot even give me a proper boner.

If and only IF by any chance she decides to make even a small subtle but honest apology, I might unzip dick once again and enjoy her channel like I used to.

Until then for what I care she can swallow chewing gums and die.

>> No.1951369

That just proves Nyanners was lying about not knowing anything about Nekopara lol

>> No.1951388
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Are we really coming full circle back to the violent video game schtick? How do we escape this loop?

>> No.1951404

I'm saying her beliefs now aren't even necessarily as strong as they used to be where before she was angry but now she's just uncomfortable but deals with it.
Thinking you did a harm and doing that harm is easy to understand. The hypothetical is bad because it's way exaggerating the harm that she actually did, which effectively came down to triggering people on the internet.

>> No.1951420
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>people who watch anime, go to cons, live in or want to go to japan, buy anime merch, learn japanese, absorb japanese culture, play jrpgs
>"lmao, that's not a weeb"
>hermetically seals his 37th 5L jar of semen he just spilled to loli incest doujins
>"this is what being a weeb is all about"

>> No.1951434

>THE Kizuna Ai
Ai-chan has been reclining ever since she got chinked. This really says more about how badly Ai channel is doing rather than how well your 40 year old loli cosplayer is doing.

>> No.1951439
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>hermetically seals his 37th 5L jar of semen he just spilled to loli incest doujins
That's not being a weeb, that's being based.

>> No.1951448

Purge the puritanistic SJW enablers. A lot of them were even denying the validity of the research towards violent video games. "Fiction affects reality" they said, but those same fucking niggerfaggots would praise rape porn like 50 shades of grey.

>> No.1951462

>you have to know the entire plotline to an entire series to want to cosplay a character
i can't believe the excuses are getting even more pathetic

>> No.1951473
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>when you realize nyanners is really already almost 30
holy shit

>> No.1951489

>Wanting to cosplay a character from a work you don't know anything about
That in itself is shit.

>> No.1951491

Wow you're so far away from understanding the thought experiment and its implications that all I can do is laugh at this point. Your brain must be smoother than a loli's cunny.

>> No.1951572

I will Aka the Red-thing before the retarded pink cat.

>> No.1951600
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This but unironically

>> No.1951632

You don't even understand my ideas let alone your own ideas.

killing people is the harm. Believing you've killed people is the perceived harm. Perceiving a harm and commiting it regardless is what's bad about the person commiting the act.

that person is massively worse than Nyanners is my issue, Nyanners commiting a harm because arguably it isn't even a harm where as killing and torturing innocent people is more of an objective harm because we are all people that don't want to die and be tortured..

>> No.1951640

Well as for me I'm not even asking for an apology. She would regain my trust if she defends some lolicon/artist being harassed for minding their own business. I don't like nyanners because I don't trust her based on her stances.

>> No.1951659

Well if you look outside of 4chan then IronMouse gets no hate at all, the only hate Melody gets is from angry ethots, and plenty of people still shit on Nyanners. Hell, even the Japanese have been finding out about her and attacking her too.

>> No.1951718

>even the Japanese
Yeah even Chinese clippers as well, and a few SEA groups I'm into

>> No.1951744

Anon I'm not even the guy who presented it but you're fucking retarded, the point is that in both cases the person's perceived harm is something they themselves acted to cause and that action shouldn't be defended whether the harm was real or not. Nyanners considers sexualising lolis to be harmful to real children yet participates in it anyway and works with people who encourage it, directly contradicting her own values and by those values she encourages the perceived harm of real children. How is that defensible?

>> No.1951897

It's disanalogous because you're looking at the most extreme act possible and ascribing morallity to that to create an objective harm whereas people here would actually defend her actions regardless of what she thinks because she's commited a more subjective and unqualifiable MORAL harm that we can look back on and think.
>Did she even really do anything.
>how many people know about this
>has someone commited sexual harm using her nekopara collab as a preprepared defense or means of commiting that act?

If the guy pressing the button thought murder and torture were good it wouldn't change the wrongness of his percieved harm because we have concrete harm being commited.

>> No.1951913
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>her fans

Oh, get the fuck out of here with this bullshit, you lying fuck. Her fans aren't spamming shit.

>> No.1951944

>plenty of people
10 people on twitter doesn't count

>> No.1951960

Holy cope

>> No.1952005

And there's still the New York event which hasn't had any announcements yet on who is joining Ai. Nyanners is only on the LA one.

>> No.1952030

Imagine coping this hard, sad

>> No.1952171

>unqualifiable harm
That's where I disagree. The harm she's committed is a dog whistle to undermining the core principles of freedom of speech by spreading misinformation about fiction, unjustly correlating them with real world circumstances and neglecting the surrounding context. It is not an unqualifiable harm, just look at the fake news being spread right now, and the damage that it's causing.

>> No.1952455

Links? Images?

>> No.1952467

I was talking about perceived harm. so like let's say if we removed freedom of speech as a concept from the world but everything remained the same would that be a perceived harm?

the value in freedom of speech is that we can openly exchange ideas, not that it itself is sacred.

Also it's not really an unjust correlation, look at something like furries and I don't think you're going to find a lot of people that have literally fucked a wolf man, though there are people in the furry community that have fucked literal dogs and masturbate over actual dog anatomy.

>> No.1952505

No one is saying the two situations are the same degrees of harm you retard, you're missing the basic point despite having it just explained to you because you're too hung up on what the specific harm is when the problem is the indulgence in what Nyanners herself claims to be harmful. If you think that endorsing the sexualisation of lolis is the same as encouraging the abuse of real children there should not be a single excuse for you promoting the former despite this.

>> No.1952551
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You all nyanners antis such lunatic faggots like this guy?

>> No.1952583

This guy gets it.

>> No.1952603

>45 subscribers

Stop advertising your nothing channel.

>> No.1952607

You're not getting the common denominator. Hint: it's not the harm.

>> No.1952619


So like how many pedos are actually in the lolicon community?

I don't know but if lolicon didn't exist would there be less or more? it's hard to say either way. but the idea that the concepts hasn't influenced the behavior of how actual people treat actual children across all of anime weebdom is pretty far out there.

That's what I'm saying, they're objectively two different kinds of harm conceptually. If Nyanners was a devout lolicon, loved nekopara and saw nothing wrong with that then she still wouldn't have commited an objective harm regardless of anything.

The guy commited an action that can't be taken back and has real consequences, she commited an act that she can reflect on and weigh against reality and measure what happened against what she knows to be true.

>> No.1952625

>Her fans aren't spamming shit
They keep making these shitty threads, as if wanting to prove a point. It's either them, Queen Peepee Poopoo herself or just a bored troll that discovered she's as good a bait as Kiara.

>> No.1952636

He sounds like he has a potpourri of mental damages but if he hates Nyanners, then I respect him for that.

>> No.1952648

I admire the dedication of Nyanners’ antis. You guys jump right into these threads every single time without thinking twice. I could definitely picture her coming here sometimes just to laugh at us. I know I would.

>> No.1952676

commiting an action knowing it would cause harm regardless of if it causes a harm is substantially different from committing a morally ambiguous act.

Yes, even regardless of if the harm as actually committed.

>> No.1952687
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I myself mostly just make one post shitting on her and move on. I admire dedication of the others though

>> No.1952693

And which is the most likely, do you think, considering how many of these threads get made, how many antis it always attracts (whereas other Nyanners / VShojo threads do not), and is made at 6AM PST which is when the most active schizo Nyanners anti is most active?

The answer: Nyanners herself, clearly.

>> No.1952695

>That's what I'm saying, they're objectively two different kinds of harm conceptually.
Holy shit, you don't get it at all, there is no way to make this any simpler for you but you still completely miss the point.
>If Nyanners was a devout lolicon, loved nekopara and saw nothing wrong with that then she still wouldn't have commited an objective harm regardless of anything.
Yeah no shit, because there's nothing wrong with drawings. But Nyanners claims there is something wrong with drawings yet promotes them anyway.
>she commited an act that she can reflect on and weigh against reality and measure what happened against what she knows to be true.
What Nyanners thinks to be true is that promoting the sexualisation of drawings will result in real child abuse. By Nyanners' logic her own actions are resulting in the harm of real children. No, it doesn't matter that this obviously isn't actually happening, because Nyanners believes it's happening regardless, and yet takes such actions anyway. That was the point of the guy's thought experiment; they believed that pushing the button would cause harm and pushed it anyway. That mentality, the point of the discussion, is no different to Nyanners' own. She claims there to be harm yet tries to profit off of the thing she believes causes harm when she can get away with it. That's reprehensible.

>> No.1952704

Better than leaving a hugbox that will just mislead any passing newfag.

>> No.1952732

I trust nyanners to not make peepee poopoo jokes so I think it's a good opportunity for growing audiences for both parties.
Love Kizuna Ai
simple as

>> No.1952733
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>what is option 3

>> No.1952741

It doesn't what she says or thinks at that moment you fucking retard.

One person needs to live with the consequences of knowing they would've tortured and murdered innocent people. Nyanners needs to live with the consequences of commiting a substantially less concrete harm

>> No.1952781

>Still focusing on the specific harm instead of the mentality when the latter is the focus of this entire discussion as has been pointed out to you a dozen times
Alright, I get it, you refuse to acknowledge the actual argument because you know that's not defensible.

>> No.1952803

I'm saying the mentality doesn't matter because the analogy is flawed fundamentally. You are arguing with no one because I didn't say whatever the fuck you're saying.

I'm not humoring it because it's bad faith.

>> No.1952810

I really, really, really like the implications of this.

>> No.1952811

Concepts definitely has influence but that is extremely dependent on the context of the situation. Telling someone you're going to bomb someone's house in minecraft isn't a death threat up until you say that you want to bomb the whitehouse or commit school shooting. Both have the same principles of inflicting death but under different contexts. The problem with nyanners is that she completely ignores the context of the situation and by principle, equates bombing a minecraft house to bombing the white house under her preconceived misconceptions of the human psychology. What's worse is that she's spreading this fake news.

>> No.1952824

>your options are hugbox threads or disingenuous schizophrenic anti hate threads

Except there's no such thing as hugbox threads on 4chan. Even /aco/ or the VShojo+ general have criticisms. We're not against being critical when one of them does something we don't like, and we were not all that pleased with Nyanners over Nekopara, not because of the game (because nobody gives a fuck about Nekopara), but because of the why. So, hugboxes are for Discord. They don't exist here.

So if you prefer this, then have fun with it, but you're retarded if you think the only alternatives are positivity circlejerks.

>> No.1952829

both believe they do something bad but nevertheless do it. that's what was being illustrated. how do you not get this?

>> No.1952888

she's the epitome of an annoying attention whore.

>> No.1952909
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>/pmg/ is not a no criticism hugbox
>VShojo threads are not filled with people felating their streamers

>> No.1952916

Dumb it down for me, what .
for the murderer guy there's nothing to reflect on or weigh against. he's a bad person that just wanted to fucking kill people.

Nyanners shared ideas on a platform that may or may not have influenced people, we don't know.

Miles apart, not an argument. the first guy would have commited real concrete harm and we don't even know if nyanners has commited a harm to begin with.

>> No.1952936

Wrong. It's 73 jars including the one I just filled up.

>> No.1952969
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don't kid yourself it's gonna be scripted as fuck and pre-recorded at least 8 hours before. Nyanners and kizuna will wake up after a nap for the afterparty.

>> No.1953022

A more comparable perceived harm is that if he was given the same button but instead was told anything in the world could happen if he pressed the button but pressing the button made him feel better.

is he morally culpable for pressing the button if something bad happens directly caused by the button being pressed

>> No.1953058

>Better than leaving a hugbox that will just mislead any passing newfag.
Said the newfag, in the middle of their autistic crusade to indoctrinate newerfags into their own circlejerk.

>> No.1953102

That doesn't make any sense. Your logic is that everything is harmful because you think it is, not because there is objective evidence. The other guy is correct about nyanners committing an ideological harm to freedom of speech because the evidence is quantifiable (misinformation). Whereas you're trying to equate context correlation = causation which is no better than the hitler drank water fallacy.

>> No.1953109

Nah, the lag would be unforgivable for singing. It's why all karaoke collabs are off-collabs. They'll have to be in the next room.

>> No.1953129

I meant concept*

>> No.1953131

I'm not arguing against the harm he thinks was commited because that's a rabbit hole of insanity. I'd rather just stick with the facts because I don't care about his mental illness.

>> No.1953179
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Said the discordfag, in the middle of his autistic crusade to convince everyone that Nyanners did nothing wrong. Also

>> No.1953224
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>> No.1953323

and the cancer keeps spreading.
vtubers were a mistake.
back to anime.

>> No.1953381

Some /a/nons are here. Even Kotonoha shrine got sucked, and some mangaka are trying it.

>> No.1953447

I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. Nyanderthals and Nyantis both have their minds already made up and neither will ever back down. These threads are, and always will be, nothing but a cacophony of autism beam noises.

>> No.1953472

Why the fuck do you download any porn at all? That shit is available for free online at all times.

>> No.1953482

>Even /aco/ or the VShojo+ general have criticisms.
lolno, any criticism on /aco/ gets deleted by the mods, that thread's just for jerking off both literally and figuratively.

>> No.1953530

>any criticism on /aco/ gets deleted by the mods
the only person who ever gets his shit deleted is the guy that complains about literally everything, then when no one agrees gets mad and spams nux.

>> No.1953539

Point, but now I want to talk about something you wrote without noticing
Why would you do this?

>> No.1953540

>I'd rather just stick with the facts because I don't care about his mental illness.
Ok, so the facts are that Nyanners thinks loli drawings and real child abuse are one and the same, yet built her entire brand on the sexualisation of lolis and tries to profit off of it when she can get away with it, only backpedalling on it when she gets called out, and actively works with multiple people who support what she considers the abuse of real children. What part of this is defensible?

>> No.1953566 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck cares about Kizuna AI? She's been in the vtuber game since the beginning and is about to lose her crown to Gura who's only been around for 6 months. Even then, Nyanners isn't the biggest vtuber from her group, it's Mousey and Melody.

>> No.1953608

Gurafag here, that's wrong. AI is making bank in off-stream stuff like concerts and merch. She's even in Walmart ads.

>> No.1953616
File: 198 KB, 318x343, 352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares about Kizuna AI? She's been in the vtuber game since the beginning and is about to lose her crown to Gura who's only been around for 6 months. Even then, Nyanners isn't the biggest vtuber from her group, it's Mousey and Melody.

>> No.1953629

Are you talking about the recent one that got cancelled, or the one she did before? Or were both for volume 0?

>> No.1953669

>Who the fuck cares about Kizuna AI? She's been in the vtuber game since the beginning and is about to lose her crown to Gura who's only been around for 6 months.
See >>1953608. Maybe if you only count YT subscribers, since Cover is very retarded when it comes to promotion in the west.
>Even then, Nyanners isn't the biggest vtuber from her group, it's Mousey and Melody
Can't argue against that. One basically pioneered a style of camwhoring and the other is cute as fuck.

>> No.1953678

Initially I figured that Mouse didn't get picked because her health problems made a show impossible, but she just got a 3D model recently so who the fuck knows.

The fandub she did years ago was for Vol 0. The recent streams were for Vol 2. She wasn't specific about which one she played "the first ten minutes of" before, but it's logical to assume it was either 0 or 1, yet she completely memory holed the fandub when talking about that, which makes it more likely it was 1.

>> No.1953720

Unbased and cringe. That's some betacuck mentality you've got there my dude. Even vtubers have more balls than you. Go out there and advertise yourself to as much people who share your interests.

Not him but because I want to play them, silly. I wouldn't be able to play them if I don't download them in the first place.

>> No.1953785

Those aren't the facts, those are selective facts

Her entire brand is not built off of sexualizing lolis and whether or not she profited off of anything doesn't matter, no one owes you shit if you liked their videos and thought they were genuine and they turned out to be someone else. she made videos, a video is just a video.

She did the pomf song , acknowledged it, apologized for it and still thinks lolicon sex thing is shit, you can look back on things you've done and say "hey that was shit" and move on, whether or not you benefited from it financially is largely misdirection because she's benefited financially from a lot of different content and is now benefitting the most from non-loli content.

>> No.1953839

>you can look back on things you've done and say "hey that was shit" and move on
Except she didn't, she went out of her way to say lolicon = pedo. She could've just said "I used to do these videos, but I don't wanna anymore".
>is now benefitting the most from non-loli content
While keeping her loli-esque avatar.

>> No.1953914
File: 105 KB, 1200x675, 1587720871382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never apologized for anything lol
You're delusional

And she's definitely raking in that lolicon money
If she didn't then she would've dropped the whole nyanners name in the first place and be someone else.

>> No.1953942

>she went out of her way to say lolicon = pedo.
wow she said something true, how awful

>> No.1953980

>pedo agreeing and defending nyanner again with 2d = 3d fallacy
Why are nyannercucks like this?

>> No.1953991

In her opinion she was right at the time, I don't know what she thinks now but she probably isn't a fan.

Her persona is based on anime, anime isn't loli, anime is anime.

Don't try to co-opt an entire culture into your fetish.
"I'm really sorry for making it in the first place"

Maybe we have a different definition.

Everyone knows who Nyanners is outside of the lolicon stuff, she did other videos, that's my point.

>> No.1953993

true on Kizuna making bank outside streaming, but even then you can't say that she will be at the top for much longer, it doesn't help the og VA left. Cover may be bad at promotion, but do they really need to? When you have western twitter and youtube promoting clips, gifs, and memes everywhere why would they promote their idols when the internet can do it for free. Like for every Kizuna AI related media I see that x2 with Hololive.

>> No.1954010

>She should have torpedoed her career by abandoning her existing popularity because of some butthurt pedos on 4chan
Genius. I cannot believe she's not taking advice from 4chan

>> No.1954016

Don't you have someone to groom in your Nyanners discord? Go back.

>> No.1954027
File: 437 KB, 1209x1899, EorbYEVW8AIMZjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pack up, everyone. The thread has come full circle now.

>> No.1954054

If she were true to her values then yes she would've abandoned the name, but in the end she's just a clout chasing, hypocritical, untrustworthy whore.

>> No.1954055

>And she's definitely raking in that lolicon money
I think that says a hell of lot more about lolicons than it does about pink cat.

>> No.1954075

That's like saying "I'm not sexually attracted to men, I'm just jacking of to drawings of men having sex"

>> No.1954077

They don't know about Nyanners' history and think shes just another loli vtuber doing loli things.

>> No.1954085

I see your point but
>it doesn't help the og VA left
A reminder that this is not true, but the fact that people still believe it shows how damaging that incident was for her growth.

>> No.1954104

it says more about nyanners antis' willingness to assert literally anything with no evidence

>> No.1954106

But lolis in this case are the tomboys (fake men) instead of men because they have different audiences and different appeal.

>> No.1954161

If anything, there have been plenty of evidence to support the antis, meanwhile there isn't any evidence to debunk Nyanner's hypocrisy.

>> No.1954165

A reminder that most "loli=pedo so loli bad" retards are actual pedos who hate themselves and can't believe that 3DPD is a thing, so they seek to satanize it because lolicons that don't hate themselves is unacceptable for them.

>I'm not sexually attracted to men, I'm just jacking of to drawings of men having sex
Once again, 3DPD. That applies to homos and lesbians.

>> No.1954204
File: 908 KB, 314x240, 1797388_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nyanners using "loli" avatar
>cute anime catgirl with pink hair = that girl in my comics where the protag invites all his friends, drugs his 9 year old sister and gang-rapes her to death
you guys legit have zero cognitive dissonance here, don't you

>> No.1954219
File: 84 KB, 240x240, eliisa-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that girl in my comics where the protag invites all his friends, drugs his 9 year old sister and gang-rapes her to death

>> No.1954226

I don't care about either of them or the drama surrounding them but I hope this concert is a massive fucking success for the sole reason that Cover needs a giant boot up their arse.
Look at this shit, it's fucking amazing compared to the the dross Cover's currently vomiting out and I hope they step up their game soon.

>> No.1954231

Man, you have weird comics.

>> No.1954256

Ok. Please present your evidence that "she's definitely raking in that lolicon money". And no, claiming "I think she's a loli therefore her audience must be lolicons" is not a compelling argument.

>> No.1954262

Nyanners is the only person who pretends her avatar isn't a loli. Her own fanbase sure doesn't seem to think so.

>> No.1954288

There are plenty of clippers out there, take your pick nigger. Even Chinese clippers considers her as loli and likes her for the fact that she acts loli.

>> No.1954314

Nigga majority of her fanbase thinks she's loli that at some point she had a rant on discord to stop calling her loli and considered changing her model

>> No.1954340

The problem with that is that she also acts childishly, so what the fuck is even thinking. She clearly went after the lolicons while being contrarian.

>> No.1954344

I wonder if the chinese are getting wind of Nyanners past considering only the ones outside mainland can even legally access and understand whatever gets posted here.

>> No.1954367

Sorry, anon, all moeblobs are sex objects and exist solely for the sexual gratification of lolicons. Please understand that absolutely nobody else sees any sort of appeal in young, cutesy anime girls.

>> No.1954384

She should just admit she's a lolicon, stand by that until her last dying breath and get this retarded drama over with.

>> No.1954390
File: 23 KB, 685x288, 1438249148748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely nobody else sees any sort of appeal in young, cutesy anime girls
Objectively wrong.

>> No.1954416 [DELETED] 

an anime character is kind of an ink-blot but I wouldn't say it's a loli avatar because she doesn't pretend to be a child while saying sexual stuff like in the pomf video, she just does a voice and does her thing. Same with Gura, her issue was with sexual loli stuff, not just having a young character.

>> No.1954425
File: 240 KB, 1397x595, 1595854462842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Ai's at the top and she can admit it, so Nyanners may as well join her.

>> No.1954433

>there's some chinese clippers, therefore she is raking in lolicon money
What kind of retard logic is this?

She was thinking of changing her model because /vt/ kept harassing her about being a loli. Nice try rewriting history though.

>> No.1954440

Nyanners is a moeblob who makes sexual remarks for the sexual gratification of lolicons. She would drop the whole poo pee jokes schtick thing if she just wanted to appear pure and young.

>> No.1954445

>She was thinking of changing her model because /vt/ kept harassing her about being a loli. Nice try rewriting history though.
The irony.

>Same with Gura, her issue was with sexual loli stuff, not just having a young character.
Why are you pretending Gura has a problem with loli? Stop making shit up.

>> No.1954446

I think you have completely zero idea what loli is, but that aside, what's with nyanner's million toilet video?

>> No.1954450

an anime character is kind of an ink-blot but I wouldn't say it's a loli avatar because she doesn't pretend to be a child while saying sexual stuff like in the pomf video, she just does a voice and does her thing. Same with Gura, her issue was with sexual loli stuff, not just having a young character.

>> No.1954457

why is this board so obsessed with the chinese? even /pol/ wont talk this much about china.

>> No.1954460

Actual question, who's Nyanner's audience? I can't imagine anyone older than 18 actually watching her shit.

>> No.1954475

Under 15 and over 35 males, aka the magical girl audiance.

>> No.1954483

Ironic weebs

>> No.1954487

>Why are you pretending Gura has a problem with loli?
Not that retard (who is >>1954450), but she did have a problem (felt embarassed) with sexual loli stuff (some idiot that made a clip of her RFA noises).

>> No.1954492
File: 315 KB, 1380x1276, asdaasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1954507

>Gura feeling embarrassed that someone made a clip of her specifically making her RFA noises into a sexual clip is the same as Gura hating loli
Fuck off, retard.

>> No.1954510

Unironically china is a big market and a big turning point if you want to get your brand out there, since the chinese clippers and subbers were what helped hololive keep their growth during their golden age and corona. But similarly they are your yoke because if you manage to offend them, the retribution will be brutal.

>> No.1954517

But she didn't have a problem with the sexual fanart that she liked on twitter? wtf

>> No.1954530

Fuck off with this stupid rrat niggerfaggot. Actually become a member and DO watch her streams and you'll see.

>> No.1954538

As I said, I'm not conflating the two. Gura just had a problem with that, which the other retard is somehow comparing with The Nyanners Question.

Probably because that's just fanart that someone else did, meanwhile the clip was from her own noises. Everyone gets embarassed of their own shit.

>> No.1954574

>Actually become a member and DO watch her streams and you'll see
Illuminate us then. I know she did an ASMR yesterday, but previously she alluded to not wanting to do more RFA streams because of a certain video.

>> No.1954580

>underestimating the overpowering appeal of youth and cuteness
>in Japan, of all places
That poor bastard.

>> No.1954582

Oh my god stop I don't care about what gura thinks, I'm saying she does the same thing gura does where she has a young-looking avatar but she doesn't literally pretend to be a child or a loli, she just acts like herself.

>> No.1954610

Nope, Gura never had any problem with lolis unlike Nyanners. If you actually watched her instead of spouting stupid nonsense, she was even teasing her audience various suggestive stuff

>> No.1954625

>she just acts like herself
So she never grew up? You say that's her real voice and mannerism as well, right?

>> No.1954642

>Gura never had any problem with lolis
And I never said she had, I just said she got embarassed from the clip that had her own noises. She's been teasing her audience since day one with the thumbnail on her debut stream.

>> No.1954651

she acts Gura stupid. Not literally the person behind Gura

ACT. You fucking idiot. learn english.

>> No.1954696

Please understand. Nyanners fans don't understand why you would be a vtuber if you didn't use your "real self".

>> No.1954701

>I'm saying she does the same thing gura does where she has a young-looking avatar but she doesn't literally pretend to be a child or a loli, she just acts like herself.
Which just happens to be presenting a loli-like character with a loli-like voice. The different is Gura doesn't sperg out about it being problematic while doing that.

>> No.1954708

>she acts gura stupid
>learn english

>> No.1954741

Gura even sexually teases her audience

Not him but nah
Considering that's Gura, the whole embarrassed thing sounds like a pretend
She's naturally lewd as fuck

>> No.1954755

Implying any of that matters. Gura does not sexualize herself on stream like Nyanshit so her stance on lolis is irrelevant.

>> No.1954784

You clearly don't watch Gura

Go back

>> No.1954786
File: 26 KB, 1019x480, gura knows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is a prime example of high INT but low WIS.

>Gura does not sexualize herself
Anon, do you even watch her public streams?

>> No.1954812
File: 421 KB, 1084x664, 1599007584728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, welcome tourist

>> No.1954816

Ironic twitch weebs and otaku subculture nerds who grew up on gaia online and RP forums instead of 4chan.

>> No.1954849

The background of the shrimp is a T o T face andyou won't convince me otherwise.

>> No.1954854

yes I watch her and at most she says stuff that is double-barreled, basically making puns. not quite the same as nyanshit going "FLOOD MY HOLE I AM SO HORNY!"

>> No.1954897

Anon, sexualizing is not just about the explicit bob and vagena stuff from the west. It can also mean innuendos, which Gura use liberally.

>> No.1954898

Nyanners is just poo pee without any substance and that's what makes her boring

>> No.1954911

Not gura you room temperature IQ fag, you were talking about nyanners.

>> No.1954922

Then you're a massive retard if you claim she's got nothing to do with anything sexual when even you know that yourself

>> No.1954933

literally who

>> No.1954967

pink cat or 1/4?

>> No.1954991

She's """""sexual"""" in the same fucking sense that Looney Tunes or Animaniacs are sexual. She's completely child friendly unlike shit cat.

>> No.1955046

Obviously both apply, maybe you just need everything spelled out to you?

>> No.1955072

Not him but no shes definitely past looney tunes or animaniacs sexual. She's as sexual as memes can get without showing actual porn. In fact she even referenced actual porn herself on stream.

>> No.1955091

meant to reply to this guy, my 4chanx is buggin.

You were probably saying some stupid shit anyway too tho.

>> No.1955160

>Nyannerscucks are newfags, makes retarded claims and don't watch streams
Absolutely revolting

>> No.1955165

Fuck off, Gura is pure unlike the cat whore.

>> No.1955190

Oh great, purityfags are here. Fuck off, Gura is definitely not as sexual as Nyanners, but she's a mesugaki on her own right. Did you even watch the ASMR yesterday?

>> No.1955198

Newfag detected

>> No.1955241

Did you learn about Gura from Reddit memes?

>> No.1955302
File: 1.03 MB, 4000x2249, polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know meme shark from le ebin memes
Polka despises your kind.

>> No.1955394

Do people think for a second this isn't shitposting?

>> No.1955425

the only thing polka despises is not being able to stuff her face 24/7

>> No.1955466
File: 64 KB, 600x525, patrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is Patrick.

>> No.1955576

You are dumber than I thought.

>> No.1956534

It's sad how you think that she cares about this dispute when she's making tons of money with merchandise, sponsorship and everything.

>> No.1956536

I don't give a fuck about the shitposting or the autism you can find on this board, I am merely here to say that nyanners is honestly the cutest thing in the fucking world and no other vtuber can even begin to compare and her smile needs to be protected

that is all

>> No.1956586
File: 136 KB, 938x657, you get used to it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaaaaaaand, as soon as >>1956510 was posted, two retards bit and came here just to be able to disprove that claim

>> No.1957090

>They don't know about Nyanners' history
Of all the lies you guys tell about Nyanners, this one is the most retarded.

>> No.1957113

It shows more that retards don't fucking know shit but talk about it as if they do.

>> No.1957212

That's true though. But he should've mentioned Dark History instead.
If you think it's a lie then link me the stream where she openly she discusses about her hatred for loli

>> No.1957218
File: 73 KB, 800x600, gura angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just how newfags are. You either just tell them to lurk moar or, if you're feeling generous, spoonfeed them while knowing that they may take that as validation of their non-lurking retardation.

>> No.1957275

Considering polka wants to collab with vshojos, i would consider her hate a good sign

>> No.1957309

Why the shit are you asking this question in an anti thread? Are you expecting actual answers?

God I hope you weren't.

>> No.1957348
File: 98 KB, 240x240, eliisa-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unapologetic clipfag
Kill yourself and die.

>> No.1957350

If the Chinese reject Nyanners then I can't see that as anything but a win for Nyanners. Who the fuck wants to deal with that bullshit?

>> No.1957437

Proof on Japanese hate? Mildly curious.

>> No.1957458

>not quite the same as nyanshit going "FLOOD MY HOLE I AM SO HORNY!"
I'd love to see the clip where Nyanners says that or anything like that.

>> No.1957465

>Polka: "I want to collab with project melody and the vshojo girls"
>C-clip fag!
Oh im sorry, i guess i should rewatch the 2hr+ stream to arrive to the same conclusion

>> No.1957484

Rejection is different from garnering Antis. A reminder that Chink Antis would literally create tens if thousands of bots just to spam and shit on a vtuber

>> No.1957581

>If you think it's a lie then link me the stream where she openly she discusses about her hatred for loli
>she has to talk about it on stream for her followers to know about it

Go join him in retarded land you fucking retard.

>> No.1957640

And why would that happen from her loli-sexualism stance? Do Chinese antis routinely go after anybody who doesn't violate the One-China Policy taboo (which Nyanners actually avoided recently)?

>> No.1957662

Bruh, her fans are too retarded to even acknowledge what she's doing even in her livestreams. Unless she spits it out right in front of their faces, they won't know jackshit.

>> No.1957682
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 1492428794539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeez man, it's one of her most popular recent videos
btw, is this a 'zoomer' thing, hating nyanners? I'm 32, I'm too fucking old to give a shit really. I remember when she was on /a/, but I never cared to join some retarded crusade to defend loli

>> No.1957814

Interesting claim coming from someone too retarded to make an argument that couldn't be debunked by an 8 year old loli

>> No.1957825

Chinks literally create bots to spam fake narratives on multiple websites for the people they hate. They could easily label her as a disgusting Baizuo (which is not far from the truth actually).

>> No.1957905

Well you'd have to be watching her livestreams to not know what people who watch her livestreams know or don't know. Isn't that the crux of the argument above about Gura? Nyanners fans know a lot more than you think they do and that is without Nyanners talking about it. When she does talk about things, even when she doesn't spit it out clearly, they know what she's talking about.

>> No.1957915

>I'm too old to defend fiction from misinformation
Nah, it's not a zoomer thing. You're just a retard

>> No.1957961 [DELETED] 

>btw, is this a 'zoomer' thing,
I'm assuming most people that hate her are around your age, since her heel turn is really old news at this point and zoomers probably aren't even aware. I'm 33 and while I don't like her, I just watch people I do like.

>> No.1958067

That clip is literally called "out of context". Now, I don't deny that some of her 'in context" stuff is innuendo and sex jokes, but we're still not talking about whatever the anti faggots think she does. As for your spoiler, most antis are newfags who found out about her from a YouTube video and are trolling for (you)s. Most of these anti faggots weren't around back then and don't know shit other than what they've been told. That's why they keep having to go dig shit up rather than just have it on hand.

>> No.1958081

Most Chinese clippers definitely never knew about her hatred for loli and her being a hypocrite in the past. Most people would only know as far as when she took down the pomf vid, but never when she posted 2D = 3D off-stream. Of course if you mention anything about it either on discord or on stream, you'll immediately get banned.

>> No.1958194

I don't give a flying fist fuck about Chinese clippers. People were talking about her fanbase, which are not they, even if they're a small part of it now. As for the pomf vid, that's kind of a big fucking no duh since people still attack her about it to this fucking day. Why wouldn't it be banned?

>> No.1958210

well, I think you're a little bit of a retard trying to protect/normalize loli pornography, but the world is changing, it might work out for you, what do I know. I personally grew up hiding it from everyone, and I'm fine rolling with that to my grave. If you feel like you have to fight for everyone to accept you on that front, go ahead, I guess

yeah, everything in that video is pretty much innuendo and sex jokes, in or out of context

>> No.1958265

The naivety also applies to the non-Chinese fanbase as well. I just used them as a specific example because you'll think I'm pulling shit out of nowhere.

>> No.1958396

>this shit mentality
Yeah that's why you're a massive betacuck
If you were around my age back in middle/highschool, I would've definitely bullied you lol

>> No.1958508

By the by, it is interesting looking back at these old clips and then watching a more recent one:


She is clearly not doing the same voice anymore for her character. I don't know when she switched but she is very much not as high pitched as she was back then. I'll have to go back and see when she changed that. My guess is somewhere around the time VShojo launched.

>> No.1958541

Fair enough.

>> No.1959009

>clippers aren't part of the fanbase
Full retard.

>> No.1959063

>most antis are [group I don't like that I can write off instead of arguing against]
Cool mentality, bro.

>> No.1959114

Funny since she used to say the higher pitched voice was just her normal voice and not something she was putting on.

>> No.1961081

Yeah no she didn't.

>> No.1962449

Yes she did, retard. For like six years.

>> No.1962717
File: 143 KB, 424x301, internet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that blue Nyanners reached the original's numbers of almost 10 years in less than 4 years while dealing with alcoholism and crippling depression from her own content.
