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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, brit guys are irresistible.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19449471 No.19449471 [Reply] [Original]

So... why did she get away with it? Don't you think it's kinda unfair?

>> No.19449515


>> No.19449556


>> No.19449594

Who the fuck is Jay?

>> No.19449607

The all powerful transatlantic cock.

>> No.19449625

Jay could be anyone. A relative, friend, lover, take your pick. Nothing conclusive. Plus, all they were doing was playing a game. Rushia's yab was specifically romantic.

Also, English and Japanese attitudes towards "idol" relationships are different.

>> No.19449677

I'm legit partially blind and 100% retarded where does it say Jay

>> No.19449696

we dont care over here because we don't treat the livers as surrogate girlfriends

>> No.19449730

Never mind I found it top left at 5 seconds I really am blind

>> No.19449747

Rushia would've gotten away with it too retard. She just went crazy before the issue passed.

>> No.19449805 [DELETED] 


>> No.19449951

Meanwhile ame literally went so far as to name her PC after amelia watson, just in case it showed up somewhere

>> No.19449975

I agree with this retard

>> No.19449984
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>> No.19450071

That Nijisanji guy who recently got JAV yab should've done the same. Basically different pc for different purposes.

>> No.19450082


>> No.19450128

He's a Nijichad.

>> No.19450188

Because Gura didn't get in touch with a drama youtube to defend her and simply shut her mouth.

>> No.19450216

There's 0 reason for any successful streamer to not have two pc's. One for work, one for personal use. Even doubly so for tax reasons. Decking out their work one with the lastest shit and then handing it to the personal one when they need to upgrade. Also makes their stuff run smoother and quicker and literally every reason under the sun. Fucking retards.

>> No.19450250

She still didn't shut her bottom mouth, though.

>> No.19450428

Ame probably just made a second profile nothing too crazy I do agree I think many successful streamers have 2 pcs anyways 1 for capturing and 1 to be captured

>> No.19450440

it's over...

>> No.19450504

That avatar looks like shit

>> No.19450508

Jay Bauman from Red Letter Media

>> No.19450528

>bringing something up from one year+ ago
Do you not have anything better to do?

>> No.19450606

>1 for capturing and 1 to be captured
What? Don't they just simply use OBS on the same single pc?

>> No.19450697
File: 406 KB, 677x706, 1607228678370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fans can have wonderfully short memories

>> No.19450693

Based OP
Shitting on chumpedos

>> No.19450727 [DELETED] 

>J-just let her go, okay! Pretend nothing happened because i need to fulfill my GFE fantasy! That lucky Brit guy definitely never tasted that shark cunny, y-yeah.

>> No.19450732
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>> No.19450812

Oh probably, but that's something I would expect from a new streamer/ 2view chuuba. Overall, for people's who main job is dealing with streaming and being online, only having 1 pc is retarded.
Even if they don't do capture+record setup or personal+work setup, having a backup PC is a good idea. For example, if a chuuba notices something's wrong with her main PC she can still work and earn a wage. Hell, one good stream can basically pay for a really good PC.
However, that implies they want to work with eh. More often than not, they don't. Afterall, that's why they became streamers.

>> No.19450924

Because Gura didn't run to keemstar with corporate emails to prove she's single.

>> No.19450967

That is a setup most, if not all, chuubas do because they don't actually understand streaming on a professional level. Having 1 pc for capturing allows you to offset any resources that are needed for that. Add on having avatars in the picture, any little bit would help. The other choice is to have 1 really beefy PC that can handle it all but that set up is actually more expensive more often than not.

>> No.19451012

Goober fucking hates bongs and acts racist to them all the time

>> No.19451067

jay is a woman

>> No.19451125

>be gura
>have friends
>/vt/ loses their minds

>> No.19451174

Are you a HoloID Fan, OP?

>> No.19451226 [DELETED] 

Yet her bf is a Brit? It's just like how Nyanners used to do pedo skits yet she came out as an "anti loli", "anti lolicon", whatever she say it was.

>> No.19451317

I never even watch them.

>> No.19451325

I've given myself away I see...

>> No.19451534

Mafumafu categorically denied relations with rushia and I believe him.

>> No.19451537

There's no way we have this many newfags now....

>> No.19451567

>have a guy that live with (or near) her
>had a guy that lives on another continent and said never visited US

I wonder...

>> No.19451608

First a transatlantic cock, now he has a transatlantic tongue.

>> No.19451619

Then you are a rushia fan?

>> No.19451661

This is so out there, it has to be real.

>> No.19451765

Weak comparison OP.
Gura never doubled down or pulled some ebin "clapback" or go and rant on her roommate account

>> No.19451860

>this was the last day the ever for 40k consistently
>decline has been steady since then
She got hit by it tho, but she didn't talk to unrelated people and spread rumors about her coworkers so there was no reason to fire her.

>> No.19451913

Because she didn't rest all of her fame and personality on the idea of being her viewer's yandere girlfriend.

>> No.19451920

Except that before hololive she used to stream with JayDeeVa

>> No.19452099 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19452235

Keep up, in the end he admitted they were living together. Rushia even said on twitter that she is moving out soon. If they weren't dating, they were best friends/roommates that had matching pair drink mugs that formed a heat with cat's tails.

>> No.19452256

Do i need to feel cucked with transatlantic cock now?
Doesn't this tell me that she is too autistic to get a real dick?

>> No.19452346

>see some retard bringing up Gura RFA out of the blue
>see this thread
You guys been frozen in time or is this a discord trying to stir age old "drama"?

>> No.19452348

Unicornbudbros...we are winning...

>> No.19452434

I'm deadbeat

>> No.19452436

Of course it isn't an issue, because Jay is nobody unless you dig hard AND believe the rrats. It's a really big stretch to care about this vs a direct message about coming home.

>> No.19452481

I swear to god if anons kill gura by screeching about her fucking cocks I will be in disbelief. Absolutely unreal at that point.

>> No.19452498 [DELETED] 

>search jaydeeva senzawa
>first result

>> No.19452505

>is this a discord trying to stir age old "drama"?
They're either dramafags, SEAniggers or Rushia deflection fans. Many possibilities.

>> No.19452578

so then why doesn't she wash her legs? Sounds like she just had an LTR and no sex

>> No.19452596
File: 49 KB, 1019x480, she_know_exactly_what_shes_doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gawr goomba is a genius pretending to be retarded
nanshi "lex" moomer is her apprentice
a true sith lord

>> No.19452672
File: 306 KB, 512x512, 1646265684418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I gave her condom money

>> No.19452744

>Bill Cosby said he never did the "Cosby jacket" thing, so it must be true. Just trust everything the celeb says bro.

>> No.19452810

Don't bring that logic to Veibae fans. Most of them are in shambles that she is e-dating Soda.

>> No.19452846
File: 78 KB, 1080x590, dogwhistle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit.

>> No.19452953

bill cosby literally did nothing wrong, that is why he is a free man

>> No.19452977

She must really like this dude to play this together.

>> No.19453013

>Believing liar

>> No.19453226

This is just the notification for when someone from your friend list goes online, I'm not seeing the problem, unless you think she literally don't interact with men, assuming "jay" is a masculine name

>> No.19453267

>too nervous to eat in front of anyone
>has the mold in her house everywhere
>never washed her legs because there isn't anyone ever near her legs
>when she was sick she said there isn't anyone to take care of her

If she gets a "real" bf i would be surprised. That girl will die young alone

>> No.19453614

yeah she doesn't currently have a bf. The most the j rrat is is that she might have had an LDR where they never met considering the type of autist she is and how she thinks discord is a dating app

>> No.19453836

What's with all the newfag antis? Go back.

>> No.19453874


>> No.19453917

She's a performer, don't take what she says as Gura too serious. A lot of people thought they knew certain vtubers like a book. Then they find factual information that goes against what they are told, and they end up feeling betrayed.

>> No.19454199

I've seen a 2 year old drama thread pop up the other day with towa

>> No.19454209

So now this is regaining traction?

>> No.19454307

There's no doubt she plays up her quirkiness/dumbness on some level, but at the same time I do find it hard to believe she's a fully functional adult.

>> No.19454408

t. fandead

>> No.19454473

nah I ain't into menhera

>> No.19454489


>> No.19454569
File: 135 KB, 600x478, Screenshot 2022-03-02 211324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19454629

>happens to say all the exact right things to cultivate a particular impression of her lifestyle

Really pendulates my pistachios. Not to mention the fact that she behaved a lot more normal in her PL, demonstrating clearly that she is willing and able to play a character.

>> No.19454670

ah, i see, you prefer your deceptive women to be the sane kind...

>> No.19454708

kek nousagis

>> No.19454725


>> No.19454808

>"rrat" in name
The most obvious of falseflags and you fall for it

>> No.19454830

>has near encyclopedic knowledge of Disney World
I don't think believing that is too outlandish

>> No.19454930

t.butthort SEAnigger over amongus drama

>> No.19454983

>behaved a lot more normal in her PL
Like what?

>> No.19455036

>rrat that's been dead for over a year
I see the fandeads have become the necromancers.

>> No.19455039

>dec 5 2020
>Ogey face

>> No.19455063

its nothingburger kalm down guys

>> No.19455068

He also does karaoke on twitch, like Country Roads, Fly me to the moon, Cant help falling in love with you.

>> No.19455127

How does this keep happening, it seems like every month the exact same thing happens, you'd think Gura would disable notifications by now, or at least tell J*y to stop messaging her during streams. Unbelievable.

>> No.19455130

how dare she

>> No.19455190

Unless she decides to go ahead and break NDA then probably not much will happen

>> No.19455273

>J*y to stop messaging her during streams. Unbelievable
She blocked him lmao

>> No.19455328

That is nearly two years ago anon.

>> No.19455374


its always weird to see a Holo "blow up" from previous circumstances while the people they played with trail off and disappear or are super tiny in online presence

its got this air of sadness to it

>> No.19455383

Then what's up with the message in OP's pic? This is the final yab for sure. The board's gonna explode when the US wakes up, which is a shame, because the /loafy/ thread probably won't survive...

>> No.19455420


>> No.19455495

Let me guess, proof next thread?

>> No.19455559

She blocked him on Twitter after this happened

>> No.19455606

>When the US wakes up
>It’s only 2130 on the east coast
Anon, unless literal children are the only ones who’ll throw a shitfit I would think people would have drawn attention to it. Besides, Gura is literally unfuckable. Who cares if she’s getting dick?

>> No.19455637

Nothing significant came of it for the following reasons:

>The person that we think that "Jay" is, isn't even on the same continent
>They never met up IRL
>There is still technically plausible deniability/ the possibility of it being just a coincidence of a name (because it's just a name, not a message from a famous singer who was already alleged to be her bf using a cutesy nickname for her, like in the Rushia example. What if it was actually Jenma or J-chad? )
>Gura didn't acknowledge it, causing it to be forgotten and become some obscure shit that only a few obsessed people on here and on 5ch even give a shit about

>> No.19455685

Holy cope, I hope you weren't giving the fundead crap when they were saying the same things you are.

>> No.19455744

>This is the final yab for sure. The board's gonna explode when the US wakes up
Holy shit so many fucking newfags

>> No.19455804

Hope cope on your drama needs anon

>> No.19455837

Seaniggers sure are dumb.

>> No.19455859

Very cool

>> No.19455866

Are you blind? That message notification went straight into guras vagina and gave her a 60 second, body-shaking orgasm

>> No.19455889
File: 248 KB, 1649x1649, FMcff54acAAJIoE.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So... why did she get away with it?
Because Gura doesn't stalk her fans and tell them they can't look at any other girls besides her. Let's face it, we all know 99% of corporate chuubas have bf's. It's one thing to be in a relationship and another to manipulate your mentally ill fans with a yandere act like Rushia did. I can't wait until the day GFE dies.

>> No.19455890

Anon, I’m not autistic enough to be in a parasocial relationship with a vtuber. Grow up.

>> No.19455932

I think you're forgetting that Gura was smart enough not to engage with people looking to stir shit. Beyond that, we have no fucking clue if they were together or if they were that they still are. Again, big difference between "I'm coming home" and someone logging on.

>> No.19455991

>The only weapon antis have against her is the legendary transatlantic cock

Thank god

>> No.19456014

he deserved better

>> No.19456019

From what I can tell that's less that she's interested in a guy and more that that guy is Soda.

>> No.19456098
File: 187 KB, 590x421, FINAL_YAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna take a vacation for spoonfeeding you newfags, there's been a pic of gura throating j*y circulating for ages.

>> No.19456105

See you in another year with your final yab

>> No.19456187

Can't spoonfeed if there isn't anything there to begin with you dumb fuck.

>> No.19456198

I'm a turbonewfriend who just starting watching vtubers last year and I already knew this, kind of surprising to see the dramafags think it's a new thing since they seem to be stuck to this board 24/7

>> No.19456211

they didn't watch the last stream

>> No.19456219

Can't wait for all the night shift tollbooth worker? Americans to finally wake up and see this.

>> No.19456268

And to make it more funny is that it proved she has a high chance to be a virgin

>> No.19456286

Because literally every HoloEN has also gotten away with everything. Truth is no one cares about Gura’s status.

>> No.19456293

>This is the final yab for sure.

>> No.19456318

the rrats are starving now that they dont have rushia to shitpost about

>> No.19456333

>hating gfe
also Gura is pretty fucking GFE in member's streams

>> No.19456361 [SPOILER] 
File: 132 KB, 660x330, SHARRRRRRRK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, do I need to upload another picture of it? Here's your precious Gura, J*y is saying hello from the other side of the ocean.

>> No.19456381

the transatlantic cock...

>> No.19456391

THIS IS OLD YOU NIGGER. Like legitimately one going on TWO years old. Nothing has and will come of this. The only ones coping are those trying to make something of it considering how little sen actually interacted with him and now wants absolutely nothing to do with him.

The way I see it, she didn't get a new switch when she became Gura and still had her old friends on her list. Jay came online, and so she probably deleted him as soon as the stream was over. The whole "prostitute" line is a crude joke that is literally just some circumstantial shit people went of of their way to use to make it look like something much more. She verifiably wants nothing to do with him anymore.
They didn't even know each other IRL for fucks sake.

>> No.19456414

Sorry, I'm retarded and thought you were actually pushing the rrat.

>> No.19456435

saved, ban him mods

>> No.19456442

holiday for SEAnigger please understand

>> No.19456454

Wait, I thought IRyS loved soda?

>> No.19456466

>didn't even know each other IRL

>> No.19456514

Honestly, the notification makes the 25th yab more edible after those discord messages.
Ame had it easier

>> No.19456527

Holy shit, I was just thinking of this joke right before scrolling down to this.

>> No.19456584

>you will never be on guras friends list

>> No.19456599

Unicornbros...we are keep winning...

>> No.19456643

That would be ultra based

>> No.19456656


>> No.19456667

Guber is the perfect woman though, Ame is merely based

>> No.19456682

Ah... I see...

>> No.19456703
File: 3.09 MB, 3207x2200, dumbrys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda is ruining her life

>> No.19456775

Both are bad for you

>> No.19456837

Making a degenerate joke is not the same as living with some dude.

>> No.19456918
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1631020966162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn here I thought it was something new and juicy. Call me when there's a real final yab.

>> No.19456963

Already happened, you missed it

>> No.19457070


>> No.19457153
File: 150 KB, 860x874, 1646238068233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is something I can get behind

>> No.19457229

>yfw in 5 years IRyS will be best girl because the soda will rot all here teeth out and she will be able to give gum jobs

>> No.19457356

Never got this. Unless the girl is a complete fucking animal teeth should really be a non-issue.

>> No.19457420

I get three days bans for not even a fraction of what is posted itt

>> No.19457432


several of the EN girls pretty much implied they have a shit ton of cavities, like getting root canals even in your early 20s

>> No.19457555


i want to know if she has a bf so that she doesn't have to be alone all the time. She sounds genuinely so unhappy all the time. I used to live like that too.

>> No.19457618
File: 315 KB, 733x1000, 1645562658322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on timezone. US morning and afternoon has a cuckbeat mod on duty who will ban you (always 3 days to avoid appeals) and then trawl through your post history and delete everything. US evening/Asia morning has significantly less psychotic mods.

>> No.19457627

I have several roots canals, I'm 24. I could've been a beloved Holo but I'm a guy

>> No.19457723

>he doesn't want gumjob
think how a blowjob feels, but it is also a vagina

>> No.19457798

sometimes it is 1 day, often 3, rarely all boards 3 days
fucking how?
>t. someone who has had like 2 cavities ever and they were on the gumline because based enamel gene

>> No.19457801

Sorry but I'd like her to keep her speech so she can continue to talk dirty
IRyS please get those vocal chords done

>> No.19457860

I meant in terms of sucking dick rather than dental health, but that is also pretty fucked up. Sugary drinks would be the cause, I guess. I find that women tend to drink less soda than men but they make it up for with sugar-bomb 'coffee' drinks.

>> No.19458091

The Ollie finger drama was also from a months old stream at the time it finally got traction. When you see drama like this popping up it's basically a tacit admission that there's nothing interesting going on in vtubing right now drama-wise and they need to dig up old drama. So breathe a sigh of relief that everyone is safe for another few weeks.

>> No.19458161

A VA? Theres your starsEN candidate

>> No.19458327

He probably will get in just for the fact that he's a friend of Gura's and they go with people they can trust.

>> No.19458388

Gura pissed herself during an outlast stream

>> No.19458555

I dunno, I take care of myself. But I'm deadly prone of having dental problems, shit sucks

>> No.19459026

kek gura used to be pretty funny back in the day

>> No.19460083

then stop watching her content

>> No.19460486

Gura chewing on Jay's transatlantic cable.

>> No.19460543

What does it feel like to pay for condoms?
I will never know because my oshi only goes raw.

>> No.19460700

>my oshi only goes raw
How many cocks has your oshi taken?

>> No.19460723

Stop eating grains.

>> No.19461277

the bare fucking minimum should be two separate PC accounts with the personal user files hidden
i am a literal nobody and I understand this

>> No.19461520

>the other anti thread about nene also has a 2 year old drama repost
They really have nothing left without Rushia huh?

>> No.19461654

Isn't the dude paying for her to visit him?

>> No.19461912
File: 68 KB, 1024x576, 1607753930430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over then.

>> No.19462045

Jannies! This faggot brought up thing from 15 months ago!

>> No.19462077

>Animal Crossing
It's a woman or a child.

>> No.19462191

I'm Jay.

>> No.19462602

Consider the fact that Mori is a fucking retard, and she is likely not even the biggest retard working at holo or any of the other corps

>> No.19464267

This happened to me, for making the slightest suggestion of Mori's roommate.

>> No.19464959

check mate

>> No.19465804
File: 1.11 MB, 1180x1021, Screenshot (192).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19465985

thatwas clearly planed, her monopolizing the piss fags and catering to them is one of the main reasons she is so successful

>> No.19466176

She planned to piss herself 3 hours into a stream that wasn't even the first part of a series and she waited until a jump scare to do it and she tried to hide that she pissed herself?

>> No.19466199

>retards are keeping this thread bumped
Or is it a holiday in india?

>> No.19466753
File: 3.28 MB, 2508x3541, 1645119687317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesnt make her sched until Jay tells her their scheduled fuck meetups

>> No.19466772

I can pull the neet card too, teamate.

>> No.19467730

That rrat has been dealt with very early on, everybody knew who that was and that there is no way they could've even met irl. Also, he was just playing some Animal Crossing by himself, not messaging Gura that he's gonna come home soon to fuck her brains out.

>> No.19467760

Rushia could have learn something from her.

>> No.19467847

>>decline has been steady since then
Is this a joke?

>> No.19468017

I agree with you on your first point about the Gura rrat, but you're misrepresenting that one part of the whole Rushia thing to make that part seem like the worst part of it. Besides it's not even the reason she was terminated. It could have all blown over if she kept quiet and was patient enough for people to regain their sanity and look at the facts objectively

>> No.19468051

that's hot

>> No.19468101

Rushia definitely could have survived her yab if she had just chilled out, taken a week off, and let management handle it. She blew it all up because she's a menhera pretending to be a sane person pretending to be a menhera.

>> No.19468526

That event is like the textbook definiton of "rrat" as it's used. Narrative. All that came up on stream was a name. The only way that could be anything more or become misconstrued is through narratives. Wild exposition that builds and builds and builds until it ultimately culminates into a parody of itself with the whole 'TRANSATLANTIC COCK' shit. It was ridiculous from the start. It just had to become explicitly ridiculous to discredit itself as a narrative.
As for whether or not her viewership was effected as a result, it's not likely. The whole YouTube change regarding what counts as a viewer started around the time of her RingFit streams in December

>> No.19468758

Borders shattered whole,
The great cock of Jay springs forth,
A transatlantic spear.

>> No.19469906

Hello newfags. This happened 14 months ago and was nothing. It was an old LDR before she joined. They never met IRL. That person has a girlfriend. Why are threads being made about this. Do you really think Gura's fans don't know about this shit? Do you really think they would stick with her if they thought they were together?

>> No.19469963

what about oldgura calling herself his whore what was that for

>> No.19470064

Chumpedo doing damage Control kinda cute tho

>> No.19470131

there was another thread calling Gawr "Why do people wash their legs, no one goes near your legs" Gura a virgin and this guy got mad

>> No.19470183

its not damage control if there was no damage to begin with

>> No.19470775

Have you watched any of her old content? She would always make dirty jokes like that. Her rapping a furry copypasta about musky sheaths has like 28 million views.

>> No.19470861


>> No.19470970

Why wouldn't they?
Chumpedos are never going to fuck Gura, no matter how many uuuuUUUUOOOOHHHH threads they make.

>> No.19471069

Sen frequently made jokes like that in her streams and had no issues collabing with belle Delphine back then. Now she hides that humor behind enough plausible deniability that most people think nothing off it.
>t.Was one of the fags in her old discord before it went to shit

>> No.19471147

I dont see the problem and I absolutely dont see how this is related to the current topic.

And she makes subtle lewd jokes and openly said she was into ponies, its not like she is rejecting it.

>> No.19471233

You're really gonna take that obvious crass joke at face value? I guess you also took "i turned a bad copypasta into a bad rap" at face value too, right?

>> No.19471317

It can easily be dismissed by saying that's J-Chad, Mori's manager.

>> No.19471519

It's not about wanting to fuck them, you stupid tourist. Everyone knows they won't ever meet them. That's not the point of idols you smoothbrain normalfag reddit-loving fuck.

>> No.19471910

man you fags are so open-minded and rational when it comes to your oshi but suddenly become extremely close-minded when it's about a vtuber that's board-meta to hate on, you make it so obvious

>> No.19472122

>why are you so mean to my oshi and not your oshi!!? It is not fair!

>> No.19472129

Thank god for your mental stability that Gura is too autistic to interact with males in real life

>> No.19472456

This is a different thread. you're not talking to the same anons. Plus, everyone shitposts and trolls. That's what you're referring to I assume. Get over it. Gura fans take the same shit that everyone else gets, you and your oshi are not special.
I say Gura fans instead of chumbuds because none of the fan names have any meaning here anymore. Every single one of them like takodachis, deadbeats, teamates etc. have certain connotations and traits attached and are primarily used for trolling and shitposting purposes. Plus, anyone can claim anything so people are falseflagging as fans of certain VTubers. I feel like everyone should keep this stuff in mind anytime they read a post on this board.

>> No.19473374

because jay is obviously a closet homo. I mean, seriously, animal crossing?

>> No.19473416

If a male is playing Animal Crossing it usually means they're a gay furry.

>> No.19473493

>man you fags are so open-minded and rational when it comes to your oshi
No. We're not.

You're a newfaggot. You don't remember what /hlg/ was like when this went down. And yes, I'm talking about /jp/ because /vt/ wasn't even a thing yet when this happened. That's how old it is. It was a huge deal at the time but as more anons started digging, it became more and more clear it wasn't an issue. This shit was looked into by Gura's fans and doxxcords alike and the answer was reassuring to her fans. There's a reason why no one ever brings it up anymore except for newfags that get shown the pic in OP and think they've found something juicy.

>> No.19473564

I bet you believe politicians too you naive retard

>> No.19473581

You're an ESL faggot and while I think I understand what you meant, you're still a retarded third-world cockroach and shouldn't post here anymore until you learn English.

>> No.19474035

Never can't be too careful. DDLC and that one FNF mod look at your pc profile name. The latter got Finana and she had to scrub her stream.

>> No.19474193

nothing to "get away with". take your meds.

>> No.19474370

Because the west don’t obsess over idol culture, note do we care about our oshi’s private life. It could be anyone but who gives a shit. Take your damn meds.

I’ll love gura’s content regardless.

>> No.19474792 [DELETED] 

That’s the thing. Holo JP fans take everything too seriously, I genuinely feel bad for those girls having to deal with so many schizo on a daily basis. They have trouble separating the entertainer from the character because they’ve absorbed so much hentai to the point they believe it’s all the same.

>> No.19475946

That's because she had a yab during an early stream that showed her PC's name in a directory. I don't think it was her real name and I don't remember what it was, but it wasn't Amelia Watson.

>> No.19475997

>we don't care.
Yes we do, tourist faggot.
Hell, even with non-idol shit, America has some of the worst paparazzi and celeb gossip out of anywhere.

>> No.19476054

Pretty much.
It's dramanigs on the war path, having exhausted the Rushia yab, the Nene yab having been completely defused, and the Lauren yab being seen as 'not a big deal because it's just piracy' despite that actually being a bigger deal in Japan and got a fucking sponsorship cancelled.

>> No.19476342

yeah that's why he messaged her saying he finished work and is coming back home miichan

>> No.19477351

wrong. She is moving out of the holo apartment complex since everyone can't stand her

>> No.19479255

