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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19435291 No.19435291 [Reply] [Original]

Vshojo, a western company
>Hide it when scammers start pretending to be them to trick applicants
>Call detractors neet who don't know anything about opsec and that in the adult world, information like that has to be hidden to catch the perpetrator
Cover, a Japanese company
>Publicly reveals it when scammers start pretending to be them to trick applicants and told their fans to stay safe
I can't believe Cover is so unprofessional, not even reaching the security standard of the professional western Vtubers agency Vshojo

>> No.19435359
File: 1.72 MB, 696x522, twitter thread.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19435382

Look guys we have a competent person here! Say hi to him!

>> No.19435425 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 2048x1070, 21B38521-D7A9-4776-89D7-FFC2703D01A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many replies is thread gonna get?

>> No.19435464

5. Trust me I know the future

>> No.19435524 [DELETED] 

Make this thread again when Yagoo start selling NFTs and makes Amelia leave Hololive out of disgust.

>> No.19435528


>> No.19435708

why don't chuubas have eth wallets

>> No.19435920

just another dramashit thread
archived rta any%

>> No.19435975

Seethe, vshojofag

>> No.19436175

reminder that condommates are cover antis, ALL of them, and they're responsible for most of hololive hate baits

clip related as for fans reflecting the oshi https://youtu.be/65lSJKzQ9f4?t=5301

>> No.19436217

Vshojo is a black company pls understand

>> No.19436271

Based Cover. If you want a real black company, look no further than Vwhorejo.

>> No.19436424

honestly while i agree vshojo shouldve made a public reminder to not click sus links when they found out about the phishing scams under their name, nux didnt help by making a video pointing this out, especially when nux was also being strung along by the scammers making him look bad too.
we can debate all day about vshojos choice, lets actually think about why holo did it instead.
1. the account scamming is a public account impersonating hololive.
2. it was going after a much wider range of people, not just people who wanted to join hololive.
3. cover has proper lawyers who can recommend better actions and protect them

>> No.19436528
File: 118 KB, 900x900, NuxTaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see Cover's chief of cyber security and CEO personally talking and working with indie sensation Nux to stop the scammers.

>> No.19436542

The fake Holo account being public is the big thing. The VShojo doxers were working secretly so things needed to stay secret. The Holo account is in public and not hiding at all so there's no risk of publicly calling it out.

>> No.19437288

They were afraid of the joker/batman

>> No.19437801

The doxxers were working under a Vshojo domain that has been reported to them, they knew the URL and could've done the ''please don't click these guys, we are ''Vshojo.(whatever) thank you. But they liked to play secret agent thinking they would win against some underage South american faggots, the part of the world were cybersecurity is a fucking joke and people share underage porn on twitter.

>> No.19437866

am I retarded? why is this tweet @ing themselves? or is that the fake account that somehow spoofed their twitter handle

>> No.19437947

Cover is lying. nux would have already made a video about dismantling hololive.music if it was real

>> No.19440177

probably using an uppercase letter i instead of an l

>> No.19440271

The fake one is the exact same but with a _ at the end. There was a screenshot from a JPbro of the fake account in the replies if I remember correctly

>> No.19440431
File: 3.12 MB, 2894x4093, yande.re 928681 animal_ears cleavage hololive maid nekomimi polyethyle tail uruha_rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're so stupid to get phished, then you are too stupid to be a vtubber. stupid roasties get the rope

>> No.19440625

They're clarifying what the real account is named.

>> No.19445524


>> No.19445786
File: 969 KB, 1036x1080, 1646058785693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The VShojo doxers were working secretly so things needed to stay secret.
Nah, that's not how it works. Aiding and abetting scammers so you can save face isn't in any cybersecurity standard I'm aware of.

>but the internet clown girl said
I have more qualifications on the leftover ink on my pinky finger than Veibae or Nyanners will even tangentially know about in their whole lives. Stay in your lane.

>> No.19445862


>> No.19446442

same energy as capeshitters and soilets defending disney

>> No.19446511

You should try reading up on actual cybersecurity then retard. It's treated the same way people handle terrorist cells. You don't show your hand until you can shut the entire thing down.

>> No.19448177

kys holocuck, cover is a black company

>> No.19448285


>> No.19448330

Kinda, there are like two ways of doing it. If it affects only your organization, you keep it on the down low. If it affects someone else, you fully expect them to do some cyber security themselves however you can't really force them. The fed recommend disclosure if it's a public case and many people are affected however it's only a suggestion >>19436424
>Public account
People who impersonated Vshojo create an entire website to scam, that is as public as they come
Yeah this is the point I think, Vshojo is too small to have proper professional work for them. Did you see that guy they hire to work on security? At first he just sent everything to Nux to tell him to publish it because it's in the public interest, but when the talents have a melt down he started repeating everything >>19446511
Said like a broken machine as if it was not him, a cybersecurity expert who recommended full disclosure for public safety in the first place

>> No.19448475

The Vshojo cybersecurity should read the same cybersecurity stuff you are reading then lel. They actually recommend making it public in that debacle before pink cat mad that no one told her lmao

>> No.19448530

They told him not to do it, he said he wouldn't, he did it anyway, and they legally could not stop him from doing it. At that point the best course of action was to make it seem like they endorsed what he did, because the alternative was for him to be a dramanigger and run with a story of shit he unearthed that no one was doing anything about. The talents weren't happy with that, so they changed course.

And a fake site that isn't the actual site isn't "as public as they come" It wasn't a spoofed URL or a redirect it was just a wrong one that wasn't linked anywhere by anyone official. The only way to get to it would be to type the wrong URL into an address bar since Google wouldn't bring it up either.

They told Nux to not do anything with the info. He agreed. Then he did it anyway. This is something so many people have chosen to overlook because it ignores the pink cat bad narrative they'd rather believe.

>> No.19448726

They only "recommended" against it because they are pussy afraid of telling him no. Then they endorse it without telling any of the talents. A website is as public as they come, definitely more public and bigger than some Twitter handle

>> No.19449134

thanks I've been looking for this

>> No.19449184

The talents who have meltdown later on apologize in private after they realize what was happening. ironmouse even denounces the company and the Gunrun for handling it badly because they were telling them one thing while telling Nux another in discord. It's very unprofessional

>> No.19449299

They recommended because it would literally be against the law to tell him. Because being targeted by the doxers had the unfortunate side-effect of making Nux a victim, and intimidation or attempting to silence him would have been a hundred flavors of illegal.

I'm begging you to get information from anywhere but /vt/ schizos

>> No.19449582

>I'm begging you to get information from anywhere but /vt/ schizos
I'm wondering if you even watch Vshojo. Did you not watch her stream or are you just repeating propaganda? She publicly denounces the Gunrun and the company for miscommunication and telling different people different things in Discord leading to her originally lashing out against Nux without knowing. Please fucking watch stream, please

>> No.19449685

And it was a stream on either November 29 or 30 depending on your timezones. Lot of people tune in how could you not know? It was the closing statement to that whole drama

>> No.19450219

I never understood why Froot was such a big Nux fag can someone give me a brief history of that?

>> No.19451762

Brief history for the new fags.

1. Was confirmed cyber security spoke with nux for few hours company got blasted when Gun said 30 minutes.
2.Froot said she felt uncomfortable about real identity info, nux says to her its cool I will call you.that is the only communication a vshojo member had with Nux.
3. A day later nyanners goes on a discord rant which we all can assume froot talked to her about it Vei jumps in for not liking him in the past(does shit no different than what soda does on CB to streamers) mouse says she's disappointedi in nux all twitter attack Nux zen gave like a dude response like I didn't give a shit but had to do this kind of thing for them kind of response. The only person who's hands are clean from past doxxx history is Silvervale but I still guess their reactions were not faked but real.
4.vshojo initially praised nux for the video but after the twitter attack they back up the girls.
5. Video is respectfully taken down,his apology comes later, all write apologies back. Froot was the 1st to apologize(surprisedn she felt bad about doing something bad) zen apologies twice, vei and nyanners being the original shit show starters apologized last.

After the event vshojo became unbearable to parasocials and goslings, talking about degen night between IRL shit and the girls, got holo Mori parasocials and gosling mad at Connor, vei and soda/ nyanners and aethel pissed parasocials and gosling off more, Mel seems to be less full of life than she use to be before. Some mad that snuffy gets called like a casting couch bitch to do her streams with other IRL streamers.

>> No.19452127

Sounds like a nothingburger

>> No.19453115

It maybe so but I miss the old shojo that was before the drama, other fags here will argue about numbers being drawn from LSF streamers but for me their content before was enjoyable and also forgot to include that Vei use to stream more back than.

>> No.19454418

It feels like most of the Vshojo defense force and Vshojo haters are just parroting what they heard without knowing anything or watching any streams. The NPC memes are real. All of it was public information

>> No.19454730

>2.Froot said she felt uncomfortable about real identity info
This is why months later she decided to reveal what she looks like irl on (her Froot account) not once but TWICE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
