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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19343792 No.19343792 [Reply] [Original]

youtube recs are so fucking retarded. First (months ago) it starts recommending me clips of the whore that got my oshi graduated, kson, and now its recommending me a whole hour of lies about holo CN and my oshi Artia. Tia did nothing wrong

>> No.19344443

Boosted in the algorithm by EOP's

>> No.19344626
File: 227 KB, 379x474, 1644646678794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of those channels are garbage but depressed nousagi does genuinely good, thorough coverage. His Coco video has stuff I didn't know about

>> No.19345412

Christ /vt/ards seethe too much compared to other boards. Can't you zoomers just take a break from the internet and help your milfs with chores?

But I will give you some tip, you may be a zoom-zoom, but I like you. You can use ublock origin and block certain parts of youtube or block the whole homepage from showing anything. You can even use it to filter search results so you can't see some channels' vids.

>> No.19345921

don't patronize me, i'm not some tech illiterate retard. i've already used the "don't recommend" function to block all of the traitorous whore related content creators (kson) and i've used ublocks element filter to remove the "here's videos about niggers and how they're oppressed and totally don't deserve it" section on the homepage
i wasn't asking for a fucking guide on how to block depressed nousagi vids, i'm complaining about youtube having the gall to suggest this type of content to an ice cream (artia fan). and complaining about seaniggers being recommended to me, their voices are disgusting.
the algorithm should definitely know i'm a huge artia fan, she's my one true oshi. the fact that it would recommend this sort of stuff to me is, just wrong

>> No.19346636

Welp I can't help you with that then. Thanks for calling customer support. /endthread

>> No.19346932

Depressed Nousagi provides the most objective and comprehensive Doumentation about the Kiryu Coco drama.

>> No.19347471
File: 183 KB, 444x391, A2D11A1B-B764-4E5F-A246-B7D1633B8C7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19347895

Stop plugging your shit pretending to be your own anti.

>> No.19348023

When you see them in recommended, click the "..." in the corner, select "don't recommend this channel.
Feel free to do the same if you see red text black outline.

>> No.19348509

read >>19345921

>> No.19348775

Artia did nothing wrong but I'll go with it anyway

>> No.19349009

Yeah this board is special, anons here do not do anything for fun at all it's all hatred and negativity. it turned to be as aids as /vmg/ sadly

>> No.19349241

Because you are a retard. Coco did nothing wrong and Artia did everything wrong. Remember, CN was originally going to be transferred to another company while keeping their avatars. Artia can still stream as Artia, not a Holo anymore but still Artia. But she and friends fucked up and that is why they were canned.

>> No.19349804

Dude hates holo CN to the core

>> No.19350265 [DELETED] 

Dude is a literal chink, he just clarified all that happened with the Coco situation. He even explained NGA's wheelbarrow program and its involvement in Coco's harassment.

>> No.19350388

>not understanding how the algorithm links videos by group viewing patterns
>not knowing about the do not recommend option

>> No.19350553

Dude said he had nothing against HoloCN, he just presented evidence that Artia and friends were really guilty of the crimes they have committed. Otherwise Spade Echo and Yogiri were innocent. HoloCN as a whole would have been innocent if they just shut the fuck up.

Ingorant zhangs deserve a dose of enlightenment.

>> No.19353673

>if they just shut the fuck up.
That seems to be the big take away here if you wanna keep your job at Cover

>> No.19353929

"I am a historian of vtubers"
Wow, this channel is absolutely shameless.

>> No.19354262

>absolutely shameless
More like absolutely objective

>> No.19355066

Rough day, huh, With rude customers like that.
Have you tried turning your PC off and on?

>> No.19362240

read >>19345921
and no, i get how algorithms work with group viewing patterns
what i don't get is how MY viewing patterns (hates coco, artia is my oshi, hates seaniggers) line up with the people who would watch kson, kson clips, or depressed nousagi the seanigger

>> No.19362426

>artia is my oshi
Youtube is just punishing you for your abysmal taste.

>> No.19362482

>click 3 dots
>click Not interested

>> No.19364173

>he hasn't disabled Youtube recommendations

>> No.19364394

Your oshi is a whore

>> No.19368003

>nothing in my OP asking for a guide on how to use that feature
woah... reading comprehension...
read >>19345921

>> No.19368034

I know right, listen to good music.

>> No.19368948

Please don't be too hard on them, they are depressed you see, you should instead recommend them some mental health support subreddit.

>> No.19369580

who's the "they" you're referring to?
i obviously haven't looked into it because why would i watch his stuff, but isn't depressed nousagi just 1 guy? the channel isn't a multi person media group with different writers, editors, and nousagi himself the actor, right?
are you referring to nousagi and his viewers being depressed and needing help?
also don't insult me, i'm not some redditfag

>> No.19370137

Fuck you M&M. Stop showing up in my godzilla song search.

>> No.19370565

Maybe you shouldn't have been a faggot who's a fandead.

>> No.19371003

This asshole appeared to me too. It's good that he showed me some things I didn't know, but he reeks of /vt/. Is he a poser or something?

>> No.19371435

i'm not a fandead, i'm an EOP, couldn't you tell by the "artia is my oshi"?
i will admit that i've jerked it to rushia more than any other vtuber (except gura, gura's #1 and rushia's #2), but i'm not an actual fan of hers, didn't watch her stuff.

>> No.19372885


>> No.19373382
File: 293 KB, 828x671, ho lee sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an hour long autobiography of Coco's life as a vtuber
>jojofag memer
>an autistic video with the most retarded and click-baity subject known to man
Holy fucking autism

>> No.19373828
File: 343 KB, 1024x576, jot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check community posts for the shits and giggles
>mfw its a fucking doxxfag
That's it. Im calling Susan

>> No.19374075

Plus the first thing the faggot doxx posts is Kiara. What is up with doxxfags and Kiara anyway?

>> No.19375330

i don't get it, how is this relevant to depressed nousagi?
did accidentally post to the wrong thread?

>> No.19375483

I very rarely use the catalogue and usually stick to a selection of regular threads and been having a good time with that. The rest of the threads have too many retards biting the dumbest of baits on mass so they tend to be a dumpster fire

>> No.19376314

6/10 almost checked him out

>> No.19377970

Then mikeneko
