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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19325922 No.19325922 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19326016

She got a cool hat

>> No.19326079

Good for you.

Like I think most people were I was a little put off by the mommy thing at debut but came back around due to her good taste in games and also that she tends to actually know how to play the games she plays and doesn't constantly do retarded shit/ignore instructions and get lost/rely on the chat to minimally function in the game which is sadly far from a given in vtubers.

>> No.19326106
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>could make a fortune doing the Mommy Experience, telling viewers how much she wants to nursing handjob them to sleep after making sure they’ve eaten a proper home-cooked dinner
>chooses to become a wine aunt instead
What did she mean by this?

>> No.19326567
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Best conversationalist in NijiEN hands down, Beautiful contralto tone of voice, Kino gaming stream and she loves her chat a lot more than the schizoid haters would try to make you think. If you're willing to do your rep you'll see in most of the non collab streams she either says it straight or makes it known through her attitude toward chat.

Also, try talking to her when she's ranting. She notices good takes in the chat.

>> No.19327068

yo shes is fat

>> No.19327337

Like everyone the clippable moments are the basic tropes like "honey" and so on. There's more to her and she genuinely enjoys talking way more than most vtubers without trying to be wacky and overly entertainerey

>> No.19327366

Isn't that the chick who said in her previous life that her viewers are paypig and the only reason she chose to have an avatar with big breast is squeeze more moneys from them?

>> No.19327396

she scared me away with her honey spam

>> No.19327423

She works real hard at recognising clippers and artists too, I've yet to see many clips of hers without an appreciative pinned comment underneath

>> No.19327427

she's perfect for rape

>> No.19327493

She did indeed use a linguistic device known as a "joke" in her prior form yes, you may wish to research those as vtubers and streamers of all varieties tend to deploy them quite often

>> No.19327514

She niggers in her member stream

>> No.19327563 [DELETED] 

I am not gonna mention this here but are you sure want to have her and her fanbase as your oshi? In these times?

>> No.19327599

pic unrelated, I hope

>> No.19327691

Bet she has a clean edible butt holes

>> No.19327839
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She has the power of ten Asian moms with her riichi mahjong skills.

>> No.19327842
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>honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey honey
As someone without mommy issues, this is very annoying.

>> No.19327859

>I-I swear she didn't mean it. It was a joke haha... haha...

>> No.19327976

I would say Elira is better at conversing with her chat, but Nina is definitely right behind her.

>> No.19328377
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Yes she'd be great at rapping me.

>> No.19328606

Pic not related

>> No.19328713

Definitely not a joke when she said it but at the same time she regrets saying it since she's realised how much she actually loves Nijisanji.

Also just don't send supas lol hate the game not the players.

>> No.19328778

Watch streams not clips honey

>> No.19328779

Its in her Ukrainian whore genetics anonchama.

>> No.19328864

That moment lives rent free in my head because it fits with her lore too

>> No.19328882

If you watched any stream you'd know she transitioned to ''baby'' spam.

>> No.19328915

Her Princess Connect collab was hilarious, the other girl was like "OOH SO CUTE" and she's all "this is a really good one star unit, she can do this and that, this other one is a great healer despite being 2 star"

Just pure autism team building.

>> No.19328930
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She got me into NijiEN, so I like her a lot too. In a Sea of young girls its refreshing to have someone be the Older person to everything and embrace it. She's a good foil to everyone (esp the boys) and great by herself. Glad to see she's getting more attention

>> No.19328968

I don’t trust any vtuber but she seems especially suspect considering her past statements and behaviour.

>> No.19328997

All older, single, childless women become wine aunts. It's an inevitable pipeline that's been known by many different names throughout time and different cultures.

>> No.19329004

She actually plays Princess Connect off stream after Pomu and the sponsored stream got her into it.

>> No.19329046

For those wondering what this anon is talking about.

>> No.19329118
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>> No.19329127

Fair. Just know that you don't need to trust anyone to enjoy their content. That's the unicorn mindset polluting your enjoyement. Whether its Nina or anyone.

>> No.19329133

You know what? This is pretty based.

>> No.19329358

>That cackle
I like it.

>> No.19329425

She's surprisingly entertaining, especially after she toned down the honey spam, but I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her. She seems to at least enjoy her job well enough to where she won't rock the boat and sabotage the girls I'm actually invested in.

>> No.19329434

Nina has admitted to being miserable and bitter in her SJW-tuber days. I have no doubt she meant what she said back then, but I also don't think present-day Nina would be anything other than embarrassed if you were to ask her to her face about it.

That said if you don't trust her, just don't spend money. Don't gachi. Don't even SC. Buy the membership only if you think it's worth it and cancel it the second it isn't. I don't agree with the adversarial approach myself but I can see how it could be justified for you and others after a year of non-stop chuuba drama, and after Rushia.

>> No.19329473

She straight up said that she be herself in Nijisanji instead of pretending to be someone shes not.

>> No.19329543

Shout outs to that "helpful" comment that actually explains nothing.
Capcha: GAY4S

>> No.19329708
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That's why Nina is great. She doesn't think she's perfect in any way and her mindset is malleable, not stuck in stone.

>> No.19329731

Are there any chuubas that do this? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19330307

she didn't choose, that's what she ended up becoming in real life and it transpired in her character

>> No.19330381

>Got so addicted to mahjong souls that she missed multiple streams
Its hard to hate someone like that.

>> No.19330448

>falling for a SJW whore
oh nyo

>> No.19330476

i thought she was SEA living in canada like the other nijiEN girls but she also speaks russian?

>> No.19330548

And you really believed it? You didn’t think she might have a conflict of interest that would encourage her to say that instead of something else?
When someone says one thing and then says the direct opposite later when money, fame and success is on the line you can see why people might take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.19330600

Prevailing theory is that she's an ukranian immigrant.
She can speak french to.
People can change anon.

>> No.19330762

Well that's a terrible theory. I recommend doing your reps especially since she has a pretty obvious track record.

>> No.19330816

Good for you anon

>> No.19331021

she is whiter than 99% of mutts and has the iconic slavic jaw

>> No.19331187 [DELETED] 
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unless she looks like this don't even @ me bro

>> No.19331234


>> No.19331254

Boy, do I have a surprise for you

>> No.19331262

holy shit what the fuck

>> No.19331277
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>> No.19331337


>> No.19331369

I'm actually dying.
Jannies please prune this thread before the doxx posting becomes too obvious.

>> No.19331584

she reminds me of that one 1/9 shadowverse card

>> No.19331670

behind that picture's trash can you mean?

>> No.19331719
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Both foxes, both hags. I think that's where the similarities stop though.

>> No.19331829

must be the red makeup on the cheeks and eyes idk

>> No.19331876

Not that I know of, no. Fuck GFE, I would fucking kill for a Mommy EN vtuber.

>> No.19331957

Stopped watching her when all of her content became about luxiem

>> No.19332757

Used to like her but now i don't even watch her anymore
Millie Enna are the only ones from the Ethyria I watch

>> No.19332821

She is alright but her fanbase is like the toxic Pomutards

>> No.19332837


>> No.19332920

Dropped her for Selen actually

>> No.19332945

she wants that bisexual weeb dick

>> No.19333104

post the cum edit

>> No.19333168

imagine cuddling with nina and being enveloped in her 8 non sentient tails

>> No.19333517

She 'used' to be SJW no she IS a SJW. She STILL is. She only roleplays or keeps herself in line when she is Nina because she's streaming to way more people then before and because she has to keep up her character. But she still is the same as she was in the past, when she was Monkeyism when it comes to IRL.

I know this because I know a few other streamers that have close contact with her and they tell me 'she hasn't changed at all' And the entire Nina thing is just an act.

Sorry to be honest but whenever I see any threads about Nina/Monkeyism I always have to comment because she is STILL an SJW. And please don't believe her words if she claims she isn't, please. Don't be a fool anon that your gullible and naive enough to believe the words of an live2d anime girl.

>> No.19333600

She can get pretty toxic too ngl

>> No.19333625

The worst in her gen

>> No.19333671

99.9% of all females are hardcore sjws. I don't see what you're arguing here. Water is wet, I guess.

>> No.19333700

She is one of the weaker NIJI Girls anon

>> No.19333703

>I know this because I know a few other streamers that have close contact with her and they tell me 'she hasn't changed at all' And the entire Nina thing is just an act.
Source: It came to me in a dream.

I have no dog in this fight but come on anon.

>> No.19333805

Or just don't be autistic and realize you're watching "Nina" and not her SJW roommate. If Nina isn't bringing political bullshit into her streams (which she should never do as a corpo vtuber), then there's no issue.

>> No.19333831

Based, kino, and dare I say; POGGERS

>> No.19333884

I don't watch her at all as she is annoying because she essentially stole Suisei's entire gimmick(Or at least it was).
But as someone who is pretty active in Niji EN community, her fanbase is in the worst 3 fanbases in Niji EN. Whereas her genmates Fandom is like the best fandom anywhere

>> No.19333898


Do you even know who Monkeyism was dude? Do you know she had a pod cast she joined often with other streamers who were her friends, do you know you could meet her in conventions and shit? Like obviously you guys don't know anything and just know Nina as Nina but Nina is Monkey and she hasn't changed if you follow her IRL stuff. Lmao you guys are kinda sad, just keep yourself up to date dude and then you'd know.

>> No.19333905

It's not just for roommate situations & corporate vtubers. If you're a non-corpo whose political bullshit period is well in the past and you aren't bringing it into your streams either, then it's the same thing.

>> No.19333958

>But personal life!
Who fucking cares.
Point me to Nina the ninisanji vtuber doing these things and you'll have a point.

>> No.19334053

>ing these things and you'll h
she is the most overrated Vtuber since Amelia Watson.
Or at least her fanbase makes her out to be like a god

>> No.19334090


I'm just stating Nina is an act and not her real self. Is all and you just have to swallow it and eat it.

>> No.19334107


>> No.19334114

>Can't tell the difference between an actor and his character
lol, next you'll tell me not to watch terminator because arnold is a retarded sjw who loves it up his ass.

>> No.19334150


>> No.19334192

>Thinking I dont know this
Come the fuck on dude, I'm not that deep into the parasocial hole.
Especially after the Rushia bullshit, most of these girls are just playing a character and that's fine.

>> No.19334222


K anon, just reality checking you just in case.

>> No.19334379
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I'll play devil's advocate here and say that the ideology these people push has had it as a pillar of belief that people should be punished in their public lives for their personal opinions.

If that's the case and Nina still adheres to this sort of stuff, then it's perfectly rational to say you don't want to give Nina the vtuber views and/or money when you know her actress probably hates you.

>> No.19334393

>Nina is an act and not her real self
this is a given for all streamers, vtuber or not, anyone that deludes themselves into thinking otherwise is just sad
so stfu about "well akshully did you they blah blah blah" its so fucking irrelevant and worthless

>> No.19334463

>Sjw oshi

>> No.19334592

She is alright.
Selen, Elira, Pomu, Rosemi, Millie, Enna, Vox, Ike, Luca are better than her personally

>> No.19334688


>> No.19334710

she'll never jerk you off with her shit stained hands

>> No.19334778
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She speaks french, based in my book.

>> No.19334801

Well you are a holofag so your opinion is discarded.
And also Nina>Suisei.
Suisei's Hi Honey was overrated

>> No.19334803

>3 player mahjong
not even once

>> No.19334854
File: 169 KB, 850x1154, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_aoi_migo__sample-9b80faabf6c0915687d1a1f0a1de32e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disappointed this is only sanma, yakuman are not that rare in that mode.

>> No.19334856

Her actress doesn't hate me because I'm not a mentally ill /v/ tourist looking over my shoulder terrified of the SJW bogeyman.

Nijisanji has always been supportive of lgbt and other alternative/minority groups and her viewers are fully aware of her views and love her for who she is, not who schizos on 4chan portray her to be. If you don't like "sjw's" feel free to not watch her or Nijisanji in general, nobody will care. They literally have like 4 trans/nonbinary vtubers in the company and they're all massively popular. It's safe to say Nijisanji isn't the company for you if you're still stuck in 2013 era culture wars.

>> No.19334890


>> No.19334901

As a Nijifag, just shut up and don't embarrass yourself anymore.
Also this thread is about her, no point in bringing Holo members you dumb bitch

>> No.19334953

It's telling that only that only the triggered resident polacks give a shit about anything.
There's a shitload of people browsing that are not nazis , it's just that nazis tend to be mentally ill and more prone to be resident schizos lmao

>> No.19334980

Omg are you actually serious Anon?

>> No.19334991

Just kys faggot

>> No.19335043
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>> No.19335076
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>that nazis tend to be mentally ill and more

>> No.19335155
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>it's fine if she doesn't bring SJW shit in her stream
>he didn't see her as Nina going on a rant about how talking about her L2D character's breasts was dehumanizing and sexualizing and how it violated her consent

>> No.19335192
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>suggest however faintly and politely that maybe these people should get as good as they give
>instant freakout and name-calling on a previously civil thread
>nazi, nazi, nazi
Love to see it.


>> No.19335211

Selen and most chubas hate your incel nazi ass , if anything you're the one on copium

>> No.19335240

the post you're replying to doesn't even contain the word nazi you schizo

>> No.19335327

reps, even clipfags had access to this one

>> No.19335331

I dont care, they are better than all en vtubers

>> No.19335438
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>> No.19335476

mind broken

>> No.19335498
File: 1.37 MB, 2384x4096, __nina_kosaka_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_naokomama__94d5f37e36fafe8ab4188415a7c86e0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post fox tits if you're going to argue about her

>> No.19335502
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>> No.19335539

Kys too faggot.

>> No.19335544

sure anon, sure..

>> No.19335563

Nah , I mean , most people hated you retards so you keep on coping.
I'll fuck off now , keep trying to cancel people for not being a racist homophobic retard like you and keep getting triggered when people call you out everytime you spout your bs outside this shithole.

>> No.19335693

She talks about male vtubers way too often to be of any interest to heterosexuals.

>> No.19335701

>Anon, I was laughing at a guy who was comparing Suisei and Nina because they are not even comparable, how is me being a racist homophobe have to do anything here?

>> No.19335802

i don't like her for various reasons but it's fun that people who whine the most about cancel culture and not being able to say anything nowadays because of the SJW also love cancelling said SJWs

>> No.19335810

Are you stupid or are you pretend?

>> No.19335827

imagine using incel or nazi as an insult
especially on this site

>> No.19335854

Just so you know, people don't like you or the way you behave. I hope you can take that to heart and think of how to be less annoying to normal people.

>> No.19335873

I'm curious, when exactly did she say that she regretted her past form? Never heard of a vtuber talk about thier past like that desu.

>> No.19335908

Suisei fanboys getting triggered, you love to see it.

>> No.19335918

i have no idea what you tried to convey, of course i can't please everyone, how is that relevant to what i said?

>> No.19335935

I used it before especially when they don’t stay in their containment boards

>> No.19335946

This girl resembles a white haired Ahri.

>> No.19335951

/v/ tourists aren't "people"

>> No.19335956

That is only applicable for pre-recorded things like Kizuna Ai

>> No.19335988

it's fun that people who advocate for cancel culture don't like being canceled themselves

>> No.19335997

I'm not the anon you were originally replying to but the answer is that you are not in good company by playing some kind of enlightened centrist. Normal people know who has all the cultural power and they aren't fooled by your canned quips, they're just annoyed, like me.

>> No.19336016

This is why i hate Nina fanboys

>> No.19336048

You only hate her because you're racist like hololive.

>> No.19336104

SJWs are good

>> No.19336154

but he didn't call you a Nazi?
now why would you bring up Nazis all of a sudden like that?
maybe you're letting something slip?

>> No.19336167
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Work on your bait.

>> No.19336223

people would stop using them if you retards stopped proving that they hurt you by lashing out when called those names

>> No.19336228

ah so you're whining that i'm not some kind of brainless extremist, got it, nice anon. You might want to reconsider what you meant by "normal people", just say "people like me", normal means something else.

>> No.19336284

74% of the public is opposed to you. You and the rest of your smarmy warmongering child-molesting friends.

>> No.19336294

Her pl has gone on rants talking about how she only sees chat as pathetic sexist men for extracting money out of so it's hard to believe she suddenly cares about them

>> No.19336297

who's lashing out?

>> No.19336343

you too

>> No.19336391

i'm not american anon, i have no idea what you are talking about, what your stats mean, who is said public and who is molesting children. Take your meds.

>> No.19336451
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A-Anons... Please help me... I need the Ninussy

>> No.19336476


>> No.19336543

Everyone needs to go back.

>> No.19336613

Anon, she is not original. Even the thing that is her goto is a copy

>> No.19336624

smaller please

>> No.19336765
File: 2 KB, 88x125, 1646096723638s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu

>> No.19336811

>mad that she called paypigs paypigs

>> No.19336837

still too many pixels

>> No.19336877

I don't donate money to vtubers. I'm just surprised people actually think she suddenly likes men

>> No.19336928
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>> No.19336936

This sentence can apply to literally dozens of the vtubers (you) know of anon.

>> No.19336949

i have a feeling that majority of her fanbase aren't male anyway..

>> No.19336972

Chat isn't paypigs, chat is anyone who watches the stream and leaves a comment. I've never spent a dime on streamers or ethots, to include vtubers, but I have posted in chat plenty of times.

>> No.19337059


>> No.19337086

> Nina
> Not liking man
Kek. She might not like 3DPDs but she the first one to simp for the males of her wave.

>> No.19337118

Sure but I'm not deluded into thinking they like me. They are free entertainment. It takes a special kind of person to give money to somebody who hates their very existence

>> No.19337200

This is probably the most retarded way you could say "Niji has historically never cared about gay shit regardless of if it makes them money or not newfag". Lurk for two more years you overly sensitive tween.

>> No.19337302

What's your point then? If you don't care if a streamer who hates their chat so long as they're a fun streamer then there's not really much point in bringing it up since that's kinda the assumption for 95% of vtubers and outright stated for probably like, half of them at some point.

>> No.19337472

It's the entertainment industry, everyone needs to take the whining back to /pol/ and know that any agency-supported vtuber isn't going to spoil your fun and start chatting marxist theory on stream

Expecting your streamer to share your politics is worse than the unicorn idiots

>> No.19337619
File: 90 KB, 638x776, DF6DF828-7EBD-4776-BF61-E5E623022FFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that's kinda the assumption for 95% of vtubers
That they hate their audience? What’s even the point of this hobby if that’s true?

>> No.19337665

>They literally have like 4 trans/nonbinary vtubers in the company and they're all massively popular.
who so i can unsub

>> No.19337771

There are thousands of chuubas, very little is going to be original.

It's about execution

>> No.19337777
File: 70 KB, 533x551, 1645950158411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ oshi

>> No.19337783

back in my days unicorn meant "someone exceptional in a good sense"
it seems the meaning shifted

>> No.19337790

Relevant politics, mind you. JPchuubas memed on the former prez of muttland semi-constantly and ENtubers have probably made a few Abe-san jokes, but that's as far as it'd ever go. Must suck for her right now for being a slav with all that's happening, but what can you do.

>> No.19337793

I'm pretty sure that's not true and only something Nina cucks convinced themselves of so they can feel better about their oshi hating them. 95% see it as a job sure, but she specifically sees it as a vindictive means of hurting people for being born a certain way

>> No.19337884

remember when rushia genuinely loved her fans

>> No.19337973

Well yeah. When a vtuber interacts positively with their chat they're only interacting by single members or one general consensus on a specific topic at a specific time, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you that "the average vtuber fan is a fucking weirdo". If any vtuber did chat audits they'd quickly and very happily publicly shame any given weirdo.

>> No.19338220

It shouldn't be hard to understand that just as you don't know every aspect of their life but enjoy their content, she's not gonna know every aspect of your life and criticise your Plan For Europe or whatever you crazy kids got going on

Nijisanji isn't a place for unhealthy Orca-level gachikois that get groomed into thinking they have a PNG waifu anyways, it's building a more sustainable (and yes, modest) base of people who like the content

>> No.19338355
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>I know this because I know a few other streamers that have close contact with her and they tell me 'she hasn't changed at all' And the entire Nina thing is just an act.
For all that we know she could still be, but you sound like a genuinely schizo

>> No.19338387

>Nijisanji isn't a place for unhealthy Orca-level gachikois
>implying the entire company can be put under one big whole of doesnt support bad thing
>implying you understand the fanbases and content focus of nearly 200 members one-by-one
congrats on making the most retarded post in a pretty retarded thread

>> No.19338420

>Plan for Europe
Who are you quoting? Anyway, every vtuber is for grooming gachikois that's the entire business model

>> No.19338522

that’s hololive

>> No.19338605

Congratulations! I am so lucky to have decided my oshii so quickly, 2 years ago I met Towapi and I knew she would be a good "friend" to me!

>> No.19338610

Nope. Every single one.

>> No.19338882

What about the vtubers who actively mock gachikois and tell them not to donate?

>> No.19339217

Anyone who is sexually interested in the type of person the vtuber is and donates to them is de facto a gachikoi/simp. Some of them are self aware and don't watch vtubers who make fun of them, the others are in denial.

>> No.19339403

She is fucking great, she was the complete opposite of what faggots in /vt/ were complaining about, before her debut.

>> No.19339506

Such a waste of a design on such as shitty disgusting person

>> No.19339657
File: 22 KB, 740x370, Theres-A-Cool-Easter-Egg-Featuring-Ocelot-in-MGS3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Has a lot of anime autism in her act, but that just comes with the territory I guess. Fun chill vibes when she's not playing up the mommy/aunt act. Which really I don't mind THAT much since her voice and design makes my dog diamond

>> No.19340179


>> No.19340712

This is false, what she said is that if she used her real face and explained how she wanted to gas racial minorities, people would be livid and she'd be chased of the internet, but with a vtuber model everyone just laughs it off.

>> No.19340784

>I'm just surprised people actually think she suddenly likes men
>The only vtuber to admit she's well loved
>Was desperate for dick in her PL
Cmon bro.

>> No.19340789

character development, or she was doing a bit, or in a different place mentally.

>> No.19340844

>That they hate their audience? What’s even the point of this hobby if that’s true?
Have you been in a coma this past month? Have you seen the Rushia shit? That's an extreme example of how fake things can get but you see my point.

I don't believe these people outright hate their audiences but to think they genuienly love you is foolish. Theyre playing a character.

>> No.19341023

I feel she was just trying to fit in with annoying cunts back then, didn't like it, now she's a cool and based vtuber. That's my perspective.

>> No.19341143

So she's a reverse Nyanners?

>> No.19341168

>desperate for dick
Well yeah, she was an incel. Doesn't mean she's not an incel now

>> No.19341231

If she used her real face and said she wanted to gas minorities it would be based. If she said it as a vtuber it would also be based.

>> No.19341301

That's what I think, based off how she seems happier and more relaxed and chill and stuff.

>> No.19341837

Good, force a SJW to be my walking mommy fetish mouth breather is my fetish, I don't care either way because I will never spend money on her

>> No.19342203

lmao, do you know Pekora said the samething about paypig when she quitted her PL? They are all fake on stream

>> No.19343091

Yeah how random, no one on either side ever brings up nazis, especially when namecalling is involved.

>> No.19343145

Look i know we bitter toward SJW, especially with their involvement in western entertaiment.
But you also have to remember, there are lots of those SJW are bandwaggoner(like Jos Wheddon for example)

>> No.19343371

Someone should volunteer to breed her while she still can

>> No.19346481

things that didn't actually happen for 400 alex

>> No.19349124

monkeyism kinda looks like putin

>> No.19349454

it's sanma but still, that guy got shadow realm'd hard

>> No.19350215

shes not even the best nina

>> No.19350301

Nina's only redeeming feature is good game taste.

>> No.19350453

It seems she really did keep her roommate bullshit at the door and has toned down on the honey shit. Good for her.

>> No.19352105

Is it true she's Niji's Mori?
And I mean that in a good way.

>> No.19352390

Nina is a lot more energetic and skilled at games. Also more warm

>> No.19352446

where is the new nijien thread? im fucking bad at 4chan

>> No.19352605

what do you even define as "wine aunt" in her

>> No.19354108
File: 156 KB, 953x1169, 1646115063542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her first outfit should be a virgin-killer sweater outfit or full addias slav tracksuit.

>> No.19354955

Just because that post has a Pekora image it doesn't mean that Pekora is his oshi, retard. Do you know what reactions images are?

>> No.19355193

nta but you could also notice how the reply above that didn't even the slightest hint about "sjws" or stuff like that, it didn't stop the other anon to have a melt down

>> No.19355474

What's in membership though? Her schedule is awkward for me but I always had a good time when I do catch her live.

>> No.19355503

I can't stand the intense mommy shit. Otherwise she's probably just a step above Selen as my favorite Niji.

>> No.19355678

is she the haggiest of all vtuber hags?

>> No.19355737

not the same anon, but you're autmoatically inflating being weird with being a terrible person, come on

>hurting people for being born a certain way
what are you referring to?

>> No.19355762

I want her to rape me

>> No.19355947

nevermind, I read the whole conversation

>> No.19356094

I don't watch her often, but I like the energy she brings to collabs, like how she has no trouble talking to anyone, and I respect her grind. The guys' rise to popularity is astronomical, but the numbers Nina has done in her short time since joining really show.
She knows how to work the algorhythm and keep her fans, artists and clippers happy.

>> No.19360872

Is Nina the only non-menhera vtuber?

>> No.19361391

4chan is stuck in 2013 you fags still watch feminist getting owned videos

>> No.19361790

Roru roru
Rumao rumao

>> No.19362184

Yes, and?

>> No.19363769

No that's still Patra

>> No.19366448

Most people on this board are antifascist, and don't really care for losers coping with the fact that they can't get laid while believing they're part of a superior race that needs to have more children.

>> No.19366548

Sorry to tell you, but you've lost the culture war while being busy jerking each other off in your echo chambers instead of actually doing something about the issues you care about.

>> No.19366618
File: 41 KB, 497x372, bi1x2vd030941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I've seen this thread all day how has it survived 12 hours with 200 replies what's the QRD I'm not reading all that

>> No.19366658

could you people gently shut the fuck up? both of you, return to your containment boards, whatever those are

>> No.19366824

I'm not a big fan of her content but damn has got to be have one of my favorite designs ever for a vtuber. Major props to the artist.

>> No.19366839

Sure dad, we'll do so once you go back to your designated incel GFE general.

>> No.19366950

Arnold is gay...?

>> No.19367116

Face markings like that always weird me out. Coupled with her voice and mannerisms I never watched after a couple of streams.

>> No.19367374
File: 658 KB, 1853x1982, 1646129987905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my board and I'm staying here

>> No.19367583

>GFE general.
don't even knmow what this mean you fucker, I'm a lurker but you both are just too obnoxious

>> No.19367796

oh nyo

>> No.19367983

she at least pretends to like her job so no

>> No.19369490

Hypocrite hate

>> No.19370505

Rushia thread is two blocks down

>> No.19370921

Kill yourself niggerchama

>> No.19372478

No it's just her RP

>> No.19372704

[Need to rapempregnate intensifies]

>> No.19373123

that's how you know the % of autists on this board is above average

>> No.19374807

Unsub all of them just to be safe
