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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19312357 No.19312357 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone notice a recent trend of nijishitters being particularly toxic lately? Like you can open up any split thread even vaguely related to Hololive and there will be some shitter posing as a dragoon posting some shit like "do holobronies really" with their same 3 images of Selen. What's wrong, nijibros? Did the homo debuts ruin your comfy discussion threads so you have to lash out at somebody?

>> No.19312451
File: 195 KB, 733x1269, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They angry because of this

>> No.19312483


>> No.19312548

Being toxic is the only way they can shill their dogshit oshis.
But in their situation i would be pretty desperate too.

>> No.19312566

Go the fuck back and don't use my oshi you tribalnigger

>> No.19312567


>> No.19312609

Reddit truly bring a lot of people here from the Rushia thing huh. Hey, redditor, it's called shitposting and falseflagging, you can literally search the image and it being used to shit on nijithreads, holothreads and vshojothreads for months. Fucking newfags

>> No.19312632
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Just let me use /#/ without sperging about nijisanji for 5 posts mythfaggot

>> No.19312675
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>caring about /#/
lol, you deserve whatever you get

>> No.19312711
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I'm not even a Niji and I hate most Holo threads
So I can only imagine how much more tired they are of it compared to me

>> No.19312757

I wish "holobrony" and "nijinigger" would become blacklisted words for 1 day with a 7 day ban attached.

I just want to know how much better this board would look.

>> No.19313049

>Reports user for using the word "holobrony" since it's in the rules that forbid posting anything /mlp/ outside /mlp/
>Jannies banned me for mistaking a report

>> No.19313055

Do they not teach you guys about falseflaggers in global anymore?

>> No.19313160
File: 27 KB, 1461x884, deadbeat (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global already knows. Global also knows that shitposters use falseflaggers as a shield.

>> No.19313225

Tip: this thread was made by a nijinigger trying to make holocucks look like sensitive little bitches

>> No.19313266

Nobody likes the Nijis because they're dogshit compared to Holos so they're just being toxic and coping with their shitty streams.

>> No.19313299

Dramafags never post with their actual oshi, it's always a false flag.
t. Selen and Ame member

>> No.19313360

Both Selen and Ame member? Absolutely impossible.
Dragoons hate her guts.

>> No.19313393

>open thread
>no selen pic with "do holobronies really?"
Fucking amateurs I swear.

>> No.19313411

Probably considering they have literal fags, at least one 41% and a non-binary reject from WACTOR.

>> No.19317304

What's your problem? Didn't your bitch of a loli Laplus throw a tantrum over losing subs too?

>> No.19317337


>> No.19317386


>> No.19317398


>> No.19317418

Bad batch of dilators please understand

>> No.19317478


>> No.19317668

I do get tired of holo never streaming, but there's been multiple separate times where I click on a random Niji stream and they are gasping laughing hysterically about someone mentioning genitals and we're back at square one

>Hey Peepo, should we tell him what CUM is?
>Nooo gasp gasp gasp! We'll get bonked noo! You can't!
>Cum? Like in come over? For a sleepover?
>laugh until they throw up, pass out, cum and shart

>> No.19317893

For the tourists, don't forget >>19313411.

>> No.19317983

They got more popular and this means there are more of them here. This results in more bad cases and also in more falseflagging
As far as i can tell most nijisanji fans are cool

>> No.19318147

>most nijisanji fans are cool
Probably the EN ones. The ones from /jp/ times got their own thread and meido because they specifically didn't want anything to do with others.

>> No.19318284

I'm a dragoon and I already know a post is worthless when they've attached one of a half dozen variants of laughingselen.png. It's pretty sad.
Ame is fine, no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.19318346


>> No.19318358
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my sides

>> No.19318388

>Actual gatekeeping

>> No.19318721

Nah, they thought it would bring them numbers, and it resulted in the nijicope list when holo started exponentially growing.

>> No.19318880
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Stopped reading

>> No.19318936

Yes the EN ones - yugo-posting was the most fun i have had in ages

>> No.19318999
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>> No.19319056
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Fuck you, I love everyone and don't discriminate just because someone else's oshi is from a different company.

>> No.19319066
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>> No.19319142
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>> No.19319279
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I actually think Rosemi is really cute.

>> No.19320192

Good, I'm glad. You holoschizos are insufferable and deserve everything bad upon

>> No.19323212

She is! And do you know who else is really cute? Amelia

>> No.19324497

>years of hololive fans doing this shit to any thread on the board that isn't hololive
>get a tiny bit of it back for once "wahh the toxic nijifan is bullying us!"

>> No.19328428

The NijiJP threads on /vt/ have 0 tribalism, shitflinging, or gatekeeping. Meanwhile, if you watch an EN girl and post about liking a comment a girl made on stream, you get bombarded with newfag, tourist, threadwatcher, because you didn't watch all her streams since day 1 and didn't know she said she wants to be foot massaged or something.

>> No.19328644

Holobrony should be word-filtered to nijinigger and vice versa.

>> No.19328774

I see # continues to be a blight on this place.
This is literally a call for raiding and they've done it before, they did to Ethryia, Luxiem and now the new niji guys, I guess mods just don't give a fuck.

>> No.19328885

honestly that'd be genuinely hilarious, it'd make shitpost threads funny for once.

>> No.19328942
File: 158 KB, 666x666, 1645618904013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do holobronies really seethecope this hard over statements of fact?
don't watch such a shit company and you wont be the laughing stock of /vt/

>> No.19329426

Holo fans have shit on Niji fans for months on this site. Now HoloEN is an absolute shambles right now except for the 3 or 4 people who actually still show up to work and stream. Why would Niji fans not talk shit now?

>> No.19329595

Because there are no legitimate watchers for Nijis, Hololive are the only relevant vtubers around.

>> No.19330021

hh retard

>> No.19330299

Nijimales attracted more women to the board, and women are inherently toxic.

>> No.19330444

Looking forward towards seeing the dynamics between toxic narcissistic females and neet incels like u lol

>> No.19330475

The nijitranny fanbase is basically
1) women
2) homos
3) trannies
What a disgusting company

>> No.19330766

you have kronii and omega employed at holoen, two actual trannies. the closest nijien has got is a non tranny female playing a male character. so cope harder holotranny

>> No.19330913

nigga I don't have anything against Niji and I even watch them occasionally but u gotta admit NijiEN males reeks of the big gay lol

>> No.19330952


>> No.19333245

faggotry is inevitable in vtubing. you cant avoid it unless you hate money. trannies however are avoidable and a big problem. holoen has a far higher quantity of trannies per capita and therefore i cannot watch it.
