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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19242662 No.19242662 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Ina fall off in popularity on this board?
It seemed that for a while she was deemed "the one good EN" by EN antis, but nowadays she gets as much shit as the rest.

>> No.19242728
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unironically the best dancer in EN

>> No.19242770 [DELETED] 

People started to realize that being "comfy" isn't an entertaining trait to have as a streamer and is in fact boring. It was a huge cope from the start.

>> No.19242773

Did she actually do those moves herself

>> No.19242885

I dont know, op
why do you hate ina?

>> No.19242889

Not when that and drawing are your only two "tricks" to show on stream. The best streamers get loud and excited about things at least some of the time, Ina is just very flat by nature. No, not a chest joke I mean her personality.

>> No.19242945

Because a lot of her goslings that were into her inoffensive boring milquetoast personality moved on to other EN vtubers with the same personality that debuted the past 18 months that pander to goslings. Out of all of EN she bled viewers the hardest after Mori.

>> No.19243292

She stopped streaming like the rest of her branch

>> No.19243500

I still watch her because she doesn’t make my ears bleed (though her stuffy nose voice worsened compared to her earlier streams) and her content is good to listen in a background when you don’t want any distractions. Plus I consider her one of the most mentally stable and grounded among EN. But I’d agree her streams aren’t an entertainment, more like those study music playlist on YouTube.

>> No.19243696

She's consistent and yabless, which means people either like her stuff or the don't. If you do like her stuff, you're probably well adjusted enough to not keep posting on /vt/ when there's not particularly much to say

>> No.19243896

As someone who was her member from day 1 for about 9 months, I just kind of got bored and then IRyS debuted and that was that.

>> No.19243974

>shits on her fans
I wonder why. Only washed up “artist” like her

>> No.19244039
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I used to think she was the perfect girl. But during the Mario Kart tournament, when she started losing she showed a trait that honestly took me aback: her defeatist personality. Throughout the entire video it was mostly her coping and giving up before even putting up a fight, it was pretty pathetic to watch. This event shattered the image I had of her. Of course I still like her, but I don't think she's perfect anymore. I really hope she can work on this issue though and stop being so pessimist whenever things aren't going her way.

>> No.19244045

They realized she talk shit to her takodachi and doesn't really love them

>> No.19244070

>>shits on her fans

>> No.19244111

Ina is just as good as ever, she has just slowed down a bit. people endlessly make trash threads which most people shift-click leaving the same group of shit stirrers endlessly replying in a circle to each other. this is not representative

>> No.19244197


>> No.19244217

Stinky smol hikki weeb with a dirty room. God I wish I could hold her hand.

>> No.19244240

She stopped pretending to care

>> No.19244571

Most polls about who you used to oshi before for the EN gen 2 have her way over represented

>> No.19244680

You lewd motherfucker.

>> No.19244878

I used to oshi her, then i realized i had been skipping her content for a month and felt no urge nether watching or looking at her archive. So i unmembered and moved on

>> No.19245015

Considering her alleged upbringing, it literally is genetic.
but i can save her

>> No.19245091

Unironically, I get the feeling she's started putting up a wall against her viewers. Might've gotten uncomfortable/creeped out by how dependent some people are on her.
Speaking as someone who still is a member since day 1.

>> No.19245542

Did she ever not have a wall though?

>> No.19245678

Are you hoping to comfort her?

>> No.19245936
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The board loves drama right now and Ina is squeaky clean compared to the others. She'll be used to show what Idols are supposed to be then someone else calls her boring for not being a drama whore. It's a double edge blade really

>> No.19249937

she didn't, but ok

>> No.19250116

Yea one of her simps moved onto Nijisanji

>> No.19250156
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As a takodachi:
1. She doesn't really do drawing streams anymore, Inacademy didn't even last a year
2. Similar health issues to Gura due to her shut-in lifestyle, making her less consistent in the last few months
3. She's not as cheeky as she used to be with her audience, at times randomly opting to be overly serious about things like "getting attached to her" and prompting people to wonder why she's acting strange
4. The "babysitter voice" meme is real

All I can think of off the top of my head, she's still Ina but there's been a noticeable change from how she was in early to mid 2021. Not enough to say she "fell from grace", though.

>> No.19250353

>4. The "babysitter voice" meme is real

>> No.19250570

>at times randomly opting to be overly serious about things like "getting attached to her"
If anything that made me respect her even more. There should be a chuuba for more well adjusted people and she fills that niche perfectly. Yab and drama free, no gfe shit, no yuri baiting. She is like a sane older sister that takodachis can look up to for support and for motivation to self improve. You shouldn’t get attached to her too much especially in a romantic fashion. It is good that she tries to filter goslings and politely tells them to get a life.

>> No.19250711

But her being well adjusted and like a sane sister to look up to for support is what made me get attached to her in a romantic fashion.

>> No.19250764

>People started to realize that being "comfy" isn't an entertaining trait to have as a streamer and is in fact boring
Bullshit. It's great to just chill and relax from time to time and it's perfect to watch at night and fall asleep to. People like Ina are the iyashikei of the streaming world and there's never not gonna be a niche for it.

>> No.19250772

1: Fair, she's been self-admittedly doing it behind the scenes a lot and enjoying it, so I expect she'll get back to it if that slows down.
2: Her chronic, lifelong, and likely genetic illness is due to her current lifestyle, makes perfect sense.
3: Just like the GG shit, another single line that people will spam for months without bothering to actually think about it. She's not GFE, she doesn't want people to have an unhealthy obsession with her.
4: I have no idea what the fuck this means.

>> No.19250819

this is why she gets trashed by /vt/ schizos because she isn't fulfilling those poor life style choices for them
"reeeeee why arent you a yab gfe whore i have nothing to bitch about"

>> No.19250835

She literally hasnt changed from 1 day and today. The most boring vtuber in existance, she doesnt react, she doesnt do anything for the fans, she doesnt care when people do things for her. For someone that talks a lot about improving and working on yourself, the only things she's improved on is her art but her streaming skills are still shit.

People just simply moved on, there's no point watching her when there's a massive variety of EN vtubers out there that can have at least more than 1 entertaining moment a stream.

>> No.19250846

This. Ignore the replies below

>> No.19251127

Stopped drawing and her gaming is boring.
Her best content was drawing and art classes and they are all gone.

Also her membership is bad. Not meme bad but actually bad, even her fans don't watch those anime watchalongs

>> No.19251137

Well, then you failed your self improvement, part of which is not to latch onto the first female that acts friendly and supportive towards you

>> No.19251283

>made me get attached to her in a romantic fashion.
You are literally the kind of fan she DOESN'T wants.

The reason she didn't do anything notorious for this Valentine's day was to get away from fans that crush on her

>> No.19251380

korean streamers are bottom tier it's that simple
even the SEAs they usually look down on absolutely dunk on them

>> No.19251486

what anime did she watch?

>> No.19251562

>Ina is just as good as ever
Anon I used to oshi her and she became worse overall. Inacademy was the best content any EN vtuber has done. Art classes and live drawings by a pro artist. She stopped since it was too stressful and not satisfying enough. Stopped regular drawing streams because of burnout, asked for criticism and did nothing to improve, got complacent and only wants to do gaming streams from non stressful games. Stopped showing any kind of affection. Doesn't does anything with her membership but watch 2 anime episodes every 2 weeks. Basically stopped doing anything but streaming dull, easy games.

She was my only membership because I loved her content and I dropped her. I wish she would go back to 1 year ago. She got me into vtubers and nowadays I don't even watch her.

>> No.19252052

Well, that's funny because her gaming content and watchalongs are the only things I've ever watched from her.

>> No.19252181
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I mostly watched HoloEN because of Ina, but at some point I just stopped being in love with her. Watching her streams felt unironically a magical experience, like watching an Aria/Hidamari Sketch episode drinking a cup of tasty tea before going to bed.
But at some point she started choosing boring games and felt a bit colder than usual to her audience. I also disliked her talking about FFXIV a lot on her blue period watchalong.
Well. I say all of this but I mostly stopped being a takodachi when I found certain ghost maid

>> No.19252345

>felt a bit colder than usual
Well nowadays she's a lot colder than usual so dropping her then and there saved you the heartache

>> No.19252586

I have never heard anyone call her the best apart from tako's.

But she doesn't give her anti's any ammunition. Which means the couple of anti's she has on this board are frustrated and angry as fuck.

>> No.19253106

Because she implied all Hololive viewers are a bunch of useless nerds

>> No.19253183

Blue Period

From October to February.

>> No.19253685

I want a girl to call me a loser and step on me

>> No.19253786

She's boring as fuck

>> No.19253936

maybe it's because I don't follow her, but it seems simply a joke, she even explained herself later, saying she also insulted herself

>> No.19253982

Pretty much this >>19250156
I'd also add the lack of members-only content/dragging Blue Period like she did instead of doing something else.
I really dislike how she's adopted the higher-pitched voice for most of her streams now, something she would only do when reading SCs. I think calling it a "babysitter voice" is fitting, it really feels like those people who change their voice when talk to an animal or child. I certainly miss her older streams because she sounded more like a real person instead of trying to sound more cutesy.

>> No.19254039

bro real iyashikei environments can only be summoned by the japanese

>> No.19254158
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Its been months and you faggots are still seething over this. You're all like a bunch of autistic manchildren who have too much ADHD to watch a slower paced vtuber. I will admit as a tako I wish she'd do more art streams though. The only argument Ina antis can muster is that "she's boring" because they can't find anything against her.

>> No.19254173

She failed to realize her job is being audiovisual stimulant for lonely men that need female company in their lives. She doesn't like being a 2D geisha and all the implications that come with it, and it's burnt her out.

>> No.19254269

not entertaining so what's the point? I literally tried to think of any highlights I can think of when I used to watch her but there's literally nothing, I even forgot about what she did during her debut, I just remembered the yuru camp watch along and thought that I should've just watched it myself instead.

>> No.19254303

How is she able to blend dopey and cute at the same time?

>> No.19254306

She doesn't even have to appeal to lonely men all I want are her fuckign art streams back. She can call me worthless all day idc I just wanna watch her draw again...

>> No.19254504

doesn't really matter, shitposters will take whatever ammunition they can get. The reason this one gets brought up time and time again is that there isn't a lot else to attack her with.

>> No.19254622
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Ina antis are so deprived they have to recycle their own bait threads.

>> No.19254871

That's really what I want. Was hoping the art lesson with Bae would be a start of new teaching streams now with a student.

>> No.19255233
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>> No.19255278

I made this thread in the past, but I didn't make this one.
I've noticed that people have been recycling threads that I and other people have made lately. Why is that?

>> No.19255283

Sounds like Ame, Mumei and Fauna's antis as well.

>> No.19255333

It was too on the money for even Calli the Yab Queen herself. Just accept that sometime along the way, Ina realized she didn't respect the typical VTuber audience member and the mask slipped for a moment. And maybe that's why she's more serious and cold towards her fans nowadays.

>> No.19255477

If you respect the typical VTuber audience member, you're retarded faggots. Most of 'em are wastes of oxygen.

>> No.19255832

Buddy, there's an infinity of worse things to be, for yourself and for others, than someone who likes watching anime girls act cute a bit too much.

>> No.19255856

It used to be that Ina antis were limited to generic “she’s boring” complaints without being able to elaborate, but after she trash-talked a bunch of backseaters in Mori’s chat, “she hates her fans” found its footing. Also, she gets some of the backlash from Sana due to their preexisting friendship.

>> No.19255973
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>no yuri baiting

>> No.19256018

So, is it confirmed that EN antis are all Guramefags?

>> No.19256136

nta and obviously agree with this >>19255832
sentiment, but there's really anything aside hat clip to prove that point?

>> No.19256326

The average VTuber audience member is not really worthy of respect. I do not respect most other fans. The current meta combines the worst traits of normalfaggotry with the worst traits of a passive, unproductive hobby. The early bronies were more respectable than who currently watches HoloEN. And way more creative. It doesn't surprise me a sizeable amount of the most prolific creators used to be bronies.

>> No.19256459

fuck off bronyfag

>> No.19256477

>The early bronies were more respectable than who currently watches HoloEN.
1) let's not get carried away
2) ok, so why are you on /vt/?

>> No.19256494

>she didn't respect the typical VTuber audience member
Except she wasn't talking about the average fan, it was in context to the ones that would be insulting Mori.

>> No.19256537


>> No.19256546

>she was deemed "the one good EN" by EN antis, but nowadays she gets as much shit as the rest
Answered your own question, antis are getting bored and moved to Ina, but they're still parroting the old "Ina hates her fans" and the same stupid "X doesn't stream" that half the other ENs are getting right now.

>> No.19256594

I'm not talking about that incident in particular. I'm describing her general attitude towards streaming lately. Her comeback being a broad insult to the crowd and not those individuals in particular wouldn't happen if it wasn't something she hadn't felt beforehand.

>> No.19256601
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shit vtuber shit thread watch a Kiki vod instead

>> No.19256608
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'cause I like some chuubas. Reasonable no?
Summer is coming soon, however, and I'm itching to get more outside and reignite my more serene hobbies, like I used to. My oshi wishes for me to become my best version, anyways.

>> No.19256688

>'cause I like some chuubas. Reasonable no?
You can watch the girls you like without coming here to mingle with the HoloEN losers though?

>> No.19256746

What’s wrong with pessimism?

>> No.19256762

oh, I might add, what I said about HoloENs audience might apply to HoloJP aswell. Since I do not participate in the JP-community I can't reasonably pass judgement. It's also finnicky for HoloEN. My argument falls apart when you consider the amount of artwork the girls are getting.
welp, wasn't quick enough to explain further. No, I'm not a JP elitist and I find the concept rather laughable, it's like being corporatist on steroids, mixing it with weeaboism.

>> No.19256811

Kiki is shit though

>> No.19257034

>'cause I like some chuubas. Reasonable no?
not really considering you seems to depise most people here without any particular reason, so the choices are that you come here to feel superior or deep inside you also don't like the fact you like vtubers, like the rest of your post seems to suggest
complete tourist by the way, so you can save for youself any "cope" argument

>> No.19257379

She attracts the worst kind of weeb: the one idolising the obedient asian waifu.
When they face the reality, that women are people too, they get angry.

>> No.19257449

I never reply to posts with cope, dilate, seethe etc. . Those replies just shut down any possibility of a gainful discussion. I grew up on the bulletin boards of ye olden days, not social media. I can't really follow your train of though. No one here has ever done something to hurt me personally(not that I know of, at least, since we are anonymous), so why hate them? Maybe ruining the hobby with their normalfaggotry, but that's really pushing it. Please spare me the armchair psychology. I've never really "fit" anywhere, not even the most 'outcast' places, so it would surprise me if you could pin me down from one or two posts.
I enjoy coming here because I like to discover new fanart of my oshi or like to get news that may concern her. And also because sometimes a genuinely enjoyable conversation arises out of the entropy. The boatloads of OC in hlgg, especially when we used to be on /jp/ and the first six months after also used to be a huge pull-factor for me and was what got me addicted in the first place.

>> No.19257699

Ina speaks JP better than Miko. She's Japanese to me, bro.

>> No.19257713

To follow up on this:
What is a complete tourist doing here? Your post let it seem like you meant you aren't even connected to the vtuber-hobby and were literally just passing by and seeing my post.
Or do you mean you just aren't on 4chan usually and come from another site (e.g. tumblr, reddit, maybe an obscure bbs I should know of.)

>> No.19257803

Too bad these fake Japanese people on /vt/ don't think so

>> No.19257847

ok, fair, I assumed too much, I thought you were one of the contrarians that like to visit a board only to take a fat dump on an hobby before leaving

>> No.19257865


>> No.19257892

that I'm new to vtubing and I'm lurking for now

>> No.19257903

Ever since that time she called her audience a bunch of losers with no lives with Mori. Even fucking retard Mori knew what Ina was saying was kind of fucked up and she was uncomfortable when Ina went on that rant.

>> No.19257986


>> No.19258035

tradwives do exists you miserable femcel/troonfaggot
seethe and cope

>> No.19258088


>> No.19258160

Why didn't she draw Rushia? Does she hate hololive?
She's even using her retirement to take a week long break. How lazy is she? Literally Myth's Sana.

>> No.19258181

Ah, good to know. Then it will probably be back to lurking for you soon. Before you go, I'll say there is also a vtuber enclave on /ac/ which is focused on the more 'raunchy' (read: they're coomers) aspects of the hobby, but sometimes also good discussion. They hate /vt/ tho and are known to invade and shitpost whenever some new hololive drama is developing.
There is also an enclave in /jp/ and there used to be one in /trash/. /vt/ of course is the most popular and therefore you have to wade through a lot of shit before finding something sincere. /hlgg/ is objectively the best thread for stream discussion, but gets shitposted on often, by discordfags and other /vt/-users.
Yubicraft and nasfaq are also decent projects you should check out.
kiwifarms also has a relatively active vtuber discussion. I hope you find what you seek or a comfy place to rest.

I hope you find what you seek.

>> No.19258199

Nta, but I’d say 50% of this board are despicable people and 50% are cool, maybe a bit too invested in this “hobby”, but fine. You still can have some interesting conversations here and there. And I unironically spend 5% of my time on /vt/. It is like celebrity gossip magazines or discussing the latest Netflix schlock at a lunch break, but neets and work from home nerds version of it

>> No.19258245

Nothing convinces me more that people on this board are all autistic shut-ins than the fact that you think this was some sort of attack on her audience and not the sort of people they were just talking about.

>> No.19258256

thanks a lot for the hints, I personally stay away from kiwifarm, but the rest seems interesting

>> No.19258257

As a Japanese person,You must be dreaming

>> No.19258318

Some /jp/schizos also like to drive-by-shitpost, more so than /aco/. But it's just a moderately sizeable portion of bad eggs, while the majority just wants to enjoy their oshi.

>> No.19258324

Just not in vtubing apparently

>> No.19258326

I was never a fan of Ina or any of the EN vtubers. It's obvious that she said her true feelings about how she sees their fans and covers it up with "i was just being ironic lol" but Mori's reaction to Ina's speech is anything but "haha good joke."

>> No.19258371

>50% are cool
More like 25%

>> No.19258414

ah ok, you meant that
maybe I'm just dense, but I read it as an attack to mori's haters, the part about watching two anime girls playing was gratuitous, true, but I took it as banter

>> No.19258544

I interpreted it like that too at the time, but that clip combined with her recent attitude trying hard to distance herself from the audience by saying she'll never love them back makes me think she really doesn't enjoys that kind of attention from men she finds pathetic and wasting their lives.

>> No.19258601

She did bring it up as Mori's complainers in chat but seemed to paint it broadly as the majority of vtuber fans. Even if she was right that doesn't make it okay. Like it's also probably true that the majority of vtuber fans, haters or not, are overweight autistic virgins but the vtuber calling her fans that would be awfully shitty, even if based.

>> No.19258707

if she was just talking about mori's haters then why did she feel the need to say "uhhh love you chat!" in an awkward apologetic way at the end?

>> No.19258731

I like how you say that Calli is a social retard but at the same time she was socially aware and perceptive enough to be made uncomfortable by what Ina said. So is Calli a retard and autist or social butterfly? Ina has more social skills than this whole board combined times ten, plus she is an Asian which are known for being reserved. Calli was just surprised by that comeback coming from Ina, not the contents of comeback itself.

>> No.19258794

deadbeat you are kind of dumb with your reddit-tier argument skills. you literally just did a black and white argument about mori's.

>> No.19258828


>> No.19258932

Not even close, bucko. My argument still stands - if she is a social retard (which she is proven by her trail of spilled spaghetti) she would be completely unfazed by Ina’s “rant” and it would completely go over her head

>> No.19258938

Honestly it's probably because she is an actual dyke who hates men being interested in her, much like Kronii

>> No.19258995

Literally false

>> No.19258997

She used to be hardworking and cares about streaming and her fans. Nowadays, she feels burnt out and just doesn't care. I dropped membership early this month after 14 months of membership.

>> No.19259021

Kronii has male friends. She said she has a male friend who teases her frequently

1:42 https://youtu.be/aJFQ972e3Ms?t=102

>> No.19259063

Let's hear your reasoning

>> No.19259106

Ina has male friends too, learn to read.

>> No.19259118

She treats her viewers like she's babysitting them

>> No.19259184

I don't pity her but feel sorry for her Takos. They remind me of my neighbor dog. No matter how shitty they treat their dog, he always wags his tail everytime they feed him.

>> No.19259342

I wish she would drop that act. It got really annoying. I started watching her because she felt genuine without acting or talking like a child.

>> No.19259369

She had a breathing tube up her nose for like couple of weeks at least. Plus it is winter in Canada, when her frail body and week health crumble

>> No.19259434

Assuming she is straight, finding a man and getting married would unironically be vastly better for her mental and physical health than what she is currently doing

>> No.19259530

t.her mother

>> No.19259567

her mother seems very based

>> No.19259643

She is raking in at least couple hundred grands per year from her steams and gacha art and stays at home. Even if she by some miracle finds a man that would fancy her her pair bonding if fucked up bu years of being hikkimory neet.

>> No.19259692

I fancy her

>> No.19259719

Do we only watch Gura, Mori, Bae, and IRyS here?

>> No.19259888

I wouldn't mind being a househusband for a lazy hiki who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Doesn't matter how ugly she is.

>> No.19259994

She's cute to me

>> No.19260087

Most antis were just inafags in the first place but ina couldn't retain a fanbase because she's so fucking boring

>> No.19260317

>perfect to watch at night and fall asleep to
So you agree shes boring then.

>> No.19260359

It’s not about you, it’s about her. If a man or a woman in their late 20s aren’t married or aren’t in ltr there is a reason for that.

>> No.19260436

Like others have said, the EN vtuber sphere has grown significantly more in the past year and a half, and there are many more chilltubers out there now that will give you exactly what you want, instead of perpetually beating around the bush like Ina.
Don't hate her for being who she is, just be glad that Ina's success has enabled more people to reveal their own talents.

>> No.19260443

I'm 24 and literally none of my friends are even thinking about marrying or settling down yet. If you marry too young you miss on a shit ton of career opportunities. Women have a time limit but men you can just live your best life and try to amass some assets before even thinking of starting a family.

She's very career oriented so I see her having a similar mentality and thinking that she can't settle down now when her art career is booming and her vtubing gig is bringing her several times her regular income

>> No.19260498

Everyone else evolved except Ina
>gura started being more risky with her memes
>kiara started leaving her comfort zone by playing fps and difficult games
>ame competitive fps with comfy stuff tend to mix well, her content never gets old
>mori started shitting on fans and sleeping with jvloggers, probably aiming to be the drama queen of EN
Ina, never did anything outside her comfort zone. Her content remained the same.

>> No.19260507

That's an awful thing to say about the people that give you their support. Good on Mori for immediately realizing how that comment could offend the viewers and steering the convo in the right direction. Respect for that.

>> No.19260511

Fauna literally does what she does but better. She's comfy without being a complete boring piece of shit who just makes noises in reaction to anything and never has any actual commentary unless it pertains to fucking FFXIV.

>> No.19260549

Without drawing, she's just another nasally Asian streamer.

>> No.19260563

The reason isn't necessarily "because they can never ever have a relationship" anon

>> No.19260572

>Her content remained the same.
Her content actually worsened since she doesn't wants to stream more art in the near future and started acting frigid. She's the only EN who was way better at the beginning and worsened with time.

>> No.19260635

People listen to asmr, drink alcohol, smoke weed or go to a masseuse to help them relax. Are all those things boring? No. Relaxing is the word your are looking for. But I doubt that your adhd zoomie brain can comprehend that there are people that don’t want to be constantly stimulated.

>> No.19260684

As an artist, her art is mediocre. It just shows how much she doesn’t really has anything to say. It’s beyond the lack of personality, she lacks conviction. It’s like she was a robot with a few lines. Collabs with her are so cringe I immediately turn everything off.
It’s a shame because I love her design and concept, she has art skills but nothing other than that going on.

>> No.19260706

Stop bullying ina

>> No.19260757

Men most certainly have a time limit as well, but not in the same sense as women. Most men start to realize this in their 30s. The only difference is that marriage and family are of a far greater risk to the male than the female, so not chasing after that has its merits too. But yes, vtubers.

>> No.19260780


>> No.19260864

The reason anyone watches vtubers is to be constantly stimulated and entertained. Saying she literally puts you to sleep is admitting she is boring and you're just huffing maximum copium.

>> No.19260927

This board survives on drama
There's little to no reason for her fans to post here

>> No.19261039

On a technical level, Ina's art is very good and clean. Professional to a fault. Perfect for all of the corporate work she does so often.
The issue with her art is that it has a severe lack of personality. Or in other words, it unironically has no SOUL. This is something that Sana is legitimately better about than her, but of course Sana has her own bundle of issues.

>> No.19261059

Starting a family involves a lot of sacrifices and compromises. If she is unwilling to settle down now when her career involves streaming for a few hours and drawing a few illustrations per week she’ll probably will never be ready. Plus she already should have enough money to live off of dividends. Career woman became a meme for a reason. Find a way or find an excuse. Family isn’t as much about career or money as it is about making it work

>> No.19261132

It lead you here.

>> No.19261163

Kids are Ane'nis's job.
t. Ina

>> No.19261167

1.35M of her subs beg to differ

>> No.19261256

>If anything that made me respect her even more. There should be a chuuba for more well adjusted people and she fills that niche perfectly
I'd agree, but she keeps bringing it up. Well adjusted people don't need to be told this over and over again, so why she keeps doing it is a mystery.

>> No.19261278 [DELETED] 

>4. The "babysitter voice" meme is real
Mori does the same thing. It's super fucking annoying.

>> No.19261281

/vt/faggots talking about art like they can draw creative shit lmao.
>i-it lacks s-soul guys
kek, regurgitating artshit memes like a bunch of faggots.

>> No.19261328

She doesn't, it's only this website that keeps bringing it up.

>> No.19261330
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>he's trying to numberfag Ina now

>> No.19261410

Very based of her to be self aware enough to resign to her fate as a cool tako aunt. I am saying that as someone who had the same line of thinking, only to end up realizing that living with another person is a skill that I am utterly incompetent at, and have very small chances to acquire that skill at my age.

>> No.19261429

>The reason anyone watches vtubers is to be constantly stimulated and entertained

>> No.19261459

yeah that makes her unwatchable to me. to me it just seems like she doesn't like her audience at all.

>> No.19261492

>mori started shitting on fans and sleeping with jvloggers, probably aiming to be the drama queen of EN

>> No.19261512

So you have no argument as to why 1.35 million people would be subscribed to a boring content creator and instead decided to greatext? Ogey

>> No.19261546

Meh, the real reason is for one reason or another, she has more attention from the rest of the Myth/Vtuber fanbase now. Very little that I've read in this thread is a new comment about her. If anything, her problem is that people have wildly different expectations of her that aren't compatible with each other, few of which being things she's ever really encouraged. Hell, she shoots several of them down, repeatedly.

I think the one that stands out is the Mario Kart tournament. For some reason there was the expectation for her to be the best MK player in EN, despite never demonstrating it, and her repeatedly saying she wasn't. Which then got followed up with people bashing her for her performance based on ideas that were never grounded in reality. Then there's stuff like the people who want her to reduce/drop priestess duties in favour of streaming, the people who want parasocial pandering when she's actively shot that down repeatedly in many forms, people slowly realizing that her taste in media doesn't perfectly match theirs...

If anything, the aftermath of the MK tournament feels like the moment when she shifted gears from lightly disagreeing with false impressions of her to actively shooting them down.

>> No.19261553

>just seems like she doesn't like her audience at all
I mean...she hasn't really done a good job lately trying to show otherwise

>> No.19261599

Nah, Fauna is comfy and still manages to be entertaining.

>> No.19261625
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>tfw a fellow drawfag that liked her for her draw streams and lack of pandering
even if she doesn’t draw much now i think point number three is a genuinely positive thing.

>> No.19261634

I don't want her to do anything too special I just want her to draw something once in a while like she used to do.

>> No.19261637

Shut up cuck

>> No.19261658
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>he thinks soul is a meme.

>> No.19261675

>For some reason there was the expectation for her to be the best MK player in EN, despite never demonstrating it,
The ID vs EN tournament had her getting #1
>B-but they all sucked!
And yet Gura actually fucking improved to take home 4th place in the entire thing. So no, she fucking phoned it in because she didn't want to try.

>> No.19261681

This has soul but its ugly so I don't like it

>> No.19261709

This is a big problem with Myth as a whole, and is part of why I cooled off on watching them last year.

>> No.19261724

Were there really people upset that Ina didn't do that well at mario kart one time? Why?

>> No.19261729

Because you are a moron, along with those 1.35m subs. You don't even have an argument against her being boring because the fact is that "entertainers" who put people to sleep are considered boring.

>> No.19261784

See you in a year when you post “Guys I think FauFau is declining, she isn’t entertaining anymore” while she will be producing the same content and it is (you) who will be past the honeymoon stage

>> No.19261828
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That's okay, moe can be soulful, too.

>> No.19261858

This poster is a fucking retard

>> No.19261914

>If anything, the aftermath of the MK tournament feels like the moment when she shifted gears from lightly disagreeing with false impressions of her to actively shooting them down.
Ina's been pretty much a shitshow since Violet's release. When she came back from that break everything seemed to have fucking changed for the worse.

>> No.19261974
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>> No.19261997

Boring cunt that doesn't improve and evolves. She does nothing, no fun project, never gets excited and never does anything different.
Of course, she doesn't need to be a streamer she already has a job and doesn't think she needs to do anything.

I don't understand these people, cover please start hiring poorer people who need this easy money because rich girls won't put effort into this shit.

>> No.19262012

Felt like she gave up because of that first race. Turns out it was because she wasn't all there do to overworking herself.

>> No.19262033

Boring is a subjective criteria. Again, there are people who listens to classical music. A relaxing content can still capture an audience. A boring content (if we assume there can be something that is deemed universally boring) would not have so many viewers.

>> No.19262129

>cover please start hiring poorer people who need this easy money because rich girls won't put effort into this shit.
The holostars branch exists, anon.

>> No.19262152

Anon she doesn't view this as a job. Just a side hobby the blew up.

>> No.19262239

>her problem is that people have wildly different expectations of her that aren't compatible with each other
I want Ina from 1 year ago back. She got me into vtubers and was the #1 for me. It's not a wild expectation to want her content to be like it used to be before. Her drawing streams, her Inacademy series, her enthusiasm for gaming with Hollow Knight which was her best series to date, her aptitude during collabs, her being lovely yet grounded during streams, her trying new stuff like those normie movie classics and realizing they were good and popular for a reason.

It's all gone, she's been just unenthusiastically playing games for 2 hours every stream for months. She's trying hard to be apathetic so her audience doesn't loves her. She hasn't had a good game playthrough in a while and has been just phoning it in. She stopped drawing classes. She greatly reduced even regular drawings. She left her membership barren and without almost any content. She never goes out of her comfort zone at all now. It makes me sad because I really used to like her content and I do wonder where did everything go wrong.

>> No.19262354
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She’s boring. Simple as. You have multiple posts in here talking about how she’s “comfy” and “something to put on to sleep to.” Fauna’s comfy yet NOBODY is sleeping during her streams. INA IS JUST B O R I N G !!!!

>> No.19262375

>Boring is a subjective criteria.
Not when it comes to streamers putting you to sleep. Aside from the fact that only boring vtubers put people to sleep you aren't even getting the full experience of their content if you black out in the middle of it. So much for capturing an audience lmao

>> No.19262406

Inafaggots talking about art with literally no background or eye for recognising between skills and actual artistic talent. The fact that you defend her by denying that having a personality is important is the demonstration that you all see some polished shit and think it is good art.

>> No.19262427


>> No.19263456

The ID branch is poorer than all those first world bitches and they aren't very popular nor do they stream much

>> No.19263584

There are better comfy streamers out there that are interesting and put out interesting commentary makes game streams interesting even if they have a comfy vibe.

Ina just doesnt do that, might as well watch a let's play on youtube for the same experience.

>> No.19263940

I only watched the art streams
too far and few between now

>> No.19263956

But they are above a normal indogirl.

>> No.19264091

...but this is exactly the shit I'm talking about. If you're going to whine about her "not trying," you have to answer two separate questions:
>Did she actually not try?
>Why does she have to try?

Have you not seen her try to beat a difficult/gimmicky boss in any random game, get tilted off the face of the earth in 2 seconds of an attempt and immediately say out loud GG go next?(paraphrase) Repeatedly? For hours? Her style is to smash her head against something repeatedly, gradually losing chunks of her mental stack during that time, before eventually finding a mental reset to figure everything out. If you can't be assed to do reps, just watch Hollow Knight 8 and 8.5 for the condensed version. Do you have a citation for her performing well in any PvP and/or partial RNG game, like a BR or something? All I've got is her doing well in tightly scripted PvE with little to no RNG. That's also how MK played out - most of her practice was vs. downloaded ghosts, but she couldn't handle PvP or RNG in practice or tournament.

Once you realize that yes, this is in fact what Ina trying looks like, you then have to ask why she even has to try at all. Was anyone expecting the weaker 2/3rds of the "everyone is here" colab to try?

I'll agree with the reduction of art streams (she's said it outright), but disagree heavily with game playthroughs. Unless you're under the impression that Ina is unenthusiastic for Bastion, Ender Lillies (self-drawn themed thumbnails!), Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 1, Splatoon 2 Singleplayer, MonHun, Nier Automata and Pokemon BDSP. Y'know, the list of longer games she's actually finished on stream? Sure, her viewers may dislike the games on that list (Bastion especially), but Ina? There's also the two weeks of forced absence in the last month + this week of travel that makes things seem sparser than usual.

It's also strange to accuse her of not leaving her comfort zone while also accusing her of meh playthroughs - when that's literally her venturing outside her comfort zone? Like the pile of 2-4 hour long indie games played to completion? Or the sudden rush of produced music and MVs? Was NGO within her comfort zone? Has she done a live reaction watchalong before? A cleaning stream? The solo VR streams? The MK tournament test stream - a group colab in almost completely Japanese where she went way harder than any group colab to date, except maybe the current group off-colab that she had to fly out for? If anything, I'm pretty sure you want her to go back into her comfort zone; and I can relate, because I used do chores to her Sunday gesture/doodle streams.

Like I said, conflicting demands, and I agree with being sad about the reduction of drawing streams. I also know Ina said no to white knighting, but as said previously I'm getting the sense she's also trying to intervene more than previously.

>> No.19264179

Boring. Treats her fans like the plague and as retards.
Too close to the pink bitch.

>> No.19264221

if you're still hung up on the watching anime girl joke, you need thicker skin

>> No.19264259

Western girls are all thots

>> No.19264477

What you need is self respect. If someone treats you even slightly like shit, even as a joke, you cut them off.

>> No.19264571

>why she even has to try at all
She said she would do her best

>> No.19264593

so if a friend pokes fun at you in any way, you immediately shut them down and sever ties? thanks for the social advice, anon

>> No.19264713

That’s mental illness.

>> No.19264724

Ina is not your friend and neither does she want you to be considering how much she hammers the point of avoiding parasocial relationships with her fans and telling them to not think of her as anyone important.

>> No.19264828

the friend was an example, not referring to ina. if i meant ina i would've said ina.

>> No.19264903

Being in the center of attention on /vt/ is a sign of being a drama magnet, not a sign of being "the one good EN". She can still be good, even if /vt/ talks about her less.

>> No.19265180

I understand what you're getting at, but that's not something people dependent on someone can afford to do. You can't tell people of importance to go fuck themselves when they're shitting on you, you either take it or lose everything. Some people are in a position where they perceive themselves to be in that position with Ina, I guess. Which is not a good state of mind to be in.

>> No.19265510

>the primary objective of being good is based on how much publicity they get on this shitboard
I don't think this semen slurping hobby is for me anymore

>> No.19265593

Ever heard of being fooled by randomness, Anon?
If you want to educate yourself a bit, I suggest Fooled by randomness by Nassim Taleb (also recommend Black swan and Antifragile).

>> No.19265686

Too much effort for a bait thread anon. Like just look at the post right after yours.

>> No.19265704

Anon.. /vt/ is an insignificant aspect of VTuber culture. Nothing you read here should be taken as gospel, but rather disassembled and examined for its layers of cynicism, trolling, irony and mental illness. If you like anime girls making cute sounds and failing at vydia, you don't need this shit board to bring up who and what they are when they're not doing that. You don't need to follow the torrents of hatred spewing towards whomever has made a dumb mistake in social media or in a stream. You can have your own opinions on things without a bunch of psychotic retards telling you what you should think to be a part of /vt/

>> No.19265760

It all makes sense now

>> No.19265854
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She had to stop streaming because her throat was pretty bad for like a month, she went to the doctor, tried cough med, streaming again, force sleep for 2 days and a lot of shit but she said nothing worked, in the end she slowly streamed again but only casual talks for a while, then began the shitty Pokemon tournament and she was stuck with it, so no wonder no one noticed, she was pretty depressed.
She was probably stuck in his house watching anime and reading manga. Seems after all the grass she touched on the offcollab she is finally getting better.

>> No.19266758


>> No.19267291

You have to be literally retarded in order to miss the point that hard.
Ina could have a dozen subscribers. It would mean at least a dozen people watch vtubers for a reason other than "being constantly stimulated and entertained", which you claimed nobody does, and therefore you are wrong.

>> No.19267452

my friend wont shut up about ina and how great she is he even thinks this picture of her are cute

>> No.19267917

>You're all like a bunch of autistic manchildren who have too much ADHD to watch a slower paced vtuber.
What you mean? She was almost my oshi during the peak of Myth's reign

>> No.19270572

She's as well liked as ever. Only holoEN who gets some shit on nowadays seems to be Sana, and it's because she prefers endurance streams like once a month.

>> No.19270732


>> No.19271295

>no yuri baiting
> It is good that she tries to filter goslings and politely tells them to get a life.
There are plenty of vtubers that don't insult people. She's actually appealing to retards like you that want to be treated like babies.

>> No.19271363

It was the stream with Calli, when she told her viewers that they were losers, from then she just started bleeding viewers

>> No.19271742

Because of her losers-watching-anime-girls, but not in the way you're thinking.
I know takofags absolutely love to argue that it was just banter, but the thing to remember here is that she went for that particular banter when she could have gone for practically anything else. This means it's always been in the back of her mind, regardless. That also means that whenever she streams for her fans, """those""" people are still in the back of her mind. Obviously, she's not going to put that much effort in the long run. Why would you if you know """those""" are here? You'll just go yeah whatever Hololive's not that important anyway.

>> No.19271896

Same reason she didn't put any effort for this years Valentine's stream. Why even try to appeal to losers like that? Even if she says it's a joke, deep down she fully believes her audience are pathetic losers wasting their time. And appealing to them is degrading.

>> No.19271932

/jp/ warned you dumbasses a long long long time ago.

>> No.19272493

/jp/ also told me that Rushia was genuine and loved me and look where she is now. Being a blind weeaboo isn't a good thing even if they are right sometimes

>> No.19272566

The real /jp/ died a long time ago. Current /jp/ is just a fake /jp/ that took over its corpse, I wouldn't believe anything coming from it.

>> No.19274956

I still love it.

>> No.19275965

This is true. I am only here for yabs. Ina's a good girl which is why I don't need to post much.

>> No.19276496

Current /jp/ is also possessed of an autistic schizophrenia that makes /vt/ look tame. I've yet to meet a single poster from there that's tolerable.

I blame exiling Touhou stories as a catalyst of the degradation

>> No.19276685

There’s still a few okay threads there

>> No.19280621

Every single person on this board is a loser, including Ina. None of us would be here watching vtubers or being vtubers if we weren't losers.

>> No.19280713
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She called her fans Virgins and her fans hated her because she told the truth.

>> No.19281040

I actually feel like an outcast on this board because this is true for most of you while I'm a failed normalfag who has had sex. Maybe that's why I'm able to see we are all losers. some of you more so than others

>> No.19281243


>> No.19281285

Literally grasping as straws

>> No.19281389

I used to watch ina alot but stopped after the whole rrat about fan hate. Thinking about it most of them do probably do hate their fans or a good part of them. Only stick to 1 or 2 now to watch.

>> No.19281539

Because autists can't take a little tongue-in-cheek quip.

>> No.19281587

She's treating this more and more like a job every day

>> No.19282073

Nowadays she flat out tells them to not love her because she will never love them back. Like a bank where you can only deposit.

The rrat that became true

>> No.19282360

>Like a bank where you can only deposit.
Yeah that's how giving money to virtual anime girls over the internet works

>> No.19282658

nice rrat, too bad it's faker than Coco's breast implants

>> No.19283872

>shits on her fans

Cut that bullshit out already.

>> No.19284103

Legit didn't happen...

>> No.19284233

i watch her for free. i dunno about u.

>> No.19284626

She unironically doesn't care about us. She's in hololive for the other girls.

>> No.19284969

Ina's said before that one her main goals is to make friends and it's very clear that after a year or so of streaming that it's basically her remaining goals left as a vtuber because she treats streaming and dealing with fans as a chore while being happy to hang out and talk to the other girls in Hololive and to do things for them while ignoring her own fans.

>> No.19284978
File: 3.03 MB, 3508x4961, Los! Los! Los![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftpq7t4.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on her fans
Anon... they're all bad except for the orange bird.
Think of all the fanarts that drown in capitalism
