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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19202412 No.19202412 [Reply] [Original]

Nade's Super Bunny Man collab with Nonomiya Mikan in 5 minutes!



>> No.19202640
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My body is ready for these two to be dumb together!

>> No.19202709

So they're both streaming it on their own channels at once?

>> No.19203378

She's so nervous. My heart.

>> No.19203475

Is the chat really delayed for anyone else?
Also this is so cute.

>> No.19204532

Considering the lagkino that's happening I think her net might be exploding.

>> No.19204678

The glitching and warping into the ground just makes it better

>> No.19207255

You'll watch the VOD of the other later, right?

>> No.19207475

Nade's is at 1080p60fps so I might be stuck with Mikan's POV only.

>> No.19208613

who is the cute and funny she's collabing with?

>> No.19208924

Nonomiya Mikan.
Very cute.

>> No.19209128

Nade raided her a few times and she drew Nade art. Badgers once bullied her with money she's a sweet girl.

>> No.19209724

You omitted the part where Mikan was the one to reach out to Nade first on twitter before all that.

>> No.19211132

Nade lore?

>> No.19212688

nade's stream is a good 15s behind mikan's. Is that the case for anyone else?

>> No.19213485

Yeah it never caught up after the lag moment, but its not like it matters.
Also the absolute state of the gellar field of this stream 10/10 glitching.

>> No.19214500

Someone adds to Mikan's lore her ability to teleport by glitching

>> No.19214896

I'm watching Mikan and it's Nade who's glitching. It's really funny.

>> No.19215189

When the two are in close proximity they start aggressively glitching

>> No.19215227

Having both the streams open just adds to the experience, everything looking fine on Nades stream while Mikan is melding into the wall on her own.

>> No.19217699

Raid target https://www.twitch.tv/kitanya_is_here

>> No.19217708


>> No.19217841

Couldn't stop laughing/10

>> No.19217984

Amazing, Nade is the last beacon of hope on this wretched hobby/10

>> No.19218009

One of the funniest collabs ive seen /10

>> No.19218152

Fun was had by all / 10

>> No.19218882

Extremely Cute & Extremely Funny! You can tell they really go well together. I like that they had a few moments were they chatted away to each other about stuff outside of the game. Really felt like just two friends playing a game and having fun. A really good success overall for her first collab I think! There was some issues with lag, but is it a First for Nade without some SOVL?
I'd love to see another between them, but in a Zatsu style. Just chilling and chatting away, interacting and taking questions from chat maybe. Both Nade & Mikan are good at talking for ages. (I've found Nade is better at chat interaction personally.)
Also, I would love to see more collabs with others too. I could see Koragi or perhaps Haruna in the future.
Pls I need Nade UOOOOHHHHing over Haruna making her noises.

>> No.19219981
File: 654 KB, 1000x564, Miitopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, I would love to see more collabs with others too. I could see Koragi or perhaps Haruna in the future.
Koragi's last Miitopia stream had her add Mikan and Nade to her party - she made them in a previous stream, but said she didn't want to add one unless she could also have the other.

>Personality: Energetic
>Class: Thief

>Personality: Cool
>Class: Tank (as in, literal tankgirl)

>> No.19221125

I'm guessing I'm pretty alone in this, but I found it pretty bad/10

From the little I'd seen of Mikan before this I didn't really find her that entertaining to watch. Nade collabing with her had the effect I'd I thought it would, in bringing out her most childish tendencies. I was pretty disappointed by Nade reciprocating with the marriage flirting that Mikan put out there. It also seems like Mikan still knew absolutely nothing about Nade going into this collab, asking things like if she'd ever been to Lawson's or if she watches Hololive.

I did appreciate Mikan putting in the effort to carry Nade and guide her through the mechanics though. Also the only entertainment I found really lied in the juxtaposition of Mikan knowing that the game wasn't performing normally, and Nade being oblivious to the technical problems.

>Also, I would love to see more collabs with others too. I could see Koragi or perhaps Haruna in the future.
I'd like to see those two collab with Nade as well, but also more musically minded vtubers like Monjelly or Eri would be pretty cool too.

>> No.19222615

Very 10/10 first collab imo, best laughs of the month. If i had to think something to improve on id say she should get that second monitor to be able to read chat better (but its not like she needs to pay alot attention to it during a gaming collab desu)
Its a shame they didnt get to raid Koragi today, she even shilled the collab in her own stream yesterday.
Im pretty sure Mikan asked most of those questions just to to make some kind of conversation, Nade got pretty focused on the game at times. It got better towards the end, but thats how it usually goes with collabs.
If you wanna nitpick: yeah it wasnt "perfect", but for a first collab with someone she hasnt known prior to streaming id say it was pretty solid.
All of them radiate same comfy energy despite having different personalities. Lets hope we that collab one day.

>> No.19223143
File: 2.30 MB, 640x500, RipKoragi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19227054

this was really 2 high school girls playing games/10
theyre too cute

>> No.19229434

Damn that was pretty cute. I was stuck watching Mikan's side due to Nade losing the quality control lottery, and she was a little quiet on that side, but still listenable. Basically just two girls doing silly shit together, Mikan tried to ask some random questions just to put Nade on the spot I guess or learn a little bit about her, which I found a little amusing.
I get your criticism about it bringing out the more immature side of her, but it's an immature kind of game, I think it'll happen. That juxtaposition was great though, for all her coolness Nade seemed a little clueless. But it's okay, first collab, I found it a good time.
Pretty much most of the ones she raids/is raided by constantly are good fits I'd say, she has room for more from the vtubers I've seen but they're never on when she's finishing a stream. I'd like to see if her Touhou talk could resonate with Charlotte's.

>> No.19232395


>> No.19232646

I feel so bad for missing these weekend streams. Is this how burgerbadgers feel with her "normal" timeslot?

>> No.19235012

I hope it doesn't take long for Nade to collab with Haruna and Koragi. Baby steps obviously, Nade shouldn't feel pressured to do it. But watching her interacting with other people like that is beyond cute.
I'm so proud of her you niggas can't believe

>> No.19236670

someone from the previous thread questioned whether new model would make a difference in her incline, short answer it would.
>more animu waifu design = more general chuuba fans clicking out of curiosity, either horny monkes or gachibait
>since she likes her new model a shitton more, posting shorts as she mentioned & random screencaps of her model making cute faces are ez likefarm baits
>her 'image' of how she wants to be perceived changes, no clue what she wants there but if it helps her streaming more comfortably then we get more streamkino

>> No.19237603

What was the timeframe for the new model again?

>> No.19239797

>Its a shame they didnt get to raid Koragi today, she even shilled the collab in her own stream yesterday.
She was also in the chat for a while

>> No.19242095

Charlotte who?

>> No.19242890

Model art April, idk how long riggers take but May or June seems realistic

>> No.19243627


>> No.19245752

Japan is lowering the age of adulthood from 20 to 18 on April 1st. Would have been SYMBOLIC if she'd managed to time the model switchover to line up with that.

>> No.19247071

Uoh! Drunk Japanese young girls to prey upon!

>> No.19247843

nah it's just voting age iirc, still no getting drunk till 20.

>> No.19250359


>> No.19254041

Always thought it was 18

>> No.19254094

I hope she's ready for that type of reaction. UOOH is dead, long live BOOBA

>> No.19256775

Nade/Alice collab wan.

>> No.19259557

Whois alice?

>> No.19261690

He's probably referring to the Jason Voorhees cosplayer.

>> No.19261904

The original Portal might be a good fit for Nade to do solo (it's pretty short, and puzzle-based), and after that there's Portal 2 co-op mode.

>> No.19262065

That would be incredibly based

>> No.19262973

Agreed. I think Portal would be a great learning experience for her. She's shown she's pretty quick at puzzle games once she figures out how things work. The added platforming would give an extra challenge for her to learn, but not so hard that it's annoyingly challening.
