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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19182374 No.19182374 [Reply] [Original]

>no drama
>speak in a reasonable language
>cute avatars
>seem to actually like eachother

>> No.19182405


>> No.19182407

>no drama
Idk anon that Nux thing seemed pretty dramatic to me.

>> No.19182430


>> No.19182468
File: 3 KB, 109x125, 1645789650042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you reply to this obvious bait thread. You are a retard (the count don't start on me btw)

>> No.19182485

>No drama
Already big fat lie from the first line.

>> No.19182587

>The second take Vshojo thread today
That is why no one likes you

>> No.19182667

>lmao weed xd
>lmao sex xd
boring and retarded

>> No.19182818

Froot and Zen don't get along with Silver and Vei.

>> No.19182835

the worst agency in the biz

>> No.19182923


>> No.19182945
File: 128 KB, 591x591, 1626440305506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no drama

>> No.19182957

>No content, they have to steal content from youtubers
>Too braindead to learn another language
>Retarded avatars that are redesigned every x months
>Pretending to be friends
Vshojo is cancer and all their fans are fucking retards

>> No.19182997
File: 63 KB, 620x623, 8D497B3C-6581-4582-8BA9-C70D6E070402_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none, i made it up

>> No.19183002

>Pretending to be friends
This claim is just objective cope, especially if you're saying this as a holonigger.

>> No.19183044

>succumbed to twitch

>> No.19183067 [DELETED] 


>> No.19183068

I don't like them I just think it's funny that they're more popular than NijiEN kek

>> No.19183071

>no drama
>speak in a reasonable language
one of them doesn't even speak
>cute avatars
Trashy overdesigned messes for the most part
>seem to actually like each other
Don't watch them so I can't say they don't, but pretty much all streamer groups "seem to like each other" so that's hardly amazing

>> No.19183605

>speak in a reasonable language
kek, he thinks english isn't a needlesy convulated language.

>> No.19183881
File: 56 KB, 320x659, outta here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woah! An 8 minute video? This better be spicy!
>"My ex husband was not a nice person"

>> No.19183953

Oh no no no, vshojo-bros. Not like this.

>> No.19184111

>one of them doesn't even speak
>he thinks Zen types everything out while having a 3D avatar that shows all her arm movements
>Don't watch them
Everybody already knew that, anon.

>> No.19184263 [DELETED] 

Ironmouse ryona art be hitting different now huh?

>> No.19184381

>The whole phishing/lying about Nux and setting their fanbases oh him drama (he deserved it but you cannot say all seven of them weren't being cunts)
>sex peepeepoopoo sex ara ara sex
>Avatars fucking suck and they keep replacing them every two months anyways
>Melody hates Vei, Nyanners hates Melody, Silver hates everyone, everyone hates Hime.

>> No.19184421


>> No.19184587

every pro-vshojo post outside of the vshojo general is falseflagging bait. every single one.

>> No.19184646


>> No.19184722

>retarded, unleashed SJW whores
>no drama
its only matter of time before they go the way of Lindsay Ellis

>> No.19184822

Eh, considering how many baitfags from around /vt/ we've managed to accumulate over the last year into the /vsj+/ general after 17.8%, Nux, and Soda / LSF, I'm sure some of them remember their roots as holobaiters and make a few posts just to remind themselves what it felt like to farm (you)s from holodrones and holobronies. Not me, of course, but other folk.

>> No.19184823
File: 1.32 MB, 1786x1066, 1644019006795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh SJW
>everything is racist nowadays
>there's too many snowflakes
>cancel culture killed comedy

>> No.19185069

you're underage

>> No.19185108

all 4 of them were in a collab like 5 days ago

>> No.19185154

>everyone hates Hime.
do your reps

>> No.19185236

>no drama.
The nux situation, Zentreya hosting the worse gmod collab they had to private all their videos and apologize....

>> No.19185269

That's why they collabed together this week. Fucking retarded fag.

>> No.19185283

>Zentreya hosting the worse gmod collab they had to private all their videos and apologize
how bad was it?

>> No.19185346

>no drama
They literally got a bunch of 2views swatted and vshojo gen 2 is dead in the water. Also Veibae and Ironmouse endlessly seething about the pink orca stealing their viewers

>> No.19185402

>No drama
Holy kek my sides. Nice try falseflagnigger.

>> No.19185419

If anything Vei being based only makes things worse because shes going to clash with the others at some point

>> No.19185496

Where's the new gen?

>> No.19185568

Nyanners in Kizuna goodbye concert. Ironmouse and Vei stream over it.

>> No.19185739

>no drama

>> No.19186025

Not as bad as /vt/ makes it out to be. Only the people streaming on YT had to private their vods because of the site's shitty rules on DMCA stuff. All of the people streaming on Twitch kept their vods up and available to watch until it was either archived offsite or expired after 60 dayes.

>> No.19186074


>> No.19186530

>Zentreya hosting the worse gmod collab they had to private all their videos and apologize....
Interesting way you worded that. The only ones who had to private their videos were the Nijis and Pikamee, and it was a DMCA problem, not because the collab itself was bad. You fags just continue to get shit wrong because the truth is a lot less baity.

>> No.19186558

>No drama
Do you watch Vshoujo? kek

>> No.19186590

It is amazing how you could make a post that has absolutely nothing accurate in it at all.

>> No.19187084

Everything in that post is accurate and it was all over /vt/ like 2 months ago, fuck off back to twitch you subhuman faggot your spin doesn't work here and no one cares about your hags that are also cumsucking whores you pinnacle of sad simpdom.

>> No.19187178

>generation of autistic kids
>they're also all trannies

>> No.19187580

Nyanner slapped zen infront of ironmouse

>> No.19187657

It it wasn't part of 20+ days of streaming footage I'd find the moment in the subathon where Nyanners threatened to fight Zen in a parking lot in response to this.

>> No.19187694

what amazes me is that the literal whore melody is the most well-adjusted out of the lot. like damn imagine getting seisomogged by someone who jacks off for a living.

>> No.19187749

Fuck off with your western SJW whores

>> No.19187781

are you upset?

>> No.19187927 [DELETED] 

>Cheating on their spouse
>Single mothers
>Backstabbing friends
Yeah, they are as bad if not worse than Rushia.

>> No.19187966

stop your moralfaggery. you're not a good person if you post here.

>> No.19187975
File: 19 KB, 268x256, 1594172311661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh noes they interacted with a male
Grow up

>> No.19188039

i like the vshojo girls but i think vsj posters are mostly retarded and bad at argumentation, unfortunately.

>> No.19188067 [DELETED] 

god fucking forbid they are singelmothers def up there with cheating, grifting and backstabbing

>> No.19188107

>>no drama
>>speak in a reasonable language
>>seem to actually like eachother

are you retarded?

>> No.19188135

>no drama
yeah that's all pretend that nyaners tard ralled everyone against nux trying to ostricise him publically when things were being solved behind the scenes. And low and behold when it turned out to be nothing everyone were begging to be forgiven with the exception of the autistic instigator.
I also saw their backroom vr 'experience' and it was fucking shit, all you saw was the floor and autistic screeching.

>> No.19188632

>no drama
This bait isn’t even on the hook.

>> No.19191269

>No drama

Hmmmm anon Nux one was kinda the drama killed vshojo fame and putting them as the worst vtuber company lmao

>> No.19191944

Honestly, Vei is like the least SJW woman on twitch. Her boyfriend is a toxic mother fucker who throws the word "retard" in front of her and she just laughs at it.

>> No.19192181

>No drama
Nice bait

>> No.19192579 [DELETED] 

>Single mother
Ironmouse isn't a mom. I have yet to see any shred of evidence to prove this when there's more proof of her CVID being real. If it is, then there's no way in hell she has kids since she can't even fuck.

>> No.19192766 [DELETED] 

She did one interview on tiktok or instagram with an absolute nobody while high as fuck on meds and someone asked her about her "daughter". She went along with it and this is enough proof for schizophrenics.

>> No.19192879

>>no drama
>>speak in a reasonable language
>>cute avatars
>>seem to actually like eachother

>> No.19193182
File: 99 KB, 1200x801, can't be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then he said "no drama" can you believe it?

>> No.19193244

If all of you truly think Nux didn't stir the pot for his own company he had to shelve afterwards, there is no hope. Holoniggers are so ironic, their oshis even started as twitch whores.

>> No.19199040

But VShojo got way bigger after it and is on par with HoloEN now

>> No.19199188

>no drama

>> No.19200135

No you're just soft fucking faggots that need a beating. Nothing in there is anti-sjw, it's just zoomers being the worst and weakest generation of people to ever live.

>> No.19201838

>not openly supporting Loli/shotacon

>> No.19207589


>> No.19207874

