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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19137391 No.19137391 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry, but am I the only one satisfied with how everything's turning out and how she totally deserves everything she's getting right now?

>top GFE vtuber in the world
>beloved by gachikois and vtuber fans everywhere
>now the most hated in just a week, unicorns and gachikois leaving her in droves after revelations of violating NDA, being a manipulative bitch who changed boyfriends constantly, accusing people of bullying, only interested in gachikoi money, etc

>> No.19137662
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>unicorns and gachikois leaving her in droves

>> No.19137859

>unicorns and gachikois leaving her in droves
Uh...You don't SERIOUSLY believe that, right?

>> No.19138497

>being a manipulative bitch who changed boyfriends constantly
Why do you care?

>> No.19138745

>being a manipulative bitch who changed boyfriends constantly,
elaborate further

>> No.19138976

Yes. This board is the PR firm for MKNK right now because they've always hated Hololive

>> No.19139560

Those are dead EOP subs

>> No.19139755

He wont because he can't.

>> No.19139976

I'm right here with you anon.

>> No.19140356

barely one quarter

>> No.19140662

I like it because now unicorns and GFEfags will be eternally jaded and cynical towards future GFE chuubas and this will have a ripple effect on the entire industry discouraging GFE chuubas from catfishing their schizo fans.
Rushia was a literal worthless Holo anyway, she never contributed anything besides acting like a petulant child at every opportunity despite being a 30+ year old hag. Losing her in exchange for making unicorns seethe was 100% worth it.

>> No.19140989

The only thing satisfied so far is watching the EOP twitter going into melt down as their usual "thoughts and prayers" bullshit is useless and the reality hits them straight in the face

>> No.19141129

I was hoping it would last a little longer because the Mori drama was getting stale, but I guess it's only a matter of time before another one of them does something retarded.

>> No.19141328

I am. The only way I could have been happier is if they conducted the full investigation before issuing the faggoty "we don't interfere in their private lives" speech. They didn't say shit for a week when they suspended marine and miko to pander to fag enablers.

>> No.19141364

That feeling when I’m going to have to make 5 mori threads next week again

>> No.19141428

Damn I'd hate to be a Niji fan. Putting all this effort into anti'ing Rushia and she still makes your entire company look like a complete joke by getting more subs than almost every Niji within a week. She'll have beaten Kuzuha next month and then they'll really be seething lmao

>> No.19141523

You are not alone, I'm also somewhat satisfied wth how things turned out.
Onlyu thing that could make it better would be if she learned something from this experience, but at her age I doubt that will happen.

>> No.19141582

You must be really angry GFE chads still run vtubing

>> No.19141738

It makes me sick when Rushia makes a video crying crocodile tears and the normies instantly take her side and hate the "evil incels that wouldn't let a girl have a boyfriend so they got her fired"..

>> No.19141947

Unironically this. I'm indifferent to it all, I never really cared for Rushia (her yandere play is extremely niche) but I've always thought gachikois who fall for the GFE are retarded. Hopefully they won't be wasting their money on a fantasy anymore.

Who am I kidding? These morons are going to go straight to Ayame now, aren't they?

>> No.19141996

Do your reps

>> No.19142225

Post your dakimura otherwise your opinion is worthless you retarded ironic secondary.

>> No.19142329

>everyone that not agree with my feeling must be nijitard

Keep inhaling your copium

>> No.19142392

Either Ayame or Chloe

>> No.19142517

Just pointing out that it makes them look like a joke and they're ripping their neovaginas apart over the fact that even when they "win" they actually lose. Dunno why you'd take that personally.

>> No.19142841

Ayame and Chloe have boyfriends and don't do gfe

>> No.19142983

I'm not happy, but I can't say I'm sad either, and I cried at Coco's graduation despite not really liking her

>> No.19143061

>t-t-trust me bro
just what i thought.

>> No.19143456

pointing what ? your crazy mind who think everyone who doesn't share the same feeling with you as a nijitard

>> No.19143699

>If I tell myself enough times that it's true then it must be true!

>> No.19144297
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I'm surely thinking you are making this up

>> No.19144316
File: 1.55 MB, 1414x2000, yande.re 933101 animal_ears hololive nekomimi nikoo sweater swimsuits thighhighs uruha_rushia full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i type that on a qwerty keyboard to search on jewtube?

>> No.19144362

I'd be satisfied if I knew the truth behind the bullying claims and shit. I've seen a delusional menhera explosion like this in real life so I know it's almost certainly 90% bullshit but there's usually some amount of truth mixed in that acts as a seed for the delusion and I'm just curious what it is

>> No.19144642

Just copy and paste this, anon.

>> No.19144826

that`s not the same you filthy fuck

>> No.19144843

isn't the bullying thing just overlap streaming and being forced to collab?

>> No.19146455

It wouldn't surprise me if it was something like that but unless I've missed something everything's just people guessing at what was going on at this point. It's not something we're ever likely to know the truth of unless something serious was actually going on and gets exposed, menheras aren't a trustworthy source of information and cover and the other holos probably have more sense than to respond to the accusations.

>> No.19147329

*sigh* fine.

>> No.19147860

Rushia has had relationships with multiple men its not a secret

>> No.19148325

Again, where is the sauce?

>> No.19148466
File: 344 KB, 1059x1500, yande.re 933339 sample hololive karou_(lhscck302) seifuku sweater uruha_rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay, thanks

>> No.19148730

That thing about overlap DID come up in Narukami's stream. Now I know Narukami is a faggot who synthesizes his narratives out of 5ch's rrats, but hear me out. Basically this was one of the very, VERY few moments in his video that wasn't prefaced (or ended) with his wishy washy "I don't know if this is true or not." plausible deniability bullshit, and he only does that when he has something on hand as evidence to back up his claim.

>> No.19149233

install Japanese IME

>> No.19151054

>manipulative bitch
What is this even based on?
>accusing people of bullying
It's her just account. Why dismiss it cold-heartedly?

>> No.19151327

>What is this even based on?
The suicide baiting, for one.

>> No.19151440

>am I the only one
Yes you special snowflake

>> No.19151717

No and you're fucking weird for taking pleasure in her downfall. Like, I can't stand Mori and would not be the slightest bit sad if she graduates or get kicked off Hololive, but I wouldn't take joy in such a thing. If you don't like a Vtuber just ignore them. There are hundreds, it's weird to fixate on one you don't like. Also who gives a fuck if she has 1 boyfriend or 1000 honestly?

>> No.19151788

The DM exchange with kerokero? My take on that is she was feeling suicidal and was lashing out and needed someone to talk to for catharsis. She isn't going to kill herself, I don't believe she would. And the comment about hoping the others who made her feel suicidal would feel bad if she did kill herself is more emo talk. I don't take it seriously since she wasn't in a healthy state of mind. In any event, that doesn't describe being a manipulative bitch.

>> No.19151975

This is a cuck mentality.

If anyone ever wonders what goes on inside the mind of a beta cuck, read this post.

>> No.19152110

Pity eop subs. Look at kson

>> No.19152202

Lmao you're implying i'm a beta cuck for NOT caring about vtubers relationships?

You are big mad over someone's life choices who will never see you and never know you. You watch their streams and get legitimately mad that they ever fuck anyone, ever. YOU are the cuck sir, nay, you have cucked yourself so you are even worse than a beta

>> No.19152225

No, I meant the twitcast.

>> No.19152309

>33 years old
that was the most surprising part lol

>> No.19152334

EOP white knights and dramafags

>> No.19152411

>YOU are the cuck sir, nay, you have cucked yourself

Holy shit you can't make this up. You couldn't be more obvious that you're just a reddit tourist. You talk like an actual faggot. Go back, nigger.

>> No.19152452

I just assumed everyone in Hololive is just about 30 years old and Marine is like 41

>> No.19152624

On average only like 1% of subs are actual people who will stick with you. And without the Hololive brand she is not going to get new ones easily.

>> No.19152677
File: 119 KB, 360x202, mlady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so butthurt and have no counter arguments that all you can do is call me a reddit nigger. I guarantee you have more reddit karma than me. But you can't counter the point that you're such a cuck bitch you don't even realize you're more pathetic than people who send akasupa.

So what do you have for me now? Gonna call me a nigger, little bitch?

>> No.19152732

I'm just waiting to insult her

>> No.19152944

You should say nigger and faggot a few more times to disguise yourself a bit better. You clearly don't belong here. Only a reddit fag would white knight this hard and get this mad over being called a cuck.

>I guarantee you have more reddit karma than me
You literally admit to being a redditfag, get out.

>> No.19152971

Also doesn't understand people are subbing just to see the menhera meltdowns and opportunity to see it live.
Fujos, jilted gachikois, holobronies are all lining up to be the one to send her into a meltdown. Hell wouldn't be surprised if the people she fucked over in her NND have found out and are also lining up

>> No.19153099

Marine turns 30 this year

>> No.19153232


>> No.19153380


>> No.19153436


>> No.19153913

EOPs truly are proud cucks

>> No.19153926

Mio and Lui are their moms though.

>> No.19157605

Kill yourself.

>> No.19158047

Thanks to ame's karaoke stream everyone is already forgetting about rushia kek even the EN audience

>> No.19158328

>4000 regular viewers
Anon that's actually really fucking good

>> No.19158459

>nearly kills herself and kills her career trying to prove she's single
>people still try to make it about unicorns
Why can't you just accept the fact that she herself wants unicorns
I don't understand
Women are allowed to be fucking weird as shit just like men

>> No.19158622

Ame has a gold heart desu

>> No.19158786

>She fucked her previous group by doing the same thing, except it was Narukami.

>> No.19159038

>like a petulant child
That said, is sad losing cunny in hololive. Shion, Gura and La+ are a blessing in a sea of hags.
God, hate that design will go to the waste.

>> No.19159628


>> No.19159688

wait, there are people that thinks she didn't deserve it?

>> No.19159723

She honestly seems like a bad, manipulative person. I have no sympathy for her.

>> No.19159753

I sub for the future drama

>> No.19159815

Aren't most subbed just to see what kind of wild menhera shit she's going to pull when she starts streaming again?

>> No.19159892

|state| of /vt/
how is this place so dumb

>> No.19159899

>Oh no, they bullied me
Same old story, same menhera.

>> No.19160137

>about to have more subs than half of council
>over 1M views on a test video
Imagine doing all the work to get big as a vtuber only to get shit on by someone going out through door

>> No.19160544

Gfe cucks won't be fazed by this. They're entirely detached from reality. Most of them bought mafumafu's apology.

>> No.19160815

What is the point of the new channel? To try to bring the ship down with her?

>> No.19161219

Uruha "Taliban" Rushia will bring anyone down with her, bitch unstable

>> No.19161282

To keep milking gachis obviously, do you even need to ask?

>> No.19161297

Streaming is all she has.

>> No.19162144

I knew fandeads were dumb... but damn....

>> No.19162639
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They say a streamer is a reflection of their fanbase.

>> No.19162724

>t. retarded tourist who haven't read a single post made here about Rushia

>> No.19163257

A really sad bunch.

>> No.19163352

>acts like it
You guys were surprised?

>> No.19168337
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>> No.19171254

Not canon

>> No.19171669 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 638x591, 1-min-min-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're 33 yo ugly e-thot with zero real life skills, the only thing you can keep doing is milking retarded simps.

>> No.19171856

>>about to have more subs than half of council
>>over 1M views on a test video
They're just waiting for the suicide note anon

>> No.19171882

>Menhera thought she could do the same thing just like what she did to Miratori

>> No.19172694

anon kson has more than a million subs, when she just left holo, she had like 10k viewers, now she barely has 2k viewers, the same and worst will be with Mikehag, at least Coco parted in good terms, this stupid menhera threatened her fellow ex co-workers into exposing shit, whatever relevancy you think she has, will die quickly

>> No.19172843

Well obviously not, at least half of the english speaking faggots on this board didn't understand the popularity of hololive to begin with and have literally always acted this way.

>> No.19173058

the alien has threw her under the bus already

>> No.19173515

i am sub just to see more drama
im sure a lot of those are the same

>> No.19173874

Yes. John wick style

>> No.19174010

GFE is still going to run the industry my dude, quit the cope. There will always be lonely men on the net and there will always be women like mknk who can provide that service for them.
Lamy is going strong and is practically unfazed.
Here's the thing, if you want the GFE/Idol bucks you've got to walk the straight and narrow, and if you don't do that then at the very least don't be middle school level with your opsec and keep the kayfabe going.
GFEfags are loyal but they'll turn on you on a dime the moment you break the social contract or if the illusion of you keeping said social contract is broken.
At least don't try to be too mad when more and more GFE streamers come out in the future. It's inevitable after all.

>> No.19174183

Absolutely hilarious that these fanarts were releasing around the same time mfmf dumped and threw her away to save himself.
Anti-idolfags take another huge loss vs Idolbuta, and it wasn't even directly about the mfmf situation what had done her in in the end.

>> No.19174260

GFE-wise what's the difference between Lamy & Ru-chan if one wants to jump ship?
is Lamy a Yandere too or different GFE-wise?

>> No.19174469
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Shit hit the fan for her. Wait for a lawsuit.
>Muh GFE dude!!!
GFE fags are more wary about any GFE thot atm
>Muh Rushia alt chaneru has almost 1M
Most of these are to wait and see how the ship is going to burn
>Her first vid is 1M subs
Yes, and?

The menhera thot is unstable enough to do something REALLY stupid and end, bury and burn what remains of her career.

>Muh K-son
Coco had charisma. Something that menhera harlot doesn't.

>> No.19174604

I'd describe her as a hostess (like in a kyabakura), that's definitely what her appeal is and it hooks in a shitton of middle aged salarymen. There's also elements of stereotypical housewife in there too.

>> No.19174611

tbf other Holos do the same
management has acess to those and they didn't give a fuck
its the NDA thing that did her in
you can thank the GFE biting her in the ass which caused her to be menhera and pushed her to do stupid shit, but it's just what slid her down the 'let someone else acess her shit to break NDA'-thing
not exactly the killing blow

>> No.19174757

The issue is not the whole NDA thang bubs. Is that she never separated the work affairs with the personal, then making all the "Private" chats with the cuckdeads to squeeze more monies is a big no-no for cover (They are entertainers, not hotline whores).

>> No.19174873

She did say she wanted to marry one of the fans one day.
Thats probably one of the wars going on, which fan gets to get the sweet rebound pussy

>> No.19174956

>Thats probably one of the wars going on, which fan gets to get the sweet rebound pussy
If that is true is a top kek in the making.

>> No.19174980

in the West yes seperating work affairs from personal is whats prefered
in nipland they don't give a fuck about that, but they are supremely autistic about NDA shit
private chat is done by other Holos, some mentioned Marine, i forgot about another
management has acess to her shit for a long time and they didn't give a fuck

>> No.19175133

I've seen that (marine) and most of them are just a "Fan meeting" kind of session, but Rushia was most like... Private date or something a bit further of the common idoru-meeting kind of chat?

I know that Rushia was fucked up in the head, but boy....


>> No.19175161

shut up faggot

>> No.19175163

This is the true tragedy. The Rushia model was actual god tier. Shame the person behind it was such a crazy bitch.

>> No.19175207
File: 30 KB, 474x152, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, sneed and touch grass (You need it ASAP)

>> No.19175297

your parents lived in a tree

>> No.19175321

i have no idea wtf hostess do, though if housewife-wise i can see it
i can also see why they'd have different niches
Lamy gets the one with the most dosh to throw around while Ru-chan gets the one who are as batshit insane as her

>> No.19175414

>i have no idea wtf hostess do
The hosstess is the girl that guides you to your table on a restaurant, and makes a personalized service depending wich customer enters on said place.

Take it like a yes, man but for (You)

>> No.19175435

People doesn't understand she got now a lot of actual antis and a lot of subs are either whiteknights or dramawhores

>> No.19175472

>People doesn't understand she got now a lot of actual antis and a lot of subs are either whiteknights or dramawhores
Cuckdeads in the first place, the rest just want to see how her ship burns and sinks.

>> No.19175560


>> No.19175596

thanks though i dont get it as much
imma have to see how it works in youtube nanodesu

>> No.19175641

anon, I'm not coping, I'm enjoying the show

>> No.19175690

Such a faggot thing to say, especially while nose deep in shit

>> No.19175887

No probs anon, there are a couple if utub vids that can explain the job in detail

Here's one.

>> No.19175906


>> No.19176060

This experience has now cemented GFEfags as unironic cucks. When THE GFE vtuber is this much of a manipulative whore, no one is safe. I think GFE won't go away. I think the popularity will dip given recent events, at least for a while. But the cycle will continue. They happy, drama happens, they get exposed as cucks and suffer. Some leave for good, the more shallow one or deluded ones just look for someone else.
They are cocky because it's mknk, and they excuse everything she does with saying she is menhera, and so are they, but as a result of being her that was exposed, the cuck-brand is and will remain there.

>> No.19176225

Why do westoid monkeys type like this? And there is nothing wrong with personal happy birthday and thank you DMs to your fans.

>> No.19176417

huh thanks, though watching that seems kind of okish
heres one i found
if it's like that and knowing how nipland is...
holy moly Lamy is waaaaaay smarter than given credit for since GFE without the ticking timebomb that is the menhera Yandere nanodesu

>> No.19176461

I wish her and the singer guy would just elope.

>> No.19176596
File: 83 KB, 1225x833, whr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobronies are working extra hard today

>> No.19176664
File: 436 KB, 740x408, 00014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nyanners picrel
I wouldn't pick a worse one than that

>> No.19176680


>> No.19177159
File: 801 KB, 1318x839, 1624952583071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought she was done for and in the process of becoming homeless

>> No.19177257

>I thought she was done for and in the process of becoming homeless
Is just a "Clarity before death" stage of that shit (Most of them are reactionaries and white knights) and that is going to sink on the following months if a fuck-up happens.

>> No.19177262

So is the Miko and Rushia GTA collab lost media now? Can't even find clips from it.

>> No.19177263

>Calli being the retard she is runs her mouth again
of fucking course lmao

>> No.19177911

Even though I despise most holofags (not hololive itself) for being retarded numberfags, I feel for them. And for the talents especially. Holofes is gonna have Rushia's termination looming over it, more and more people are becoming disheartened with the company, the Rushia bully rumors are rampant, Rushia mentioning she's gonna lawyer up - it's sad good talents like Marine, Fubuki, Botan and Kiara might get caught up in this bullshit.
I also hope for her own safety, Rushia doesn't sue or get sued. If she did, Cover will leave her penniless.

>> No.19178042

that would probably be the super last option
it would be full blown MAD if they did
even if it doesn't kill them, it would definitely leave so much scars open for something bigger to get through to snowball & finish them off
HoloEN having Calli as a timebomb makes it worse too especially if it follows after that
only Holo ID could escape it unscathed

>> No.19178128

If you hate gachikois and GFE and idol culture why don't you watch Vshojo or Nijisanji instead of shitting up Hololive?

>> No.19178596

What stupid things did cali say?

>> No.19180276

fpbp OP btfo

>> No.19180358

Nice deadsubs, most of those will die waiting for someone to clip this channel

>> No.19183357


>> No.19183508

predict her average views a month later
